Library HoTT.Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types.
Require Import Equiv.BiInv Extensions HProp HFiber NullHomotopy Limits.Pullback.
Require Import Homotopy.IdentitySystems.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Require Import Equiv.BiInv Extensions HProp HFiber NullHomotopy Limits.Pullback.
Require Import Homotopy.IdentitySystems.
Require Import Colimits.Pushout.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Reflective Subuniverses
- The Book: The Homotopy Type Theory Book, chapter 7. Bare references to "Theorem 7.x.x" are always to the Book.
- RSS: Rijke, Spitters, and Shulman, "Modalities in homotopy type theory",
- CORS: Christensen, Opie, Rijke, and Scoccola, "Localization in Homotopy Type Theory",
Record Subuniverse@{i} :=
In_internal : Type@{i} → Type@{i} ;
hprop_inO_internal : Funext → ∀ (T : Type@{i}),
IsHProp (In_internal T) ;
inO_equiv_inO_internal : ∀ (T U : Type@{i}) (T_inO : In_internal T)
(f : T → U) {feq : IsEquiv f},
In_internal U ;
Work around Coq bug that fields of records can't be typeclasses.
Being in the subuniverse is a mere predicate (by hypothesis). We include funext in the hypotheses of hprop_inO so that it doesn't have to be assumed in all definitions of (reflective) subuniverses, since in most examples it is required for this and this only. Here we redefine it using the replaced In.
Global Instance hprop_inO `{Funext} (O : Subuniverse) (T : Type)
: IsHProp (In O T)
:= @hprop_inO_internal _ _ T.
: IsHProp (In O T)
:= @hprop_inO_internal _ _ T.
We assumed repleteness of the subuniverse in the definition. Of course, with univalence this would be automatic, but we include it as a hypothesis since most of the theory of reflective subuniverses and modalities doesn't need univalence, and most or all examples can be shown to be replete without using univalence. Here we redefine it using the replaced In.
Definition inO_equiv_inO {O : Subuniverse} (T : Type) {U : Type}
`{T_inO : In O T} (f : T → U) `{IsEquiv T U f}
: In O U
:= @inO_equiv_inO_internal O T U T_inO f _.
Definition inO_equiv_inO' {O : Subuniverse}
(T : Type) {U : Type} `{In O T} (f : T <~> U)
: In O U
:= inO_equiv_inO T f.
Definition iff_inO_equiv (O : Subuniverse)
{T : Type} {U : Type} (f : T <~> U)
: In O T ↔ In O U
:= (fun H ⇒ inO_equiv_inO' _ f, fun H ⇒ inO_equiv_inO' _ f^-1).
Definition equiv_inO_equiv `{Funext} (O : Subuniverse)
{T : Type} {U : Type} (f : T <~> U)
: In O T <~> In O U
:= equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_inO_equiv _ f).
`{T_inO : In O T} (f : T → U) `{IsEquiv T U f}
: In O U
:= @inO_equiv_inO_internal O T U T_inO f _.
Definition inO_equiv_inO' {O : Subuniverse}
(T : Type) {U : Type} `{In O T} (f : T <~> U)
: In O U
:= inO_equiv_inO T f.
Definition iff_inO_equiv (O : Subuniverse)
{T : Type} {U : Type} (f : T <~> U)
: In O T ↔ In O U
:= (fun H ⇒ inO_equiv_inO' _ f, fun H ⇒ inO_equiv_inO' _ f^-1).
Definition equiv_inO_equiv `{Funext} (O : Subuniverse)
{T : Type} {U : Type} (f : T <~> U)
: In O T <~> In O U
:= equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_inO_equiv _ f).
The universe of types in the subuniverse
Definition Type_@{i j} (O : Subuniverse@{i}) : Type@{j}
:= @sig@{j i} Type@{i} (fun (T : Type@{i}) ⇒ In O T).
Coercion TypeO_pr1 O (T : Type_ O) := @pr1 Type (In O) T.
:= @sig@{j i} Type@{i} (fun (T : Type@{i}) ⇒ In O T).
Coercion TypeO_pr1 O (T : Type_ O) := @pr1 Type (In O) T.
The second component of TypeO is unique.
Definition path_TypeO@{i j} {fs : Funext} O (T T' : Type_@{i j} O) (p : T.1 = T'.1)
: T = T'
:= path_sigma_hprop@{j i j} T T' p.
Definition equiv_path_TypeO@{i j} {fs : Funext} O (T T' : Type_@{i j} O)
: (paths@{j} T.1 T'.1) <~> (T = T')
:= equiv_path_sigma_hprop@{j i j} T T'.
: T = T'
:= path_sigma_hprop@{j i j} T T' p.
Definition equiv_path_TypeO@{i j} {fs : Funext} O (T T' : Type_@{i j} O)
: (paths@{j} T.1 T'.1) <~> (T = T')
:= equiv_path_sigma_hprop@{j i j} T T'.
Types in TypeO are always in O.
Class MapIn (O : Subuniverse) {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
:= inO_hfiber_ino_map : ∀ (b:B), In O (hfiber f b).
Global Existing Instance inO_hfiber_ino_map.
Section Subuniverse.
Context (O : Subuniverse).
:= inO_hfiber_ino_map : ∀ (b:B), In O (hfiber f b).
Global Existing Instance inO_hfiber_ino_map.
Section Subuniverse.
Context (O : Subuniverse).
Being a local map is an hprop
Global Instance ishprop_mapinO `{Funext} {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: IsHProp (MapIn O f).
apply istrunc_forall.
: IsHProp (MapIn O f).
apply istrunc_forall.
Anything homotopic to a local map is local.
Definition mapinO_homotopic {A B : Type} (f : A → B) {g : A → B}
(p : f == g) `{MapIn O _ _ f}
: MapIn O g.
intros b.
exact (inO_equiv_inO (hfiber f b)
(equiv_hfiber_homotopic f g p b)).
(p : f == g) `{MapIn O _ _ f}
: MapIn O g.
intros b.
exact (inO_equiv_inO (hfiber f b)
(equiv_hfiber_homotopic f g p b)).
The projection from a family of local types is local.
Global Instance mapinO_pr1 {A : Type} {B : A → Type}
`{∀ a, In O (B a)}
: MapIn O (@pr1 A B).
intros a.
exact (inO_equiv_inO (B a) (hfiber_fibration a B)).
`{∀ a, In O (B a)}
: MapIn O (@pr1 A B).
intros a.
exact (inO_equiv_inO (B a) (hfiber_fibration a B)).
A family of types is local if and only if the associated projection map is local.
Lemma iff_forall_inO_mapinO_pr1 {A : Type} (B : A → Type)
: (∀ a, In O (B a)) ↔ MapIn O (@pr1 A B).
- exact _. (* Uses the instance mapinO_pr1 above. *)
- rapply functor_forall; intros a x.
exact (inO_equiv_inO (hfiber pr1 a)
(hfiber_fibration a B)^-1%equiv).
Lemma equiv_forall_inO_mapinO_pr1 `{Funext} {A : Type} (B : A → Type)
: (∀ a, In O (B a)) <~> MapIn O (@pr1 A B).
exact (equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_forall_inO_mapinO_pr1 B)).
End Subuniverse.
: (∀ a, In O (B a)) ↔ MapIn O (@pr1 A B).
- exact _. (* Uses the instance mapinO_pr1 above. *)
- rapply functor_forall; intros a x.
exact (inO_equiv_inO (hfiber pr1 a)
(hfiber_fibration a B)^-1%equiv).
Lemma equiv_forall_inO_mapinO_pr1 `{Funext} {A : Type} (B : A → Type)
: (∀ a, In O (B a)) <~> MapIn O (@pr1 A B).
exact (equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried (iff_forall_inO_mapinO_pr1 B)).
End Subuniverse.
Class PreReflects@{i} (O : Subuniverse@{i}) (T : Type@{i}) :=
O_reflector : Type@{i} ;
O_inO : In O O_reflector ;
to : T → O_reflector ;
Arguments O_reflector O T {_}.
Arguments to O T {_}.
Arguments O_inO {O} T {_}.
Global Existing Instance O_inO.
O_reflector : Type@{i} ;
O_inO : In O O_reflector ;
to : T → O_reflector ;
Arguments O_reflector O T {_}.
Arguments to O T {_}.
Arguments O_inO {O} T {_}.
Global Existing Instance O_inO.
It is a reflection if it has the requisite universal property.
Class Reflects@{i} (O : Subuniverse@{i}) (T : Type@{i})
`{PreReflects@{i} O T} :=
extendable_to_O : ∀ {Q : Type@{i}} {Q_inO : In O Q},
ooExtendableAlong (to O T) (fun _ ⇒ Q)
Arguments extendable_to_O O {T _ _ Q Q_inO}.
`{PreReflects@{i} O T} :=
extendable_to_O : ∀ {Q : Type@{i}} {Q_inO : In O Q},
ooExtendableAlong (to O T) (fun _ ⇒ Q)
Arguments extendable_to_O O {T _ _ Q Q_inO}.
Here's a modified version that applies to types in possibly-smaller universes without collapsing those universes to i.
Definition extendable_to_O'@{i j k | j ≤ i, k ≤ i} (O : Subuniverse@{i}) (T : Type@{j})
`{Reflects O T} {Q : Type@{k}} {Q_inO : In O Q}
: ooExtendableAlong (to O T) (fun _ ⇒ Q).
apply lift_ooextendablealong.
rapply extendable_to_O.
`{Reflects O T} {Q : Type@{k}} {Q_inO : In O Q}
: ooExtendableAlong (to O T) (fun _ ⇒ Q).
apply lift_ooextendablealong.
rapply extendable_to_O.
In particular, every type in the subuniverse automatically reflects into it.
Definition prereflects_in (O : Subuniverse) (T : Type) `{In O T} : PreReflects O T.
unshelve econstructor.
- exact T.
- assumption.
- exact idmap.
Definition reflects_in (O : Subuniverse) (T : Type) `{In O T} : @Reflects O T (prereflects_in O T).
constructor; intros; rapply ooextendable_equiv.
unshelve econstructor.
- exact T.
- assumption.
- exact idmap.
Definition reflects_in (O : Subuniverse) (T : Type) `{In O T} : @Reflects O T (prereflects_in O T).
constructor; intros; rapply ooextendable_equiv.
A reflective subuniverse is one for which every type reflects into it.
Record ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i} :=
rsu_subuniv : Subuniverse@{i} ;
rsu_prereflects : ∀ (T : Type@{i}), PreReflects rsu_subuniv T ;
rsu_reflects : ∀ (T : Type@{i}), Reflects rsu_subuniv T ;
Coercion rsu_subuniv : ReflectiveSubuniverse >-> Subuniverse.
Global Existing Instance rsu_prereflects.
Global Existing Instance rsu_reflects.
rsu_subuniv : Subuniverse@{i} ;
rsu_prereflects : ∀ (T : Type@{i}), PreReflects rsu_subuniv T ;
rsu_reflects : ∀ (T : Type@{i}), Reflects rsu_subuniv T ;
Coercion rsu_subuniv : ReflectiveSubuniverse >-> Subuniverse.
Global Existing Instance rsu_prereflects.
Global Existing Instance rsu_reflects.
We allow the name of a subuniverse or modality to be used as the name of its reflector. This means that when defining a particular example, you should generally put the parametrizing family in a wrapper, so that you can notate the subuniverse as parametrized by, rather than identical to, its parameter. See Modality.v, Truncations.v, and Localization.v for examples.
Definition rsu_reflector (O : ReflectiveSubuniverse) (T : Type) : Type
:= O_reflector O T.
Coercion rsu_reflector : ReflectiveSubuniverse >-> Funclass.
:= O_reflector O T.
Coercion rsu_reflector : ReflectiveSubuniverse >-> Funclass.
Recursion principles
Section ORecursion.
Context {O : Subuniverse} {P Q : Type} {Q_inO : In O Q} `{Reflects O P}.
Definition O_rec (f : P → Q)
: O_reflector O P → Q
:= (fst (extendable_to_O O 1%nat) f).1.
Definition O_rec_beta (f : P → Q) (x : P)
: O_rec f (to O P x) = f x
:= (fst (extendable_to_O O 1%nat) f).2 x.
Definition O_indpaths (g h : O_reflector O P → Q)
(p : g o to O P == h o to O P)
: g == h
:= (fst (snd (extendable_to_O O 2) g h) p).1.
Definition O_indpaths_beta (g h : O_reflector O P → Q)
(p : g o (to O P) == h o (to O P)) (x : P)
: O_indpaths g h p (to O P x) = p x
:= (fst (snd (extendable_to_O O 2) g h) p).2 x.
Definition O_ind2paths {g h : O_reflector O P → Q} (p q : g == h)
(r : p oD (to O P) == q oD (to O P))
: p == q
:= (fst (snd (snd (extendable_to_O O 3) g h) p q) r).1.
Definition O_ind2paths_beta {g h : O_reflector O P → Q} (p q : g == h)
(r : p oD (to O P) == q oD (to O P)) (x : P)
: O_ind2paths p q r (to O P x) = r x
:= (fst (snd (snd (extendable_to_O O 3) g h) p q) r).2 x.
Context {O : Subuniverse} {P Q : Type} {Q_inO : In O Q} `{Reflects O P}.
Definition O_rec (f : P → Q)
: O_reflector O P → Q
:= (fst (extendable_to_O O 1%nat) f).1.
Definition O_rec_beta (f : P → Q) (x : P)
: O_rec f (to O P x) = f x
:= (fst (extendable_to_O O 1%nat) f).2 x.
Definition O_indpaths (g h : O_reflector O P → Q)
(p : g o to O P == h o to O P)
: g == h
:= (fst (snd (extendable_to_O O 2) g h) p).1.
Definition O_indpaths_beta (g h : O_reflector O P → Q)
(p : g o (to O P) == h o (to O P)) (x : P)
: O_indpaths g h p (to O P x) = p x
:= (fst (snd (extendable_to_O O 2) g h) p).2 x.
Definition O_ind2paths {g h : O_reflector O P → Q} (p q : g == h)
(r : p oD (to O P) == q oD (to O P))
: p == q
:= (fst (snd (snd (extendable_to_O O 3) g h) p q) r).1.
Definition O_ind2paths_beta {g h : O_reflector O P → Q} (p q : g == h)
(r : p oD (to O P) == q oD (to O P)) (x : P)
: O_ind2paths p q r (to O P x) = r x
:= (fst (snd (snd (extendable_to_O O 3) g h) p q) r).2 x.
Clearly we can continue indefinitely as needed.
End ORecursion.
(* We never want to see extendable_to_O. The !x allows cbn to unfold these when passed a constructor, such as tr x. This, for example, means that O_rec (O:=Tr n) f (tr x) will compute to f x and Trunc_functor n f (tr x) will compute to tr (f x). *)
Arguments O_rec {O} {P Q}%_type_scope {Q_inO H H0} f%_function_scope !x.
Arguments O_rec_beta {O} {P Q}%_type_scope {Q_inO H H0} f%_function_scope !x.
Arguments O_indpaths {O} {P Q}%_type_scope {Q_inO H H0} (g h)%_function_scope p !x.
Arguments O_indpaths_beta {O} {P Q}%_type_scope {Q_inO H H0} (g h)%_function_scope p !x.
Arguments O_ind2paths {O} {P Q}%_type_scope {Q_inO H H0} {g h}%_function_scope p q r !x.
Arguments O_ind2paths_beta {O} {P Q}%_type_scope {Q_inO H H0} {g h}%_function_scope p q r !x.
A tactic that generalizes strip_truncations to reflective subuniverses. strip_truncations introduces fewer universe variables, so tends to work better when removing truncations. strip_modalities in Modality.v also applies dependent elimination when O is a modality.
Ltac strip_reflections :=
progress repeat
match goal with
| [ T : _ |- _ ]
⇒ revert_opaque T;
refine (@O_rec _ _ _ _ _ _ _) || refine (@O_indpaths _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
match goal with
| [ T : _ |- _ ]
⇒ revert_opaque T;
refine (@O_rec _ _ _ _ _ _ _) || refine (@O_indpaths _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _);
Ensure that we didn't generate more than one subgoal, i.e. that the goal was appropriately local.
intro T
intro T
Given Funext, we prove the definition of reflective subuniverse in the book.
Global Instance isequiv_o_to_O `{Funext}
(O : ReflectiveSubuniverse) (P Q : Type) `{In O Q}
: IsEquiv (fun g : O P → Q ⇒ g o to O P)
:= isequiv_ooextendable _ _ (extendable_to_O O).
Definition equiv_o_to_O `{Funext}
(O : ReflectiveSubuniverse) (P Q : Type) `{In O Q}
: (O P → Q) <~> (P → Q)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (fun g : O P → Q ⇒ g o to O P) _.
(O : ReflectiveSubuniverse) (P Q : Type) `{In O Q}
: IsEquiv (fun g : O P → Q ⇒ g o to O P)
:= isequiv_ooextendable _ _ (extendable_to_O O).
Definition equiv_o_to_O `{Funext}
(O : ReflectiveSubuniverse) (P Q : Type) `{In O Q}
: (O P → Q) <~> (P → Q)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (fun g : O P → Q ⇒ g o to O P) _.
isequiv_ooextendable is defined in a way that makes O_rec definitionally equal to the inverse of equiv_o_to_O.
Global Instance isequiv_O_rec_to_O `{Funext}
(O : ReflectiveSubuniverse) (P Q : Type) `{In O Q}
: IsEquiv (fun g : P → Q ⇒ O_rec g)
:= (equiv_isequiv (equiv_o_to_O O P Q)^-1).
(O : ReflectiveSubuniverse) (P Q : Type) `{In O Q}
: IsEquiv (fun g : P → Q ⇒ O_rec g)
:= (equiv_isequiv (equiv_o_to_O O P Q)^-1).
Properties of Reflective Subuniverses
Functoriality of O_rec homotopies
Definition O_rec_homotopy {P Q : Type} `{In O Q} (f g : P → Q) (pi : f == g)
: O_rec (O := O) f == O_rec g.
apply O_indpaths; intro x.
{ apply O_rec_beta. }
{ etransitivity.
{ exact (pi _). }
{ symmetry; apply O_rec_beta. } }
: O_rec (O := O) f == O_rec g.
apply O_indpaths; intro x.
{ apply O_rec_beta. }
{ etransitivity.
{ exact (pi _). }
{ symmetry; apply O_rec_beta. } }
Global Instance isequiv_to_O_inO (T : Type) `{In O T} : IsEquiv (to O T).
pose (g := O_rec idmap : O T → T).
refine (isequiv_adjointify (to O T) g _ _).
- refine (O_indpaths (to O T o g) idmap _).
intros x.
apply ap.
apply O_rec_beta.
- intros x.
apply O_rec_beta.
Definition equiv_to_O (T : Type) `{In O T} : T <~> O T
:= Build_Equiv T (O T) (to O T) _.
Section Functor.
pose (g := O_rec idmap : O T → T).
refine (isequiv_adjointify (to O T) g _ _).
- refine (O_indpaths (to O T o g) idmap _).
intros x.
apply ap.
apply O_rec_beta.
- intros x.
apply O_rec_beta.
Definition equiv_to_O (T : Type) `{In O T} : T <~> O T
:= Build_Equiv T (O T) (to O T) _.
Section Functor.
In this section, we see that O is a functor.
Definition to_O_natural {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: (O_functor f) o (to O A) == (to O B) o f
:= (O_rec_beta _).
: (O_functor f) o (to O A) == (to O B) o f
:= (O_rec_beta _).
Functoriality on composition
Definition O_functor_compose {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C)
: (O_functor (g o f)) == (O_functor g) o (O_functor f).
srapply O_indpaths; intros x.
refine (to_O_natural (g o f) x @ _).
transitivity (O_functor g (to O B (f x))).
- symmetry. exact (to_O_natural g (f x)).
- apply ap; symmetry.
exact (to_O_natural f x).
: (O_functor (g o f)) == (O_functor g) o (O_functor f).
srapply O_indpaths; intros x.
refine (to_O_natural (g o f) x @ _).
transitivity (O_functor g (to O B (f x))).
- symmetry. exact (to_O_natural g (f x)).
- apply ap; symmetry.
exact (to_O_natural f x).
Functoriality on homotopies (2-functoriality)
Definition O_functor_homotopy {A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (pi : f == g)
: O_functor f == O_functor g.
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
refine (to_O_natural f x @ _).
refine (_ @ (to_O_natural g x)^).
apply ap, pi.
: O_functor f == O_functor g.
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
refine (to_O_natural f x @ _).
refine (_ @ (to_O_natural g x)^).
apply ap, pi.
Functoriality for inverses of homotopies
Definition O_functor_homotopy_V
{A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (pi : f == g)
: O_functor_homotopy g f (fun x ⇒ (pi x)^)
== fun x ⇒ (O_functor_homotopy f g pi x)^.
refine (O_ind2paths _ _ _); intros x.
unfold composeD, O_functor_homotopy.
rewrite !O_indpaths_beta, !ap_V, !inv_pp, inv_V, !concat_p_pp.
{A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (pi : f == g)
: O_functor_homotopy g f (fun x ⇒ (pi x)^)
== fun x ⇒ (O_functor_homotopy f g pi x)^.
refine (O_ind2paths _ _ _); intros x.
unfold composeD, O_functor_homotopy.
rewrite !O_indpaths_beta, !ap_V, !inv_pp, inv_V, !concat_p_pp.
Hence functoriality on commutative squares
Definition O_functor_square {A B C X : Type} (pi1 : X → A) (pi2 : X → B)
(f : A → C) (g : B → C) (comm : (f o pi1) == (g o pi2))
: ( (O_functor f) o (O_functor pi1) )
== ( (O_functor g) o (O_functor pi2) ).
intros x.
transitivity (O_functor (f o pi1) x).
- symmetry; rapply O_functor_compose.
- transitivity (O_functor (g o pi2) x).
× apply O_functor_homotopy, comm.
× rapply O_functor_compose.
(f : A → C) (g : B → C) (comm : (f o pi1) == (g o pi2))
: ( (O_functor f) o (O_functor pi1) )
== ( (O_functor g) o (O_functor pi2) ).
intros x.
transitivity (O_functor (f o pi1) x).
- symmetry; rapply O_functor_compose.
- transitivity (O_functor (g o pi2) x).
× apply O_functor_homotopy, comm.
× rapply O_functor_compose.
Functoriality on identities
Definition O_functor_idmap (A : Type)
: @O_functor A A idmap == idmap.
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
apply O_rec_beta.
: @O_functor A A idmap == idmap.
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
apply O_rec_beta.
3-functoriality, as an example use of O_ind2paths
Definition O_functor_2homotopy {A B : Type} {f g : A → B}
(p q : f == g) (r : p == q)
: O_functor_homotopy f g p == O_functor_homotopy f g q.
refine (O_ind2paths _ _ _); intros x.
unfold O_functor_homotopy, composeD.
do 2 rewrite O_indpaths_beta.
apply whiskerL, whiskerR, ap, r.
(p q : f == g) (r : p == q)
: O_functor_homotopy f g p == O_functor_homotopy f g q.
refine (O_ind2paths _ _ _); intros x.
unfold O_functor_homotopy, composeD.
do 2 rewrite O_indpaths_beta.
apply whiskerL, whiskerR, ap, r.
Of course, if we wanted to prove 4-functoriality, we'd need to make this transparent.
2-naturality: Functoriality on homotopies is also natural
Definition O_functor_homotopy_beta
{A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (pi : f == g) (x : A)
: O_functor_homotopy f g pi (to O A x)
= to_O_natural f x
@ ap (to O B) (pi x)
@ (to_O_natural g x)^.
unfold O_functor_homotopy, to_O_natural.
refine (O_indpaths_beta _ _ _ x @ _).
refine (concat_p_pp _ _ _).
{A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (pi : f == g) (x : A)
: O_functor_homotopy f g pi (to O A x)
= to_O_natural f x
@ ap (to O B) (pi x)
@ (to_O_natural g x)^.
unfold O_functor_homotopy, to_O_natural.
refine (O_indpaths_beta _ _ _ x @ _).
refine (concat_p_pp _ _ _).
Definition O_functor_wellpointed (A : Type)
: O_functor (to O A) == to O (O A).
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
apply to_O_natural.
: O_functor (to O A) == to O (O A).
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
apply to_O_natural.
"Functoriality of naturality": the pseudonaturality axiom for composition
Definition to_O_natural_compose {A B C : Type}
(f : A → B) (g : B → C) (a : A)
: ap (O_functor g) (to_O_natural f a)
@ to_O_natural g (f a)
= (O_functor_compose f g (to O A a))^
@ to_O_natural (g o f) a.
unfold O_functor_compose, to_O_natural.
rewrite O_indpaths_beta.
rewrite !inv_pp, ap_V, !inv_V, !concat_pp_p.
rewrite concat_Vp, concat_p1; reflexivity.
(f : A → B) (g : B → C) (a : A)
: ap (O_functor g) (to_O_natural f a)
@ to_O_natural g (f a)
= (O_functor_compose f g (to O A a))^
@ to_O_natural (g o f) a.
unfold O_functor_compose, to_O_natural.
rewrite O_indpaths_beta.
rewrite !inv_pp, ap_V, !inv_V, !concat_pp_p.
rewrite concat_Vp, concat_p1; reflexivity.
The pseudofunctoriality axiom
Definition O_functor_compose_compose
{A B C D : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) (h : C → D)
(a : O A)
: O_functor_compose f (h o g) a
@ O_functor_compose g h (O_functor f a)
= O_functor_compose (g o f) h a
@ ap (O_functor h) (O_functor_compose f g a).
revert a; refine (O_ind2paths _ _ _).
intros a; unfold composeD, O_functor_compose; cbn.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
rewrite !O_indpaths_beta, !ap_pp, !ap_V, !concat_p_pp.
refine (whiskerL _ (apD _ (to_O_natural f a)^)^ @ _).
rewrite O_indpaths_beta.
rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, !concat_p_pp.
rewrite !ap_V, inv_V.
rewrite !concat_pV_p.
apply whiskerL. apply inverse2.
apply ap_compose.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
{A B C D : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) (h : C → D)
(a : O A)
: O_functor_compose f (h o g) a
@ O_functor_compose g h (O_functor f a)
= O_functor_compose (g o f) h a
@ ap (O_functor h) (O_functor_compose f g a).
revert a; refine (O_ind2paths _ _ _).
intros a; unfold composeD, O_functor_compose; cbn.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
rewrite !O_indpaths_beta, !ap_pp, !ap_V, !concat_p_pp.
refine (whiskerL _ (apD _ (to_O_natural f a)^)^ @ _).
rewrite O_indpaths_beta.
rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, !concat_p_pp.
rewrite !ap_V, inv_V.
rewrite !concat_pV_p.
apply whiskerL. apply inverse2.
apply ap_compose.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Preservation of equivalences
Global Instance isequiv_O_functor {A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: IsEquiv (O_functor f).
refine (isequiv_adjointify (O_functor f) (O_functor f^-1) _ _).
- intros x.
refine ((O_functor_compose _ _ x)^ @ _).
refine (O_functor_homotopy _ idmap _ x @ _).
+ intros y; apply eisretr.
+ apply O_functor_idmap.
- intros x.
refine ((O_functor_compose _ _ x)^ @ _).
refine (O_functor_homotopy _ idmap _ x @ _).
+ intros y; apply eissect.
+ apply O_functor_idmap.
Definition equiv_O_functor {A B : Type} (f : A <~> B)
: O A <~> O B
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (O_functor f) _.
: IsEquiv (O_functor f).
refine (isequiv_adjointify (O_functor f) (O_functor f^-1) _ _).
- intros x.
refine ((O_functor_compose _ _ x)^ @ _).
refine (O_functor_homotopy _ idmap _ x @ _).
+ intros y; apply eisretr.
+ apply O_functor_idmap.
- intros x.
refine ((O_functor_compose _ _ x)^ @ _).
refine (O_functor_homotopy _ idmap _ x @ _).
+ intros y; apply eissect.
+ apply O_functor_idmap.
Definition equiv_O_functor {A B : Type} (f : A <~> B)
: O A <~> O B
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (O_functor f) _.
This is sometimes useful to have a separate name for, to facilitate rewriting along it.
Definition to_O_equiv_natural {A B} (f : A <~> B)
: (equiv_O_functor f) o (to O A) == (to O B) o f
:= to_O_natural f.
: (equiv_O_functor f) o (to O A) == (to O B) o f
:= to_O_natural f.
Definition ap_O_path_universe' `{Univalence}
{A B : Type} (f : A <~> B)
: ap O (path_universe_uncurried f)
= path_universe_uncurried (equiv_O_functor f).
revert f.
equiv_intro (equiv_path A B) p.
refine (ap (ap O) (eta_path_universe p) @ _).
destruct p; simpl.
apply moveL_equiv_V.
apply path_equiv, path_arrow, O_indpaths; intros x.
symmetry; apply to_O_natural.
Definition ap_O_path_universe `{Univalence}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: ap O (path_universe f) = path_universe (O_functor f)
:= ap_O_path_universe' (Build_Equiv _ _ f _).
{A B : Type} (f : A <~> B)
: ap O (path_universe_uncurried f)
= path_universe_uncurried (equiv_O_functor f).
revert f.
equiv_intro (equiv_path A B) p.
refine (ap (ap O) (eta_path_universe p) @ _).
destruct p; simpl.
apply moveL_equiv_V.
apply path_equiv, path_arrow, O_indpaths; intros x.
symmetry; apply to_O_natural.
Definition ap_O_path_universe `{Univalence}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: ap O (path_universe f) = path_universe (O_functor f)
:= ap_O_path_universe' (Build_Equiv _ _ f _).
Postcomposition respects O_rec
Definition O_rec_postcompose {A B C : Type@{i}} `{In O B} {C_inO : In O C}
(f : A → B) (g : B → C)
: g o O_rec (O := O) f == O_rec (O := O) (g o f).
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
transitivity (g (f x)).
- apply ap. apply O_rec_beta.
- symmetry. exact (O_rec_beta (g o f) x).
(f : A → B) (g : B → C)
: g o O_rec (O := O) f == O_rec (O := O) (g o f).
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
transitivity (g (f x)).
- apply ap. apply O_rec_beta.
- symmetry. exact (O_rec_beta (g o f) x).
In particular, we have:
Definition O_rec_postcompose_to_O {A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{In O B}
: to O B o O_rec f == O_functor f
:= O_rec_postcompose f (to O B).
End Functor.
Section Replete.
: to O B o O_rec f == O_functor f
:= O_rec_postcompose f (to O B).
End Functor.
Section Replete.
An equivalent formulation of repleteness is that a type lies in the subuniverse as soon as its unit map is an equivalence.
Definition inO_isequiv_to_O (T:Type)
: IsEquiv (to O T) → In O T
:= fun _ ⇒ inO_equiv_inO (O T) (to O T)^-1.
: IsEquiv (to O T) → In O T
:= fun _ ⇒ inO_equiv_inO (O T) (to O T)^-1.
We don't make this an ordinary instance, but we allow it to solve In O constraints if we already have IsEquiv as a hypothesis.
Hint Immediate inO_isequiv_to_O : typeclass_instances.
Definition inO_iff_isequiv_to_O (T:Type)
: In O T ↔ IsEquiv (to O T).
split; exact _.
Hint Immediate inO_isequiv_to_O : typeclass_instances.
Definition inO_iff_isequiv_to_O (T:Type)
: In O T ↔ IsEquiv (to O T).
split; exact _.
Definition inO_to_O_retract (T:Type) (mu : O T → T)
: mu o (to O T) == idmap → In O T.
intros H.
apply inO_isequiv_to_O.
apply isequiv_adjointify with (g:=mu).
- refine (O_indpaths (to O T o mu) idmap _).
intros x; exact (ap (to O T) (H x)).
- exact H.
: mu o (to O T) == idmap → In O T.
intros H.
apply inO_isequiv_to_O.
apply isequiv_adjointify with (g:=mu).
- refine (O_indpaths (to O T o mu) idmap _).
intros x; exact (ap (to O T) (H x)).
- exact H.
It follows that reflective subuniverses are closed under retracts.
Definition inO_retract_inO (A B : Type) `{In O B} (s : A → B) (r : B → A)
(K : r o s == idmap)
: In O A.
nrapply (inO_to_O_retract A (r o (to O B)^-1 o (O_functor s))).
intro a.
lhs exact (ap (r o (to O B)^-1) (to_O_natural s a)).
lhs nrefine (ap r (eissect _ (s a))).
apply K.
End Replete.
(K : r o s == idmap)
: In O A.
nrapply (inO_to_O_retract A (r o (to O B)^-1 o (O_functor s))).
intro a.
lhs exact (ap (r o (to O B)^-1) (to_O_natural s a)).
lhs nrefine (ap r (eissect _ (s a))).
apply K.
End Replete.
The maps that are inverted by the reflector. Note that this notation is not (yet) global (because notations in a section cannot be made global); it only exists in this section. After the section is over, we will redefine it globally.
Local Notation O_inverts f := (IsEquiv (O_functor f)).
Section OInverts.
Global Instance O_inverts_O_unit (A : Type)
: O_inverts (to O A).
refine (isequiv_homotopic (to O (O A)) _).
intros x; symmetry; apply O_functor_wellpointed.
Section OInverts.
Global Instance O_inverts_O_unit (A : Type)
: O_inverts (to O A).
refine (isequiv_homotopic (to O (O A)) _).
intros x; symmetry; apply O_functor_wellpointed.
A map between modal types that is inverted by O is already an equivalence. This can't be an Instance, probably because it causes an infinite regress applying more and more O_functor.
Definition isequiv_O_inverts {A B : Type} `{In O A} `{In O B}
(f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
: IsEquiv f.
refine (isequiv_commsq' f (O_functor f) (to O A) (to O B) _).
apply to_O_natural.
(f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
: IsEquiv f.
refine (isequiv_commsq' f (O_functor f) (to O A) (to O B) _).
apply to_O_natural.
Strangely, even this seems to cause infinite loops Hint Immediate isequiv_O_inverts : typeclass_instances.
Definition equiv_O_inverts {A B : Type} `{In O A} `{In O B}
(f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
: A <~> B
:= Build_Equiv _ _ f (isequiv_O_inverts f).
Definition isequiv_O_rec_O_inverts
{A B : Type} `{In O B} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
: IsEquiv (O_rec (O := O) f).
(* Not sure why we need C:=O B on the next line to get Coq to use two typeclass instances. *)
rapply (cancelL_isequiv (C:=O B) (to O B)).
rapply (isequiv_homotopic (O_functor f) (fun x ⇒ (O_rec_postcompose_to_O f x)^)).
Definition equiv_O_rec_O_inverts
{A B : Type} `{In O B} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
: O A <~> B
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_O_rec_O_inverts f).
Definition isequiv_to_O_O_inverts
{A B : Type} `{In O A} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
: IsEquiv (to O B o f)
:= isequiv_homotopic (O_functor f o to O A) (to_O_natural f).
Definition equiv_to_O_O_inverts
{A B : Type} `{In O A} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
: A <~> O B
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_to_O_O_inverts f).
If f is inverted by O, then mapping out of it into any modal type is an equivalence. First we prove a version not requiring funext. For use in O_inverts_O_leq below, we allow the types A, B, and Z to perhaps live in smaller universes than the one i on which our subuniverse lives. This the first half of Lemma 1.23 of RSS.
Definition ooextendable_O_inverts@{a b z i}
{A : Type@{a}} {B : Type@{b}} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
(Z : Type@{z}) `{In@{i} O Z}
: ooExtendableAlong@{a b z i} f (fun _ ⇒ Z).
refine (cancelL_ooextendable@{a b i z i i i i i} _ _ (to O B) _ _).
1:exact (extendable_to_O'@{i b z} O B).
refine (ooextendable_homotopic _ (O_functor f o to O A) _ _).
1:apply to_O_natural.
refine (ooextendable_compose _ (to O A) (O_functor f) _ _).
- srapply ooextendable_equiv.
- exact (extendable_to_O'@{i a z} O A).
{A : Type@{a}} {B : Type@{b}} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
(Z : Type@{z}) `{In@{i} O Z}
: ooExtendableAlong@{a b z i} f (fun _ ⇒ Z).
refine (cancelL_ooextendable@{a b i z i i i i i} _ _ (to O B) _ _).
1:exact (extendable_to_O'@{i b z} O B).
refine (ooextendable_homotopic _ (O_functor f o to O A) _ _).
1:apply to_O_natural.
refine (ooextendable_compose _ (to O A) (O_functor f) _ _).
- srapply ooextendable_equiv.
- exact (extendable_to_O'@{i a z} O A).
And now the funext version
Definition isequiv_precompose_O_inverts `{Funext}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
(Z : Type) `{In O Z}
: IsEquiv (fun g:B→Z ⇒ g o f).
srapply (equiv_extendable_isequiv 0).
exact (ooextendable_O_inverts f Z 2).
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts f}
(Z : Type) `{In O Z}
: IsEquiv (fun g:B→Z ⇒ g o f).
srapply (equiv_extendable_isequiv 0).
exact (ooextendable_O_inverts f Z 2).
Conversely, if a map is inverted by the representable functor ? → Z for all O-modal types Z, then it is inverted by O. As before, first we prove a version that doesn't require funext.
Without the universe annotations, the result ends up insufficiently polymorphic.
(e : ∀ (Z:Type@{k}), In O Z → ExtendableAlong@{i j k l} 2 f (fun _ ⇒ Z))
: O_inverts f.
srapply isequiv_adjointify.
- exact (O_rec (fst (e (O A) _) (to O A)).1).
- srapply O_indpaths. intros b.
rewrite O_rec_beta.
assert (e1 := fun h k ⇒ fst (snd (e (O B) _) h k)). cbn in e1.
refine ((e1 (fun y ⇒ O_functor f ((fst (e (O A) _) (to O A)).1 y)) (to O B) _).1 b).
intros a.
rewrite ((fst (e (O A) (O_inO A)) (to O A)).2 a).
apply to_O_natural.
- srapply O_indpaths. intros a.
rewrite to_O_natural, O_rec_beta.
exact ((fst (e (O A) (O_inO A)) (to O A)).2 a).
#[local] Hint Extern 4 ⇒ progress (cbv beta iota) : typeclass_instances.
: O_inverts f.
srapply isequiv_adjointify.
- exact (O_rec (fst (e (O A) _) (to O A)).1).
- srapply O_indpaths. intros b.
rewrite O_rec_beta.
assert (e1 := fun h k ⇒ fst (snd (e (O B) _) h k)). cbn in e1.
refine ((e1 (fun y ⇒ O_functor f ((fst (e (O A) _) (to O A)).1 y)) (to O B) _).1 b).
intros a.
rewrite ((fst (e (O A) (O_inO A)) (to O A)).2 a).
apply to_O_natural.
- srapply O_indpaths. intros a.
rewrite to_O_natural, O_rec_beta.
exact ((fst (e (O A) (O_inO A)) (to O A)).2 a).
#[local] Hint Extern 4 ⇒ progress (cbv beta iota) : typeclass_instances.
Definition O_inverts_from_isequiv_precompose `{Funext}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B)
(e : ∀ (Z:Type), In O Z → IsEquiv (fun g:B→Z ⇒ g o f))
: O_inverts f.
apply O_inverts_from_extendable.
intros Z ?.
rapply ((equiv_extendable_isequiv 0 _ _)^-1%equiv).
{A B : Type} (f : A → B)
(e : ∀ (Z:Type), In O Z → IsEquiv (fun g:B→Z ⇒ g o f))
: O_inverts f.
apply O_inverts_from_extendable.
intros Z ?.
rapply ((equiv_extendable_isequiv 0 _ _)^-1%equiv).
This property also characterizes the types in the subuniverse, which is the other half of Lemma 1.23.
Definition inO_ooextendable_O_inverts (Z:Type@{k})
(E : ∀ (A : Type@{i}) (B : Type@{j}) (f : A → B)
(Oif : O_inverts f),
ooExtendableAlong f (fun _ ⇒ Z))
: In O Z.
pose (EZ := fst (E Z (O Z) (to O Z) _ 1%nat) idmap).
exact (inO_to_O_retract _ EZ.1 EZ.2).
(E : ∀ (A : Type@{i}) (B : Type@{j}) (f : A → B)
(Oif : O_inverts f),
ooExtendableAlong f (fun _ ⇒ Z))
: In O Z.
pose (EZ := fst (E Z (O Z) (to O Z) _ 1%nat) idmap).
exact (inO_to_O_retract _ EZ.1 EZ.2).
A version with the equivalence form of the extension condition.
Definition inO_isequiv_precompose_O_inverts (Z:Type)
(Yo : ∀ (A : Type) (B : Type) (f : A → B)
(Oif : O_inverts f),
IsEquiv (fun g:B→Z ⇒ g o f))
: In O Z.
pose (EZ := extension_isequiv_precompose (to O Z) _ (Yo Z (O Z) (to O Z) _) idmap).
exact (inO_to_O_retract _ EZ.1 EZ.2).
Definition to_O_inv_natural {A B : Type} `{In O A} `{In O B}
(f : A → B)
: (to O B)^-1 o (O_functor f) == f o (to O A)^-1.
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
apply moveR_equiv_V.
refine (to_O_natural f x @ _).
do 2 apply ap.
symmetry; apply eissect.
(Yo : ∀ (A : Type) (B : Type) (f : A → B)
(Oif : O_inverts f),
IsEquiv (fun g:B→Z ⇒ g o f))
: In O Z.
pose (EZ := extension_isequiv_precompose (to O Z) _ (Yo Z (O Z) (to O Z) _) idmap).
exact (inO_to_O_retract _ EZ.1 EZ.2).
Definition to_O_inv_natural {A B : Type} `{In O A} `{In O B}
(f : A → B)
: (to O B)^-1 o (O_functor f) == f o (to O A)^-1.
refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
apply moveR_equiv_V.
refine (to_O_natural f x @ _).
do 2 apply ap.
symmetry; apply eissect.
Two maps between modal types that become equal after applying O_functor are already equal.
Definition O_functor_faithful_inO {A B : Type} `{In O A} `{In O B}
(f g : A → B) (e : O_functor f == O_functor g)
: f == g.
intros x.
refine (ap f (eissect (to O A) x)^ @ _).
refine (_ @ ap g (eissect (to O A) x)).
transitivity ((to O B)^-1 (O_functor f (to O A x))).
+ symmetry; apply to_O_inv_natural.
+ transitivity ((to O B)^-1 (O_functor g (to O A x))).
× apply ap, e.
× apply to_O_inv_natural.
(f g : A → B) (e : O_functor f == O_functor g)
: f == g.
intros x.
refine (ap f (eissect (to O A) x)^ @ _).
refine (_ @ ap g (eissect (to O A) x)).
transitivity ((to O B)^-1 (O_functor f (to O A x))).
+ symmetry; apply to_O_inv_natural.
+ transitivity ((to O B)^-1 (O_functor g (to O A x))).
× apply ap, e.
× apply to_O_inv_natural.
Any map to a type in the subuniverse that is inverted by O must be equivalent to to O. More precisely, the type of such maps is contractible.
Definition typeof_to_O (A : Type)
:= { OA : Type & { Ou : A → OA & ((In O OA) × (O_inverts Ou)) }}.
Global Instance contr_typeof_O_unit `{Univalence} (A : Type)
: Contr (typeof_to_O A).
apply (Build_Contr _ (O A ; (to O A ; (_ , _)))).
intros [OA [Ou [? ?]]].
pose (f := O_rec Ou : O A → OA).
pose (g := (O_functor Ou)^-1 o to O OA : (OA → O A)).
assert (IsEquiv f).
{ refine (isequiv_adjointify f g _ _).
- apply O_functor_faithful_inO; intros x.
rewrite O_functor_idmap.
rewrite O_functor_compose.
unfold g.
rewrite (O_functor_compose (to O OA) (O_functor Ou)^-1).
rewrite O_functor_wellpointed.
rewrite (to_O_natural (O_functor Ou)^-1 x).
refine (to_O_natural f _ @ _).
set (y := (O_functor Ou)^-1 x).
transitivity (O_functor Ou y); [ | apply eisretr].
unfold f, O_functor.
apply O_rec_postcompose.
- refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
unfold f.
rewrite O_rec_beta. unfold g.
apply moveR_equiv_V.
symmetry; apply to_O_natural.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _); cbn.
- exact (path_universe f).
- rewrite transport_sigma.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _); cbn; [ | apply path_ishprop].
apply path_arrow; intros x.
rewrite transport_arrow_fromconst.
rewrite transport_path_universe.
unfold f; apply O_rec_beta.
End OInverts.
Section Types.
:= { OA : Type & { Ou : A → OA & ((In O OA) × (O_inverts Ou)) }}.
Global Instance contr_typeof_O_unit `{Univalence} (A : Type)
: Contr (typeof_to_O A).
apply (Build_Contr _ (O A ; (to O A ; (_ , _)))).
intros [OA [Ou [? ?]]].
pose (f := O_rec Ou : O A → OA).
pose (g := (O_functor Ou)^-1 o to O OA : (OA → O A)).
assert (IsEquiv f).
{ refine (isequiv_adjointify f g _ _).
- apply O_functor_faithful_inO; intros x.
rewrite O_functor_idmap.
rewrite O_functor_compose.
unfold g.
rewrite (O_functor_compose (to O OA) (O_functor Ou)^-1).
rewrite O_functor_wellpointed.
rewrite (to_O_natural (O_functor Ou)^-1 x).
refine (to_O_natural f _ @ _).
set (y := (O_functor Ou)^-1 x).
transitivity (O_functor Ou y); [ | apply eisretr].
unfold f, O_functor.
apply O_rec_postcompose.
- refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); intros x.
unfold f.
rewrite O_rec_beta. unfold g.
apply moveR_equiv_V.
symmetry; apply to_O_natural.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _); cbn.
- exact (path_universe f).
- rewrite transport_sigma.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _); cbn; [ | apply path_ishprop].
apply path_arrow; intros x.
rewrite transport_arrow_fromconst.
rewrite transport_path_universe.
unfold f; apply O_rec_beta.
End OInverts.
Section Types.
The Unit type
Global Instance inO_unit : In O Unit.
apply inO_to_O_retract@{Set} with (mu := fun x ⇒ tt).
exact (@contr@{Set} Unit _).
apply inO_to_O_retract@{Set} with (mu := fun x ⇒ tt).
exact (@contr@{Set} Unit _).
It follows that any contractible type is in O.
Global Instance inO_contr {A : Type} `{Contr A} : In O A.
exact (inO_equiv_inO@{Set _ _} Unit equiv_contr_unit^-1).
exact (inO_equiv_inO@{Set _ _} Unit equiv_contr_unit^-1).
And that the reflection of a contractible type is still contractible.
Global Instance contr_O_contr {A : Type} `{Contr A} : Contr (O A).
exact (contr_equiv A (to O A)).
exact (contr_equiv A (to O A)).
Global Instance inO_forall {fs : Funext} (A:Type) (B:A → Type)
: (∀ x, (In O (B x)))
→ (In O (∀ x:A, (B x))).
intro H.
pose (ev := fun x ⇒ (fun (f:(∀ x, (B x))) ⇒ f x)).
pose (zz := fun x:A ⇒ O_rec (O := O) (ev x)).
apply inO_to_O_retract with (mu := fun z ⇒ fun x ⇒ zz x z).
intro phi.
unfold zz, ev; clear zz; clear ev.
apply path_forall; intro x.
exact (O_rec_beta (fun f : ∀ x0, (B x0) ⇒ f x) phi).
Global Instance inO_arrow {fs : Funext} (A B : Type) `{In O B}
: In O (A → B).
apply inO_forall.
intro a. exact _.
: (∀ x, (In O (B x)))
→ (In O (∀ x:A, (B x))).
intro H.
pose (ev := fun x ⇒ (fun (f:(∀ x, (B x))) ⇒ f x)).
pose (zz := fun x:A ⇒ O_rec (O := O) (ev x)).
apply inO_to_O_retract with (mu := fun z ⇒ fun x ⇒ zz x z).
intro phi.
unfold zz, ev; clear zz; clear ev.
apply path_forall; intro x.
exact (O_rec_beta (fun f : ∀ x0, (B x0) ⇒ f x) phi).
Global Instance inO_arrow {fs : Funext} (A B : Type) `{In O B}
: In O (A → B).
apply inO_forall.
intro a. exact _.
Global Instance inO_prod (A B : Type) `{In O A} `{In O B}
: In O (A×B).
apply inO_to_O_retract with
(mu := fun X ⇒ (@O_rec _ (A × B) A _ _ _ fst X , O_rec snd X)).
intros [a b]; apply path_prod; simpl.
- exact (O_rec_beta fst (a,b)).
- exact (O_rec_beta snd (a,b)).
: In O (A×B).
apply inO_to_O_retract with
(mu := fun X ⇒ (@O_rec _ (A × B) A _ _ _ fst X , O_rec snd X)).
intros [a b]; apply path_prod; simpl.
- exact (O_rec_beta fst (a,b)).
- exact (O_rec_beta snd (a,b)).
Definition O_rec_functor_prod {A B X Y : Type} `{In O X} `{In O Y}
(f : A → X) (g : B → Y)
: O_rec (functor_prod f g) == prod_coind (O_rec (f o fst : A × B → X))
(O_rec (g o snd : A × B → Y)).
apply O_indpaths; intro ab.
unfold functor_prod, prod_coind, prod_coind_uncurried; simpl.
lhs (nrapply O_rec_beta).
apply path_prod; cbn; symmetry; nrapply O_rec_beta.
(f : A → X) (g : B → Y)
: O_rec (functor_prod f g) == prod_coind (O_rec (f o fst : A × B → X))
(O_rec (g o snd : A × B → Y)).
apply O_indpaths; intro ab.
unfold functor_prod, prod_coind, prod_coind_uncurried; simpl.
lhs (nrapply O_rec_beta).
apply path_prod; cbn; symmetry; nrapply O_rec_beta.
We show that OA×OB has the same universal property as O(A×B)
Here is the map witnessing the universal property.
We express the universal property without funext, using extensions.
Definition ooextendable_O_prod_unit (A B C : Type) `{In O C}
: ooExtendableAlong (O_prod_unit A B) (fun _ ⇒ C).
apply ooextendable_functor_prod.
all:intros; rapply extendable_to_O.
: ooExtendableAlong (O_prod_unit A B) (fun _ ⇒ C).
apply ooextendable_functor_prod.
all:intros; rapply extendable_to_O.
Here's the version with funext.
Definition isequiv_O_prod_unit_precompose
{fs : Funext} (A B C : Type) `{In O C}
: IsEquiv (fun (f : (O A) × (O B) → C) ⇒ f o O_prod_unit A B).
rapply isequiv_ooextendable.
rapply ooextendable_O_prod_unit.
Definition equiv_O_prod_unit_precompose
{fs : Funext} (A B C : Type) `{In O C}
: ((O A) × (O B) → C) <~> (A × B → C)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_O_prod_unit_precompose A B C).
{fs : Funext} (A B C : Type) `{In O C}
: IsEquiv (fun (f : (O A) × (O B) → C) ⇒ f o O_prod_unit A B).
rapply isequiv_ooextendable.
rapply ooextendable_O_prod_unit.
Definition equiv_O_prod_unit_precompose
{fs : Funext} (A B C : Type) `{In O C}
: ((O A) × (O B) → C) <~> (A × B → C)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_O_prod_unit_precompose A B C).
The (funext-free) universal property implies that O_prod_unit is an O-equivalence, hence induces an equivalence between O (A×B) and O A × O B.
Global Instance O_inverts_O_prod_unit (A B : Type)
: O_inverts (O_prod_unit A B).
rapply O_inverts_from_extendable.
intros; rapply ooextendable_O_prod_unit.
Definition O_prod_cmp (A B : Type) : O (A × B) → O A × O B
:= O_rec (O_prod_unit A B).
Global Instance isequiv_O_prod_cmp (A B : Type)
: IsEquiv (O_prod_cmp A B).
rapply isequiv_O_rec_O_inverts.
Definition equiv_O_prod_cmp (A B : Type)
: O (A × B) <~> (O A × O B)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (O_prod_cmp A B) _.
Definition equiv_path_O_prod {X Y : Type} {x0 x1 : X} {y0 y1 : Y}
: (to O _ (x0, y0) = to O _ (x1, y1))
<~> (to O _ x0 = to O _ x1) × (to O _ y0 = to O _ y1).
refine (_ oE equiv_ap' (equiv_O_prod_cmp _ _) _ _).
refine (_ oE equiv_concat_lr _ _); only 2: symmetry.
2,3: apply O_rec_beta.
exact (equiv_path_prod _ _)^-1%equiv.
Definition O_prod_cmp_coind (A B : Type)
: O_prod_cmp A B == prod_coind (O_rec (to O _ o fst : A × B → O A))
(O_rec (to O _ o snd : A × B → O B))
:= O_rec_functor_prod _ _.
: O_inverts (O_prod_unit A B).
rapply O_inverts_from_extendable.
intros; rapply ooextendable_O_prod_unit.
Definition O_prod_cmp (A B : Type) : O (A × B) → O A × O B
:= O_rec (O_prod_unit A B).
Global Instance isequiv_O_prod_cmp (A B : Type)
: IsEquiv (O_prod_cmp A B).
rapply isequiv_O_rec_O_inverts.
Definition equiv_O_prod_cmp (A B : Type)
: O (A × B) <~> (O A × O B)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (O_prod_cmp A B) _.
Definition equiv_path_O_prod {X Y : Type} {x0 x1 : X} {y0 y1 : Y}
: (to O _ (x0, y0) = to O _ (x1, y1))
<~> (to O _ x0 = to O _ x1) × (to O _ y0 = to O _ y1).
refine (_ oE equiv_ap' (equiv_O_prod_cmp _ _) _ _).
refine (_ oE equiv_concat_lr _ _); only 2: symmetry.
2,3: apply O_rec_beta.
exact (equiv_path_prod _ _)^-1%equiv.
Definition O_prod_cmp_coind (A B : Type)
: O_prod_cmp A B == prod_coind (O_rec (to O _ o fst : A × B → O A))
(O_rec (to O _ o snd : A × B → O B))
:= O_rec_functor_prod _ _.
Global Instance inO_pullback {A B C} (f : B → A) (g : C → A)
`{In O A} `{In O B} `{In O C}
: In O (Pullback f g).
srapply inO_to_O_retract.
- intros op.
∃ (O_rec pr1 op).
∃ (O_rec (fun p ⇒ p.2.1) op).
revert op; apply O_indpaths; intros [b [c a]].
refine (ap f (O_rec_beta _ _) @ _); cbn.
refine (a @ ap g (O_rec_beta _ _)^).
- intros [b [c a]]; cbn.
srapply path_sigma'.
{ apply O_rec_beta. }
refine (transport_sigma' _ _ @ _); cbn.
srapply path_sigma'.
{ apply O_rec_beta. }
abstract (
rewrite transport_paths_Fr;
rewrite transport_paths_Fl;
rewrite O_indpaths_beta;
rewrite concat_V_pp;
rewrite ap_V;
apply concat_pV_p ).
Global Instance inO_hfiber {A B : Type} `{In O A} `{In O B}
(f : A → B) (b : B)
: In O (hfiber f b).
simple refine (inO_to_O_retract _ _ _).
- intros x; simple refine (_;_).
+ exact (O_rec pr1 x).
+ revert x; apply O_indpaths; intros x; simpl.
refine (ap f (O_rec_beta pr1 x) @ _).
exact (x.2).
- intros [a p]; simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _).
+ exact (O_rec_beta pr1 (a;p)).
+ refine (ap (transport _ _) (O_indpaths_beta _ _ _ _) @ _); simpl.
refine (transport_paths_Fl _ _ @ _).
apply concat_V_pp.
Definition inO_unsigma {A : Type} (B : A → Type)
`{In O A} {B_inO : In O {x:A & B x}} (x : A)
: In O (B x)
:= inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_fibration x B)^-1.
Hint Immediate inO_unsigma : typeclass_instances.
The reflector preserving hfibers is a characterization of lex modalities. Here is the comparison map.
Definition O_functor_hfiber {A B} (f : A → B) (b : B)
: O (hfiber f b) → hfiber (O_functor f) (to O B b).
apply O_rec. intros [a p].
∃ (to O A a).
refine (to_O_natural f a @ _).
apply ap, p.
Definition O_functor_hfiber_natural {A B} (f : A → B) (b : B)
: (O_functor_hfiber f b) o to O (hfiber f b) == functor_hfiber (fun u ⇒ (to_O_natural f u)^) b.
intros [a p]; unfold O_functor_hfiber, functor_hfiber, functor_sigma; cbn.
refine (O_rec_beta _ _ @ _).
exact (ap _ (inv_V _ @@ 1))^.
: O (hfiber f b) → hfiber (O_functor f) (to O B b).
apply O_rec. intros [a p].
∃ (to O A a).
refine (to_O_natural f a @ _).
apply ap, p.
Definition O_functor_hfiber_natural {A B} (f : A → B) (b : B)
: (O_functor_hfiber f b) o to O (hfiber f b) == functor_hfiber (fun u ⇒ (to_O_natural f u)^) b.
intros [a p]; unfold O_functor_hfiber, functor_hfiber, functor_sigma; cbn.
refine (O_rec_beta _ _ @ _).
exact (ap _ (inv_V _ @@ 1))^.
Definition O_inverts_functor_sigma_id {A} {P Q : A → Type}
(g : ∀ a, P a → Q a) `{∀ a, O_inverts (g a)}
: O_inverts (functor_sigma idmap g).
apply O_inverts_from_extendable; intros Z Z_inO.
apply ooextendable_functor_sigma_id; intros a.
nrapply ooextendable_O_inverts; exact _.
(g : ∀ a, P a → Q a) `{∀ a, O_inverts (g a)}
: O_inverts (functor_sigma idmap g).
apply O_inverts_from_extendable; intros Z Z_inO.
apply ooextendable_functor_sigma_id; intros a.
nrapply ooextendable_O_inverts; exact _.
Theorem 7.3.9: The reflector O can be discarded inside a reflected sum. This can be obtained from O_inverts_functor_sigma_id applied to the family of units to O (P x), but unfortunately the definitional behavior of the inverse obtained thereby (which here we take as the "forwards" direction) is poor. So instead we give an explicit proof, but note that the "backwards" direction here is precisely functor_sigma.
:= (Build_Equiv _ (O_inverts_functor_sigma_id (fun x => to O (P x))))^-1.
srapply equiv_adjointify.
- apply O_rec; intros [a op]; revert op.
apply O_rec; intros p.
exact (to O _ (a;p)).
- apply O_functor.
exact (functor_sigma idmap (fun x ⇒ to O (P x))).
- unfold O_functor; rapply O_indpaths.
intros [a p]; simpl.
abstract (repeat (rewrite O_rec_beta); reflexivity).
- unfold O_functor; rapply O_indpaths.
intros [a op]; revert op; rapply O_indpaths; intros p; simpl.
abstract (repeat (rewrite O_rec_beta); reflexivity).
srapply equiv_adjointify.
- apply O_rec; intros [a op]; revert op.
apply O_rec; intros p.
exact (to O _ (a;p)).
- apply O_functor.
exact (functor_sigma idmap (fun x ⇒ to O (P x))).
- unfold O_functor; rapply O_indpaths.
intros [a p]; simpl.
abstract (repeat (rewrite O_rec_beta); reflexivity).
- unfold O_functor; rapply O_indpaths.
intros [a op]; revert op; rapply O_indpaths; intros p; simpl.
abstract (repeat (rewrite O_rec_beta); reflexivity).
Global Instance inO_equiv `{Funext} (A : Type@{i}) (B : Type@{j})
`{In O A} `{In O B}
: In O (A <~> B).
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (issig_equiv@{i j k} A B)).
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (equiv_functor_sigma equiv_idmap@{k}
(fun f ⇒ equiv_biinv_isequiv@{i j k} f))).
transparent assert (c : (prod@{k k} (A→B) (prod@{k k} (B→A) (B→A)) → prod@{k k} (A → A) (B → B))).
{ intros [f [g h]]; exact (h o f, f o g). }
pose (U := hfiber@{k k} c (idmap, idmap)).
refine (inO_equiv_inO'@{k k k} U _).
`{In O A} `{In O B}
: In O (A <~> B).
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (issig_equiv@{i j k} A B)).
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (equiv_functor_sigma equiv_idmap@{k}
(fun f ⇒ equiv_biinv_isequiv@{i j k} f))).
transparent assert (c : (prod@{k k} (A→B) (prod@{k k} (B→A) (B→A)) → prod@{k k} (A → A) (B → B))).
{ intros [f [g h]]; exact (h o f, f o g). }
pose (U := hfiber@{k k} c (idmap, idmap)).
refine (inO_equiv_inO'@{k k k} U _).
Introduces some extra copies of k by typeclass inference.
unfold hfiber, BiInv; cbn in ×.
srefine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
- intros [[f [g h]] p].
apply (equiv_inverse (equiv_path_prod _ _)) in p.
destruct p as [p q]; cbn in ×.
∃ f; split; [ ∃ h | ∃ g ].
all:apply ap10; assumption.
- intros [f [[g p] [h q]]].
∃ (f,(h,g)); cbn.
apply path_prod; apply path_arrow; assumption.
- intros [f [[g p] [h q]]]; cbn.
apply (path_sigma' _ 1); apply path_prod; apply (path_sigma' _ 1);
cbn; rewrite transport_1.
1:rewrite ap_fst_path_prod.
2:rewrite ap_snd_path_prod.
all:apply path_forall; intros x; rewrite ap10_path_arrow; reflexivity.
- intros fghp. cbn.
apply (path_sigma' _ 1); cbn.
refine (_ @ eta_path_prod (pr2 fghp)); apply ap011; apply eta_path_arrow.
srefine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
- intros [[f [g h]] p].
apply (equiv_inverse (equiv_path_prod _ _)) in p.
destruct p as [p q]; cbn in ×.
∃ f; split; [ ∃ h | ∃ g ].
all:apply ap10; assumption.
- intros [f [[g p] [h q]]].
∃ (f,(h,g)); cbn.
apply path_prod; apply path_arrow; assumption.
- intros [f [[g p] [h q]]]; cbn.
apply (path_sigma' _ 1); apply path_prod; apply (path_sigma' _ 1);
cbn; rewrite transport_1.
1:rewrite ap_fst_path_prod.
2:rewrite ap_snd_path_prod.
all:apply path_forall; intros x; rewrite ap10_path_arrow; reflexivity.
- intros fghp. cbn.
apply (path_sigma' _ 1); cbn.
refine (_ @ eta_path_prod (pr2 fghp)); apply ap011; apply eta_path_arrow.
Definition inO_paths@{i} (S : Type@{i}) {S_inO : In O S} (x y : S)
: In O (x=y).
simple refine (inO_to_O_retract@{i} _ _ _); intro u.
- assert (p : (fun _ : O (x=y) ⇒ x) == (fun _⇒ y)).
{ refine (O_indpaths _ _ _); simpl.
intro v; exact v. }
exact (p u).
- simpl.
rewrite O_indpaths_beta; reflexivity.
Global Existing Instance inO_paths.
Lemma O_concat {A : Type} {a0 a1 a2 : A}
: O (a0 = a1) → O (a1 = a2) → O (a0 = a2).
intros p q.
exact (to O _ (p @ q)).
Global Instance ishprop_O_ishprop {A} `{IsHProp A} : IsHProp (O A).
refine ishprop_isequiv_diag.
refine (isequiv_homotopic (O_prod_cmp A A
o O_functor (fun (a:A) ⇒ (a,a))) _).
apply O_indpaths; intros x; simpl.
refine (ap (O_prod_cmp A A) (to_O_natural (fun (a:A) ⇒ (a,a)) x) @ _).
unfold O_prod_cmp; apply O_rec_beta.
refine ishprop_isequiv_diag.
refine (isequiv_homotopic (O_prod_cmp A A
o O_functor (fun (a:A) ⇒ (a,a))) _).
apply O_indpaths; intros x; simpl.
refine (ap (O_prod_cmp A A) (to_O_natural (fun (a:A) ⇒ (a,a)) x) @ _).
unfold O_prod_cmp; apply O_rec_beta.
Global Instance inO_istrunc `{Funext} {n} {A} `{In O A}
: In O (IsTrunc n A).
generalize dependent A; simple_induction n n IH; intros A ?.
: In O (IsTrunc n A).
generalize dependent A; simple_induction n n IH; intros A ?.
We have to be slightly clever here: the actual definition of Contr involves a sigma, which O is not generally closed under, but fortunately we have equiv_contr_inhabited_allpath.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ equiv_contr_inhabited_allpath^-1).
- refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (equiv_istrunc_unfold n.+1 A)^-1).
- refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (equiv_istrunc_unfold n.+1 A)^-1).
Definition O_inverts_functor_sum {A B A' B'} (f : A → A') (g : B → B')
`{O_inverts f} `{O_inverts g}
: O_inverts (functor_sum f g).
apply O_inverts_from_extendable; intros.
apply extendable_functor_sum; apply ooextendable_O_inverts; assumption.
Definition equiv_O_functor_sum {A B A' B'} (f : A → A') (g : B → B')
`{O_inverts f} `{O_inverts g}
: O (A + B) <~> O (A' + B')
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (O_inverts_functor_sum f g).
Definition equiv_O_sum {A B} :
O (A + B) <~> O (O A + O B)
:= equiv_O_functor_sum (to O A) (to O B).
Section OCoeq.
Context {B A : Type} (f g : B → A).
Definition O_inverts_functor_coeq
{B' A' : Type} {f' g' : B' → A'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
`{O_inverts k} `{O_inverts h}
: O_inverts (functor_coeq h k p q).
apply O_inverts_from_extendable.
intros Z Z_inO.
apply extendable_functor_coeq'.
all:nrapply ooextendable_O_inverts; assumption.
Definition equiv_O_functor_coeq
{B' A' : Type} (f' g' : B' → A')
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
`{O_inverts k} `{O_inverts h}
: O (Coeq f g) <~> O (Coeq f' g')
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (O_inverts_functor_coeq h k p q).
Definition coeq_cmp : Coeq f g → Coeq (O_functor f) (O_functor g)
:= functor_coeq (to O B) (to O A)
(fun y ⇒ (to_O_natural f y)^)
(fun y ⇒ (to_O_natural g y)^).
Global Instance isequiv_O_coeq_cmp : O_inverts coeq_cmp.
rapply O_inverts_functor_coeq.
Definition equiv_O_coeq
: O (Coeq f g) <~> O (Coeq (O_functor f) (O_functor g))
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (O_functor coeq_cmp) _.
Definition equiv_O_coeq_to_O (a : A)
: equiv_O_coeq (to O (Coeq f g) (coeq a))
= to O (Coeq (O_functor f) (O_functor g)) (coeq (to O A a)).
refine (to_O_natural _ _).
Definition inverse_equiv_O_coeq_to_O (a : A)
: equiv_O_coeq^-1 (to O (Coeq (O_functor f) (O_functor g)) (coeq (to O A a)))
= to O (Coeq f g) (coeq a).
apply moveR_equiv_V; symmetry; apply equiv_O_coeq_to_O.
End OCoeq.
Section OPushout.
Context {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : A → C).
Definition O_inverts_functor_pushout
{A' B' C'} {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
(h : A → A') (k : B → B') (l : C → C')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : l o g == g' o h)
`{O_inverts h} `{O_inverts k} `{O_inverts l}
: O_inverts (functor_pushout h k l p q).
rapply O_inverts_functor_coeq; rapply O_inverts_functor_sum.
Definition equiv_O_pushout
: O (Pushout f g) <~> O (Pushout (O_functor f) (O_functor g))
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (O_inverts_functor_pushout (to O A) (to O B) (to O C)
(fun x ⇒ (to_O_natural f x)^)
(fun x ⇒ (to_O_natural g x)^)).
Definition equiv_O_pushout_to_O_pushl (b : B)
: equiv_O_pushout (to O (Pushout f g) (pushl b))
= to O (Pushout (O_functor f) (O_functor g)) (pushl (to O B b)).
rapply to_O_natural.
Definition equiv_O_pushout_to_O_pushr (c : C)
: equiv_O_pushout (to O (Pushout f g) (pushr c))
= to O (Pushout (O_functor f) (O_functor g)) (pushr (to O C c)).
rapply to_O_natural.
Definition inverse_equiv_O_pushout_to_O_pushl (b : B)
: equiv_O_pushout^-1 (to O (Pushout (O_functor f) (O_functor g)) (pushl (to O B b)))
= to O (Pushout f g) (pushl b).
apply moveR_equiv_V; symmetry; apply equiv_O_pushout_to_O_pushl.
Definition inverse_equiv_O_pushout_to_O_pushr (c : C)
: equiv_O_pushout^-1 (to O (Pushout (O_functor f) (O_functor g)) (pushr (to O C c)))
= to O (Pushout f g) (pushr c).
apply moveR_equiv_V; symmetry; apply equiv_O_pushout_to_O_pushr.
End OPushout.
End Types.
Section Decidable.
Global Instance decidable_O `{In O Empty} (A : Type) `{Decidable A}
: Decidable (O A).
destruct (dec A) as [y|n].
- exact (inl (to O A y)).
- exact (inr (O_rec n)).
: Decidable (O A).
destruct (dec A) as [y|n].
- exact (inl (to O A y)).
- exact (inr (O_rec n)).
Definition O_decidable (A : Type) `{Decidable (O A)}
: O (Decidable A).
destruct (dec (O A)) as [y|n].
- exact (O_functor inl y).
- refine (O_functor inr _).
apply to; intros a.
exact (n (to O A a)).
End Decidable.
Section Monad.
Definition O_monad_mult (A : Type) : O (O A) → O A
:= O_rec idmap.
Definition O_monad_mult_natural {A B} (f : A → B)
: O_functor f o O_monad_mult A == O_monad_mult B o O_functor (O_functor f).
apply O_indpaths; intros x; unfold O_monad_mult.
rewrite (to_O_natural (O_functor f) x).
rewrite (O_rec_beta idmap x).
rewrite (O_rec_beta idmap (O_functor f x)).
Definition O_monad_unitlaw1 (A : Type)
: O_monad_mult A o (to O (O A)) == idmap.
apply O_indpaths; intros x; unfold O_monad_mult.
exact (O_rec_beta idmap (to O A x)).
Definition O_monad_unitlaw2 (A : Type)
: O_monad_mult A o (O_functor (to O A)) == idmap.
apply O_indpaths; intros x; unfold O_monad_mult, O_functor.
repeat rewrite O_rec_beta.
Definition O_monad_mult_assoc (A : Type)
: O_monad_mult A o O_monad_mult (O A) == O_monad_mult A o O_functor (O_monad_mult A).
apply O_indpaths; intros x; unfold O_monad_mult, O_functor.
repeat rewrite O_rec_beta.
End Monad.
Section StrongMonad.
Context {fs : Funext}.
Definition O_monad_strength (A B : Type) : A × O B → O (A × B)
:= fun aob ⇒ O_rec (fun b a ⇒ to O (A×B) (a,b)) (snd aob) (fst aob).
Definition O_monad_strength_natural (A A' B B' : Type) (f : A → A') (g : B → B')
: O_functor (functor_prod f g) o O_monad_strength A B ==
O_monad_strength A' B' o functor_prod f (O_functor g).
intros [a b]. revert a. apply ap10.
apply path_arrow; intros a.
unfold O_monad_strength, O_functor; simpl.
repeat rewrite O_rec_beta.
: O (Decidable A).
destruct (dec (O A)) as [y|n].
- exact (O_functor inl y).
- refine (O_functor inr _).
apply to; intros a.
exact (n (to O A a)).
End Decidable.
Section Monad.
Definition O_monad_mult (A : Type) : O (O A) → O A
:= O_rec idmap.
Definition O_monad_mult_natural {A B} (f : A → B)
: O_functor f o O_monad_mult A == O_monad_mult B o O_functor (O_functor f).
apply O_indpaths; intros x; unfold O_monad_mult.
rewrite (to_O_natural (O_functor f) x).
rewrite (O_rec_beta idmap x).
rewrite (O_rec_beta idmap (O_functor f x)).
Definition O_monad_unitlaw1 (A : Type)
: O_monad_mult A o (to O (O A)) == idmap.
apply O_indpaths; intros x; unfold O_monad_mult.
exact (O_rec_beta idmap (to O A x)).
Definition O_monad_unitlaw2 (A : Type)
: O_monad_mult A o (O_functor (to O A)) == idmap.
apply O_indpaths; intros x; unfold O_monad_mult, O_functor.
repeat rewrite O_rec_beta.
Definition O_monad_mult_assoc (A : Type)
: O_monad_mult A o O_monad_mult (O A) == O_monad_mult A o O_functor (O_monad_mult A).
apply O_indpaths; intros x; unfold O_monad_mult, O_functor.
repeat rewrite O_rec_beta.
End Monad.
Section StrongMonad.
Context {fs : Funext}.
Definition O_monad_strength (A B : Type) : A × O B → O (A × B)
:= fun aob ⇒ O_rec (fun b a ⇒ to O (A×B) (a,b)) (snd aob) (fst aob).
Definition O_monad_strength_natural (A A' B B' : Type) (f : A → A') (g : B → B')
: O_functor (functor_prod f g) o O_monad_strength A B ==
O_monad_strength A' B' o functor_prod f (O_functor g).
intros [a b]. revert a. apply ap10.
apply path_arrow; intros a.
unfold O_monad_strength, O_functor; simpl.
repeat rewrite O_rec_beta.
The diagrams for strength, see
Definition O_monad_strength_unitlaw1 (A : Type)
: O_functor (@snd Unit A) o O_monad_strength Unit A == @snd Unit (O A).
intros [[] a]. strip_reflections.
unfold O_monad_strength, O_functor. simpl.
rewrite O_rec_beta.
nrapply O_rec_beta.
Definition O_monad_strength_unitlaw2 (A B : Type)
: O_monad_strength A B o functor_prod idmap (to O B) == to O (A×B).
intros [a b].
unfold O_monad_strength, functor_prod. simpl.
revert a; apply ap10.
nrapply O_rec_beta.
Definition O_monad_strength_assoc1 (A B C : Type)
: O_functor (equiv_prod_assoc A B C)^-1 o O_monad_strength (A×B) C ==
O_monad_strength A (B×C) o functor_prod idmap (O_monad_strength B C) o (equiv_prod_assoc A B (O C))^-1.
intros [[a b] c].
revert a; apply ap10. revert b; apply ap10.
apply path_arrow; intros b. apply path_arrow; intros a.
unfold O_monad_strength, O_functor, functor_prod. simpl.
repeat rewrite O_rec_beta.
Definition O_monad_strength_assoc2 (A B : Type)
: O_monad_mult (A×B) o O_functor (O_monad_strength A B) o O_monad_strength A (O B) ==
O_monad_strength A B o functor_prod idmap (O_monad_mult B).
intros [a b]. revert a; apply ap10.
apply path_arrow; intros a.
unfold O_monad_strength, O_functor, O_monad_mult, functor_prod. simpl.
repeat (rewrite O_rec_beta; simpl).
End StrongMonad.
End Reflective_Subuniverse.
: O_functor (@snd Unit A) o O_monad_strength Unit A == @snd Unit (O A).
intros [[] a]. strip_reflections.
unfold O_monad_strength, O_functor. simpl.
rewrite O_rec_beta.
nrapply O_rec_beta.
Definition O_monad_strength_unitlaw2 (A B : Type)
: O_monad_strength A B o functor_prod idmap (to O B) == to O (A×B).
intros [a b].
unfold O_monad_strength, functor_prod. simpl.
revert a; apply ap10.
nrapply O_rec_beta.
Definition O_monad_strength_assoc1 (A B C : Type)
: O_functor (equiv_prod_assoc A B C)^-1 o O_monad_strength (A×B) C ==
O_monad_strength A (B×C) o functor_prod idmap (O_monad_strength B C) o (equiv_prod_assoc A B (O C))^-1.
intros [[a b] c].
revert a; apply ap10. revert b; apply ap10.
apply path_arrow; intros b. apply path_arrow; intros a.
unfold O_monad_strength, O_functor, functor_prod. simpl.
repeat rewrite O_rec_beta.
Definition O_monad_strength_assoc2 (A B : Type)
: O_monad_mult (A×B) o O_functor (O_monad_strength A B) o O_monad_strength A (O B) ==
O_monad_strength A B o functor_prod idmap (O_monad_mult B).
intros [a b]. revert a; apply ap10.
apply path_arrow; intros a.
unfold O_monad_strength, O_functor, O_monad_mult, functor_prod. simpl.
repeat (rewrite O_rec_beta; simpl).
End StrongMonad.
End Reflective_Subuniverse.
Now we make the O_inverts notation global.
Modally connected types
Class IsConnected (O : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i}) (A : Type@{i})
:= isconnected_contr_O : Contr@{i} (O A).
Global Existing Instance isconnected_contr_O.
Section ConnectedTypes.
Context (O : ReflectiveSubuniverse).
:= isconnected_contr_O : Contr@{i} (O A).
Global Existing Instance isconnected_contr_O.
Section ConnectedTypes.
Context (O : ReflectiveSubuniverse).
Being connected is an hprop
Global Instance ishprop_isconnected `{Funext} A
: IsHProp (IsConnected O A).
unfold IsConnected; exact _.
: IsHProp (IsConnected O A).
unfold IsConnected; exact _.
Anything equivalent to a connected type is connected.
Definition isconnected_equiv (A : Type) {B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: IsConnected O A → IsConnected O B.
intros ?; refine (contr_equiv (O A) (O_functor O f)).
Definition isconnected_equiv' (A : Type) {B : Type} (f : A <~> B)
: IsConnected O A → IsConnected O B
:= isconnected_equiv A f.
: IsConnected O A → IsConnected O B.
intros ?; refine (contr_equiv (O A) (O_functor O f)).
Definition isconnected_equiv' (A : Type) {B : Type} (f : A <~> B)
: IsConnected O A → IsConnected O B
:= isconnected_equiv A f.
The O-connected types form a subuniverse.
Definition Conn : Subuniverse.
rapply (Build_Subuniverse (IsConnected O)).
simpl; intros T U isconnT f isequivf.
exact (isconnected_equiv T f isconnT).
rapply (Build_Subuniverse (IsConnected O)).
simpl; intros T U isconnT f isequivf.
exact (isconnected_equiv T f isconnT).
Connectedness of a type A can equivalently be characterized by the fact that any map to an O-type C is nullhomotopic. Here is one direction of that equivalence.
Definition isconnected_elim {A : Type} `{IsConnected O A} (C : Type) `{In O C} (f : A → C)
: NullHomotopy f.
set (ff := @O_rec O _ _ _ _ _ f).
∃ (ff (center _)).
intros a. symmetry.
refine (ap ff (contr (to O _ a)) @ _).
apply O_rec_beta.
: NullHomotopy f.
set (ff := @O_rec O _ _ _ _ _ f).
∃ (ff (center _)).
intros a. symmetry.
refine (ap ff (contr (to O _ a)) @ _).
apply O_rec_beta.
Definition isconnected_from_elim_to_O {A : Type}
: NullHomotopy (to O A) → IsConnected O A.
intros nh.
apply (Build_Contr _ (nh .1)).
rapply O_indpaths.
intros x; symmetry; apply (nh .2).
: NullHomotopy (to O A) → IsConnected O A.
intros nh.
apply (Build_Contr _ (nh .1)).
rapply O_indpaths.
intros x; symmetry; apply (nh .2).
Now the general case follows.
Definition isconnected_from_elim {A : Type}
: (∀ (C : Type) `{In O C} (f : A → C), NullHomotopy f)
→ IsConnected O A.
intros H.
exact (isconnected_from_elim_to_O (H (O A) (O_inO A) (to O A))).
: (∀ (C : Type) `{In O C} (f : A → C), NullHomotopy f)
→ IsConnected O A.
intros H.
exact (isconnected_from_elim_to_O (H (O A) (O_inO A) (to O A))).
Connected types are closed under sigmas.
Global Instance isconnected_sigma {A : Type} {B : A → Type}
`{IsConnected O A} `{∀ a, IsConnected O (B a)}
: IsConnected O {a:A & B a}.
apply isconnected_from_elim; intros C ? f.
pose (nB := fun a ⇒ @isconnected_elim (B a) _ C _ (fun b ⇒ f (a;b))).
pose (nA := isconnected_elim C (fun a ⇒ (nB a).1)).
∃ (nA.1); intros [a b].
exact ((nB a).2 b @ nA.2 a).
`{IsConnected O A} `{∀ a, IsConnected O (B a)}
: IsConnected O {a:A & B a}.
apply isconnected_from_elim; intros C ? f.
pose (nB := fun a ⇒ @isconnected_elim (B a) _ C _ (fun b ⇒ f (a;b))).
pose (nA := isconnected_elim C (fun a ⇒ (nB a).1)).
∃ (nA.1); intros [a b].
exact ((nB a).2 b @ nA.2 a).
Contractible types are connected.
Global Instance isconnected_contr {A : Type} `{Contr A}
: IsConnected O A.
rapply contr_O_contr.
: IsConnected O A.
rapply contr_O_contr.
A type which is both connected and modal is contractible.
Definition contr_trunc_conn {A : Type} `{In O A} `{IsConnected O A}
: Contr A.
apply (contr_equiv _ (to O A)^-1).
: Contr A.
apply (contr_equiv _ (to O A)^-1).
Any map between connected types is inverted by O.
Global Instance O_inverts_isconnected {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
`{IsConnected O A} `{IsConnected O B}
: O_inverts O f.
exact _.
`{IsConnected O A} `{IsConnected O B}
: O_inverts O f.
exact _.
Here's another way of stating the universal property for mapping out of connected types into modal ones.
Definition extendable_const_isconnected_inO (n : nat)
(A : Type) `{IsConnected O A}
(C : Type) `{In O C}
: ExtendableAlong n (const_tt A) (fun _ ⇒ C).
generalize dependent C;
simple_induction n n IHn; intros C ?;
[ exact tt | split ].
- intros f.
∃ (fun _ : Unit ⇒ (isconnected_elim C f).1); intros a.
symmetry; apply ((isconnected_elim C f).2).
- intros h k.
refine (extendable_postcompose' n _ _ _ _ (IHn (h tt = k tt) (inO_paths _ _ _ _))).
intros []; apply equiv_idmap.
Definition ooextendable_const_isconnected_inO
(A : Type@{i}) `{IsConnected@{i} O A}
(C : Type@{j}) `{In O C}
: ooExtendableAlong (const_tt A) (fun _ ⇒ C)
:= fun n ⇒ extendable_const_isconnected_inO n A C.
Definition isequiv_const_isconnected_inO `{Funext}
{A : Type} `{IsConnected O A} (C : Type) `{In O C}
: IsEquiv (@const A C).
refine (@isequiv_compose _ _ (fun c u ⇒ c) _ _ _
(isequiv_ooextendable (fun _ ⇒ C) (const_tt A)
(ooextendable_const_isconnected_inO A C))).
Definition equiv_const_isconnected_inO `{Funext}
{A : Type} `{IsConnected O A} (C : Type) `{In O C}
: C <~> (A → C) := Build_Equiv _ _ const (isequiv_const_isconnected_inO C).
End ConnectedTypes.
(A : Type) `{IsConnected O A}
(C : Type) `{In O C}
: ExtendableAlong n (const_tt A) (fun _ ⇒ C).
generalize dependent C;
simple_induction n n IHn; intros C ?;
[ exact tt | split ].
- intros f.
∃ (fun _ : Unit ⇒ (isconnected_elim C f).1); intros a.
symmetry; apply ((isconnected_elim C f).2).
- intros h k.
refine (extendable_postcompose' n _ _ _ _ (IHn (h tt = k tt) (inO_paths _ _ _ _))).
intros []; apply equiv_idmap.
Definition ooextendable_const_isconnected_inO
(A : Type@{i}) `{IsConnected@{i} O A}
(C : Type@{j}) `{In O C}
: ooExtendableAlong (const_tt A) (fun _ ⇒ C)
:= fun n ⇒ extendable_const_isconnected_inO n A C.
Definition isequiv_const_isconnected_inO `{Funext}
{A : Type} `{IsConnected O A} (C : Type) `{In O C}
: IsEquiv (@const A C).
refine (@isequiv_compose _ _ (fun c u ⇒ c) _ _ _
(isequiv_ooextendable (fun _ ⇒ C) (const_tt A)
(ooextendable_const_isconnected_inO A C))).
Definition equiv_const_isconnected_inO `{Funext}
{A : Type} `{IsConnected O A} (C : Type) `{In O C}
: C <~> (A → C) := Build_Equiv _ _ const (isequiv_const_isconnected_inO C).
End ConnectedTypes.
Any equivalence is modal
Global Instance mapinO_isequiv {A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: MapIn O f.
intros b; exact _.
: MapIn O f.
intros b; exact _.
A slightly specialized result: if Empty is modal, then a map with decidable hprop fibers (such as inl or inr) is modal.
Global Instance mapinO_hfiber_decidable_hprop {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
`{In O Empty}
`{∀ b, IsHProp (hfiber f b)}
`{∀ b, Decidable (hfiber f b)}
: MapIn O f.
intros b.
destruct (equiv_decidable_hprop (hfiber f b)) as [e|e].
- exact (inO_equiv_inO Unit e^-1).
- exact (inO_equiv_inO Empty e^-1).
`{In O Empty}
`{∀ b, IsHProp (hfiber f b)}
`{∀ b, Decidable (hfiber f b)}
: MapIn O f.
intros b.
destruct (equiv_decidable_hprop (hfiber f b)) as [e|e].
- exact (inO_equiv_inO Unit e^-1).
- exact (inO_equiv_inO Empty e^-1).
Any map between modal types is modal.
Global Instance mapinO_between_inO {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
`{In O A} `{In O B}
: MapIn O f.
intros b; exact _.
`{In O A} `{In O B}
: MapIn O f.
intros b; exact _.
Modal maps cancel on the left.
Definition cancelL_mapinO {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C)
: MapIn O g → MapIn O (g o f) → MapIn O f.
intros ? ? b.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_hfiber_compose_map f g b)).
: MapIn O g → MapIn O (g o f) → MapIn O f.
intros ? ? b.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_hfiber_compose_map f g b)).
Modal maps also cancel with equivalences on the other side.
Definition cancelR_isequiv_mapinO {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C)
`{IsEquiv _ _ f} `{MapIn O _ _ (g o f)}
: MapIn O g.
intros b.
srefine (inO_equiv_inO' (hfiber (g o f) b) _).
exact (equiv_functor_sigma f (fun a ⇒ 1%equiv)).
Definition cancelR_equiv_mapinO {A B C : Type} (f : A <~> B) (g : B → C)
`{MapIn O _ _ (g o f)}
: MapIn O g
:= cancelR_isequiv_mapinO f g.
`{IsEquiv _ _ f} `{MapIn O _ _ (g o f)}
: MapIn O g.
intros b.
srefine (inO_equiv_inO' (hfiber (g o f) b) _).
exact (equiv_functor_sigma f (fun a ⇒ 1%equiv)).
Definition cancelR_equiv_mapinO {A B C : Type} (f : A <~> B) (g : B → C)
`{MapIn O _ _ (g o f)}
: MapIn O g
:= cancelR_isequiv_mapinO f g.
The pullback of a modal map is modal.
Global Instance mapinO_pullback {A B C}
(f : B → A) (g : C → A) `{MapIn O _ _ g}
: MapIn O (f^* g).
intros b.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_pullback_along f g b)^-1).
Global Instance mapinO_pullback' {A B C}
(g : C → A) (f : B → A) `{MapIn O _ _ f}
: MapIn O (g^*' f).
intros c.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_pullback_along' g f c)^-1).
(f : B → A) (g : C → A) `{MapIn O _ _ g}
: MapIn O (f^* g).
intros b.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_pullback_along f g b)^-1).
Global Instance mapinO_pullback' {A B C}
(g : C → A) (f : B → A) `{MapIn O _ _ f}
: MapIn O (g^*' f).
intros c.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_pullback_along' g f c)^-1).
functor_sum preserves modal maps.
Global Instance mapinO_functor_sum {A A' B B'}
(f : A → A') (g : B → B') `{MapIn O _ _ f} `{MapIn O _ _ g}
: MapIn O (functor_sum f g).
intros [a|b].
- refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_functor_sum_l f g a)^-1).
- refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_functor_sum_r f g b)^-1).
(f : A → A') (g : B → B') `{MapIn O _ _ f} `{MapIn O _ _ g}
: MapIn O (functor_sum f g).
intros [a|b].
- refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_functor_sum_l f g a)^-1).
- refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_functor_sum_r f g b)^-1).
So does unfunctor_sum, if both summands are preserved. These can't be Instances since they require Ha and Hb to be supplied.
Definition mapinO_unfunctor_sum_l {A A' B B'}
(h : A + B → A' + B')
(Ha : ∀ a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
(Hb : ∀ b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
`{MapIn O _ _ h}
: MapIn O (unfunctor_sum_l h Ha).
intros a.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_unfunctor_sum_l h Ha Hb a)^-1).
Definition mapinO_unfunctor_sum_r {A A' B B'}
(h : A + B → A' + B')
(Ha : ∀ a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
(Hb : ∀ b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
`{MapIn O _ _ h}
: MapIn O (unfunctor_sum_r h Hb).
intros b.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_unfunctor_sum_r h Ha Hb b)^-1).
(h : A + B → A' + B')
(Ha : ∀ a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
(Hb : ∀ b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
`{MapIn O _ _ h}
: MapIn O (unfunctor_sum_l h Ha).
intros a.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_unfunctor_sum_l h Ha Hb a)^-1).
Definition mapinO_unfunctor_sum_r {A A' B B'}
(h : A + B → A' + B')
(Ha : ∀ a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
(Hb : ∀ b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
`{MapIn O _ _ h}
: MapIn O (unfunctor_sum_r h Hb).
intros b.
refine (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_unfunctor_sum_r h Ha Hb b)^-1).
Definition mapinO_functor_forall_id `{Funext}
{A : Type} {P Q : A → Type} (f : ∀ a, P a → Q a) `{∀ a, MapIn O (f a)}
: MapIn O (functor_forall_id f).
intro g.
rapply (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_functor_forall_id f g)^-1%equiv).
End ModalMaps.
{A : Type} {P Q : A → Type} (f : ∀ a, P a → Q a) `{∀ a, MapIn O (f a)}
: MapIn O (functor_forall_id f).
intro g.
rapply (inO_equiv_inO _ (hfiber_functor_forall_id f g)^-1%equiv).
End ModalMaps.
Modally connected maps
Class IsConnMap (O : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i})
{A : Type@{i}} {B : Type@{i}} (f : A → B)
:= isconnected_hfiber_conn_map
The extra universe k is >= max(i,j).
: ∀ b:B, IsConnected@{i} O (hfiber@{i i} f b).
Global Existing Instance isconnected_hfiber_conn_map.
Section ConnectedMaps.
Universe i.
Context (O : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i}).
Global Existing Instance isconnected_hfiber_conn_map.
Section ConnectedMaps.
Universe i.
Context (O : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i}).
Any equivalence is connected
Global Instance conn_map_isequiv {A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
: IsConnMap O f.
intros b; exact _.
: IsConnMap O f.
intros b; exact _.
Anything homotopic to a connected map is connected.
Definition conn_map_homotopic {A B : Type} (f g : A → B) (h : f == g)
: IsConnMap O f → IsConnMap O g.
intros ? b.
exact (isconnected_equiv O (hfiber@{i i} f b)
(equiv_hfiber_homotopic@{i i i} f g h b) _).
: IsConnMap O f → IsConnMap O g.
intros ? b.
exact (isconnected_equiv O (hfiber@{i i} f b)
(equiv_hfiber_homotopic@{i i i} f g h b) _).
The pullback of a connected map is connected
Global Instance conn_map_pullback {A B C}
(f : B → A) (g : C → A) `{IsConnMap O _ _ g}
: IsConnMap O (f^* g).
intros b.
refine (isconnected_equiv _ _ (hfiber_pullback_along f g b)^-1 _).
Global Instance conn_map_pullback' {A B C}
(g : C → A) (f : B → A) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: IsConnMap O (g^*' f).
intros c.
refine (isconnected_equiv _ _ (hfiber_pullback_along' g f c)^-1 _).
(f : B → A) (g : C → A) `{IsConnMap O _ _ g}
: IsConnMap O (f^* g).
intros b.
refine (isconnected_equiv _ _ (hfiber_pullback_along f g b)^-1 _).
Global Instance conn_map_pullback' {A B C}
(g : C → A) (f : B → A) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: IsConnMap O (g^*' f).
intros c.
refine (isconnected_equiv _ _ (hfiber_pullback_along' g f c)^-1 _).
The projection from a family of connected types is connected.
Global Instance conn_map_pr1 {A : Type} {B : A → Type}
`{∀ a, IsConnected O (B a)}
: IsConnMap O (@pr1 A B).
intros a.
refine (isconnected_equiv O (B a) (hfiber_fibration a B) _).
`{∀ a, IsConnected O (B a)}
: IsConnMap O (@pr1 A B).
intros a.
refine (isconnected_equiv O (B a) (hfiber_fibration a B) _).
Being connected is an hprop
Global Instance ishprop_isconnmap `{Funext} {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: IsHProp (IsConnMap O f).
apply istrunc_forall.
: IsHProp (IsConnMap O f).
apply istrunc_forall.
Connected maps are orthogonal to modal maps (i.e. familes of modal types).
Definition conn_map_elim
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
: ∀ b:B, P b.
intros b.
refine (pr1 (isconnected_elim O (A:=hfiber f b) _ _)).
intros [a p].
exact (transport P p (d a)).
Definition conn_map_comp
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
: ∀ a:A, conn_map_elim f P d (f a) = d a.
intros a. unfold conn_map_elim.
set (fibermap := (fun a0p : hfiber f (f a)
⇒ let (a0, p) := a0p in transport P p (d a0))).
destruct (isconnected_elim O (P (f a)) fibermap) as [x e].
change (d a) with (fibermap (a;1)).
apply inverse, e.
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
: ∀ b:B, P b.
intros b.
refine (pr1 (isconnected_elim O (A:=hfiber f b) _ _)).
intros [a p].
exact (transport P p (d a)).
Definition conn_map_comp
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
: ∀ a:A, conn_map_elim f P d (f a) = d a.
intros a. unfold conn_map_elim.
set (fibermap := (fun a0p : hfiber f (f a)
⇒ let (a0, p) := a0p in transport P p (d a0))).
destruct (isconnected_elim O (P (f a)) fibermap) as [x e].
change (d a) with (fibermap (a;1)).
apply inverse, e.
A map which is both connected and modal is an equivalence.
Definition isequiv_conn_ino_map {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f} `{MapIn O _ _ f}
: IsEquiv f.
apply isequiv_contr_map. intros b.
apply (contr_trunc_conn O).
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f} `{MapIn O _ _ f}
: IsEquiv f.
apply isequiv_contr_map. intros b.
apply (contr_trunc_conn O).
We can re-express this in terms of extensions.
Lemma extension_conn_map_elim
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
: ExtensionAlong f P d.
∃ (conn_map_elim f P d).
apply conn_map_comp.
Definition extendable_conn_map_inO (n : nat)
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
: ExtendableAlong n f P.
generalize dependent P.
simple_induction n n IHn; intros P ?; [ exact tt | split ].
- intros d; apply extension_conn_map_elim; exact _.
- intros h k; apply IHn; exact _.
Definition ooextendable_conn_map_inO
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
: ooExtendableAlong f P
:= fun n ⇒ extendable_conn_map_inO n f P.
Lemma allpath_extension_conn_map `{Funext}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
(e e' : ExtensionAlong f P d)
: e = e'.
apply path_extension.
refine (extension_conn_map_elim _ _ _).
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
: ExtensionAlong f P d.
∃ (conn_map_elim f P d).
apply conn_map_comp.
Definition extendable_conn_map_inO (n : nat)
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
: ExtendableAlong n f P.
generalize dependent P.
simple_induction n n IHn; intros P ?; [ exact tt | split ].
- intros d; apply extension_conn_map_elim; exact _.
- intros h k; apply IHn; exact _.
Definition ooextendable_conn_map_inO
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
: ooExtendableAlong f P
:= fun n ⇒ extendable_conn_map_inO n f P.
Lemma allpath_extension_conn_map `{Funext}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
(e e' : ExtensionAlong f P d)
: e = e'.
apply path_extension.
refine (extension_conn_map_elim _ _ _).
It follows that conn_map_elim is actually an equivalence.
Theorem isequiv_o_conn_map `{Funext}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
: IsEquiv (fun (g : ∀ b:B, P b) ⇒ g oD f).
apply isequiv_contr_map; intros d.
apply contr_inhabited_hprop.
- nrefine (@istrunc_equiv_istrunc {g : ∀ b, P b & g oD f == d} _ _ _ _).
{ refine (equiv_functor_sigma_id _); intros g.
apply equiv_path_forall. }
apply hprop_allpath. intros g h.
exact (allpath_extension_conn_map f P d g h).
- ∃ (conn_map_elim f P d).
apply path_forall; intros x; apply conn_map_comp.
Definition equiv_o_conn_map `{Funext}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
: (∀ b, P b) <~> (∀ a, P (f a))
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_o_conn_map f P).
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
: IsEquiv (fun (g : ∀ b:B, P b) ⇒ g oD f).
apply isequiv_contr_map; intros d.
apply contr_inhabited_hprop.
- nrefine (@istrunc_equiv_istrunc {g : ∀ b, P b & g oD f == d} _ _ _ _).
{ refine (equiv_functor_sigma_id _); intros g.
apply equiv_path_forall. }
apply hprop_allpath. intros g h.
exact (allpath_extension_conn_map f P d g h).
- ∃ (conn_map_elim f P d).
apply path_forall; intros x; apply conn_map_comp.
Definition equiv_o_conn_map `{Funext}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) `{∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
: (∀ b, P b) <~> (∀ a, P (f a))
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_o_conn_map f P).
When considering lexness properties, we often want to consider the property of the universe of modal types being modal. We can't say this directly (except in the accessible, hence liftable, case) because it lives in a higher universe, but we can make a direct extendability statement. Here we prove a lemma that oo-extendability into the universe follows from plain extendability, essentially because the type of equivalences between two O-modal types is O-modal.
Definition ooextendable_TypeO_from_extension `{Univalence}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(extP : ∀ P : A → Type_ O, ExtensionAlong f (fun _ : B ⇒ Type_ O) P)
: ooExtendableAlong f (fun _ ⇒ Type_ O).
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
(extP : ∀ P : A → Type_ O, ExtensionAlong f (fun _ : B ⇒ Type_ O) P)
: ooExtendableAlong f (fun _ ⇒ Type_ O).
By definition, in addition to our assumption extP that maps into Type_ O extend along f, we must show that sections of families of equivalences are ooExtendableAlong it.
Note that due to the implementation of ooExtendableAlong, we actually have to use extP twice (there should probably be a general cofixpoint lemma for this).
What remains is to extend families of paths.
intros P Q; rapply (ooextendable_postcompose' (fun b ⇒ P b <~> Q b)).
+ intros x; refine (equiv_path_TypeO _ _ _ oE equiv_path_universe _ _).
+ rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
+ intros x; refine (equiv_path_TypeO _ _ _ oE equiv_path_universe _ _).
+ rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
Conversely, if a map satisfies this elimination principle (expressed via extensions), then it is connected. This completes the proof of Lemma 7.5.7 from the book.
Lemma conn_map_from_extension_elim {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
: (∀ (P : B → Type) {P_inO : ∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a)),
ExtensionAlong f P d)
→ IsConnMap O f.
intros Hf b. apply isconnected_from_elim_to_O.
assert (e := Hf (fun b ⇒ O (hfiber f b)) _ (fun a ⇒ to O _ (a;1))).
∃ (e.1 b).
intros [a p]. destruct p.
symmetry; apply (e.2).
: (∀ (P : B → Type) {P_inO : ∀ b:B, In O (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a)),
ExtensionAlong f P d)
→ IsConnMap O f.
intros Hf b. apply isconnected_from_elim_to_O.
assert (e := Hf (fun b ⇒ O (hfiber f b)) _ (fun a ⇒ to O _ (a;1))).
∃ (e.1 b).
intros [a p]. destruct p.
symmetry; apply (e.2).
Lemma 7.5.6: Connected maps compose and cancel on the right.
Global Instance conn_map_compose {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f} `{IsConnMap O _ _ g}
: IsConnMap O (g o f).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros P ? d.
∃ (conn_map_elim g P (conn_map_elim f (fun b ⇒ P (g b)) d)); intros a.
exact (conn_map_comp g P _ _ @ conn_map_comp f (fun b ⇒ P (g b)) d a).
Definition cancelR_conn_map {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f} `{IsConnMap O _ _ (g o f)}
: IsConnMap O g.
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros P ? d.
∃ (conn_map_elim (g o f) P (d oD f)); intros b.
pattern b; refine (conn_map_elim f _ _ b); intros a.
exact (conn_map_comp (g o f) P (d oD f) a).
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f} `{IsConnMap O _ _ g}
: IsConnMap O (g o f).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros P ? d.
∃ (conn_map_elim g P (conn_map_elim f (fun b ⇒ P (g b)) d)); intros a.
exact (conn_map_comp g P _ _ @ conn_map_comp f (fun b ⇒ P (g b)) d a).
Definition cancelR_conn_map {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f} `{IsConnMap O _ _ (g o f)}
: IsConnMap O g.
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros P ? d.
∃ (conn_map_elim (g o f) P (d oD f)); intros b.
pattern b; refine (conn_map_elim f _ _ b); intros a.
exact (conn_map_comp (g o f) P (d oD f) a).
Connected maps also cancel with equivalences on the other side.
Definition cancelL_isequiv_conn_map {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B → C)
`{IsEquiv _ _ g} `{IsConnMap O _ _ (g o f)}
: IsConnMap O f.
intros b.
srefine (isconnected_equiv' O (hfiber (g o f) (g b)) _ _).
exact (equiv_inverse (equiv_functor_sigma_id (fun a ⇒ equiv_ap g (f a) b))).
Definition cancelL_equiv_conn_map {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B <~> C)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ (g o f)}
: IsConnMap O f
:= cancelL_isequiv_conn_map f g.
`{IsEquiv _ _ g} `{IsConnMap O _ _ (g o f)}
: IsConnMap O f.
intros b.
srefine (isconnected_equiv' O (hfiber (g o f) (g b)) _ _).
exact (equiv_inverse (equiv_functor_sigma_id (fun a ⇒ equiv_ap g (f a) b))).
Definition cancelL_equiv_conn_map {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : B <~> C)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ (g o f)}
: IsConnMap O f
:= cancelL_isequiv_conn_map f g.
The constant map to Unit is connected just when its domain is.
Definition isconnected_conn_map_to_unit {A : Type}
`{IsConnMap O _ _ (const_tt A)}
: IsConnected O A.
refine (isconnected_equiv O (hfiber (const_tt A) tt)
(equiv_sigma_contr _) _).
Hint Immediate isconnected_conn_map_to_unit : typeclass_instances.
Global Instance conn_map_to_unit_isconnected {A : Type}
`{IsConnected O A}
: IsConnMap O (const_tt A).
intros u.
refine (isconnected_equiv O A
(equiv_sigma_contr _)^-1 _).
(* Lemma 7.5.10: A map to a type in O exhibits its codomain as the O-reflection of its domain if it is O-connected. (The converse is true if and only if O is a modality.) *)
Definition isequiv_O_rec_conn_map {A B : Type} `{In O B}
(f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: IsEquiv (O_rec (O := O) f).
refine (isequiv_adjointify _ (conn_map_elim f (fun _ ⇒ O A) (to O A)) _ _).
- intros x. pattern x.
refine (conn_map_elim f _ _ x); intros a.
exact (ap (O_rec f)
(conn_map_comp f (fun _ ⇒ O A) (to O A) a)
@ O_rec_beta f a).
- apply O_indpaths; intros a; simpl.
refine (ap _ (O_rec_beta f a) @ _).
refine (conn_map_comp f (fun _ ⇒ O A) (to O A) a).
`{IsConnMap O _ _ (const_tt A)}
: IsConnected O A.
refine (isconnected_equiv O (hfiber (const_tt A) tt)
(equiv_sigma_contr _) _).
Hint Immediate isconnected_conn_map_to_unit : typeclass_instances.
Global Instance conn_map_to_unit_isconnected {A : Type}
`{IsConnected O A}
: IsConnMap O (const_tt A).
intros u.
refine (isconnected_equiv O A
(equiv_sigma_contr _)^-1 _).
(* Lemma 7.5.10: A map to a type in O exhibits its codomain as the O-reflection of its domain if it is O-connected. (The converse is true if and only if O is a modality.) *)
Definition isequiv_O_rec_conn_map {A B : Type} `{In O B}
(f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: IsEquiv (O_rec (O := O) f).
refine (isequiv_adjointify _ (conn_map_elim f (fun _ ⇒ O A) (to O A)) _ _).
- intros x. pattern x.
refine (conn_map_elim f _ _ x); intros a.
exact (ap (O_rec f)
(conn_map_comp f (fun _ ⇒ O A) (to O A) a)
@ O_rec_beta f a).
- apply O_indpaths; intros a; simpl.
refine (ap _ (O_rec_beta f a) @ _).
refine (conn_map_comp f (fun _ ⇒ O A) (to O A) a).
Lemma 7.5.12
Section ConnMapFunctorSigma.
Context {A B : Type} {P : A → Type} {Q : B → Type}
(f : A → B) (g : ∀ a, P a → Q (f a))
`{∀ a, IsConnMap O (g a)}.
Definition equiv_O_hfiber_functor_sigma (b:B) (v:Q b)
: O (hfiber (functor_sigma f g) (b;v)) <~> O (hfiber f b).
equiv_via (O {w : hfiber f b & hfiber (g w.1) ((w.2)^ # v)}).
{ apply equiv_O_functor, hfiber_functor_sigma. }
equiv_via (O {w : hfiber f b & O (hfiber (g w.1) ((w.2)^ # v))}).
{ symmetry; apply equiv_O_sigma_O. }
apply equiv_O_functor.
apply equiv_sigma_contr; intros [a p]; simpl; exact _.
Global Instance conn_map_functor_sigma `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: IsConnMap O (functor_sigma f g).
intros [b v].
refine (contr_equiv' _ (equiv_inverse (equiv_O_hfiber_functor_sigma b v))).
Definition conn_map_base_inhabited (inh : ∀ b, Q b)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ (functor_sigma f g)}
: IsConnMap O f.
intros b.
refine (contr_equiv _ (equiv_O_hfiber_functor_sigma b (inh b))).
End ConnMapFunctorSigma.
Context {A B : Type} {P : A → Type} {Q : B → Type}
(f : A → B) (g : ∀ a, P a → Q (f a))
`{∀ a, IsConnMap O (g a)}.
Definition equiv_O_hfiber_functor_sigma (b:B) (v:Q b)
: O (hfiber (functor_sigma f g) (b;v)) <~> O (hfiber f b).
equiv_via (O {w : hfiber f b & hfiber (g w.1) ((w.2)^ # v)}).
{ apply equiv_O_functor, hfiber_functor_sigma. }
equiv_via (O {w : hfiber f b & O (hfiber (g w.1) ((w.2)^ # v))}).
{ symmetry; apply equiv_O_sigma_O. }
apply equiv_O_functor.
apply equiv_sigma_contr; intros [a p]; simpl; exact _.
Global Instance conn_map_functor_sigma `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: IsConnMap O (functor_sigma f g).
intros [b v].
refine (contr_equiv' _ (equiv_inverse (equiv_O_hfiber_functor_sigma b v))).
Definition conn_map_base_inhabited (inh : ∀ b, Q b)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ (functor_sigma f g)}
: IsConnMap O f.
intros b.
refine (contr_equiv _ (equiv_O_hfiber_functor_sigma b (inh b))).
End ConnMapFunctorSigma.
Lemma 7.5.13. The "if" direction is a special case of conn_map_functor_sigma, so we prove only the "only if" direction.
Definition conn_map_fiber
{A : Type} {P Q : A → Type} (f : ∀ a, P a → Q a)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ (functor_sigma idmap f)}
: ∀ a, IsConnMap O (f a).
intros a q.
refine (isconnected_equiv' O (hfiber (functor_sigma idmap f) (a;q)) _ _).
exact (hfiber_functor_sigma_idmap P Q f a q).
{A : Type} {P Q : A → Type} (f : ∀ a, P a → Q a)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ (functor_sigma idmap f)}
: ∀ a, IsConnMap O (f a).
intros a q.
refine (isconnected_equiv' O (hfiber (functor_sigma idmap f) (a;q)) _ _).
exact (hfiber_functor_sigma_idmap P Q f a q).
Lemma 7.5.14: Connected maps are inverted by O.
Global Instance O_inverts_conn_map {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: O_inverts O f.
rapply O_inverts_from_extendable.
intros; rapply extendable_conn_map_inO.
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: O_inverts O f.
rapply O_inverts_from_extendable.
intros; rapply extendable_conn_map_inO.
As a consequence, connected maps between modal types are equivalences.
Definition isequiv_conn_map_ino {A B : Type} (f : A → B)
`{In O A} `{In O B} `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: IsEquiv f
:= isequiv_commsq' f (O_functor O f) (to O A) (to O B) (to_O_natural O f).
`{In O A} `{In O B} `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: IsEquiv f
:= isequiv_commsq' f (O_functor O f) (to O A) (to O B) (to_O_natural O f).
Connectedness is preserved by O_functor.
Global Instance conn_map_O_functor {A B} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O _ _ f}
: IsConnMap O (O_functor O f).
unfold O_functor.
rapply conn_map_compose.
: IsConnMap O (O_functor O f).
unfold O_functor.
rapply conn_map_compose.
Connected maps are preserved by coproducts
Definition conn_map_sum {A B A' B'} (f : A → A') (g : B → B')
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f} `{IsConnMap O _ _ g}
: IsConnMap O (functor_sum f g).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_sum; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
`{IsConnMap O _ _ f} `{IsConnMap O _ _ g}
: IsConnMap O (functor_sum f g).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_sum; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
Connected maps are preserved by coequalizers
Definition conn_map_functor_coeq {B A B' A'}
{f g : B → A} {f' g' : B' → A'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ k} `{IsConnMap O _ _ h}
: IsConnMap O (functor_coeq h k p q).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_coeq.
- rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
- intros; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
{f g : B → A} {f' g' : B' → A'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ k} `{IsConnMap O _ _ h}
: IsConnMap O (functor_coeq h k p q).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_coeq.
- rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
- intros; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
And by pushouts
Definition conn_map_functor_pushout {A B C A' B' C'}
(f : A → B) (g : A → C) {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
(h : A → A') (k : B → B') (l : C → C')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : l o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ h} `{IsConnMap O _ _ k} `{IsConnMap O _ _ l}
: IsConnMap O (functor_pushout h k l p q).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_coeq.
- apply extendable_functor_sum; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
- intros; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
End ConnectedMaps.
(f : A → B) (g : A → C) {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
(h : A → A') (k : B → B') (l : C → C')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : l o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ h} `{IsConnMap O _ _ k} `{IsConnMap O _ _ l}
: IsConnMap O (functor_pushout h k l p q).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_coeq.
- apply extendable_functor_sum; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
- intros; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
End ConnectedMaps.
Containment of (reflective) subuniverses
Class O_leq@{i1 i2 j} (O1 : Subuniverse@{i1}) (O2 : Subuniverse@{i2})
:= inO_leq : ∀ (A : Type@{j}), In O1 A → In O2 A.
Arguments inO_leq O1 O2 {_} A _.
Declare Scope subuniverse_scope.
Notation "O1 <= O2" := (O_leq O1 O2) : subuniverse_scope.
Open Scope subuniverse_scope.
Global Instance reflexive_O_leq : Reflexive O_leq | 10.
intros O A ?; assumption.
Global Instance transitive_O_leq : Transitive O_leq | 10.
intros O1 O2 O3 O12 O23 A ?.
rapply (@inO_leq O2 O3).
rapply (@inO_leq O1 O2).
Definition mapinO_O_leq (O1 O2 : Subuniverse) `{O1 ≤ O2}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{MapIn O1 A B f}
: MapIn O2 f.
intros b; rapply (inO_leq O1 O2).
:= inO_leq : ∀ (A : Type@{j}), In O1 A → In O2 A.
Arguments inO_leq O1 O2 {_} A _.
Declare Scope subuniverse_scope.
Notation "O1 <= O2" := (O_leq O1 O2) : subuniverse_scope.
Open Scope subuniverse_scope.
Global Instance reflexive_O_leq : Reflexive O_leq | 10.
intros O A ?; assumption.
Global Instance transitive_O_leq : Transitive O_leq | 10.
intros O1 O2 O3 O12 O23 A ?.
rapply (@inO_leq O2 O3).
rapply (@inO_leq O1 O2).
Definition mapinO_O_leq (O1 O2 : Subuniverse) `{O1 ≤ O2}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{MapIn O1 A B f}
: MapIn O2 f.
intros b; rapply (inO_leq O1 O2).
This implies that every O2-connected type is O1-connected, and similarly for maps and equivalences. We give universe annotations so that O1 and O2 don't have to be on the same universe, but we do have to have i1 ≤ i2 for this statement. When i2 ≤ i1 it seems that the statement might not be true unless the RSU on the larger universe is accessibly extended from the smaller one; see Localization.v.
Definition isconnected_O_leq@{i1 i2}
(O1 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i1}) (O2 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i2}) `{O_leq@{i1 i2 i1} O1 O2}
(A : Type@{i1}) `{IsConnected O2 A}
: IsConnected O1 A.
apply isconnected_from_elim.
intros C C1 f.
apply (isconnected_elim O2); srapply inO_leq; exact _.
(O1 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i1}) (O2 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i2}) `{O_leq@{i1 i2 i1} O1 O2}
(A : Type@{i1}) `{IsConnected O2 A}
: IsConnected O1 A.
apply isconnected_from_elim.
intros C C1 f.
apply (isconnected_elim O2); srapply inO_leq; exact _.
This one has the same universe constraint i1 ≤ i2.
Definition conn_map_O_leq@{i1 i2}
(O1 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i1}) (O2 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i2}) `{O_leq@{i1 i2 i1} O1 O2}
{A B : Type@{i1}} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O2 A B f}
: IsConnMap O1 f.
(O1 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i1}) (O2 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i2}) `{O_leq@{i1 i2 i1} O1 O2}
{A B : Type@{i1}} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap O2 A B f}
: IsConnMap O1 f.
We could prove this by applying isconnected_O_leq fiberwise, but unless we were very careful that would collapse the two universes i1 and i2. So instead we just give an analogous direct proof.
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim.
intros P P_inO g.
rapply (extension_conn_map_elim O2).
intros b; rapply (inO_leq O1).
intros P P_inO g.
rapply (extension_conn_map_elim O2).
intros b; rapply (inO_leq O1).
This is Lemma 2.12(i) in CORS, again with the same universe constraint i1 ≤ i2.
Definition O_inverts_O_leq@{i1 i2}
(O1 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i1}) (O2 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i2}) `{O_leq@{i1 i2 i1} O1 O2}
{A B : Type@{i1}} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts O2 f}
: O_inverts O1 f.
apply O_inverts_from_extendable@{i1 i1 i1 i1 i1}; intros Z Z_inO.
pose (inO_leq O1 O2 Z _).
apply (lift_extendablealong@{i1 i1 i1 i1 i1 i1 i2 i1 i1 i2 i1}).
apply (ooextendable_O_inverts O2); exact _.
(O1 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i1}) (O2 : ReflectiveSubuniverse@{i2}) `{O_leq@{i1 i2 i1} O1 O2}
{A B : Type@{i1}} (f : A → B) `{O_inverts O2 f}
: O_inverts O1 f.
apply O_inverts_from_extendable@{i1 i1 i1 i1 i1}; intros Z Z_inO.
pose (inO_leq O1 O2 Z _).
apply (lift_extendablealong@{i1 i1 i1 i1 i1 i1 i2 i1 i1 i2 i1}).
apply (ooextendable_O_inverts O2); exact _.
Equality of (reflective) subuniverses
Class O_eq@{i1 i2 j} (O1 : Subuniverse@{i1}) (O2 : Subuniverse@{i2}) :=
O_eq_l : O_leq@{i1 i2 j} O1 O2 ;
O_eq_r : O_leq@{i2 i1 j} O2 O1 ;
Global Existing Instances O_eq_l O_eq_r.
Infix "<=>" := O_eq : subuniverse_scope.
Definition issig_O_eq O1 O2 : _ <~> O_eq O1 O2 := ltac:(issig).
Global Instance reflexive_O_eq : Reflexive O_eq | 10.
intros; split; reflexivity.
Global Instance transitive_O_eq : Transitive O_eq | 10.
intros O1 O2 O3; split; refine (transitivity (y := O2) _ _).
Global Instance symmetric_O_eq : Symmetric O_eq | 10.
intros O1 O2 [? ?]; split; assumption.
Definition issig_subuniverse : _ <~> Subuniverse := ltac:(issig).
Definition equiv_path_subuniverse `{Univalence} (O1 O2 : Subuniverse)
: (O1 <=> O2) <~> (O1 = O2).
refine (_ oE (issig_O_eq O1 O2)^-1).
revert O1 O2; refine (equiv_path_along_equiv issig_subuniverse _).
cbn; intros O1 O2.
refine (equiv_path_sigma_hprop O1 O2 oE _).
destruct O1 as [O1 [O1h ?]]; destruct O2 as [O2 [O2h ?]]; cbn.
refine (equiv_path_arrow _ _ oE _).
srapply (equiv_iff_hprop).
- srapply istrunc_sigma; unfold O_leq; exact _.
- intros [h k] A; specialize (h A); specialize (k A); cbn in ×.
apply path_universe_uncurried, equiv_iff_hprop; assumption.
- intros h; split; intros A e; specialize (h A); cbn in ×.
1:rewrite <- h.
2:rewrite h.
all:exact e.
O_eq_l : O_leq@{i1 i2 j} O1 O2 ;
O_eq_r : O_leq@{i2 i1 j} O2 O1 ;
Global Existing Instances O_eq_l O_eq_r.
Infix "<=>" := O_eq : subuniverse_scope.
Definition issig_O_eq O1 O2 : _ <~> O_eq O1 O2 := ltac:(issig).
Global Instance reflexive_O_eq : Reflexive O_eq | 10.
intros; split; reflexivity.
Global Instance transitive_O_eq : Transitive O_eq | 10.
intros O1 O2 O3; split; refine (transitivity (y := O2) _ _).
Global Instance symmetric_O_eq : Symmetric O_eq | 10.
intros O1 O2 [? ?]; split; assumption.
Definition issig_subuniverse : _ <~> Subuniverse := ltac:(issig).
Definition equiv_path_subuniverse `{Univalence} (O1 O2 : Subuniverse)
: (O1 <=> O2) <~> (O1 = O2).
refine (_ oE (issig_O_eq O1 O2)^-1).
revert O1 O2; refine (equiv_path_along_equiv issig_subuniverse _).
cbn; intros O1 O2.
refine (equiv_path_sigma_hprop O1 O2 oE _).
destruct O1 as [O1 [O1h ?]]; destruct O2 as [O2 [O2h ?]]; cbn.
refine (equiv_path_arrow _ _ oE _).
srapply (equiv_iff_hprop).
- srapply istrunc_sigma; unfold O_leq; exact _.
- intros [h k] A; specialize (h A); specialize (k A); cbn in ×.
apply path_universe_uncurried, equiv_iff_hprop; assumption.
- intros h; split; intros A e; specialize (h A); cbn in ×.
1:rewrite <- h.
2:rewrite h.
all:exact e.
It should also be true that if O1 and O2 are reflective subuniverses, then O1 <=> O2 is equivalent to O1 = O2 :> ReflectiveSubuniverse. Probably contr_typeof_O_unit should be useful in proving that.
Reflections into one subuniverse are also reflections into an equal one. Unfortunately these almost certainly can't be Instances for fear of infinite loops, since <=> is reflexive.
Definition prereflects_O_leq
(O1 O2 : Subuniverse) `{O1 ≤ O2}
(A : Type) `{PreReflects O1 A}
: PreReflects O2 A.
unshelve econstructor.
- exact (O_reflector O1 A).
- rapply (inO_leq O1 O2).
- exact (to O1 A).
Definition reflects_O_eq
(O1 O2 : Subuniverse) `{O1 <=> O2}
(A : Type) `{Reflects O1 A}
: @Reflects O2 A (prereflects_O_leq O1 O2 A).
constructor; intros B B_inO2.
pose proof (inO_leq O2 O1 _ B_inO2).
apply (extendable_to_O O1).
(O1 O2 : Subuniverse) `{O1 ≤ O2}
(A : Type) `{PreReflects O1 A}
: PreReflects O2 A.
unshelve econstructor.
- exact (O_reflector O1 A).
- rapply (inO_leq O1 O2).
- exact (to O1 A).
Definition reflects_O_eq
(O1 O2 : Subuniverse) `{O1 <=> O2}
(A : Type) `{Reflects O1 A}
: @Reflects O2 A (prereflects_O_leq O1 O2 A).
constructor; intros B B_inO2.
pose proof (inO_leq O2 O1 _ B_inO2).
apply (extendable_to_O O1).
Separated subuniverses
Definition Sep (O : Subuniverse) : Subuniverse.
unshelve econstructor.
- intros A; exact (∀ (x y:A), In O (x = y)).
- exact _.
- intros T U ? f ? x y; cbn in ×.
refine (inO_equiv_inO' _ (equiv_ap f^-1 x y)^-1).
Global Instance inO_paths_SepO (O : Subuniverse)
{A : Type} {A_inO : In (Sep O) A} (x y : A)
: In O (x = y)
:= A_inO x y.
unshelve econstructor.
- intros A; exact (∀ (x y:A), In O (x = y)).
- exact _.
- intros T U ? f ? x y; cbn in ×.
refine (inO_equiv_inO' _ (equiv_ap f^-1 x y)^-1).
Global Instance inO_paths_SepO (O : Subuniverse)
{A : Type} {A_inO : In (Sep O) A} (x y : A)
: In O (x = y)
:= A_inO x y.
TODO: Where to put this? Morally it goes with the study of << in Modality.v and <<< in Descent.v and Sep in Separated.v, but it doesn't actually need any of those relations, only O' ≤ Sep O, and it would also be nice to have it next to O_inverts_functor_coeq. It's a variation on the latter: if O' ≤ Sep O, then for O' to invert functor_coeq h k it suffices that it invert k and that h be O-connected (by conn_map_OO_inverts, which has different hypotheses but applies in many of the same examples, that is a weaker assumption).
Definition OO_inverts_functor_coeq
(O O' : ReflectiveSubuniverse) `{O' ≤ Sep O}
{B A : Type} (f g : B → A)
{B' A' : Type} (f' g' : B' → A')
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
`{O_inverts O' k} `{IsConnMap O _ _ h}
: O_inverts O' (functor_coeq h k p q).
apply O_inverts_from_extendable.
intros Z Z_inO.
apply extendable_functor_coeq.
- nrapply (ooextendable_O_inverts O'); assumption.
- pose (inO_leq O' (Sep O)).
intros u v; rapply (extendable_conn_map_inO O).
(O O' : ReflectiveSubuniverse) `{O' ≤ Sep O}
{B A : Type} (f g : B → A)
{B' A' : Type} (f' g' : B' → A')
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
`{O_inverts O' k} `{IsConnMap O _ _ h}
: O_inverts O' (functor_coeq h k p q).
apply O_inverts_from_extendable.
intros Z Z_inO.
apply extendable_functor_coeq.
- nrapply (ooextendable_O_inverts O'); assumption.
- pose (inO_leq O' (Sep O)).
intros u v; rapply (extendable_conn_map_inO O).
And a similar property for pushouts
Definition OO_inverts_functor_pushout
(O O' : ReflectiveSubuniverse) `{O' ≤ Sep O}
{A B C A' B' C'}
(f : A → B) (g : A → C) {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
(h : A → A') (k : B → B') (l : C → C')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : l o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ h} `{O_inverts O' k} `{O_inverts O' l}
: O_inverts O' (functor_pushout h k l p q).
nrapply (OO_inverts_functor_coeq O O').
1,3:exact _.
rapply O_inverts_functor_sum.
(O O' : ReflectiveSubuniverse) `{O' ≤ Sep O}
{A B C A' B' C'}
(f : A → B) (g : A → C) {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
(h : A → A') (k : B → B') (l : C → C')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : l o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ h} `{O_inverts O' k} `{O_inverts O' l}
: O_inverts O' (functor_pushout h k l p q).
nrapply (OO_inverts_functor_coeq O O').
1,3:exact _.
rapply O_inverts_functor_sum.
And similar properties for connected maps
Definition OO_conn_map_functor_coeq
(O O' : ReflectiveSubuniverse) `{O' ≤ Sep O}
{B A B' A'}
{f g : B → A} {f' g' : B' → A'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O' _ _ k} `{IsConnMap O _ _ h}
: IsConnMap O' (functor_coeq h k p q).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_coeq.
- rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
- pose (inO_leq O' (Sep O));
intros; rapply (ooextendable_conn_map_inO O).
Definition OO_conn_map_functor_pushout
(O O' : ReflectiveSubuniverse) `{O' ≤ Sep O}
{A B C A' B' C'}
(f : A → B) (g : A → C) {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
(h : A → A') (k : B → B') (l : C → C')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : l o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ h} `{IsConnMap O' _ _ k} `{IsConnMap O' _ _ l}
: IsConnMap O' (functor_pushout h k l p q).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_coeq.
- apply extendable_functor_sum; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
- pose (inO_leq O' (Sep O));
intros; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
#[export] Hint Immediate inO_isequiv_to_O : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Immediate inO_unsigma : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Immediate isconnected_conn_map_to_unit : typeclass_instances.
(O O' : ReflectiveSubuniverse) `{O' ≤ Sep O}
{B A B' A'}
{f g : B → A} {f' g' : B' → A'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O' _ _ k} `{IsConnMap O _ _ h}
: IsConnMap O' (functor_coeq h k p q).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_coeq.
- rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
- pose (inO_leq O' (Sep O));
intros; rapply (ooextendable_conn_map_inO O).
Definition OO_conn_map_functor_pushout
(O O' : ReflectiveSubuniverse) `{O' ≤ Sep O}
{A B C A' B' C'}
(f : A → B) (g : A → C) {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
(h : A → A') (k : B → B') (l : C → C')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : l o g == g' o h)
`{IsConnMap O _ _ h} `{IsConnMap O' _ _ k} `{IsConnMap O' _ _ l}
: IsConnMap O' (functor_pushout h k l p q).
apply conn_map_from_extension_elim; intros.
apply extension_functor_coeq.
- apply extendable_functor_sum; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
- pose (inO_leq O' (Sep O));
intros; rapply ooextendable_conn_map_inO.
#[export] Hint Immediate inO_isequiv_to_O : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Immediate inO_unsigma : typeclass_instances.
#[export] Hint Immediate isconnected_conn_map_to_unit : typeclass_instances.