Library HoTT.Spaces.No.Core

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import TruncType HSet.
Require Import HoTT.Truncations.Core.

Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

The surreal numbers

Based on section 11.6 of the HoTT Book.

Declare Scope surreal_scope.
Delimit Scope surreal_scope with No.
Local Open Scope surreal_scope.

Option sorts

We refine the surreal numbers by parametrizing them by "option sorts", which are predicates on the types that index the options. A surreal number with given option sorts "hereditarily" has all options parametrized by types belonging to that sort.

Definition OptionSort@{i} := Type@{i} Type@{i} Type@{i}.
Class InSort (S : OptionSort@{i}) (I J : Type@{i})
  := insort : S I J.

The surreal numbers use a lot of universes. We include some universe annotations here and there to reduce the number of overall universe parameters from an unmanageable number to a slightly less unmanageable number. This improves performance significantly. We also use abstract and Qed whenever possible, for the same reason.


Module Export Surreals.

  Section OptionSort.

We will use this to assert that certain inequalities below hold. We locate it here, so that it depends on no universe variables. See the longer explanation below.
  Inductive No_Empty_for_admitted : Type0 := .
  Axiom No_Empty_admitted : No_Empty_for_admitted.

  Universe i.
  Context {S : OptionSort@{i}}.

Games first

Since Coq doesn't support inductive-inductive types natively, we have to hack a bit. Inspired by Conway, we define Games to be constructed by the point-constructor of No but without the hypothesis on inequality of options. Then we define the inequalities as a mutual inductive family over Game, and put an inductive predicate on Game characterizing those that are Numbers. (This is roughly a standard technique described by Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg for reducing induction-induction to parametrized induction.) We then proceed to add axioms for the path-constructors of No.
It should be emphasized that this is *not* currently a correct higher inductive-inductive definition of games; these "games" are only being used inside this module as a trick to produce No in a way that computes on the point-constructor. It should be possible to make a higher inductive-inductive definition of games, but this is not it.

  Private Inductive Game : Type :=
  | opt : (L R : Type@{i})
                 (s : InSort S L R)
                 (xL : L Game) (xR : R Game), Game.

  Arguments opt {L R s} xL xR.

  Private Inductive game_le : Game Game Type :=
  | game_le_lr
    : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
             (xL : L Game) (xR : R Game)
             (L' R' : Type@{i}) (s' : InSort S L' R')
             (yL : L' Game) (yR : R' Game),
        ( (l:L), game_lt (xL l) (opt yL yR))
        ( (r:R'), game_lt (opt xL xR) (yR r))
        game_le (opt xL xR) (opt yL yR)

  with game_lt : Game Game Type :=
  | game_lt_l
    : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
             (xL : L Game) (xR : R Game)
             (L' R' : Type@{i}) (s' : InSort S L' R')
             (yL : L' Game) (yR : R' Game)
             (l : L'),
        (game_le (opt xL xR) (yL l))
        game_lt (opt xL xR) (opt yL yR)
  | game_lt_r
    : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort@{i} S L R)
             (xL : L Game) (xR : R Game)
             (L' R' : Type@{i}) (s' : InSort@{i} S L' R')
             (yL : L' Game) (yR : R' Game)
             (r : R),
        (game_le (xR r) (opt yL yR))
        game_lt (opt xL xR) (opt yL yR).

  Arguments game_le_lr {L R s} xL xR {L' R' s'} yL yR _ _.
  Arguments game_lt_l {L R s} xL xR {L' R' s'} yL yR l _.
  Arguments game_lt_r {L R s} xL xR {L' R' s'} yL yR r _.

Now the surreals

  Private Inductive is_surreal : Game Type :=
  | isno : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
                  (xL : L Game) (xR : R Game),
             ( l, is_surreal (xL l))
              ( r, is_surreal (xR r))
              ( (l:L) (r:R), game_lt (xL l) (xR r))
              is_surreal (opt xL xR).

  Unset Nonrecursive Elimination Schemes.
We call these "general surreal numbers" since they are parametrized by an option sort.
  Record GenNo : Type := Build_No
    { game_of : Game
    ; isno_game_of : is_surreal (game_of) }.

  Bind Scope surreal_scope with GenNo.

  Definition lt (x y : GenNo) := game_lt (game_of x) (game_of y).

  Definition le (x y : GenNo) := game_le (game_of x) (game_of y).

  Local Infix "<" := lt : surreal_scope.
  Local Infix "≤" := le : surreal_scope.

  Definition No_cut {L R : Type@{i}} {s : InSort S L R}
             (xL : L GenNo) (xR : R GenNo)
             (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
  : GenNo
    := Build_No (opt (game_of o xL) (game_of o xR))
                (isno _ _ _ _ _ (isno_game_of o xL)
                      (isno_game_of o xR) xcut).

  Notation "{ { xL | xR // xcut } }" := (No_cut xL xR xcut) : surreal_scope.

  Axiom path_No : (x y : GenNo), (x y) (y x) (x = y).
  Arguments path_No {x y} _ _.

  Definition le_lr
             {L R : Type@{i} } {s : InSort S L R}
             (xL : L GenNo) (xR : R GenNo)
             (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
             {L' R' : Type@{i} } {s' : InSort S L' R'}
             (yL : L' GenNo) (yR : R' GenNo)
             (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
  : ( (l:L), xL l < {{ yL | yR // ycut }})
    ( (r:R'), {{ xL | xR // xcut }} < yR r)
    {{ xL | xR // xcut }} {{ yL | yR // ycut }}
    := game_le_lr (game_of o xL) (game_of o xR)
                  (game_of o yL) (game_of o yR).

  Definition lt_l
             {L R : Type@{i} } {s : InSort S L R}
             (xL : L GenNo) (xR : R GenNo)
             (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
             {L' R' : Type@{i} } {s' : InSort S L' R'}
             (yL : L' GenNo) (yR : R' GenNo)
             (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
             (l : L')
  : ({{ xL | xR // xcut }} yL l)
    {{ xL | xR // xcut }} < {{ yL | yR // ycut }}
    := game_lt_l (game_of o xL) (game_of o xR)
                 (game_of o yL) (game_of o yR) l.

  Definition lt_r
             {L R : Type@{i} } {s : InSort S L R}
             (xL : L GenNo) (xR : R GenNo)
             (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
             {L' R' : Type@{i} } {s' : InSort S L' R'}
             (yL : L' GenNo) (yR : R' GenNo)
             (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
             (r : R)
  : (xR r {{ yL | yR // ycut }})
    {{ xL | xR // xcut }} < {{ yL | yR // ycut }}
    := game_lt_r (game_of o xL) (game_of o xR)
                 (game_of o yL) (game_of o yR) r.

  Global Instance ishprop_No_le {x y : GenNo}
  : IsHProp (x y).

  Global Instance ishprop_No_lt {x y : GenNo}
  : IsHProp (x < y).

Now the induction principle.

  Section NoInd.

      (A : GenNo Type)
      (dle : (x y : GenNo), (x y) A x A y Type)
      (dlt : (x y : GenNo), (x < y) A x A y Type)
      {ishprop_le : x y a b p, IsHProp (dle x y p a b)}
      {ishprop_lt : x y a b p, IsHProp (dlt x y p a b)}
      (dcut : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
                     (xL : L GenNo) (xR : R GenNo)
                     (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
                     (fxL : l, A (xL l)) (fxR : r, A (xR r))
                     (fxcut : l r, dlt _ _ (xcut l r) (fxL l) (fxR r)),
                A {{ xL | xR // xcut }})
      (dpath : (x y : GenNo) (a:A x) (b:A y) (p : x y) (q : y x)
                      (dp : dle x y p a b) (dq : dle y x q b a),
                 path_No p q # a = b)
      (dle_lr : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
                       (xL : L GenNo) (xR : R GenNo)
                       (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
                       (fxL : l, A (xL l)) (fxR : r, A (xR r))
                       (fxcut : l r, dlt _ _ (xcut l r) (fxL l) (fxR r))
                       (L' R' : Type@{i}) (s' : InSort S L' R')
                       (yL : L' GenNo) (yR : R' GenNo)
                       (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
                       (fyL : l, A (yL l)) (fyR : r, A (yR r))
                       (fycut : l r, dlt _ _ (ycut l r) (fyL l) (fyR r))
                       (p : (l:L), xL l < {{ yL | yR // ycut }})
                       (dp : (l:L),
                               dlt _ _ (p l)
                                   (fxL l)
                                   (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut))
                       (q : (r:R'), {{ xL | xR // xcut }} < yR r)
                       (dq : (r:R'),
                               dlt _ _ (q r)
                                   (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut)
                                   (fyR r)),
                  dle {{ xL | xR // xcut }} {{ yL | yR // ycut }}
                      (le_lr xL xR xcut yL yR ycut p q)
                      (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut)
                      (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut))
      (dlt_l : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
                      (xL : L GenNo) (xR : R GenNo)
                      (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
                      (fxL : l, A (xL l)) (fxR : r, A (xR r))
                      (fxcut : l r, dlt _ _ (xcut l r) (fxL l) (fxR r))
                      (L' R' : Type@{i}) (s' : InSort S L' R')
                      (yL : L' GenNo) (yR : R' GenNo)
                      (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
                      (fyL : l, A (yL l)) (fyR : r, A (yR r))
                      (fycut : l r, dlt _ _ (ycut l r) (fyL l) (fyR r))
                      (l : L')
                      (p : {{ xL | xR // xcut }} yL l)
                      (dp : dle _ _ p
                                (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut)
                                (fyL l)),
                 dlt {{ xL | xR // xcut }} {{ yL | yR // ycut }}
                     (lt_l xL xR xcut yL yR ycut l p)
                     (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut)
                     (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut))
      (dlt_r : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
                      (xL : L GenNo) (xR : R GenNo)
                      (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
                      (fxL : l, A (xL l)) (fxR : r, A (xR r))
                      (fxcut : l r, dlt _ _ (xcut l r) (fxL l) (fxR r))
                      (L' R' : Type@{i}) (s' : InSort S L' R')
                      (yL : L' GenNo) (yR : R' GenNo)
                      (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
                      (fyL : l, A (yL l)) (fyR : r, A (yR r))
                      (fycut : l r, dlt _ _ (ycut l r) (fyL l) (fyR r))
                      (r : R)
                      (p : (xR r) {{ yL | yR // ycut }})
                      (dp : dle _ _ p
                                (fxR r)
                                (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut)),
                 dlt {{ xL | xR // xcut }} {{ yL | yR // ycut }}
                     (lt_r xL xR xcut yL yR ycut r p)
                     (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut)
                     (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut)).

As usual for HITs implemented with Private Inductive, we will define No_ind inside this module using a fixpoint over No, thereby obtaining a judgmental computation rule for the point-constructor No_cut, and then assert the other computation rules as axioms. In this case, the relevant other rules are the preservation of inequalities.
However, it turns out that in defining No_cut we already need to know that it preserves inequalities. Since this is eventually an axiom anyway, we could just assert it with admit in the proof. However, if we did this then the admit would not be *judgmentally* equal to the axiom No_ind_lt that we assert afterwards. Instead, we make use of the fact that admit is essentially by definition match proof_admitted with end for a global axiom proof_admitted : Empty, so that if we use the same admit both inside the definition of No_ind and in asserting No_ind_lt as an axiom, they will be the same term judgmentally.
Finally, for conceptual isolation, and so as not to depend on the particular implementation of admit, we use local copies of Empty and proof_admitted. These were defined at the start of the Section, because otherwise they depend on six universe variables.
Technically, we induct over the inductive predicate witnessing Numberhood of games. We prove the "induction step" separately to improve performance, possibly by preventing bare fixs from appearing upon simplification.
    Local Definition No_ind_internal_step
          (No_ind_internal : (x : Game) (xno : is_surreal x),
                               A (Build_No x xno))
          (x : Game) (xno : is_surreal x)
    : A (Build_No x xno).
      (* We use revert and intros as a way to ensure that the definition depends on all of the variables in the context. *)
      revert ishprop_le ishprop_lt dpath dle_lr dlt_l dlt_r.
      destruct xno as [L R ? xL xR Lno Rno xcut].
      intros ishprop_le ishprop_lt dpath dle_lr dlt_l dlt_r.
      simple refine (dcut L R _ (fun lBuild_No (xL l) (Lno l))
                   (fun rBuild_No (xR r) (Rno r)) xcut _ _ _).
      - intros l; exact (No_ind_internal (xL l) (Lno l)).
      - intros r; exact (No_ind_internal (xR r) (Rno r)).
      - intros; exact (match No_Empty_admitted with end).

    Local Fixpoint No_ind_internal (x : Game) (xno : is_surreal x)
          {struct xno}
    : A (Build_No x xno).
      exact (No_ind_internal_step No_ind_internal x xno).

    Definition No_ind (x : GenNo) : A x.
      destruct x as [x xno].
      exact (No_ind_internal x xno).

    Definition No_ind_le (x y : GenNo) (p : x y)
    : dle x y p (No_ind x) (No_ind y)
      := match No_Empty_admitted with end.

    Definition No_ind_lt (x y : GenNo) (p : x < y)
    : dlt x y p (No_ind x) (No_ind y)
      := match No_Empty_admitted with end.

Sometimes it's convenient to have all three parts of No_ind in one package, so that we only have to verify the hypotheses once.
    Definition No_ind_package
    : { f : x, A x &
      ( (x y : GenNo) (p : x y), dle x y p (f x) (f y)) ×
      ( (x y : GenNo) (p : x < y), dlt x y p (f x) (f y)) }
      := ( No_ind ; (No_ind_le , No_ind_lt) ).

It's also sometimes convenient to have just the inequality parts together.
    Definition No_ind_le_lt (x y : GenNo)
    : ( (p : x y), dle x y p (No_ind x) (No_ind y)) ×
      ( (p : x < y), dlt x y p (No_ind x) (No_ind y))
      := (No_ind_le x y , No_ind_lt x y).

We verify that our definition computes judgmentally.
    Definition No_ind_cut
               (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
               (xL : L GenNo) (xR : R GenNo)
               (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
    : No_ind {{ xL | xR // xcut }}
      = dcut L R _ xL xR xcut
             (fun lNo_ind (xL l)) (fun rNo_ind (xR r))
             (fun l rNo_ind_lt (xL l) (xR r) (xcut l r))
      := 1.

  End NoInd.

  End OptionSort.

  Arguments GenNo S : clear implicits.
  Infix "<" := lt : surreal_scope.
  Infix "≤" := le : surreal_scope.
  Notation "{ { xL | xR // xcut } }" := (No_cut xL xR xcut) : surreal_scope.

End Surreals.

Section OptionSort.
Universe i.
Context {S : OptionSort@{i}}.
Let No := GenNo S.

A few surreal numbers

Definition rempty_cut {L : Type} {xL : L No}
  : (l:L) (r:Empty), xL l < Empty_rec r
  := fun lEmpty_ind _.

Definition lempty_cut {R : Type} {xR : R No}
  : (l:Empty) (r:R), Empty_rec l < xR r
  := Empty_ind _.

Definition zero `{InSort S Empty Empty} : No
  := {{ Empty_rec | Empty_rec // lempty_cut }}.

Definition one `{InSort S Empty Empty} `{InSort S Unit Empty} : No
  := {{ unit_name zero | Empty_rec // rempty_cut }}.

Definition minusone `{InSort S Empty Empty} `{InSort S Empty Unit} : No
  := {{ Empty_rec | unit_name zero // lempty_cut }}.

More induction principles

The simplified induction principle for hprops

Definition No_ind_hprop (P : No Type) `{ x, IsHProp (P x)}
           (dcut : (L R : Type) (s : InSort S L R)
                          (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
                          (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
                          (IHL : l, P (xL l))
                          (IHR : r, P (xR r)),
                     P {{ xL | xR // xcut }})
           (x : No)
: P x.
  revert x;
  refine (No_ind P (fun _ _ _ _ _Unit) (fun _ _ _ _ _Unit)
                 _ _ _ _ _);
  intros; try apply path_ishprop; try exact tt.
  apply dcut; assumption.

See also repeat_No_ind_hprop, below

The non-dependent recursion principle

Section NoRec.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Context (A : Type)
           (dle : A A Type) `{is_mere_relation A dle}
           (dlt : A A Type) `{is_mere_relation A dlt}
           (dcut : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
                          (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
                          (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
                          (fxL : L A) (fxR : R A)
                          (fxcut : l r, dlt (fxL l) (fxR r)),
           (dpath : a b, dle a b dle b a a = b)
           (dle_lr : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
                            (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
                            (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
                            (fxL : L A) (fxR : R A)
                            (fxcut : l r, dlt (fxL l) (fxR r))
                            (L' R' : Type@{i}) (s' : InSort S L' R')
                            (yL : L' No) (yR : R' No)
                            (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
                            (fyL : L' A) (fyR : R' A)
                            (fycut : l r, dlt (fyL l) (fyR r))
                            (p : (l:L), xL l < {{ yL | yR // ycut }})
                            (dp : (l:L),
                                    dlt (fxL l) (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut))
                            (q : (r:R'), {{ xL | xR // xcut }} < yR r)
                            (dq : (r:R'),
                                    dlt (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut) (fyR r)),
                       dle (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut)
                           (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut))
           (dlt_l : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
                           (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
                           (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
                           (fxL : L A) (fxR : R A)
                           (fxcut : l r, dlt (fxL l) (fxR r))
                           (L' R' : Type@{i}) (s' : InSort S L' R')
                           (yL : L' No) (yR : R' No)
                           (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
                           (fyL : L' A) (fyR : R' A)
                           (fycut : l r, dlt (fyL l) (fyR r))
                           (l : L') (p : {{ xL | xR // xcut }} yL l)
                           (dp : dle (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut) (fyL l)),
                      dlt (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut)
                          (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut))
           (dlt_r : (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
                           (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
                           (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
                           (fxL : L A) (fxR : R A)
                           (fxcut : l r, dlt (fxL l) (fxR r))
                           (L' R' : Type@{i}) (s' : InSort S L' R')
                           (yL : L' No) (yR : R' No)
                           (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
                           (fyL : L' A) (fyR : R' A)
                           (fycut : l r, dlt (fyL l) (fyR r))
                           (r : R) (p : (xR r) {{ yL | yR // ycut }})
                           (dp : dle (fxR r) (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut)),
                      dlt (dcut _ _ _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut)
                          (dcut _ _ _ yL yR ycut fyL fyR fycut)).

  Definition No_rec (x : No) : A.
    revert x;
    simple refine (No_ind (fun _A) (fun _ _ _ a bdle a b)
                   (fun _ _ _ a bdlt a b)
                   _ _ _ _ _);
    - exact (dcut L R _ xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut).
    - refine (transport_const _ _ @ _).
      apply dpath; assumption.
    - cbn. apply dle_lr; assumption.
    - cbn. apply dlt_l with l; assumption.
    - cbn. apply dlt_r with r; assumption.

  Definition No_rec_le (x y : No) (p : x y)
  : dle (No_rec x) (No_rec y)
    := No_ind_le (fun _A) (fun _ _ _ a bdle a b)
                 (fun _ _ _ a bdlt a b) _ _ _ _ _ x y p.

  Definition No_rec_lt (x y : No) (p : x < y)
  : dlt (No_rec x) (No_rec y)
    := No_ind_lt (fun _A) (fun _ _ _ a bdle a b)
                 (fun _ _ _ a bdlt a b) _ _ _ _ _ x y p.

  Definition No_rec_package
  : { f : No A &
      ( (x y : No) (p : x y), dle (f x) (f y)) ×
      ( (x y : No) (p : x < y), dlt (f x) (f y)) }
    := ( No_rec ; (No_rec_le , No_rec_lt) ).

  Definition No_rec_cut
    (L R : Type@{i}) (s : InSort S L R)
    (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
    (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
    : No_rec {{ xL | xR // xcut }}
      = dcut L R _ xL xR xcut
          (fun lNo_rec (xL l)) (fun rNo_rec (xR r))
          (fun l rNo_rec_lt (xL l) (xR r) (xcut l r))
    := 1.

End NoRec.

Conway's Theorem 0

First we prove that *if* a left option of y is itself, then it is < y.
Lemma Conway_theorem0_lemma1 `{Funext} (x : No) (xle : x x)
      {L' R' : Type@{i}} {s' : InSort S L' R'}
      (yL : L' No) (yR : R' No)
      (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
      (l : L') (p : x = yL l)
: x < {{ yL | yR // ycut }}.
  generalize dependent x; refine (No_ind_hprop _ _); intros.
  apply lt_l with l.
  exact (transport (fun z{{ xL | xR // xcut}} z) p xle).

And dually
Lemma Conway_theorem0_lemma2 `{Funext} (x : No) (xle : x x)
      {L' R' : Type@{i}} {s' : InSort S L' R'}
      (yL : L' No) (yR : R' No)
      (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
      (r : R') (p : x = yR r)
: {{ yL | yR // ycut }} < x.
  generalize dependent x; refine (No_ind_hprop _ _); intros.
  apply lt_r with r.
  exact (transport (fun zz {{ xL | xR // xcut}}) p xle).

Theorem 0 Part (i)
Theorem le_reflexive `{Funext} (x : No)
: x x.
  revert x; refine (No_ind_hprop _ _); intros.
  apply le_lr.
  - intros l. refine (Conway_theorem0_lemma1 (xL l) (IHL l) _ _ _ _ 1).
  - intros r. refine (Conway_theorem0_lemma2 (xR r) (IHR r) _ _ _ _ 1).

Instance reflexive_le `{Funext} : Reflexive le
  := le_reflexive.

Theorem 0 Part (ii), left half
Theorem lt_lopt `{Funext}
        {L R : Type@{i}} {s : InSort S L R}
        (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
        (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
        (l : L)
: xL l < {{ xL | xR // xcut }}.
  refine (Conway_theorem0_lemma1 (xL l) _ _ _ _ _ 1).
  apply le_reflexive.

Theorem 0 Part (ii), right half
Theorem lt_ropt `{Funext}
        {L R : Type@{i}} {s : InSort S L R}
        (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
        (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
        (r : R)
: {{ xL | xR // xcut }} < xR r.
  refine (Conway_theorem0_lemma2 (xR r) _ _ _ _ _ 1).
  apply le_reflexive.

Global Instance isset_No `{Funext} : IsHSet No.
  refine (@ishset_hrel_subpaths No (fun (x y:No) ⇒ (x y) × (y x)) _ _ _).
  - intros x; split; apply le_reflexive.
  - intros x y [xley ylex]; apply path_No; assumption.

"One-line proofs"

In particular, the proofs of cut-ness don't impact equality of surreals. However, in practice we generally need more than this: we need to be able to modify the indexing types along equivalences.

Definition path_No_easy `{Funext}
           {L R : Type} {s : InSort S L R}
           (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
           {L' R' : Type} {s' : InSort S L' R'}
           (xL' : L' No) (xR' : R' No)
           (eL : L <~> L') (eR : R <~> R')
           (xLeq : l, xL l = xL' (eL l))
           (xReq : r, xR r = xR' (eR r))
           (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
           (xcut' : (l:L') (r:R'), (xL' l) < (xR' r))
: {{ xL | xR // xcut }} = {{ xL' | xR' // xcut' }}.
  apply path_No; apply le_lr;
  [ intros l; rewrite xLeq
  | intros r; rewrite <- (eisretr eR r), <- xReq
  | intros l; rewrite <- (eisretr eL l), <- xLeq
  | intros r; rewrite xReq ];
  try apply lt_lopt;
  try apply lt_ropt.

Definition path_No_easy' `{Funext}
           {L R : Type} {s : InSort S L R}
           (xL xL' : L No) (xR xR' : R No)
           (xLeq : l, xL l = xL' l)
           (xReq : r, xR r = xR' r)
           (xcut : (l:L) (r:R), (xL l) < (xR r))
: {{ xL | xR // xcut }}
  = {{ xL' | xR' //
       (fun l rtransport (fun xyfst xy < snd xy)
                             (path_prod' (xLeq l) (xReq r))
                             (xcut l r)) }}
  := path_No_easy xL xR xL' xR' 1 1 xLeq xReq xcut _.

End OptionSort.

When we want to do induction on several variables at once, we have to be careful to do them in the right order. This tactic does that, by calling itself recursively (although it doesn't choose useful names for all the hypotheses it introduces). We have to define this here outside of all sections so that it will be visible globally.
Ltac repeat_No_ind_hprop :=
  try match goal with
      | [ x : GenNo ?S |- _ ] ⇒
        revert x;
        refine (No_ind_hprop _ _);
        intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Encode-decode to characterize < and recursively (Theorem 11.6.7).

Section NoCodes.
  Context `{Univalence}.
  Universe i.
  Context {S : OptionSort@{i}}.
  Let No := GenNo S.

  Let A := {le'_x : No HProp &
           {lt'_x : No HProp &
           ( y : No, lt'_x y le'_x y) ×
           ( y z : No, le'_x y y z le'_x z) ×
           ( y z : No, le'_x y y < z lt'_x z) ×
           ( y z : No, lt'_x y y z lt'_x z)} }.

  Section Inner.

    Context {L R : Type@{i} } {s : InSort S L R}
            (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
            (xcut : (l : L) (r : R), xL l < xR r)
            (xL_let : L A) (xR_let : R A)
            (x_lt_le : (l : L) (r : R) (y : No),
                         (xR_let r).1 y ((xL_let l).2).1 y).

    Let A' (y : No) : Type
    := { lelt'_x_y : HProp × HProp &
         (snd lelt'_x_y fst lelt'_x_y) ×
         ( l : L, fst lelt'_x_y ((xL_let l).2).1 y) ×
         ( r : R, (xR_let r).1 y snd lelt'_x_y) }.

    Let A'le (y z : No) (p : y z) (tr : A' y) (sq : A' z) : Type
      := (fst tr.1 fst sq.1) × (snd tr.1 snd sq.1).

    Let A'lt (y z : No) (p : y < z) (tr : A' y) (sq : A' z) : Type
      := (fst tr.1 snd sq.1).

    Local Definition inner_package
    : { inner : (y : No), A' y &
       ( y z p, A'le y z p (inner y) (inner z)) ×
       ( y z p, A'lt y z p (inner y) (inner z)) }.
      simple refine (No_ind_package A' A'le A'lt _ _ _ _ _ );
      unfold A', A'le, A'lt; try exact _.
      - intros L' R' ? yL yR ycut x_let_yL x_let_yR y_lt_le.
        set (y := {{ yL | yR // ycut }}).
                  (( l, (xL_let l).2.1 y) ×
                   ( r', snd (x_let_yR r').1)) ,
                (hor {l':L' & fst (x_let_yL l').1}
                    {r:R & (xR_let r).1 y})).
        abstract (
            refine ((_,_),_);
            [ intros h; strip_truncations;
              destruct h as [[l' h]|[r h]]; split; intros;
              [ refine (snd (fst (xL_let l).2.2) (yL l') y _ _);
                [ refine (fst (fst (fst (xL_let l).2.2)) (yL l') _);
                  exact (snd (fst (x_let_yL l').2) l h)
                | by (apply lt_lopt; exact _) ]
              | exact (y_lt_le l' r' h)
              | exact (x_lt_le l r y h)
              | refine (snd (x_let_yR r').2 r _);
                refine (fst (fst (fst (xR_let r).2.2)) _ _);
                refine (snd (fst (xR_let r).2.2) y (yR r') h _);
                apply lt_ropt; exact _ ]
            | intros l [h k]; apply h
            | intros r h; apply tr, inr; exact (r;h) ] ).
      - abstract (
            intros y z
                   [[x_le_y x_lt_y] ?]
                   [[x_le_z x_lt_z] ?]
                   p q;
            cbn; intros [p1 p2] [q1 q2];
            rewrite transport_sigma'; (* cbn; *)
            refine (path_sigma' _
                      (path_prod' (path_hprop (equiv_iff_hprop p1 q1))
                                  (path_hprop (equiv_iff_hprop p2 q2)))
            apply path_ishprop ).
      - abstract (
            intros L' R' ? yL yR ycut x_let_yL x_let_yR y_lt_le;
            set (y := {{ yL | yR // ycut }});
            intros L'' R'' ? zL zR zcut x_let_zL x_let_zR z_lt_le;
            set (z := {{ zL | zR // zcut }});
            intros yL_lt_z h1 y_lt_zR h2;
            assert (y_le_z := le_lr yL yR ycut zL zR zcut yL_lt_z y_lt_zR);
            split; [ intros [h3 h4]; split
                   | intros h3; strip_truncations;
                     destruct h3 as [[l' h3]|[r h3]] ] ;
            [ intros l; refine (snd (xL_let l).2.2 y z (h3 l) y_le_z)
            | intros r''; refine (h2 r'' (h3 , h4))
            | refine (h1 l' h3)
            | apply tr, inr; r;
              refine (snd (fst (fst (xR_let r).2.2)) y z h3 y_le_z) ] ).
      - abstract (
            intros L' R' ? yL yR ycut x_let_yL x_let_yR y_lt_le;
            set (y := {{ yL | yR // ycut }});
            intros L'' R'' ? zL zR zcut x_let_zL x_let_zR z_lt_le;
            set (z := {{ zL | zR // zcut }});
            intros l'' y_le_zL [h1 h2] x_le_y;
            apply tr, inl; exact (l''; h1 x_le_y) ).
      - abstract (
            intros L' R' ? yL yR ycut x_let_yL x_let_yR y_lt_le;
            set (y := {{ yL | yR // ycut }});
            intros L'' R'' ? zL zR zcut x_let_zL x_let_zR z_lt_le;
            set (z := {{ zL | zR // zcut }});
            intros r' yR_le_z [h1 h2] x_le_y;
            apply h2; exact (snd x_le_y r') ).

    Local Definition inner (y : No) : A' y
      := inner_package.1 y.

These computation laws hold definitionally, but it helps Coq out if we prove them explicitly and then rewrite along them later.
    Definition inner_cut_le
               (L' R' : Type@{i}) {s : InSort S L' R'}
               (yL : L' No) (yR : R' No)
               (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
    : fst (inner {{ yL | yR // ycut }}).1 =
      (Build_HProp (( l, (xL_let l).2.1 {{ yL | yR // ycut }}) ×
                   ( r', snd (inner (yR r')).1)))
      := 1.

    Definition inner_cut_lt
               (L' R' : Type@{i}) {s : InSort S L' R'}
               (yL : L' No) (yR : R' No)
               (ycut : (l:L') (r:R'), (yL l) < (yR r))
    : snd (inner {{ yL | yR // ycut }}).1 =
      (hor {l':L' & fst (inner (yL l')).1}
           {r:R & (xR_let r).1 {{ yL | yR // ycut }} })
      := 1.

    Local Definition inner_le y z p : A'le y z p (inner y) (inner z)
      := fst (inner_package.2) y z p.

    Local Definition inner_lt y z p : A'lt y z p (inner y) (inner z)
      := snd (inner_package.2) y z p.

  End Inner.

We instruct simpl/cbn not to unfold inner. We will do the "unfolding" ourselves by rewriting along inner_cut_le and inner_cut_lt, so as to keep better control over the resulting terms (and particularly their size).
  Arguments inner : simpl never.

  Definition No_codes_package
  : { lelt : No A &
         ( (x y : No), (x y)
             z, ((lelt y).1 z (lelt x).1 z) ×
                      ((lelt y).2.1 z (lelt x).2.1 z)) ×
         ( (x y : No), (x < y)
             z, ((lelt y).1 z (lelt x).2.1 z)) }.
    simple refine (No_rec_package A
              (fun dm ht y, (ht.1 y dm.1 y)
                                      × (ht.2.1 y dm.2.1 y))
              (fun dm ht y, (ht.1 y dm.2.1 y))
              _ _ _ _ _).
    - intros L R ? xL xR xcut xL_let xR_let x_lt_le.
      pose (x := {{ xL | xR // xcut }}).
       (fun yfst (inner xL_let xR_let x_lt_le y).1).
       (fun ysnd (inner xL_let xR_let x_lt_le y).1).
      abstract (
          repeat split;
          [ intros y; exact (fst (fst (inner xL_let xR_let x_lt_le y).2))
          | intros y z x_le_y y_le_z;
            exact (fst (inner_le xL_let xR_let x_lt_le y z y_le_z) x_le_y)
          | intros y z x_le_y y_lt_z;
            exact (inner_lt xL_let xR_let x_lt_le y z y_lt_z x_le_y)
          | intros y z x_lt_y y_le_z;
            exact (snd (inner_le xL_let xR_let x_lt_le y z y_le_z) x_lt_y) ]).
    - abstract (
          intros [x_le [x_lt ?]] [x_le' [x_lt' ?]] p q; cbn in p, q;
          simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _);
          [ apply path_arrow; intros y; apply path_hprop, equiv_iff_hprop;
            [ exact (fst (q y)) | exact (fst (p y)) ]
          | rewrite transport_sigma'; cbn;
            simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _);
            [ apply path_arrow; intros y; apply path_hprop, equiv_iff_hprop;
              [ exact (snd (q y)) | exact (snd (p y)) ]
            | apply path_ishprop ] ] ).
    - abstract (
          intros L R ? xL xR xcut xL_let xR_let x_le_lt
                 L' R' ? yL yR ycut yL_let yR_let y_le_lt;
          set (x := {{ xL | xR // xcut }});
          set (y := {{ yL | yR // ycut }});
          intros xL_lt_y xL_lt_z x_lt_yR le_lt_y;
          refine (No_ind_hprop _ _);
          intros L'' R'' ? zL zR zcut zLH zRH; split;
          [ rewrite !inner_cut_le;
            intros y_le_z; split;
            [ intros l; refine (xL_lt_z l {{ zL | zR // zcut }} y_le_z)
            | intros r; refine (snd (zRH r) (snd y_le_z r)) ]
          | rewrite !inner_cut_lt;
            intros y_lt_z; strip_truncations;
            destruct y_lt_z as [[l y_le_zL]|[r yR_le_z]];
            [ apply tr; left; exact (l; fst (zLH l) y_le_zL)
            | refine (le_lt_y r {{ zL | zR // zcut }} yR_le_z) ]] ).
    - abstract (
          intros L R ? xL xR xcut xL_let xR_let x_le_lt
                 L' R' ? yL yR ycut yL_let yR_let y_le_lt;
          set (x := {{ xL | xR // xcut }});
          set (y := {{ yL | yR // ycut }});
          cbn; intros l x_le_yL zH;
          refine (No_ind_hprop _ _);
          intros L'' R'' ? zL zR zcut zLH zRH y_le_z;
          refine (snd (zH {{ zL | zR // zcut }}) _);
          rewrite inner_cut_le in y_le_z;
          exact (fst y_le_z l) ).
    - abstract (
          intros L R ? xL xR xcut xL_let xR_let x_le_lt
                 L' R' ? yL yR ycut yL_let yR_let y_le_lt;
          set (x := {{ xL | xR // xcut }});
          set (y := {{ yL | yR // ycut }});
          cbn; intros r xR_le_y zH;
          refine (No_ind_hprop _ _);
          intros L'' R'' ? zL zR zcut zLH zRH y_le_z;
          rewrite inner_cut_lt;
          apply tr; right; r;
          refine (fst (zH {{ zL | zR // zcut }}) y_le_z) ).

  Definition le' (x y : No) : HProp
    := (No_codes_package.1 x).1 y.

  Definition lt' (x y : No) : HProp
    := (No_codes_package.1 x).2.1 y.

  Definition lt'_le' x y
  : lt' x y le' x y
    := (fst (fst (fst (No_codes_package.1 x).2.2)) y).

  Definition le_le'_trans x y z
  : x y le' y z le' x z
    := fun p q ⇒ (fst (fst (No_codes_package.2) x y p z) q).

  Definition le_lt'_trans x y z
  : x y lt' y z lt' x z
    := fun p q ⇒ (snd (fst (No_codes_package.2) x y p z) q).

  Definition lt_le'_trans x y z
  : x < y le' y z lt' x z
    := fun p q ⇒ (snd (No_codes_package.2) x y p z q).

  Definition le'_le_trans x y z
  : le' x y y z le' x z
    := fun p q ⇒ (snd (fst (fst (No_codes_package.1 x).2.2)) y z p q).

  Definition le'_lt_trans x y z
  : le' x y y < z lt' x z
    := fun p q ⇒ (snd (fst (No_codes_package.1 x).2.2) y z p q).

  Definition lt'_le_trans x y z
  : lt' x y y z lt' x z
    := fun p q ⇒ (snd (No_codes_package.1 x).2.2 y z p q).

These computation laws hold definitionally, but it takes Coq a little while to verify that. Thus, we prove them once and then rewrite along them later, so we don't have to do the verification every time.
  Definition le'_cut
             (L R : Type) (s : InSort S L R)
             (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
             (xcut : (l : L) (r : R), xL l < xR r)
             (L' R' : Type) (s' : InSort S L' R')
             (yL : L' No) (yR : R' No)
             (ycut : (l : L') (r : R'), yL l < yR r)
  : le' {{xL | xR // xcut}} {{yL | yR // ycut}}
    = (( l, lt' (xL l) {{ yL | yR // ycut }}) ×
       ( r', lt' {{ xL | xR // xcut }} (yR r')))
For some reason, Coq has a really hard time checking the version of this that asserts an equality in HProp. But fortunately, we only ever really need the equality of types.
        :> Type
    := 1.

  Definition lt'_cut
             (L R : Type) (s : InSort S L R)
             (xL : L No) (xR : R No)
             (xcut : (l : L) (r : R), xL l < xR r)
             (L' R' : Type) (s' : InSort S L' R')
             (yL : L' No) (yR : R' No)
             (ycut : (l : L') (r : R'), yL l < yR r)
  : lt' {{xL | xR // xcut}} {{yL | yR // ycut}}
    = (hor {l':L' & le' {{ xL | xR // xcut }} (yL l')}
                  {r:R & le' (xR r) {{ yL | yR // ycut }} })
    := 1.

  Definition No_encode_le_lt (x y : No)
  : ((x y) (le' x y)) × ((x < y) (lt' x y)).
    refine (No_ind_le_lt (fun _Unit)
                         (fun x y _ _ _le' x y)
                         (fun x y _ _ _lt' x y)
                         _ _ _ _ _ x y).
    + intros; exact tt.
    + intros; apply path_contr.
    + intros L R ? xL xR xcut _ _ xcut'
             L' R' ? yL yR ycut _ _ ycut'
             xL_lt_y xL_lt_y' x_lt_yR x_lt_yR'.
      rewrite le'_cut.
      exact (xL_lt_y' , x_lt_yR').
    + intros L R ? xL xR xcut _ _ xcut'
             L' R' ? yL yR ycut _ _ ycut'
             l x_le_yL x_le_yL'.
      rewrite lt'_cut.
      apply tr; left. l. exact x_le_yL'.
    + intros L R ? xL xR xcut _ _ xcut'
             L' R' ? yL yR ycut _ _ ycut'
             r xR_le_y xR_le_y'.
      rewrite lt'_cut.
      apply tr; right. r. exact xR_le_y'.

  Definition No_decode_le_lt (x y : No)
  : ((le' x y) (x y)) × ((lt' x y) (x < y)).
    revert x y.
    refine (No_ind_hprop _ _); intros L R ? xL xR xcut xHL xHR.
    nrefine (No_ind_hprop _ _).
    (* Coq can find this proof by typeclass search, but helping it out makes this faster. *)
    { intro x; nrapply istrunc_prod; nrapply istrunc_arrow; exact _. }
    intros L' R' ? yL yR ycut yHL yHR. split.
    - intros x_le_y.
      rewrite le'_cut in x_le_y.
      exact (le_lr xL xR xcut yL yR ycut
                   (fun lsnd (xHL l _) (fst x_le_y l))
                   (fun rsnd (yHR r) (snd x_le_y r))).
    - intros x_lt_y.
      rewrite lt'_cut in x_lt_y.
      strip_truncations; destruct x_lt_y as [[l x_le_yL]|[r xR_le_y]].
      + apply lt_l with l.
        exact (fst (yHL l) x_le_yL).
      + apply lt_r with r.
        exact (fst (xHR r _) xR_le_y).

  Definition No_encode_le x y := fst (No_encode_le_lt x y).
  Definition No_encode_lt x y := snd (No_encode_le_lt x y).
  Definition No_decode_le x y := fst (No_decode_le_lt x y).
  Definition No_decode_lt x y := snd (No_decode_le_lt x y).

  Corollary lt_le {x y : No} (p : x < y) : x y.
    apply No_decode_le.
    apply lt'_le'.
    apply No_encode_lt.

Conway's theorem 1
  Corollary le_le_trans {x y z : No}
  : (x y) (y z) (x z).
    intros p q.
    apply No_decode_le.
    refine (le_le'_trans x y z p _).
    apply No_encode_le.

  Global Instance trans_le : Transitive le
    := @le_le_trans.

  Corollary le_lt_trans {x y z : No}
  : (x y) (y < z) (x < z).
    intros p q.
    apply No_decode_lt.
    refine (le_lt'_trans x y z p _).
    apply No_encode_lt.

  Corollary lt_le_trans {x y z : No}
  : (x < y) (y z) (x < z).
    intros p q.
    apply No_decode_lt.
    refine (lt_le'_trans x y z p _).
    apply No_encode_le.

  Definition lt_lt_trans {x y z : No}
  : (x < y) (y < z) (x < z)
    := fun p qlt_le_trans p (lt_le q).

  Global Instance trans_lt : Transitive lt
    := @lt_lt_trans.

End NoCodes.

Changing option sorts

There is of course a "maximal" option sort, which defines "the" surreal numbers as in the book.

Definition MaxSort : OptionSort := fun _ _Unit.
Definition No : Type := GenNo MaxSort.

This instance should be the one found by default, so that cuts live in No unless otherwise specified. Thus, all other global instances of InSort should be declared with higher priority.
Global Instance insort_maxsort {L R : Type}
  : InSort MaxSort L R | 0
  := tt.

Furthermore, every other kind of surreal number *embeds* into the maximal ones. So the other kinds of surreal numbers are really just subsets of the usual set of surreal numbers; but I don't know of a good way to define them except as their own HIITs.

Section RaiseSort.
  Context `{ua: Univalence} `{S : OptionSort}.

  Definition No_raise : GenNo S No.
    simple refine (No_rec No le lt _ _ _ _ _).
    - intros L R ? xL xR xcut fxL fxR fxcut.
      exact {{ fxL | fxR // fxcut }}.
    - apply path_No.
    - intros; apply le_lr; assumption.
    - intros; apply lt_l with l; assumption.
    - intros; apply lt_r with r; assumption.

See discussion at plus_inner_cut in Addition.v.
  Definition No_raise_cut
             {L R : Type} {s : InSort S L R}
             (xL : L GenNo S) (xR : R GenNo S)
             (xcut : l r, xL l < xR r)
    : { rxcut : l r, No_raise (xL l) < No_raise (xR r) &
        No_raise {{ xL | xR // xcut }} =
        {{ (fun lNo_raise (xL l)) | (fun rNo_raise (xR r)) // rxcut }} }.
    (* Manual rewrite instead of letting unification handle it as it would expose the case analysis on the private type. *)
    unfold No_raise at 1.
    rewrite No_rec_cut.

  Definition No_raise_le (x y : GenNo S)
    : (x y) (No_raise x No_raise y)
    := No_rec_le _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x y.

  Definition No_raise_lt (x y : GenNo S)
    : (x < y) (No_raise x < No_raise y)
    := No_rec_lt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x y.

  Definition No_raise_reflects_lelt (x y : GenNo S)
    : ((No_raise x No_raise y) (x y)) ×
      ((No_raise x < No_raise y) (x < y)).
    destruct (No_raise_cut xL xR xcut) as [rxcut p]; rewrite p.
    destruct (No_raise_cut xL0 xR0 xcut0) as [rxcut0 q]; rewrite q.
    split; intros sh.
    - apply No_encode_le in sh; rewrite le'_cut in sh.
      apply le_lr.
      + intros l.
        apply IHL, No_decode_lt.
        rewrite q; exact (fst sh l).
      + intros r.
        apply IHR0, No_decode_lt.
        rewrite p; exact (snd sh r).
    - apply No_encode_lt in sh; rewrite lt'_cut in sh.
      destruct sh as [[l sh]|[r sh]].
      + apply lt_l with l.
        apply IHL0, (@No_decode_le ua). (* Need to pass in Univalence to make this fast. TODO: should be fast without ua with Coq 8.19.  If so, remove this when 8.19 is our minimum version. *)
        rewrite p; exact sh.
      + apply lt_r with r.
        apply IHR, No_decode_le.
        rewrite q; exact sh.

  Definition No_raise_reflects_le (x y : GenNo S)
    : (No_raise x No_raise y) (x y)
    := fst (No_raise_reflects_lelt x y).

  Definition No_raise_reflects_lt (x y : GenNo S)
    : (No_raise x < No_raise y) (x < y)
    := snd (No_raise_reflects_lelt x y).

  Global Instance isemb_No_raise : IsEmbedding No_raise.
    apply isembedding_isinj_hset.
    intros x y e; apply path_No.
    - refine (No_raise_reflects_le x y _).
      rewrite e; apply reflexive_le.
    - refine (No_raise_reflects_le y x _).
      rewrite e; apply reflexive_le.

End RaiseSort.


The type of "plump ordinals" can be identified with surreal numbers that hereditarily have no right options.
Definition OrdSort : OptionSort := fun L R¬R.
Definition POrd := GenNo OrdSort.
Global Instance insort_ordsort {L : Type}
  : InSort OrdSort L Empty | 100
  := idmap.

Decidable options

A particularly interesting option sort restricts L and R to be decidable, i.e. either inhabited or empty.
Definition DecSort : OptionSort
  := fun L RDecidable L × Decidable R.
Definition DecNo : Type := GenNo DecSort.

Global Instance insort_decsort {L R : Type}
         {dl : Decidable L} {dr : Decidable R}
  : InSort DecSort L R | 100
  := (dl , dr).

Perhaps surprisingly, this is not a restriction at all! Any surreal number can be presented by a cut in which all the option sorts are hereditarily decidable. The basic idea is that we can always add a "sufficiently large" right option and a "sufficiently small" left option in order to make both families of options inhabited without changing the value of the cut, but the details are a bit tricky.
Global Instance isequiv_DecNo_raise `{Univalence}
  : IsEquiv (@No_raise DecSort).
  apply isequiv_surj_emb; try exact _.
  apply BuildIsSurjection; intros x.
  apply tr.
  revert x; refine (No_ind_hprop _ _).
  intros L R s xL xR xcut IHL IHR.
  pose (uLR := Unit + (L + R)).
  assert (Decidable uLR) by exact (inl (inl tt)).
  pose (xLR := sum_ind _ (fun _zero) (sum_ind (fun _DecNo) (fun l(IHL l).1) (fun r(IHR r).1)) : uLR DecNo).
  pose (z := {{ xLR | Empty_rec // rempty_cut }}).
  pose (z' := {{ unit_name z | Empty_rec // rempty_cut }}).
  pose (y := {{ Empty_rec | xLR // lempty_cut }}).
  pose (y' := {{ Empty_rec | unit_name y // lempty_cut }} ).
  pose (L' := Unit + L).
  assert (Decidable L') by exact (inl (inl tt)).
  pose (wL := sum_ind _ (fun _y') (fun l(IHL l).1) : L' DecNo).
  pose (R' := Unit + R).
  assert (Decidable R') by exact (inl (inl tt)).
  pose (wR := sum_ind _ (fun _z') (fun r(IHR r).1) : R' DecNo).
  assert (wcut : l r, wL l < wR r).
  { intros [[]|l] [[]|r]; cbn.
    - transitivity y.
      { refine (lt_ropt _ _ _ tt). }
      transitivity z.
      { apply lt_l with (inl tt); cbn.
        apply le_lr; intros []. }
      { refine (lt_lopt _ _ _ tt). }
    - transitivity y.
      { refine (lt_ropt _ _ _ tt). }
      { refine (lt_ropt _ _ _ (inr (inr r))). }
    - transitivity z.
      { refine (lt_lopt _ _ _ (inr (inl l))). }
      { refine (lt_lopt _ _ _ tt). }
    - apply No_raise_reflects_lt.
      rewrite (IHL l).2, (IHR r).2.
      apply xcut. }
   ({{ wL | wR // wcut }}).
  destruct (No_raise_cut wL wR wcut) as [rwcut p].
  rewrite p; clear p.
  apply path_No; apply le_lr.
  - intros [[]|l].
    + apply (lt_le_trans (y := No_raise y)).
      × apply No_raise_lt.
        refine (lt_ropt _ _ _ tt).
      × unfold y. rewrite (No_raise_cut _ _ _).2.
        apply le_lr; [ intros [] | intros r ].
        rewrite <- (IHR r).2.
        refine (lt_ropt _ _ _ (inr (inr r))).
    + rewrite (IHL l).2.
      refine (lt_lopt _ _ _ l).
  - intros r.
    rewrite <- (IHR r).2.
    refine (lt_ropt _ _ _ (inr r)).
  - intros l.
    rewrite <- (IHL l).2.
    refine (lt_lopt _ _ _ (inr l)).
  - intros [[]|r].
    + apply (le_lt_trans (y := No_raise z)).
      × unfold z. rewrite (No_raise_cut _ _ _).2.
        apply le_lr; [ intros l | intros [] ].
        rewrite <- (IHL l).2.
        refine (lt_lopt _ _ _ (inr (inl l))).
      × apply No_raise_lt.
        refine (lt_lopt _ _ _ tt).
    + rewrite (IHR r).2.
      refine (lt_ropt _ _ _ r).

Definition equiv_DecNo_raise `{Univalence}
  : DecNo <~> No
  := Build_Equiv _ _ No_raise _.

Note that this does not extend to other sorts. For instance, it is *not* true that any plump ordinal is equal to a cut whose types of left and right options are respectively hereditarily decidable and hereditarily empty. In particular, when making the type of left options inhabited, we have to use surreals whose type of right options is also inhabited. For instance, {{ fun _:P zero | Empty_rec // rempty_cut }}, for a proposition P, is a plump ordinal, but to make its left options inhabited we have to use a negative surreal, which is not itself a plump ordinal.