Library HoTT.Colimits.Sequential

Sequential colimits

We present a proof of the conjecture that sequential colimits in HoTT appropriately commute with Σ-types. As a corollary, we characterize the path space of a sequential colimit as a sequential colimit of path spaces. For the written account of these results see

Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.
Require Import Diagrams.Diagram.
Require Import Diagrams.Sequence.
Require Import Diagrams.Cocone.
Require Import Colimits.Colimit.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core.
Require Import Homotopy.IdentitySystems.

Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

coe is transport idmap : (A = B) (A B), but is described as the underlying map of an equivalence so that Coq knows that it is an equivalence.
Notation coe := (fun pequiv_fun (equiv_path _ _ p)).
Notation "a ^+" := (@arr sequence_graph _ _ _ 1 a).

Mapping spaces into hprops from colimits of sequences can be characterized.
Lemma equiv_colim_seq_rec `{Funext} (A : Sequence) (P : Type) `{IsHProp P}
  : (Colimit A P) <~> ( n, A n P).
  refine (equiv_colimit_rec P oE _).
  refine (issig_Cocone _ _ oE _).
  srapply Build_Equiv.
  1: exact pr1.
  exact _.

If a sequential colimit has maps homotopic to a constant map then the colimit is contractible.
Global Instance contr_colim_seq_into_prop {funext : Funext} (A : Sequence)
  (a : n, A n) (H : n, const (a n.+1) == A _f idpath)
  : Contr (Colimit A).
  transparent assert (B : Sequence).
  { srapply Build_Sequence.
    1: exact A.
    intros n.
    exact (const (a n.+1)). }
  rapply contr_equiv'.
  1: rapply equiv_functor_colimit.
  1: rapply (equiv_sequence B A).
  1: reflexivity.
  { intros n e.
    intros x.
    exact (H _ (e x)). }
  srapply Build_Contr.
  1: exact (colim (D:=B) 1%nat (a 1%nat)).
  srapply Colimit_ind.
  { intros i x.
    induction i.
    1: exact (colimp (D:=B) _ _ idpath x).
    refine (IHi (a i) @ _).
    refine ((colimp (D:=B) _ _ idpath (a i))^ @ _).
    refine ((colimp (D:=B) _ _ idpath (a i.+1))^ @ _).
    exact (colimp (D:=B) _ _ idpath x). }
  intros n m [] x.
  rewrite transport_paths_FlFr.
  rewrite ap_const.
  rewrite ap_idmap.
  destruct n; simpl; hott_simpl.

Definition seq_shift_from_zero_by {A : Sequence} (a : A 0) k : A k.
  induction k as [ | k q].
  - exact a.
  - exact q^+.

Notation "a ^+ k" := (seq_shift_from_zero_by a k).

Shiftings; described in the paragraph after Lemma 3.7.
Definition seq_pair_shift {A : Sequence} (x : sig A) : sig A.
  destruct x as [n a]; exact (n.+1; a^+).

Definition seq_pair_shift_by {A : Sequence} (x : sig A) (k : nat) : sig A.
  induction k as [ | k y].
  - exact x.
  - exact (seq_pair_shift y).

Notation "x ^++" := (seq_pair_shift x).
Notation "x ^++ k" := (seq_pair_shift_by x k).

Definition seq_pair_shift_assoc {A : Sequence} (x : sig A) (k : nat)
  : (x^++)^++k = x^++(k.+1).
  induction k as [ | k q].
  - reflexivity.
  - exact (ap seq_pair_shift q).

Definition seq_shift_pair_from_zero {A : Sequence} (a : A 0) k : (0;a)^++k = (k;a^+k).
  induction k as [ | k q].
  - reflexivity.
  - exact (ap seq_pair_shift q).

Notation inj A := (@colim sequence_graph A).
Notation glue A := (fun n ⇒ @colimp sequence_graph A n n.+1 1).

The uniqueness principle for sequential colimits; Lemma 3.3.
Definition seq_colimit_uniq {A : Sequence} E (F G : Colimit A E)
  (h : n, F o inj A n == G o inj A n)
  (H : n a, ap F (glue A n a) @ h n a = h n.+1 a^+ @ ap G (glue A n a))
  : F == G.
  srapply (Colimit_ind _ h); intros n m p a; destruct p.
  generalize (H n a); generalize (h n a); destruct (glue A n a).
  intros p q; srefine ((concat_p1 _)^ @ _); srefine (_ @ (concat_1p _)); exact q^.

The successor sequence from Lemma 3.6.
Definition succ_seq (A : Sequence) : Sequence
  := Build_Sequence (fun kA k.+1) (fun k aa^+).

The shifted sequence from Lemma 3.7.
Definition shift_seq (A : Sequence) n : Sequence
  := Build_Sequence (fun kA (k+n)%nat) (fun k aa^+).

The canonical equivalence between the colimit of the succesor sequence and the colimit of the original sequence; Lemma 3.6.
Definition colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq A : Colimit (succ_seq A) Colimit A.
  srapply Colimit_rec; srapply Build_Cocone.
  + exact (fun n ainj _ n.+1 a).
  + intros n m p; destruct p; exact (glue A n.+1).

Definition colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq_beta_glue A n a
  : ap (colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq A) (glue (succ_seq A) n a) = glue A (n.+1) a.
  srapply Colimit_rec_beta_colimp.

Definition colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq_ap_inj A n (a1 a2 : succ_seq A n) (p : a1 = a2)
  : ap (colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq A) (ap (inj _ n) p) = ap (inj _ n.+1) p.
  destruct p; reflexivity.

Global Instance isequiv_colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq A
  : IsEquiv (colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq A).
  srapply isequiv_adjointify.
  + srapply Colimit_rec; srapply Build_Cocone.
    × exact (fun n ainj (succ_seq A) n a^+).
    × intros n m p a; destruct p; exact (glue (succ_seq A) n a^+).
  + srapply seq_colimit_uniq.
    × exact (fun n aglue _ n a).
    × intros n a; rewrite ap_idmap, ap_compose, Colimit_rec_beta_colimp.
      rewrite colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq_beta_glue; reflexivity.
  + srapply seq_colimit_uniq.
    × exact (fun n aglue _ n a).
    × intros n a; rewrite ap_idmap, ap_compose, Colimit_rec_beta_colimp.
      rewrite (@Colimit_rec_beta_colimp _ A _ _ _ _ 1); reflexivity.

Definition equiv_colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq A : Colimit (succ_seq A) <~> Colimit A
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq A) _.

The canonical equivalence between the colimit of the shifted sequence and the colimit of the original sequence; Lemma 3.6.
Definition colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq A n : Colimit (shift_seq A n) Colimit A.
  srapply Colimit_rec; srapply Build_Cocone.
  + exact (fun k ainj A (k+n)%nat a).
  + intros k l p; destruct p; exact (glue A (k+n)%nat).

Definition colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq_beta_glue A n k a
  : ap (colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq A n) (glue (shift_seq A n) k a) = glue A (k+n)%nat a.
  srapply Colimit_rec_beta_colimp.

Definition colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq_ap_inj A n k (a1 a2 : shift_seq A n k) (p : a1 = a2)
  : ap (colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq A n) (ap (inj _ k) p) = ap (inj _ (k+n)%nat) p.
  destruct p; reflexivity.

Local Definition J {X Y Z} {x1 x2 : X} {y} {I : x, Y x Z} (p : x2 = x1)
  : I x2 y = I x1 (coe (ap Y p) y).
  destruct p; reflexivity.

Local Definition K {X Y} {x1 x2 : X} {y} F G (p : x1 = x2) :
  G x2 (coe (ap Y p) y) = coe (ap Y (ap F p)) (G x1 y).
  destruct p; reflexivity.

Local Definition L {X Y Z} {x1 x2 : X} {y} {F G} {I : x, Y x Z} {p : x2 = x1}
  (Q : x y, I (F x) (G x y) = I x y)
  : Q x2 y @ J p =
    J (ap F p) @ (ap (I (F x1)) (K F G p)^ @
    Q x1 (coe (ap Y p) y)).
  destruct p; cbn.
  apply equiv_p1_1q.
  symmetry; apply concat_1p.

Global Instance isequiv_colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq `{Funext} A n
  : IsEquiv (colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq A n).
  induction n as [ | n e]; srapply isequiv_homotopic'.
  - srapply equiv_functor_colimit; srapply Build_diagram_equiv.
    + srapply Build_DiagramMap.
      × exact (fun kcoe (ap A (nat_add_zero_r k))).
      × intros k l p a; destruct p. srapply (K S (fun n aa^+) _).
    + exact _.
  - symmetry; srapply seq_colimit_uniq.
    + intros k a; exact (J (nat_add_zero_r k)).
    + intros k a; rewrite !Colimit_rec_beta_colimp; srapply (L (glue A)).
  - transitivity (Colimit (succ_seq (shift_seq A n))).
    + srapply equiv_functor_colimit; srapply Build_diagram_equiv.
      × srapply Build_DiagramMap.
        { exact (fun kcoe (ap A (nat_add_succ_r k n))). }
        { intros k l p a; destruct p; rapply (K S (fun n aa^+) (nat_add_succ_r k n)). }
      × exact _.
    + srefine (transitivity (equiv_colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq _) (Build_Equiv _ _ _ e)).
  - symmetry; srapply seq_colimit_uniq.
    + intros k a; exact (J (nat_add_succ_r k n)).
    + intros k a; rewrite Colimit_rec_beta_colimp; simpl.
      rewrite 2(ap_compose' _ _ (glue _ k a)), Colimit_rec_beta_colimp, 2ap_pp.
      rewrite colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq_ap_inj, colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq_ap_inj.
      rewrite (colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq_beta_glue (shift_seq A n)).
      rewrite colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq_beta_glue; srapply (L (glue A)).

Definition equiv_colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq `{Funext} A n
  : Colimit (shift_seq A n) <~> Colimit A
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq A n) _.

Corollary 7.7.1 for k := -2; implies Lemma 7.2.
Definition contr_colim_contr_seq `{Funext} (A : Sequence)
  : ( k, Contr (A k)) Contr (Colimit A).
  intro h_seqcontr; pose (unit_seq := Build_Sequence (fun _Unit) (fun _ _tt)).
  srapply (contr_equiv' (Colimit unit_seq)).
  - symmetry; srapply equiv_functor_colimit.
    srapply Build_diagram_equiv; srapply Build_DiagramMap.
    × exact (fun _ _tt).
    × intros n m p a; destruct p; reflexivity.
  - srapply (Build_Contr _ (inj unit_seq 0 tt)); intro y; symmetry; revert y.
    srapply seq_colimit_uniq.
    × intros n a; destruct a; induction n as [ | n r].
      + reflexivity.
      + exact (glue unit_seq n tt @ r).
    × intro n; destruct a; rewrite ap_idmap, ap_const, concat_p1; reflexivity.

Fibered sequences; Section 4.
Record FibSequence (A : Sequence) := {
  fibSequence : sig A Type;
  fibSequenceArr x : fibSequence x fibSequence x^++

Coercion fibSequence : FibSequence >-> Funclass.

Arguments fibSequence {A}.
Arguments fibSequenceArr {A}.

Notation "b ^+f" := (fibSequenceArr _ _ b).

The Sigma of a fibered type sequence; Definition 4.3.
Definition sig_seq {A} (B : FibSequence A) : Sequence.
  srapply Build_Sequence.
  - exact (fun n{a : A n & B (n;a)}).
  - intros n [a b]; exact (a^+; b^+f).

The canonical projection from the sequential colimit of Sigmas to the sequential colimit of the first component; Definition 4.3.
Definition seq_colim_sum_to_seq_colim_fst {A} (B : FibSequence A)
  : Colimit (sig_seq B) Colimit A.
  srapply Colimit_rec; srapply Build_Cocone.
  - intros n [a _]; exact (inj _ n a).
  - intros n m p [a b]; destruct p; exact (glue _ n a).

Given a sequence fibered over A, aach point x : sig A induces a new type sequence; Section 4.
Definition fib_seq_to_seq {A} (B : FibSequence A) (x : sig A) : Sequence.
  srapply Build_Sequence; intro k; revert x; induction k as [ | k h].
  × exact (fun xB x).
  × exact (fun xh x^++).
  × exact (fun x bb^+f).
  × exact (fun xh x^++).

The induced sequence can be equivalently described by using shifting; Lemma 7.1.
Definition fib_seq_to_seq' {A} (B : FibSequence A) (x : sig A) : Sequence
  := Build_Sequence (fun kB x^++k) (fun k bb^+f).

Definition equiv_fib_seq_to_seq {A} (B : FibSequence A) (x : sig A)
  : fib_seq_to_seq B x ¬d¬ fib_seq_to_seq' B x.
  srapply Build_diagram_equiv.
  + srapply Build_DiagramMap.
    × intro n; revert x; induction n as [ | n e].
      - exact (fun _idmap).
      - exact (fun xcoe (ap B (seq_pair_shift_assoc x n)) o e x^++).
    × intros n m p; destruct p; revert x; induction n as [ | n p].
      - exact (fun _ _idpath).
      - exact (fun x bK _ _ _ @ (ap _ (p (x^++) b))).
  + intro n; revert x; induction n as [ | n e].
    × exact (fun _isequiv_idmap _).
    × intro x; srapply isequiv_compose.

A fibered type sequence defines a type family; Section 4.
Definition fib_seq_to_type_fam `{Univalence} {A} (B : FibSequence A) : Colimit A Type.
  srapply Colimit_rec; srapply Build_Cocone.
  - exact (fun n aColimit (fib_seq_to_seq B (n;a))).
  - intros n m p a; destruct p; apply path_universe_uncurried.
    exact (equiv_colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq (fib_seq_to_seq B (n;a))).

Definition fib_seq_to_type_fam_beta_glue `{Univalence} {A} B n a :
  coe (ap (fib_seq_to_type_fam B) (glue A n a))=
  colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq (fib_seq_to_seq B (n;a)).
  srapply (ap _ (Colimit_rec_beta_colimp _ _ _ _ _ _) @ _).
  srapply (transport_idmap_path_universe_uncurried _).

Local Definition Delta {X Y} {x1 x2 : X} {F} (p : x1 = x2) (psi : coe (ap Y p) = F) y
  : (x1;y) = (x2;F y).
  destruct p; destruct psi; reflexivity.

Local Definition Delta_proj {X Y} {x1 x2 : X} {F} (p : x1 = x2) (psi : coe (ap Y p) = F) y
  : ap pr1 (Delta p psi y) = p.
  destruct p; destruct psi; reflexivity.

The canonical map from the sequential colimit of Sigmas to the Sigma of sequential colimits; Definition 5.1.
Definition seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim `{Univalence} {A} (B : FibSequence A)
  : Colimit (sig_seq B) sig (fib_seq_to_type_fam B).
  srapply Colimit_rec; srapply Build_Cocone.
  - intros n [a b]; exact (inj A n a; inj (fib_seq_to_seq _ _) 0 b).
  - intros n m p [a b]; destruct p; srefine (_ @ ap _ (glue (fib_seq_to_seq _ _) 0 b)).
    srapply (Delta _ (fib_seq_to_type_fam_beta_glue B n a)).

Definition seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim_beta_glue `{Univalence} {A} B n a b :
  ap (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B) (glue (sig_seq B) n (a;b)) =
  Delta _ (fib_seq_to_type_fam_beta_glue B n a) (inj _ _ _) @
  ap (exist _ (inj A n a)) (glue (fib_seq_to_seq _ _) 0 b).
  srapply Colimit_rec_beta_colimp.

An alternative induction principle for the sum of colimits; Lemma 5.2 and Section 6.
Section SeqColimitSumInd.

  Context `{Univalence} {A} (B : FibSequence A).
  Context (E : sig (fib_seq_to_type_fam B) Type).
  Context (e : n a b, E (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B (inj (sig_seq B) n (a;b)))).
  Context (t : n a b, ap (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B) (glue (sig_seq B) n (a;b))
    # e n.+1 (a^+) (b^+f) = e n a b).

The point-point case of the nested induction; corresponds to "h" in the paper.
  Local Definition Q k : n a b, E (inj _ n a; inj _ k b).
    induction k as [ | k h].
    - exact e.
    - intros n a b; exact (Delta _ (fib_seq_to_type_fam_beta_glue B n a) _ # h n.+1 (a^+) b).

The path-point case of the nested induction is just reflexivity; corresponds to "mu" in the paper.

  Local Definition Eta {X Y Z} {x : X} {y1 y2 : Y x} {z : sig Y} {p : y1 = y2}
    {q1 : z = (x;y1)} {q2 : z = (x;y2)} (theta : q2 = q1 @ ap _ p)
    : transport (Z o exist Y x) p o transport Z q1 == transport Z q2.
    symmetry in theta; destruct theta; destruct p; simpl; destruct q1. reflexivity.

  Local Definition Epsilon {X Y Z} {x1 x2 : X} {y1 y2} {F} (p : x1 = x2) {q : y1 = y2}
    {psi : coe (ap Y p) = F} {r : F y1 = F y2} (theta : ap F q = r)
    : transport (Z o exist Y x2) r o transport Z (Delta p psi y1) ==
      transport Z (Delta p psi y2) o transport (Z o exist Y x1) q.
    destruct theta; destruct q; reflexivity.

The point-path case of the nested induction; corresponds to "H" in the paper.
  Local Definition R k : n a b,
    transport (E o exist _ (inj A n a)) (glue _ k b) (Q k.+1 n a (b^+)) = Q k n a b.
    induction k as [ | k h].
    - intros n a b; srapply (_ @ t n a b).
      srapply (Eta (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim_beta_glue B n a b)).
    - intros n a b; srefine (_ @ ap _ (h n.+1 (a^+) b)).
      srapply (Epsilon (glue A n a) (colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq_beta_glue _ _ _)).

The point case of the nested induction; corresponds to "g" in the paper.
  Local Definition F n a : x, E (inj _ n a; x).
    srapply Colimit_ind.
    - exact (fun kQ k n a).
    - intros k l p; destruct p; exact (R k n a).

  Local Definition F_beta_glue n a b : apD (F n a) (glue _ 0 b) = R 0 n a b.
    srapply Colimit_ind_beta_colimp.

  Local Definition Phi {X Y Z} {x1 x2 : X} {y1 y2} {F} (p : x1 = x2) {q : y1 = y2}
    {psi : coe (ap Y p) = F} {G1 : y, Z (x1;y)} {G2 : y, Z (x2;y)}
    {r : F y1 = F y2} (theta : ap F q = r)
    : u1 u2,
      apD G2 r @ u2 = ap (transport _ r) u1 @ Epsilon p theta (G1 y1) @
                      ap (transport Z (Delta p psi y2)) (apD G1 q)
       transport (fun yG2 (F y) = Delta p psi y # G1 y) q u1 = u2.
    destruct theta; destruct q; intros u1 u2; rewrite ap_idmap, !concat_p1. simpl.
    intro s; destruct s; srefine (concat_1p _).

The path case of the nested induction; corresponds to "omega" in the paper.
  Local Definition G n a : y,
    F n a _ = Delta _ (fib_seq_to_type_fam_beta_glue B n a) y # F n.+1 (a^+) y.
    srapply Colimit_ind.
    - exact (fun k bidpath).
    - intros k l p b; destruct p.
      snrapply (Phi (glue A n a) (colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq_beta_glue _ _ _)).
      rewrite (Colimit_ind_beta_colimp _ (fun kQ k n a) _ _ _ idpath).
      rewrite (Colimit_ind_beta_colimp _ (fun kQ k n.+1 a^+) _ _ _ idpath).
      rewrite concat_p1, concat_1p; reflexivity.

  Local Definition I {X Y Z} {x1 x2 : X} {p : x1 = x2} {F} (psi : coe (ap Y p) = F) {G1 G2}
    : transport (fun x y, Z (x;y)) p G1 = G2 <~>
       y, G2 (F y) = Delta p psi y # G1 y.
    destruct p; destruct psi.
    srefine (transitivity (equiv_path_inverse _ _) (equiv_apD10 _ _ _)).

The alternative induction rule in curried form; corresponds to curried "G" in the paper.
  Definition seq_colim_sum_ind_cur : x y, E (x;y).
    srapply (Colimit_ind _ F); intros n m p a; destruct p.
    exact ((I (fib_seq_to_type_fam_beta_glue B n a))^-1 (G n a)).

The computation rule for the alternative induction rule in curried form.
  Definition seq_colim_sum_ind_cur_beta_glue n a :
    I (fib_seq_to_type_fam_beta_glue B n a) (apD seq_colim_sum_ind_cur (glue _ n a)) = G n a.
    apply moveR_equiv_M; srapply Colimit_ind_beta_colimp.

The alternative induction rule; corresponds to "G" in the paper.
  Definition seq_colim_sum_ind : x, E x.
    intros [x y]; apply seq_colim_sum_ind_cur.

  Local Definition Xi {X Y Z} G {x : X} {y1 y2 : Y x} {z : sig Y} {p : y1 = y2}
    {q1 : z = (x;y1)} {q2 : z = (x;y2)} (theta : q2 = q1 @ ap _ p)
    : apD (G o exist Y x) p =
      ap (transport (Z o exist Y x) p) (apD G q1)^ @ Eta theta (G z) @ apD G q2.
    revert theta; srapply (equiv_ind (equiv_path_inverse _ _)). intro s; destruct s.
    revert q1; srapply (equiv_ind (equiv_path_inverse _ _)); intro s; destruct s.
    destruct p; reflexivity.

  Local Definition Mu {X Y Z} {x1 x2 : X} (p : x1 = x2) {F} (G : z, Z z)
    {psi : coe (ap Y p) = F} {q} (theta : I psi (apD (fun x yG (x;y)) p) = q) y
    : apD G (Delta p psi y) = (q y)^.
    destruct p; destruct psi; destruct theta; reflexivity.

The computation rule for the alternative induction rule.
  Definition seq_colim_sum_ind_beta_glue : n a b,
    apD seq_colim_sum_ind (ap (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B) (glue (sig_seq B) n _)) =
    t n a b.
    intros n a b; pose (h := F_beta_glue n a b).
    rewrite (Xi seq_colim_sum_ind (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim_beta_glue B n a b)) in h.
    rewrite (Mu (glue _ n a) seq_colim_sum_ind (seq_colim_sum_ind_cur_beta_glue n a)) in h.
    rewrite concat_1p in h; exact (cancelL _ _ _ h).

End SeqColimitSumInd.

An alternative recursion principle for the sum of colimits; Lemma 5.3.
Section SeqColimitSumRec.

  Context `{Univalence} {A} (B : FibSequence A).
  Context E (e : n a, B (n;a) E).
  Context (t : n a (b : B (n;a)), e n.+1 (a^+) (b^+f) = e n a b).

  Definition seq_colim_sum_rec : sig (fib_seq_to_type_fam B) E.
    exact (seq_colim_sum_ind B _ e (fun n a btransport_const _ _ @ t n a b)).

  Definition seq_colim_sum_rec_beta_glue : n a b,
    ap seq_colim_sum_rec (ap (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B) (glue (sig_seq B) n (a;b))) =
    t n a b.
    intros n a b; srapply (cancelL _ _ _ ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _)).
    srapply seq_colim_sum_ind_beta_glue.

End SeqColimitSumRec.

Lemma 5.4.
Definition seq_colimit_sum_uniq `{Univalence} {A} (B : FibSequence A) E
  (F G : sig (fib_seq_to_type_fam B) E)
  : F o (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B) == G o (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B)
    F == G.
  intro h; srapply (seq_colim_sum_ind B _ (fun _ _ _h _)); intros n a b.
  srapply ((transport_compose _ _ _ _)^ @ _); exact (apD h (glue (sig_seq B) n (a;b))).

The canonical map from the sequential colimit of Sigmas to the Sigma of sequential colimits is an equivalence; Theorem 5.1.
Global Instance isequiv_seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim `{Univalence} {A} (B : FibSequence A)
  : IsEquiv (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B).
  assert (L : {G : _ & G o seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B == idmap}).
  - srapply (_;_).
    + srapply seq_colim_sum_rec.
      × exact (fun n a binj (sig_seq B) n (a;b)).
      × exact (fun n a bglue (sig_seq B) n (a;b)).
    + srapply seq_colimit_uniq.
      × exact (fun n aidpath).
      × intros n a; rewrite concat_1p, concat_p1, ap_compose, ap_idmap.
        rewrite seq_colim_sum_rec_beta_glue; reflexivity.
  - srapply (isequiv_adjointify _ L.1 _ L.2); srapply seq_colimit_sum_uniq.
    intro x; rewrite L.2; reflexivity.

Definition equiv_seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim `{Univalence} {A} (B : FibSequence A)
  : Colimit (sig_seq B) <~> sig (fib_seq_to_type_fam B)
  := Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B).

The canonical map from the sequential colimit of Sigmas to the Sigma of sequential colimits commutes with the first projection; Theorem 5.1.
Definition seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim_fst `{Univalence} {A} (B : FibSequence A)
  : pr1 o (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B) == seq_colim_sum_to_seq_colim_fst B.
  srapply seq_colimit_uniq.
  - exact (fun n aidpath).
  - intros n [a b]; rewrite concat_1p, concat_p1, ap_compose, !Colimit_rec_beta_colimp.
    rewrite ap_pp, (Delta_proj _ (fib_seq_to_type_fam_beta_glue B n a)).
    srapply (whiskerL _ _ @ concat_p1 _); rewrite (ap_compose _ _ _)^; simpl.
    rewrite ap_const; reflexivity.

The characterization of path spaces in sequential colimits; Theorem 7.4, first part.
Definition path_seq (A : Sequence) (a1 a2 : A 0)
  := Build_Sequence (fun ka1^+k = a2^+k) (fun k pap (fun aa^+) p).

Definition equiv_path_colim_zero `{Univalence} {A : Sequence} (a1 a2 : A 0) :
  (inj A 0 a1 = inj A 0 a2) <~> Colimit (path_seq A a1 a2).
  pose (B := Build_FibSequence A (fun xa1^+(x.1) = x.2) (fun xap (fun aa^+))).
  transitivity (fib_seq_to_type_fam B (inj A 0 a2)).
  + symmetry; srapply equiv_path_from_contr.
    - exact (inj (fib_seq_to_seq B (0;a1)) 0 idpath).
    - srefine (contr_equiv _ (seq_colim_sum_to_sum_seq_colim B)).
      srapply contr_colim_contr_seq; intro k; srapply contr_basedpaths.
  + srapply equiv_functor_colimit; srefine (transitivity (equiv_fib_seq_to_seq B (0;a2)) _).
    srapply Build_diagram_equiv.
    × srapply Build_DiagramMap.
      - exact (fun ncoe (ap B (seq_shift_pair_from_zero a2 n))).
      - intros n m p b; destruct p; srapply (K _ _ (seq_shift_pair_from_zero a2 n)).
    × exact _.

The characterization of path spaces in sequential colimits; Theorem 7.4, second part.
Definition equiv_path_colim `{Univalence} {A : Sequence} n (a1 a2 : A n) :
  (inj A n a1 = inj A n a2) <~> Colimit (path_seq (shift_seq A n) a1 a2).
  srefine (transitivity _ (equiv_path_colim_zero _ _)); symmetry.
  srapply (@equiv_ap _ _ (colim_shift_seq_to_colim_seq A n)).

Open Scope trunc_scope.

Corollary 7.7.1, second part.
Global Instance trunc_seq_colim `{Univalence} {A : Sequence} k :
  ( n, IsTrunc k (A n)) IsTrunc k (Colimit A) | 100.
  revert A; induction k as [ | k IHk].
  - srapply contr_colim_contr_seq.
  - intros A trH; apply istrunc_S; srapply Colimit_ind.
    + intro n; revert trH; revert A; induction n as [ | n IHn].
      × intros A trH a; srapply Colimit_ind.
        { intros m b; revert b; revert a; revert trH; revert A; induction m as [ | m IHm].
          { intros A trH a b.
            srefine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (equiv_inverse (equiv_path_colim _ a b))). }
          { intros A trH a b.
            srefine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (equiv_inverse (equiv_concat_l (glue A _ a) _))).
            srapply (@istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ _ _ k (IHm (succ_seq A) _ (@arr _ A 0%nat _ 1%path a) b)).
            srapply (equiv_ap (colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq A)). }}
        { intros n m p b; snrapply path_ishprop; snrapply ishprop_istrunc; exact _. }
      × intros A trH a; srapply (functor_forall_equiv_pb (colim_succ_seq_to_colim_seq A)).
        intro x; srapply (@istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ _ _ k (IHn (succ_seq A) _ a x)); srapply equiv_ap.
    + intros n m p a; snrapply path_ishprop; snrapply istrunc_forall.
      intro x; srapply ishprop_istrunc.