Library HoTT.Categories.UniversalProperties

Universal morphisms

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core.
Require Import Category.Dual Functor.Dual.
Require Import Category.Objects.
Require Import InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Functors.
Require Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug 5567,, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *)
Import Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings Append "notation-overridden".
Require Import Trunc Types.Sigma HoTT.Tactics.
Require Import Basics.Tactics.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.

Section UniversalMorphism.
Quoting Wikipedia:
Suppose that U : D C is a functor from a category D to a category C, and let X be an object of C. Consider the following dual (opposite) notions:

  Local Ltac univ_hprop_t UniversalProperty :=
    apply @istrunc_succ in UniversalProperty;
    eapply @istrunc_sigma;
    first [ intro;
            match goal with
              | [ |- context[?m o 1] ]
                ⇒ simpl rewrite (right_identity _ _ _ m)
              | [ |- context[1 o ?m] ]
                ⇒ simpl rewrite (left_identity _ _ _ m)
          | by typeclasses eauto ].

Initial morphisms

  Section InitialMorphism.


    Variables C D : PreCategory.

    Variable X : C.
    Variable U : Functor D C.
An initial morphism from X to U is an initial object in the category (X U) of morphisms from X to U. In other words, it consists of a pair (A, φ) where A is an object of D and φ: X U A is a morphism in C, such that the following initial property is satisfied:
  • Whenever Y is an object of D and f : X U Y is a morphism in C, then there exists a unique morphism g : A Y such that the following diagram commutes:
         X -----> U A       A
          \        .        .
            \      . U g    . g
           f  \    .        .
               ↘   ↓        ↓
                 U Y        Y

    Definition IsInitialMorphism (Ap : object (X / U)) :=
      IsInitialObject (X / U) Ap.

Introduction rule

    Section IntroductionAbstractionBarrier.
      Definition Build_IsInitialMorphism
                 (*(Ap : Object (X ↓ U))*)
                 (A : D)(* := CCO_b Ap*)
                 (p : morphism C X (U A))(*:= CCO_f Ap*)
                 (Ap := CommaCategory.Build_object !X U tt A p)
                  : (A' : D) (p' : morphism C X (U A')),
                      Contr { m : morphism D A A'
                            | U _1 m o p = p' })
      : IsInitialMorphism Ap.
        intro x.
        specialize (UniversalProperty (CommaCategory.b x) (CommaCategory.f x)).
We want to preserve the computation rules for the morphisms, even though they're unique up to unique isomorphism.
        eapply istrunc_equiv_istrunc.
        - apply CommaCategory.issig_morphism.
        - apply contr_inhabited_hprop.
          + abstract univ_hprop_t UniversalProperty.
          + ( tt).
            ( (@center _ UniversalProperty).1).
            abstract (progress rewrite ?right_identity, ?left_identity;
                      exact (@center _ UniversalProperty).2).

      Definition Build_IsInitialMorphism_curried
                 (A : D)
                 (p : morphism C X (U A))
                 (Ap := CommaCategory.Build_object !X U tt A p)
                 (m : (A' : D) (p' : morphism C X (U A')),
                        morphism D A A')
                 (H : (A' : D) (p' : morphism C X (U A')),
                        U _1 (m A' p') o p = p')
                 (H' : (A' : D) (p' : morphism C X (U A')) m',
                         U _1 m' o p = p'
                          m A' p' = m')
      : IsInitialMorphism Ap
        := Build_IsInitialMorphism
             (fun A' p'
                Build_Contr _ (m A' p'; H A' p')
                              (fun m'path_sigma
                                 (m A' p'; H A' p')
                                 (H' A' p' m'.1 m'.2)
                                 (center _))).

Projections from nested sigmas are currently rather slow. We should just be able to do
      Definition Build_IsInitialMorphism_uncurried
                  : { A : D
                    | { p : morphism C X (U A)
                       | let Ap := CommaCategory.Build_object !X U tt A p in
                         forall (A' : D) (p' : morphism C X (U A')),
                           { m : morphism D A A'
                           | { H : U _1 m o p = p'
                             | forall m',
                                 U _1 m' o p = p'
                                 -> m = m' }}}})
        := @Build_IsInitialMorphism_curried
             (fun A' p' => (univ.2.2 A' p').1)
             (fun A' p' => (univ.2.2 A' p').2.1)
             (fun A' p' => (univ.2.2 A' p').2.2).
But that's currently too slow. (About 6-8 seconds, on my machine.) So instead we factor out all of the type parts by hand, and then apply them after.

      Let make_uncurried A' B' C' D' E'0
          (E'1 : a a' b b' (c : C' a a'), D' a a' b b' c E'0 a a' Type)
          (E' : a a' b b' (c : C' a a'), D' a a' b b' c E'0 a a' Type)
          (f : (a : A')
                      (b : B' a)
                      (c : (a' : A') (b' : B' a'),
                             C' a a')
                      (d : (a' : A') (b' : B' a'),
                             D' a a' b b' (c a' b'))
                      (e : (a' : A') (b' : B' a')
                                  (e0 : E'0 a a')
                                  (e1 : E'1 a a' b b' (c a' b') (d a' b') e0),
                             E' a a' b b' (c a' b') (d a' b') e0),
                 F' a b)
           : { a : A'
             | { b : B' a
               | (a' : A') (b' : B' a'),
                   { c : C' a a'
                   | { d : D' a a' b b' c
                     | (e0 : E'0 a a')
                              (e1 : E'1 a a' b b' c d e0),
                         E' a a' b b' c d e0 }}}})
      : F' univ.1 univ.2.1
        := f
             (fun A' p'(univ.2.2 A' p').1)
             (fun A' p'(univ.2.2 A' p').2.1)
             (fun A' p'(univ.2.2 A' p').2.2).

      Definition Build_IsInitialMorphism_uncurried
      : (univ
                : { A : D
                  | { p : morphism C X (U A)
                    | let Ap := CommaCategory.Build_object !X U tt A p in
                       (A' : D) (p' : morphism C X (U A')),
                        { m : morphism D A A'
                        | { H : U _1 m o p = p'
                          | m',
                              U _1 m' o p = p'
                               m = m' }}}}),
          IsInitialMorphism (CommaCategory.Build_object !X U tt univ.1 univ.2.1)
        := @make_uncurried
             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    End IntroductionAbstractionBarrier.

    Global Arguments Build_IsInitialMorphism : simpl never.
    Global Arguments Build_IsInitialMorphism_curried : simpl never.
    Global Arguments Build_IsInitialMorphism_uncurried : simpl never.

Elimination rule

    Section EliminationAbstractionBarrier.
      Variable Ap : object (X / U).

      Definition IsInitialMorphism_object (M : IsInitialMorphism Ap) : D
        := CommaCategory.b Ap.
      Definition IsInitialMorphism_morphism (M : IsInitialMorphism Ap)
      : morphism C X (U (IsInitialMorphism_object M))
        := CommaCategory.f Ap.
      Definition IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (M : IsInitialMorphism Ap)
                 (Y : D) (f : morphism C X (U Y))
      : morphism D (IsInitialMorphism_object M) Y
        := CommaCategory.h
             (@center _ (M (CommaCategory.Build_object !X U tt Y f))).
      Definition IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property
                 (M : IsInitialMorphism Ap)
                 (Y : D) (f : morphism C X (U Y))
      : (U _1 (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism M Y f))
          o IsInitialMorphism_morphism M = f
        := concat
                (@center _ (M (CommaCategory.Build_object !X U tt Y f))))
             (right_identity _ _ _ _).
      Definition IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_unique
                 (M : IsInitialMorphism Ap)
                 (Y : D) (f : morphism C X (U Y))
                 (H : U _1 m' o IsInitialMorphism_morphism M = f)
      : IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism M Y f = m'
        := ap
             (@CommaCategory.h _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
             (@contr _
                     (M (CommaCategory.Build_object !X U tt Y f))
                        Ap (CommaCategory.Build_object !X U tt Y f)
                        tt m' (H @ (right_identity _ _ _ _)^)%path)).
      Definition IsInitialMorphism_property
                 (M : IsInitialMorphism Ap)
                 (Y : D) (f : morphism C X (U Y))
      : Contr { m : morphism D (IsInitialMorphism_object M) Y
              | U _1 m o IsInitialMorphism_morphism M = f }
        := Build_Contr _ (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism M Y f;
                         IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property M Y f)
              (fun m'path_sigma
                            (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism M Y f;
                             IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property M Y f)
                            (@IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_unique M Y f m'.1 m'.2)
                            (center _)).
    End EliminationAbstractionBarrier.

    Global Arguments IsInitialMorphism_object : simpl never.
    Global Arguments IsInitialMorphism_morphism : simpl never.
    Global Arguments IsInitialMorphism_property : simpl never.
    Global Arguments IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism : simpl never.
    Global Arguments IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property : simpl never.
    Global Arguments IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_unique : simpl never.
  End InitialMorphism.

Terminal morphisms

  Section TerminalMorphism.


    Variables C D : PreCategory.

    Variable U : Functor D C.
    Variable X : C.
A terminal morphism from U to X is a terminal object in the comma category (U X) of morphisms from U to X. In other words, it consists of a pair (A, φ) where A is an object of D and φ : U A X is a morphism in C, such that the following terminal property is satisfied:
  • Whenever Y is an object of D and f : U Y X is a morphism in C, then there exists a unique morphism g : Y A such that the following diagram commutes:
         Y      U Y
         .       . \
       g .   U g .   \  f
         .       .     \
         ↓       ↓       ↘
         A      U A -----> X
    Local Notation op_object Ap
      := (CommaCategory.Build_object
            (Functors.from_terminal C^op X) (U^op)
            (CommaCategory.b (Ap : object (U / X)))
            (CommaCategory.a (Ap : object (U / X)))
            (CommaCategory.f (Ap : object (U / X)))
          : object ((X : object C^op) / U^op)).

    Definition IsTerminalMorphism (Ap : object (U / X)) : Type
      := @IsInitialMorphism
           (op_object Ap).

Introduction rule

    Section IntroductionAbstractionBarrier.
      Definition Build_IsTerminalMorphism
          (*(Ap : Object (U ↓ X))*)
          (A : D)(* := CommaCategory.a Ap*)
          (p : morphism C (U A) X)(*:= CommaCategory.f Ap*)
          (Ap := CommaCategory.Build_object U !X A tt p)
           : (A' : D) (p' : morphism C (U A') X),
               Contr { m : morphism D A' A
                     | p o U _1 m = p' }),
          IsTerminalMorphism Ap
        := @Build_IsInitialMorphism

      Definition Build_IsTerminalMorphism_curried
          (A : D)
          (p : morphism C (U A) X)
          (Ap := CommaCategory.Build_object U !X A tt p)
          (m : (A' : D) (p' : morphism C (U A') X),
                 morphism D A' A)
          (H : (A' : D) (p' : morphism C (U A') X),
                 p o U _1 (m A' p') = p')
          (H' : (A' : D) (p' : morphism C (U A') X) m',
                  p o U _1 m' = p'
                   m A' p' = m'),
          IsTerminalMorphism Ap
        := @Build_IsInitialMorphism_curried

      Definition Build_IsTerminalMorphism_uncurried
          (univ : { A : D
                  | { p : morphism C (U A) X
                    | let Ap := CommaCategory.Build_object U !X A tt p in
                       (A' : D) (p' : morphism C (U A') X),
                        { m : morphism D A' A
                        | { H : p o U _1 m = p'
                          | m',
                              p o U _1 m' = p'
                               m = m' }}}}),
          IsTerminalMorphism (CommaCategory.Build_object U !X univ.1 tt univ.2.1)
        := @Build_IsInitialMorphism_uncurried
    End IntroductionAbstractionBarrier.

Elimination rule

    Section EliminationAbstractionBarrier.
      Variable Ap : object (U / X).
      Variable M : IsTerminalMorphism Ap.

      Definition IsTerminalMorphism_object : D :=
        @IsInitialMorphism_object C^op D^op X U^op (op_object Ap) M.
      Definition IsTerminalMorphism_morphism
      : morphism C (U IsTerminalMorphism_object) X
        := @IsInitialMorphism_morphism C^op D^op X U^op (op_object Ap) M.
      Definition IsTerminalMorphism_property
      : (Y : D) (f : morphism C (U Y) X),
          Contr { m : morphism D Y IsTerminalMorphism_object
                | IsTerminalMorphism_morphism o U _1 m = f }
        := @IsInitialMorphism_property C^op D^op X U^op (op_object Ap) M.
      Definition IsTerminalMorphism_property_morphism
      : (Y : D) (f : morphism C (U Y) X),
          morphism D Y IsTerminalMorphism_object
        := @IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism
             C^op D^op X U^op (op_object Ap) M.
      Definition IsTerminalMorphism_property_morphism_property
      : (Y : D) (f : morphism C (U Y) X),
            o (U _1 (IsTerminalMorphism_property_morphism Y f))
          = f
        := @IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property
             C^op D^op X U^op (op_object Ap) M.
      Definition IsTerminalMorphism_property_morphism_unique
      : (Y : D) (f : morphism C (U Y) X)
               (H : IsTerminalMorphism_morphism o U _1 m' = f),
          IsTerminalMorphism_property_morphism Y f = m'
        := @IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_unique
             C^op D^op X U^op (op_object Ap) M.
    End EliminationAbstractionBarrier.
  End TerminalMorphism.

  Section UniversalMorphism.
The term universal morphism refers either to an initial morphism or a terminal morphism, and the term universal property refers either to an initial property or a terminal property. In each definition, the existence of the morphism g intuitively expresses the fact that (A, φ) is ``general enough'', while the uniqueness of the morphism ensures that (A, φ) is ``not too general''.
  End UniversalMorphism.
End UniversalMorphism.

Arguments Build_IsInitialMorphism [C D] X U A p UniversalProperty _.
Arguments Build_IsTerminalMorphism [C D] U X A p UniversalProperty _.