Library HoTT.Basics.Decidable

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*-  *)
Require Import
Local Open Scope trunc_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.



(* NB: This has to come after our definition of not (which is in Overture), so that it refers to our not rather than the one in Coq.Logic. *)
Class Decidable (A : Type) :=
  dec : A + (¬ A).
Arguments dec A {_}.

The decide_type and decide tactic allow to automatically prove decidable claims using previously written decision procedures that compute.
Ltac decide_type A :=
  let K := (eval hnf in (dec A)) in
  match K with
  | inl ?Zexact Z
  | inr ?Zexact Z

Ltac decide :=
  match goal with
  | [|- ?A] ⇒ decide_type A

Class DecidablePaths (A : Type) :=
  dec_paths : (x y : A), Decidable (x = y).
Global Existing Instance dec_paths.

Class Stable P := stable : ~~P P.

Global Instance stable_decidable P `{!Decidable P} : Stable P.
  intros dn;destruct (dec P) as [p|n].
  - assumption.
  - apply Empty_rect,dn,n.

Global Instance stable_negation P : Stable (¬ P).
  intros nnnp p.
  exact (nnnp (fun npnp p)).

Because vm_compute evaluates terms in PROP eagerly and does not remove dead code we need the decide_rel hack. Suppose we have (x = y) =def (f x = f y), now: bool_decide (x = y) -> bool_decide (f x = f y) -> ... As we see, the dead code f x and f y is actually evaluated, which is of course an utter waste. Therefore we introduce decide_rel and bool_decide_rel. bool_decide_rel (=) x y -> bool_decide_rel (fun a b => f a = f b) x y -> ... Now the definition of equality remains under a lambda and our problem does not occur anymore!
Definition decide_rel {A B} (R : A B Type)
  {dec : x y, Decidable (R x y)} (x : A) (y : B)
  : Decidable (R x y)
  := dec x y.

Decidable hprops

Contractible types are decidable.

Global Instance decidable_contr X `{Contr X} : Decidable X
  := inl (center X).

Thus, hprops have decidable equality.

Global Instance decidablepaths_hprop X `{IsHProp X} : DecidablePaths X
  := fun x ydec (x = y).

Empty types are trivial.

Global Instance decidable_empty : Decidable Empty
  := inr idmap.

Transfer along equivalences

Definition decidable_equiv (A : Type) {B : Type} (f : A B) `{IsEquiv A B f}
: Decidable A Decidable B.
  intros [a|na].
  - exact (inl (f a)).
  - exact (inr (fun bna (f^-1 b))).

Definition decidable_equiv' (A : Type) {B : Type} (f : A <~> B)
: Decidable A Decidable B
  := decidable_equiv A f.

Definition decidablepaths_equiv
           (A : Type) {B : Type} (f : A B) `{IsEquiv A B f}
: DecidablePaths A DecidablePaths B.
  intros d x y.
  destruct (d (f^-1 x) (f^-1 y)) as [e|ne].
  - apply inl. exact ((eisretr f x)^ @ ap f e @ eisretr f y).
  - apply inr; intros p. apply ne, ap, p.

Definition decidablepaths_equiv' (A : Type) {B : Type} (f : A <~> B)
: DecidablePaths A DecidablePaths B
  := decidablepaths_equiv A f.

Hedberg's theorem: any type with decidable equality is a set.

A weakly constant function is one all of whose values are equal (in a specified way).
Class WeaklyConstant {A B} (f : A B) :=
  wconst : x y, f x = f y.

Any map that factors through an hprop is weakly constant.
Definition wconst_through_hprop {A B P} `{IsHProp P}
           (f : A P) (g : P B)
: WeaklyConstant (g o f).
  intros x y; apply (ap g), path_ishprop.

A type is collapsible if it admits a weakly constant endomap.
Class Collapsible (A : Type) :=
  { collapse : A A ;
    wconst_collapse : WeaklyConstant collapse
Global Existing Instance wconst_collapse.

Class PathCollapsible (A : Type) :=
  path_coll : (x y : A), Collapsible (x = y).
Global Existing Instance path_coll.

Global Instance collapsible_decidable (A : Type) `{Decidable A}
: Collapsible A.
  destruct (dec A) as [a | na].
  - (const a).
    intros x y; reflexivity.
  - idmap.
    intros x y; destruct (na x).

Global Instance pathcoll_decpaths (A : Type) `{DecidablePaths A}
: PathCollapsible A.
  intros x y; exact _.

We give this a relatively high-numbered priority so that in deducing IsHProp IsHSet Coq doesn't detour via DecidablePaths.
Global Instance hset_pathcoll (A : Type) `{PathCollapsible A}
: IsHSet A | 1000.
  apply istrunc_S.
  intros x y.
  assert (h : p:x=y, p = (collapse (idpath x))^ @ collapse p).
  { intros []; symmetry; by apply concat_Vp. }
  apply hprop_allpath; intros p q.
  refine (h p @ _ @ (h q)^).
  apply whiskerL.
  apply wconst.

Definition collapsible_hprop (A : Type) `{IsHProp A}
: Collapsible A.
  intros x y; apply path_ishprop.

Definition pathcoll_hset (A : Type) `{IsHSet A}
: PathCollapsible A.
  intros x y; apply collapsible_hprop; exact _.

Corollary hset_decpaths (A : Type) `{DecidablePaths A}
: IsHSet A.
  exact _.


Having decidable equality (which implies being an hset, by Hedberg's theorem above) is itself an hprop.

Global Instance ishprop_decpaths `{Funext} (A : Type)
: IsHProp (DecidablePaths A).
  apply hprop_inhabited_contr; intros d.
  assert (IsHSet A) by exact _.
  apply (Build_Contr _ d).
  intros d'.
  apply path_forall; intros x; apply path_forall; intros y.
  generalize (d x y); clear d; intros d.
  generalize (d' x y); clear d'; intros d'.
  destruct d as [d|nd]; destruct d' as [d'|nd'].
  - apply ap, path_ishprop.
  - elim (nd' d).
  - elim (nd d').
  - apply ap, path_forall; intros p; elim (nd p).