Library HoTT.Types.Sum

Theorems about disjoint unions

Require Import HoTT.Basics.
Require Import Types.Empty Types.Unit Types.Prod Types.Sigma.
The following are only required for the equivalence between sum and a sigma type
Require Import Types.Bool.

Local Open Scope trunc_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.

Generalizable Variables X A B f g n.

Scheme sum_ind := Induction for sum Sort Type.
Arguments sum_ind {A B} P f g s : rename.

Scheme sum_rec := Minimality for sum Sort Type.
Arguments sum_rec {A B} P f g s : rename.


Sums are coproducts, so there should be a dual to unpack_prod. I'm not sure what it is, though.

Eta conversion

Definition eta_sum `(z : A + B) : match z with
                                    | inl z'inl z'
                                    | inr z'inr z'
                                  end = z
  := match z with inl _ ⇒ 1 | inr _ ⇒ 1 end.


Definition code_sum {A B} (z z' : A + B) : Type
  := match z, z' with
    | inl a, inl a'a = a'
    | inr b, inr b'b = b'
    | _, _Empty end.

Definition path_sum {A B : Type} {z z' : A + B} (c : code_sum z z') : z = z'.
  destruct z, z'.
  - apply ap, c.
  - elim c.
  - elim c.
  - apply ap, c.

Definition path_sum_inv {A B : Type} {z z' : A + B}
           (pq : z = z')
: match z, z' with
    | inl z0, inl z'0z0 = z'0
    | inr z0, inr z'0z0 = z'0
    | _, _Empty
  := match pq with
       | 1 ⇒ match z with
                | inl _ ⇒ 1
                | inr _ ⇒ 1

Definition inl_ne_inr {A B : Type} (a : A) (b : B)
: inl a inr b
:= path_sum_inv.

Definition inr_ne_inl {A B : Type} (b : B) (a : A)
: inr b inl a
:= path_sum_inv.

This version produces only paths between closed terms, as opposed to paths between arbitrary inhabitants of sum types.
Definition path_sum_inl {A : Type} (B : Type) {x x' : A}
: inl x = inl x' x = x'
  := fun p ⇒ @path_sum_inv A B _ _ p.

Definition path_sum_inr (A : Type) {B : Type} {x x' : B}
: inr x = inr x' x = x'
  := fun p ⇒ @path_sum_inv A B _ _ p.

This lets us identify the path space of a sum type, up to equivalence.

Definition eisretr_path_sum {A B} {z z' : A + B}
  : path_sum o (@path_sum_inv _ _ z z') == idmap
  := fun pmatch p as p in (_ = z') return
                    path_sum (path_sum_inv p) = p
                | 1 ⇒ match z as z return
                             (@path_sum _ _ z z) (path_sum_inv 1) = 1
                         | inl _ ⇒ 1
                         | inr _ ⇒ 1

Definition eissect_path_sum {A B} {z z' : A + B}
  : path_sum_inv o (@path_sum _ _ z z') == idmap.
  intro p.
  destruct z, z', p; exact idpath.

Global Instance isequiv_path_sum {A B : Type} {z z' : A + B}
: IsEquiv (@path_sum _ _ z z') | 0.
  refine (Build_IsEquiv _ _ path_sum path_sum_inv
    eisretr_path_sum eissect_path_sum _).
  destruct z, z';
  intros [];
  exact idpath.

Definition equiv_path_sum {A B : Type} (z z' : A + B)
  := Build_Equiv _ _ _ (@isequiv_path_sum A B z z').

Fibers of inl and inr

It follows that the fibers of inl and inr are decidable hprops.

Global Instance ishprop_hfiber_inl {A B : Type} (z : A + B)
: IsHProp (hfiber inl z).
  destruct z as [a|b]; unfold hfiber.
  - refine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _
                 (fun xequiv_path_sum (inl x) (inl a)))).
  - refine (istrunc_isequiv_istrunc _
              (fun xpinl_ne_inr (xp.1) b xp.2)^-1).

Global Instance decidable_hfiber_inl {A B : Type} (z : A + B)
: Decidable (hfiber inl z).
  destruct z as [a|b]; unfold hfiber.
  - refine (decidable_equiv' _
                 (fun xequiv_path_sum (inl x) (inl a))) _).
  - refine (decidable_equiv _
              (fun xpinl_ne_inr (xp.1) b xp.2)^-1 _).

Global Instance ishprop_hfiber_inr {A B : Type} (z : A + B)
: IsHProp (hfiber inr z).
  destruct z as [a|b]; unfold hfiber.
  - refine (istrunc_isequiv_istrunc _
              (fun xpinr_ne_inl (xp.1) a xp.2)^-1).
  - refine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _
                 (fun xequiv_path_sum (inr x) (inr b)))).

Global Instance decidable_hfiber_inr {A B : Type} (z : A + B)
: Decidable (hfiber inr z).
  destruct z as [a|b]; unfold hfiber.
  - refine (decidable_equiv _
              (fun xpinr_ne_inl (xp.1) a xp.2)^-1 _).
  - refine (decidable_equiv' _
                 (fun xequiv_path_sum (inr x) (inr b))) _).


Conversely, a decidable predicate decomposes a type as a sum.

Section DecidableSum.
  Context `{Funext} {A : Type} (P : A Type)
          `{ a, IsHProp (P a)} `{ a, Decidable (P a)}.

  Definition equiv_decidable_sum
    : A <~> {x:A & P x} + {x:A & ~(P x)}.
    transparent assert (f : (A {x:A & P x} + {x:A & ~(P x)})).
    { intros x.
      destruct (dec (P x)) as [p|np].
      - exact (inl (x;p)).
      - exact (inr (x;np)). }
    refine (Build_Equiv _ _ f _).
    refine (isequiv_adjointify
              _ (fun zmatch z with
                          | inl (x;p)x
                          | inr (x;np)x
                          end) _ _).
    - intros [[x p]|[x np]]; unfold f;
        destruct (dec (P x)) as [p'|np'].
      + apply ap, ap, path_ishprop.
      + elim (np' p).
      + elim (np p').
      + apply ap, ap, path_ishprop.
    - intros x; unfold f.
      destruct (dec (P x)); cbn; reflexivity.

  Definition equiv_decidable_sum_l (a : A) (p : P a)
    : equiv_decidable_sum a = inl (a;p).
    unfold equiv_decidable_sum; cbn.
    destruct (dec (P a)) as [p'|np'].
    - apply ap, path_sigma_hprop; reflexivity.
    - elim (np' p).

  Definition equiv_decidable_sum_r (a : A) (np : ¬ (P a))
    : equiv_decidable_sum a = inr (a;np).
    unfold equiv_decidable_sum; cbn.
    destruct (dec (P a)) as [p'|np'].
    - elim (np p').
    - apply ap, path_sigma_hprop; reflexivity.

End DecidableSum.


Definition transport_sum {A : Type} {P Q : A Type} {a a' : A} (p : a = a')
           (z : P a + Q a)
: transport (fun aP a + Q a) p z = match z with
                                         | inl z'inl (p # z')
                                         | inr z'inr (p # z')
  := match p with idpathmatch z with inl _ ⇒ 1 | inr _ ⇒ 1 end end.

Detecting the summands

Definition is_inl_and {A B} (P : A Type@{p}) : A + B Type@{p}
  := fun xmatch x with inl aP a | inr _Empty end.

Definition is_inr_and {A B} (P : B Type@{p}) : A + B Type@{p}
  := fun xmatch x with inl _Empty | inr bP b end.

Definition is_inl {A B} : A + B Type0
  := is_inl_and (fun _Unit).

Definition is_inr {A B} : A + B Type0
  := is_inr_and (fun _Unit).

Global Instance ishprop_is_inl {A B} (x : A + B)
: IsHProp (is_inl x).
  destruct x; exact _.

Global Instance ishprop_is_inr {A B} (x : A + B)
: IsHProp (is_inr x).
  destruct x; exact _.

Global Instance decidable_is_inl {A B} (x : A + B)
: Decidable (is_inl x).
  destruct x; exact _.

Global Instance decidable_is_inr {A B} (x : A + B)
: Decidable (is_inr x).
  destruct x; exact _.

Definition un_inl {A B} (z : A + B)
: is_inl z A.
  destruct z as [a|b].
  - intros; exact a.
  - intros e; elim e.

Definition un_inr {A B} (z : A + B)
: is_inr z B.
  destruct z as [a|b].
  - intros e; elim e.
  - intros; exact b.

Definition is_inl_not_inr {A B} (x : A + B) (na : ¬ A)
: is_inr x
  := match x with
     | inl ana a
     | inr btt

Definition is_inr_not_inl {A B} (x : A + B) (nb : ¬ B)
: is_inl x
  := match x with
     | inl att
     | inr bnb b

Definition un_inl_inl {A B : Type} (a : A) (w : is_inl (inl a))
: un_inl (@inl A B a) w = a
  := 1.

Definition un_inr_inr {A B : Type} (b : B) (w : is_inr (inr b))
: un_inr (@inr A B b) w = b
  := 1.

Definition inl_un_inl {A B : Type} (z : A + B) (w : is_inl z)
: inl (un_inl z w) = z.
  destruct z as [a|b]; simpl.
  - reflexivity.
  - elim w.

Definition inr_un_inr {A B : Type} (z : A + B) (w : is_inr z)
: inr (un_inr z w) = z.
  destruct z as [a|b]; simpl.
  - elim w.
  - reflexivity.

Definition not_is_inl_and_inr {A B} (P : A Type) (Q : B Type)
           (x : A + B)
: is_inl_and P x is_inr_and Q x Empty.
  destruct x as [a|b]; simpl.
  - exact (fun _ ee).
  - exact (fun e _e).

Definition not_is_inl_and_inr' {A B} (x : A + B)
: is_inl x is_inr x Empty
  := not_is_inl_and_inr (fun _Unit) (fun _Unit) x.

Definition is_inl_or_is_inr {A B} (x : A + B)
: (is_inl x) + (is_inr x)
  := match x return (is_inl x) + (is_inr x) with
       | inl _inl tt
       | inr _inr tt

Definition is_inl_ind {A B : Type} (P : A + B Type)
           (f : a:A, P (inl a))
: (x:A+B), is_inl x P x.
  intros [a|b] H; [ exact (f a) | elim H ].

Definition is_inr_ind {A B : Type} (P : A + B Type)
           (f : b:B, P (inr b))
: (x:A+B), is_inr x P x.
  intros [a|b] H; [ elim H | exact (f b) ].

Functorial action

Section FunctorSum.
  Context {A A' B B' : Type} (f : A A') (g : B B').

  Definition functor_sum : A + B A' + B'
    := fun zmatch z with inl z'inl (f z') | inr z'inr (g z') end.

  Definition functor_code_sum {z z' : A + B} (c : code_sum z z')
    : code_sum (functor_sum z) (functor_sum z').
    destruct z, z'.
    - destruct c. reflexivity.
    - elim c.
    - elim c.
    - destruct c. reflexivity.

  Definition ap_functor_sum {z z' : A + B} (c : code_sum z z')
    : ap functor_sum (path_sum c) = path_sum (functor_code_sum c).
    destruct z, z'.
    - destruct c. reflexivity.
    - elim c.
    - elim c.
    - destruct c. reflexivity.

The fibers of functor_sum are those of f and g.
  Definition hfiber_functor_sum_l (a' : A')
  : hfiber functor_sum (inl a') <~> hfiber f a'.
    simple refine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
    - intros [[a|b] p].
      + a.
        exact (path_sum_inl _ p).
      + elim (inr_ne_inl _ _ p).
    - intros [a p].
       (inl a).
      exact (ap inl p).
    - intros [a p].
      apply ap.
Why doesn't Coq find this?
      pose (@isequiv_path_sum A' B' (inl (f a)) (inl a')).
      exact (eissect (@path_sum A' B' (inl (f a)) (inl a')) p).
    - intros [[a|b] p]; simpl.
      + apply ap.
        pose (@isequiv_path_sum A' B' (inl (f a)) (inl a')).
        exact (eisretr (@path_sum A' B' (inl (f a)) (inl a')) p).
      + elim (inr_ne_inl _ _ p).

  Definition hfiber_functor_sum_r (b' : B')
  : hfiber functor_sum (inr b') <~> hfiber g b'.
    simple refine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
    - intros [[a|b] p].
      + elim (inl_ne_inr _ _ p).
      + b.
        exact (path_sum_inr _ p).
    - intros [b p].
       (inr b).
      exact (ap inr p).
    - intros [b p].
      apply ap.
Why doesn't Coq find this?
      pose (@isequiv_path_sum A' B' (inr (g b)) (inr b')).
      exact (eissect (@path_sum A' B' (inr (g b)) (inr b')) p).
    - intros [[a|b] p]; simpl.
      + elim (inl_ne_inr _ _ p).
      + apply ap.
        pose (@isequiv_path_sum A' B' (inr (g b)) (inr b')).
        exact (eisretr (@path_sum A' B' (inr (g b)) (inr b')) p).

End FunctorSum.

Definition functor_sum_homotopic {A A' B B' : Type}
  {f f' : A A'} {g g' : B B'} (p : f == f') (q : g == g')
  : functor_sum f g == functor_sum f' g'.
  intros [a|b].
  - exact (ap inl (p a)).
  - exact (ap inr (q b)).

Definition functor_sum_compose {A A' A'' B B' B'' : Type}
  {f : A A'} {f' : A' A''} {g : B B'} {g' : B' B''}
  : functor_sum (f' o f) (g' o g) == functor_sum f' g' o functor_sum f g.
  intros [a|b]; reflexivity.

Definition functor_sum_idmap {A B : Type}
  : functor_sum (A:=A) (B:=B) idmap idmap == idmap.
  intros [a|b]; reflexivity.

"Unfunctorial action"

Not every function A + B A' + B' is of the form functor_sum f g. However, this is the case if it preserves the summands, i.e. if it maps A into A' and B into B'. More generally, if a function A + B A' + B' maps A into A' only, then we can extract from it a function A A'. Since these operations are a sort of inverse to functor_sum, we call them unfunctor_sum_×.

Definition unfunctor_sum_l {A A' B B' : Type} (h : A + B A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
: A A'
  := fun aun_inl (h (inl a)) (Ha a).

Definition unfunctor_sum_r {A A' B B' : Type} (h : A + B A' + B')
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
: B B'
  := fun bun_inr (h (inr b)) (Hb b).

Definition unfunctor_sum_eta {A A' B B' : Type} (h : A + B A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
: functor_sum (unfunctor_sum_l h Ha) (unfunctor_sum_r h Hb) == h.
  intros [a|b]; simpl.
  - unfold unfunctor_sum_l; apply inl_un_inl.
  - unfold unfunctor_sum_r; apply inr_un_inr.

Definition unfunctor_sum_l_beta {A A' B B' : Type} (h : A + B A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
: inl o unfunctor_sum_l h Ha == h o inl.
  intros a; unfold unfunctor_sum_l; apply inl_un_inl.

Definition unfunctor_sum_r_beta {A A' B B' : Type} (h : A + B A' + B')
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
: inr o unfunctor_sum_r h Hb == h o inr.
  intros b; unfold unfunctor_sum_r; apply inr_un_inr.

Definition unfunctor_sum_l_compose {A A' A'' B B' B'' : Type}
           (h : A + B A' + B') (k : A' + B' A'' + B'')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
           (Ha' : a':A', is_inl (k (inl a')))
: unfunctor_sum_l k Ha' o unfunctor_sum_l h Ha
  == unfunctor_sum_l (k o h)
     (fun ais_inl_ind (fun x'is_inl (k x')) Ha' (h (inl a)) (Ha a)).
  intros a.
  refine (path_sum_inl B'' _).
  refine (unfunctor_sum_l_beta _ _ _ @ _).
  refine (ap k (unfunctor_sum_l_beta _ _ _) @ _).
  refine ((unfunctor_sum_l_beta _ _ _)^).

Definition unfunctor_sum_r_compose {A A' A'' B B' B'' : Type}
           (h : A + B A' + B') (k : A' + B' A'' + B'')
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
           (Hb' : b':B', is_inr (k (inr b')))
: unfunctor_sum_r k Hb' o unfunctor_sum_r h Hb
  == unfunctor_sum_r (k o h)
     (fun bis_inr_ind (fun x'is_inr (k x')) Hb' (h (inr b)) (Hb b)).
  intros b.
  refine (path_sum_inr A'' _).
  refine (unfunctor_sum_r_beta _ _ _ @ _).
  refine (ap k (unfunctor_sum_r_beta _ _ _) @ _).
  refine ((unfunctor_sum_r_beta _ _ _)^).

unfunctor_sum also preserves fibers, if both summands are preserved.
Definition hfiber_unfunctor_sum_l {A A' B B' : Type}
           (h : A + B A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
           (a' : A')
: hfiber (unfunctor_sum_l h Ha) a' <~> hfiber h (inl a').
  simple refine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
  - intros [a p].
     (inl a).
    refine (_ @ ap inl p).
    symmetry; apply inl_un_inl.
  - intros [[a|b] p].
    + a.
      apply path_sum_inl with B'.
      refine (_ @ p).
      apply inl_un_inl.
    + specialize (Hb b).
      abstract (rewrite p in Hb; elim Hb).
  - intros [[a|b] p]; simpl.
    + apply ap.
      apply moveR_Vp.
      exact (eisretr (@path_sum A' B' _ _)
                     (inl_un_inl (h (inl a)) (Ha a) @ p)).
    + apply Empty_rec.
      specialize (Hb b).
      abstract (rewrite p in Hb; elim Hb).
  - intros [a p].
    apply ap.
    rewrite concat_p_Vp.
    pose (@isequiv_path_sum
            A' B' (inl (unfunctor_sum_l h Ha a)) (inl a')).
    exact (eissect (@path_sum A' B' (inl (unfunctor_sum_l h Ha a)) (inl a')) p).

Definition hfiber_unfunctor_sum_r {A A' B B' : Type}
           (h : A + B A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
           (b' : B')
: hfiber (unfunctor_sum_r h Hb) b' <~> hfiber h (inr b').
  simple refine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
  - intros [b p].
     (inr b).
    refine (_ @ ap inr p).
    symmetry; apply inr_un_inr.
  - intros [[a|b] p].
    + specialize (Ha a).
      abstract (rewrite p in Ha; elim Ha).
    + b.
      apply path_sum_inr with A'.
      refine (_ @ p).
      apply inr_un_inr.
  - intros [[a|b] p]; simpl.
    + apply Empty_rec.
      specialize (Ha a).
      abstract (rewrite p in Ha; elim Ha).
    + apply ap.
      apply moveR_Vp.
      exact (eisretr (@path_sum A' B' _ _)
                     (inr_un_inr (h (inr b)) (Hb b) @ p)).
  - intros [b p].
    apply ap.
    rewrite concat_p_Vp.
    pose (@isequiv_path_sum
            A' B' (inr (unfunctor_sum_r h Hb b)) (inr b')).
    exact (eissect (@path_sum A' B' (inr (unfunctor_sum_r h Hb b)) (inr b')) p).

Functoriality on equivalences

Global Instance isequiv_functor_sum `{IsEquiv A A' f} `{IsEquiv B B' g}
: IsEquiv (functor_sum f g) | 1000.
  snrapply Build_IsEquiv.
  - exact (functor_sum f^-1 g^-1).
  - intros [?|?]; simpl; apply ap; apply eisretr.
  - intros [?|?]; simpl; apply ap; apply eissect.
  - intros [?|?]; simpl; lhs nrapply (ap _ (eisadj _ _)); symmetry.
    + exact ((ap_compose inl _ _)^ @ ap_compose f inl _).
    + exact ((ap_compose inr _ _)^ @ ap_compose g inr _).

Definition equiv_functor_sum `{IsEquiv A A' f} `{IsEquiv B B' g}
: A + B <~> A' + B'
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_sum f g) _.

Definition equiv_functor_sum' {A A' B B' : Type} (f : A <~> A') (g : B <~> B')
: A + B <~> A' + B'
  := equiv_functor_sum (f := f) (g := g).

Notation "f +E g" := (equiv_functor_sum' f g) : equiv_scope.

Definition equiv_functor_sum_l {A B B' : Type} (g : B <~> B')
: A + B <~> A + B'
  := 1 +E g.

Definition equiv_functor_sum_r {A A' B : Type} (f : A <~> A')
: A + B <~> A' + B
  := f +E 1.

Definition iff_functor_sum {A A' B B' : Type} (f : A A') (g : B B')
  : A + B A' + B'
  := (functor_sum (fst f) (fst g), functor_sum (snd f) (snd g)).

Unfunctoriality on equivalences

Global Instance isequiv_unfunctor_sum_l {A A' B B' : Type}
           (h : A + B <~> A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
: IsEquiv (unfunctor_sum_l h Ha).
  simple refine (isequiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
  - refine (unfunctor_sum_l h^-1 _); intros a'.
    remember (h^-1 (inl a')) as x eqn:p.
    destruct x as [a|b].
    + exact tt.
    + apply moveL_equiv_M in p.
      elim (p^ # (Hb b)).
  - intros a'.
    refine (unfunctor_sum_l_compose _ _ _ _ _ @ _).
    refine (path_sum_inl B' _).
    refine (unfunctor_sum_l_beta _ _ _ @ _).
    apply eisretr.
  - intros a.
    refine (unfunctor_sum_l_compose _ _ _ _ _ @ _).
    refine (path_sum_inl B _).
    refine (unfunctor_sum_l_beta (h^-1 o h) _ a @ _).
    apply eissect.

Definition equiv_unfunctor_sum_l {A A' B B' : Type}
           (h : A + B <~> A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
: A <~> A'
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (unfunctor_sum_l h Ha)
                (isequiv_unfunctor_sum_l h Ha Hb).

Global Instance isequiv_unfunctor_sum_r {A A' B B' : Type}
           (h : A + B <~> A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
: IsEquiv (unfunctor_sum_r h Hb).
  simple refine (isequiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
  - refine (unfunctor_sum_r h^-1 _); intros b'.
    remember (h^-1 (inr b')) as x eqn:p.
    destruct x as [a|b].
    + apply moveL_equiv_M in p.
      elim (p^ # (Ha a)).
    + exact tt.
  - intros b'.
    refine (unfunctor_sum_r_compose _ _ _ _ _ @ _).
    refine (path_sum_inr A' _).
    refine (unfunctor_sum_r_beta _ _ _ @ _).
    apply eisretr.
  - intros b.
    refine (unfunctor_sum_r_compose _ _ _ _ _ @ _).
    refine (path_sum_inr A _).
    refine (unfunctor_sum_r_beta (h^-1 o h) _ b @ _).
    apply eissect.

Definition equiv_unfunctor_sum_r {A A' B B' : Type}
           (h : A + B <~> A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
: B <~> B'
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (unfunctor_sum_r h Hb)
                (isequiv_unfunctor_sum_r h Ha Hb).

Definition equiv_unfunctor_sum {A A' B B' : Type}
           (h : A + B <~> A' + B')
           (Ha : a:A, is_inl (h (inl a)))
           (Hb : b:B, is_inr (h (inr b)))
: (A <~> A') × (B <~> B')
  := (equiv_unfunctor_sum_l h Ha Hb , equiv_unfunctor_sum_r h Ha Hb).


(* This is a special property of sum, of course, not an instance of a general family of facts about types. *)

Definition equiv_sum_symm@{u v k | uk, vk} (A : Type@{u}) (B : Type@{v})
  : Equiv@{k k} (A + B) (B + A).
  apply (equiv_adjointify
           (fun abmatch ab with inl ainr a | inr binl b end)
           (fun abmatch ab with inl ainr a | inr binl b end));
  intros [?|?]; exact idpath.


Definition equiv_sum_assoc (A B C : Type) : (A + B) + C <~> A + (B + C).
  simple refine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
  - intros [[a|b]|c];
    [ exact (inl a) | exact (inr (inl b)) | exact (inr (inr c)) ].
  - intros [a|[b|c]];
    [ exact (inl (inl a)) | exact (inl (inr b)) | exact (inr c) ].
  - intros [a|[b|c]]; reflexivity.
  - intros [[a|b]|c]; reflexivity.


Definition sum_empty_l@{u|} (A : Type@{u}) : Equiv@{u u} (Empty + A) A.
  snrapply equiv_adjointify@{u u}.
  - intros [e|a]; [ exact (Empty_rec@{u} e) | exact a ].
  - intros a; exact (inr@{Set u} a).
  - intro x; exact idpath@{u}.
  - intros [e|z]; [ elim e | exact idpath@{u}].

Definition sum_empty_r@{u} (A : Type@{u}) : Equiv@{u u} (A + Empty) A
  := equiv_compose'@{u u u} (sum_empty_l A) (equiv_sum_symm@{u Set u} _ _).


Definition sum_distrib_l A B C
: A × (B + C) <~> (A × B) + (A × C).
  snrapply Build_Equiv.
  2: snrapply Build_IsEquiv.
  - intros [a [b|c]].
    + exact (inl@{u u} (a, b)).
    + exact (inr@{u u} (a, c)).
  - intros [[a b]|[a c]].
    + exact (a, inl@{u u} b).
    + exact (a, inr@{u u} c).
  - intros [[a b]|[a c]]; reflexivity.
  - intros [a [b|c]]; reflexivity.
  - intros [a [b|c]]; reflexivity.

Definition sum_distrib_r A B C
: (B + C) × A <~> (B × A) + (C × A).
  refine (Build_Equiv ((B + C) × A) ((B × A) + (C × A))
            (fun abclet (bc,a) := abc in
                        match bc with
                          | inl binl (b,a)
                          | inr cinr (c,a)
                        end) _).
  simple refine (Build_IsEquiv ((B + C) × A) ((B × A) + (C × A)) _
            (fun axmatch ax with
                         | inl (b,a)(inl b,a)
                         | inr (c,a)(inr c,a)
                       end) _ _ _).
  - intros [[b a]|[c a]]; reflexivity.
  - intros [[b|c] a]; reflexivity.
  - intros [[b|c] a]; reflexivity.


We can phrase extensivity in two ways, using either dependent types or functions.
The first is a statement about types dependent on a sum type.
Definition equiv_sigma_sum A B (C : A + B Type)
: { x : A+B & C x } <~>
  { a : A & C (inl a) } + { b : B & C (inr b) }.
  refine (Build_Equiv { x : A+B & C x }
                     ({ a : A & C (inl a) } + { b : B & C (inr b) })
           (fun xclet (x,c) := xc in
                      match x return
                            C x ({ a : A & C (inl a) } + { b : B & C (inr b) })
                        | inl afun cinl (a;c)
                        | inr bfun cinr (b;c)
                      end c) _).
  simple refine (Build_IsEquiv { x : A+B & C x }
                       ({ a : A & C (inl a) } + { b : B & C (inr b) }) _
           (fun abcmatch abc with
                         | inl (a;c)(inl a ; c)
                         | inr (b;c)(inr b ; c)
                       end) _ _ _).
  - intros [[a c]|[b c]]; reflexivity.
  - intros [[a|b] c]; reflexivity.
  - intros [[a|b] c]; reflexivity.

The second is a statement about functions into a sum type.
Definition decompose_l {A B C} (f : C A + B) : Type
  := { c:C & is_inl (f c) }.

Definition decompose_r {A B C} (f : C A + B) : Type
  := { c:C & is_inr (f c) }.

Definition equiv_decompose {A B C} (f : C A + B)
: decompose_l f + decompose_r f <~> C.
  simple refine (equiv_adjointify (sum_ind (fun _C) pr1 pr1) _ _ _).
  - intros c; destruct (is_inl_or_is_inr (f c));
    [ left | right ]; c; assumption.
  - intros c; destruct (is_inl_or_is_inr (f c)); reflexivity.
  - intros [[c l]|[c r]]; simpl; destruct (is_inl_or_is_inr (f c)).
    + apply ap, ap, path_ishprop.
    + elim (not_is_inl_and_inr' _ l i).
    + elim (not_is_inl_and_inr' _ i r).
    + apply ap, ap, path_ishprop.

Definition is_inl_decompose_l {A B C} (f : C A + B)
           (z : decompose_l f)
: is_inl (f (equiv_decompose f (inl z)))
  := z.2.

Definition is_inr_decompose_r {A B C} (f : C A + B)
           (z : decompose_r f)
: is_inr (f (equiv_decompose f (inr z)))
  := z.2.


A type is indecomposable if whenever it maps into a finite sum, it lands entirely in one of the summands. It suffices to assert this for binary and nullary sums; in the latter case it reduces to nonemptiness.
Class Indecomposable (X : Type) :=
  { indecompose : A B (f : X A + B),
                    ( x, is_inl (f x)) + ( x, is_inr (f x))
  ; indecompose0 : ~~X }.

For instance, contractible types are indecomposable.
Global Instance indecomposable_contr `{Contr X} : Indecomposable X.
  - intros A B f.
    destruct (is_inl_or_is_inr (f (center X))); [ left | right ]; intros x.
    all:refine (transport _ (ap f (contr x)) _); assumption.
  - intros nx; exact (nx (center X)).

In particular, if an indecomposable type is equivalent to a sum type, then one summand is empty and it is equivalent to the other.
Definition equiv_indecomposable_sum {X A B} `{Indecomposable X}
           (f : X <~> A + B)
: ((X <~> A) × (Empty <~> B)) + ((X <~> B) × (Empty <~> A)).
  destruct (indecompose A B f) as [i|i]; [ left | right ].
  1:pose (g := (f oE sum_empty_r X)).
  2:pose (g := (f oE sum_empty_l X)).
  2:apply (equiv_prod_symm _ _).
  all:refine (equiv_unfunctor_sum g _ _); try assumption; try intros [].

Summing with an indecomposable type is injective on equivalence classes of types.
Definition equiv_unfunctor_sum_indecomposable_ll {A B B' : Type}
           `{Indecomposable A} (h : A + B <~> A + B')
: B <~> B'.
  pose (f := equiv_decompose (h o inl)).
  pose (g := equiv_decompose (h o inr)).
  pose (k := (h oE (f +E g))).
This looks messy, but it just amounts to swapping the middle two summands in k.
  pose (k' := k
                oE (equiv_sum_assoc _ _ _)
                oE ((equiv_sum_assoc _ _ _)^-1 +E 1)
                oE (1 +E (equiv_sum_symm _ _) +E 1)
                oE ((equiv_sum_assoc _ _ _) +E 1)
                oE (equiv_sum_assoc _ _ _)^-1).
  destruct (equiv_unfunctor_sum k'
       (fun x : decompose_l (h o inl) + decompose_l (h o inr) ⇒
        match x as x0 return (is_inl (k' (inl x0))) with
        | inl x0x0.2
        | inr x0x0.2
       (fun x : decompose_r (h o inl) + decompose_r (h o inr) ⇒
        match x as x0 return (is_inr (k' (inr x0))) with
        | inl x0x0.2
        | inr x0x0.2
        end)) as [s t]; clear k k'.
  refine (t oE (_ +E 1) oE g^-1).
  destruct (equiv_indecomposable_sum s^-1) as [[p q]|[p q]];
  destruct (equiv_indecomposable_sum f^-1) as [[u v]|[u v]].
  - refine (v oE q^-1).
  - elim (indecompose0 (v^-1 o p)).
  - refine (Empty_rec (indecompose0 _)); intros a.
    destruct (is_inl_or_is_inr (h (inl a))) as [l|r].
    × exact (q^-1 (a;l)).
    × exact (v^-1 (a;r)).
  - refine (u oE p^-1).

Definition equiv_unfunctor_sum_contr_ll {A A' B B' : Type}
           `{Contr A} `{Contr A'}
           (h : A + B <~> A' + B')
: B <~> B'
  := equiv_unfunctor_sum_indecomposable_ll
       ((equiv_contr_contr +E 1) oE h).

Universal mapping properties

Ordinary universal mapping properties are expressed as equivalences of sets or spaces of functions. In type theory, we can go beyond this and express an equivalence of types of *dependent* functions.

Definition sum_ind_uncurried {A B} (P : A + B Type)
           (fg : ( a, P (inl a)) × ( b, P (inr b)))
: s, P s
  := @sum_ind A B P (fst fg) (snd fg).

(* First the positive universal property.
   Doing this sort of thing without adjointifying will require very careful use of funext. *)

Global Instance isequiv_sum_ind `{Funext} `(P : A + B Type)
: IsEquiv (sum_ind_uncurried P) | 0.
  apply (isequiv_adjointify
           (sum_ind_uncurried P)
           (fun f(fun af (inl a), fun bf (inr b))));
  repeat ((exact idpath)
            || intros []
            || intro
            || apply path_forall).

Definition equiv_sum_ind `{Funext} `(P : A + B Type)
  := Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_sum_ind P).

(* The non-dependent version, which is a special case, is the sum-distributive equivalence. *)
Definition equiv_sum_distributive `{Funext} (A B C : Type)
: (A C) × (B C) <~> (A + B C)
  := equiv_sum_ind (fun _C).

Sums preserve most truncation

Global Instance istrunc_sum n' (n := n'.+2)
         `{IsTrunc n A, IsTrunc n B}
: IsTrunc n (A + B) | 100.
  apply istrunc_S.
  intros a b.
  eapply istrunc_equiv_istrunc;
    [ exact (equiv_path_sum _ _) | ].
  destruct a, b; exact _.

Global Instance ishset_sum `{HA : IsHSet A, HB : IsHSet B} : IsHSet (A + B) | 100
  := @istrunc_sum (-2) A HA B HB.

Sums don't preserve hprops in general, but they do for disjoint sums.

Global Instance ishprop_sum A B `{IsHProp A} `{IsHProp B}
: (A B Empty) IsHProp (A + B).
  intros H.
  apply hprop_allpath; intros [a1|b1] [a2|b2].
  - apply ap, path_ishprop.
  - case (H a1 b2).
  - case (H a2 b1).
  - apply ap, path_ishprop.


Sums preserve decidability
Global Instance decidable_sum@{u v k | uk, vk} {A : Type@{u}} {B : Type@{v}}
  `{Decidable A} `{Decidable B}
  : Decidable@{k} (A + B).
  destruct (dec A) as [x1|y1].
  - exact (inl@{k k} (inl x1)).
  - destruct (dec@{v} B) as [x2|y2].
    + exact (inl@{k k} (inr x2)).
    + apply inr@{k k}; intros z.
      destruct z as [x1|x2].
      × exact (y1 x1).
      × exact (y2 x2).

Sums preserve decidable paths
Global Instance decidablepaths_sum {A B}
       `{DecidablePaths A} `{DecidablePaths B}
: DecidablePaths (A + B).
  intros [a1|b1] [a2|b2].
  - destruct (dec_paths a1 a2) as [p|np].
    + exact (inl (ap inl p)).
    + apply inr; intros p.
      exact (np (path_sum^-1 p)).
  - exact (inr path_sum^-1).
  - exact (inr path_sum^-1).
  - destruct (dec_paths b1 b2) as [p|np].
    + exact (inl (ap inr p)).
    + apply inr; intros p.
      exact (np (path_sum^-1 p)).

Because of ishprop_sum, decidability of an hprop is again an hprop.
Global Instance ishprop_decidable_hprop `{Funext} A `{IsHProp A}
: IsHProp (Decidable A).
  unfold Decidable; refine (ishprop_sum _ _ _).
  intros a na; exact (na a).

Binary coproducts are equivalent to dependent sigmas where the first component is a bool.

Definition sig_of_sum A B (x : A + B)
: { b : Bool & if b then A else B }
  := (_;
        x as s
        (if match s with
              | inl _true
              | inr _false
            end then A else B)
        | inl aa
        | inr bb

Definition sum_of_sig A B (x : { b : Bool & if b then A else B })
: A + B
  := match x with
       | (true; a)inl a
       | (false; b)inr b

Global Instance isequiv_sig_of_sum A B : IsEquiv (@sig_of_sum A B) | 0.
  apply (isequiv_adjointify (@sig_of_sum A B)
                            (@sum_of_sig A B)).
  - intros [[] ?]; exact idpath.
  - intros []; exact idpath.

Global Instance isequiv_sum_of_sig A B : IsEquiv (sum_of_sig A B)
  := isequiv_inverse (@sig_of_sum A B).

An alternative way of proving the truncation property of sum.
Definition trunc_sum' n A B `{IsTrunc n Bool, IsTrunc n A, IsTrunc n B}
: (IsTrunc n (A + B)).
  eapply istrunc_equiv_istrunc; [ esplit;
                         exact (@isequiv_sum_of_sig _ _)
                       | ].
  typeclasses eauto.