Library HoTT.Sets.GCH
From HoTT Require Import TruncType abstract_algebra.
From HoTT Require Import Universes.Smallness.
From HoTT Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core Spaces.Card.
Local Open Scope type.
Local Open Scope hprop_scope.
From HoTT Require Import Universes.Smallness.
From HoTT Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core Spaces.Card.
Local Open Scope type.
Local Open Scope hprop_scope.
(* GCH states that for any infinite set X with Y between X and P(X) either Y embeds into X or P(X) embeds into Y. *)
Definition GCH :=
∀ X Y : HSet, infinite X → InjectsInto X Y → InjectsInto Y (X → HProp) → InjectsInto Y X + InjectsInto (X → HProp) Y.
Lemma Cantor_inj {PR : PropResizing} {FE : Funext} X :
¬ Injection (X → HProp) X.
intros [i HI]. pose (p n := Build_HProp (smalltype (∀ q, i q = n → ¬ q n))).
enough (Hp : p (i p) ↔ ¬ p (i p)).
{ apply Hp; apply Hp; intros H; by apply Hp. }
unfold p at 1. split.
- intros H. apply equiv_smalltype in H. apply H. reflexivity.
- intros H. apply equiv_smalltype. intros q → % HI. apply H.
(* The concluding disjunction of GCH is excluse since otherwise we'd obtain an injection of P(X) into X. *)
Lemma hprop_GCH {PR : PropResizing} {FE : Funext} :
IsHProp GCH.
repeat (nrapply istrunc_forall; intros).
apply hprop_allpath. intros [H|H] [H'|H'].
- enough (H = H') as ->; trivial. apply path_ishprop.
- apply Empty_rec. eapply merely_destruct; try eapply (Cantor_inj a); trivial. by apply InjectsInto_trans with a0.
- apply Empty_rec. eapply merely_destruct; try eapply (Cantor_inj a); trivial. by apply InjectsInto_trans with a0.
- enough (H = H') as ->; trivial. apply path_ishprop.
Section LEM.
Variable X : HSet.
Variable P : HProp.
Context {PR : PropResizing}.
Context {FE : Funext}.
Definition hpaths (x y : X) :=
Build_HProp (paths x y).
Definition sing (p : X → HProp) :=
∃ x, p = hpaths x.
Let sings :=
{ p : X → HProp | sing p ∨ (P + ¬ P) }.
(* The main idea is that for a given set X and proposition P, the set sings fits between X and P(X).
Then CH for X implies that either sings embeds into X (which can be refuted constructively),
or that P(X) embeds into sings, from which we can extract a proof of P + ~P. *)
Lemma Cantor_sing (i : (X → HProp) → (X → HProp)) :
IsInjective i → ∃ p, ¬ sing (i p).
intros HI. pose (p n := Build_HProp (smalltype (∀ q, i q = hpaths n → ¬ q n))).
∃ p. intros [n HN]. enough (Hp : p n ↔ ¬ p n).
{ apply Hp; apply Hp; intros H; by apply Hp. }
unfold p at 1. split.
- intros H. apply equiv_smalltype in H. apply H, HN.
- intros H. apply equiv_smalltype. intros q HQ. rewrite <- HN in HQ. by apply HI in HQ as →.
Lemma injective_proj1 {Z} (r : Z → HProp) :
IsInjective (@proj1 Z r).
intros [p Hp] [q Hq]; cbn.
intros →. unshelve eapply path_sigma; cbn.
- reflexivity.
- cbn. apply path_ishprop.
Lemma inject_sings :
(P + ¬ P) → Injection (X → HProp) sings.
intros HP. unshelve eexists.
- intros p. ∃ p. apply tr. by right.
- intros p q. intros H. change p with ((exist (fun r ⇒ sing r ∨ (P + ¬ P)) p (tr (inr HP))).1).
rewrite H. cbn. reflexivity.
Theorem CH_LEM :
(Injection X sings → Injection sings (X → HProp) → ¬ (Injection sings X) → InjectsInto (X → HProp) sings)
→ P ∨ ¬ P.
intros ch. eapply merely_destruct; try apply ch.
- unshelve eexists.
+ intros x. ∃ (hpaths x). apply tr. left. ∃ x. reflexivity.
+ intros x y. intros H % pr1_path. cbn in H. change (hpaths x y). by rewrite H.
- ∃ (@proj1 _ _). by apply injective_proj1.
- intros H. assert (HP' : ¬ ¬ (P + ¬ P)).
{ intros HP. apply HP. right. intros p. apply HP. by left. }
apply HP'. intros HP % inject_sings. clear HP'.
apply Cantor_inj with X. by eapply (Injection_trans _ _ _ HP).
- intros [i Hi]. destruct (Cantor_sing (fun p ⇒ @proj1 _ _ (i p))) as [p HP].
+ intros x y H % injective_proj1. by apply Hi.
+ destruct (i p) as [q Hq]; cbn in ×.
eapply merely_destruct; try apply Hq.
intros [H|H]; [destruct (HP H)|by apply tr].
End LEM.
(* We can instantiate the previous lemma with nat to obtain GCH -> LEM. *)
Theorem GCH_LEM {PR : PropResizing} {UA : Univalence} :
GCH → (∀ P : HProp, P ∨ ¬ P).
intros gch P. eapply (CH_LEM (Build_HSet nat)); try exact _. intros H1 H2 H3.
pose (sings := { p : nat → HProp | sing (Build_HSet nat) p ∨ (P + ¬ P) }).
destruct (gch (Build_HSet nat) (Build_HSet sings)) as [H|H].
- cbn. ∃ idmap. apply isinj_idmap.
- apply tr. apply H1.
- apply tr. apply H2.
- apply Empty_rec. eapply merely_destruct; try apply H. apply H3.
- apply H.