Library HoTT.Categories.Grothendieck.ToSet.Core

Grothendieck Construction of a functor to Set

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core.
Require Import SetCategory.Core.
Require Import Basics.Trunc Types.Sigma.
Require Import Basics.Tactics.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.

Section Grothendieck.
  Context `{Funext}.

Quoting Wikipedia:
The Grothendieck construction is an auxiliary construction used in the mathematical field of category theory.
     F : C → Set
be a functor from any small category to the category of sets. The Grothendieck construct for F is the category Γ F whose objects are pairs (c, x), where c : C is an object and x : F c is an element, and for which the set Hom (Γ F) (c1, x1) (c2, x2) is the set of morphisms f : c1 c2 in C such that F₁ f x1 = x2.

  Variable C : PreCategory.
  Variable F : Functor C set_cat.

  Record Pair :=
      c : C;
      x : F c

  Definition issig_pair : { c : C | F c } <~> Pair.

  Local Notation morphism s d :=
    { f : morphism C s.(c) d.(c)
    | F _1 f s.(x) = d.(x) }.

  Definition compose_H s d d'
             (m1 : morphism d d')
             (m2 : morphism s d)
  : (F _1 (m1 .1 o m2 .1)) s.(x) = d'.(x).
    etransitivity; [ | exact (m1.2) ].
    etransitivity; [ | apply ap; exact (m2.2) ].
    match goal with
      | [ |- ?f ?x = ?g (?h ?x) ] ⇒ change (f x = (g o h) x)
    match goal with
      | [ |- ?f ?x = ?g ?x ] ⇒ apply (@apD10 _ _ f g)
    apply (composition_of F).

  Definition compose s d d'
             (m1 : morphism d d')
             (m2 : morphism s d)
  : morphism s d'.
     (m1.1 o m2.1).
    apply compose_H.

  Definition identity_H s
    := apD10 (identity_of F s.(c)) s.(x).

  Definition identity s : morphism s s.
    apply identity_H.

  Global Arguments compose_H : simpl never.
  Global Arguments identity_H : simpl never.
  Global Arguments identity _ / .
  Global Arguments compose _ _ _ _ _ / .

Category of elements

  Definition category : PreCategory.
    refine (@Build_PreCategory
              (fun s dmorphism s d)
    abstract (
        repeat intro;
        apply path_sigma_uncurried; simpl;
        (( (associativity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _))
           || ( (left_identity _ _ _ _))
           || ( (right_identity _ _ _ _)));
        exact (center _)

First projection functor

  Definition pr1 : Functor category C
    := Build_Functor
         category C
         (fun s d ⇒ @pr1 _ _)
         (fun _ _ _ _ _idpath)
         (fun _idpath).
End Grothendieck.