Library HoTT.Spaces.Circle

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import Pointed.Core Pointed.Loops Pointed.pEquiv.
Require Import HSet.
Require Import Spaces.Pos Spaces.Int.
Require Import Colimits.Coeq.
Require Import Truncations.Core Truncations.Connectedness.

Theorems about the Circle.

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

Generalizable Variables X A B f g n.

(* ** Definition of the Circle. *)

We define the circle as the coequalizer of two copies of the identity map of Unit. This is easily equivalent to the naive definition
Private Inductive Circle : Type0 :=
| base : Circle
| loop : base = base.
but it allows us to apply the flattening lemma directly rather than having to pass across that equivalence.
The circle is defined to be the coequalizer of two copies of the identity map on Unit.
Definition Circle := @Coeq Unit Unit idmap idmap.

It has a basepoint.
Definition base : Circle := coeq tt.

And a non-trivial path.
Definition loop : base = base := cglue tt.

Here is a notation for the circle that can be imported.
Module CircleNotation.
  Notation S1 := Circle (only parsing).
End CircleNotation.

Circle induction
Definition Circle_ind (P : Circle Type)
  (b : P base) (l : loop # b = b)
  : (x : Circle), P x.
  refine (Coeq_ind P (fun utransport P (ap coeq (path_unit tt u)) b) _).
  intros []; exact l.

Computation rule for circle induction.
Definition Circle_ind_beta_loop (P : Circle Type)
  (b : P base) (l : loop # b = b)
  : apD (Circle_ind P b l) loop = l
  := Coeq_ind_beta_cglue P _ _ tt.

We mark Circle, base and loop to never be simplified by simpl or cbn in order to hide how we defined it from the user.
Arguments Circle : simpl never.
Arguments base : simpl never.
Arguments loop : simpl never.
Arguments Circle_ind_beta_loop : simpl never.

The recursion princple or non-dependent eliminator.
Definition Circle_rec (P : Type) (b : P) (l : b = b)
  : Circle P
  := Circle_ind (fun _P) b (transport_const _ _ @ l).

Computation rule for non-dependent eliminator.
Definition Circle_rec_beta_loop (P : Type) (b : P) (l : b = b)
  : ap (Circle_rec P b l) loop = l.
  unfold Circle_rec.
  refine (cancelL (transport_const loop b) _ _ _).
  refine ((apD_const (Circle_ind (fun _P) b _) loop)^ @ _).
  refine (Circle_ind_beta_loop (fun _P) _ _).

The Circle is pointed by base.
Global Instance ispointed_Circle : IsPointed Circle := base.

Definition pCircle : pType := [Circle, base].

The loop space of the Circle is the Integers Int

This is the encode-decode style proof a la Licata-Shulman.

Section EncodeDecode.
We assume univalence throughout this section.
  Context `{Univalence}.

First we define the type of codes, this is a type family over the circle. This can be thought of as the covering space by the homotopical real numbers. It is defined by mapping loop to the path given by univalence applied to the automorphism of the integers. We will show that the section of this family at base is equivalent to the loop space of the circle. Giving us an equivalence base = base <~> Int.
  Definition Circle_code : Circle Type
    := Circle_rec Type Int (path_universe int_succ).

Transporting along loop gives us the successor automorphism on Int.
  Definition transport_Circle_code_loop (z : Int)
    : transport Circle_code loop z = int_succ z.
    refine (transport_compose idmap Circle_code loop z @ _).
    unfold Circle_code; rewrite Circle_rec_beta_loop.
    apply transport_path_universe.

Transporting along loop^ gives us the predecessor on Int.
  Definition transport_Circle_code_loopV (z : Int)
    : transport Circle_code loop^ z = int_pred z.
    refine (transport_compose idmap Circle_code loop^ z @ _).
    rewrite ap_V.
    unfold Circle_code; rewrite Circle_rec_beta_loop.
    rewrite <- (path_universe_V int_succ).
    apply transport_path_universe.

To turn a path in Circle based at base into a code we transport along it. We call this encoding.
  Definition Circle_encode (x:Circle) : (base = x) Circle_code x
    := fun pp # zero.

TODO: explain this proof in more detail. Turning a code into a path based at base. We call this decoding.
  Definition Circle_decode (x : Circle) : Circle_code x (base = x).
    revert x; refine (Circle_ind (fun xCircle_code x base = x) (loopexp loop) _).
    apply path_forall; intros z; simpl in z.
    refine (transport_arrow _ _ _ @ _).
    refine (transport_paths_r loop _ @ _).
    rewrite transport_Circle_code_loopV.
    destruct z as [n| |n].
    2: apply concat_Vp.
    { rewrite <- int_neg_pos_succ.
      unfold loopexp, loopexp_pos.
      rewrite pos_peano_ind_beta_pos_succ.
      apply concat_pV_p. }
    induction n as [|n nH] using pos_peano_ind.
    1: apply concat_1p.
    rewrite <- pos_add_1_r.
    change (pos (n + 1)%pos)
      with (int_succ (pos n)).
    rewrite int_pred_succ.
    cbn; rewrite pos_add_1_r.
    unfold loopexp_pos.
    rewrite pos_peano_ind_beta_pos_succ.

The non-trivial part of the proof that decode and encode are equivalences is showing that decoding followed by encoding is the identity on the fibers over base.
  Definition Circle_encode_loopexp (z:Int)
    : Circle_encode base (loopexp loop z) = z.
    destruct z as [n | | n]; unfold Circle_encode.
    - induction n using pos_peano_ind; simpl in ×.
      + refine (moveR_transport_V _ loop _ _ _).
        by symmetry; apply transport_Circle_code_loop.
      + unfold loopexp_pos.
        rewrite pos_peano_ind_beta_pos_succ.
        rewrite transport_pp.
        refine (moveR_transport_V _ loop _ _ _).
        refine (_ @ (transport_Circle_code_loop _)^).
        refine (IHn @ _^).
        rewrite int_neg_pos_succ.
        by rewrite int_succ_pred.
    - reflexivity.
    - induction n using pos_peano_ind; simpl in ×.
      + by apply transport_Circle_code_loop.
      + unfold loopexp_pos.
        rewrite pos_peano_ind_beta_pos_succ.
        rewrite transport_pp.
        refine (moveR_transport_p _ loop _ _ _).
        refine (_ @ (transport_Circle_code_loopV _)^).
        refine (IHn @ _^).
        rewrite <- pos_add_1_r.
        change (int_pred (int_succ (pos n)) = pos n).
        apply int_pred_succ.

Now we put it together.
  Definition Circle_encode_isequiv (x:Circle) : IsEquiv (Circle_encode x).
   refine (isequiv_adjointify (Circle_encode x) (Circle_decode x) _ _).
    (* Here we induct on x:Circle.  We just did the case when x is base. *)
    - refine (Circle_ind (fun x(Circle_encode x) o (Circle_decode x) == idmap)
        Circle_encode_loopexp _ _).
      (* What remains is easy since Int is known to be a set. *)
      by apply path_forall; intros z; apply hset_path2.
    (* The other side is trivial by path induction. *)
    - intros []; reflexivity.

Finally giving us an equivalence between the loop space of the Circle and Int.

Connectedness and truncatedness of the Circle

The circle is 0-connected.
Global Instance isconnected_Circle `{Univalence} : IsConnected 0 Circle.
  apply is0connected_merely_allpath.
  1: exact (tr base).
  srefine (Circle_ind _ _ _).
  - simple refine (Circle_ind _ _ _).
    + exact (tr 1).
    + apply path_ishprop.
  - apply path_ishprop.

It follows that the circle is a 1-type.
Global Instance istrunc_Circle `{Univalence} : IsTrunc 1 Circle.
  apply istrunc_S.
  intros x y.
  assert (p := merely_path_is0connected Circle base x).
  assert (q := merely_path_is0connected Circle base y).
  destruct p, q.
  refine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc (n := 0) Int equiv_loopCircle_int^-1).

Iteration of equivalences

If P : Circle Type is defined by a type X and an autoequivalence f, then the image of n : Int regarded as in base = base is iter_int f n.
Definition Circle_action_is_iter `{Univalence} X (f : X <~> X) (n : Int) (x : X)
: transport (Circle_rec Type X (path_universe f)) (equiv_loopCircle_int^-1 n) x
  = int_iter f n x.
  refine (_ @ loopexp_path_universe _ _ _).
  refine (transport_compose idmap _ _ _ @ _).
  refine (ap (fun ptransport idmap p x) _).
  unfold equiv_loopCircle_int; cbn.
  unfold Circle_decode; simpl.
  rewrite ap_loopexp.
  refine (ap (fun ploopexp p n) _).
  apply Circle_rec_beta_loop.

The universal property of the circle (Lemma 6.2.9 in the Book). We could deduce this from isequiv_Coeq_rec, but it's nice to see a direct proof too.
Definition Circle_rec_uncurried (P : Type)
  : {b : P & b = b} (Circle P)
  := fun xCircle_rec P (pr1 x) (pr2 x).

Global Instance isequiv_Circle_rec_uncurried `{Funext} (P : Type) : IsEquiv (Circle_rec_uncurried P).
  srapply isequiv_adjointify.
  - exact (fun g(g base ; ap g loop)).
  - intros g.
    apply path_arrow.
    srapply Circle_ind.
    + reflexivity.
    + unfold Circle_rec_uncurried; cbn.
      apply transport_paths_FlFr'.
      apply equiv_p1_1q.
      apply Circle_rec_beta_loop.
  - intros [b p]; apply ap.
    apply Circle_rec_beta_loop.

Definition equiv_Circle_rec `{Funext} (P : Type)
  : {b : P & b = b} <~> (Circle P)
  := Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_Circle_rec_uncurried P).

A pointed version of the universal property of the circle.
Definition pmap_from_circle_loops `{Funext} (X : pType)
  : (pCircle ->** X) <~>* loops X.
  snrapply Build_pEquiv'.
  - refine (_ oE (issig_pmap _ _)^-1%equiv).
    equiv_via { xp : { x : X & x = x } & xp.1 = pt }.
    2: make_equiv_contr_basedpaths.
    exact ((equiv_functor_sigma_pb (equiv_Circle_rec X)^-1%equiv)).
  - simpl. apply ap_const.