Library HoTT.Colimits.Colimit

Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import Diagrams.Diagram.
Require Import Diagrams.Graph.
Require Import Diagrams.Cocone.
Require Import Diagrams.ConstantDiagram.
Require Import Diagrams.CommutativeSquares.
Require Import Colimits.Coeq.

Local Open Scope path_scope.
Generalizable All Variables.

This file contains the definition of colimits, and functoriality results on colimits.


Abstract definition

A colimit is the extremity of a cocone.
Class IsColimit `(D: Diagram G) (Q: Type) := {
  iscolimit_cocone : Cocone D Q;
  iscolimit_unicocone : UniversalCocone iscolimit_cocone;

(* Use :> and remove the two following lines,
   once Coq 8.16 is the minimum required version. *)

#[export] Existing Instance iscolimit_cocone.
Coercion iscolimit_cocone : IsColimit >-> Cocone.

Arguments Build_IsColimit {G D Q} C H : rename.
Arguments iscolimit_cocone {G D Q} C : rename.
Arguments iscolimit_unicocone {G D Q} H : rename.

cocone_postcompose_inv is defined for convenience: it is only the inverse of cocone_postcompose. It allows to recover the map h from a cocone C'.

Definition cocone_postcompose_inv `{D: Diagram G} {Q X}
  (H : IsColimit D Q) (C' : Cocone D X) : Q X
  := @equiv_inv _ _ _ (iscolimit_unicocone H X) C'.

Existence of colimits

Every diagram has a colimit. It could be described as the following HIT
  HIT Colimit {G : Graph} (D : Diagram G) : Type :=
  | colim : forall i, D i -> Colimit D
  | colimp : forall i j (f : G i j) (x : D i) : colim j (D _f f x) = colim i x
but we instead describe it as the coequalizer of the source and target maps of the diagram. The source type in the coequalizer ought to be:
{x : sig D & {y : sig D & {f : G x.1 y.1 & D _f f x.2 = y.2}}}
However we notice that the path type forms a contractible component, so we can use the more efficient:
{x : sig D & {j : G & G x.1 j}}
Definition Colimit {G : Graph} (D : Diagram G) : Type :=
    {x : sig D & {j : G & G x.1 j}}
    (sig D)
    (fun tt.1)
    (fun t(t.2.1; D _f t.2.2 t.1.2))

Definition colim {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} (i : G) (x : D i) : Colimit D :=
  coeq (i ; x).

Definition colimp {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} (i j : G) (f : G i j) (x : D i)
  : colim j (D _f f x) = colim i x
  := (cglue ((i; x); j; f))^.

To obtain a path colim j (D _f f x) = colim j (D _f f y) from a path x = y, one can either use ap (D _f f) followed by ap (colim j), or conjugate ap (colim i) by colimp i j f. These paths are equivalent.
Definition ap_colim_homotopic {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} {i j : G} (f : G i j) {x y : D i} (p : x = y)
  : ap (colim j) (ap (D _f f) p)
    = colimp i j f x @ ap (colim i) p @ (colimp i j f y)^.
  lhs_V nrapply ap_compose.
  exact (ap_homotopic (colimp _ _ _) p).

Definition Colimit_ind {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} (P : Colimit D Type)
(q : i x, P (colim i x))
(pp_q : (i j : G) (g: G i j) (x : D i),
  (@colimp G D i j g x) # (q j (D _f g x)) = q i x)
: w, P w.
  srapply Coeq_ind.
  - intros [x i].
    exact (q x i).
  - intros [[i x] [j f]].
    cbn in f; cbn.
    apply moveR_transport_p.
    exact (pp_q _ _ _ _).

Definition Colimit_ind_beta_colimp {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G}
  (P : Colimit D Type) (q : i x, P (colim i x))
  (pp_q : (i j: G) (g: G i j) (x: D i),
    @colimp G D i j g x # q _ (D _f g x) = q _ x)
  (i j : G) (g : G i j) (x : D i)
  : apD (Colimit_ind P q pp_q) (colimp i j g x) = pp_q i j g x.
  refine (apD_V _ _ @ _).
  apply moveR_equiv_M.
  apply moveR_equiv_M.
  refine (Coeq_ind_beta_cglue _ _ _ _ @ _).
  apply moveL_transport_p_V.

Definition Colimit_rec {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} (P : Type) (C : Cocone D P)
  : Colimit D P.
  srapply (Colimit_ind _ C).
  intros i j g x.
  refine (transport_const _ _ @ _).
  apply legs_comm.

Definition Colimit_rec_beta_colimp {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G}
  (P : Type) (C : Cocone D P) (i j : G) (g: G i j) (x: D i)
  : ap (Colimit_rec P C) (colimp i j g x) = legs_comm C i j g x.
  rapply (cancelL (transport_const (colimp i j g x) _)).
  srapply ((apD_const (Colimit_ind (fun _P) C _) (colimp i j g x))^ @ _).
  srapply (Colimit_ind_beta_colimp (fun _P) C _ i j g x).

Arguments colim : simpl never.
Arguments colimp : simpl never.

The natural cocone to the colimit.
Definition cocone_colimit {G : Graph} (D : Diagram G) : Cocone D (Colimit D)
  := Build_Cocone colim colimp.

Given a cocone C and f : Colimit D P inducing a "homotopic" cocone, Colimit_rec P C is homotopic to f.
Definition Colimit_rec_homotopy {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} (P : Type) (C : Cocone D P)
  (f : Colimit D P)
  (h_obj : i, legs C i == f o colim i)
  (h_comm : i j (g : G i j) x,
      legs_comm C i j g x @ h_obj i x = h_obj j ((D _f g) x) @ ap f (colimp i j g x))
  : Colimit_rec P C == f.
  snrapply Colimit_ind.
  - simpl. exact h_obj.
  - cbn beta; intros i j g x.
    transport_paths FlFr.
    lhs nrapply (Colimit_rec_beta_colimp _ _ _ _ _ _ @@ 1).
    apply h_comm.

"Homotopic" cocones induces homotopic maps.
Definition Colimit_rec_homotopy' {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} (P : Type) (C1 C2 : Cocone D P)
  (h_obj : i, legs C1 i == legs C2 i)
  (h_comm : i j (g : G i j) x,
      legs_comm C1 i j g x @ h_obj i x = h_obj j (D _f g x) @ legs_comm C2 i j g x)
  : Colimit_rec P C1 == Colimit_rec P C2.
  snrapply Colimit_rec_homotopy.
  - apply h_obj.
  - intros i j g x.
    rhs nrapply (1 @@ Colimit_rec_beta_colimp _ _ _ _ _ _).
    apply h_comm.

Colimit_rec is an equivalence.
Global Instance isequiv_colimit_rec `{Funext} {G : Graph}
  {D : Diagram G} (P : Type)
  : IsEquiv (Colimit_rec (D:=D) P).
  srapply isequiv_adjointify.
  - exact (cocone_postcompose (cocone_colimit D)).
  - intro f.
    apply path_forall.
    snrapply Colimit_rec_homotopy.
    1: reflexivity.
    intros; cbn.
    apply concat_p1_1p.
  - intros [].
    srapply path_cocone.
    1: reflexivity.
    intros; cbn.
    apply equiv_p1_1q.
    apply Colimit_rec_beta_colimp.

Definition equiv_colimit_rec `{Funext} {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} (P : Type)
  : Cocone D P <~> (Colimit D P) := Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_colimit_rec P).

It follows that the HIT Colimit is an abstract colimit.
Global Instance unicocone_colimit `{Funext} {G : Graph} (D : Diagram G)
  : UniversalCocone (cocone_colimit D).
  srapply Build_UniversalCocone; intro Y.
  (* The goal is to show that cocone_postcompose (cocone_colimit D) is an equivalence, but that's the inverse to the equivalence we just defined. *)
  exact (isequiv_inverse (equiv_colimit_rec Y)).

Global Instance iscolimit_colimit `{Funext} {G : Graph} (D : Diagram G)
  : IsColimit D (Colimit D)
  := Build_IsColimit _ (unicocone_colimit D).

Functoriality of concrete colimits

We will capitalize Colimit in the identifiers to indicate that these definitions relate to the concrete colimit defined above. Below, we will also get functoriality for abstract colimits, without the capital C. However, to apply those results to the concrete colimit uses iscolimit_colimit, which requires Funext, so it is also useful to give direct proofs of some facts.
We first work in a more general situation. Any diagram map m : D1 D2 induces a map between the canonical colimit of D1 and any cocone over D2. We use "half" to indicate this situation.
Definition functor_Colimit_half {G : Graph} {D1 D2 : Diagram G} (m : DiagramMap D1 D2) {Q} (HQ : Cocone D2 Q)
  : Colimit D1 Q.
  apply Colimit_rec.
  refine (cocone_precompose m HQ).

Definition functor_Colimit_half_beta_colimp {G : Graph} {D1 D2 : Diagram G} (m : DiagramMap D1 D2) {Q} (HQ : Cocone D2 Q) (i j : G) (g : G i j) (x : D1 i)
  : ap (functor_Colimit_half m HQ) (colimp i j g x) = legs_comm (cocone_precompose m HQ) i j g x
  := Colimit_rec_beta_colimp _ _ _ _ _ _.

Homotopic diagram maps induce homotopic maps.
Definition functor_Colimit_half_homotopy {G : Graph} {D1 D2 : Diagram G}
  {m1 m2 : DiagramMap D1 D2} (h : DiagramMap_homotopy m1 m2)
  {Q} (HQ : Cocone D2 Q)
  : functor_Colimit_half m1 HQ == functor_Colimit_half m2 HQ.
  destruct h as [h_obj h_comm].
  snrapply Colimit_rec_homotopy'.
  - intros i x; cbn. apply ap, h_obj.
  - intros i j g x; simpl.
    Open Scope long_path_scope.
    (* TODO: Most of the work here comes from a mismatch between the direction of the path in DiagramMap_comm and legs_comm in the Cocone record, causing a reversal in cocone_precompose.  There is no reversal in cocone_postcompose, so I think Cocone should change. If that is done, then this result wouldn't be needed at all, and one could directly use Colimit_rec_homotopy'. *)
    rewrite ap_V.
    lhs nrapply concat_pp_p.
    apply moveR_Vp.
    rewrite ! concat_p_pp.
    rewrite <- 2 ap_pp.
    rewrite h_comm.
    rewrite concat_pp_V.
    rewrite <- ap_compose.
    exact (concat_Ap (legs_comm HQ i j g) (h_obj i x))^.
    Close Scope long_path_scope.

Now we specialize to the case where the second cone is a colimiting cone.
A homotopy between diagram maps m1, m2 : D1 D2 gives a homotopy between the induced maps.
Composition of diagram maps commutes with functor_Colimit_half, provided the first map uses functor_Colimit.
Definition functor_Colimit_half_compose {G : Graph} {A B C : Diagram G} (f : DiagramMap A B) (g : DiagramMap B C) {Q} (HQ : Cocone C Q)
  : functor_Colimit_half (diagram_comp g f) HQ == functor_Colimit_half g HQ o functor_Colimit f.
  snrapply Colimit_rec_homotopy.
  - reflexivity.
  - intros i j k x; cbn.
    apply equiv_p1_1q.
    unfold comm_square_comp.
    Open Scope long_path_scope.
    lhs nrapply (ap_V _ _ @@ 1).
    lhs nrapply (inverse2 (ap_pp (HQ j) _ _) @@ 1).
    lhs nrapply (inv_pp _ _ @@ 1).
    lhs nrapply (ap_compose (functor_Colimit f)).
    lhs nrapply (ap _ (Colimit_rec_beta_colimp _ _ _ _ _ _)).
    (* legs_comm unfolds to a composite of paths, but the next line works best without unfolding it. *)
    lhs nrapply ap_pp.
    lhs nrefine (1 @@ _). 1: nrapply functor_Colimit_half_beta_colimp.
    lhs nrapply concat_p_pp.
    nrefine (_ @@ 1).
    apply ap011.
    2: nrapply ap_V.
    lhs_V nrapply (ap_compose (colim j)); simpl.
    lhs nrapply (ap_V (HQ j o g j) _).
    apply ap, ap_compose.
    Close Scope long_path_scope.

Functoriality of abstract colimits

Section FunctorialityColimit.

  Context `{Funext} {G : Graph}.

Colimits are preserved by composition with a (diagram) equivalence.

  Definition iscolimit_precompose_equiv {D1 D2 : Diagram G}
    (m : D1 ¬d¬ D2) {Q : Type}
    : IsColimit D2 Q IsColimit D1 Q.
    intros HQ.
    srapply (Build_IsColimit (cocone_precompose m HQ) _).
    apply cocone_precompose_equiv_universality, HQ.

  Definition iscolimit_postcompose_equiv {D: Diagram G} `(f: Q <~> Q')
    : IsColimit D Q IsColimit D Q'.
    intros HQ.
    srapply (Build_IsColimit (cocone_postcompose HQ f) _).
    apply cocone_postcompose_equiv_universality, HQ.

A diagram map m : D1 D2 induces a map between any two colimits of D1 and D2.
And this map commutes with diagram map.
Additional coherence with postcompose and precompose.
  Definition cocone_precompose_postcompose_comp {D1 D2 : Diagram G}
    (m : DiagramMap D1 D2) {Q1 Q2 : Type} (HQ1 : IsColimit D1 Q1)
    (HQ2 : IsColimit D2 Q2) {T : Type} (t : Q2 T)
    : cocone_postcompose HQ1 (t o functor_colimit m HQ1 HQ2)
      = cocone_precompose m (cocone_postcompose HQ2 t).
      lhs nrapply cocone_postcompose_comp.
      lhs_V exact (ap (fun xcocone_postcompose x t)
        (functor_colimit_commute m HQ1 HQ2)).
      nrapply cocone_precompose_postcompose.

In order to show that colimits are functorial, we show that this is true after precomposing with the cocone.
  Definition postcompose_functor_colimit_compose {D1 D2 D3 : Diagram G}
    (m : DiagramMap D1 D2) (n : DiagramMap D2 D3)
    {Q1 Q2 Q3} (HQ1 : IsColimit D1 Q1) (HQ2 : IsColimit D2 Q2)
    (HQ3 : IsColimit D3 Q3)
    : cocone_postcompose HQ1 (functor_colimit n HQ2 HQ3 o functor_colimit m HQ1 HQ2)
      = cocone_postcompose HQ1 (functor_colimit (diagram_comp n m) HQ1 HQ3).
    lhs nrapply cocone_precompose_postcompose_comp.
    lhs_V nrapply (ap _ (functor_colimit_commute n HQ2 HQ3)).
    lhs nrapply cocone_precompose_comp.
    nrapply functor_colimit_commute.

  Definition functor_colimit_compose {D1 D2 D3 : Diagram G}
    (m : DiagramMap D1 D2) (n : DiagramMap D2 D3)
    {Q1 Q2 Q3} (HQ1 : IsColimit D1 Q1) (HQ2 : IsColimit D2 Q2)
    (HQ3 : IsColimit D3 Q3)
    : functor_colimit n HQ2 HQ3 o functor_colimit m HQ1 HQ2
      = functor_colimit (diagram_comp n m) HQ1 HQ3
    := @equiv_inj _ _
      (cocone_postcompose HQ1) (iscolimit_unicocone HQ1 Q3) _ _
      (postcompose_functor_colimit_compose m n HQ1 HQ2 HQ3).

Colimits of equivalent diagrams

Now we have that two equivalent diagrams have equivalent colimits.

  Context {D1 D2 : Diagram G} (m : D1 ¬d¬ D2) {Q1 Q2}
    (HQ1 : IsColimit D1 Q1) (HQ2 : IsColimit D2 Q2).

  Definition functor_colimit_eissect
    : functor_colimit m HQ1 HQ2
      o functor_colimit (diagram_equiv_inv m) HQ2 HQ1 == idmap.
    apply ap10.
    srapply (equiv_inj (cocone_postcompose HQ2) _).
    1: apply HQ2.
    2:symmetry; apply cocone_postcompose_identity.
    1: apply cocone_postcompose_comp.
    rewrite eisretr, cocone_precompose_postcompose, eisretr.
    rewrite cocone_precompose_comp, diagram_inv_is_section.
    apply cocone_precompose_identity.

  Definition functor_colimit_eisretr
    : functor_colimit (diagram_equiv_inv m) HQ2 HQ1
      o functor_colimit m HQ1 HQ2 == idmap.
    apply ap10.
    srapply (equiv_inj (cocone_postcompose HQ1) _).
    1: apply HQ1.
    2:symmetry; apply cocone_postcompose_identity.
    1: apply cocone_postcompose_comp.
    rewrite eisretr, cocone_precompose_postcompose, eisretr.
    rewrite cocone_precompose_comp, diagram_inv_is_retraction.
    apply cocone_precompose_identity.

  Global Instance isequiv_functor_colimit
    : IsEquiv (functor_colimit m HQ1 HQ2)
    := isequiv_adjointify _ _
      functor_colimit_eissect functor_colimit_eisretr.

  Definition equiv_functor_colimit : Q1 <~> Q2
    := Build_Equiv _ _ _ isequiv_functor_colimit.

End FunctorialityColimit.

Unicity of colimits

A particular case of the functoriality result is that all colimits of a diagram are equivalent (and hence equal in presence of univalence).
Theorem colimit_unicity `{Funext} {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} {Q1 Q2 : Type}
  (HQ1 : IsColimit D Q1) (HQ2 : IsColimit D Q2)
  : Q1 <~> Q2.
  srapply equiv_functor_colimit.
  srapply (Build_diagram_equiv (diagram_idmap D)).

Colimits are left adjoint to constant diagram

Theorem colimit_adjoint `{Funext} {G : Graph} {D : Diagram G} {C : Type}
  : (Colimit D C) <~> DiagramMap D (diagram_const C).
  refine (equiv_colimit_rec C oE _).
  apply equiv_diagram_const_cocone.