Library HoTT.Colimits.Coeq
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.Paths Types.Arrow Types.Sigma Types.Forall Types.Universe Types.Prod.
Require Import Colimits.GraphQuotient.
Require Import Homotopy.IdentitySystems.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Require Import Types.Paths Types.Arrow Types.Sigma Types.Forall Types.Universe Types.Prod.
Require Import Colimits.GraphQuotient.
Require Import Homotopy.IdentitySystems.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Definition Coeq@{i j u} {B : Type@{i}} {A : Type@{j}} (f g : B → A) : Type@{u}
:= GraphQuotient@{i j u} (fun a b ⇒ {x : B & (f x = a) × (g x = b)}).
Definition coeq {B A f g} (a : A) : @Coeq B A f g := gq a.
Definition cglue {B A f g} b : @coeq B A f g (f b) = coeq (g b)
:= gqglue (b; (idpath,idpath)).
Arguments Coeq : simpl never.
Arguments coeq : simpl never.
Arguments cglue : simpl never.
Definition Coeq_ind {B A f g} (P : @Coeq B A f g → Type)
(coeq' : ∀ a, P (coeq a))
(cglue' : ∀ b, (cglue b) # (coeq' (f b)) = coeq' (g b))
: ∀ w, P w.
rapply GraphQuotient_ind.
intros a b [x [[] []]].
exact (cglue' x).
Lemma Coeq_ind_beta_cglue {B A f g} (P : @Coeq B A f g → Type)
(coeq' : ∀ a, P (coeq a))
(cglue' : ∀ b, (cglue b) # (coeq' (f b)) = coeq' (g b)) (b:B)
: apD (Coeq_ind P coeq' cglue') (cglue b) = cglue' b.
rapply GraphQuotient_ind_beta_gqglue.
Definition Coeq_rec {B A f g} (P : Type) (coeq' : A → P)
(cglue' : ∀ b, coeq' (f b) = coeq' (g b))
: @Coeq B A f g → P.
rapply GraphQuotient_rec.
intros a b [x [[] []]].
exact (cglue' x).
Definition Coeq_rec_beta_cglue {B A f g} (P : Type) (coeq' : A → P)
(cglue' : ∀ b:B, coeq' (f b) = coeq' (g b)) (b:B)
: ap (Coeq_rec P coeq' cglue') (cglue b) = cglue' b.
rapply GraphQuotient_rec_beta_gqglue.
Definition Coeq_ind_hprop {B A f g} (P : @Coeq B A f g → Type)
`{∀ x, IsHProp (P x)}
(i : ∀ a, P (coeq a))
: ∀ x, P x.
snrapply Coeq_ind.
1: exact i.
intros b.
rapply path_ishprop.
Definition Coeq_ind_eta_homotopic {B A f g} {P : @Coeq B A f g → Type}
(h : ∀ w : Coeq f g, P w)
: h == Coeq_ind P (h o coeq) (fun b ⇒ apD h (cglue b)).
unfold pointwise_paths.
nrapply (Coeq_ind _ (fun _ ⇒ 1)).
intros b.
lhs nrapply transport_paths_FlFr_D.
lhs nrapply (whiskerL _ (Coeq_ind_beta_cglue _ _ _ _)).
lhs nrapply (whiskerR (concat_p1 _)).
nrapply concat_Vp.
Definition Coeq_rec_eta_homotopic {B A f g} {P : Type} (h : @Coeq B A f g → P)
: h == Coeq_rec P (h o coeq) (fun b ⇒ ap h (cglue b)).
unfold pointwise_paths.
nrapply (Coeq_ind _ (fun _ ⇒ 1)).
intros b.
apply transport_paths_FlFr', equiv_p1_1q.
symmetry; nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
Definition Coeq_ind_eta `{Funext}
{B A f g} {P : @Coeq B A f g → Type} (h : ∀ w : Coeq f g, P w)
: h = Coeq_ind P (h o coeq) (fun b ⇒ apD h (cglue b))
:= path_forall _ _ (Coeq_ind_eta_homotopic h).
Definition Coeq_rec_eta `{Funext}
{B A f g} {P : Type} (h : @Coeq B A f g → P)
: h = Coeq_rec P (h o coeq) (fun b ⇒ ap h (cglue b))
:= path_forall _ _ (Coeq_rec_eta_homotopic h).
Definition Coeq_ind_homotopy {B A f g} (P : @Coeq B A f g → Type)
{m n : ∀ a, P (coeq a)} (u : m == n)
{r : ∀ b, (cglue b) # (m (f b)) = m (g b)}
{s : ∀ b, (cglue b) # (n (f b)) = n (g b)}
(p : ∀ b, ap (transport P (cglue b)) (u (f b)) @ (s b) = r b @ u (g b))
: Coeq_ind P m r == Coeq_ind P n s.
unfold pointwise_paths.
nrapply Coeq_ind; intros b.
lhs nrapply (transport_paths_FlFr_D (f:=Coeq_ind P m r) (g:=Coeq_ind P n s)).
lhs nrapply (whiskerL _ (Coeq_ind_beta_cglue P n s b)).
lhs nrapply (whiskerR (whiskerR (ap inverse (Coeq_ind_beta_cglue P m r b)) _)).
lhs nrapply concat_pp_p; nrapply moveR_Mp.
rhs nrapply (whiskerR (inv_V _)).
exact (p b).
Definition Coeq_unrec {B A} (f g : B → A) {P}
(h : Coeq f g → P)
: {k : A → P & k o f == k o g}.
∃ (h o coeq).
intros b. exact (ap h (cglue b)).
Definition isequiv_Coeq_rec `{Funext} {B A} (f g : B → A) P
: IsEquiv (fun p : {h : A → P & h o f == h o g} ⇒ Coeq_rec P p.1 p.2).
srapply (isequiv_adjointify _ (Coeq_unrec f g)).
- intros h.
apply path_arrow.
srapply Coeq_ind; intros b.
1: cbn;reflexivity.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
- intros [h q]; srapply path_sigma'.
+ reflexivity.
+ cbn.
rapply path_forall; intros b.
apply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
Definition equiv_Coeq_rec `{Funext} {B A} (f g : B → A) P
: {h : A → P & h o f == h o g} <~> (Coeq f g → P)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_Coeq_rec f g P).
Definition functor_coeq {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
: @Coeq B A f g → @Coeq B' A' f' g'.
refine (Coeq_rec _ (coeq o k) _); intros b.
refine (ap coeq (p b) @ _ @ ap coeq (q b)^).
apply cglue.
Definition functor_coeq_beta_cglue {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
(b : B)
: ap (functor_coeq h k p q) (cglue b)
= ap coeq (p b) @ cglue (h b) @ ap coeq (q b)^
:= (Coeq_rec_beta_cglue _ _ _ b).
Definition functor_coeq_idmap {B A f g}
: functor_coeq (B:=B) (A:=A) (f:=f) (g:=g) idmap idmap (fun _ ⇒ 1) (fun _ ⇒ 1)
== idmap.
snrapply Coeq_ind.
1: reflexivity.
intros b.
nrapply transport_paths_Flr'.
apply moveR_pM.
nrapply functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
Definition functor_coeq_compose {B A f g B' A' f' g' B'' A'' f'' g''}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
(h' : B' → B'') (k' : A' → A'')
(p' : k' o f' == f'' o h') (q' : k' o g' == g'' o h')
: functor_coeq (h' o h) (k' o k)
(fun b ⇒ ap k' (p b) @ p' (h b))
(fun b ⇒ ap k' (q b) @ q' (h b))
== functor_coeq h' k' p' q' o functor_coeq h k p q.
refine (Coeq_ind _ (fun a ⇒ 1) _); cbn; intros b.
nrapply transport_paths_FlFr'.
apply equiv_p1_1q; symmetry.
rewrite ap_compose.
rewrite !functor_coeq_beta_cglue, !ap_pp, functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
rewrite <- !ap_compose. cbn.
rewrite !ap_V, ap_pp, inv_pp, <- ap_compose, !concat_p_pp.
Definition functor_coeq_homotopy {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
(h' : B → B') (k' : A → A')
(p' : k' o f == f' o h') (q' : k' o g == g' o h')
(r : h == h') (s : k == k')
(u : ∀ b, s (f b) @ p' b = p b @ ap f' (r b))
(v : ∀ b, s (g b) @ q' b = q b @ ap g' (r b))
: functor_coeq h k p q == functor_coeq h' k' p' q'.
refine (Coeq_ind _ (fun a ⇒ ap coeq (s a)) _); cbn; intros b.
apply transport_paths_FlFr'.
rewrite !functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
rewrite 2 ap_V.
rewrite !concat_p_pp.
apply moveL_pV.
rewrite <- (ap_pp (@coeq _ _ f' g') (s (f b)) (p' b)).
rewrite u, ap_pp.
rewrite !concat_pp_p; apply whiskerL.
rewrite <- (ap_pp (@coeq _ _ f' g') (s (g b)) (q' b)).
rewrite v, ap_pp.
rewrite concat_V_pp.
rewrite <- 2 ap_compose.
exact (concat_Ap (@cglue _ _ f' g') (r b))^.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Definition functor_coeq_sect {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
(h' : B' → B) (k' : A' → A)
(p' : k' o f' == f o h') (q' : k' o g' == g o h')
(r : h' o h == idmap) (s : k' o k == idmap)
(u : ∀ b, ap k' (p b) @ p' (h b) @ ap f (r b) = s (f b))
(v : ∀ b, ap k' (q b) @ q' (h b) @ ap g (r b) = s (g b))
: (functor_coeq h' k' p' q') o (functor_coeq h k p q) == idmap.
refine (Coeq_ind _ (fun a ⇒ ap coeq (s a)) _); cbn; intros b.
refine (transport_paths_FFlr (cglue b) _ @ _).
rewrite concat_pp_p; apply moveR_Vp.
rewrite functor_coeq_beta_cglue, !ap_pp.
rewrite <- !ap_compose; cbn.
rewrite functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
rewrite !concat_p_pp.
rewrite <- u, !ap_pp, !(ap_compose k' coeq).
rewrite !concat_pp_p; do 2 apply whiskerL.
rewrite !concat_p_pp.
rewrite <- v.
rewrite !ap_pp, !ap_V, !concat_p_pp, !concat_pV_p.
rewrite <- !ap_compose.
exact (concat_Ap cglue (r b)).
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Section IsEquivFunctorCoeq.
Context {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B → B') (k : A → A')
`{IsEquiv _ _ h} `{IsEquiv _ _ k}
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h).
Definition functor_coeq_inverse
: @Coeq B' A' f' g' → @Coeq B A f g.
refine (functor_coeq h^-1 k^-1 _ _).
- intros b.
refine (ap (k^-1 o f') (eisretr h b)^ @ _ @ eissect k (f (h^-1 b))).
apply ap, inverse, p.
- intros b.
refine (ap (k^-1 o g') (eisretr h b)^ @ _ @ eissect k (g (h^-1 b))).
apply ap, inverse, q.
Definition functor_coeq_eissect
: (functor_coeq h k p q) o functor_coeq_inverse == idmap.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
refine (functor_coeq_sect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(eisretr h) (eisretr k) _ _); intros b.
all:rewrite !ap_pp, <- eisadj.
all:rewrite <- !ap_compose.
all:rewrite (concat_pA1_p (eisretr k) _ _).
all:rewrite concat_pV_p.
all:rewrite <- (ap_compose (k^-1 o _) k).
all:rewrite (ap_compose _ (k o k^-1)).
all:rewrite (concat_A1p (eisretr k) (ap _ (eisretr h b)^)).
all:rewrite ap_V, concat_pV_p; reflexivity.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Definition functor_coeq_eisretr
: functor_coeq_inverse o (functor_coeq h k p q) == idmap.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
refine (functor_coeq_sect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(eissect h) (eissect k) _ _); intros b.
all:rewrite !concat_p_pp, eisadj, <- ap_V, <- !ap_compose.
all:rewrite (ap_compose (_ o h) k^-1).
all:rewrite <- !(ap_pp k^-1), !concat_pp_p.
1:rewrite (concat_Ap (fun b ⇒ (p b)^) (eissect h b)^).
2:rewrite (concat_Ap (fun b ⇒ (q b)^) (eissect h b)^).
all:rewrite concat_p_Vp, concat_p_pp.
all:rewrite <- (ap_compose (k o _) k^-1), (ap_compose _ (k^-1 o k)).
all:rewrite (concat_A1p (eissect k) _).
all:rewrite ap_V, concat_pV_p; reflexivity.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Global Instance isequiv_functor_coeq
: IsEquiv (functor_coeq h k p q)
:= isequiv_adjointify _ functor_coeq_inverse
functor_coeq_eissect functor_coeq_eisretr.
Definition equiv_functor_coeq
: @Coeq B A f g <~> @Coeq B' A' f' g'
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_coeq h k p q) _.
End IsEquivFunctorCoeq.
Definition equiv_functor_coeq' {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B <~> B') (k : A <~> A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
: @Coeq B A f g <~> @Coeq B' A' f' g'
:= equiv_functor_coeq h k p q.
all:rewrite <- !ap_compose.
all:rewrite (concat_pA1_p (eisretr k) _ _).
all:rewrite concat_pV_p.
all:rewrite <- (ap_compose (k^-1 o _) k).
all:rewrite (ap_compose _ (k o k^-1)).
all:rewrite (concat_A1p (eisretr k) (ap _ (eisretr h b)^)).
all:rewrite ap_V, concat_pV_p; reflexivity.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Definition functor_coeq_eisretr
: functor_coeq_inverse o (functor_coeq h k p q) == idmap.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
refine (functor_coeq_sect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(eissect h) (eissect k) _ _); intros b.
all:rewrite !concat_p_pp, eisadj, <- ap_V, <- !ap_compose.
all:rewrite (ap_compose (_ o h) k^-1).
all:rewrite <- !(ap_pp k^-1), !concat_pp_p.
1:rewrite (concat_Ap (fun b ⇒ (p b)^) (eissect h b)^).
2:rewrite (concat_Ap (fun b ⇒ (q b)^) (eissect h b)^).
all:rewrite concat_p_Vp, concat_p_pp.
all:rewrite <- (ap_compose (k o _) k^-1), (ap_compose _ (k^-1 o k)).
all:rewrite (concat_A1p (eissect k) _).
all:rewrite ap_V, concat_pV_p; reflexivity.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
Global Instance isequiv_functor_coeq
: IsEquiv (functor_coeq h k p q)
:= isequiv_adjointify _ functor_coeq_inverse
functor_coeq_eissect functor_coeq_eisretr.
Definition equiv_functor_coeq
: @Coeq B A f g <~> @Coeq B' A' f' g'
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_coeq h k p q) _.
End IsEquivFunctorCoeq.
Definition equiv_functor_coeq' {B A f g B' A' f' g'}
(h : B <~> B') (k : A <~> A')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : k o g == g' o h)
: @Coeq B A f g <~> @Coeq B' A' f' g'
:= equiv_functor_coeq h k p q.
Section CoeqRec2.
Context {B A : Type} {f g : B → A} {B' A' : Type} {f' g' : B' → A'}
(P : Type) (coeq' : A → A' → P)
(cgluel : ∀ b a', coeq' (f b) a' = coeq' (g b) a')
(cgluer : ∀ a b', coeq' a (f' b') = coeq' a (g' b'))
(cgluelr : ∀ b b', cgluel b (f' b') @ cgluer (g b) b'
= cgluer (f b) b' @ cgluel b (g' b')).
Definition Coeq_rec2 : Coeq f g → Coeq f' g' → P.
intros x y; revert x.
snrapply Coeq_rec.
- intros a.
revert y.
snrapply Coeq_rec.
+ intros a'.
exact (coeq' a a').
+ intros b'; cbn.
apply cgluer.
- intros b.
revert y.
snrapply Coeq_ind.
+ intros a'.
apply cgluel.
+ intros b'.
nrapply (transport_paths_FlFr' (cglue b')).
lhs nrapply (_ @@ 1).
1: apply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
rhs nrapply (1 @@ _).
2: apply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
apply cgluelr.
Definition Coeq_rec2_beta (a : A) (a' : A')
: Coeq_rec2 (coeq a) (coeq a') = coeq' a a'
:= 1.
Definition Coeq_rec2_beta_cgluel (a : A) (b' : B')
: ap (Coeq_rec2 (coeq a)) (cglue b') = cgluer a b'.
nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
Definition Coeq_rec2_beta_cgluer (b : B) (a' : A')
: ap (fun x ⇒ Coeq_rec2 x (coeq a')) (cglue b) = cgluel b a'.
nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
TODO: Coeq_rec2_beta_cgluelr
Section CoeqInd2.
Context `{Funext}
{B A : Type} {f g : B → A} {B' A' : Type} {f' g' : B' → A'}
(P : Coeq f g → Coeq f' g' → Type)
(coeq' : ∀ a a', P (coeq a) (coeq a'))
(cgluel : ∀ b a',
transport (fun x ⇒ P x (coeq a')) (cglue b)
(coeq' (f b) a') = coeq' (g b) a')
(cgluer : ∀ a b',
transport (fun y ⇒ P (coeq a) y) (cglue b')
(coeq' a (f' b')) = coeq' a (g' b'))
Perhaps this should really be written using concatD.
(cgluelr : ∀ b b',
ap (transport (P (coeq (g b))) (cglue b')) (cgluel b (f' b'))
@ cgluer (g b) b'
= transport_transport P (cglue b) (cglue b') (coeq' (f b) (f' b'))
@ ap (transport (fun x ⇒ P x (coeq (g' b'))) (cglue b))
(cgluer (f b) b')
@ cgluel b (g' b')).
Definition Coeq_ind2
: ∀ x y, P x y.
simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
- intros a.
simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
+ intros a'.
exact (coeq' a a').
+ intros b'; cbn.
apply cgluer.
- intros b.
apply path_forall; intros a.
revert a; simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
+ intros a'. cbn.
refine (transport_forall_constant _ _ _ @ _).
apply cgluel.
+ intros b'; cbn.
refine (transport_paths_FlFr_D (cglue b') _ @ _).
rewrite Coeq_ind_beta_cglue.
ap (transport (P (coeq (g b))) (cglue b')) (cgluel b (f' b'))
@ cgluer (g b) b'
= transport_transport P (cglue b) (cglue b') (coeq' (f b) (f' b'))
@ ap (transport (fun x ⇒ P x (coeq (g' b'))) (cglue b))
(cgluer (f b) b')
@ cgluel b (g' b')).
Definition Coeq_ind2
: ∀ x y, P x y.
simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
- intros a.
simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
+ intros a'.
exact (coeq' a a').
+ intros b'; cbn.
apply cgluer.
- intros b.
apply path_forall; intros a.
revert a; simple refine (Coeq_ind _ _ _).
+ intros a'. cbn.
refine (transport_forall_constant _ _ _ @ _).
apply cgluel.
+ intros b'; cbn.
refine (transport_paths_FlFr_D (cglue b') _ @ _).
rewrite Coeq_ind_beta_cglue.
Now begins the long haul.
Our first order of business is to get rid of the Coeq_inds, which only occur in the following incarnation.
set (G := (Coeq_ind (P (coeq (f b)))
(fun a' : A' ⇒ coeq' (f b) a')
(fun b'0 : B' ⇒ cgluer (f b) b'0))).
(fun a' : A' ⇒ coeq' (f b) a')
(fun b'0 : B' ⇒ cgluer (f b) b'0))).
Now we can cancel a transport_forall_constant.
And a path-inverse pair. This removes all the transport_forall_constants.
Now we can beta-reduce the last remaining G.
Now we just have to rearrange it a bit.
rewrite !concat_pp_p; do 2 apply moveR_Vp; rewrite !concat_p_pp.
apply cgluelr.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
End CoeqInd2.
apply cgluelr.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
End CoeqInd2.
Definition Coeq_sym_map {B A} (f g : B → A) : Coeq f g → Coeq g f :=
Coeq_rec (Coeq g f) coeq (fun b : B ⇒ (cglue b)^).
Lemma sect_Coeq_sym_map {B A} {f g : B → A}
: (Coeq_sym_map f g) o (Coeq_sym_map g f) == idmap.
srapply @Coeq_ind.
- reflexivity.
- intro b.
abstract (rewrite transport_paths_FFlr, Coeq_rec_beta_cglue, ap_V, Coeq_rec_beta_cglue; hott_simpl).
Lemma Coeq_sym {B A} {f g : B → A} : @Coeq B A f g <~> Coeq g f.
exact (equiv_adjointify (Coeq_sym_map f g) (Coeq_sym_map g f) sect_Coeq_sym_map sect_Coeq_sym_map).
Descent data over f g : B → A is an "equifibrant" or "cartesian" type family cd_fam : A → Type. This means that if b : B, then the fibers cd_fam (f b) and cd_fam (g b) are equivalent, witnessed by cd_e.
Record cDescent {A B : Type} {f g : B → A} := {
cd_fam (a : A) : Type;
cd_e (b : B) : cd_fam (f b) <~> cd_fam (g b)
Global Arguments cDescent {A B} f g.
cd_fam (a : A) : Type;
cd_e (b : B) : cd_fam (f b) <~> cd_fam (g b)
Global Arguments cDescent {A B} f g.
Definition fam_cdescent (Pe : cDescent f g)
: Coeq f g → Type.
snrapply (Coeq_rec _ (cd_fam Pe)).
intro b.
exact (path_universe_uncurried (cd_e Pe b)).
: Coeq f g → Type.
snrapply (Coeq_rec _ (cd_fam Pe)).
intro b.
exact (path_universe_uncurried (cd_e Pe b)).
Definition cdescent_fam (P : Coeq f g → Type) : cDescent f g.
snrapply Build_cDescent.
- exact (P o coeq).
- intro b.
exact (equiv_transport P (cglue b)).
snrapply Build_cDescent.
- exact (P o coeq).
- intro b.
exact (equiv_transport P (cglue b)).
Definition transport_fam_cdescent_cglue
(Pe : cDescent f g) (b : B) (pf : cd_fam Pe (f b))
: transport (fam_cdescent Pe) (cglue b) pf = cd_e Pe b pf.
nrapply transport_path_universe'.
nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
(Pe : cDescent f g) (b : B) (pf : cd_fam Pe (f b))
: transport (fam_cdescent Pe) (cglue b) pf = cd_e Pe b pf.
nrapply transport_path_universe'.
nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
A section on the descent data is a fiberwise section that respects the equivalences.
Record cDescentSection {Pe : cDescent f g} := {
cds_sect (a : A) : cd_fam Pe a;
cds_e (b : B) : cd_e Pe b (cds_sect (f b)) = cds_sect (g b)
Global Arguments cDescentSection Pe : clear implicits.
cds_sect (a : A) : cd_fam Pe a;
cds_e (b : B) : cd_e Pe b (cds_sect (f b)) = cds_sect (g b)
Global Arguments cDescentSection Pe : clear implicits.
A descent section induces a genuine section of fam_cdescent Pe.
Definition cdescent_ind {Pe : cDescent f g}
(s : cDescentSection Pe)
: ∀ (x : Coeq f g), fam_cdescent Pe x.
snrapply (Coeq_ind _ (cds_sect s)).
intro b.
exact (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b _ @ cds_e s b).
(s : cDescentSection Pe)
: ∀ (x : Coeq f g), fam_cdescent Pe x.
snrapply (Coeq_ind _ (cds_sect s)).
intro b.
exact (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b _ @ cds_e s b).
We record its computation rule
Definition cdescent_ind_beta_cglue {Pe : cDescent f g}
(s : cDescentSection Pe) (b : B)
: apD (cdescent_ind s) (cglue b) = transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b _ @ cds_e s b
:= Coeq_ind_beta_cglue _ (cds_sect s) _ _.
(s : cDescentSection Pe) (b : B)
: apD (cdescent_ind s) (cglue b) = transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b _ @ cds_e s b
:= Coeq_ind_beta_cglue _ (cds_sect s) _ _.
Dependent descent data over descent data Pe : cDescent f g consists of a type family cdd_fam : ∀ a : A, cd_fam Pe a → Type together with coherences cdd_e b pf.
Record cDepDescent {Pe : cDescent f g} := {
cdd_fam (a : A) (pa : cd_fam Pe a) : Type;
cdd_e (b : B) (pf : cd_fam Pe (f b))
: cdd_fam (f b) pf <~> cdd_fam (g b) (cd_e Pe b pf)
Global Arguments cDepDescent Pe : clear implicits.
cdd_fam (a : A) (pa : cd_fam Pe a) : Type;
cdd_e (b : B) (pf : cd_fam Pe (f b))
: cdd_fam (f b) pf <~> cdd_fam (g b) (cd_e Pe b pf)
Global Arguments cDepDescent Pe : clear implicits.
Definition cdepdescent_fam {Pe : cDescent f g}
(Q : ∀ x : Coeq f g, (fam_cdescent Pe) x → Type)
: cDepDescent Pe.
snrapply Build_cDepDescent.
- intro a; cbn.
exact (Q (coeq a)).
- intros b pf.
exact (equiv_transportDD (fam_cdescent Pe) Q
(cglue b) (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf)).
(Q : ∀ x : Coeq f g, (fam_cdescent Pe) x → Type)
: cDepDescent Pe.
snrapply Build_cDepDescent.
- intro a; cbn.
exact (Q (coeq a)).
- intros b pf.
exact (equiv_transportDD (fam_cdescent Pe) Q
(cglue b) (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf)).
Definition fam_cdepdescent {Pe : cDescent f g} (Qe : cDepDescent Pe)
: ∀ (x : Coeq f g), (fam_cdescent Pe x) → Type.
snrapply Coeq_ind.
- exact (cdd_fam Qe).
- intro b.
nrapply (moveR_transport_p _ (cglue b)).
funext pa.
rhs nrapply transport_arrow_toconst.
rhs nrefine (ap (cdd_fam _ _) _).
+ exact (path_universe (cdd_e _ _ _)).
+ lhs nrapply (ap (fun x ⇒ (transport _ x _)) (inv_V (cglue _))).
nrapply (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue _ _ _).
: ∀ (x : Coeq f g), (fam_cdescent Pe x) → Type.
snrapply Coeq_ind.
- exact (cdd_fam Qe).
- intro b.
nrapply (moveR_transport_p _ (cglue b)).
funext pa.
rhs nrapply transport_arrow_toconst.
rhs nrefine (ap (cdd_fam _ _) _).
+ exact (path_universe (cdd_e _ _ _)).
+ lhs nrapply (ap (fun x ⇒ (transport _ x _)) (inv_V (cglue _))).
nrapply (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue _ _ _).
A section of dependent descent data Qe : cDepDescent Pe is a fiberwise section cdds_sect, together with coherences cdds_e.
Record cDepDescentSection {Pe : cDescent f g} {Qe : cDepDescent Pe} := {
cdds_sect (a : A) (pa : cd_fam Pe a) : cdd_fam Qe a pa;
cdds_e (b : B) (pf : cd_fam Pe (f b))
: cdd_e Qe b pf (cdds_sect (f b) pf) = cdds_sect (g b) (cd_e Pe b pf)
Global Arguments cDepDescentSection {Pe} Qe.
cdds_sect (a : A) (pa : cd_fam Pe a) : cdd_fam Qe a pa;
cdds_e (b : B) (pf : cd_fam Pe (f b))
: cdd_e Qe b pf (cdds_sect (f b) pf) = cdds_sect (g b) (cd_e Pe b pf)
Global Arguments cDepDescentSection {Pe} Qe.
A dependent descent section induces a genuine section over the total space of fam_cdescent Pe.
Definition cdepdescent_ind {Pe : cDescent f g}
{Q : ∀ (x : Coeq f g), (fam_cdescent Pe) x → Type}
(s : cDepDescentSection (cdepdescent_fam Q))
: ∀ (x : Coeq f g) (px : fam_cdescent Pe x), Q x px.
nrapply (Coeq_ind _ (cdds_sect s) _).
intro b.
apply dpath_forall.
intro pf.
apply (equiv_inj (transport (Q (coeq (g b))) (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf))).
rhs nrapply (apD (cdds_sect s (g b)) (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf)).
exact (cdds_e s b pf).
{Q : ∀ (x : Coeq f g), (fam_cdescent Pe) x → Type}
(s : cDepDescentSection (cdepdescent_fam Q))
: ∀ (x : Coeq f g) (px : fam_cdescent Pe x), Q x px.
nrapply (Coeq_ind _ (cdds_sect s) _).
intro b.
apply dpath_forall.
intro pf.
apply (equiv_inj (transport (Q (coeq (g b))) (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf))).
rhs nrapply (apD (cdds_sect s (g b)) (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf)).
exact (cdds_e s b pf).
The data for a section into a constant type family.
Record cDepDescentConstSection {Pe : cDescent f g} {Q : Type} := {
cddcs_sect (a : A) (pa : cd_fam Pe a) : Q;
cddcs_e (b : B) (pf : cd_fam Pe (f b))
: cddcs_sect (f b) pf = cddcs_sect (g b) (cd_e Pe b pf)
Global Arguments cDepDescentConstSection Pe Q : clear implicits.
cddcs_sect (a : A) (pa : cd_fam Pe a) : Q;
cddcs_e (b : B) (pf : cd_fam Pe (f b))
: cddcs_sect (f b) pf = cddcs_sect (g b) (cd_e Pe b pf)
Global Arguments cDepDescentConstSection Pe Q : clear implicits.
The data for a section of a constant family induces a section over the total space of fam_cdescent Pe.
Definition cdepdescent_rec {Pe : cDescent f g} {Q : Type}
(s : cDepDescentConstSection Pe Q)
: ∀ (x : Coeq f g), fam_cdescent Pe x → Q.
snrapply (Coeq_ind _ (cddcs_sect s)).
intro b.
nrapply dpath_arrow.
intro pf.
lhs nrapply transport_const.
rhs nrapply (ap _ (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf)).
exact (cddcs_e s b pf).
(s : cDepDescentConstSection Pe Q)
: ∀ (x : Coeq f g), fam_cdescent Pe x → Q.
snrapply (Coeq_ind _ (cddcs_sect s)).
intro b.
nrapply dpath_arrow.
intro pf.
lhs nrapply transport_const.
rhs nrapply (ap _ (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf)).
exact (cddcs_e s b pf).
Here is the computation rule on paths.
Definition cdepdescent_rec_beta_cglue {Pe : cDescent f g} {Q : Type}
(s : cDepDescentConstSection Pe Q)
(b : B) {pf : cd_fam Pe (f b)} {pg : cd_fam Pe (g b)} (pb : cd_e Pe b pf = pg)
: ap (sig_rec (cdepdescent_rec s)) (path_sigma _ (coeq (f b); pf) (coeq (g b); pg) (cglue b) (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf @ pb))
= cddcs_e s b pf @ ap (cddcs_sect s (g b)) pb.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
destruct pb.
rhs nrapply concat_p1.
lhs nrapply ap_sig_rec_path_sigma.
lhs nrapply (ap (fun x ⇒ _ (ap10 x _) @ _)).
1: nrapply Coeq_ind_beta_cglue.
do 3 lhs nrapply concat_pp_p.
apply moveR_Vp.
lhs nrefine (1 @@ (1 @@ (_ @@ 1))).
1: nrapply (ap10_dpath_arrow (fam_cdescent Pe) (fun _ ⇒ Q) (cglue b)).
lhs nrefine (1 @@ _).
{ lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
lhs nrapply concat_V_pp.
lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
rewrite concat_p1.
nrapply (1 @@ (1 @@ concat_pV_p _ _)). }
nrapply concat_V_pp.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
End Descent.
(s : cDepDescentConstSection Pe Q)
(b : B) {pf : cd_fam Pe (f b)} {pg : cd_fam Pe (g b)} (pb : cd_e Pe b pf = pg)
: ap (sig_rec (cdepdescent_rec s)) (path_sigma _ (coeq (f b); pf) (coeq (g b); pg) (cglue b) (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe b pf @ pb))
= cddcs_e s b pf @ ap (cddcs_sect s (g b)) pb.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
destruct pb.
rhs nrapply concat_p1.
lhs nrapply ap_sig_rec_path_sigma.
lhs nrapply (ap (fun x ⇒ _ (ap10 x _) @ _)).
1: nrapply Coeq_ind_beta_cglue.
do 3 lhs nrapply concat_pp_p.
apply moveR_Vp.
lhs nrefine (1 @@ (1 @@ (_ @@ 1))).
1: nrapply (ap10_dpath_arrow (fam_cdescent Pe) (fun _ ⇒ Q) (cglue b)).
lhs nrefine (1 @@ _).
{ lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
lhs nrapply concat_V_pp.
lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
rewrite concat_p1.
nrapply (1 @@ (1 @@ concat_pV_p _ _)). }
nrapply concat_V_pp.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
End Descent.
The flattening lemma
We mimic the constructors of Coeq for the total space. Here is the point constructor, in curried form.
And here is the path constructor.
Definition flatten_cd_glue (b : B)
{pf : cd_fam Pe (f b)} {pg : cd_fam Pe (g b)} (pb : cd_e Pe b pf = pg)
: flatten_cd pf = flatten_cd pg.
snrapply path_sigma.
- by apply cglue.
- lhs nrapply transport_fam_cdescent_cglue.
exact pb.
{pf : cd_fam Pe (f b)} {pg : cd_fam Pe (g b)} (pb : cd_e Pe b pf = pg)
: flatten_cd pf = flatten_cd pg.
snrapply path_sigma.
- by apply cglue.
- lhs nrapply transport_fam_cdescent_cglue.
exact pb.
Now that we've shown that fam_cdescent Pe acts like a Coeq of sig (cd_fam Pe) by an appropriate parallel pair, we can use this to prove the flattening lemma. The maps back and forth are very easy so this could almost be a formal consequence of the induction principle.
Lemma equiv_cd_flatten : sig (fam_cdescent Pe) <~>
Coeq (functor_sigma f (fun _ ⇒ idmap)) (functor_sigma g (cd_e Pe)).
snrapply equiv_adjointify.
- snrapply sig_rec.
snrapply cdepdescent_rec.
snrapply Build_cDepDescentConstSection.
+ exact (fun a x ⇒ coeq (a; x)).
+ intros b pf.
apply (@cglue _ _
(functor_sigma f (fun _ ⇒ idmap)) (functor_sigma g (cd_e Pe)) (b; pf)).
- snrapply Coeq_rec.
+ exact (fun '(a; x) ⇒ (coeq a; x)).
+ intros [b pf]; cbn.
apply (flatten_cd_glue b 1).
- snrapply Coeq_ind.
1: reflexivity.
intros [b pf]; cbn.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
rewrite Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
lhs nrapply cdepdescent_rec_beta_cglue.
nrapply concat_p1.
- intros [x px]; revert x px.
snrapply cdepdescent_ind.
snrapply Build_cDepDescentSection.
+ by intros a pa.
+ intros b pf; cbn.
lhs nrapply transportDD_is_transport.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
rewrite <- (concat_p1 (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue _ _ _)).
rewrite cdepdescent_rec_beta_cglue. (* This needs to be in the form transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe r pa @ p to work, and the other @ 1 introduced comes in handy as well. *)
lhs nrapply (ap _ (concat_p1 _)).
nrapply (Coeq_rec_beta_cglue _ _ _ (b; pf)).
End Flattening.
Coeq (functor_sigma f (fun _ ⇒ idmap)) (functor_sigma g (cd_e Pe)).
snrapply equiv_adjointify.
- snrapply sig_rec.
snrapply cdepdescent_rec.
snrapply Build_cDepDescentConstSection.
+ exact (fun a x ⇒ coeq (a; x)).
+ intros b pf.
apply (@cglue _ _
(functor_sigma f (fun _ ⇒ idmap)) (functor_sigma g (cd_e Pe)) (b; pf)).
- snrapply Coeq_rec.
+ exact (fun '(a; x) ⇒ (coeq a; x)).
+ intros [b pf]; cbn.
apply (flatten_cd_glue b 1).
- snrapply Coeq_ind.
1: reflexivity.
intros [b pf]; cbn.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
rewrite Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
lhs nrapply cdepdescent_rec_beta_cglue.
nrapply concat_p1.
- intros [x px]; revert x px.
snrapply cdepdescent_ind.
snrapply Build_cDepDescentSection.
+ by intros a pa.
+ intros b pf; cbn.
lhs nrapply transportDD_is_transport.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
rewrite <- (concat_p1 (transport_fam_cdescent_cglue _ _ _)).
rewrite cdepdescent_rec_beta_cglue. (* This needs to be in the form transport_fam_cdescent_cglue Pe r pa @ p to work, and the other @ 1 introduced comes in handy as well. *)
lhs nrapply (ap _ (concat_p1 _)).
nrapply (Coeq_rec_beta_cglue _ _ _ (b; pf)).
End Flattening.
Characterization of path spaces
Let f g : B → A be a parallel pair, with a distinguished point a0 : A. Let Pe : cDescent f g be descent data over f g with a distinguished point p0 : cd_fam Pe a0. Assume that any dependent descent data Qe : cDepDescent Pe with a distinguished point q0 : cdd_fam Qe a0 p0 has a section that respects the distinguished points. This is the induction principle provided by Kraus and von Raumer.
Context `{Univalence} {A B: Type} {f g : B → A} (a0 : A)
(Pe : cDescent f g) (p0 : cd_fam Pe a0)
(based_cdepdescent_ind : ∀ (Qe : cDepDescent Pe) (q0 : cdd_fam Qe a0 p0),
cDepDescentSection Qe)
(based_cdepdescent_ind_beta : ∀ (Qe : cDepDescent Pe) (q0 : cdd_fam Qe a0 p0),
cdds_sect (based_cdepdescent_ind Qe q0) a0 p0 = q0).
(Pe : cDescent f g) (p0 : cd_fam Pe a0)
(based_cdepdescent_ind : ∀ (Qe : cDepDescent Pe) (q0 : cdd_fam Qe a0 p0),
cDepDescentSection Qe)
(based_cdepdescent_ind_beta : ∀ (Qe : cDepDescent Pe) (q0 : cdd_fam Qe a0 p0),
cdds_sect (based_cdepdescent_ind Qe q0) a0 p0 = q0).
Under these hypotheses, we get an identity system structure on fam_cdescent Pe.
Local Instance idsys_flatten_cdescent
: @IsIdentitySystem _ (coeq a0) (fam_cdescent Pe) p0.
snrapply Build_IsIdentitySystem.
- intros Q q0 x p.
snrapply cdepdescent_ind.
by apply based_cdepdescent_ind.
- intros Q q0; cbn.
nrapply (based_cdepdescent_ind_beta (cdepdescent_fam Q)).
: @IsIdentitySystem _ (coeq a0) (fam_cdescent Pe) p0.
snrapply Build_IsIdentitySystem.
- intros Q q0 x p.
snrapply cdepdescent_ind.
by apply based_cdepdescent_ind.
- intros Q q0; cbn.
nrapply (based_cdepdescent_ind_beta (cdepdescent_fam Q)).