Library HoTT.WildCat.Bifunctor
Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics.
Require Import Types.Forall Types.Prod.
Require Import WildCat.Core WildCat.Prod WildCat.Equiv WildCat.NatTrans
WildCat.Square WildCat.Opposite.
Require Import Types.Forall Types.Prod.
Require Import WildCat.Core WildCat.Prod WildCat.Equiv WildCat.NatTrans
WildCat.Square WildCat.Opposite.
Bifunctors between WildCats
Class Is0Bifunctor {A B C : Type}
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C} (F : A → B → C) := {
is0functor_bifunctor_uncurried :: Is0Functor (uncurry F);
is0functor01_bifunctor :: ∀ a, Is0Functor (F a);
is0functor10_bifunctor :: ∀ b, Is0Functor (flip F b);
Arguments Is0Bifunctor {A B C _ _ _} F.
Arguments is0functor_bifunctor_uncurried {A B C _ _ _} F {_}.
Arguments is0functor01_bifunctor {A B C _ _ _} F {_} a : rename.
Arguments is0functor10_bifunctor {A B C _ _ _} F {_} b : rename.
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C} (F : A → B → C) := {
is0functor_bifunctor_uncurried :: Is0Functor (uncurry F);
is0functor01_bifunctor :: ∀ a, Is0Functor (F a);
is0functor10_bifunctor :: ∀ b, Is0Functor (flip F b);
Arguments Is0Bifunctor {A B C _ _ _} F.
Arguments is0functor_bifunctor_uncurried {A B C _ _ _} F {_}.
Arguments is0functor01_bifunctor {A B C _ _ _} F {_} a : rename.
Arguments is0functor10_bifunctor {A B C _ _ _} F {_} b : rename.
We provide two alternate constructors, allowing the user to provide just the first field or the last two fields.
Definition Build_Is0Bifunctor' {A B C : Type}
`{Is01Cat A, Is01Cat B, IsGraph C} (F : A → B → C)
`{!Is0Functor (uncurry F)}
: Is0Bifunctor F.
snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor.
- exact _.
- exact (is0functor_functor_uncurried01 (uncurry F)).
- exact (is0functor_functor_uncurried10 (uncurry F)).
Definition Build_Is0Bifunctor'' {A B C : Type}
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, Is01Cat C} (F : A → B → C)
`{!∀ a, Is0Functor (F a), !∀ b, Is0Functor (flip F b)}
: Is0Bifunctor F.
(* The first condition follows from is0functor_prod_is0functor. *)
nrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor; exact _.
`{Is01Cat A, Is01Cat B, IsGraph C} (F : A → B → C)
`{!Is0Functor (uncurry F)}
: Is0Bifunctor F.
snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor.
- exact _.
- exact (is0functor_functor_uncurried01 (uncurry F)).
- exact (is0functor_functor_uncurried10 (uncurry F)).
Definition Build_Is0Bifunctor'' {A B C : Type}
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, Is01Cat C} (F : A → B → C)
`{!∀ a, Is0Functor (F a), !∀ b, Is0Functor (flip F b)}
: Is0Bifunctor F.
(* The first condition follows from is0functor_prod_is0functor. *)
nrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor; exact _.
Definition fmap10 {A B C : Type} `{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F} {a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $-> a1) (b : B)
: (F a0 b) $-> (F a1 b)
:= fmap (flip F b) f.
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F} {a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $-> a1) (b : B)
: (F a0 b) $-> (F a1 b)
:= fmap (flip F b) f.
fmap in the second argument.
Definition fmap01 {A B C : Type} `{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F} (a : A) {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: F a b0 $-> F a b1
:= fmap (F a) g.
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F} (a : A) {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: F a b0 $-> F a b1
:= fmap (F a) g.
fmap in both arguments.
Definition fmap11 {A B C : Type} `{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F} {a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $-> a1)
{b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: F a0 b0 $-> F a1 b1
:= fmap_pair (uncurry F) f g.
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F} {a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $-> a1)
{b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: F a0 b0 $-> F a1 b1
:= fmap_pair (uncurry F) f g.
As with Is0Bifunctor, we store redundant information. In addition, we store the proofs that they are consistent with each other.
Class Is1Bifunctor {A B C : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F} := {
is1functor_bifunctor_uncurried :: Is1Functor (uncurry F);
is1functor01_bifunctor :: ∀ a, Is1Functor (F a);
is1functor10_bifunctor :: ∀ b, Is1Functor (flip F b);
fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 {a0 a1} (f : a0 $-> a1) {b0 b1} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap11 F f g $== fmap01 F a1 g $o fmap10 F f b0;
fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 {a0 a1} (f : a0 $-> a1) {b0 b1} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap11 F f g $== fmap10 F f b1 $o fmap01 F a0 g;
Arguments Is1Bifunctor {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {Is0Bifunctor} : rename.
Arguments Build_Is1Bifunctor {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_} _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments is1functor_bifunctor_uncurried {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_ _}.
Arguments is1functor01_bifunctor {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_ _} a : rename.
Arguments is1functor10_bifunctor {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_ _} b : rename.
Arguments fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F
{Is0Bifunctor Is1Bifunctor} {a0 a1} f {b0 b1} g : rename.
Arguments fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F
{Is0Bifunctor Is1Bifunctor} {a0 a1} f {b0 b1} g : rename.
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F} := {
is1functor_bifunctor_uncurried :: Is1Functor (uncurry F);
is1functor01_bifunctor :: ∀ a, Is1Functor (F a);
is1functor10_bifunctor :: ∀ b, Is1Functor (flip F b);
fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 {a0 a1} (f : a0 $-> a1) {b0 b1} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap11 F f g $== fmap01 F a1 g $o fmap10 F f b0;
fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 {a0 a1} (f : a0 $-> a1) {b0 b1} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap11 F f g $== fmap10 F f b1 $o fmap01 F a0 g;
Arguments Is1Bifunctor {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {Is0Bifunctor} : rename.
Arguments Build_Is1Bifunctor {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_} _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments is1functor_bifunctor_uncurried {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_ _}.
Arguments is1functor01_bifunctor {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_ _} a : rename.
Arguments is1functor10_bifunctor {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_ _} b : rename.
Arguments fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F
{Is0Bifunctor Is1Bifunctor} {a0 a1} f {b0 b1} g : rename.
Arguments fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 {A B C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F
{Is0Bifunctor Is1Bifunctor} {a0 a1} f {b0 b1} g : rename.
We again provide two alternate constructors.
Definition Build_Is1Bifunctor' {A B C : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : A → B → C)
`{!Is0Functor (uncurry F), !Is1Functor (uncurry F)}
: Is1Bifunctor (Is0Bifunctor := Build_Is0Bifunctor' F) F.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
- exact _.
- exact (is1functor_functor_uncurried01 (uncurry F)).
- exact (is1functor_functor_uncurried10 (uncurry F)).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
refine (_^$ $@ fmap_pair_comp (uncurry F) f (Id b0) (Id a1) g).
exact (fmap2_pair (uncurry F) (cat_idl _) (cat_idr _)).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
refine (_^$ $@ fmap_pair_comp (uncurry F) (Id a0) g f (Id b1)).
exact (fmap2_pair (uncurry F) (cat_idr _) (cat_idl _)).
Definition Build_Is1Bifunctor'' {A B C : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : A → B → C)
`{!∀ a, Is0Functor (F a), !∀ b, Is0Functor (flip F b)}
(Is0Bifunctor_F := Build_Is0Bifunctor'' F)
`{!∀ a, Is1Functor (F a), !∀ b, Is1Functor (flip F b)}
(bifunctor_coh : ∀ a0 a1 (f : a0 $-> a1) b0 b1 (g : b0 $-> b1),
fmap01 F a1 g $o fmap10 F f b0 $== fmap10 F f b1 $o fmap01 F a0 g)
: Is1Bifunctor F.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
- exact _. (* is1functor_prod_is1functor. *)
- exact _.
- exact _.
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (bifunctor_coh a0 a1 f b0 b1 g)^$.
- reflexivity.
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : A → B → C)
`{!Is0Functor (uncurry F), !Is1Functor (uncurry F)}
: Is1Bifunctor (Is0Bifunctor := Build_Is0Bifunctor' F) F.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
- exact _.
- exact (is1functor_functor_uncurried01 (uncurry F)).
- exact (is1functor_functor_uncurried10 (uncurry F)).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
refine (_^$ $@ fmap_pair_comp (uncurry F) f (Id b0) (Id a1) g).
exact (fmap2_pair (uncurry F) (cat_idl _) (cat_idr _)).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
refine (_^$ $@ fmap_pair_comp (uncurry F) (Id a0) g f (Id b1)).
exact (fmap2_pair (uncurry F) (cat_idr _) (cat_idl _)).
Definition Build_Is1Bifunctor'' {A B C : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : A → B → C)
`{!∀ a, Is0Functor (F a), !∀ b, Is0Functor (flip F b)}
(Is0Bifunctor_F := Build_Is0Bifunctor'' F)
`{!∀ a, Is1Functor (F a), !∀ b, Is1Functor (flip F b)}
(bifunctor_coh : ∀ a0 a1 (f : a0 $-> a1) b0 b1 (g : b0 $-> b1),
fmap01 F a1 g $o fmap10 F f b0 $== fmap10 F f b1 $o fmap01 F a0 g)
: Is1Bifunctor F.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
- exact _. (* is1functor_prod_is1functor. *)
- exact _.
- exact _.
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (bifunctor_coh a0 a1 f b0 b1 g)^$.
- reflexivity.
Definition bifunctor_coh {A B C : Type}
(F : A → B → C) `{Is1Bifunctor A B C F}
{a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $-> a1) {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap01 F a1 g $o fmap10 F f b0 $== fmap10 F f b1 $o fmap01 F a0 g
:= (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 _ _ _)^$ $@ fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 _ _ _.
2-functorial action
Definition fmap02 {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
(a : A) {b0 b1 : B} {g g' : b0 $-> b1} (q : g $== g')
: fmap01 F a g $== fmap01 F a g'
:= fmap2 (F a) q.
Definition fmap12 {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $-> a1) {b0 b1 : B} {g g' : b0 $-> b1} (q : g $== g')
: fmap11 F f g $== fmap11 F f g'
:= fmap2_pair (uncurry F) (Id _) q.
Definition fmap20 {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} {f f' : a0 $-> a1} (p : f $== f') (b : B)
: fmap10 F f b $== fmap10 F f' b
:= fmap2 (flip F b) p.
Definition fmap21 {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} {f f' : a0 $-> a1} (p : f $== f') {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap11 F f g $== fmap11 F f' g
:= fmap2_pair (uncurry F) p (Id _).
Definition fmap22 {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} {f f' : a0 $-> a1} (p : f $== f')
{b0 b1 : B} {g g' : b0 $-> b1} (q : g $== g')
: fmap11 F f g $== fmap11 F f' g'
:= fmap2_pair (uncurry F) p q.
Definition fmap01_id {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F} (a : A) (b : B)
: fmap01 F a (Id b) $== Id (F a b)
:= fmap_id (F a) b.
Definition fmap10_id {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F} (a : A) (b : B)
: fmap10 F (Id a) b $== Id (F a b)
:= fmap_id (flip F b) a.
Definition fmap11_id {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F} (a : A) (b : B)
: fmap11 F (Id a) (Id b) $== Id (F a b)
:= fmap_id (uncurry F) (a, b).
Definition fmap01_is_fmap11 {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
(a : A) {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap11 F (Id a) g $== fmap01 F a g
:= fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 _ _ _ $@ (_ $@L fmap10_id _ _ _) $@ cat_idr _.
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
(a : A) {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap11 F (Id a) g $== fmap01 F a g
:= fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 _ _ _ $@ (_ $@L fmap10_id _ _ _) $@ cat_idr _.
Definition fmap10_is_fmap11 {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $-> a1) (b : B)
: fmap11 F f (Id b) $== fmap10 F f b
:= fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 _ _ _ $@ (fmap01_id _ _ _ $@R _) $@ cat_idl _.
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $-> a1) (b : B)
: fmap11 F f (Id b) $== fmap10 F f b
:= fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 _ _ _ $@ (fmap01_id _ _ _ $@R _) $@ cat_idl _.
Definition fmap01_comp {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
(a : A) {b0 b1 b2 : B} (g : b1 $-> b2) (f : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap01 F a (g $o f) $== fmap01 F a g $o fmap01 F a f
:= fmap_comp (F a) f g.
Definition fmap10_comp {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 a2 : A} (g : a1 $-> a2) (f : a0 $-> a1) (b : B)
: fmap10 F (g $o f) b $== fmap10 F g b $o fmap10 F f b
:= fmap_comp (flip F b) f g.
Definition fmap11_comp {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 a2 : A} (g : a1 $-> a2) (f : a0 $-> a1)
{b0 b1 b2 : B} (k : b1 $-> b2) (h : b0 $-> b1)
: fmap11 F (g $o f) (k $o h) $== fmap11 F g k $o fmap11 F f h
:= fmap_pair_comp (uncurry F) _ _ _ _.
Global Instance iemap10 {A B C : Type} `{HasEquivs A, Is1Cat B, HasEquivs C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $<~> a1) (b : B)
: CatIsEquiv (fmap10 F f b)
:= iemap (flip F b) f.
Global Instance iemap01 {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, HasEquivs B, HasEquivs C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
(a : A) {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $<~> b1)
: CatIsEquiv (fmap01 F a g)
:= iemap (F a) g.
Global Instance iemap11 {A B C : Type} `{HasEquivs A, HasEquivs B, HasEquivs C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $<~> a1) {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $<~> b1)
: CatIsEquiv (fmap11 F f g)
:= iemap (uncurry F) (a := (a0, b0)) (b := (_, _)) (f, g).
Definition emap10 {A B C : Type} `{HasEquivs A, Is1Cat B, HasEquivs C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $<~> a1) (b : B)
: F a0 b $<~> F a1 b
:= Build_CatEquiv (fmap10 F f b).
Definition emap01 {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, HasEquivs B, HasEquivs C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
(a : A) {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $<~> b1)
: F a b0 $<~> F a b1
:= Build_CatEquiv (fmap01 F a g).
Definition emap11 {A B C : Type} `{HasEquivs A, HasEquivs B, HasEquivs C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a0 a1 : A} (f : a0 $<~> a1) {b0 b1 : B} (g : b0 $<~> b1)
: F a0 b0 $<~> F a1 b1
:= Build_CatEquiv (fmap11 F f g).
Definition is0bifunctor_flip {A B C : Type}
(F : A → B → C) `{Is01Cat A, Is01Cat B, Is01Cat C, !Is0Bifunctor F}
: Is0Bifunctor (flip F).
snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor.
- change (Is0Functor (uncurry F o equiv_prod_symm _ _)).
exact _.
- exact _.
- exact _.
Hint Immediate is0bifunctor_flip : typeclass_instances.
Definition is1bifunctor_flip {A B C : Type}
(F : A → B → C) `{H : Is1Bifunctor A B C F}
: Is1Bifunctor (flip F).
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
- change (Is1Functor (uncurry F o equiv_prod_symm _ _)).
exact _.
- exact _.
- exact _.
- intros b0 b1 g a0 a1 f.
exact (fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 F f g).
- intros b0 b1 g a0 a1 f.
exact (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 F f g).
Hint Immediate is1bifunctor_flip : typeclass_instances.
Composition of bifunctors
Global Instance is0bifunctor_postcompose {A B C D : Type}
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C, IsGraph D}
(F : A → B → C) {bf : Is0Bifunctor F}
(G : C → D) `{!Is0Functor G}
: Is0Bifunctor (fun a b ⇒ G (F a b)) | 10
:= {}.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_postcompose {A B C D : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D}
(F : A → B → C) (G : C → D) `{!Is0Functor G, !Is1Functor G}
`{!Is0Bifunctor F} {bf : Is1Bifunctor F}
: Is1Bifunctor (fun a b ⇒ G (F a b)) | 10.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
1-3: exact _.
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (fmap2 G (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 F f g) $@ fmap_comp G _ _).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (fmap2 G (fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 F f g) $@ fmap_comp G _ _).
Global Instance is0bifunctor_precompose {A B C D E : Type}
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C, IsGraph D, IsGraph E}
(G : A → B) (K : E → C) (F : B → C → D)
`{!Is0Functor G, !Is0Bifunctor F, !Is0Functor K}
: Is0Bifunctor (fun a b ⇒ F (G a) (K b)) | 10.
snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor.
- change (Is0Functor (uncurry F o functor_prod G K)).
exact _.
- exact _.
- intros e.
change (Is0Functor (flip F (K e) o G)).
exact _.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_precompose {A B C D E : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, Is1Cat E}
(G : A → B) (K : E → C) (F : B → C → D)
`{!Is0Functor G, !Is1Functor G, !Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F,
!Is0Functor K, !Is1Functor K}
: Is1Bifunctor (fun a b ⇒ F (G a) (K b)) | 10.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
- change (Is1Functor (uncurry F o functor_prod G K)).
exact _.
- exact _.
- intros e.
change (Is1Functor (flip F (K e) o G)).
exact _.
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 F (fmap G f) (fmap K g)).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 F (fmap G f) (fmap K g)).
Global Instance is0functor_uncurry_uncurry_left {A B C D E}
(F : A → B → C) (G : C → D → E)
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C, IsGraph D, IsGraph E,
!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is0Bifunctor G}
: Is0Functor (uncurry (uncurry (fun x y z ⇒ G (F x y) z))).
exact _.
Global Instance is1functor_uncurry_uncurry_left {A B C D E}
(F : A → B → C) (G : C → D → E)
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, Is1Cat E,
!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F, !Is0Bifunctor G, !Is1Bifunctor G}
: Is1Functor (uncurry (uncurry (fun x y z ⇒ G (F x y) z))).
exact _.
Global Instance is0functor_uncurry_uncurry_right {A B C D E}
(F : A → B → D) (G : C → D → E)
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C, IsGraph D, IsGraph E,
!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is0Bifunctor G}
: Is0Functor (uncurry (uncurry (fun x y z ⇒ G x (F y z)))).
snrapply Build_Is0Functor.
intros cab cab' [[h f] g].
exact (fmap11 G h (fmap11 F f g)).
Global Instance is1functor_uncurry_uncurry_right {A B C D E}
(F : A → B → D) (G : C → D → E)
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, Is1Cat E,
!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F, !Is0Bifunctor G, !Is1Bifunctor G}
: Is1Functor (uncurry (uncurry (fun x y z ⇒ G x (F y z)))).
snrapply Build_Is1Functor.
- intros cab cab' [[h f] g] [[h' f'] g'] [[q p] r].
exact (fmap22 G q (fmap22 F p r)).
- intros cab.
exact (fmap12 G _ (fmap11_id F _ _) $@ fmap11_id G _ _).
- intros cab cab' cab'' [[h f] g] [[h' f'] g'].
exact (fmap12 G _ (fmap11_comp F _ _ _ _) $@ fmap11_comp G _ _ _ _).
Definition fmap11_square {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a00 a20 a02 a22 : A} {f10 : a00 $-> a20} {f12 : a02 $-> a22}
{f01 : a00 $-> a02} {f21 : a20 $-> a22}
{b00 b20 b02 b22 : B} {g10 : b00 $-> b20} {g12 : b02 $-> b22}
{g01 : b00 $-> b02} {g21 : b20 $-> b22}
(p : Square f01 f21 f10 f12) (q : Square g01 g21 g10 g12)
: Square (fmap11 F f01 g01) (fmap11 F f21 g21) (fmap11 F f10 g10) (fmap11 F f12 g12)
:= (fmap11_comp F _ _ _ _)^$ $@ fmap22 F p q $@ fmap11_comp F _ _ _ _.
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C, IsGraph D}
(F : A → B → C) {bf : Is0Bifunctor F}
(G : C → D) `{!Is0Functor G}
: Is0Bifunctor (fun a b ⇒ G (F a b)) | 10
:= {}.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_postcompose {A B C D : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D}
(F : A → B → C) (G : C → D) `{!Is0Functor G, !Is1Functor G}
`{!Is0Bifunctor F} {bf : Is1Bifunctor F}
: Is1Bifunctor (fun a b ⇒ G (F a b)) | 10.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
1-3: exact _.
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (fmap2 G (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 F f g) $@ fmap_comp G _ _).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (fmap2 G (fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 F f g) $@ fmap_comp G _ _).
Global Instance is0bifunctor_precompose {A B C D E : Type}
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C, IsGraph D, IsGraph E}
(G : A → B) (K : E → C) (F : B → C → D)
`{!Is0Functor G, !Is0Bifunctor F, !Is0Functor K}
: Is0Bifunctor (fun a b ⇒ F (G a) (K b)) | 10.
snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor.
- change (Is0Functor (uncurry F o functor_prod G K)).
exact _.
- exact _.
- intros e.
change (Is0Functor (flip F (K e) o G)).
exact _.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_precompose {A B C D E : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, Is1Cat E}
(G : A → B) (K : E → C) (F : B → C → D)
`{!Is0Functor G, !Is1Functor G, !Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F,
!Is0Functor K, !Is1Functor K}
: Is1Bifunctor (fun a b ⇒ F (G a) (K b)) | 10.
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
- change (Is1Functor (uncurry F o functor_prod G K)).
exact _.
- exact _.
- intros e.
change (Is1Functor (flip F (K e) o G)).
exact _.
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 F (fmap G f) (fmap K g)).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g.
exact (fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 F (fmap G f) (fmap K g)).
Global Instance is0functor_uncurry_uncurry_left {A B C D E}
(F : A → B → C) (G : C → D → E)
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C, IsGraph D, IsGraph E,
!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is0Bifunctor G}
: Is0Functor (uncurry (uncurry (fun x y z ⇒ G (F x y) z))).
exact _.
Global Instance is1functor_uncurry_uncurry_left {A B C D E}
(F : A → B → C) (G : C → D → E)
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, Is1Cat E,
!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F, !Is0Bifunctor G, !Is1Bifunctor G}
: Is1Functor (uncurry (uncurry (fun x y z ⇒ G (F x y) z))).
exact _.
Global Instance is0functor_uncurry_uncurry_right {A B C D E}
(F : A → B → D) (G : C → D → E)
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C, IsGraph D, IsGraph E,
!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is0Bifunctor G}
: Is0Functor (uncurry (uncurry (fun x y z ⇒ G x (F y z)))).
snrapply Build_Is0Functor.
intros cab cab' [[h f] g].
exact (fmap11 G h (fmap11 F f g)).
Global Instance is1functor_uncurry_uncurry_right {A B C D E}
(F : A → B → D) (G : C → D → E)
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, Is1Cat E,
!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F, !Is0Bifunctor G, !Is1Bifunctor G}
: Is1Functor (uncurry (uncurry (fun x y z ⇒ G x (F y z)))).
snrapply Build_Is1Functor.
- intros cab cab' [[h f] g] [[h' f'] g'] [[q p] r].
exact (fmap22 G q (fmap22 F p r)).
- intros cab.
exact (fmap12 G _ (fmap11_id F _ _) $@ fmap11_id G _ _).
- intros cab cab' cab'' [[h f] g] [[h' f'] g'].
exact (fmap12 G _ (fmap11_comp F _ _ _ _) $@ fmap11_comp G _ _ _ _).
Definition fmap11_square {A B C : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{a00 a20 a02 a22 : A} {f10 : a00 $-> a20} {f12 : a02 $-> a22}
{f01 : a00 $-> a02} {f21 : a20 $-> a22}
{b00 b20 b02 b22 : B} {g10 : b00 $-> b20} {g12 : b02 $-> b22}
{g01 : b00 $-> b02} {g21 : b20 $-> b22}
(p : Square f01 f21 f10 f12) (q : Square g01 g21 g10 g12)
: Square (fmap11 F f01 g01) (fmap11 F f21 g21) (fmap11 F f10 g10) (fmap11 F f12 g12)
:= (fmap11_comp F _ _ _ _)^$ $@ fmap22 F p q $@ fmap11_comp F _ _ _ _.
Natural transformations between bifunctors
Global Instance is1natural_uncurry {A B C : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
(G : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor G, !Is1Bifunctor G}
(alpha : uncurry F $=> uncurry G)
(nat_l : ∀ b, Is1Natural (flip F b) (flip G b) (fun x : A ⇒ alpha (x, b)))
(nat_r : ∀ a, Is1Natural (F a) (G a) (fun y : B ⇒ alpha (a, y)))
: Is1Natural (uncurry F) (uncurry G) alpha.
snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros [a b] [a' b'] [f f']; cbn in ×.
change (?w $o ?x $== ?y $o ?z) with (Square z w x y).
nrapply vconcatL.
1: rapply (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 F).
nrapply vconcatR.
2: rapply (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 G).
exact (hconcat (nat_l _ _ _ f) (nat_r _ _ _ f')).
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
(F : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
(G : A → B → C) `{!Is0Bifunctor G, !Is1Bifunctor G}
(alpha : uncurry F $=> uncurry G)
(nat_l : ∀ b, Is1Natural (flip F b) (flip G b) (fun x : A ⇒ alpha (x, b)))
(nat_r : ∀ a, Is1Natural (F a) (G a) (fun y : B ⇒ alpha (a, y)))
: Is1Natural (uncurry F) (uncurry G) alpha.
snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros [a b] [a' b'] [f f']; cbn in ×.
change (?w $o ?x $== ?y $o ?z) with (Square z w x y).
nrapply vconcatL.
1: rapply (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 F).
nrapply vconcatR.
2: rapply (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 G).
exact (hconcat (nat_l _ _ _ f) (nat_r _ _ _ f')).
Flipping a natural transformation between bifunctors.
Definition nattrans_flip {A B C : Type}
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
{F : A → B → C} `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{G : A → B → C} `{!Is0Bifunctor G, !Is1Bifunctor G}
: NatTrans (uncurry F) (uncurry G)
→ NatTrans (uncurry (flip F)) (uncurry (flip G)).
intros alpha.
snrapply Build_NatTrans.
- exact (alpha o equiv_prod_symm _ _).
- snrapply Build_Is1Natural'.
+ intros [b a] [b' a'] [g f].
exact (isnat (a:=(a, b)) (a':=(a', b')) alpha (f, g)).
+ intros [b a] [b' a'] [g f].
exact (isnat_tr (a:=(a, b)) (a':=(a', b')) alpha (f, g)).
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
{F : A → B → C} `{!Is0Bifunctor F, !Is1Bifunctor F}
{G : A → B → C} `{!Is0Bifunctor G, !Is1Bifunctor G}
: NatTrans (uncurry F) (uncurry G)
→ NatTrans (uncurry (flip F)) (uncurry (flip G)).
intros alpha.
snrapply Build_NatTrans.
- exact (alpha o equiv_prod_symm _ _).
- snrapply Build_Is1Natural'.
+ intros [b a] [b' a'] [g f].
exact (isnat (a:=(a, b)) (a':=(a', b')) alpha (f, g)).
+ intros [b a] [b' a'] [g f].
exact (isnat_tr (a:=(a, b)) (a':=(a', b')) alpha (f, g)).
Opposite Bifunctors
Global Instance is0bifunctor_op A B C (F : A → B → C) `{Is0Bifunctor A B C F}
: Is0Bifunctor (F : A^op → B^op → C^op).
snrapply Build_Is0Bifunctor.
- exact (is0functor_op _ _ (uncurry F)).
- intros a.
nrapply is0functor_op.
exact (is0functor01_bifunctor F a).
- intros b.
nrapply is0functor_op.
exact (is0functor10_bifunctor F b).
Global Instance is1bifunctor_op A B C (F : A → B → C) `{Is1Bifunctor A B C F}
: Is1Bifunctor (F : A^op → B^op → C^op).
snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor.
- exact (is1functor_op _ _ (uncurry F)).
- intros a.
nrapply is1functor_op.
exact (is1functor01_bifunctor F a).
- intros b.
nrapply is1functor_op.
exact (is1functor10_bifunctor F b).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g; cbn in f, g.
exact (fmap11_is_fmap10_fmap01 F f g).
- intros a0 a1 f b0 b1 g; cbn in f, g.
exact (fmap11_is_fmap01_fmap10 F f g).
Global Instance is0bifunctor_op' A B C (F : A^op → B^op → C^op)
`{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C, Fop : !Is0Bifunctor (F : A^op → B^op → C^op)}
: Is0Bifunctor (F : A → B → C)
:= is0bifunctor_op A^op B^op C^op F.
Global Instance is1bifunctor_op' A B C (F : A^op → B^op → C^op)
`{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C,
!Is0Bifunctor (F : A^op → B^op → C^op), !Is1Bifunctor (F : A^op → B^op → C^op)}
: Is1Bifunctor (F : A → B → C)
:= is1bifunctor_op A^op B^op C^op F.