Library HoTT.Spaces.Pos.Core

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics Basics.Decidable

Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.

Binary Positive Integers

Most of this file has been adapted from the coq standard library for positive binary integers.
Here we define the inductive type of positive binary numbers.
Inductive Pos : Type0 :=
  | xH : Pos
  | x0 : Pos Pos
  | x1 : Pos Pos.

Declare Scope positive_scope.
Delimit Scope positive_scope with pos.

Here are some notations that let us write binary positive integers more easily.
Notation "1" := xH : positive_scope.
Notation "p ~ 1" := (x1 p) : positive_scope.
Notation "p ~ 0" := (x0 p) : positive_scope.

Local Open Scope positive_scope.


Fixpoint pos_succ x :=
  match x with
    | p~1(pos_succ p)~0
    | p~0p~1
    | 1 ⇒ 1~0

Peano induction (due to Daniel Schepler)
Fixpoint pos_peano_ind (P : Pos Type) (a : P 1)
  (f : p, P p P (pos_succ p)) (p : Pos) : P p
  := let f2 := pos_peano_ind (fun pP (p~0))
    (f _ a) (fun p (x : P p~0) ⇒ f _ (f _ x))
  in match p with
      | q~1f _ (f2 q)
      | q~0f2 q
      | 1 ⇒ a

Computation rules for Peano induction
Definition pos_peano_ind_beta_1 (P : Pos Type) (a : P 1)
  (f : p, P p P (pos_succ p))
  : pos_peano_ind P a f 1 = a := idpath.

Definition pos_peano_ind_beta_pos_succ (P : Pos Type) (a : P 1)
  (f : p, P p P (pos_succ p)) (p : Pos)
  : pos_peano_ind P a f (pos_succ p) = f _ (pos_peano_ind P a f p).
  revert P a f.
  induction p; trivial.
  intros P a f.
  srapply IHp.

Definition pos_peano_rec (P : Type)
  : P (Pos P P) Pos P
  := pos_peano_ind (fun _P).

Definition pos_peano_rec_beta_pos_succ (P : Type)
  (a : P) (f : Pos P P) (p : Pos)
  : pos_peano_rec P a f (pos_succ p) = f p (pos_peano_rec P a f p)
  := pos_peano_ind_beta_pos_succ (fun _P) a f p.

Properties of constructors

Definition x0_inj {z w : Pos} (p : x0 z = x0 w) : z = w
  := transport (fun sz = (
    match s with xHw | x0 aa | x1 aw end)) p idpath.

Definition x1_inj {z w : Pos} (p : x1 z = x1 w) : z = w
  := transport (fun sz = (
    match s with xHw | x0 aw | x1 aa end)) p idpath.

Definition x0_neq_xH {z : Pos} : x0 z xH
  := fun ptransport (fun s
    match s with xHEmpty | x0 az = a | x1 aEmpty end) p idpath.

Definition x1_neq_xH {z : Pos} : x1 z xH
  := fun ptransport (fun s
    match s with xHEmpty | x0 aEmpty | x1 az = a end) p idpath.

Definition x0_neq_x1 {z w : Pos} : x0 z x1 w
  := fun ptransport (fun s
    match s with xHEmpty | x0 az = a | x1 _Empty end) p idpath.

Definition xH_neq_x0 {z : Pos} : xH x0 z
  := x0_neq_xH o symmetry _ _.

Definition xH_neq_x1 {z : Pos} : xH x1 z
  := x1_neq_xH o symmetry _ _.

Definition x1_neq_x0 {z w : Pos} : x1 z x0 w
  := x0_neq_x1 o symmetry _ _.

Positive binary integers have decidable paths

Global Instance decpaths_pos : DecidablePaths Pos.
  intros n; induction n as [|zn|on];
  intros m; induction m as [|zm|om].
  + exact (inl idpath).
  + exact (inr xH_neq_x0).
  + exact (inr xH_neq_x1).
  + exact (inr x0_neq_xH).
  + destruct (IHzn zm) as [p|q].
    - apply inl, ap, p.
    - apply inr; intro p.
      by apply q, x0_inj.
  + exact (inr x0_neq_x1).
  + exact (inr x1_neq_xH).
  + exact (inr x1_neq_x0).
  + destruct (IHon om) as [p|q].
    - apply inl, ap, p.
    - apply inr; intro p.
      by apply q, x1_inj.

Decidable paths imply Pos is a hSet
Global Instance ishset_pos : IsHSet Pos := _.

Operations over positive numbers


Fixpoint pos_add x y :=
  match x, y with
    | p~1, q~1(pos_add_carry p q)~0
    | p~1, q~0(pos_add p q)~1
    | p~1, 1 ⇒ (pos_succ p)~0
    | p~0, q~1(pos_add p q)~1
    | p~0, q~0(pos_add p q)~0
    | p~0, 1 ⇒ p~1
    | 1, q~1(pos_succ q)~0
    | 1, q~0q~1
    | 1, 1 ⇒ 1~0

with pos_add_carry x y :=
  match x, y with
    | p~1, q~1(pos_add_carry p q)~1
    | p~1, q~0(pos_add_carry p q)~0
    | p~1, 1 ⇒ (pos_succ p)~1
    | p~0, q~1(pos_add_carry p q)~0
    | p~0, q~0(pos_add p q)~1
    | p~0, 1 ⇒ (pos_succ p)~0
    | 1, q~1(pos_succ q)~1
    | 1, q~0(pos_succ q)~0
    | 1, 1 ⇒ 1~1

Infix "+" := pos_add : positive_scope.

Operation x 2*x-1

Fixpoint pos_pred_double x :=
  match x with
    | p~1p~0~1
    | p~0(pos_pred_double p)~1
    | 1 ⇒ 1


Definition pos_pred x :=
  match x with
    | p~1p~0
    | p~0pos_pred_double p
    | 1 ⇒ 1

An auxiliary type for subtraction

Inductive Pos_mask : Set :=
  | IsNul : Pos_mask
  | IsPos : Pos Pos_mask
  | IsNeg : Pos_mask.

Operation x 2*x+1

Definition pos_mask_succ_double (x : Pos_mask) : Pos_mask :=
  match x with
    | IsNulIsPos 1
    | IsNegIsNeg
    | IsPos pIsPos p~1

Operation x 2*x

Definition pos_mask_double (x : Pos_mask) : Pos_mask :=
  match x with
    | IsNulIsNul
    | IsNegIsNeg
    | IsPos pIsPos p~0

Operation x 2*x-2

Definition pos_mask_double_pred x : Pos_mask :=
  match x with
    | p~1IsPos p~0~0
    | p~0IsPos (pos_pred_double p)~0
    | 1 ⇒ IsNul

Predecessor with mask

Definition pos_mask_pred (p : Pos_mask) : Pos_mask :=
  match p with
    | IsPos 1 ⇒ IsNul
    | IsPos qIsPos (pos_pred q)
    | IsNulIsNeg
    | IsNegIsNeg

Subtraction, result as a mask

Fixpoint pos_mask_sub (x y : Pos) {struct y} : Pos_mask :=
  match x, y with
    | p~1, q~1pos_mask_double (pos_mask_sub p q)
    | p~1, q~0pos_mask_succ_double (pos_mask_sub p q)
    | p~1, 1 ⇒ IsPos p~0
    | p~0, q~1pos_mask_succ_double (pos_mask_sub_carry p q)
    | p~0, q~0pos_mask_double (pos_mask_sub p q)
    | p~0, 1 ⇒ IsPos (pos_pred_double p)
    | 1, 1 ⇒ IsNul
    | 1, _IsNeg

with pos_mask_sub_carry (x y : Pos) {struct y} : Pos_mask :=
  match x, y with
    | p~1, q~1pos_mask_succ_double (pos_mask_sub_carry p q)
    | p~1, q~0pos_mask_double (pos_mask_sub p q)
    | p~1, 1 ⇒ IsPos (pos_pred_double p)
    | p~0, q~1pos_mask_double (pos_mask_sub_carry p q)
    | p~0, q~0pos_mask_succ_double (pos_mask_sub_carry p q)
    | p~0, 1 ⇒ pos_mask_double_pred p
    | 1, _IsNeg

Subtraction, result as a positive, returning 1 if xy

Definition pos_sub x y :=
  match pos_mask_sub x y with
    | IsPos zz
    | _ ⇒ 1

Infix "-" := pos_sub : positive_scope.


Fixpoint pos_mul x y :=
  match x with
    | p~1y + (pos_mul p y)~0
    | p~0(pos_mul p y)~0
    | 1 ⇒ y

Infix "×" := pos_mul : positive_scope.

Iteration over a positive number

Definition pos_iter {A : Type} (f : A A)
  : Pos A A.
  apply (pos_peano_rec (A A) f).
  intros n g.
  exact (f o g).

Iteration of a two-variable function, with nesting reflecting the bits

Definition pos_iter_op {A} (op : A A A)
  := fix p_iter (p : Pos) (a : A) : A
    := match p with
        | 1 ⇒ a
        | p~0p_iter p (op a a)
        | p~1op a (p_iter p (op a a))


Definition pos_pow (x : Pos) := pos_iter (pos_mul x) 1.


Fixpoint pos_square p :=
  match p with
    | p~1(pos_square p + p)~0~1
    | p~0(pos_square p)~0~0
    | 1 ⇒ 1

Division by 2 rounded below but for 1

Definition pos_div2 p :=
  match p with
    | 1 ⇒ 1
    | p~0p
    | p~1p

Division by 2 rounded up

Definition pos_div2_up p :=
 match p with
   | 1 ⇒ 1
   | p~0p
   | p~1pos_succ p

Number of digits in a positive number

Fixpoint nat_pos_size p : nat :=
  match p with
    | 1 ⇒ S O
    | p~1S (nat_pos_size p)
    | p~0S (nat_pos_size p)

Same, with positive output

Fixpoint pos_size p :=
  match p with
    | 1 ⇒ 1
    | p~1pos_succ (pos_size p)
    | p~0pos_succ (pos_size p)

From binary positive numbers to Peano natural numbers

Sends n to n, missing 0.
Definition nat_of_pos (p : Pos) : nat
  := pos_iter S p 0%nat.

From Peano natural numbers to binary positive numbers

A version preserving positive numbers, and sending 0 to 1.

Fixpoint pos_of_nat (n : nat) : Pos :=
 match n with
   | O ⇒ 1
   | S O ⇒ 1
   | S xpos_succ (pos_of_nat x)

(* Another version that converts n into n+1 *)

Fixpoint pos_of_succ_nat (n : nat) : Pos :=
  match n with
    | O ⇒ 1
    | S xpos_succ (pos_of_succ_nat x)

Conversion with a decimal representation for printing/parsing

Local Notation ten := 1~0~1~0.

Fixpoint pos_of_uint_acc (d : Decimal.uint) (acc : Pos) :=
  match d with
  | Decimal.Nilacc
  | Decimal.D0 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_mul ten acc)
  | Decimal.D1 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_add 1 (pos_mul ten acc))
  | Decimal.D2 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_add 1~0 (pos_mul ten acc))
  | Decimal.D3 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_add 1~1 (pos_mul ten acc))
  | Decimal.D4 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_add 1~0~0 (pos_mul ten acc))
  | Decimal.D5 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_add 1~0~1 (pos_mul ten acc))
  | Decimal.D6 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_add 1~1~0 (pos_mul ten acc))
  | Decimal.D7 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_add 1~1~1 (pos_mul ten acc))
  | Decimal.D8 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_add 1~0~0~0 (pos_mul ten acc))
  | Decimal.D9 lpos_of_uint_acc l (pos_add 1~0~0~1 (pos_mul ten acc))

Fixpoint pos_of_uint (d : Decimal.uint) : option Pos :=
  match d with
    | Decimal.NilNone
    | Decimal.D0 lpos_of_uint l
    | Decimal.D1 lSome (pos_of_uint_acc l 1)
    | Decimal.D2 lSome (pos_of_uint_acc l 1~0)
    | Decimal.D3 lSome (pos_of_uint_acc l 1~1)
    | Decimal.D4 lSome (pos_of_uint_acc l 1~0~0)
    | Decimal.D5 lSome (pos_of_uint_acc l 1~0~1)
    | Decimal.D6 lSome (pos_of_uint_acc l 1~1~0)
    | Decimal.D7 lSome (pos_of_uint_acc l 1~1~1)
    | Decimal.D8 lSome (pos_of_uint_acc l 1~0~0~0)
    | Decimal.D9 lSome (pos_of_uint_acc l 1~0~0~1)

Definition pos_of_decimal_int ( : option Pos :=
  match d with
  | Decimal.Pos dpos_of_uint d
  | Decimal.Neg _None

Definition pos_of_number_uint ( : option Pos :=
  match d with
  | Numeral.IntDec dpos_of_decimal_int d
  | Numeral.IntHex _None

Fixpoint pos_to_little_uint p :=
  match p with
  | 1 ⇒ Decimal.D1 Decimal.Nil
  | p~1Decimal.Little.succ_double (pos_to_little_uint p)
  | p~0Decimal.Little.double (pos_to_little_uint p)

Definition pos_to_uint p := Decimal.rev (pos_to_little_uint p).

Definition pos_to_decimal_int n := Decimal.Pos (pos_to_uint n).

Definition pos_to_number_uint p := Numeral.UIntDec (pos_to_uint p).

Definition pos_to_nat : Pos nat.
  intro p. induction p.
  + exact (S O).
  + exact (nat_add IHp IHp).
  + exact (S (nat_add IHp IHp)).

Number Notation Pos pos_of_number_uint pos_to_number_uint : positive_scope.