Library HoTT.WildCat.MonoidalTwistConstruction

Building Symmetric Monoidal Categories

The following construction is what we call the "twist construction". It is a way to build a symmetric monoidal category from simpler pieces than the axioms ask for.
The core observation is that the associator can be broken up into a braid and what we call a twist map. The twist map takes a right associated triple (A, (B, C)) and swaps the first two factors (B, (A, C). Together with functoriality of the tensor and the braiding, here termed braid we can simplify the axioms we ask for.
For instance, the hexagon identity is about associators, but if we unfold the definition and simplify the diagram, we get a diagram about only twists and braids.
This means in practice, you can show a category has a symmetric monoidal structure by proving some simpler axioms. This idea has been used in TriJoin.v to show the associativity of join for example.
The aim of this section is to build a symmetric monoidal category. We do this piecewise so that the separate steps are useful in and of themselves.
Our basic starting assumption is that we have a category with equivalences, a bifunctor called the tensor product, and a unit object.
  Context (A : Type) `{HasEquivs A}
    (cat_tensor : A A A) (cat_tensor_unit : A)
    `{!Is0Bifunctor cat_tensor, !Is1Bifunctor cat_tensor}

Next we postulate the existence of a braid map. This takes a tensor pair and swaps the factors. We also postulate that braid is natural in both factors and self-inverse.
    (braid : SymmetricBraiding cat_tensor)

We postulate the existence of a twist map. This takes a right associated triple (A, (B, C)) and swaps the first two factors (B, (A, C). We also postulate that twist is natural in all three factors and self-inverse.
    (twist : a b c, cat_tensor a (cat_tensor b c) $-> cat_tensor b (cat_tensor a c))
    (twist_twist : a b c, twist a b c $o twist b a c $== Id _)
    (twist_nat : a a' b b' c c' (f : a $-> a') (g : b $-> b') (h : c $-> c'),
      twist a' b' c' $o fmap11 cat_tensor f (fmap11 cat_tensor g h)
      $== fmap11 cat_tensor g (fmap11 cat_tensor f h) $o twist a b c)

We assume that there is a natural isomorphism right_unitor witnessing the right unit law. The left unit law will be derived from this one. We also assume a coherence called twist_unitor which determines how the right_unitor interacts with braid and twist. This is the basis of the triangle axiom.
The hexagon identity is about the interaction of associators and braids. We will derive this axiom from an analogous one for twists and braids.
    (twist_hexagon : a b c,
      fmap01 cat_tensor c (braid b a) $o twist b c a $o fmap01 cat_tensor b (braid a c)
      $== twist a c b $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (braid b c) $o twist b a c)

The 9-gon identity. TODO: explain this
    (twist_9_gon : a b c d,
        fmap01 cat_tensor c (braid (cat_tensor a b) d)
        $o twist (cat_tensor a b) c d
        $o braid (cat_tensor c d) (cat_tensor a b)
        $o twist a (cat_tensor c d) b
        $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (braid b (cat_tensor c d))
      $== fmap01 cat_tensor c (twist a d b)
        $o fmap01 cat_tensor c (fmap01 cat_tensor a (braid b d))
        $o twist a c (cat_tensor b d)
        $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist b c d))


Before starting the proofs, we need to setup some useful definitions and helpful lemmas for working with diagrams.
We give notations and abbreviations to the morphisms that will appear in diagrams. This helps us read the goal and understand what is happening, otherwise it is too verbose.
  Declare Scope monoidal_scope.
  Local Infix "⊗" := cat_tensor (at level 40) : monoidal_scope.
  Local Infix "⊗R" := (fmap01 cat_tensor) (at level 40) : monoidal_scope.
  Local Infix "⊗L" := (fmap10 cat_tensor) (at level 40) : monoidal_scope.
  Local Notation "f ∘ g" := (f $o g) (at level 61, left associativity, format "f '/' '∘' g") : monoidal_scope.
TODO: in 8.19 this notation causes issues, when updating to 8.20 we should uncomment this.
  (* Local Notation "f == '/'  'v' g ''  '/' :>  '' A '' ']'")
    : long_path_scope. *)

  Local Open Scope monoidal_scope.

twist is an equivalence which we will call twiste.
  Local Definition twiste a b c
    : cat_tensor a (cat_tensor b c) $<~> cat_tensor b (cat_tensor a c)
    := cate_adjointify (twist a b c) (twist b a c)
        (twist_twist a b c) (twist_twist b a c).

Finer naturality

The naturality postulates we have for twist are natural in all their arguments similtaneously. We show the finer naturality of twist in each argument separately as this becomes more useful in practice.

  Definition twist_nat_l {a a'} (f : a $-> a') b c
    : twist a' b c $o fmap10 cat_tensor f (cat_tensor b c)
      $== fmap01 cat_tensor b (fmap10 cat_tensor f c) $o twist a b c.
    refine ((_ $@L _^$) $@ twist_nat a a' b b c c f (Id _) (Id _) $@ (_ $@R _)).
    - refine (fmap12 _ _ _ $@ fmap10_is_fmap11 _ _ _).
      rapply fmap11_id.
    - refine (fmap12 _ _ _ $@ fmap01_is_fmap11 _ _ _).
      rapply fmap10_is_fmap11.

  Definition twist_nat_m a {b b'} (g : b $-> b') c
    : twist a b' c $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (fmap10 cat_tensor g c)
      $== fmap10 cat_tensor g (cat_tensor a c) $o twist a b c.
    refine ((_ $@L _^$) $@ twist_nat a a b b' c c (Id _) g (Id _) $@ (_ $@R _)).
    - refine (fmap12 _ _ _ $@ fmap01_is_fmap11 _ _ _).
      rapply fmap10_is_fmap11.
    - refine (fmap12 _ _ _ $@ fmap10_is_fmap11 _ _ _).
      rapply fmap11_id.

  Definition twist_nat_r a b {c c'} (h : c $-> c')
    : twist a b c' $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (fmap01 cat_tensor b h)
      $== fmap01 cat_tensor b (fmap01 cat_tensor a h) $o twist a b c.
    refine ((_ $@L _^$) $@ twist_nat a a b b c c' (Id _) (Id _) h $@ (_ $@R _)).
    - refine (fmap12 _ _ _ $@ fmap01_is_fmap11 _ _ _).
      rapply fmap01_is_fmap11.
    - refine (fmap12 _ _ _ $@ fmap01_is_fmap11 _ _ _).
      rapply fmap01_is_fmap11.

Movement lemmas

Here we collect lemmas about moving morphisms around in a diagram. We could have created cate_moveL_eM-style lemmas for CatIsEquiv but this leads to a lot of unnecessary unfolding and duplication. It is typically easier to use a hand crafted lemma for each situation.
TODO: A lot of these proofs are copy and pasted between lemmas. We need to work out an efficient way of proving them.

Moving twist

  Definition moveL_twistL a b c d f (g : d $-> _)
    : twist a b c $o f $== g f $== twist b a c $o g.
    intros p.
    apply (cate_monic_equiv (twiste a b c)).
    nrefine ((cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@R _) $@ p $@ _ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    refine ((cat_idl _)^$ $@ (_^$ $@R _)).
    refine ((cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@R _) $@ _).
    apply twist_twist.

  Definition moveL_twistR a b c d f (g : _ $-> d)
    : f $o twist a b c $== g f $== g $o twist b a c.
    intros p.
    apply (cate_epic_equiv (twiste a b c)).
    refine (_ $@ (cat_assoc _ _ _)^$).
    refine (_ $@ (_ $@L ((_ $@L cate_buildequiv_fun _) $@ _)^$)).
    2: apply twist_twist.
    refine ((_ $@L _) $@ _ $@ (cat_idr _)^$).
    1: apply cate_buildequiv_fun.
    exact p.

  Definition moveR_twistL a b c d f (g : d $-> _)
    : f $== twist b a c $o g twist a b c $o f $== g.
    intros p; symmetry; apply moveL_twistL; symmetry; exact p.

  Definition moveR_twistR a b c d f (g : _ $-> d)
    : f $== g $o twist b a c f $o twist a b c $== g.
    intros p; symmetry; apply moveL_twistR; symmetry; exact p.

  Definition moveL_fmap01_twistL a b c d e f (g : e $-> _)
    : fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist b c d) $o f $== g
       f $== fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist c b d) $o g.
    intros p.
    apply (cate_monic_equiv (emap01 cat_tensor a (twiste b c d))).
    refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    refine (_ $@ (_ $@R _)).
    2: { refine (_ $@ (_^$ $@R _)).
      2: apply cate_buildequiv_fun.
      refine ((fmap_id _ _)^$ $@ fmap2 _ _ $@ fmap_comp _ _ _).
      refine (_^$ $@ (_^$ $@R _)).
      2: apply cate_buildequiv_fun.
      apply twist_twist. }
    refine ((_ $@R _) $@ p $@ (cat_idl _)^$).
    refine (cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@ fmap02 _ _ _).
    apply cate_buildequiv_fun.

  Definition moveL_fmap01_twistR a b c d e f (g : _ $-> e)
    : f $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist b c d) $== g
       f $== g $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist c b d).
    intros p.
    apply (cate_epic_equiv (emap01 cat_tensor a (twiste b c d))).
    refine (_ $@ (cat_assoc _ _ _)^$).
    refine (_ $@ (_ $@L _)).
    2: { refine (_^$ $@ (_ $@L _^$)).
      2: apply cate_buildequiv_fun.
      refine ((fmap_comp _ _ _)^$ $@ fmap2 _ _ $@ fmap_id _ _).
      refine ((_ $@L _) $@ _).
      1: apply cate_buildequiv_fun.
      apply twist_twist. }
    refine ((_ $@L _) $@ p $@ (cat_idr _)^$).
    refine (cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@ fmap02 _ _ _).
    apply cate_buildequiv_fun.

  Definition moveR_fmap01_twistL a b c d e f (g : e $-> _)
    : f $== fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist c b d) $o g
       fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist b c d) $o f $== g.
    intros p; symmetry; apply moveL_fmap01_twistL; symmetry; exact p.

  Definition moveR_fmap01_twistR a b c d e f (g : _ $-> e)
    : f $== g $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist c b d)
       f $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist b c d) $== g.
    intros p; symmetry; apply moveL_fmap01_twistR; symmetry; exact p.

The associator

Using braide and twiste we can build an associator.
  Definition associator_twist' a b c
    : cat_tensor a (cat_tensor b c) $<~> cat_tensor (cat_tensor a b) c.
We can build the associator out of braide and twiste.
    refine (braide _ _ $oE _).
    nrefine (twiste _ _ _ $oE _).
    exact (emap01 cat_tensor a (braide _ _)).

We would like to be able to unfold associator_twist' to the underlying morphisms. We use this lemma to make that process easier.
  Definition associator_twist'_unfold a b c
    : cate_fun (associator_twist' a b c)
    $== braid c (cat_tensor a b) $o (twist a c b $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (braid b c)).
    refine (cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@ (_ $@@ cate_buildequiv_fun _)).
    nrefine (cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@ (_ $@@ cate_buildequiv_fun _)).
    refine (cate_buildequiv_fun _ $@ fmap2 _ _).
    apply cate_buildequiv_fun.

Now we can use associator_twist' and show that it is a natural equivalence in each variable.
  Instance associator_twist : Associator cat_tensor.
    snrapply Build_Associator.
    - exact associator_twist'.
    - snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
      simpl; intros [[a b] c] [[a' b'] c'] [[f g] h]; simpl in f, g, h.
To prove naturality it will be easier to reason about squares.
      change (?w $o ?x $== ?y $o ?z) with (Square z w x y).
First we remove all the equivalences from the equation.
      nrapply hconcatL.
      1: apply associator_twist'_unfold.
      nrapply hconcatR.
      2: apply associator_twist'_unfold.
The first square involving braid on its own is a naturality square.
      nrapply vconcat.
      2: rapply braid_nat.
The second square is just the naturality of twist.
      nrapply vconcat.
      2: apply twist_nat.
      nrapply hconcatL.
      2: nrapply hconcatR.
      1,3: symmetry; rapply fmap01_is_fmap11.
Leaving us with a square with a functor application.
      rapply fmap11_square.
      1: rapply vrefl.
We are finally left with the naturality of braid.
      apply braid_nat.

We abbreviate the associator to α for the remainder of the section.
  Local Notation α := associator_twist.


Since we assume the right_unitor exists, we can derive the left_unitor from it together with braid.
  Instance left_unitor_twist : LeftUnitor cat_tensor cat_tensor_unit.
    snrapply Build_NatEquiv'.
    - snrapply Build_NatTrans.
      + exact (fun aright_unitor a $o braid cat_tensor_unit a).
      + snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
        intros a b f.
        change (?w $o ?x $== ?y $o ?z) with (Square z w x y).
        nrapply vconcat.
        2: rapply (isnat right_unitor f).
        rapply braid_nat_r.
    - intros a.
      rapply compose_catie'.
      rapply catie_braid.


The triangle identity can easily be proven by rearranging the diagram, cancelling and using naturality of braid.
  Instance triangle_twist : TriangleIdentity cat_tensor cat_tensor_unit.
    intros a b.
    refine (_ $@ (_ $@L _)^$).
    2: apply associator_twist'_unfold.
    refine (fmap02 _ a (cate_buildequiv_fun _) $@ _); cbn.
    refine (fmap01_comp _ _ _ _ $@ _).
    do 2 refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    refine ((twist_unitor _ _ $@ (_ $@R _)) $@R _).
    apply braid_nat_r.


  Local Open Scope long_path_scope.

  Instance pentagon_twist : PentagonIdentity cat_tensor.
    clear twist_unitor right_unitor cat_tensor_unit.
    intros a b c d.
    refine ((_ $@@ _) $@ _ $@ ((fmap02 _ _ _ $@ _)^$ $@@ (_ $@@ (fmap20 _ _ _ $@ _))^$)).
    1,2,4,6,7: apply associator_twist'_unfold.
    2: refine (fmap01_comp _ _ _ _ $@ (_ $@L (fmap01_comp _ _ _ _))).
    2: refine (fmap10_comp _ _ _ _ $@ (_ $@L (fmap10_comp _ _ _ _))).
We use a notation defined above that shows the base type of the groupoid hom and formats the equation in a way that is easier to read. Normalize brackets on LHS
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine (_ $@L (cat_assoc _ _ _) $@ _).
    do 4 refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
Normalize brackets on RHS
    refine (_ $@ (((cat_assoc _ _ _) $@R _) $@R _)).
    do 2 refine (_ $@ ((cat_assoc _ _ _) $@R _)).
    do 2 refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
Cancel two braids next to eachother.
    apply moveL_fmap01_fmap01_braidR.
    apply moveL_fmap01_twistR.
    refine (_ $@ (cat_assoc _ _ _)^$).
    refine (_ $@ ((_ $@L _) $@ cat_idr _)^$).
    2: refine ((fmap01_comp _ _ _ _)^$ $@ fmap02 _ _ _ $@ fmap01_id _ _ _).
    2: apply braid_braid.
    apply moveL_twistR.
    refine (_ $@ (cat_assoc _ _ _)^$).
    refine (_ $@ (_ $@L _)).
    2: apply braid_nat_r.
    refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    apply moveL_fmap01_fmap01_braidR.
    refine (_ $@ (cat_assoc _ _ _)^$).
    refine (_ $@ (_ $@L _)).
    2: apply braid_nat_r.
    refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    apply moveL_fmap01_twistR.
    refine (_ $@ _).
    2: apply braid_nat_r.
Putting things back.
    apply moveR_fmap01_twistR.
    apply moveR_fmap01_fmap01_braidR.
    apply moveR_twistR.
    apply moveR_fmap01_twistR.
There are two braids on the RHS of the LHS that can be swapped.
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine ((_ $@L _) $@ _).
    1: refine ((fmap01_comp _ _ _ _)^$ $@ fmap02 _ _ _ $@ fmap01_comp _ _ _ _).
    1: apply braid_nat_r.
    refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
    apply moveR_fmap01_braidR.
Naturality of twist on the RHS of the LHS.
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine ((_ $@L _) $@ _).
    1: apply twist_nat_m.
    refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
Moving some things to the RHS so that we can braid and cancel on the LHS.
    apply moveR_twistR.
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine ((_ $@L _) $@ _).
    1: apply braid_nat_l.
    refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
    apply moveR_braidR.
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine ((_ $@L _) $@ cat_idr _ $@ _).
    1: refine ((fmap01_comp _ _ _ _)^$ $@ fmap02 _ _ _ $@ fmap01_id _ _ _).
    1: apply braid_braid.
    apply moveL_braidR.
    apply moveL_twistR.
    apply moveL_fmap01_braidR.
We are almost at the desired 9-gon. Now we cancel the inner braid on the LHS.
    do 4 refine (_ $@ (cat_assoc _ _ _)^$).
    do 3 refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine (_ $@L _).
    apply moveR_twistL.
    do 4 refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
Now we move terms around in order to get a homotopy in a (b (d c)) $-> d (c (a b)).
    apply moveL_fmap01_twistR.
    apply moveL_twistR.
    do 2 refine (_ $@ (cat_assoc _ _ _)^$).
    do 3 refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    apply moveL_twistL.
    refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    do 4 refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
    apply moveR_twistR.
    apply moveR_fmap01_twistR.
    do 3 refine (_ $@ (cat_assoc _ _ _)^$).
    do 2 refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
    apply moveL_fmap01_braidL.
    do 2 refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    do 3 refine ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@ _).
And finally, this is the 9-gon we asked for.
    apply twist_9_gon.

  Local Close Scope long_path_scope.


  Instance hexagon_twist : HexagonIdentity cat_tensor.
    intros a b c; simpl.
    refine (((_ $@L _) $@R _) $@ _ $@ (_ $@@ (_ $@R _))^$).
    1,3,4: apply associator_twist'_unfold.
    do 2 refine (((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@R _) $@ _).
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ (_ $@L _) $@ _).
    { refine ((fmap_comp _ _ _)^$ $@ fmap2 _ _ $@ fmap_id _ _).
      apply braid_braid. }
    refine (cat_idr _ $@ _).
    refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    refine (_ $@ ((cat_assoc _ _ _)^$ $@R _)).
    refine (_ $@ (((cat_idr _)^$ $@ (_ $@L _^$)) $@R _)).
    2: apply braid_braid.
    refine (((braid_nat_r _)^$ $@R _) $@ _).
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ (_ $@L _) $@ (cat_assoc _ _ _)^$).
    refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).
    apply moveL_fmap01_braidR.
    apply twist_hexagon.


In conclusion, we have proven the following:
There is a monoidal structure on A.
  Instance ismonoidal_twist
    : IsMonoidal A cat_tensor cat_tensor_unit
    := {}.

There is a symmetric monoidal category on A.
Here is a hexagon involving only twist
  Definition twist_hex' a b c d
    : fmap01 cat_tensor c (twist a b d)
      $o twist a c (cat_tensor b d)
      $o fmap01 cat_tensor a (twist b c d)
    $== twist b c (cat_tensor a d)
      $o fmap01 cat_tensor b (twist a c d)
      $o twist a b (cat_tensor c d).
    pose proof (twist_hexagon c a d $@ cat_assoc _ _ _) as p.
    apply moveR_twistL in p.
    apply moveR_fmap01_braidL in p.
    apply (fmap02 cat_tensor b) in p.
    refine (_ $@ ((_ $@L p) $@R _)); clear p.
    apply moveL_twistR.
    apply moveL_twistL.
    refine (_ $@ (fmap01_comp _ _ _ _)^$).
TODO simplify
    apply moveR_twistL.
    refine (_ $@ cat_assoc _ _ _).

End TwistConstruction.