Library HoTT.Types.Bool

Theorems about the booleans

Require Import HoTT.Basics.
Require Import Types.Equiv.

Local Open Scope path_scope.

(* coq calls it "bool", we call it "Bool" *)
Local Unset Elimination Schemes.
Inductive Bool : Type0 :=
  | true : Bool
  | false : Bool.
Scheme Bool_ind := Induction for Bool Sort Type.
Scheme Bool_rec := Minimality for Bool Sort Type.
(* For compatibility with Coq's induction *)
Definition Bool_rect := Bool_ind.

Add Printing If Bool.

Declare Scope bool_scope.

Delimit Scope bool_scope with Bool.

Bind Scope bool_scope with Bool.

Definition andb (b1 b2 : Bool) : Bool := if b1 then b2 else false.

Definition orb (b1 b2 : Bool) : Bool := if b1 then true else b2.

Definition negb (b : Bool) := if b then false else true.

Definition implb (b1 b2 : Bool) : Bool := if b1 then b2 else true.

Infix "||" := orb : bool_scope.
Infix "&&" := andb : bool_scope.
Infix "→" := implb : bool_scope.

Definition implb_true {b} : implb b true = true
  := if b as b return implb b true = true then idpath else idpath.

Definition implb_impl {a b} : (a b)%Bool = true (a = true b = true).
  destruct a; simpl; split; trivial using idpath with nocore;
  destruct b; simpl; auto using idpath with nocore.

Global Instance trunc_if n A B `{IsTrunc n A, IsTrunc n B} (b : Bool)
: IsTrunc n (if b then A else B) | 100
  := if b as b return (IsTrunc n (if b then A else B)) then _ else _.


Section BoolDecidable.
  Definition false_ne_true : ¬ (false = true)
    := fun Hmatch H in (_ = y) return (if y return Set then Empty else Bool) with
                  | 1%pathtrue

  Definition true_ne_false : ¬ (true = false)
    := fun Hfalse_ne_true (symmetry _ _ H).

  Global Instance decidable_paths_bool : DecidablePaths Bool
    := fun x ymatch x as x, y as y return ((x = y) + ~(x = y)) with
                    | true, trueinl idpath
                    | false, falseinl idpath
                    | true, falseinr true_ne_false
                    | false, trueinr false_ne_true

  Definition hset_bool : IsHSet Bool := _.
End BoolDecidable.

In particular, negb has no fixed points
Definition not_fixed_negb (b : Bool) : negb b b
  := match b return negb b b with
       | truefalse_ne_true
       | falsetrue_ne_false

And conversely, if two elements of Bool are unequal, they must be related by negb.
Definition negb_ne {b1 b2 : Bool}
: (b1 b2) (b1 = negb b2).
  destruct b1, b2.
  - intros oops; case (oops idpath).
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - intros oops; case (oops idpath).

This version of negb_ne is more convenient to destruct against.
Definition negb_ne' {b1 b2 : Bool}
  : (b1 b2) (negb b1 = b2).
  intros oops.
  apply negb_ne.
  exact (symmetric_neq oops).

Products as over Bool

Section BoolForall.
  Variable P : Bool Type.

  Let f (s : b, P b) := (s false, s true).

  Let g (u : P false × P true) (b : Bool) : P b :=
    match b with
      | falsefst u
      | truesnd u

  Definition equiv_bool_forall_prod `{Funext} :
    ( b, P b) <~> P false × P true.
    apply (equiv_adjointify f g);
    repeat (reflexivity
              || intros []
              || intro
              || apply path_forall).

End BoolForall.

Definition equiv_bool_rec_uncurried `{Funext} (P : Type) : P × P <~> (Bool P)
  := (equiv_bool_forall_prod (fun _P))^-1%equiv.

The type Bool <~> Bool is equivalent to Bool.

The nonidentity equivalence is negation (the flip).
Global Instance isequiv_negb : IsEquiv negb.
  refine (@Build_IsEquiv
            _ _
            negb negb
            (fun bif b as b return negb (negb b) = b then idpath else idpath)
            (fun bif b as b return negb (negb b) = b then idpath else idpath)
  intros []; simpl; exact idpath.

Definition equiv_negb : Bool <~> Bool
  := Build_Equiv Bool Bool negb _.

Any equivalence Bool <~> Bool sends true and false to different things.
Lemma eval_bool_isequiv (f : Bool Bool) `{IsEquiv Bool Bool f}
: f false = negb (f true).
  pose proof (eissect f true).
  pose proof (eissect f false).
  simpl in ×.
  destruct (f true), (f false).
  - etransitivity; try (eassumption || (symmetry; eassumption)).
  - simpl. reflexivity.
  - simpl. reflexivity.
  - etransitivity; try (eassumption || (symmetry; eassumption)).

Section EquivBoolEquiv.

We will identify the constant equivalence with true and the flip equivalence with false, and do this by evaluating the equivalence function on true.
  Let f : (Bool <~> Bool) Bool := fun ee true.
  Let g : Bool (Bool <~> Bool) := fun bif b
                                              then (equiv_idmap Bool)
                                              else equiv_negb.

  Definition aut_bool_canonical (e : Bool <~> Bool)
  : e == g (f e).
    unfold f, g; clear f g; intros []; simpl.
    - destruct (e true); reflexivity.
    - refine (eval_bool_isequiv e @ _).
      destruct (e true); reflexivity.

  Lemma equiv_bool_aut_bool `{Funext} : Bool <~> (Bool <~> Bool).
    refine (equiv_adjointify g f _ _).
    - intro e.
      apply path_equiv, path_forall.
      intros b; symmetry; apply aut_bool_canonical.
    - intros []; reflexivity.

It follows that every automorphism of Bool is either idmap or negb.
  Definition aut_bool_idmap_or_negb `{Funext} (e : Bool <~> Bool)
  : (e = equiv_idmap Bool) + (e = equiv_negb).
    revert e. equiv_intro equiv_bool_aut_bool e.
    destruct e; simpl.
    - exact (inl idpath).
    - exact (inr idpath).

But, obviously, not both.
  Definition idmap_bool_ne_negb : equiv_idmap Bool equiv_negb.
    intros oops.
    exact (true_ne_false (ap10_equiv oops true)).

In particular, every pair of automorphisms of Bool commute with each other.
  Definition abelian_aut_bool (e1 e2 : Bool <~> Bool)
  : e1 o e2 == e2 o e1.
    intro b.
    refine (ap e1 (aut_bool_canonical e2 b) @ _).
    refine (aut_bool_canonical e1 _ @ _).
    refine (_ @ ap e2 (aut_bool_canonical e1 b)^).
    refine (_ @ (aut_bool_canonical e2 _)^).
    unfold f, g.
    destruct (e1 true), (e2 true), b; reflexivity.

End EquivBoolEquiv.