Library HoTT.Types.Arrow
Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.PathGroupoids Basics.Decidable
Basics.Equivalences Basics.Trunc Basics.Tactics Basics.Iff.
Require Import Types.Forall.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.
Generalizable Variables A B C D f g n.
Definition arrow@{u u0} (A : Type@{u}) (B : Type@{u0}) := A → B.
#[export] Instance IsReflexive_arrow : Reflexive arrow :=
fun _ ⇒ idmap.
#[export] Instance IsTransitive_arrow : Transitive arrow :=
fun _ _ _ f g ⇒ compose g f.
Section AssumeFunext.
Context `{Funext}.
There are a number of combinations of dependent and non-dependent for apD10_path_forall; we list all of the combinations as helpful lemmas for rewriting.
Definition ap10_path_arrow {A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (h : f == g)
: ap10 (path_arrow f g h) == h
:= apD10_path_forall f g h.
Definition apD10_path_arrow {A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (h : f == g)
: apD10 (path_arrow f g h) == h
:= apD10_path_forall f g h.
Definition ap10_path_forall {A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (h : f == g)
: ap10 (path_forall f g h) == h
:= apD10_path_forall f g h.
Definition eta_path_arrow {A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (p : f = g)
: path_arrow f g (ap10 p) = p
:= eta_path_forall f g p.
Definition path_arrow_1 {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: (path_arrow f f (fun x ⇒ 1)) = 1
:= eta_path_arrow f f 1.
Definition equiv_ap10 {A B : Type} f g
: (f = g) <~> (f == g)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (@ap10 A B f g) _.
Global Instance isequiv_path_arrow {A B : Type} (f g : A → B)
: IsEquiv (path_arrow f g) | 0
:= isequiv_path_forall f g.
Definition equiv_path_arrow {A B : Type} (f g : A → B)
: (f == g) <~> (f = g)
:= equiv_path_forall f g.
: ap10 (path_arrow f g h) == h
:= apD10_path_forall f g h.
Definition apD10_path_arrow {A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (h : f == g)
: apD10 (path_arrow f g h) == h
:= apD10_path_forall f g h.
Definition ap10_path_forall {A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (h : f == g)
: ap10 (path_forall f g h) == h
:= apD10_path_forall f g h.
Definition eta_path_arrow {A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (p : f = g)
: path_arrow f g (ap10 p) = p
:= eta_path_forall f g p.
Definition path_arrow_1 {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: (path_arrow f f (fun x ⇒ 1)) = 1
:= eta_path_arrow f f 1.
Definition equiv_ap10 {A B : Type} f g
: (f = g) <~> (f == g)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (@ap10 A B f g) _.
Global Instance isequiv_path_arrow {A B : Type} (f g : A → B)
: IsEquiv (path_arrow f g) | 0
:= isequiv_path_forall f g.
Definition equiv_path_arrow {A B : Type} (f g : A → B)
: (f == g) <~> (f = g)
:= equiv_path_forall f g.
Function extensionality for two-variable functions
Definition equiv_path_arrow2 {X Y Z: Type} (f g : X → Y → Z)
: (∀ x y, f x y = g x y) <~> f = g.
refine (equiv_path_arrow _ _ oE _).
apply equiv_functor_forall_id; intro x.
apply equiv_path_arrow.
Definition ap100_path_arrow2 {X Y Z : Type} {f g : X → Y → Z}
(h : ∀ x y, f x y = g x y) (x : X) (y : Y)
: ap100 (equiv_path_arrow2 f g h) x y = h x y.
unfold ap100.
refine (ap (fun p ⇒ ap10 p y) _ @ _).
1: apply apD10_path_arrow.
apply apD10_path_arrow.
: (∀ x y, f x y = g x y) <~> f = g.
refine (equiv_path_arrow _ _ oE _).
apply equiv_functor_forall_id; intro x.
apply equiv_path_arrow.
Definition ap100_path_arrow2 {X Y Z : Type} {f g : X → Y → Z}
(h : ∀ x y, f x y = g x y) (x : X) (y : Y)
: ap100 (equiv_path_arrow2 f g h) x y = h x y.
unfold ap100.
refine (ap (fun p ⇒ ap10 p y) _ @ _).
1: apply apD10_path_arrow.
apply apD10_path_arrow.
Definition path_arrow_pp {A B : Type} (f g h : A → B)
(p : f == g) (q : g == h)
: path_arrow f h (fun x ⇒ p x @ q x) = path_arrow f g p @ path_arrow g h q
:= path_forall_pp f g h p q.
Definition transport_arrow {A : Type} {B C : A → Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 → C x1) (y : B x2)
: (transport (fun x ⇒ B x → C x) p f) y = p # (f (p^ # y)).
destruct p; simpl; auto.
This is an improvement to transport_arrow. That result only shows that the functions are homotopic, but even without funext, we can prove that these functions are equal.
Definition transport_arrow' {A : Type} {B C : A → Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 → C x1)
: transport (fun x ⇒ B x → C x) p f = transport _ p o f o transport _ p^.
destruct p; auto.
Definition transport_arrow_toconst {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 → C) (y : B x2)
: (transport (fun x ⇒ B x → C) p f) y = f (p^ # y).
destruct p; simpl; auto.
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 → C x1)
: transport (fun x ⇒ B x → C x) p f = transport _ p o f o transport _ p^.
destruct p; auto.
Definition transport_arrow_toconst {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 → C) (y : B x2)
: (transport (fun x ⇒ B x → C) p f) y = f (p^ # y).
destruct p; simpl; auto.
This is an improvement to transport_arrow_toconst. That result shows that the functions are homotopic, but even without funext, we can prove that these functions are equal.
Definition transport_arrow_toconst' {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 → C)
: transport (fun x ⇒ B x → C) p f = f o transport B p^.
destruct p; auto.
Definition transport_arrow_fromconst {A B : Type} {C : A → Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B → C x1) (y : B)
: (transport (fun x ⇒ B → C x) p f) y = p # (f y).
destruct p; simpl; auto.
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 → C)
: transport (fun x ⇒ B x → C) p f = f o transport B p^.
destruct p; auto.
Definition transport_arrow_fromconst {A B : Type} {C : A → Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B → C x1) (y : B)
: (transport (fun x ⇒ B → C x) p f) y = p # (f y).
destruct p; simpl; auto.
And some naturality and coherence for these laws.
Definition ap_transport_arrow_toconst {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {C : Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 → C) {y1 y2 : B x2} (q : y1 = y2)
: ap (transport (fun x ⇒ B x → C) p f) q
@ transport_arrow_toconst p f y2
= transport_arrow_toconst p f y1
@ ap (fun y ⇒ f (p^ # y)) q.
destruct p, q; reflexivity.
Dependent paths
Definition dpath_arrow
{A:Type} (B C : A → Type) {x1 x2:A} (p:x1=x2)
(f : B x1 → C x1) (g : B x2 → C x2)
: (∀ (y1:B x1), transport C p (f y1) = g (transport B p y1))
<~> (transport (fun x ⇒ B x → C x) p f = g).
destruct p.
apply equiv_path_arrow.
Definition ap10_dpath_arrow
{A : Type} (B C : A → Type) {x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2)
(f : B x1 → C x1) (g : B x2 → C x2)
(h : ∀ (y1 : B x1), transport C p (f y1) = g (transport B p y1))
(u : B x1)
: ap10 (dpath_arrow B C p f g h) (p # u)
= transport_arrow p f (p # u)
@ ap (fun x ⇒ p # (f x)) (transport_Vp B p u)
@ h u.
destruct p; simpl; unfold ap10.
exact (apD10_path_forall f g h u @ (concat_1p _)^).
Definition ap_apply_l {A B : Type} {x y : A → B} (p : x = y) (z : A)
: ap (fun f ⇒ f z) p = ap10 p z
:= 1.
Definition ap_apply_Fl {A B C : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (M : A → B → C) (z : B)
: ap (fun a ⇒ (M a) z) p = ap10 (ap M p) z
:= match p with 1 ⇒ 1 end.
Definition ap_apply_Fr {A B C : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (z : B → C) (N : A → B)
: ap (fun a ⇒ z (N a)) p = ap01 z (ap N p)
:= (ap_compose N _ _).
Definition ap_apply_FlFr {A B C : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (M : A → B → C) (N : A → B)
: ap (fun a ⇒ (M a) (N a)) p = ap11 (ap M p) (ap N p)
:= match p with 1 ⇒ 1 end.
: ap (fun f ⇒ f z) p = ap10 p z
:= 1.
Definition ap_apply_Fl {A B C : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (M : A → B → C) (z : B)
: ap (fun a ⇒ (M a) z) p = ap10 (ap M p) z
:= match p with 1 ⇒ 1 end.
Definition ap_apply_Fr {A B C : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (z : B → C) (N : A → B)
: ap (fun a ⇒ z (N a)) p = ap01 z (ap N p)
:= (ap_compose N _ _).
Definition ap_apply_FlFr {A B C : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (M : A → B → C) (N : A → B)
: ap (fun a ⇒ (M a) (N a)) p = ap11 (ap M p) (ap N p)
:= match p with 1 ⇒ 1 end.
The action of maps given by lambda.
Definition ap_lambda {A B C : Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (M : A → B → C)
: ap (fun a b ⇒ M a b) p
= path_arrow _ _ (fun b ⇒ ap (fun a ⇒ M a b) p).
destruct p;
simpl; apply path_arrow_1.
: ap (fun a b ⇒ M a b) p
= path_arrow _ _ (fun b ⇒ ap (fun a ⇒ M a b) p).
destruct p;
simpl; apply path_arrow_1.
The action of pre/post-composition on a path between functions. See also ap10_ap_precompose and ap10_ap_postcompose in PathGroupoids.v and ap_precomposeD in Forall.v.
Definition ap_precompose {B P Q : Type}
{f g : Q → P} (h : f = g) (i : B → Q)
: ap (fun (k : Q → P) ⇒ k o i) h
= path_arrow (f o i) (g o i) (ap10 h o i)
:= ap_lambdaD _ _.
Definition ap_postcompose {B P Q : Type}
{f g : Q → P} (h : f = g) (j : P → B)
: ap (fun (k : Q → P) ⇒ j o k) h
= path_arrow (j o f) (j o g ) (fun q ⇒ ap j (ap10 h q)).
destruct h; cbn.
symmetry; apply path_forall_1.
{f g : Q → P} (h : f = g) (i : B → Q)
: ap (fun (k : Q → P) ⇒ k o i) h
= path_arrow (f o i) (g o i) (ap10 h o i)
:= ap_lambdaD _ _.
Definition ap_postcompose {B P Q : Type}
{f g : Q → P} (h : f = g) (j : P → B)
: ap (fun (k : Q → P) ⇒ j o k) h
= path_arrow (j o f) (j o g ) (fun q ⇒ ap j (ap10 h q)).
destruct h; cbn.
symmetry; apply path_forall_1.
Definition functor_arrow `(f : B → A) `(g : C → D)
: (A → C) → (B → D)
:= @functor_forall A (fun _ ⇒ C) B (fun _ ⇒ D) f (fun _ ⇒ g).
Definition not_contrapositive `(f : B → A)
: not A → not B
:= functor_arrow f idmap.
Definition iff_not@{u v k | u ≤ k, v ≤ k}
(A : Type@{u}) (B : Type@{v})
: A ↔ B → iff@{u v k} (¬A) (¬B).
intros e; split; apply not_contrapositive@{_ k}, e.
Definition ap_functor_arrow `(f : B → A) `(g : C → D)
(h h' : A → C) (p : h == h')
: ap (functor_arrow f g) (path_arrow _ _ p)
= path_arrow _ _ (fun b ⇒ ap g (p (f b)))
:= @ap_functor_forall _ A (fun _ ⇒ C) B (fun _ ⇒ D)
f (fun _ ⇒ g) h h' p.
Global Instance contr_arrow {A B : Type} `{Contr B}
: Contr (A → B) | 100
:= contr_forall.
Global Instance istrunc_arrow {A B : Type} `{IsTrunc n B}
: IsTrunc n (A → B) | 100
:= istrunc_forall.
Functions from a contractible type
Definition equiv_arrow_from_contr (A B : Type) `{Contr A}
: (A → B) <~> B.
srapply (equiv_adjointify (fun f ⇒ f (center A)) const).
- reflexivity.
- intro f; funext a; unfold const; simpl.
apply (ap f), contr.
: (A → B) <~> B.
srapply (equiv_adjointify (fun f ⇒ f (center A)) const).
- reflexivity.
- intro f; funext a; unfold const; simpl.
apply (ap f), contr.
Global Instance isequiv_functor_arrow `{IsEquiv B A f} `{IsEquiv C D g}
: IsEquiv (functor_arrow f g) | 1000
:= @isequiv_functor_forall _ A (fun _ ⇒ C) B (fun _ ⇒ D)
_ _ _ _.
Definition equiv_functor_arrow `{IsEquiv B A f} `{IsEquiv C D g}
: (A → C) <~> (B → D)
:= @equiv_functor_forall _ A (fun _ ⇒ C) B (fun _ ⇒ D)
f _ (fun _ ⇒ g) _.
Definition equiv_functor_arrow' `(f : B <~> A) `(g : C <~> D)
: (A → C) <~> (B → D)
:= @equiv_functor_forall' _ A (fun _ ⇒ C) B (fun _ ⇒ D)
f (fun _ ⇒ g).
(* We could do something like this notation, but it's not clear that it would be that useful, and might be confusing. *)
(* Notation "f -> g" := (equiv_functor_arrow' f g) : equiv_scope. *)
End AssumeFunext.