Library HoTT.Basics.Iff

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics.

Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.

If and only if


iff A B, written A B, expresses the logical equivalence of A and B
Definition iff (A B : Type) := prod (A B) (B A).

Notation "A <-> B" := (iff A B) : type_scope.

Basic Properties

Everything is logically equivlaent to itself.
Definition iff_refl {A} : A A
  := (idmap , idmap).

iff is a reflexive relation.
Global Instance iff_reflexive : Reflexive iff | 1
  := @iff_refl.

Logical equivalences can be inverted.
Definition iff_inverse {A B} : (A B) (B A)
  := fun f(snd f , fst f).

iff is a symmetric relation.
Global Instance symmetric_iff : Symmetric iff | 1
  := @iff_inverse.

Logical equivalences can be composed.
Definition iff_compose {A B C} (f : A B) (g : B C) : A C
  := (fst g o fst f , snd f o snd g).

iff is a transitive relation.
Global Instance transitive_iff : Transitive iff | 1
  := @iff_compose.

Any equivalence can be considered a logical equivalence by discarding everything but the maps. We make this a coercion so that equivalences can be used in place of logical equivalences.
Coercion iff_equiv {A B : Type} (f : A <~> B)
  : A B := (equiv_fun f, f^-1).

Logical Laws

One of De Morgan's Laws. The dual statement about negating a product appears in Decidable.v due to decidability requirements.
Definition iff_not_sum A B : ¬ (A + B) ¬ A × ¬ B.
  - intros ns.
    exact (ns o inl, ns o inr).
  - by intros []; snrapply sum_ind.

Definition iff_contradiction A : A × ¬A Empty.
  - intros [a na]; exact (na a).
  - intros e; exact (Empty_rec _ e).