Library HoTT.Truncations.Core

Users of this file almost always want to be able to write Tr n for both a Modality and a ReflectiveSubuniverse, so they want the coercion modality_to_reflective_subuniverse:
Require Export (coercions) Modalities.Modality.

Truncations of types

Local Open Scope path_scope.
Generalizable Variables A X n.

The definition

The definition of Trunc n, the n-truncation of a type.
If Coq supported higher inductive types natively, we would construct this as something like:
Inductive Trunc n (A : Type) : Type := | tr : A -> Trunc n A | istrunc_truncation : forall (f : Sphere n.+1 -> Trunc n A) (x : Sphere n.+1), f x = f North.
However, while we are faking our higher-inductives anyway, we can take some shortcuts, rather than translating the definition above. Firstly, we directly posit a “constructor” giving truncatedness, rather than rephrasing it in terms of maps of spheres. Secondly, we omit the “computation rule” for this constructor, since it is implied by truncatedness of the result type (and, for essentially that reason, is never wanted in practice anyway).

Module Export Trunc.

  Cumulative Private Inductive Trunc (n : trunc_index) (A :Type) : Type :=
    tr : A Trunc n A.
  Arguments tr {n A} a.

Without explicit universe parameters, this instance is insufficiently polymorphic.
  Global Instance istrunc_truncation (n : trunc_index) (A : Type@{i})
    : IsTrunc@{j} n (Trunc@{i} n A).

  Definition Trunc_ind {n A}
    (P : Trunc n A Type) {Pt : aa, IsTrunc n (P aa)}
    : ( a, P (tr a)) ( aa, P aa)
    := fun f aamatch aa with tr afun _f a end Pt.

End Trunc.

The non-dependent version of the eliminator.

Definition Trunc_rec {n A X} `{IsTrunc n X}
  : (A X) (Trunc n A X)
  := Trunc_ind (fun _X).

Definition Trunc_rec_tr n {A : Type}
  : Trunc_rec (A:=A) (tr (n:=n)) == idmap
  := Trunc_ind _ (fun aidpath).

Trunc is a modality

Definition Tr (n : trunc_index) : Modality.
  srapply (Build_Modality (fun AIsTrunc n A)); cbn.
  - intros A B ? f ?; rapply (istrunc_isequiv_istrunc A f).
  - exact (Trunc n).
  - intros; apply istrunc_truncation.
  - intros A; apply tr.
  - intros A B ? f oa; cbn in ×.
    exact (Trunc_ind B f oa).
  - intros; reflexivity.
  - exact (@istrunc_paths' n).

We don't usually declare modalities as coercions, but this particular one is convenient so that lemmas about (for instance) connected maps can be applied to truncation modalities without the user/reader needing to be (particularly) aware of the general notion of modality.
However, if the coercion is not printed, then we get things like Tr (-1) X being printed as (-1) X, which is terribly confusing. So we tell Coq to always print this coercion. This does mean that although the user can type things like IsConnected n X, it will always be displayed back as IsConnected (Tr n) X.
Add Printing Coercion Tr.

Section TruncationModality.
  Context (n : trunc_index).

  Definition trunc_iff_isequiv_truncation (A : Type)
    : IsTrunc n A IsEquiv (@tr n A)
    := inO_iff_isequiv_to_O (Tr n) A.

  Global Instance isequiv_tr A `{IsTrunc n A} : IsEquiv (@tr n A)
    := fst (trunc_iff_isequiv_truncation A) _.

  Definition equiv_tr (A : Type) `{IsTrunc n A}
    : A <~> Tr n A
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (@tr n A) _.

  Definition untrunc_istrunc {A : Type} `{IsTrunc n A}
    : Tr n A A
    := (@tr n A)^-1.


Since a modality lives on a single universe, by default if we simply define Trunc_functor to be O_functor then it would force X and Y to live in the same universe. But since we defined Trunc as a cumulative inductive, if we add universe annotations we can make Trunc_functor more universe-polymorphic than O_functor is. This is sometimes useful.
  Definition Trunc_functor@{i j k | ik, jk} {X : Type@{i}} {Y : Type@{j}} (f : X Y)
    : Tr@{i} n X Tr@{j} n Y
    := O_functor@{k k k} (Tr n) f.

  Global Instance is0functor_Tr : Is0Functor (Tr n)
    := Build_Is0Functor _ _ _ _ (Tr n) (@Trunc_functor).

  Global Instance Trunc_functor_isequiv {X Y : Type}
    (f : X Y) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
    : IsEquiv (Trunc_functor f)
    := isequiv_O_functor (Tr n) f.

  Definition Trunc_functor_equiv {X Y : Type} (f : X <~> Y)
    : Tr n X <~> Tr n Y
    := equiv_O_functor (Tr n) f.

  Definition Trunc_functor_compose {X Y Z} (f : X Y) (g : Y Z)
    : Trunc_functor (g o f) == Trunc_functor g o Trunc_functor f
    := O_functor_compose (Tr n) f g.

  Definition Trunc_functor_idmap (X : Type)
    : @Trunc_functor X X idmap == idmap
    := O_functor_idmap (Tr n) X.

  Definition equiv_Trunc_prod_cmp {X Y}
    : Tr n (X × Y) <~> Tr n X × Tr n Y
    := equiv_O_prod_cmp (Tr n) X Y.

  Global Instance is1functor_Tr : Is1Functor (Tr n).
    apply Build_Is1Functor.
    - apply @O_functor_homotopy.
    - apply @Trunc_functor_idmap.
    - apply @Trunc_functor_compose.

End TruncationModality.

We have to teach Coq to translate back and forth between IsTrunc n and In (Tr n).
Global Instance inO_tr_istrunc {n : trunc_index} (A : Type) `{IsTrunc n A}
  : In (Tr n) A.

Having both of these as Instances would cause infinite loops.
Definition istrunc_inO_tr {n : trunc_index} (A : Type) `{In (Tr n) A}
  : IsTrunc n A.

Instead, we make the latter an immediate instance, but with high cost (i.e. low priority) so that it doesn't override the ordinary lemmas about truncation. Unfortunately, Hint Immediate doesn't allow specifying a cost, so we use Hint Extern instead. Hint Immediate istrunc_inO_tr : typeclass_instances. See
Hint Extern 1000 (IsTrunc _ _) ⇒ simple apply istrunc_inO_tr; solve [ trivial ] : typeclass_instances.
This doesn't seem to be quite the same as Hint Immediate with a different cost either, though.
Unfortunately, this isn't perfect; Coq still can't always find In n hypotheses in the context when it wants IsTrunc. You can always apply istrunc_inO_tr explicitly, but sometimes it also works to just pose it into the context.
We do the same for IsTruncMap n and MapIn (Tr n).
Global Instance mapinO_tr_istruncmap {n : trunc_index} {A B : Type}
  (f : A B) `{IsTruncMap n A B f}
  : MapIn (Tr n) f.

Definition istruncmap_mapinO_tr {n : trunc_index} {A B : Type}
  (f : A B) `{MapIn (Tr n) _ _ f}
  : IsTruncMap n f.

Hint Immediate istruncmap_mapinO_tr : typeclass_instances.

A few special things about the (-2)-truncation

The type of contractible types is contractible.
Definition contr_tr_minus_two@{u su | u < su} `{Univalence}
  : Contr (Type_@{u su} (Tr (-2))).
  apply (Build_Contr _ (exist@{su su} _ (Unit : Type@{u}) (inO_tr_istrunc _))).
  intros [C ContrC].
  apply equiv_path_sigma_hprop.
  apply path_universe_uncurried.
  symmetry; apply equiv_contr_unit.

A few special things about the (-1)-truncation

Local Open Scope trunc_scope.

We define merely A to be an inhabitant of the universe hProp of hprops, rather than a type. We can always treat it as a type because there is a coercion, but this means that if we need an element of hProp then we don't need a separate name for it.

Definition merely (A : Type@{i}) : HProp@{i} := Build_HProp (Tr (-1) A).

Definition hexists {X} (P : X Type) : HProp := merely (sig P).

Definition hor (P Q : Type) : HProp := merely (P + Q).

Declare Scope hprop_scope.
Notation "A \/ B" := (hor A B) : hprop_scope.

Definition himage {X Y} (f : X Y) := image (Tr (-1)) f.

Definition contr_inhab_prop {A} `{IsHProp A} (ma : merely A) : Contr A.
  refine (@contr_trunc_conn (Tr (-1)) A _ _); try assumption.
  refine (contr_inhabited_hprop _ ma).

A stable type is logically equivalent to its (-1)-truncation. (It follows that this is true for decidable types as well.)
Definition merely_inhabited_iff_inhabited_stable {A} {A_stable : Stable A}
  : Tr (-1) A A.
  refine (_, tr).
  intro ma.
  apply stable; intro na.
  revert ma; rapply Trunc_ind; exact na.


Surjections are the (-1)-connected maps, but they can be characterized more simply since an inhabited hprop is automatically contractible.
Notation IsSurjection := (IsConnMap (Tr (-1))).

Definition BuildIsSurjection {A B} (f : A B)
  : ( b, merely (hfiber f b)) IsSurjection f.
  intros H b; refine (contr_inhabited_hprop _ _).
  apply H.

A family of types is pointwise merely inhabited if and only if the corresponding fibration is surjective.
Lemma iff_merely_issurjection {X : Type} (P : X Type)
  : ( x, merely (P x)) IsSurjection (pr1 : {x : X & P x} X).
  refine (iff_compose _ (iff_forall_inO_mapinO_pr1 (Conn _) P)).
  apply iff_functor_forall; intro a.
  symmetry; apply (iff_contr_hprop (Tr (-1) (P a))).

Lemma equiv_merely_issurjection `{Funext} {X : Type} (P : X Type)
  : ( x, merely (P x)) <~> IsSurjection (pr1 : {x : X & P x} X).
Proof. (* Can also be proved from equiv_forall_inO_mapinO_pr1. *)
  exact (equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_merely_issurjection P)).

Surjections cancel on the right
Lemma cancelR_issurjection {A B C : Type} (f : A B) (g : B C)
      (isconn : IsSurjection (g o f))
  : IsSurjection g.
  intro c.
  rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
  rapply (Trunc_functor _ (X:= (hfiber (g o f) c))).
  - intros [a p].
    exact (f a; p).
  - apply center, isconn.

Retractions are surjective.
Definition issurj_retr {X Y : Type} {r : X Y} (s : Y X) (h : y:Y, r (s y) = y)
  : IsSurjection r.
  intro y.
  rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
  exact (tr (s y; h y)).


For any point in the image of an embedding, the fibers are contractable.
Global Instance contr_hfiber_emb {A B} (a : A) (f : A B)
  `{IsEmbedding f}
  : Contr (hfiber f (f a)).
  srapply contr_inhabited_hprop. exact (a; idpath (f a)).

Since embeddings are the (-1)-truncated maps, a map that is both a surjection and an embedding is an equivalence.
Definition isequiv_surj_emb {A B} (f : A B)
  `{IsSurjection f} `{IsEmbedding f}
  : IsEquiv f.
  apply (@isequiv_conn_ino_map (Tr (-1))); assumption.

As a corollary, it follows that if i o f is an equivalence and i is an embedding, then f is an equivalence.
Definition isequiv_isequiv_compose_embedding {X Y Z : Type}
  {f : X Y} (i : Y Z) `{IsEmbedding i}
  `{!IsEquiv (i o f)}
  : IsEquiv f.
  rapply (cancelL_isequiv i).
  refine (isequiv_surj_emb i).
  rapply (cancelR_issurjection f).

If X is a set and f : Y Z is a surjection, then - o f is an embedding.
Definition isembedding_precompose_surjection_hset `{Funext} {X Y Z : Type}
  `{IsHSet X} (f : Y Z) `{IsSurjection f}
  : IsEmbedding (fun phi : Z Xphi o f).
  intros phi; apply istrunc_S.
  intros g0 g1; cbn.
  rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
  apply path_sigma_hprop, equiv_path_arrow.
  rapply conn_map_elim; intro y.
  exact (ap10 (g0.2 @ g1.2^) y).

We next prove that paths : X (X Type) is an embedding. This was proved by Escardo as Lemma 15 in "Injective types in univalent mathematics", but we give an argument similar to the proof of Thm 2.25 of CORS.
This will be an inverse to ap paths. We'll want to show that it is an embedding, so we'll construct it out of pieces that are clearly equivalences, except for one step, equiv_fun.
Definition ap_paths_inverse `{Univalence} {X : Type} (x1 x2 : X)
  : paths x1 = paths x2 x1 = x2.
  refine (_ o @equiv_ap10 _ X Type (paths x1) (paths x2)).
  refine (_ o equiv_functor_forall_id (fun yequiv_equiv_path (x1 = y) (x2 = y))).
  refine (_ o functor_forall_id (fun y ⇒ @equiv_fun (x1 = y) (x2 = y))).
  refine (_ o (equiv_paths_ind x1 (fun y px2 = y))^-1%equiv).
  exact (equiv_path_inverse x2 x1).

A Yoneda-like embedding for path types: paths : X (X Type) is an embedding.
Definition isembedding_paths `{Univalence} {X : Type@{u}} : IsEmbedding (@paths X).
  (* To show that paths is an embedding, it suffices to show that ap paths : x1 = x2 (paths x1) = (paths x2) is an equivalence. *)
  snrapply isembedding_isequiv_ap.
  intros x1 x2.
  (* And for that, it suffices to show that i o (ap paths) is an equivalence for a well-chosen embedding i. *)
  snrapply (isequiv_isequiv_compose_embedding (ap_paths_inverse x1 x2)).
  - (* ap_paths_inverse x1 x2 is an embedding since it is a composite of four equivalences and one embedding.  We can group these into three parts. *)
    unfold ap_paths_inverse.
    nrefine (mapinO_compose (O:=Tr (-1)) _ (equiv_path_inverse x2 x1 oE _)).
    2: exact _. (* The second part is an equivalence, so it's an embedding. *)
    nrefine (mapinO_compose _ (functor_forall_id _)).
    1: exact _. (* The first part is an equivalence, so it's an embedding. *)
    rapply mapinO_functor_forall_id.
    intro y.
    apply isembedding_equiv_fun.
  - (* The composite is an equivalence because it is homotopic to the identity. *)
    srapply (isequiv_homotopic idmap).
    intros [].

Tactic to remove truncations in hypotheses if possible

Ltac strip_truncations :=
search for truncated hypotheses
  progress repeat
    match goal with
    | [ T : _ |- _ ]
      ⇒ revert_opaque T;
        refine (@Trunc_ind _ _ _ _ _);
ensure that we didn't generate more than one subgoal, i.e. that the goal was appropriately truncated
        intro T

See strip_reflections and strip_modalities for generalizations to other reflective subuniverses and modalities. We provide this version because it sometimes needs fewer universes (due to the cumulativity of Trunc). However, that same cumulativity sometimes causes free universe variables. For a hypothesis of type Trunc@{i} X, we can use Trunc_ind@{i j}, but sometimes Coq uses Trunc_ind@{k j} with i k and k otherwise free. In these cases, strip_reflections and/or strip_modalities may generate fewer universe variables.

Iterated truncations

Compare to O_leq_Tr and O_strong_leq_Tr in SeparatedTrunc.v.
Definition O_leq_Tr_leq {n m : trunc_index} (Hmn : m n)
  : O_leq (Tr m) (Tr n).
  intros A; rapply istrunc_leq.

Definition Trunc_min n m X : Tr (trunc_index_min n m) X <~> Tr n (Tr m X).
  destruct (trunc_index_min_path n m) as [p|q].
  + assert (l := trunc_index_min_leq_right n m).
    destruct p^; clear p.
    snrapply (Build_Equiv _ _ (Trunc_functor _ tr)).
    nrapply O_inverts_conn_map.
    rapply (conn_map_O_leq _ (Tr m)).
    rapply O_leq_Tr_leq.
  + assert (l := trunc_index_min_leq_left n m).
    destruct q^; clear q.
    srapply equiv_tr.
    srapply istrunc_leq.

Definition Trunc_swap n m X : Tr n (Tr m X) <~> Tr m (Tr n X).
  refine (Trunc_min m n _ oE equiv_transport (fun kTr k _) _ oE (Trunc_min n m _)^-1).
  apply trunc_index_min_swap.

If you are looking for a theorem about truncation, you may want to read the note "Finding Theorems" in "".