Library HoTT.Basics.Contractible
Naming convention: we consistently abbreviate "contractible" as "contr". A theorem about a space X being contractible (which will usually be an instance of the typeclass Contr) is called contr_X.
Allow ourselves to implicitly generalize over types A and B, and a function f.
Generalizable Variables A B f.
If a space is contractible, then any two points in it are connected by a path in a canonical way.
Any space of paths in a contractible space is contractible.
Instance contr_paths_contr `{Contr A} (x y : A) : Contr (x = y) | 10000.
apply (Build_Contr _ (path_contr x y)).
intro r; destruct r; apply concat_Vp.
apply (Build_Contr _ (path_contr x y)).
intro r; destruct r; apply concat_Vp.
It follows that any two parallel paths in a contractible space are homotopic, which is just the principle UIP.
Also, the total space of any based path space is contractible. We define the contr fields as separate definitions, so that we can give them simpl nomatch annotations.
Definition path_basedpaths {X : Type} {x y : X} (p : x = y)
: (x;1) = (y;p) :> {z:X & x=z}.
destruct p; reflexivity.
Arguments path_basedpaths {X x y} p : simpl nomatch.
Instance contr_basedpaths {X : Type} (x : X) : Contr {y : X & x = y} | 100.
apply (Build_Contr _ (x;1)).
intros [y p]; apply path_basedpaths.
(* Sometimes we end up with a sigma of a one-sided path type that's not eta-expanded, which Coq doesn't seem able to match with the previous instance. *)
Instance contr_basedpaths_etashort {X : Type} (x : X) : Contr (sig (@paths X x)) | 100
:= contr_basedpaths x.
Based path types with the second variable fixed.
Definition path_basedpaths' {X : Type} {x y : X} (p : y = x)
: (x;1) = (y;p) :> {z:X & z=x}.
destruct p; reflexivity.
Arguments path_basedpaths' {X x y} p : simpl nomatch.
Instance contr_basedpaths' {X : Type} (x : X) : Contr {y : X & y = x} | 100.
refine (Build_Contr _ (x;1) _).
intros [y p]; apply path_basedpaths'.
Some useful computation laws for based path spaces
Definition ap_pr1_path_contr_basedpaths {X : Type}
{x y z : X} (p : x = y) (q : x = z)
: ap pr1 (path_contr ((y;p) : {y':X & x = y'}) (z;q)) = p^ @ q.
destruct p, q; reflexivity.
Definition ap_pr1_path_contr_basedpaths' {X : Type}
{x y z : X} (p : y = x) (q : z = x)
: ap pr1 (path_contr ((y;p) : {y':X & y' = x}) (z;q)) = p @ q^.
destruct p, q; reflexivity.
Definition ap_pr1_path_basedpaths {X : Type}
{x y : X} (p : x = y)
: ap pr1 (path_basedpaths p) = p.
destruct p; reflexivity.
Definition ap_pr1_path_basedpaths' {X : Type}
{x y : X} (p : y = x)
: ap pr1 (path_basedpaths' p) = p^.
destruct p; reflexivity.
If the domain is contractible, the function is propositionally constant.
Definition contr_dom_equiv {A B} (f : A → B) `{Contr A} : ∀ x y : A, f x = f y
:= fun x y ⇒ ap f ((contr x)^ @ contr y).
:= fun x y ⇒ ap f ((contr x)^ @ contr y).
Any retract of a contractible type is contractible
Definition contr_retract {X Y : Type} `{Contr X}
(r : X → Y) (s : Y → X) (h : ∀ y, r (s y) = y)
: Contr Y
:= Build_Contr _ (r (center X)) (fun y ⇒ (ap r (contr _)) @ h _).
(r : X → Y) (s : Y → X) (h : ∀ y, r (s y) = y)
: Contr Y
:= Build_Contr _ (r (center X)) (fun y ⇒ (ap r (contr _)) @ h _).
Sometimes the easiest way to prove that a type is contractible doesn't produce the definitionally-simplest center. (In particular, this can affect performance, as Coq spends a long time tracing through long proofs of contractibility to find the center.) So we give a way to modify the center.
Definition contr_change_center {A : Type} (a : A) `{Contr A}
: Contr A.
apply (Build_Contr _ a).
intros; apply path_contr.
: Contr A.
apply (Build_Contr _ a).
intros; apply path_contr.
The automatically generated induction principle for IsTrunc_internal produces two goals, so we define a custom induction principle for Contr that only produces the expected goal.
Definition Contr_ind@{u v|} (A : Type@{u}) (P : Contr A → Type@{v})
(H : ∀ (center : A) (contr : ∀ y, center = y), P (Build_Contr A center contr))
(C : Contr A)
: P C
:= match C as C0 in IsTrunc n _ return
(match n as n0 return IsTrunc n0 _ → Type@{v} with
| minus_two ⇒ fun c0 ⇒ P c0
| trunc_S k ⇒ fun _ ⇒ Unit
end C0)
| Build_Contr center contr ⇒ H center contr
| istrunc_S _ _ ⇒ tt
(H : ∀ (center : A) (contr : ∀ y, center = y), P (Build_Contr A center contr))
(C : Contr A)
: P C
:= match C as C0 in IsTrunc n _ return
(match n as n0 return IsTrunc n0 _ → Type@{v} with
| minus_two ⇒ fun c0 ⇒ P c0
| trunc_S k ⇒ fun _ ⇒ Unit
end C0)
| Build_Contr center contr ⇒ H center contr
| istrunc_S _ _ ⇒ tt