Library HoTT.Categories.Structure.Core

Notions of Structure

Require Import Category.Core.
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types HSet.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope category_scope.
Local Open Scope morphism_scope.


Declare Scope structure_scope.
Declare Scope long_structure_scope.
Delimit Scope structure_scope with structure.
Delimit Scope long_structure_scope with long_structure.
Local Open Scope structure_scope.

Quoting the Homotopy Type Theory Book (with slight changes for notational consistency):

9.8 The structure identity principle

The structure identity principle is an informal principle that expresses that isomorphic structures are identical. We aim to prove a general abstract result which can be applied to a wide family of notions of structure, where structures may be many-sorted or even dependently-sorted, in-finitary, or even higher order.
The simplest kind of single-sorted structure consists of a type with no additional structure. The univalence axiom expresses the structure identity principle for that notion of structure in a strong form: for types A, B, the canonical function (A = B) (A B) is an equivalence. We start with a precategory X. In our application to single-sorted first order structures, X will be the category of U-small sets, where U is a univalent type universe.

Notion of Structure

Definition: A notion of structure (P,H) over X consists of the following. We use X₀ to denote the objects of X, and homₓ(x, y) to denote the morphisms morphism X x y of X.
(i) A type family P : X₀ Type. For each x : X₀ the elements of P x are called (P, H)-structures on x.
(ii) For x y : X₀ and α : P x, β : P y, to each f : homₓ(x, y) a mere proposition H_{αβ}(f).
If H_{αβ}(f) is true, we say that f is a (P, H)-homomorphism from α to β.
(iii) For x : X₀ and α : P x, we have H_{αα}(1ₓ).
(iv) For x y z : X₀ and α : P x, β : P y, γ : P z, if f : homₓ(x, y), we have
H_{αβ}(f)→ H_{βγ}(g) H_{αγ}(g f).
Note: We rearrange some parameters to H to ease Coq's unification engine and typeclass machinery.

Record NotionOfStructure (X : PreCategory) :=
    structure :> X Type;
    is_structure_homomorphism : x y
                                       (f : morphism X x y)
                                       (a : structure x) (b : structure y),
    istrunc_is_structure_homomorphism : x y a b f,
                                          IsHProp (@is_structure_homomorphism x y a b f);
    is_structure_homomorphism_identity : x (a : structure x),
                                           is_structure_homomorphism (identity x) a a;
    is_structure_homomorphism_composition : x y z
                                                   (a : structure x)
                                                   (b : structure y)
                                                   (c : structure z)
                                                   (f : morphism X x y)
                                                   (g : morphism X y z),
                                              is_structure_homomorphism f a b
                                               is_structure_homomorphism g b c
                                               is_structure_homomorphism (g o f) a c

It would be nice to make this a class, but we can't:
    Existing Class is_structure_homomorphism.
    Toplevel input, characters 0-41:
    Anomaly: Mismatched instance and context when building universe substitution.
    Please report.
When we move to polyproj, it won't anymore.

Global Existing Instance istrunc_is_structure_homomorphism.

Create HintDb structure_homomorphisms discriminated.

Hint Resolve is_structure_homomorphism_identity is_structure_homomorphism_composition : structure_homomorphisms.

When (P, H) is a notion of structure, for α β : P x we define
(α ≤ₓ β) := H_{αβ}(1ₓ).

Local Notation "a <=_{ x } b" := (is_structure_homomorphism _ x x (identity x) a b) : long_structure_scope.
Local Notation "a <= b" := (a _{ _ } b)%long_structure : structure_scope.

By (iii) and (iv), this is a preorder with P x its type of objects.

Being a structure homomorphism is a preorder

Global Instance preorder_is_structure_homomorphism
       X (P : NotionOfStructure X) x
: PreOrder (is_structure_homomorphism P x x (identity x)).
  split; repeat intro; eauto with structure_homomorphisms.
  rewrite <- identity_identity.
  eauto with structure_homomorphisms.

Standard notion of structure

We say that (P, H) is a standard notion of structure if this preorder is in fact a partial order, for all x : X.
A partial order is an antisymmetric preorder, i.e., we must have a b a a = b.

Class IsStandardNotionOfStructure X (P : NotionOfStructure X) :=
  antisymmetry_structure : x (a b : P x),
                             a b b a a = b.

Note that for a standard notion of structure, each type P x must actually be a set.

Global Instance istrunc_homomorphism_standard_notion_of_structure
       X P `{@IsStandardNotionOfStructure X P} x
: IsHSet (P x).
  eapply (@ishset_hrel_subpaths
            _ (fun a b(a b) × (b a)));
  try typeclasses eauto.
  - repeat intro; split; apply reflexivity.
  - intros ? ? [? ?]; apply antisymmetry_structure; assumption.

Precategory of structures

We now define, for any notion of structure (P, H), a precategory of (P, H)-structures,
A = Str_{(P, H)}(X).
  • The type of objects of A is the type A₀ := ∑ₓ P x. If a (x; α), we may write |a| := x.
  • For (x; α) : A₀ and (y; β) : A₀, we define
    hom_A((x; α), (y; β)) := { f : x y | H_{αβ}(f) }.
The composition and identities are inherited from X; conditions (iii) and (iv) ensure that these lift to A.

Module PreCategoryOfStructures.

  Section precategory.
We use Records because they are faster than sigma types.

    Variable X : PreCategory.
    Variable P : NotionOfStructure X.

    Local Notation object := { x : X | P x }.

    (*Lemma issig_object
    : { x : X | P x } <~> object.
      issig Build_object x a.

    Lemma path_object
    : forall xa yb (H : x xa = x yb),
        transport P H (a xa) = a yb
        -> xa = yb.
      intros ? ? ? ? H H'; simpl in *; path_induction; reflexivity.

    Record morphism (xa yb : object) :=
      { f : Category.Core.morphism X xa.1 yb.1;
        h : is_structure_homomorphism _ _ _ f xa.2 yb.2 }.

    Lemma issig_morphism (xa yb : object)
    : { f : Category.Core.morphism X xa.1 yb.1
      | is_structure_homomorphism _ _ _ f xa.2 yb.2 }
        <~> morphism xa yb.

    Lemma path_morphism
    : xa yb (fh gi : morphism xa yb),
        f fh = f gi fh = gi.
      intros ? ? [? ?] [? ?] H; simpl in *; path_induction; apply ap.
      apply path_ishprop.
  End precategory.

  (*Global Arguments path_object {X P xa yb} H _.*)
  Global Arguments path_morphism {X P xa yb fh gi} H.
End PreCategoryOfStructures.

Section precategory.
  Import PreCategoryOfStructures.

  Definition precategory_of_structures X (P : NotionOfStructure X) : PreCategory.
    refine (@Build_PreCategory
              (@morphism _ P)
              (fun xa ⇒ {| f := identity xa.1;
                            h := is_structure_homomorphism_identity _ _ xa.2 |})
              (fun xa yb zc gi fh ⇒ {| f := (f gi) o (f fh);
                                        h := is_structure_homomorphism_composition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (h fh) (h gi) |})
              (fun s distrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (issig_morphism P s d)));
    abstract (
        repeat match goal with
                 | |- @morphism _ P _ _ _intros [? ?]; simpl in ×
                 | |- _ _intro
        first [ apply path_morphism; exact (associativity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
              | apply path_morphism; exact (left_identity _ _ _ _)
              | apply path_morphism; exact (right_identity _ _ _ _) ]
End precategory.

Module Export StructureCoreNotations.
  Notation "a <=_{ x } b" := (is_structure_homomorphism _ x x (identity x) a b) : long_structure_scope.
  Notation "a <= b" := (a _{ _ } b)%long_structure : structure_scope.
End StructureCoreNotations.