Library HoTT.Spaces.Nat.Core

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics Basics.PathGroupoids
  Basics.Decidable Basics.Trunc Basics.Equivalences Basics.Nat
  Basics.Classes Basics.Iff Types.Prod Types.Sum Types.Sigma.
Export Basics.Nat.

Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.
Local Unset Elimination Schemes.

Natural numbers

We want to close the trunc_scope so that notations from there don't conflict here.
Local Close Scope trunc_scope.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Basic operations on naturals


nth iteration of the function f : A A. We have definitional equalities nat_iter 0 f x = x and nat_iter n.+1 f x = f (nat_iter n f x). We make this a notation, so it doesn't add a universe variable for the universe containing A.
Notation nat_iter n f x
  := ((fix F (m : nat)
      := match m with
        | 0 ⇒ x
        | m'.+1f (F m')
        end) n).

Successor and predecessor

nat_succ n is the successor of a natural number n. We defined a notation x.+1 for it in Overture.v.
Notation nat_succ := S (only parsing).

nat_pred n is the predecessor of a natural number n. When n is 0 we return 0.
Definition nat_pred n : nat :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ n
  | S n'n'

Arithmetic operations

Addition of natural numbers
Definition nat_add n m : nat
  := nat_iter n nat_succ m.

Notation "n + m" := (nat_add n m) : nat_scope.

Multiplication of natural numbers
Definition nat_mul n m : nat
  := nat_iter n (nat_add m) 0.

Notation "n * m" := (nat_mul n m) : nat_scope.

Truncated subtraction: n - m is 0 if n m
Fixpoint nat_sub n m : nat :=
  match n, m with
  | S n' , S m'nat_sub n' m'
  | _ , _n

Notation "n - m" := (nat_sub n m) : nat_scope.

Powers or exponentiation of natural numbers.
Definition nat_pow n m := nat_iter m (nat_mul n) 1.

Maximum and minimum

The maximum nat_max n m of two natural numbers n and m.
Fixpoint nat_max n m :=
  match n, m with
  | 0 , _m
  | S n' , 0 ⇒ n'.+1
  | S n' , S m'(nat_max n' m').+1

The minimum nat_min n m of two natural numbers n and m.
Fixpoint nat_min n m :=
  match n, m with
  | 0 , _ ⇒ 0
  | S n' , 0 ⇒ 0
  | S n' , S m'S (nat_min n' m')

Euclidean division

This division takes time linear in `x` and is tail-recursive. In nat_div_mod x y q u, x + y.+1 × q + (y - u) is the quantity being divided and y is the predecessor of the divisor. It will be called with q zero and u equal to y, so that x is the quantity being divided. The return value is a pair (q', u') with x + y.+1 × q + (y - u) = y.+1 × q' + (y - u'), at least when u y, as shown in nat_div_mod_spec_helper in Nat/Divison.v.

Fixpoint nat_div_mod x y q u : nat × nat :=
  match x with
  | 0 ⇒ (q , u)
  | S x'
    match u with
    | 0 ⇒ nat_div_mod x' y (S q) y
    | S u'nat_div_mod x' y q u'

Definition nat_div x y : nat :=
  match y with
  | 0 ⇒ y
  | S y'fst (nat_div_mod x y' 0 y')
Infix "/" := nat_div : nat_scope.

nat_mod x y is the remainder when x is divided by y. When y is zero, it is defined to be x. See nat_div_mod_spec and related results below.
Definition nat_mod x y : nat :=
  match y with
  | 0 ⇒ x
  | S y'y' - snd (nat_div_mod x y' 0 y')
Infix "mod" := nat_mod : nat_scope.

For results about division and modulo, see Nat/Division.v.

Greatest common divisor

We use Euclid algorithm, which is normally not structural, but Coq is now clever enough to accept this (behind modulo there is a subtraction, which now preserves being a subterm)

Fixpoint nat_gcd a b :=
  match a with
  | Ob
  | S a'nat_gcd (b mod a'.+1) a'.+1

Comparison predicates

Less than or equal To

Inductive leq (n : nat) : nat Type0 :=
| leq_refl : leq n n
| leq_succ_r m : leq n m leq n (S m).

Arguments leq_succ_r {n m} _.

Scheme leq_ind := Induction for leq Sort Type.
Scheme leq_rect := Induction for leq Sort Type.
Scheme leq_rec := Induction for leq Sort Type.

Notation "n <= m" := (leq n m) : nat_scope.

Existing Class leq.
Global Existing Instances leq_refl leq_succ_r.

Less than <

We define the less-than relation lt in terms of leq
Definition lt n m : Type0 := leq (S n) m.

We declare it as an existing class so typeclass search is performed on its goals.
Existing Class lt.
#[export] Hint Unfold lt : typeclass_instances.
Infix "<" := lt : nat_scope.
Global Instance lt_is_leq n m : leq n.+1 m lt n m | 100 := idmap.

Greater than or equal To

Definition geq n m := leq m n.
Existing Class geq.
#[export] Hint Unfold geq : typeclass_instances.
Infix "≥" := geq : nat_scope.
Global Instance geq_is_leq n m : leq m n geq n m | 100 := idmap.

(*** Greater Than > *)

Definition gt n m := lt m n.
Existing Class gt.
#[export] Hint Unfold gt : typeclass_instances.
Infix ">" := gt : nat_scope.
Global Instance gt_is_leq n m : leq m.+1 n gt n m | 100 := idmap.

Combined comparison predicates

Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x y y z) : nat_scope.
Notation "x <= y < z" := (x y y < z) : nat_scope.
Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y y < z) : nat_scope.
Notation "x < y <= z" := (x < y y z) : nat_scope.

Properties of nat_iter.

Definition nat_iter_succ_r n {A} (f : A A) (x : A)
  : nat_iter (S n) f x = nat_iter n f (f x).
  simple_induction n n IHn; simpl; trivial.
  exact (ap f IHn).

Definition nat_iter_add (n m : nat) {A} (f : A A) (x : A)
  : nat_iter (n + m) f x = nat_iter n f (nat_iter m f x).
  simple_induction n n IHn; simpl; trivial.
  exact (ap f IHn).

Preservation of invariants : if f : A A preserves the invariant P, then the iterates of f also preserve it.
Definition nat_iter_invariant (n : nat) {A} (f : A A) (P : A Type)
  : ( x, P x P (f x)) x, P x P (nat_iter n f x).
  simple_induction n n IHn; simpl; trivial.
  intros Hf x Hx.
  apply Hf, IHn; trivial.

Properties of successors

The predecessor of a successor is the original number.
Definition nat_pred_succ@{} n : nat_pred (nat_succ n) = n
  := idpath.

The successor of a predecessor is the original as long as there is a strict lower bound.
Definition nat_succ_pred'@{} n i : i < n nat_succ (nat_pred n) = n.
  by intros [].

The most common lower bound is to take 0.
Definition nat_succ_pred@{} n : 0 < n nat_succ (nat_pred n) = n
  := nat_succ_pred' n 0.

Injectivity of successor.
Definition path_nat_succ@{} n m (H : S n = S m) : n = m := ap nat_pred H.
Global Instance isinj_succ : IsInjective nat_succ := path_nat_succ.

Inequality of sucessors is implied with inequality of the arguments.
Definition neq_nat_succ@{} n m : n m S n S m.
  intros np q.
  apply np.
  exact (path_nat_succ _ _ q).

Zero is not the successor of a number.
Definition neq_nat_zero_succ@{} n : 0 S n.

A natural number cannot be equal to its own successor.
Definition neq_nat_succ'@{} n : n S n.
  simple_induction' n.
  - apply neq_nat_zero_succ.
  - by apply neq_nat_succ.

Truncatedness of natural numbers

nat has decidable paths.
Global Instance decidable_paths_nat@{} : DecidablePaths nat.
  intros n m.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- *; destruct m.
  - exact (inl idpath).
  - exact (inr (neq_nat_zero_succ m)).
  - exact (inr (fun pneq_nat_zero_succ n p^)).
  - destruct (IHn m) as [p|q].
    + exact (inl (ap S p)).
    + exact (inr (fun pq (path_nat_succ _ _ p))).

nat is therefore a hset.
Global Instance ishset_nat : IsHSet nat := _.

Properties of addition

0 is the left identity of addition.
Definition nat_add_zero_l@{} n : 0 + n = n
  := idpath.

0 is the right identity of addition.
Definition nat_add_zero_r@{} n : n + 0 = n.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  - reflexivity.
  - apply (ap nat_succ).
    exact IHn.

Adding a successor on the left is the same as adding and then taking the successor.
Definition nat_add_succ_l@{} n m : n.+1 + m = (n + m).+1
  := idpath.

Adding a successor on the right is the same as adding and then taking the successor.
Definition nat_add_succ_r@{} n m : n + m.+1 = (n + m).+1.
  simple_induction' n; simpl.
  1: reflexivity.
  exact (ap S IH).

Addition of natural numbers is commutative.
Definition nat_add_comm@{} n m : n + m = m + n.
  induction n.
  - exact (nat_add_zero_r m)^.
  - rhs nrapply nat_add_succ_r.
    apply (ap nat_succ).
    exact IHn.

Addition of natural numbers is associative.
Definition nat_add_assoc@{} n m k : n + (m + k) = (n + m) + k.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  - reflexivity.
  - nrapply (ap nat_succ).
    exact IHn.

Addition on the left is injective.
Global Instance isinj_nat_add_l@{} k : IsInjective (nat_add k).
  simple_induction k k Ik; exact _.

Addition on the right is injective.
Definition isinj_nat_add_r@{} k : IsInjective (fun xnat_add x k).
  intros x y H.
  nrapply (isinj_nat_add_l k).
  lhs nrapply nat_add_comm.
  lhs nrapply H.
  nrapply nat_add_comm.

A sum being zero is equivalent to both summands being zero.
Definition equiv_nat_add_zero n m : n = 0 m = 0 <~> n + m = 0.
  srapply equiv_iff_hprop.
  - intros [-> ->]; reflexivity.
  - destruct n.
    + by split.
    + intros H; symmetry in H.
      by apply neq_nat_zero_succ in H.

Properties of multiplication

Multiplication by 0 on the left is 0.
Definition nat_mul_zero_l@{} n : 0 × n = 0
  := idpath.

Multiplicaiton by 0 on the right is 0.
Definition nat_mul_zero_r@{} n : n × 0 = 0.
  by induction n.

Definition nat_mul_succ_l@{} n m : n.+1 × m = m + n × m
  := idpath.

Definition nat_mul_succ_r@{} n m : n × m.+1 = n × m + n.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  - reflexivity.
  - rhs nrapply nat_add_succ_r.
    nrapply (ap nat_succ).
    rhs_V nrapply nat_add_assoc.
    nrapply (ap (nat_add m)).
    exact IHn.

Multiplication of natural numbers is commutative.
Definition nat_mul_comm@{} n m : n × m = m × n.
  induction m as [|m IHm]; simpl.
  - nrapply nat_mul_zero_r.
  - lhs nrapply nat_mul_succ_r.
    lhs nrapply nat_add_comm.
    snrapply (ap (nat_add n)).
    exact IHm.

Multiplication of natural numbers distributes over addition on the left.
Definition nat_dist_l@{} n m k : n × (m + k) = n × m + n × k.
  induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl.
  - reflexivity.
  - lhs_V nrapply nat_add_assoc.
    rhs_V nrapply nat_add_assoc.
    nrapply (ap (nat_add m)).
    lhs nrapply nat_add_comm.
    rewrite IHn.
    lhs_V nrapply nat_add_assoc.
    nrapply (ap (nat_add (n × m))).
    nrapply nat_add_comm.

Multiplication of natural numbers distributes over addition on the right.
Definition nat_dist_r@{} n m k : (n + m) × k = n × k + m × k.
  lhs nrapply nat_mul_comm.
  lhs nrapply nat_dist_l.
  nrapply ap011; nrapply nat_mul_comm.

Multiplication of natural numbers is associative.
Definition nat_mul_assoc@{} n m k : n × (m × k) = n × m × k.
  induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl.
  - reflexivity.
  - rhs nrapply nat_dist_r.
    nrapply (ap (nat_add (m × k))).
    exact IHn.

Multiplication by 1 on the left is the identity.
Definition nat_mul_one_l@{} n : 1 × n = n
  := nat_add_zero_r _.

Multiplication by 1 on the right is the identity.
Definition nat_mul_one_r@{} n : n × 1 = n
  := nat_mul_comm _ _ @ nat_mul_one_l _.

Basic properties of comparison predicates

Basic properties of

is reflexive by definition.
Global Instance reflexive_leq : Reflexive leq := leq_refl.

Being less than or equal to is a transitive relation.
Definition leq_trans {x y z} : x y y z x z.
  intros H1 H2; induction H2; exact _.
Hint Immediate leq_trans : typeclass_instances.

is transtiive.
Global Instance transitive_leq : Transitive leq := @leq_trans.

0 is less than or equal to any natural number.
Definition leq_zero_l n : 0 n.
  simple_induction' n; exact _.
Global Existing Instance leq_zero_l | 10.

Global Instance pred_leq {m} : nat_pred m m.
  destruct m; exact _.

A predecessor is less than or equal to a predecessor if the original number is less than or equal.
Global Instance leq_pred {n m} : n m nat_pred n nat_pred m.
  intros H; induction H; exact _.

A successor is less than or equal to a successor if the original numbers are less than or equal.
Definition leq_succ {n m} : n m n.+1 m.+1.
  induction 1; exact _.
Global Existing Instance leq_succ | 100.

The converse to leq_succ also holds.
Definition leq_pred' {n m} : n.+1 m.+1 n m := leq_pred.
Hint Immediate leq_pred' : typeclass_instances.

< is an irreflexive relation.
Definition lt_irrefl n : ¬ (n < n).
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  1: intro p; inversion p.
  intros p; by apply IHn, leq_pred'.

Global Instance irreflexive_lt : Irreflexive lt := lt_irrefl.
Global Instance irreflexive_gt : Irreflexive gt := lt_irrefl.

is an antisymmetric relation.
Definition leq_antisym {x y} : x y y x x = y.
  intros p q.
  destruct p.
  1: reflexivity.
  destruct x; [inversion q|].
  apply leq_pred' in q.
  contradiction (lt_irrefl _ (leq_trans p q)).

Global Instance antisymmetric_leq : AntiSymmetric leq := @leq_antisym.
Global Instance antisymemtric_geq : AntiSymmetric geq
  := fun _ _ p qleq_antisym q p.

Every natural number is zero or greater than zero.
Definition nat_zero_or_gt_zero n : (0 = n) + (0 < n).
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  1: left; reflexivity.
  right; exact _.

Being less than or equal to 0 implies being 0.
Definition path_zero_leq_zero_r n : n 0 n = 0.
  intros H; rapply leq_antisym.

Nothing can be less than 0.
Definition not_lt_zero_r n : ¬ (n < 0).
  intros p.
  apply (lt_irrefl n), (leq_trans p).
  exact _.

n.+1 m implies n m.
Definition leq_succ_l {n m} : n.+1 m n m.
  intro l; apply leq_pred'; exact _.

A general form for injectivity of this constructor
Definition leq_refl_inj_gen n k (p : n k) (r : n = k) : p = r # leq_refl n.
  destruct p.
  + assert (c : idpath = r) by apply path_ishprop.
    destruct c.
  + destruct r^.
    contradiction (lt_irrefl _ p).

Which we specialise to this lemma
Definition leq_refl_inj n (p : n n) : p = leq_refl n
  := leq_refl_inj_gen n n p idpath.

Fixpoint leq_succ_r_inj_gen n m k (p : n k) (q : n m) (r : m.+1 = k)
  : p = r # leq_succ_r q.
  revert m q r.
  destruct p.
  + intros k p r.
    destruct r.
    contradiction (lt_irrefl _ p).
  + intros m' q r.
    pose (r' := path_nat_succ _ _ r).
    destruct r'.
    assert (t : idpath = r) by apply path_ishprop.
    destruct t.
    cbn. apply ap.
    destruct q.
    1: apply leq_refl_inj.
    apply (leq_succ_r_inj_gen n m _ p q idpath).

Definition leq_succ_r_inj n m (p : n m.+1) (q : n m) : p = leq_succ_r q
  := leq_succ_r_inj_gen n m m.+1 p q idpath.

Global Instance ishprop_leq n m : IsHProp (n m).
  apply hprop_allpath.
  intros p q; revert p.
  induction q.
  + intros y.
    rapply leq_refl_inj.
  + intros y.
    rapply leq_succ_r_inj.

Definition equiv_leq_succ n m : n.+1 m.+1 <~> n m.
  srapply equiv_iff_hprop.

Global Instance decidable_leq n m : Decidable (n m).
  revert n.
  simple_induction' m; intros n.
  - destruct n.
    + left; exact _.
    + right; apply not_lt_zero_r.
  - destruct n.
    + left; exact _.
    + rapply decidable_equiv'.
      apply equiv_leq_succ.

The default induction principle for leq applies to a type family depending on the second variable. Here is a version involving a type family depending on the first variable.
Definition leq_ind_l {n : nat} (Q : (m : nat) (l : m n.+1), Type)
  (H_Sn : Q n.+1 (leq_refl n.+1))
  (H_m : (m : nat) (l : m n), Q m (leq_succ_r l))
  : (m : nat) (l : m n.+1), Q m l.
  intros m leq_m_Sn.
  inversion leq_m_Sn as [p | k H p]; destruct p^; clear p.
  - exact (path_ishprop _ _ # H_Sn).
  - exact (path_ishprop _ _ # H_m _ _).

Basic properties of <

and < imply <
Definition lt_leq_lt_trans {n m k} : n m m < k n < k
  := fun leq ltleq_trans (leq_succ leq) lt.

and < imply <
Definition lt_lt_leq_trans {n m k} : n < m m k n < k
  := fun lt leqleq_trans lt leq.

Definition leq_lt {n m} : n < m n m
  := leq_succ_l.
Hint Immediate leq_lt : typeclass_instances.

Definition lt_trans {n m k} : n < m m < k n < k
  := fun H1 H2leq_lt (lt_leq_lt_trans H1 H2).
Hint Immediate lt_trans : typeclass_instances.

Global Instance transitive_lt : Transitive lt := @lt_trans.
Global Instance ishprop_lt n m : IsHProp (n < m) := _.
Global Instance decidable_lt n m : Decidable (lt n m) := _.

Basic properties of

Global Instance reflexive_geq : Reflexive geq := leq_refl.
Global Instance transitive_geq : Transitive geq := fun x y z p qleq_trans q p.
Global Instance ishprop_geq n m : IsHProp (geq n m) := _.
Global Instance decidable_geq n m : Decidable (geq n m) := _.

Basic properties of >

Global Instance transitive_gt : Transitive gt
  := fun x y z p qtransitive_lt _ _ _ q p.
Global Instance ishprop_gt n m : IsHProp (gt n m) := _.
Global Instance decidable_gt n m : Decidable (gt n m) := _.

Properties of subtraction

Subtracting a number from 0 is 0.
Definition nat_sub_zero_l@{} n : 0 - n = 0 := idpath.

Subtracting 0 from a number is the number itself.
Definition nat_sub_zero_r@{} (n : nat) : n - 0 = n.
  destruct n; reflexivity.

Subtracting a number from itself is 0.
Definition nat_sub_cancel@{} (n : nat) : n - n = 0.
  simple_induction n n IHn.
  - reflexivity.
  - exact IHn.

Subtracting an addition is the same as subtracting the two numbers separately.
Definition nat_sub_r_add@{} n m k : n - (m + k) = n - m - k.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m, k |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct m.
    + reflexivity.
    + nrapply IHn.

The order in which two numbers are subtracted does not matter.
Definition nat_sub_comm_r@{} n m k : n - m - k = n - k - m.
  lhs_V nrapply nat_sub_r_add.
  rewrite nat_add_comm.
  nrapply nat_sub_r_add.

Subtracting a larger number from a smaller number is 0.
Definition equiv_nat_sub_leq {n m} : n m <~> n - m = 0.
  srapply equiv_iff_hprop.
  - intro l; induction l.
    + exact (nat_sub_cancel n).
    + change (m.+1) with (1 + m).
      lhs nrapply nat_sub_r_add.
      lhs nrapply nat_sub_comm_r.
      by destruct IHl^.
  - induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- ×.
    1: intro; exact _.
    destruct m.
    + intros p; by destruct p.
    + intros p.
      apply leq_succ, IHn.
      exact p.

We can cancel a left summand when subtracting it from a sum.
Definition nat_add_sub_cancel_l m n : n + m - n = m.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  - nrapply nat_sub_zero_r.
  - exact IHn.

We can cancel a right summand when subtracting it from a sum.
Definition nat_add_sub_cancel_r m n : m + n - n = m.
  rhs_V nrapply (nat_add_sub_cancel_l m n).
  nrapply (ap (fun xx - n)).
  nrapply nat_add_comm.

We can cancel a right subtrahend when adding it on the right to a subtraction if the subtrahend is less than the number being subtracted from.
Definition nat_add_sub_l_cancel {n m} : n m (m - n) + n = m.
  intros H.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m, H |- ×.
  - lhs nrapply nat_add_zero_r.
    nrapply nat_sub_zero_r.
  - destruct m.
    1: contradiction (not_lt_zero_r n).
    lhs nrapply nat_add_succ_r.
    nrapply (ap nat_succ).
    nrapply IHn.
    exact (leq_pred' H).

We can cancel a right subtrahend when adding it on the left to a subtraction if the subtrahend is less than the nubmer being subtracted from.
Definition nat_add_sub_r_cancel {n m} : n m n + (m - n) = m.
  intros H.
  rhs_V nrapply (nat_add_sub_l_cancel H).
  apply nat_add_comm.

We can move a subtracted number to the left-hand side of an equation.
Definition nat_moveL_nV {n m} k : n + k = m n = m - k.
  intros p.
  destruct p.
  apply nat_add_sub_cancel_r.

We can move a subtracted number to the right-hand side of an equation.
Definition nat_moveR_nV {n m} k : n = m + k n - k = m
  := fun p(nat_moveL_nV _ p^)^.

Subtracting a successor is the predecessor of subtracting the original number.
Definition nat_sub_succ_r n m : n - m.+1 = nat_pred (n - m).
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- ×.
  1: reflexivity.
  destruct m.
  1: apply nat_sub_zero_r.
  apply IHn.

Properties of maximum and minimum

Properties of maximum

nat_max is idempotent.
Definition nat_max_idem@{} n : nat_max n n = n.
  simple_induction' n; cbn.
  1: reflexivity.
  exact (ap S IH).

The defining properties of nat_max: m and n are less than or equal to nat_max n m and nat_max n m is less than or equal to any number greater than or equal to m and n.
Definition leq_nat_max_l@{} n m : n nat_max n m.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- ×.
  1: exact (leq_zero_l _).
  destruct m; cbn.
  1: cbn; reflexivity.
  exact (leq_succ (IHn m)).

Definition leq_nat_max_r@{} n m : m nat_max n m.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- ×.
  1: cbn; reflexivity.
  destruct m; cbn.
  1: exact (leq_zero_l _).
  exact (leq_succ (IHn m)).

Definition leq_nat_max@{} {n m k : nat} (Hn : n k) (Hm : m k)
  : nat_max n m k.
  induction k in m, n, Hn, Hm |- *; destruct m, n; cbn.
  1-3, 5-7: exact _.
  - contradiction (not_lt_zero_r _ _).
  - exact (leq_succ (IHk n m _ _)).

nat_max is commutative.
Definition nat_max_comm@{} n m : nat_max n m = nat_max m n.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- *; destruct m; cbn.
  1-3: reflexivity.
  exact (ap S (IHn _)).

The maximum of n.+1 and n is n.+1.
Definition nat_max_succ_l@{} n : nat_max n.+1 n = n.+1.
  simple_induction' n; cbn.
  1: reflexivity.
  exact (ap S IH).

The maximum of n and n.+1 is n.+1.
Definition nat_max_succ_r@{} n : nat_max n n.+1 = n.+1
  := nat_max_comm _ _ @ nat_max_succ_l _.

0 is the left identity of nat_max.
Definition nat_max_zero_l@{} n : nat_max 0 n = n := idpath.

0 is the right identity of nat_max.
Definition nat_max_zero_r@{} n : nat_max n 0 = n
  := nat_max_comm _ _ @ nat_max_zero_l _.

nat_max n m is n if m n.
Definition nat_max_l@{} {n m} : m n nat_max n m = n.
  intros H.
  induction m as [|m IHm] in n, H |- ×.
  1: nrapply nat_max_zero_r.
  destruct n.
  1: inversion H.
  cbn; by apply (ap S), IHm, leq_pred'.

nat_max n m is m if n m.
Definition nat_max_r {n m} : n m nat_max n m = m
  := fun _nat_max_comm _ _ @ nat_max_l _.

nat_max n m is associative.
Definition nat_max_assoc@{} n m k
  : nat_max n (nat_max m k) = nat_max (nat_max n m) k.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m, k |- ×.
  1: reflexivity.
  destruct m, k.
  1-3: reflexivity.
  by apply (ap S), IHn.

Properties of Minima
nat_min is idempotent.
Definition nat_min_idem n : nat_min n n = n.
  simple_induction' n; cbn.
  1: reflexivity.
  exact (ap S IH).

The defining properties of nat_min: nat_min n m is less than or equal to m and n and any number less than or equal to m and n is less than or equal to nat_min n m.
Definition leq_nat_min_l@{} n m : nat_min n m n.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- ×.
  1: cbn; reflexivity.
  destruct m; cbn.
  1: exact (leq_zero_l _).
  exact (leq_succ (IHn m)).

Definition leq_nat_min_r@{} n m : nat_min n m m.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- ×.
  1: exact (leq_zero_l _).
  destruct m; cbn.
  1: cbn; reflexivity.
  exact (leq_succ (IHn m)).

Definition leq_nat_min@{} {n m k : nat} (Hn : k n) (Hm : k m)
  : k nat_min n m.
  induction k in m, n, Hn, Hm |- *; destruct m, n; cbn.
  1-7: exact _.
  exact (leq_succ (IHk n m _ _)).

nat_min is commutative.
Definition nat_min_comm n m : nat_min n m = nat_min m n.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- *; destruct m; cbn.
  1-3: reflexivity.
  exact (ap S (IHn _)).

nat_min of 0 and n is 0.
Definition nat_min_zero_l n : nat_min 0 n = 0 := idpath.

nat_min of n and 0 is 0.
Definition nat_min_zero_r n : nat_min n 0 = 0:=
  nat_min_comm _ _ @ nat_min_zero_l _.

nat_min n m is n if n m.
Definition nat_min_l {n m} : n m nat_min n m = n.
  revert n m.
  simple_induction n n IHn; auto.
  intros [] p.
  1: inversion p.
  cbn; by apply (ap S), IHn, leq_pred'.

nat_min n m is m if m n.
Definition nat_min_r {n m} : m n nat_min n m = m
  := fun _nat_min_comm _ _ @ nat_min_l _.

nat_min n m is associative.
Definition nat_min_assoc n m k
  : nat_min n (nat_min m k) = nat_min (nat_min n m) k.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m, k |- ×.
  1: reflexivity.
  destruct m, k.
  1-3: reflexivity.
  by apply (ap S), IHn.

More theory of comparison predicates

Addition lemmas

The second summand is less than or equal to the sum.
Global Instance leq_add_l n m : n m + n.
  simple_induction m m IH.
  - exact (leq_refl n).
  - exact (leq_succ_r IH).

The first summand is less than or equal to the sum.
Global Instance leq_add_r n m : n n + m.
  simple_induction n n IHn.
  - exact (leq_zero_l m).
  - exact (leq_succ IHn).

Multiplication lemmas

The second multiplicand is less than or equal to the product.
Global Instance leq_mul_l n m l : l < m n m × n.
  intros H; induction H; exact _.

The first multiplicand is less than or equal to the product.
Global Instance leq_mul_r n m l : l < m n n × m.
  rewrite nat_mul_comm; exact _.

Eliminating positive assumptions

Sometimes we want to prove a predicate which assumes that 0 < x. In that case, it suffices to prove it for x.+1 instead.
Definition gt_zero_ind (P : nat Type)
  (H : x, P x.+1)
  : x (l : 0 < x), P x.
  intros x l.
  destruct x.
  1: contradiction (lt_irrefl _ l).
  apply H.

Alternative Characterizations of
n m is equivalent to (n < m) + (n = m). This justifies the name "less than or equal to". Note that it is not immediately obvious that the latter type is a hprop.
Definition equiv_leq_lt_or_eq {n m} : (n m) <~> (n < m) + (n = m).
  srapply equiv_iff_hprop.
  - nrapply ishprop_sum.
    1,2: exact _.
    intros H1 p; destruct p.
    contradiction (lt_irrefl _ _).
  - intro l; induction l.
    + by right.
    + left; exact (leq_succ l).
  - intros [l|p].
    + exact (leq_succ_l l).
    + destruct p.
      exact (leq_refl _).

Here is an alternative characterization of in terms of an existence predicate and addition.
Definition equiv_leq_add n m : n m <~> k, k + n = m.
  srapply equiv_iff_hprop.
  - apply hprop_allpath.
    intros [x p] [y q].
    pose (r := nat_moveL_nV _ p @ (nat_moveL_nV _ q)^).
    destruct r.
    apply ap.
    apply path_ishprop.
  - intros p.
     (m - n).
    apply nat_add_sub_l_cancel, p.
  - intros [k p].
    destruct p.
    apply leq_add_l.

Dichotomy of

Definition leq_dichotomy m n : (m n) + (m > n).
  induction m as [|m IHm] in n |- ×.
  1: left; exact _.
  destruct n.
  1: right; exact _.
  destruct (IHm n).
  1: left; exact _.
  1: right; exact _.

A variant.
Definition leq_succ_dichotomy {n m : nat} (l : m n.+1) : (m = n.+1) + (m n).
  inversion l.
  - left; reflexivity.
  - right; assumption.


Any two natural numbers are either equal, less than, or greater than each other.
Definition nat_trichotomy m n : (m < n) + (m = n) + (m > n).
  generalize (leq_dichotomy m n).
  snrapply (functor_sum _ idmap).
  snrapply equiv_leq_lt_or_eq.

Negation lemmas

There are various lemmas we can state about negating the comparison operators on nat. To aid readability, we opt to keep the order of the variables in each statement consistent.

Definition geq_iff_not_lt {n m} : ~(n < m) n m.
  - intro; by destruct (leq_dichotomy m n).
  - intros ? ?; contradiction (lt_irrefl n); exact _.

Definition gt_iff_not_leq {n m} : ~(n m) n > m.
  - intro; by destruct (leq_dichotomy n m).
  - intros ? ?; contradiction (lt_irrefl m); exact _.

Definition leq_iff_not_gt {n m} : ~(n > m) n m
  := geq_iff_not_lt.

Definition lt_iff_not_geq {n m} : ~(n m) n < m
  := gt_iff_not_leq.

Dichotomy of

The inequality of natural numbers is equivalent to n < m or n > m. This could be an equivalence however one of the sections requires funext since we are comparing two inequality proofs. It is therefore more useful to keep it as a biimplication. Note that this is a negated version of antisymmetry of .
Definition neq_iff_lt_or_gt {n m} : n m (n < m) + (n > m).
  - intros diseq.
    destruct (dec (n < m)) as [| a]; [ by left |].
    apply geq_iff_not_lt in a.
    apply equiv_leq_lt_or_eq in a.
    destruct a as [lt | eq].
    1: by right.
    symmetry in eq.
  - intros [H' | H'] nq; destruct nq; exact (lt_irrefl _ H').

Arithmetic relations between trunc_index and nat.

Definition trunc_index_add_nat_add {n : nat}: trunc_index_add n n = n.+1 + n.+1.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  1: reflexivity.
  lhs nrapply trunc_index_add_succ.
  rhs nrapply (ap nat_to_trunc_index).
  2: nrapply nat_add_succ_r.
  exact (ap (fun xx.+2%trunc) IHn).


Global Instance leq_sub_add_l n m : n n - m + m.
  destruct (@leq_dichotomy m n) as [l | g].
  - by rewrite nat_add_sub_l_cancel.
  - apply leq_lt in g.
    by destruct (equiv_nat_sub_leq _)^.

Global Instance leq_sub_add_r n m : n m + (n - m).
  rewrite nat_add_comm; exact _.

A number being less than another is equivalent to their difference being greater than zero.
Definition equiv_lt_lt_sub n m : m < n <~> 0 < n - m.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m |- ×.
  1: srapply equiv_iff_hprop; intro; contradiction (not_lt_zero_r _ _).
  destruct m; only 1: reflexivity.
  nrefine (IHn m oE _).
  srapply equiv_iff_hprop.

Monotonicity of addition

TODO: use OrderPreserving from canonical_names
Addition on the left is monotone.
Definition nat_add_l_monotone {n m} k
  : n m k + n k + m.
  intros H; induction k; exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_add_l_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Addition on the right is monotone.
Definition nat_add_r_monotone {n m} k
  : n m n + k m + k.
  intros H; rewrite 2 (nat_add_comm _ k); exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_add_r_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Addition is monotone in both arguments. (This makes + a bifunctor when treating nat as a category (as a preorder)).
Definition nat_add_monotone {n n' m m'}
  : n m n' m' n + n' m + m'.
  intros H1 H2; induction H1; exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_add_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Strict monotonicity of addition

nat_succ is strictly monotone.
Global Instance lt_succ {n m} : n < m n.+1 < m.+1 := _.

Global Instance lt_succ_r {n m} : n < m n < m.+1 := _.

Addition on the left is strictly monotone.
Definition nat_add_l_strictly_monotone {n m} k
  : n < m k + n < k + m.
  intros H; induction k; exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_add_l_strictly_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Addition on the right is strictly monotone.
Definition nat_add_r_strictly_monotone {n m} k
  : n < m n + k < m + k.
  intros H; rewrite 2 (nat_add_comm _ k); exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_add_r_strictly_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Addition is strictly monotone in both arguments.
Definition nat_add_strictly_monotone {n n' m m'}
  : n < m n' < m' n + n' < m + m'.
  intros H1 H2; induction H1; exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_add_strictly_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Monotonicity of multiplication

Multiplication on the left is monotone.
Definition nat_mul_l_monotone {n m} k
  : n m k × n k × m.
  intros H; induction k; exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_mul_l_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Multiplication on the right is monotone.
Definition nat_mul_r_monotone {n m} k
  : n m n × k m × k.
  intros H; rewrite 2 (nat_mul_comm _ k); exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_mul_r_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Multiplication is monotone in both arguments.
Definition nat_mul_monotone {n n' m m'}
  : n m n' m' n × n' m × m'.
  intros H1 H2; induction H1; exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_mul_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Strict monotonicity of multiplication

Multiplication on the left by a positive number is strictly monotone.
Definition nat_mul_l_strictly_monotone {n m l} k
  : l < k n < m k × n < k × m.
  destruct k.
  1: intro; contradiction (not_lt_zero_r _ H).
  intros _ H; induction k as [|k IHk] in |- *; exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_mul_l_strictly_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Multiplication on the right by a positive number is strictly monotone.
Definition nat_mul_r_strictly_monotone {n m l} k
  : l < k n < m n × k < m × k.
  intros ? H; rewrite 2 (nat_mul_comm _ k); exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_mul_r_strictly_monotone : typeclass_instances.

Multiplication is strictly monotone in both arguments.
Definition nat_mul_strictly_monotone {n n' m m'}
  : n < m n' < m' n × n' < m × m'.
  intros H1 H2.
  nrapply (lt_leq_lt_trans (m:=n × m')).
  1: rapply nat_mul_l_monotone.
  rapply nat_mul_r_strictly_monotone.
Hint Immediate nat_mul_strictly_monotone : typeclass_instances.


Addition on the left is order-reflecting.
Definition leq_reflects_add_l {n m} k : k + n k + m n m.
  intros H; induction k; exact _.

Addition on the right is order-reflecting.
Definition leq_reflects_add_r {n m} k : n + k m + k n m.
  rewrite 2 (nat_add_comm _ k); nrapply leq_reflects_add_l.

Addition on the left is strictly order-reflecting.
Definition lt_reflects_add_l {n m} k : k + n < k + m n < m.
  intros H; induction k; exact _.

Addition on the right is strictly order-reflecting.
Definition lt_reflects_add_r {n m} k : n + k < m + k n < m.
  rewrite 2 (nat_add_comm _ k); nrapply lt_reflects_add_l.

Further properties of subtraction

Global Instance leq_sub_l n m : n - m n.
  apply equiv_nat_sub_leq.
  rewrite nat_sub_comm_r.
  rewrite nat_sub_cancel.
  apply nat_sub_zero_l.

Subtracting from a successor is the successor of subtracting from the original number, as long as the amount being subtracted is less than or equal to the original number.
Definition nat_sub_succ_l n m : m n n.+1 - m = (n - m).+1.
  intros H.
  induction m as [|m IHm] in n, H |- ×.
  - by rewrite 2 nat_sub_zero_r.
  - simpl.
    rewrite nat_sub_succ_r.
    apply nat_succ_pred.
    by apply equiv_lt_lt_sub.

Under certain conditions, subtracting a predecessor is the successor of the subtraction.
Definition nat_sub_pred_r n m : 0 < m m < n n - nat_pred m = (n - m).+1.
  revert m; snrapply gt_zero_ind.
  intros m H1.
  rewrite nat_sub_succ_r.
  rewrite nat_succ_pred.
  1: reflexivity.
  apply equiv_lt_lt_sub.
  exact (lt_trans _ H1).

Subtracting from a sum is the sum of subtracting from the second summand.
Definition nat_sub_l_add_r m n k
  : k m (n + m) - k = n + (m - k).
  intros H; induction n as [|n IHn] in |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - change (?n.+1 + ?m) with (n + m).+1.
    lhs nrapply nat_sub_succ_l.
    2: exact (ap nat_succ IHn).
    exact _.

Subtracting from a sum is the sum of subtracting from the first summand.
Definition nat_sub_l_add_l n m k
  : k n (n + m) - k = (n - k) + m.
  intro l.
  rewrite nat_add_comm.
  lhs rapply nat_sub_l_add_r.
  apply nat_add_comm.

Subtracting a subtraction is the subtrahend.
Definition nat_sub_sub_cancel_r {n m} : n m m - (m - n) = n.
  intros H; induction H.
  - by rewrite nat_sub_cancel, nat_sub_zero_r.
  - rewrite (nat_sub_succ_l m n); only 2: exact _.
    exact IHleq.

Multiplication on the left distributes over subtraction.
Definition nat_dist_sub_l n m k
  : n × (m - k) = n × m - n × k.
  induction n as [|n IHn] in m, k |- ×.
  1: reflexivity.
  destruct (leq_dichotomy k m) as [l|r].
  - simpl; rewrite IHn, <- nat_sub_l_add_r, <- nat_sub_l_add_l,
      nat_sub_r_add; trivial; exact _.
  - apply leq_lt in r.
    apply equiv_nat_sub_leq in r.
    rewrite r.
    rewrite nat_mul_zero_r.
    apply equiv_nat_sub_leq.
    apply nat_mul_l_monotone.
    by apply equiv_nat_sub_leq.

Multiplication on the right distributes over subtraction.
Definition nat_dist_sub_r n m k
  : (n - m) × k = n × k - m × k.
  rewrite 3 (nat_mul_comm _ k).
  apply nat_dist_sub_l.

Monotonicity of subtraction

Subtraction is monotone in the left argument.
Definition nat_sub_monotone_l {n m} k : n m n - k m - k.
  intros H.
  destruct (leq_dichotomy k n) as [l|r].
  - apply (leq_reflects_add_l k).
    rewrite 2 nat_add_sub_r_cancel.
    + exact H.
    + rapply leq_trans.
    + exact l.
  - apply leq_succ_l in r.
    apply equiv_nat_sub_leq in r.
    destruct r^.
    exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_sub_monotone_l : typeclass_instances.

Subtraction is contravariantly monotone in the right argument.
Definition nat_sub_monotone_r {n m} k : n m k - m k - n.
  intros H.
  induction k.
  - by rewrite nat_sub_zero_l.
  - destruct (leq_dichotomy m k) as [l|r].
    + rewrite 2 nat_sub_succ_l; exact _.
    + apply equiv_nat_sub_leq in r.
      destruct r^.
      exact _.
Hint Immediate nat_sub_monotone_r : typeclass_instances.

Order-reflection lemmas

Subtraction reflects in the left argument.
Definition leq_reflects_sub_l {n m} k : k m n - k m - k n m.
  intros ineq1 ineq2.
  apply (nat_add_r_monotone k) in ineq2.
  apply (@leq_trans _ (n - k + k) _ (leq_sub_add_l _ _)).
  apply (@leq_trans _ (m - k + k) _ _).
  by rewrite nat_add_sub_l_cancel.

Subtraction reflects in the right argument contravariantly.
Definition leq_reflects_sub_r {n m} k
  : m k n k k - n k - m m n.
  intros H1 H2 H3.
  apply (nat_sub_monotone_r k) in H3.
  rewrite 2 nat_sub_sub_cancel_r in H3; exact _.

Movement lemmas

Given an inequality n < m we can move around a summand or subtrahend k from either side.

Definition leq_moveL_Mn {n m} k : n - k m n k + m.
  intros H.
  rewrite nat_add_comm.
  apply (nat_add_r_monotone k) in H.
  rapply leq_trans.

Definition leq_moveL_nM {n m} k : n - k m n m + k.
  rewrite nat_add_comm.
  apply leq_moveL_Mn.

Definition leq_moveR_Mn {n m} k : k m n m - k k + n m.
  intros H1 H2.
  rapply (leq_reflects_sub_l k).
  by rewrite nat_add_sub_cancel_l.

Definition leq_moveR_nM {n m} k : k m n m - k n + k m.
  rewrite nat_add_comm.
  apply leq_moveR_Mn.

Definition leq_moveL_nV {n m} k : n + k m n m - k.
  intros H.
  apply (leq_reflects_add_r k).
  rapply leq_trans.

Definition leq_moveR_nV {n m} k : n m + k n - k m.
  intros H.
  apply (nat_sub_monotone_l k) in H.
  by rewrite nat_add_sub_cancel_r in H.

Definition lt_moveL_Mn {n m} k : n - k < m n < k + m.
  intros H.
  apply (nat_add_l_strictly_monotone k) in H.
  rapply lt_leq_lt_trans.

Definition lt_moveL_nM {n m} k : n - k < m n < m + k.
  rewrite nat_add_comm.
  apply lt_moveL_Mn.

Definition lt_moveR_Mn {n m} k : k < m n < m - k k + n < m.
  intros H1 H2.
  rewrite nat_add_comm.
  rapply (leq_moveR_nM (n:=n.+1) k).

Definition lt_moveR_nM {n m} k : k < m n < m - k n + k < m.
  rewrite nat_add_comm.
  apply lt_moveR_Mn.

Definition lt_moveL_nV {n m} k : n + k < m n < m - k.
  intros H.
  rapply leq_moveL_nV.

Definition lt_moveR_nV {n m} k : k n n < k + m n - k < m.
  intros H1 H2; unfold lt.
  rewrite <- nat_sub_succ_l; only 2: exact _.
  rewrite <- (nat_add_sub_cancel_l m k).
  by apply nat_sub_monotone_l.

Properties of powers

0 to any power is 0 unless that power is 0 in which case it is 1.
Definition nat_pow_zero_l@{} n : nat_pow 0 n = if dec (n = 0) then 1 else 0.
  destruct n; reflexivity.

Any number to the power of 0 is 1.
Definition nat_pow_zero_r@{} n : nat_pow n 0 = 1
  := idpath.

1 to any power is 1.
Definition nat_pow_one_l@{} n : nat_pow 1 n = 1.
  induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl.
  1: reflexivity.
  lhs nrapply nat_add_zero_r.
  exact IHn.

Any number to the power of 1 is itself.
Definition nat_pow_one_r@{} n : nat_pow n 1 = n
  := nat_mul_one_r _.

Exponentiation of natural numbers is distributive over addition on the left.
Definition nat_pow_add_r@{} n m k
  : nat_pow n (m + k) = nat_pow n m × nat_pow n k.
  induction m as [|m IHm]; simpl.
  - symmetry.
    apply nat_add_zero_r.
  - rhs_V nrapply nat_mul_assoc.
    exact (ap _ IHm).

Exponentiation of natural numbers is distributive over multiplication on the right.
Definition nat_pow_mul_l@{} n m k
  : nat_pow (n × m) k = nat_pow n k × nat_pow m k.
  induction k as [|k IHk]; simpl.
  1: reflexivity.
  lhs_V nrapply nat_mul_assoc.
  rhs_V nrapply nat_mul_assoc.
  nrapply ap.
  rhs nrapply nat_mul_comm.
  rhs_V nrapply nat_mul_assoc.
  nrapply ap.
  rhs nrapply nat_mul_comm.
  exact IHk.

Exponentiation of natural numbers is distributive over multiplication on the left.
Definition nat_pow_mul_r@{} n m k
  : nat_pow n (m × k) = nat_pow (nat_pow n m) k.
  induction m as [|m IHm]; simpl.
  - exact (nat_pow_one_l _)^.
  - lhs nrapply nat_pow_add_r.
    rhs nrapply nat_pow_mul_l.
    nrapply ap.
    exact IHm.

Monotonicity of powers

Definition nat_pow_l_monotone {n m} k
  : n m nat_pow k.+1 n nat_pow k.+1 m.
  intros H; induction H; exact _.

Definition nat_pow_r_monotone {n m} k
  : n m nat_pow n k nat_pow m k.
  intros H; induction k; exact _.

Strong induction

Sometimes using nat_ind is not sufficient to prove a statement as it may be difficult to prove P n P n.+1. We can strengthen the induction hypothesis by assuming that P m holds for all m less than n. This is known as strong induction.
Definition nat_ind_strong@{u} (P : nat Type@{u})
  (IH_strong : n, ( m, m < n P m) P n)
  : n, P n.
  intros n.
  apply IH_strong.
  simple_induction n n IHn; intros m H.
  1: contradiction (not_lt_zero_r m).
  apply leq_pred' in H.
  apply equiv_leq_lt_or_eq in H.
  destruct H as [H|p].
  - by apply IHn.
  - destruct p.
    by apply IH_strong.

An induction principle for two variables with a constraint.

Definition nat_double_ind_leq@{u} (P : nat nat Type@{u})
  (Hn0 : n, P n 0)
  (Hnn : n, P n.+1 n.+1)
  (IH : n m, m < n ( m', m' n P n m') P n.+1 m.+1)
  : n m, m n P n m.
  intro n; simple_induction n n IHn; intros m H.
  - destruct (path_zero_leq_zero_r m H)^; clear H.
    apply Hn0.
  - destruct m.
    + apply Hn0.
    + apply equiv_leq_lt_or_eq in H.
      destruct H as [H | []].
      2: apply Hnn.
      rapply IH.
      rapply IHn.