Library HoTT.Types.Forall
Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Equivalences Basics.PathGroupoids
Basics.Tactics Basics.Contractible Basics.Iff.
Require Export Basics.Trunc (istrunc_forall).
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Generalizable Variables A B C f g e n.
Section AssumeFunext.
Context `{Funext}.
Definition apD10_path_forall `{P : A → Type}
(f g : ∀ x, P x) (h : f == g)
: apD10 (path_forall _ _ h) == h
:= apD10 (eisretr apD10 h).
Definition eta_path_forall `{P : A → Type}
(f g : ∀ x, P x) (p : f = g)
: path_forall _ _ (apD10 p) = p
:= eissect apD10 p.
Definition path_forall_1 `{P : A → Type} (f : ∀ x, P x)
: (path_forall f f (fun x ⇒ 1)) = 1
:= eta_path_forall f f 1.
The identification of the path space of a dependent function space, up to equivalence, is of course just funext.
Definition equiv_apD10 {A : Type} (P : A → Type) f g
: (f = g) <~> (f == g)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (@apD10 A P f g) _.
Global Instance isequiv_path_forall `{P : A → Type} (f g : ∀ x, P x)
: IsEquiv (path_forall f g) | 0
:= @isequiv_inverse _ _ (@apD10 A P f g) _.
Definition equiv_path_forall `{P : A → Type} (f g : ∀ x, P x)
: (f == g) <~> (f = g)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (path_forall f g) _.
Global Arguments equiv_path_forall {A%_type_scope P} (f g)%_function_scope.
Definition path_forall_pp `{P : A → Type} (f g h : ∀ x, P x)
(p : f == g) (q : g == h)
: path_forall f h (fun x ⇒ p x @ q x) = path_forall f g p @ path_forall g h q.
revert p q.
equiv_intro (@apD10 A P f g) p.
equiv_intro (@apD10 A P g h) q.
transitivity (path_forall f h (apD10 (p @ q))).
- apply ap, path_forall; intros x.
symmetry; apply apD10_pp.
- refine (eta_path_forall _ _ _ @ _).
apply concat2; symmetry; apply eta_path_forall.
Definition path_forall_V `{P : A → Type} (f g : ∀ x, P x)
(p : f == g)
: path_forall _ _ (fun x ⇒ (p x)^) = (path_forall _ _ p)^.
transitivity (path_forall _ _ (fun x ⇒ (apD10 (path_forall _ _ p) x)^)).
- f_ap. symmetry. apply (@ap _ _ (fun h x ⇒ (h x)^)). apply eisretr.
- transitivity (path_forall _ _ (apD10 (path_forall _ _ p)^)).
+ apply ap, inverse. apply path_forall; intros x. apply apD10_V.
+ apply eissect.
Definition transport_forall
{A : Type} {P : A → Type} {C : ∀ x, P x → Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : ∀ y : P x1, C x1 y)
: (transport (fun x ⇒ ∀ y : P x, C x y) p f)
== (fun y ⇒
transport (C x2) (transport_pV _ _ _) (transportD _ _ p _ (f (p^ # y))))
:= match p with idpath ⇒ fun _ ⇒ 1 end.
{A : Type} {P : A → Type} {C : ∀ x, P x → Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : ∀ y : P x1, C x1 y)
: (transport (fun x ⇒ ∀ y : P x, C x y) p f)
== (fun y ⇒
transport (C x2) (transport_pV _ _ _) (transportD _ _ p _ (f (p^ # y))))
:= match p with idpath ⇒ fun _ ⇒ 1 end.
A special case of transport_forall where the type P does not depend on A,
and so it is just a fixed type B.
Definition transport_forall_constant
{A B : Type} {C : A → B → Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : ∀ y : B, C x1 y)
: (transport (fun x ⇒ ∀ y : B, C x y) p f)
== (fun y ⇒ transport (fun x ⇒ C x y) p (f y))
:= match p with idpath ⇒ fun _ ⇒ 1 end.
Definition apD_transport_forall_constant
{A B : Type} (C : A → B → Type)
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : ∀ y : B, C x1 y)
{y1 y2 : B} (q : y1 = y2)
: apD (transport (fun x ⇒ ∀ y : B, C x y) p f) q
= ap (transport (C x2) q) (transport_forall_constant p f y1)
@ transport_transport C p q (f y1)
@ ap (transport (fun x : A ⇒ C x y2) p) (apD f q)
@ (transport_forall_constant p f y2)^.
destruct p, q; reflexivity.
{A B : Type} {C : A → B → Type}
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : ∀ y : B, C x1 y)
: (transport (fun x ⇒ ∀ y : B, C x y) p f)
== (fun y ⇒ transport (fun x ⇒ C x y) p (f y))
:= match p with idpath ⇒ fun _ ⇒ 1 end.
Definition apD_transport_forall_constant
{A B : Type} (C : A → B → Type)
{x1 x2 : A} (p : x1 = x2) (f : ∀ y : B, C x1 y)
{y1 y2 : B} (q : y1 = y2)
: apD (transport (fun x ⇒ ∀ y : B, C x y) p f) q
= ap (transport (C x2) q) (transport_forall_constant p f y1)
@ transport_transport C p q (f y1)
@ ap (transport (fun x : A ⇒ C x y2) p) (apD f q)
@ (transport_forall_constant p f y2)^.
destruct p, q; reflexivity.
Definition ap_apply_lD {A} {B : A → Type} {f g : ∀ x, B x} (p : f = g) (z : A)
: ap (fun f ⇒ f z) p = apD10 p z
:= 1.
Definition ap_apply_lD2 {A} {B : A → Type} { C : ∀ x, B x → Type}
{f g : ∀ x y, C x y} (p : f = g) (z1 : A) (z2 : B z1)
: ap (fun f ⇒ f z1 z2) p = apD10 (apD10 p z1) z2.
by path_induction.
: ap (fun f ⇒ f z) p = apD10 p z
:= 1.
Definition ap_apply_lD2 {A} {B : A → Type} { C : ∀ x, B x → Type}
{f g : ∀ x y, C x y} (p : f = g) (z1 : A) (z2 : B z1)
: ap (fun f ⇒ f z1 z2) p = apD10 (apD10 p z1) z2.
by path_induction.
The action of maps given by lambda.
Definition ap_lambdaD {A B : Type} {C : B → Type} {x y : A} (p : x = y) (M : ∀ a b, C b)
: ap (fun a b ⇒ M a b) p =
path_forall _ _ (fun b ⇒ ap (fun a ⇒ M a b) p).
destruct p;
simpl; apply path_forall_1.
: ap (fun a b ⇒ M a b) p =
path_forall _ _ (fun b ⇒ ap (fun a ⇒ M a b) p).
destruct p;
simpl; apply path_forall_1.
The action of pre-composition on a path between dependent functions. See also ap10_ap_precompose in PathGroupoids.v and ap_precompose in Arrow.v.
Definition ap_precomposeD {B Q : Type} {P : Q → Type}
{f g : ∀ q, P q} (h : f = g) (i : B → Q)
: ap (fun (k : ∀ q, P q) ⇒ k oD i) h
= path_forall (f oD i) (g oD i) (apD10 h oD i)
:= ap_lambdaD _ _.
{f g : ∀ q, P q} (h : f = g) (i : B → Q)
: ap (fun (k : ∀ q, P q) ⇒ k oD i) h
= path_forall (f oD i) (g oD i) (apD10 h oD i)
:= ap_lambdaD _ _.
Dependent paths
Definition dpath_forall
{A:Type} (B:A → Type) (C:∀ a, B a → Type) (x1 x2:A) (p:x1=x2)
(f:∀ y1:B x1, C x1 y1) (g:∀ (y2:B x2), C x2 y2)
: (∀ (y1:B x1), transportD B C p y1 (f y1) = g (transport B p y1))
(transport (fun x ⇒ ∀ y:B x, C x y) p f = g).
destruct p.
apply equiv_path_forall.
Definition dpath_forall_constant
{A B:Type} (C : A → B → Type) (x1 x2:A) (p:x1=x2)
(f:∀ (y1:B), C x1 y1) (g:∀ (y2:B), C x2 y2)
: (∀ (y1:B), transport (fun x ⇒ C x y1) p (f y1) = g y1)
(transport (fun x ⇒ ∀ y:B, C x y) p f = g).
destruct p.
apply equiv_path_forall.
Functorial action
Definition functor_forall `{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type}
(f0 : B → A) (f1 : ∀ b:B, P (f0 b) → Q b)
: (∀ a:A, P a) → (∀ b:B, Q b)
:= (fun g b ⇒ f1 _ (g (f0 b))).
Definition ap_functor_forall `{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type}
(f0 : B → A) (f1 : ∀ b:B, P (f0 b) → Q b)
(g g' : ∀ a:A, P a) (h : g == g')
: ap (functor_forall f0 f1) (path_forall _ _ h)
= path_forall _ _ (fun b:B ⇒ (ap (f1 b) (h (f0 b)))).
revert h. equiv_intro (@apD10 A P g g') h.
destruct h. simpl.
transitivity (idpath (functor_forall f0 f1 g)).
- exact (ap (ap (functor_forall f0 f1)) (path_forall_1 g)).
- symmetry. apply path_forall_1.
Definition functor_forall_compose
`{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type} `{R : C → Type}
(f0 : B → A) (f1 : ∀ b:B, P (f0 b) → Q b)
(g0 : C → B) (g1 : ∀ c:C, Q (g0 c) → R c)
(k : ∀ a, P a)
: functor_forall g0 g1 (functor_forall f0 f1 k) == functor_forall (f0 o g0) (fun c ⇒ g1 c o f1 (g0 c)) k
:= fun a ⇒ 1.
Some special cases appear when one or the other of the maps are equivalences.
Definition functor_forall_id `{P : A → Type} `{Q : A → Type}
(f1 : ∀ a:A, P a → Q a)
: (∀ a:A, P a) → (∀ a:A, Q a)
:= functor_forall idmap f1.
Definition functor_forall_pb {A B : Type} `{P : A → Type}
(f0 : B → A)
: (∀ a:A, P a) → (∀ b:B, P (f0 b))
:= functor_forall f0 (fun _ ⇒ idmap).
If f0 is an equivalence, then we can simply apply functor_forall to its inverse. However, in this case it is sometimes more convenient to place the substitution on the other side of f1.
Definition functor_forall_equiv `{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type}
(f0 : A → B) `{!IsEquiv f0} (f1 : ∀ a:A, P a → Q (f0 a))
: (∀ a:A, P a) → (∀ b:B, Q b).
nrapply (functor_forall f0^-1).
intros b u.
refine ((eisretr f0 b) # _).
exact (f1 _ u).
Definition functor_forall_equiv_pb {A B : Type} `{Q : B → Type}
(f0 : A → B) `{!IsEquiv f0}
: (∀ a:A, Q (f0 a)) → (∀ b:B, Q b)
:= functor_forall_equiv f0 (fun _ ⇒ idmap).
Since there's a nontrivial transport here, it's useful to have a computation lemma.
Definition functor_forall_equiv_pb_beta {A B : Type} {P : B → Type} (f : A → B)
`{!IsEquiv f} (h : ∀ a, P (f a))
: ∀ a, functor_forall_equiv_pb f h (f a) = h a.
intro a; srapply (_ @ apD h (eissect f a)); srapply (_ @ (transport_compose _ _ _ _)^).
srapply ap10; apply ap; apply eisadj.
`{!IsEquiv f} (h : ∀ a, P (f a))
: ∀ a, functor_forall_equiv_pb f h (f a) = h a.
intro a; srapply (_ @ apD h (eissect f a)); srapply (_ @ (transport_compose _ _ _ _)^).
srapply ap10; apply ap; apply eisadj.
Global Instance isequiv_functor_forall `{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type}
`{IsEquiv B A f} `{∀ b, @IsEquiv (P (f b)) (Q b) (g b)}
: IsEquiv (functor_forall f g) | 1000.
simple refine (isequiv_adjointify (functor_forall f g)
(functor_forall (f^-1)
(fun (x:A) (y:Q (f^-1 x)) ⇒ eisretr f x # (g (f^-1 x))^-1 y
)) _ _);
intros h.
- abstract (
apply path_forall; intros b; unfold functor_forall;
rewrite eisadj;
rewrite <- transport_compose;
rewrite ap_transport;
rewrite eisretr;
apply apD
- abstract (
apply path_forall; intros a; unfold functor_forall;
rewrite eissect;
apply apD
Definition equiv_functor_forall `{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type}
(f : B → A) `{IsEquiv B A f}
(g : ∀ b, P (f b) → Q b)
`{∀ b, @IsEquiv (P (f b)) (Q b) (g b)}
: (∀ a, P a) <~> (∀ b, Q b)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_forall f g) _.
Definition equiv_functor_forall' `{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type}
(f : B <~> A) (g : ∀ b, P (f b) <~> Q b)
: (∀ a, P a) <~> (∀ b, Q b)
:= equiv_functor_forall f g.
Definition equiv_functor_forall_id `{P : A → Type} `{Q : A → Type}
(g : ∀ a, P a <~> Q a)
: (∀ a, P a) <~> (∀ a, Q a)
:= equiv_functor_forall (equiv_idmap A) g.
Definition equiv_functor_forall_pb {A B : Type} {P : A → Type}
(f : B <~> A)
: (∀ a, P a) <~> (∀ b, P (f b))
:= equiv_functor_forall' (Q := P o f) f (fun b ⇒ equiv_idmap).
`{IsEquiv B A f} `{∀ b, @IsEquiv (P (f b)) (Q b) (g b)}
: IsEquiv (functor_forall f g) | 1000.
simple refine (isequiv_adjointify (functor_forall f g)
(functor_forall (f^-1)
(fun (x:A) (y:Q (f^-1 x)) ⇒ eisretr f x # (g (f^-1 x))^-1 y
)) _ _);
intros h.
- abstract (
apply path_forall; intros b; unfold functor_forall;
rewrite eisadj;
rewrite <- transport_compose;
rewrite ap_transport;
rewrite eisretr;
apply apD
- abstract (
apply path_forall; intros a; unfold functor_forall;
rewrite eissect;
apply apD
Definition equiv_functor_forall `{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type}
(f : B → A) `{IsEquiv B A f}
(g : ∀ b, P (f b) → Q b)
`{∀ b, @IsEquiv (P (f b)) (Q b) (g b)}
: (∀ a, P a) <~> (∀ b, Q b)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_forall f g) _.
Definition equiv_functor_forall' `{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type}
(f : B <~> A) (g : ∀ b, P (f b) <~> Q b)
: (∀ a, P a) <~> (∀ b, Q b)
:= equiv_functor_forall f g.
Definition equiv_functor_forall_id `{P : A → Type} `{Q : A → Type}
(g : ∀ a, P a <~> Q a)
: (∀ a, P a) <~> (∀ a, Q a)
:= equiv_functor_forall (equiv_idmap A) g.
Definition equiv_functor_forall_pb {A B : Type} {P : A → Type}
(f : B <~> A)
: (∀ a, P a) <~> (∀ b, P (f b))
:= equiv_functor_forall' (Q := P o f) f (fun b ⇒ equiv_idmap).
Similarly, we have a version of functor_forall_equiv that acts on on equivalences both upstairs and downstairs.
Definition equiv_functor_forall_covariant
`{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type}
(f : A <~> B) (g : ∀ a, P a <~> Q (f a))
: (∀ a, P a) <~> (∀ b, Q b)
:= (equiv_functor_forall' f (fun a ⇒ (g a)^-1%equiv))^-1.
Definition equiv_functor_forall_covariant_compose
`{P : A → Type} `{Q : B → Type} `{R : C → Type}
(f0 : A <~> B) (f1 : ∀ a, P a <~> Q (f0 a))
(g0 : B <~> C) (g1 : ∀ b, Q b <~> R (g0 b))
(h : ∀ a, P a)
: equiv_functor_forall_covariant g0 g1 (equiv_functor_forall_covariant f0 f1 h)
== equiv_functor_forall_covariant (g0 oE f0) (fun a ⇒ g1 (f0 a) oE f1 a) h.
apply apD10.
refine ((equiv_inverse_compose
(equiv_functor_forall' g0 (fun a : B ⇒ (g1 a)^-1%equiv))
(equiv_functor_forall' f0 (fun a : A ⇒ (f1 a)^-1%equiv))
h)^ @ _).
revert h; apply equiv_inverse_homotopy; intros h.
apply path_forall; intros c.
symmetry; rapply functor_forall_compose.
Definition iff_functor_forall {A : Type} {P Q : A → Type}
(f : ∀ a, P a ↔ Q a)
: (∀ a, P a) ↔ (∀ a, Q a)
:= (functor_forall idmap (fun a ⇒ fst (f a)),
functor_forall idmap (fun a ⇒ snd (f a))).
(f : ∀ a, P a ↔ Q a)
: (∀ a, P a) ↔ (∀ a, Q a)
:= (functor_forall idmap (fun a ⇒ fst (f a)),
functor_forall idmap (fun a ⇒ snd (f a))).
Definition equiv_path_forall11 {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {P : ∀ a : A, B a → Type} (f g : ∀ a b, P a b)
: (∀ (a : A) (b : B a), f a b = g a b) <~> f = g
:= (equiv_path_forall f g) oE (equiv_functor_forall_id (fun a ⇒ equiv_path_forall (f a) (g a))).
Definition path_forall11 {A : Type} {B : A → Type} {P : ∀ a : A, B a → Type} (f g : ∀ a b, P a b)
: (∀ x y, f x y = g x y) → f = g
:= equiv_path_forall11 f g.
Global Instance isequiv_path_forall11 {A : Type} {B : A → Type} `{P : ∀ a : A, B a → Type} (f g : ∀ a b, P a b)
: IsEquiv (path_forall11 f g) | 0
:= _.
Global Arguments equiv_path_forall11 {A B}%_type_scope {P} (f g)%_function_scope.
Global Arguments path_forall11 {A B}%_type_scope {P} (f g)%_function_scope _.
Truncatedness: any dependent product of n-types is an n-type: see contr_forall and istrunc_forall in Basics.Trunc.
Contractibility: A product over a contractible type is equivalent to the fiber over the center.
Definition equiv_contr_forall `{Contr A} `(P : A → Type)
: (∀ a, P a) <~> P (center A).
simple refine (equiv_adjointify (fun (f:∀ a, P a) ⇒ f (center A)) _ _ _).
- intros p a; exact (transport P (path_contr _ _) p).
- intros p.
refine (transport2 P (q := 1) _ p).
apply path_contr.
- intros f; apply path_forall; intros a.
apply apD.
End AssumeFunext.
Symmetry of curried arguments
Definition flip `{P : A → B → Type}
: (∀ a b, P a b) → (∀ b a, P a b)
:= fun f b a ⇒ f a b.
Arguments flip {A B P} f b a /.
Global Instance isequiv_flip `{P : A → B → Type}
: IsEquiv (@flip _ _ P) | 0.
set (flip_P := @flip _ _ P).
set (flip_P_inv := @flip _ _ (flip P)).
set (flip_P_is_sect := (fun f ⇒ 1) : flip_P_inv o flip_P == idmap).
set (flip_P_is_retr := (fun g ⇒ 1) : flip_P o flip_P_inv == idmap).
∃ flip_P_inv flip_P_is_retr flip_P_is_sect.
intro g. exact 1.
Definition equiv_flip `(P : A → B → Type)
: (∀ a b, P a b) <~> (∀ b a, P a b)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (@flip _ _ P) _.
: (∀ a b, P a b) → (∀ b a, P a b)
:= fun f b a ⇒ f a b.
Arguments flip {A B P} f b a /.
Global Instance isequiv_flip `{P : A → B → Type}
: IsEquiv (@flip _ _ P) | 0.
set (flip_P := @flip _ _ P).
set (flip_P_inv := @flip _ _ (flip P)).
set (flip_P_is_sect := (fun f ⇒ 1) : flip_P_inv o flip_P == idmap).
set (flip_P_is_retr := (fun g ⇒ 1) : flip_P o flip_P_inv == idmap).
∃ flip_P_inv flip_P_is_retr flip_P_is_sect.
intro g. exact 1.
Definition equiv_flip `(P : A → B → Type)
: (∀ a b, P a b) <~> (∀ b a, P a b)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (@flip _ _ P) _.