Library HoTT.Spaces.Int

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Nat Basics.Tactics Basics.Decidable Basics.Equivalences Basics.PathGroupoids Types.Paths Types.Universe.
Require Basics.Numerals.Decimal.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core.

Unset Elimination Schemes.
Set Universe Minimization ToSet.

Declare Scope int_scope.
Delimit Scope int_scope with int.
Local Open Scope int_scope.

The Integers


We define the integers as two copies of nat stuck together around a zero.
Inductive Int : Type0 :=
| negS : nat Int
| zero : Int
| posS : nat Int.

We can convert a nat to an Int by mapping 0 to zero and S n to posS n. Various operations on nat are preserved by this function. See the section on conversion functions starting with int_nat_succ.
Definition int_of_nat (n : nat) :=
  match n with
  | Ozero
  | S nposS n

We declare this conversion as a coercion so we can freely use nats in statements about integers.
Coercion int_of_nat : nat >-> Int.

Number Notations

Here we define some printing and parsing functions that convert the integers between numeral representations so that we can use notations such as 123 for posS 122 and -123 for negS 122.
Definition int_to_number_int (n : Int) : :=
  match n with
  | posS nNumeral.IntDec (Decimal.Pos (Nat.to_uint (S n)))
  | zeroNumeral.IntDec (Decimal.Pos (Nat.to_uint 0))
  | negS nNumeral.IntDec (Decimal.Neg (Nat.to_uint (S n)))


Successor, Predecessor and Negation

These operations will be used in the induction principle we derive for Int so we need to define them early on.

Successor and Predecessor

Definition int_succ (n : Int) : Int :=
  match n with
  | posS nposS (S n)
  | 0 ⇒ 1
  | -1 ⇒ 0
  | negS (S n) ⇒ negS n

Notation "n .+1" := (int_succ n) : int_scope.

Definition int_pred (n : Int) : Int :=
  match n with
  | posS (S n) ⇒ posS n
  | 1 ⇒ 0
  | 0 ⇒ -1
  | negS nnegS (S n)

Notation "n .-1" := (int_pred n) : int_scope.


Definition int_neg@{} (x : Int) : Int :=
  match x with
  | posS xnegS x
  | zerozero
  | negS xposS x

Notation "- x" := (int_neg x) : int_scope.

Basic Properties

Integer induction

The induction principle for integers is similar to the induction principle for natural numbers. However we have two induction hypotheses going in either direction starting from 0.
Definition Int_ind@{i} (P : Int Type@{i})
  (H0 : P 0)
  (HP : n : nat, P n P (int_succ n))
  (HN : n : nat, P (- n) P (int_pred (-n)))
  : x, P x.
  intros[x | | x].
  - induction x as [|x IHx].
    + apply (HN 0%nat), H0.
    + apply (HN x.+1%nat), IHx.
  - exact H0.
  - induction x as [|x IHx].
    × apply (HP 0%nat), H0.
    × apply (HP x.+1%nat), IHx.

We record these so that they can be used with the induction tactic.
Definition Int_rect := Int_ind.
Definition Int_rec := Int_ind.

Decidable Equality

The integers have decidable equality.
Global Instance decidable_paths_int@{} : DecidablePaths Int.
  intros x y.
  destruct x as [x | | x], y as [y | | y].
  2-4,6-8: right; intros; discriminate.
  2: by left.
  1,2: nrapply decidable_iff.
  1,3: split.
  1,3: nrapply ap.
  1,2: intros H; by injection H.
  1,2: exact _.

By Hedberg's theorem, we have that the integers are a set.
Global Instance ishset_int@{} : IsHSet Int := _.


We sometimes want to treat the integers as a pointed type with basepoint given by 0.
Global Instance ispointed_int : IsPointed Int := 0.



Addition for integers is defined by integer inductionn on the first argument.
Definition int_add@{} (x y : Int) : Int.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx] in y |- ×.
0 + y = y
  - exact y.
x.+1 + y = (x + y).+1
  - exact (int_succ (IHx y)).
x.-1 + y = (x + y).-1
  - exact (int_pred (IHx y)).

Infix "+" := int_add : int_scope.
Infix "-" := (fun x yx + -y) : int_scope.


Multiplication for integers is defined by integer induction on the first argument.
Definition int_mul@{} (x y : Int) : Int.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx] in y |- ×.
0 × y = 0
  - exact 0.
x.+1 × y = y + x × y
  - exact (y + IHx y).
x.-1 × y = -y + x × y
  - exact (-y + IHx y).

Infix "×" := int_mul : int_scope.

Properties of Operations


Negation is involutive.
Definition int_neg_neg@{} (x : Int) : - - x = x.
  by destruct x.

Negation is an equivalence.
Global Instance isequiv_int_neg@{} : IsEquiv int_neg.
  snrapply (isequiv_adjointify int_neg int_neg).
  1,2: nrapply int_neg_neg.

Negation is injective.
Definition isinj_int_neg@{} (x y : Int) : - x = - y x = y
  := equiv_inj int_neg.

The negation of a successor is the predecessor of the negation.
Definition int_neg_succ (x : Int) : - x.+1 = (- x).-1.
  by destruct x as [[] | | ].

The negation of a predecessor is the successor of the negation.
Definition int_neg_pred (x : Int) : - x.-1 = (- x).+1.
  by destruct x as [ | | []].

The successor of a predecessor is the identity.
Definition int_pred_succ@{} (x : Int) : x.-1.+1 = x.
  by destruct x as [ | | []].

The predecessor of a successor is the identity.
Definition int_succ_pred@{} (x : Int) : x.+1.-1 = x.
  by destruct x as [[] | | ].

The successor is an equivalence on Int
The predecessor is an equivalence on Int


Integer addition with zero on the left is the identity by definition.
Definition int_add_0_l@{} (x : Int) : 0 + x = x := 1.

Integer addition with zero on the right is the identity.
Definition int_add_0_r@{} (x : Int) : x + 0 = x.
  induction x as [|[|x] IHx|[|x] IHx].
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - change (?z.+1 + 0) with (z + 0).+1.
    exact (ap _ IHx).
  - reflexivity.
  - change (?z.-1 + 0) with (z + 0).-1.
    exact (ap _ IHx).

Adding a successor on the left is the successor of the sum.
Definition int_add_succ_l@{} (x y : Int) : x.+1 + y = (x + y).+1.
  induction x as [|[|x] IHx|[|x] IHx] in y |- ×.
  1-3: reflexivity.
  all: symmetry; apply int_pred_succ.

Adding a predecessor on the left is the predecessor of the sum.
Definition int_add_pred_l@{} (x y : Int) : x.-1 + y = (x + y).-1.
  induction x as [|[|x] IHx|[|x] IHx] in y |- ×.
  1,4,5: reflexivity.
  all: symmetry; apply int_succ_pred.

Adding a successor on the right is the successor of the sum.
Definition int_add_succ_r@{} (x y : Int) : x + y.+1 = (x + y).+1.
  induction x as [|x IHx|[] IHx] in y |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - by rewrite 2 int_add_succ_l, IHx.
  - cbn; by rewrite int_succ_pred, int_pred_succ.
  - change ((- (n.+1%nat)).-1 + y.+1 = ((- (n.+1%nat)).-1 + y).+1).
    rewrite int_add_pred_l.
    rewrite IHx.
    rewrite <- 2 int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite <- int_add_pred_l.
    by rewrite int_pred_succ, int_succ_pred.

Adding a predecessor on the right is the predecessor of the sum.
Definition int_add_pred_r (x y : Int) : x + y.-1 = (x + y).-1.
  induction x as [|x IHx|[] IHx] in y |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite 2 int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite IHx.
    by rewrite int_pred_succ, int_succ_pred.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite 2 int_add_pred_l.
    by rewrite IHx.

Integer addition is commutative.
Definition int_add_comm@{} (x y : Int) : x + y = y + x.
  induction y as [|y IHy|y IHy] in x |- ×.
  - apply int_add_0_r.
  - rewrite int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite <- IHy.
    by rewrite int_add_succ_r.
  - rewrite int_add_pred_r.
    rewrite int_add_pred_l.

Integer addition is associative.
Definition int_add_assoc@{} (x y z : Int) : x + (y + z) = x + y + z.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx] in y, z |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - by rewrite !int_add_succ_l, IHx.
  - by rewrite !int_add_pred_l, IHx.

Negation is a left inverse with respect to integer addition.
Definition int_add_neg_l@{} (x : Int) : - x + x = 0.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx].
  - reflexivity.
  - by rewrite int_neg_succ, int_add_pred_l, int_add_succ_r, IHx.
  - by rewrite int_neg_pred, int_add_succ_l, int_add_pred_r, IHx.

Negation is a right inverse with respect to integer addition.
Definition int_add_neg_r@{} (x : Int) : x - x = 0.
  unfold "-"; by rewrite int_add_comm, int_add_neg_l.

Negation distributes over addition.
Definition int_neg_add@{} (x y : Int) : - (x + y) = - x - y.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx] in y |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite 2 int_neg_succ.
    rewrite int_add_pred_l.
  - rewrite int_neg_pred.
    rewrite int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite int_add_pred_l.
    rewrite int_neg_pred.


Multiplication with a successor on the left is the sum of the multplication without the sucesseor and the multiplicand which was not a successor.
Definition int_mul_succ_l@{} (x y : Int) : x.+1 × y = y + x × y.
  induction x as [|[|x] IHx|[] IHx] in y |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - cbn.
    rewrite int_add_0_r.
    by rewrite int_add_neg_r.
  - rewrite int_pred_succ.
    rewrite int_add_assoc.
    rewrite int_add_neg_r.
    by rewrite int_add_0_l.

Similarly, multiplication with a predecessor on the left is the sum of the multiplication without the predecessor and the negation of the multiplicand which was not a predecessor.
Definition int_mul_pred_l@{} (x y : Int) : x.-1 × y = -y + x × y.
  induction x as [|x IHx|[] IHx] in y |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite int_mul_succ_l.
    rewrite int_succ_pred.
    rewrite int_add_assoc.
    by rewrite int_add_neg_l.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.

Integer multiplication with zero on the left is zero by definition.
Definition int_mul_0_l@{} (x : Int) : 0 × x = 0 := 1.

Integer multiplication with zero on the right is zero.
Definition int_mul_0_r@{} (x : Int) : x × 0 = 0.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx].
  - reflexivity.
  - by rewrite int_mul_succ_l, int_add_0_l.
  - by rewrite int_mul_pred_l, int_add_0_l.

Integer multiplication with one on the left is the identity.
Definition int_mul_1_l@{} (x : Int) : 1 × x = x.
  apply int_add_0_r.

Integer multiplication with one on the right is the identity.
Definition int_mul_1_r@{} (x : Int) : x × 1 = x.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx].
  - reflexivity.
  - by rewrite int_mul_succ_l, IHx.
  - by rewrite int_mul_pred_l, IHx.

Multiplying with a negation on the left is the same as negating the product.
Definition int_mul_neg_l@{} (x y : Int) : - x × y = - (x × y).
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx] in y |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite int_neg_succ.
    rewrite int_mul_pred_l.
    rewrite int_mul_succ_l.
    rewrite int_neg_add.
    by rewrite IHx.
  - rewrite int_neg_pred.
    rewrite int_mul_succ_l.
    rewrite int_mul_pred_l.
    rewrite int_neg_add.
    rewrite IHx.
    by rewrite int_neg_neg.

Multiplying with a successor on the right is the sum of the multiplication without the successor and the product of the multiplicand which was not a successor and the multiplicand.
Definition int_mul_succ_r@{} (x y : Int) : x × y.+1 = x + x × y.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx] in y |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite 2 int_mul_succ_l.
    rewrite 2 int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite IHx.
    rewrite !int_add_assoc; f_ap.
    by rewrite int_add_comm.
  - rewrite 2 int_mul_pred_l.
    rewrite int_neg_succ.
    rewrite int_mul_neg_l.
    rewrite 2 int_add_pred_l.
    rewrite <- int_mul_neg_l.
    rewrite IHx.
    rewrite !int_add_assoc; f_ap.
    by rewrite int_add_comm.

Multiplying with a predecessor on the right is the sum of the multiplication without the predecessor and the product of the multiplicand which was not a predecessor and the negation of the multiplicand which was not a predecessor.
Definition int_mul_pred_r@{} (x y : Int) : x × y.-1 = -x + x × y.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx] in y |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite 2 int_mul_succ_l.
    rewrite IHx.
    rewrite !int_add_assoc; f_ap.
    rewrite <- (int_neg_neg y.-1).
    rewrite <- int_neg_add.
    rewrite int_neg_pred.
    rewrite int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite int_add_comm.
    rewrite <- int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite int_neg_add.
    by rewrite int_neg_neg.
  - rewrite int_neg_pred.
    rewrite int_neg_neg.
    rewrite 2 int_mul_pred_l.
    rewrite IHx.
    rewrite !int_add_assoc; f_ap.
    rewrite int_neg_pred.
    rewrite int_neg_neg.
    rewrite 2 int_add_succ_l; f_ap.
    by rewrite int_add_comm.

Integer multiplication is commutative.
Definition int_mul_comm@{} (x y : Int) : x × y = y × x.
  induction y as [|y IHy|y IHy] in x |- ×.
  - apply int_mul_0_r.
  - rewrite int_mul_succ_l.
    rewrite int_mul_succ_r.
    by rewrite IHy.
  - rewrite int_mul_pred_l.
    rewrite int_mul_pred_r.
    by rewrite IHy.

Multiplying with a negation on the right is the same as negating the product.
Definition int_mul_neg_r@{} (x y : Int) : x × - y = - (x × y).
  rewrite !(int_mul_comm x).
  apply int_mul_neg_l.

Multiplication distributes over addition on the left.
Definition int_dist_l@{} (x y z : Int) : x × (y + z) = x × y + x × z.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx] in y, z |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite 3 int_mul_succ_l.
    rewrite IHx.
    rewrite !int_add_assoc; f_ap.
    rewrite <- !int_add_assoc; f_ap.
    by rewrite int_add_comm.
  - rewrite 3 int_mul_pred_l.
    rewrite IHx.
    rewrite !int_add_assoc; f_ap.
    rewrite int_neg_add.
    rewrite <- !int_add_assoc; f_ap.
    by rewrite int_add_comm.

Multiplication distributes over addition on the right.
Definition int_dist_r@{} (x y z : Int) : (x + y) × z = x × z + y × z.
  by rewrite int_mul_comm, int_dist_l, !(int_mul_comm z).

Multiplication is associative.
Definition int_mul_assoc@{} (x y z : Int) : x × (y × z) = x × y × z.
  induction x as [|x IHx|x IHx] in y, z |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite 2 int_mul_succ_l.
    rewrite int_dist_r.
    by rewrite IHx.
  - rewrite 2 int_mul_pred_l.
    rewrite int_dist_r.
    rewrite <- int_mul_neg_l.
    by rewrite IHx.

Iteration of equivalences

Iteration by arbitrary integers

Iteration by arbitrary integers requires the endofunction to be an equivalence, so that we can define a negative iteration by using its inverse.

Definition int_iter {A} (f : A A) `{!IsEquiv f} (n : Int) : A A
  := match n with
      | negS nfun xnat_iter n.+1%nat f^-1 x
      | zeroidmap
      | posS nfun xnat_iter n.+1%nat f x

Definition int_iter_neg {A} (f : A A) `{IsEquiv _ _ f} (n : Int) (a : A)
  : int_iter f (- n) a = int_iter f^-1 n a.
  by destruct n.

Definition int_iter_succ_l {A} (f : A A) `{IsEquiv _ _ f} (n : Int) (a : A)
  : int_iter f (int_succ n) a = f (int_iter f n a).
  induction n as [|n|n].
  - reflexivity.
  - by destruct n.
  - rewrite int_pred_succ.
    destruct n.
    all: symmetry; apply eisretr.

Definition int_iter_succ_r {A} (f : A A) `{IsEquiv _ _ f} (n : Int) (a : A)
  : int_iter f (int_succ n) a = int_iter f n (f a).
  induction n as [|n|n].
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct n.
    1: reflexivity.
    cbn; f_ap.
  - destruct n.
    1: symmetry; apply eissect.
    rewrite int_pred_succ.
    apply (ap f^-1).
    rhs_V nrapply IHn.
    by destruct n.

Definition int_iter_pred_l {A} (f : A A) `{IsEquiv _ _ f} (n : Int) (a : A)
  : int_iter f (int_pred n) a = f^-1 (int_iter f n a).
  (* Convert the problem to be a problem about f^-1 and -n. *)
  lhs_V exact (int_iter_neg f^-1 (n.-1) a).
  rhs_V exact (ap f^-1 (int_iter_neg f^-1 n a)).
  (* Then int_iter_succ_l applies, after changing - n.-1 to (-n).+1. *)
  rewrite int_neg_pred.
  apply int_iter_succ_l.

Definition int_iter_pred_r {A} (f : A A) `{IsEquiv _ _ f} (n : Int) (a : A)
  : int_iter f (int_pred n) a = int_iter f n (f^-1 a).
  (* Convert the problem to be a problem about f^-1 and -n. *)
  lhs_V exact (int_iter_neg f^-1 (n.-1) a).
  rhs_V exact (int_iter_neg f^-1 n (f^-1 a)).
  (* Then int_iter_succ_r applies, after changing - n.-1 to (-n).+1. *)
  rewrite int_neg_pred.
  apply int_iter_succ_r.

Definition int_iter_add {A} (f : A A) `{IsEquiv _ _ f} (m n : Int)
  : int_iter f (m + n) == int_iter f m o int_iter f n.
  intros a.
  induction m as [|m|m].
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite 2 int_iter_succ_l.
  - rewrite int_add_pred_l.
    rewrite 2 int_iter_pred_l.

If g : A A' commutes with automorphisms of A and A', then it commutes with iteration.
Definition int_iter_commute_map {A A'} (f : A A) `{!IsEquiv f}
  (f' : A' A') `{!IsEquiv f'}
  (g : A A') (p : g o f == f' o g) (n : Int) (a : A)
  : g (int_iter f n a) = int_iter f' n (g a).
  induction n as [|n IHn|n IHn] in a |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite 2 int_iter_succ_r.
    rewrite IHn.
  - rewrite 2 int_iter_pred_r.
    rewrite IHn.
    apply moveL_equiv_V.
    lhs_V nrapply p.
    apply eisretr.

In particular, homotopic maps have homotopic iterations.
Definition int_iter_homotopic (n : Int) {A} (f f' : A A) `{!IsEquiv f} `{!IsEquiv f'}
  (h : f == f')
  : int_iter f n == int_iter f' n
  := int_iter_commute_map f f' idmap h n.

int_iter f n x doesn't depend on the proof that f is an equivalence.
Definition int_iter_agree (n : Int) {A} (f : A A) {ief ief' : IsEquiv f}
  : x, @int_iter A f ief n x = @int_iter A f ief' n x
  := int_iter_homotopic n f f (fun _idpath).

Definition int_iter_invariant (n : Int) {A} (f : A A) `{!IsEquiv f}
  (P : A Type)
  (Psucc : x, P x P (f x))
  (Ppred : x, P x P (f^-1 x))
  : x, P x P (int_iter f n x).
  induction n as [|n IHn|n IHn]; intro x.
  - exact idmap.
  - intro H.
    rewrite int_iter_succ_l.
    apply Psucc, IHn, H.
  - intro H.
    rewrite int_iter_pred_l.
    apply Ppred, IHn, H.

Exponentiation of loops

Definition loopexp {A : Type} {x : A} (p : x = x) (z : Int) : (x = x)
  := int_iter (equiv_concat_r p x) z idpath.

Definition loopexp_succ_r {A : Type} {x : A} (p : x = x) (z : Int)
  : loopexp p z.+1 = loopexp p z @ p
  := int_iter_succ_l _ _ _.

Definition loopexp_pred_r {A : Type} {x : A} (p : x = x) (z : Int)
  : loopexp p z.-1 = loopexp p z @ p^
  := int_iter_pred_l _ _ _.

Definition loopexp_succ_l {A : Type} {x : A} (p : x = x) (z : Int)
  : loopexp p z.+1 = p @ loopexp p z.
  lhs nrapply loopexp_succ_r.
  induction z as [|z|z].
  - nrapply concat_1p_p1.
  - rewrite loopexp_succ_r.
    rhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
  - rewrite loopexp_pred_r.
    lhs nrapply concat_pV_p.
    rhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
    by apply moveL_pV.

Definition loopexp_pred_l {A : Type} {x : A} (p : x = x) (z : Int)
  : loopexp p z.-1 = p^ @ loopexp p z.
  rewrite loopexp_pred_r.
  induction z as [|z|z].
  - exact (concat_1p _ @ (concat_p1 _)^).
  - rewrite loopexp_succ_r.
    lhs nrapply concat_pp_V.
    rhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
    by apply moveL_pM.
  - rewrite loopexp_pred_r.
    rhs nrapply concat_p_pp.

Definition ap_loopexp {A B} (f : A B) {x : A} (p : x = x) (z : Int)
  : ap f (loopexp p z) = loopexp (ap f p) z.
  nrapply int_iter_commute_map.
  intro q; apply ap_pp.

Definition loopexp_add {A : Type} {x : A} (p : x = x) m n
  : loopexp p (m + n) = loopexp p m @ loopexp p n.
  induction m as [|m|m].
  - symmetry; apply concat_1p.
  - rewrite int_add_succ_l.
    rewrite 2 loopexp_succ_l.
    by rewrite IHm, concat_p_pp.
  - rewrite int_add_pred_l.
    rewrite 2 loopexp_pred_l.
    by rewrite IHm, concat_p_pp.

Under univalence, exponentiation of loops corresponds to iteration of autoequivalences.

Definition equiv_path_loopexp {A : Type} (p : A = A) (z : Int) (a : A)
  : equiv_path A A (loopexp p z) a = int_iter (equiv_path A A p) z a.
  refine (int_iter_commute_map _ _ (fun pequiv_path A A p a) _ _ _).
  intro q; cbn.
  nrapply transport_pp.

Definition loopexp_path_universe `{Univalence} {A : Type} (f : A <~> A)
  (z : Int) (a : A)
  : transport idmap (loopexp (path_universe f) z) a = int_iter f z a.
  revert f. equiv_intro (equiv_path A A) p.
  refine (_ @ equiv_path_loopexp p z a).
  refine (ap (fun qequiv_path A A (loopexp q z) a) _).
  apply eissect.

Converting between integers and naturals

int_of_nat preserves successors.
Definition int_nat_succ (n : nat)
  : (n.+1)%int = (n.+1)%nat :> Int.
  by induction n.

int_of_nat preserves addition. Hence is a monoid homomorphism.
Definition int_nat_add (n m : nat)
  : (n + m)%int = (n + m)%nat :> Int.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite <- 2 int_nat_succ.
    rewrite int_add_succ_l.
    exact (ap _ IHn).

int_of_nat preserves subtraction when not truncated.
Definition int_nat_sub (n m : nat)
  : (m n)%nat (n - m)%int = (n - m)%nat :> Int.
  intros H.
  induction H as [|n H IHn].
  - lhs nrapply int_add_neg_r.
    by rewrite nat_sub_cancel.
  - rewrite nat_sub_succ_l; only 2: exact _.
    rewrite <- 2 int_nat_succ.
    rewrite int_add_succ_l.
    exact (ap _ IHn).

int_of_nat preserves multiplication. This makes int_of_nat a semiring homomorphism.
Definition int_nat_mul (n m : nat)
  : (n × m)%int = (n × m)%nat :> Int.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  - reflexivity.
  - rewrite <- int_nat_succ.
    rewrite int_mul_succ_l.
    rewrite nat_mul_succ_l.
    rhs_V nrapply int_nat_add.
    exact (ap _ IHn).