Library HoTT.Types.Equiv

Require Import HoTT.Basics.
Require Import Types.Sigma Types.Forall Types.Arrow Types.Paths.

Local Open Scope path_scope.


IsEquiv f is logically equivalent to IsTruncMap (-2) f

Instance contr_map_isequiv {A B} (f : A B) `{IsEquiv _ _ f}
  : IsTruncMap (-2) f.
  intros b; refine (contr_equiv' {a : A & a = f^-1 b} _).
  apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros a.
  apply equiv_moveR_equiv_M.

Definition isequiv_contr_map {A B} (f : A B) `{IsTruncMap (-2) A B f}
  : IsEquiv f.
  srapply Build_IsEquiv.
  - intros b; exact (center {a : A & f a = b}).1.
  - intros b. exact (center {a : A & f a = b}).2.
  - intros a. exact (@contr {x : A & f x = f a} _ (a;1))..1.
  - intros a; cbn. apply moveL_M1.
    lhs_V nrapply transport_paths_l.
    lhs_V nrapply transport_compose.
    exact ((@contr {x : A & f x = f a} _ (a;1))..2).

As usual, we can't make both of these Instances.
#[export] Hint Immediate isequiv_contr_map : typeclass_instances.

It follows that when proving a map is an equivalence, we may assume its codomain is inhabited.
Definition isequiv_inhab_codomain {A B} (f : A B) (feq : B IsEquiv f)
  : IsEquiv f.
  apply isequiv_contr_map.
  intros b.
  pose (feq b); exact _.

If functor_sigma idmap g is an equivalence then so is g.
Definition isequiv_from_functor_sigma {A} (P Q : A Type)
  (g : a, P a Q a) `{!IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g)}
  : (a : A), IsEquiv (g a).
  intros a; apply isequiv_contr_map.
  apply istruncmap_from_functor_sigma.
  exact _.

Theorem 4.7.7: functor_sigma idmap g is an equivalence if and only if g is.
Definition equiv_total_iff_equiv_fiberwise {A} (P Q : A Type)
  (g : a, P a Q a)
  : IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g) a, IsEquiv (g a).
  - apply isequiv_from_functor_sigma.
  - intro K. exact isequiv_functor_sigma.

Assuming Funext, IsEquiv f is an hprop, which has further consequences

Section AssumeFunext.
  Context `{Funext}.

  #[export] Instance contr_sect_equiv {A B} (f : A B) `{IsEquiv A B f}
    : Contr {g : B A & f o g == idmap}.
    refine (contr_change_center (f^-1 ; eisretr f)).
    refine (contr_equiv' { g : B A & f o g = idmap } _).
    (* Typeclass inference finds this contractible instance: it's the fiber over idmap of postcomposition with f, and the latter is an equivalence since f is. *)
    apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros g.
    apply equiv_ap10.

  #[export] Instance contr_retr_equiv {A B} (f : A B) `{IsEquiv A B f}
    : Contr {g : B A & g o f == idmap}.
    refine (contr_change_center (f^-1 ; eissect f)).
    refine (contr_equiv' { g : B A & g o f = idmap } _).
    apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros g.
    apply equiv_ap10.

  #[export] Instance hprop_isequiv {A B} (f : A B)
    : IsHProp (IsEquiv f).
    (* We will show that assuming f is an equivalence, IsEquiv f decomposes into a sigma of two contractible types. *)
    apply hprop_inhabited_contr; intros feq.
    nrefine (contr_equiv' _ (issig_isequiv f oE (equiv_sigma_assoc' _ _)^-1)).
    srefine (contr_equiv' _ (equiv_contr_sigma _)^-1).
    (* Each of these types is equivalent to a based homotopy space.  The first is exactly contr_sect_equiv. *)
    1: rapply contr_sect_equiv.
    (* The second requires a bit more work. *)
    refine (contr_equiv' { s : f^-1 o f == idmap & eissect f == s } _).
    apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros s; cbn.
    apply equiv_functor_forall_id; intros a.
    refine (equiv_concat_l (eisadj f a) _ oE _).
    rapply equiv_ap.

Now since IsEquiv f and the assertion that its fibers are contractible are both HProps, logical equivalence implies equivalence.
  Definition equiv_contr_map_isequiv {A B} (f : A B)
    : IsTruncMap (-2) f <~> IsEquiv f.
    rapply equiv_iff_hprop.
Both directions are found by typeclass inference!

It also follows that paths of equivalences are equivalent to paths of functions.
  Lemma equiv_path_equiv {A B : Type} (e1 e2 : A <~> B)
    : (e1 = e2 :> (A B)) <~> (e1 = e2 :> (A <~> B)).
    equiv_via ((issig_equiv A B) ^-1 e1 = (issig_equiv A B) ^-1 e2).
    2: symmetry; rapply equiv_ap.
    exact (equiv_path_sigma_hprop ((issig_equiv A B)^-1 e1) ((issig_equiv A B)^-1 e2)).

  Definition path_equiv {A B : Type} {e1 e2 : A <~> B}
    : (e1 = e2 :> (A B)) (e1 = e2 :> (A <~> B))
    := equiv_path_equiv e1 e2.

  #[export] Instance isequiv_path_equiv {A B : Type} {e1 e2 : A <~> B}
    : IsEquiv (@path_equiv _ _ e1 e2)
    (* Coq can find this instance by itself, but it's slow. *)
    := equiv_isequiv (equiv_path_equiv e1 e2).

The inverse equivalence is homotopic to ap equiv_fun, so that is also an equivalence.
  #[export] Instance isequiv_ap_equiv_fun {A B : Type} (e1 e2 : A <~> B)
    : IsEquiv (ap (x:=e1) (y:=e2) (@equiv_fun A B)).
    snrapply isequiv_homotopic.
    - exact (equiv_path_equiv e1 e2)^-1%equiv.
    - exact _.
    - intro p. exact (ap_compose (fun v(equiv_fun v; equiv_isequiv v)) pr1 p)^.

This implies that types of equivalences inherit truncation. Note that we only state the theorem for n.+1-truncatedness, since it is not true for contractibility: if B is contractible but A is not, then A <~> B is not contractible because it is not inhabited.
Don't confuse this lemma with trunc_equiv, which says that if A is truncated and A is equivalent to B, then B is truncated. It would be nice to find a better pair of names for them.
  #[export] Instance istrunc_equiv {n : trunc_index} {A B : Type} `{IsTrunc n.+1 B}
    : IsTrunc n.+1 (A <~> B).
    apply istrunc_S.
    intros e1 e2.
    exact (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (equiv_path_equiv e1 e2)).

In the contractible case, we have to assume that *both* types are contractible to get a contractible type of equivalences.
  #[export] Instance contr_equiv_contr_contr {A B : Type} `{Contr A} `{Contr B}
    : Contr (A <~> B).
    apply (Build_Contr _ equiv_contr_contr).
    intros e. apply path_equiv, path_forall. intros ?; apply contr.

The type of *automorphisms* of an hprop is always contractible
  #[export] Instance contr_aut_hprop A `{IsHProp A}
    : Contr (A <~> A).
    apply (Build_Contr _ 1%equiv).
    intros e; apply path_equiv, path_forall. intros ?; apply path_ishprop.

Equivalences are functorial under equivalences.
  Definition functor_equiv {A B C D} (h : A <~> C) (k : B <~> D)
    : (A <~> B) (C <~> D)
    := fun f ⇒ ((k oE f) oE h^-1).

  #[export] Instance isequiv_functor_equiv {A B C D} (h : A <~> C) (k : B <~> D)
    : IsEquiv (functor_equiv h k).
    refine (isequiv_adjointify _
              (functor_equiv (equiv_inverse h) (equiv_inverse k)) _ _).
    - intros f; apply path_equiv, path_arrow; intros x; simpl.
      exact (eisretr k _ @ ap f (eisretr h x)).
    - intros g; apply path_equiv, path_arrow; intros x; simpl.
      exact (eissect k _ @ ap g (eissect h x)).

  Definition equiv_functor_equiv {A B C D} (h : A <~> C) (k : B <~> D)
    : (A <~> B) <~> (C <~> D)
    := Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_equiv h k) _.

  Definition equiv_functor_precompose_equiv@{i j k u v | iu, jv, ku, kv}
    {X : Type@{i}} {Y : Type@{j}} (Z : Type@{k}) (e : X <~> Y)
    : Equiv@{v u} (Y <~> Z) (X <~> Z)
    := equiv_functor_equiv e^-1%equiv 1%equiv.

  Definition equiv_functor_postcompose_equiv@{i j k u v | iu, jv, ku, kv}
    {X : Type@{i}} {Y : Type@{j}} (Z : Type@{k}) (e : X <~> Y)
    : Equiv@{u v} (Z <~> X) (Z <~> Y)
    := equiv_functor_equiv 1%equiv e.

Reversing equivalences is an equivalence
  #[export] Instance isequiv_equiv_inverse {A B}
    : IsEquiv (@equiv_inverse A B).
    refine (isequiv_adjointify _ equiv_inverse _ _);
      intros e; apply path_equiv; reflexivity.

  Definition equiv_equiv_inverse A B
    : (A <~> B) <~> (B <~> A)
    := Build_Equiv _ _ (@equiv_inverse A B) _.

End AssumeFunext.

Other facts about equivalences

This is like transport_arrow, but for a family of equivalence types. It just shows that the functions are homotopic.
Definition transport_equiv {A : Type} {B C : A Type}
  {x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 <~> C x1) (y : B x2)
  : (transport (fun xB x <~> C x) p f) y = p # (f (p^ # y)).
  destruct p; auto.

A version that shows that the underlying functions are equal.
Definition transport_equiv' {A : Type} {B C : A Type}
  {x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 <~> C x1)
  : transport (fun xB x <~> C x) p f = (equiv_transport _ p) oE f oE (equiv_transport _ p^) :> (B x2 C x2).
  destruct p; auto.

A version that shows that the equivalences are equal. Here we do need Funext, for path_equiv.
Definition transport_equiv'' `{Funext} {A : Type} {B C : A Type}
  {x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : B x1 <~> C x1)
  : transport (fun xB x <~> C x) p f = (equiv_transport _ p) oE f oE (equiv_transport _ p^).
  apply path_equiv.
  destruct p; auto.