Library HoTT.Colimits.Coeq
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.Paths Types.Arrow Types.Sigma Types.Forall Types.Universe Types.Prod.
Require Import Colimits.GraphQuotient.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Require Import Types.Paths Types.Arrow Types.Sigma Types.Forall Types.Universe Types.Prod.
Require Import Colimits.GraphQuotient.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Definition Coeq@{i j u} {B : Type@{i}} {A : Type@{j}} (f g : B → A) : Type@{u}
:= GraphQuotient@{i j u} (fun a b ⇒ {x : B & (f x = a) × (g x = b)}).
Definition coeq {B A f g} (a : A) : @Coeq B A f g := gq a.
Definition cglue {B A f g} b : @coeq B A f g (f b) = coeq (g b)
:= gqglue (b; (idpath,idpath)).
Arguments Coeq : simpl never.
Arguments coeq : simpl never.
Arguments cglue : simpl never.
Definition Coeq_ind {B A f g} (P : @Coeq B A f g → Type)
(coeq' : ∀ a, P (coeq a))
(cglue' : ∀ b, (cglue b) # (coeq' (f b)) = coeq' (g b))
: ∀ w, P w.
rapply GraphQuotient_ind.
intros a b [x [[] []]].
exact (cglue' x).
Lemma Coeq_ind_beta_cglue {B A f g} (P : @Coeq B A f g → Type)
(coeq' : ∀ a, P (coeq a))
(cglue' : ∀ b, (cglue b) # (coeq' (f b)) = coeq' (g b)) (b:B)
: apD (Coeq_ind P coeq' cglue') (cglue b) = cglue' b.
rapply GraphQuotient_ind_beta_gqglue.
Definition Coeq_rec {B A f g} (P : Type) (coeq' : A → P)
(cglue' : ∀ b, coeq' (f b) = coeq' (g b))
: @Coeq B A f g → P.
rapply GraphQuotient_rec.
intros a b [x [[] []]].
exact (cglue' x).
Definition Coeq_rec_beta_cglue {B A f g} (P : Type) (coeq' : A → P)
(cglue' : ∀ b:B, coeq' (f b) = coeq' (g b)) (b:B)
: ap (Coeq_rec P coeq' cglue') (cglue b) = cglue' b.
rapply GraphQuotient_rec_beta_gqglue.
Definition Coeq_ind_hprop {B A f g} (P : @Coeq B A f g → Type)
`{∀ x, IsHProp (P x)}
(i : ∀ a, P (coeq a))
: ∀ x, P x.
snrapply Coeq_ind.
1: exact i.
intros b.
rapply path_ishprop.
Definition Coeq_ind_eta_homotopic {B A f g} {P : @Coeq B A f g → Type}
(h : ∀ w : Coeq f g, P w)
: h == Coeq_ind P (h o coeq) (fun b ⇒ apD h (cglue b)).
unfold pointwise_paths.
nrapply (Coeq_ind _ (fun _ ⇒ 1)).
intros b.
lhs nrapply transport_paths_FlFr_D.
lhs nrapply (whiskerL _ (Coeq_ind_beta_cglue _ _ _ _)).
lhs nrapply (whiskerR (concat_p1 _)).
nrapply concat_Vp.
Definition Coeq_rec_eta_homotopic {B A f g} {P : Type} (h : @Coeq B A f g → P)
: h == Coeq_rec P (h o coeq) (fun b ⇒ ap h (cglue b)).
unfold pointwise_paths.
nrapply (Coeq_ind _ (fun _ ⇒ 1)).
intros b.
apply transport_paths_FlFr', equiv_p1_1q.
symmetry; nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
Definition Coeq_ind_eta `{Funext}
{B A f g} {P : @Coeq B A f g → Type} (h : ∀ w : Coeq f g, P w)
: h = Coeq_ind P (h o coeq) (fun b ⇒ apD h (cglue b))
:= path_forall _ _ (Coeq_ind_eta_homotopic h).
Definition Coeq_rec_eta `{Funext}
{B A f g} {P : Type} (h : @Coeq B A f g → P)
: h = Coeq_rec P (h o coeq) (fun b ⇒ ap h (cglue b))
:= path_forall _ _ (Coeq_rec_eta_homotopic h).
Definition Coeq_ind_homotopy {B A f g} (P : @Coeq B A f g → Type)
{m n : ∀ a, P (coeq a)} (u : m == n)
{r : ∀ b, (cglue b) # (m (f b)) = m (g b)}
{s : ∀ b, (cglue b) # (n (f b)) = n (g b)}
(p : ∀ b, ap (transport P (cglue b)) (u (f b)) @ (s b) = r b @ u (g b))
: Coeq_ind P m r == Coeq_ind P n s.
unfold pointwise_paths.
nrapply Coeq_ind; intros b.
lhs nrapply (transport_paths_FlFr_D (f:=Coeq_ind P m r) (g:=Coeq_ind P n s)).
lhs nrapply (whiskerL _ (Coeq_ind_beta_cglue P n s b)).
lhs nrapply (whiskerR (whiskerR (ap inverse (Coeq_ind_beta_cglue P m r b)) _)).
lhs nrapply concat_pp_p; nrapply moveR_Mp.
rhs nrapply (whiskerR (inv_V _)).
exact (p b).
Definition Coeq_unrec {B A} (f g : B → A) {P}
(h : Coeq f g → P)
: {k : A → P & k o f == k o g}.
∃ (h o coeq).
intros b. exact (ap h (cglue b)).
Definition isequiv_Coeq_rec `{Funext} {B A} (f g : B → A) P
: IsEquiv (fun p : {h : A → P & h o f == h o g} ⇒ Coeq_rec P p.1 p.2).
srapply (isequiv_adjointify _ (Coeq_unrec f g)).
- intros h.
apply path_arrow.
srapply Coeq_ind; intros b.
1: cbn;reflexivity.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
- intros [h q]; srapply path_sigma'.
+ reflexivity.
+ cbn.
rapply path_forall; intros b.
apply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
Definition equiv_Coeq_rec `{Funext} {B A} (f g : B → A) P
: {h : A → P & h o f == h o g} <~> (Coeq f g → P)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_Coeq_rec f g P).
Definition functor_coeq {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
: @Coeq B A f g → @Coeq B' A' f' g'.
refine (Coeq_rec _ (coeq o k) _); intros b.
refine (ap coeq (p b) @ _ @ ap coeq (q b)^).
apply cglue.
Definition functor_coeq_beta_cglue {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
(b : B)
: ap (functor_coeq h k p q) (cglue b)
= ap coeq (p b) @ cglue (h b) @ ap coeq (q b)^
:= (Coeq_rec_beta_cglue _ _ _ b).
Definition functor_coeq_compose {B A f g B' A' f' g' B'' A'' f'' g''}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
(h' : B' → B'') (k' : A' → A'')
(p' : k' o f' == f'' o h') (q' : k' o g' == g'' o h')
: functor_coeq (h' o h) (k' o k)
(fun b ⇒ ap k' (p b) @ p' (h b))
(fun b ⇒ ap k' (q b) @ q' (h b))
== functor_coeq h' k' p' q' o functor_coeq h k p q.
refine (Coeq_ind _ (fun a ⇒ 1) _); cbn; intros b.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
apply equiv_p1_1q; symmetry.
rewrite ap_compose.
rewrite !functor_coeq_beta_cglue, !ap_pp, functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
rewrite <- !ap_compose. cbn.
rewrite !ap_V, ap_pp, inv_pp, <- ap_compose, !concat_p_pp.
Definition functor_coeq_homotopy {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
(h' : B → B') (k' : A → A')
(p' : k' o f == f' o h') (q' : k' o g == g' o h')
(r : h == h') (s : k == k')
(u : ∀ b, s (f b) @ p' b = p b @ ap f' (r b))
(v : ∀ b, s (g b) @ q' b = q b @ ap g' (r b))
: functor_coeq h k p q == functor_coeq h' k' p' q'.
refine (Coeq_ind _ (fun a ⇒ ap coeq (s a)) _); cbn; intros b.
refine (transport_paths_FlFr (cglue b) _ @ _).
rewrite concat_pp_p; apply moveR_Vp.
rewrite !functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
rewrite !concat_p_pp.
rewrite <- (ap_pp (@coeq _ _ f' g') (s (f b)) (p' b)).
rewrite u, ap_pp, !concat_pp_p; apply whiskerL; rewrite !concat_p_pp.
rewrite ap_V; apply moveR_pV.
rewrite !concat_pp_p, <- (ap_pp (@coeq _ _ f' g') (s (g b)) (q' b)).
rewrite v, ap_pp, ap_V, concat_V_pp.
rewrite <- !ap_compose.
exact (concat_Ap (@cglue _ _ f' g') (r b)).
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Definition functor_coeq_sect {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
(h' : B' → B) (k' : A' → A)
(p' : k' o f' == f o h') (q' : k' o g' == g o h')
(r : h' o h == idmap) (s : k' o k == idmap)
(u : ∀ b, ap k' (p b) @ p' (h b) @ ap f (r b) = s (f b))
(v : ∀ b, ap k' (q b) @ q' (h b) @ ap g (r b) = s (g b))
: (functor_coeq h' k' p' q') o (functor_coeq h k p q) == idmap.
refine (Coeq_ind _ (fun a ⇒ ap coeq (s a)) _); cbn; intros b.
refine (transport_paths_FFlr (cglue b) _ @ _).
rewrite concat_pp_p; apply moveR_Vp.
rewrite functor_coeq_beta_cglue, !ap_pp.
rewrite <- !ap_compose; cbn.
rewrite functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
rewrite !concat_p_pp.
rewrite <- u, !ap_pp, !(ap_compose k' coeq).
rewrite !concat_pp_p; do 2 apply whiskerL.
rewrite !concat_p_pp.
rewrite <- v.
rewrite !ap_pp, !ap_V, !concat_p_pp, !concat_pV_p.
rewrite <- !ap_compose.
exact (concat_Ap cglue (r b)).
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Section IsEquivFunctorCoeq.
Context {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
`{IsEquiv _ _ h} `{IsEquiv _ _ k}
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h).
Definition functor_coeq_inverse
: @Coeq B' A' f' g' → @Coeq B A f g.
refine (functor_coeq h^-1 k^-1 _ _).
- intros b.
refine (ap (k^-1 o f') (eisretr h b)^ @ _ @ eissect k (f (h^-1 b))).
apply ap, inverse, p.
- intros b.
refine (ap (k^-1 o g') (eisretr h b)^ @ _ @ eissect k (g (h^-1 b))).
apply ap, inverse, q.
Definition functor_coeq_eissect
: (functor_coeq h k p q) o functor_coeq_inverse == idmap.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
refine (functor_coeq_sect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(eisretr h) (eisretr k) _ _); intros b.
all:rewrite !ap_pp, <- eisadj.
all:rewrite <- !ap_compose.
all:rewrite (concat_pA1_p (eisretr k) _ _).
all:rewrite concat_pV_p.
all:rewrite <- (ap_compose (k^-1 o _) k).
all:rewrite (ap_compose _ (k o k^-1)).
all:rewrite (concat_A1p (eisretr k) (ap _ (eisretr h b)^)).
all:rewrite ap_V, concat_pV_p; reflexivity.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Definition functor_coeq_eisretr
: functor_coeq_inverse o (functor_coeq h k p q) == idmap.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
refine (functor_coeq_sect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(eissect h) (eissect k) _ _); intros b.
all:rewrite !concat_p_pp, eisadj, <- ap_V, <- !ap_compose.
all:rewrite (ap_compose (_ o h) k^-1).
all:rewrite <- !(ap_pp k^-1), !concat_pp_p.
1:rewrite (concat_Ap (fun b ⇒ (p b)^) (eissect h b)^).
2:rewrite (concat_Ap (fun b ⇒ (q b)^) (eissect h b)^).
all:rewrite concat_p_Vp, concat_p_pp.
all:rewrite <- (ap_compose (k o _) k^-1), (ap_compose _ (k^-1 o k)).
all:rewrite (concat_A1p (eissect k) _).
all:rewrite ap_V, concat_pV_p; reflexivity.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Global Instance isequiv_functor_coeq
: IsEquiv (functor_coeq h k p q)
:= isequiv_adjointify _ functor_coeq_inverse
functor_coeq_eissect functor_coeq_eisretr.
Definition equiv_functor_coeq
: @Coeq B A f g <~> @Coeq B' A' f' g'
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_coeq h k p q) _.
End IsEquivFunctorCoeq.
Definition equiv_functor_coeq' {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B <~> B') (k : A <~> A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
: @Coeq B A f g <~> @Coeq B' A' f' g'
:= equiv_functor_coeq h k p q.
all:rewrite <- !ap_compose.
all:rewrite (concat_pA1_p (eisretr k) _ _).
all:rewrite concat_pV_p.
all:rewrite <- (ap_compose (k^-1 o _) k).
all:rewrite (ap_compose _ (k o k^-1)).
all:rewrite (concat_A1p (eisretr k) (ap _ (eisretr h b)^)).
all:rewrite ap_V, concat_pV_p; reflexivity.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Definition functor_coeq_eisretr
: functor_coeq_inverse o (functor_coeq h k p q) == idmap.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
refine (functor_coeq_sect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(eissect h) (eissect k) _ _); intros b.
all:rewrite !concat_p_pp, eisadj, <- ap_V, <- !ap_compose.
all:rewrite (ap_compose (_ o h) k^-1).
all:rewrite <- !(ap_pp k^-1), !concat_pp_p.
1:rewrite (concat_Ap (fun b ⇒ (p b)^) (eissect h b)^).
2:rewrite (concat_Ap (fun b ⇒ (q b)^) (eissect h b)^).
all:rewrite concat_p_Vp, concat_p_pp.
all:rewrite <- (ap_compose (k o _) k^-1), (ap_compose _ (k^-1 o k)).
all:rewrite (concat_A1p (eissect k) _).
all:rewrite ap_V, concat_pV_p; reflexivity.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Global Instance isequiv_functor_coeq
: IsEquiv (functor_coeq h k p q)
:= isequiv_adjointify _ functor_coeq_inverse
functor_coeq_eissect functor_coeq_eisretr.
Definition equiv_functor_coeq
: @Coeq B A f g <~> @Coeq B' A' f' g'
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_coeq h k p q) _.
End IsEquivFunctorCoeq.
Definition equiv_functor_coeq' {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B <~> B') (k : A <~> A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
: @Coeq B A f g <~> @Coeq B' A' f' g'
:= equiv_functor_coeq h k p q.
Section CoeqRec2.
Context {B A : Type} {f g : B → A} {B' A' : Type} {f' g' : B' → A'}
(P : Type) (coeq' : A → A' → P)
(cgluel : ∀ b a', coeq' (f b) a' = coeq' (g b) a')
(cgluer : ∀ a b', coeq' a (f' b') = coeq' a (g' b'))
(cgluelr : ∀ b b', cgluel b (f' b') @ cgluer (g b) b'
= cgluer (f b) b' @ cgluel b (g' b')).
Definition Coeq_rec2 : Coeq f g → Coeq f' g' → P.
intros x y; revert x.
snrapply Coeq_rec.
- intros a.
revert y.
snrapply Coeq_rec.
+ intros a'.
exact (coeq' a a').
+ intros b'; cbn.
apply cgluer.
- intros b.
revert y.
snrapply Coeq_ind.
+ intros a'.
apply cgluel.
+ intros b'.
nrapply (transport_paths_FlFr' (cglue b')).
lhs nrapply (_ @@ 1).
1: apply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
rhs nrapply (1 @@ _).
2: apply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
apply cgluelr.
Definition Coeq_rec2_beta (a : A) (a' : A')
: Coeq_rec2 (coeq a) (coeq a') = coeq' a a'
:= 1.
Definition Coeq_rec2_beta_cgluel (a : A) (b' : B')
: ap (Coeq_rec2 (coeq a)) (cglue b') = cgluer a b'.
nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
Definition Coeq_rec2_beta_cgluer (b : B) (a' : A')
: ap (fun x ⇒ Coeq_rec2 x (coeq a')) (cglue b) = cgluel b a'.
nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
TODO: Coeq_rec2_beta_cgluelr
Section CoeqInd2.
Context `{Funext}
{B A : Type} {f g : B → A} {B' A' : Type} {f' g' : B' → A'}
(P : Coeq f g → Coeq f' g' → Type)
(coeq' : ∀ a a', P (coeq a) (coeq a'))
(cgluel : ∀ b a',
transport (fun x ⇒ P x (coeq a')) (cglue b)
(coeq' (f b) a') = coeq' (g b) a')
(cgluer : ∀ a b',
transport (fun y ⇒ P (coeq a) y) (cglue b')
(coeq' a (f' b')) = coeq' a (g' b'))
Perhaps this should really be written using concatD.
(cgluelr : ∀ b b',
ap (transport (P (coeq (g b))) (cglue b')) (cgluel b (f' b'))
@ cgluer (g b) b'
= transport_transport P (cglue b) (cglue b') (coeq' (f b) (f' b'))
@ ap (transport (fun x ⇒ P x (coeq (g' b'))) (cglue b))
(cgluer (f b) b')
@ cgluel b (g' b')).
Definition Coeq_ind2
: ∀ x y, P x y.
simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
- intros a.
simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
+ intros a'.
exact (coeq' a a').
+ intros b'; cbn.
apply cgluer.
- intros b.
apply path_forall; intros a.
revert a; simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
+ intros a'. cbn.
refine (transport_forall_constant _ _ _ @ _).
apply cgluel.
+ intros b'; cbn.
refine (transport_paths_FlFr_D (cglue b') _ @ _).
rewrite Coeq_ind_beta_cglue.
ap (transport (P (coeq (g b))) (cglue b')) (cgluel b (f' b'))
@ cgluer (g b) b'
= transport_transport P (cglue b) (cglue b') (coeq' (f b) (f' b'))
@ ap (transport (fun x ⇒ P x (coeq (g' b'))) (cglue b))
(cgluer (f b) b')
@ cgluel b (g' b')).
Definition Coeq_ind2
: ∀ x y, P x y.
simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
- intros a.
simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
+ intros a'.
exact (coeq' a a').
+ intros b'; cbn.
apply cgluer.
- intros b.
apply path_forall; intros a.
revert a; simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
+ intros a'. cbn.
refine (transport_forall_constant _ _ _ @ _).
apply cgluel.
+ intros b'; cbn.
refine (transport_paths_FlFr_D (cglue b') _ @ _).
rewrite Coeq_ind_beta_cglue.
Now begins the long haul.
Our first order of business is to get rid of the Coeq_inds, which only occur in the following incarnation.
set (G := (Coeq_ind (P (coeq (f b)))
(fun a' : A' ⇒ coeq' (f b) a')
(fun b'0 : B' ⇒ cgluer (f b) b'0))).
(fun a' : A' ⇒ coeq' (f b) a')
(fun b'0 : B' ⇒ cgluer (f b) b'0))).
Now we can cancel a transport_forall_constant.
And a path-inverse pair. This removes all the transport_forall_constants.
Now we can beta-reduce the last remaining G.
Now we just have to rearrange it a bit.
rewrite !concat_pp_p; do 2 apply moveR_Vp; rewrite !concat_p_pp.
apply cgluelr.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
End CoeqInd2.
apply cgluelr.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
End CoeqInd2.
Definition Coeq_sym_map {B A} (f g : B → A) : Coeq f g → Coeq g f :=
Coeq_rec (Coeq g f) coeq (fun b : B ⇒ (cglue b)^).
Lemma sect_Coeq_sym_map {B A} {f g : B → A}
: (Coeq_sym_map f g) o (Coeq_sym_map g f) == idmap.
srapply @Coeq_ind.
- reflexivity.
- intro b.
abstract (rewrite transport_paths_FFlr, Coeq_rec_beta_cglue, ap_V, Coeq_rec_beta_cglue; hott_simpl).
Lemma Coeq_sym {B A} {f g : B → A} : @Coeq B A f g <~> Coeq g f.
exact (equiv_adjointify (Coeq_sym_map f g) (Coeq_sym_map g f) sect_Coeq_sym_map sect_Coeq_sym_map).
Section Flattening.
Context `{Univalence} {B A : Type} {f g : B → A}
(F : A → Type) (e : ∀ b, F (f b) <~> F (g b)).
Definition coeq_flatten_fam : Coeq f g → Type
:= Coeq_rec Type F (fun x ⇒ path_universe (e x)).
Local Definition R (a b : A) := {x : B & (f x = a) × (g x = b)}.
Local Definition e' (a b : A) : R a b → (F a <~> F b).
intros [x [[] []]]; exact (e x).
Definition equiv_coeq_flatten
: sig coeq_flatten_fam
<~> Coeq (functor_sigma f (fun _ ⇒ idmap)) (functor_sigma g e).
snrefine (_ oE equiv_gq_flatten F e' oE _).
- snrapply equiv_functor_gq.
1: reflexivity.
intros [a x] [b y]; simpl.
unfold functor_sigma.
(* We use equiv_path_sigma twice on the RHS: *)
equiv_via {x0 : {H0 : B & F (f H0)} &
{p : f x0.1 = a & p # x0.2 = x} × {q : g x0.1 = b & q # e x0.1 x0.2 = y}}.
2: { nrapply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros [c z]; cbn.
nrapply equiv_functor_prod'.
all: apply (equiv_path_sigma _ (_; _) (_; _)). }
(* make_equiv_contr_basedpaths. handles the rest, but is slow, so we do some steps manually. *)
(* The RHS can be shuffled to this form: *)
equiv_via {r : R a b & { x02 : F (f r.1) & (transport F (fst r.2) x02 = x) ×
(transport F (snd r.2) (e r.1 x02) = y)}}.
2: make_equiv.
(* Three path contractions handle the rest. *)
nrapply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros [c [p q]].
destruct p, q; unfold e'; simpl.
- apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros x.
apply equiv_path.
revert x; snrapply Coeq_ind.
1: reflexivity.
intros b.
snrapply (dpath_path_FlFr (cglue b)).
apply equiv_1p_q1.
rhs nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
exact (GraphQuotient_rec_beta_gqglue _
(fun a b s ⇒ path_universe (e' a b s)) _ _ _).
End Flattening.