Library HoTT.WildCat.Adjoint
Require Import Basics.Utf8 Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics Basics.Equivalences.
Require Import WildCat.Core.
Require Import WildCat.NatTrans.
Require Import WildCat.Equiv.
Require Import WildCat.Prod.
Require Import WildCat.Opposite.
Require Import WildCat.Yoneda.
Require Import WildCat.FunctorCat.
Require Import WildCat.Universe.
Require Import Types.Prod.
Generalizable Variables C D F G.
Require Import WildCat.Core.
Require Import WildCat.NatTrans.
Require Import WildCat.Equiv.
Require Import WildCat.Prod.
Require Import WildCat.Opposite.
Require Import WildCat.Yoneda.
Require Import WildCat.FunctorCat.
Require Import WildCat.Universe.
Require Import Types.Prod.
Generalizable Variables C D F G.
Notions of adjunctions in wild categories.
Definition of adjunction
Definition of adjunction
Record Adjunction {C D : Type} (F : C → D) (G : D → C)
`{Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G} :=
equiv_adjunction (x : C) (y : D) : (F x $-> y) <~> (x $-> G y) ;
Naturality condition in both varibles seperately The left variable is a bit trickier to state since we have opposite categories involved.
(is0functor_F := is0functor_compose (A:=C^op) (B:=D^op) (C:=Type) _ _)
(yon (G y)) (fun x ⇒ equiv_adjunction _ y) ;
(yon (G y)) (fun x ⇒ equiv_adjunction _ y) ;
Naturality in the right variable
is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r (x : C)
: Is1Natural (opyon (F x)) (opyon x o G) (equiv_adjunction x) ;
Arguments equiv_adjunction {C D F G
isgraph_C is2graph_C is01cat_C is1cat_C
isgraph_D is2graph_D is01cat_D is1cat_D
is0functor_F is0functor_G} adj x y : rename.
Arguments is1natural_equiv_adjunction_l {C D F G
isgraph_C is2graph_C is01cat_C is1cat_C
isgraph_D is2graph_D is01cat_D is1cat_D
is0functor_F is0functor_G} adj y : rename.
Arguments is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r {C D F G
isgraph_C is2graph_C is01cat_C is1cat_C
isgraph_D is2graph_D is01cat_D is1cat_D
is0functor_F is0functor_G} adj x : rename.
Global Existing Instances
Notation "F ⊣ G" := (Adjunction F G).
: Is1Natural (opyon (F x)) (opyon x o G) (equiv_adjunction x) ;
Arguments equiv_adjunction {C D F G
isgraph_C is2graph_C is01cat_C is1cat_C
isgraph_D is2graph_D is01cat_D is1cat_D
is0functor_F is0functor_G} adj x y : rename.
Arguments is1natural_equiv_adjunction_l {C D F G
isgraph_C is2graph_C is01cat_C is1cat_C
isgraph_D is2graph_D is01cat_D is1cat_D
is0functor_F is0functor_G} adj y : rename.
Arguments is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r {C D F G
isgraph_C is2graph_C is01cat_C is1cat_C
isgraph_D is2graph_D is01cat_D is1cat_D
is0functor_F is0functor_G} adj x : rename.
Global Existing Instances
Notation "F ⊣ G" := (Adjunction F G).
TODO: move but where?
Lemma fun01_profunctor {A B C D : Type} (F : A → B) (G : C → D)
`{Is0Functor A B F, Is0Functor C D G}
: Fun01 (A^op × C) (B^op × D).
snrapply Build_Fun01.
1: exact (functor_prod F G).
rapply is0functor_prod_functor.
Definition fun01_hom {C : Type} `{Is01Cat C}
: Fun01 (C^op × C) Type
:= @Build_Fun01 _ _ _ _ _ is0functor_hom.
`{Is0Functor A B F, Is0Functor C D G}
: Fun01 (A^op × C) (B^op × D).
snrapply Build_Fun01.
1: exact (functor_prod F G).
rapply is0functor_prod_functor.
Definition fun01_hom {C : Type} `{Is01Cat C}
: Fun01 (C^op × C) Type
:= @Build_Fun01 _ _ _ _ _ is0functor_hom.
Natural equivalences coming from adjunctions.
Section AdjunctionData.
Context {C D : Type} {F : C → D} {G : D → C}
`{Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, !HasMorExt C, !HasMorExt D,
!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is1Functor F, !Is1Functor G}
(adj : Adjunction F G).
Definition natequiv_adjunction_l (y : D)
: NatEquiv (A := C^op) (yon y o F)
Context {C D : Type} {F : C → D} {G : D → C}
`{Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, !HasMorExt C, !HasMorExt D,
!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is1Functor F, !Is1Functor G}
(adj : Adjunction F G).
Definition natequiv_adjunction_l (y : D)
: NatEquiv (A := C^op) (yon y o F)
(is0functor_F := is0functor_compose (A:=C^op) (B:=D^op) (C:=Type) _ _)
(yon (G y)).
nrapply Build_NatEquiv.
apply (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_l adj).
Definition natequiv_adjunction_r (x : C)
: NatEquiv (opyon (F x)) (opyon x o G).
nrapply Build_NatEquiv.
apply (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r adj).
(yon (G y)).
nrapply Build_NatEquiv.
apply (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_l adj).
Definition natequiv_adjunction_r (x : C)
: NatEquiv (opyon (F x)) (opyon x o G).
nrapply Build_NatEquiv.
apply (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r adj).
We also have the natural equivalence in both arguments at the same time. In order to manage the typeclass instances, we have to bundle them up into Fun01.
Definition natequiv_adjunction
: NatEquiv (A := C^op × D)
(fun01_compose fun01_hom (fun01_profunctor F idmap))
(fun01_compose fun01_hom (fun01_profunctor idmap G)).
snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
1: intros [x y]; exact (equiv_adjunction adj x y).
snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros [a b] [a' b'] [f g] K.
refine (_ @ ap (fun x : a $-> G b' ⇒ x $o f)
(is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r adj a b b' g K)).
exact (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_l adj _ _ _ f (g $o K)).
: NatEquiv (A := C^op × D)
(fun01_compose fun01_hom (fun01_profunctor F idmap))
(fun01_compose fun01_hom (fun01_profunctor idmap G)).
snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
1: intros [x y]; exact (equiv_adjunction adj x y).
snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros [a b] [a' b'] [f g] K.
refine (_ @ ap (fun x : a $-> G b' ⇒ x $o f)
(is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r adj a b b' g K)).
exact (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_l adj _ _ _ f (g $o K)).
The counit of an adjunction
Definition adjunction_counit : NatTrans idmap (G o F).
snrapply Build_NatTrans.
{ hnf. intros x.
exact (equiv_adjunction adj x (F x) (Id _)). }
snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros x x' f.
apply GpdHom_path.
refine (_^ @ _ @ _).
1: exact (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_l adj _ _ _ f (Id _)).
2: exact (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r adj _ _ _ (fmap F f) (Id _)).
apply equiv_ap'.
apply path_hom.
apply Square.vrefl.
snrapply Build_NatTrans.
{ hnf. intros x.
exact (equiv_adjunction adj x (F x) (Id _)). }
snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros x x' f.
apply GpdHom_path.
refine (_^ @ _ @ _).
1: exact (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_l adj _ _ _ f (Id _)).
2: exact (is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r adj _ _ _ (fmap F f) (Id _)).
apply equiv_ap'.
apply path_hom.
apply Square.vrefl.
The unit of an adjunction
Definition adjunction_unit : NatTrans (F o G) idmap.
snrapply Build_NatTrans.
{ hnf. intros y.
exact ((equiv_adjunction adj (G y) y)^-1 (Id _)). }
snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros y y' f.
apply GpdHom_path.
refine (_^ @ _ @ _).
1: exact (is1natural_natequiv (natequiv_inverse
(natequiv_adjunction_l _)) (G y') _ (fmap G f) _).
2: exact (is1natural_natequiv (natequiv_inverse
(natequiv_adjunction_r _)) _ _ _ (Id _)).
apply equiv_ap_inv'.
apply path_hom.
apply Square.vrefl.
Lemma triangle_helper1 x y f
: equiv_adjunction adj x y f = fmap G f $o adjunction_counit x.
refine (_ @ is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r adj _ _ _ _ _).
by cbv; rewrite (cat_idr_strong f).
Lemma triangle_helper2 x y g
: (equiv_adjunction adj x y)^-1 g = adjunction_unit y $o fmap F g.
epose (n1 := is1natural_natequiv
(natequiv_inverse (natequiv_adjunction_l _)) _ _ _ _).
clearbody n1; cbv in n1.
refine (_ @ n1).
by rewrite cat_idl_strong.
Definition adjunction_triangle1
: Transformation
(nattrans_prewhisker adjunction_unit F)
(nattrans_postwhisker F adjunction_counit))
(nattrans_id _).
intros c.
change (?x $-> _) with (x $-> Id (F c)).
rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_adjunction adj _ _) (Id (F c))).
cbv;rewrite <- (triangle_helper2 _ (F c) (adjunction_counit _)).
exact (Id _).
Definition adjunction_triangle2
: Transformation
(nattrans_postwhisker G adjunction_unit)
(nattrans_prewhisker adjunction_counit G))
(nattrans_id _).
intros d.
change (?x $-> _) with (x $-> Id (G d)).
rewrite <- (eisretr (equiv_adjunction adj _ _) (Id (G d))).
cbv;rewrite <- (triangle_helper1 (G d) _ (adjunction_unit _)).
exact (Id _).
End AdjunctionData.
snrapply Build_NatTrans.
{ hnf. intros y.
exact ((equiv_adjunction adj (G y) y)^-1 (Id _)). }
snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros y y' f.
apply GpdHom_path.
refine (_^ @ _ @ _).
1: exact (is1natural_natequiv (natequiv_inverse
(natequiv_adjunction_l _)) (G y') _ (fmap G f) _).
2: exact (is1natural_natequiv (natequiv_inverse
(natequiv_adjunction_r _)) _ _ _ (Id _)).
apply equiv_ap_inv'.
apply path_hom.
apply Square.vrefl.
Lemma triangle_helper1 x y f
: equiv_adjunction adj x y f = fmap G f $o adjunction_counit x.
refine (_ @ is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r adj _ _ _ _ _).
by cbv; rewrite (cat_idr_strong f).
Lemma triangle_helper2 x y g
: (equiv_adjunction adj x y)^-1 g = adjunction_unit y $o fmap F g.
epose (n1 := is1natural_natequiv
(natequiv_inverse (natequiv_adjunction_l _)) _ _ _ _).
clearbody n1; cbv in n1.
refine (_ @ n1).
by rewrite cat_idl_strong.
Definition adjunction_triangle1
: Transformation
(nattrans_prewhisker adjunction_unit F)
(nattrans_postwhisker F adjunction_counit))
(nattrans_id _).
intros c.
change (?x $-> _) with (x $-> Id (F c)).
rewrite <- (eissect (equiv_adjunction adj _ _) (Id (F c))).
cbv;rewrite <- (triangle_helper2 _ (F c) (adjunction_counit _)).
exact (Id _).
Definition adjunction_triangle2
: Transformation
(nattrans_postwhisker G adjunction_unit)
(nattrans_prewhisker adjunction_counit G))
(nattrans_id _).
intros d.
change (?x $-> _) with (x $-> Id (G d)).
rewrite <- (eisretr (equiv_adjunction adj _ _) (Id (G d))).
cbv;rewrite <- (triangle_helper1 (G d) _ (adjunction_unit _)).
exact (Id _).
End AdjunctionData.
Building adjunctions
Definition Build_Adjunction_natequiv_nat_left
{C D : Type} (F : C → D) (G : D → C)
`{Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
(e : ∀ x, NatEquiv (opyon (F x)) (opyon x o G))
(is1nat_e : ∀ y, Is1Natural (A := C^op) (yon y o F)
{C D : Type} (F : C → D) (G : D → C)
`{Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
(e : ∀ x, NatEquiv (opyon (F x)) (opyon x o G))
(is1nat_e : ∀ y, Is1Natural (A := C^op) (yon y o F)
(is0functor_F := is0functor_compose (A:=C^op) (B:=D^op) (C:=Type) _ _)
(yon (G y)) (fun x ⇒ e _ y))
: Adjunction F G.
snrapply Build_Adjunction.
1: exact (fun x ⇒ e x).
1: exact is1nat_e.
intros x; apply (is1natural_natequiv (e x)).
(yon (G y)) (fun x ⇒ e _ y))
: Adjunction F G.
snrapply Build_Adjunction.
1: exact (fun x ⇒ e x).
1: exact is1nat_e.
intros x; apply (is1natural_natequiv (e x)).
Definition Build_Adjunction_natequiv_nat_right
{C D : Type} (F : C → D) (G : D → C)
`{Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
(e : ∀ y, NatEquiv (A := C^op) (yon y o F) (yon (G y))
(is0functor_F := is0functor_compose (A:=C^op) (B:=D^op) (C:=Type) _ _))
(is1nat_e : ∀ x, Is1Natural (opyon (F x)) (opyon x o G) (fun y ⇒ e y x))
: Adjunction F G.
snrapply Build_Adjunction.
1: exact (fun x y ⇒ e y x).
1: intros y; apply (is1natural_natequiv (e y)).
exact is1nat_e.
{C D : Type} (F : C → D) (G : D → C)
`{Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G}
(e : ∀ y, NatEquiv (A := C^op) (yon y o F) (yon (G y))
(is0functor_F := is0functor_compose (A:=C^op) (B:=D^op) (C:=Type) _ _))
(is1nat_e : ∀ x, Is1Natural (opyon (F x)) (opyon x o G) (fun y ⇒ e y x))
: Adjunction F G.
snrapply Build_Adjunction.
1: exact (fun x y ⇒ e y x).
1: intros y; apply (is1natural_natequiv (e y)).
exact is1nat_e.
From the data of an adjunction: unit, counit, left triangle, right triangle
Context {C D : Type} (F : C → D) (G : D → C)
`{Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G,
!Is1Functor F, !Is1Functor G}
`{!HasMorExt C, !HasMorExt D}
(ε : NatTrans (F o G) idmap)
(η : NatTrans idmap (G o F))
(t1 : Transformation
(nattrans_comp (nattrans_prewhisker ε F) (nattrans_postwhisker F η))
(nattrans_id _))
(t2 : Transformation
(nattrans_comp (nattrans_postwhisker G ε) (nattrans_prewhisker η G))
(nattrans_id _)).
`{Is1Cat C, Is1Cat D, !Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G,
!Is1Functor F, !Is1Functor G}
`{!HasMorExt C, !HasMorExt D}
(ε : NatTrans (F o G) idmap)
(η : NatTrans idmap (G o F))
(t1 : Transformation
(nattrans_comp (nattrans_prewhisker ε F) (nattrans_postwhisker F η))
(nattrans_id _))
(t2 : Transformation
(nattrans_comp (nattrans_postwhisker G ε) (nattrans_prewhisker η G))
(nattrans_id _)).
We can construct an equivalence between homs
Local Definition γ a b : (F a $-> b) $<~> (a $-> G b).
srapply equiv_adjointify.
1: exact (fun x ⇒ fmap G x $o (η : _ $=> _) a).
1: exact (fun x ⇒ (ε : _ $=> _) b $o fmap F x).
+ intros f.
apply path_hom; simpl.
refine ((fmap_comp G _ _ $@R _) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
refine ((_ $@L (isnat η f)^$) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (_ $@R _ $@ cat_idl _).
exact (t2 b).
+ intros g.
apply path_hom; simpl.
refine ((_ $@L fmap_comp F _ _) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (((isnat ε g) $@R _) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (_ $@L _ $@ cat_idr _).
exact (t1 a).
srapply equiv_adjointify.
1: exact (fun x ⇒ fmap G x $o (η : _ $=> _) a).
1: exact (fun x ⇒ (ε : _ $=> _) b $o fmap F x).
+ intros f.
apply path_hom; simpl.
refine ((fmap_comp G _ _ $@R _) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
refine ((_ $@L (isnat η f)^$) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (_ $@R _ $@ cat_idl _).
exact (t2 b).
+ intros g.
apply path_hom; simpl.
refine ((_ $@L fmap_comp F _ _) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (((isnat ε g) $@R _) $@ _).
refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ _).
refine (_ $@L _ $@ cat_idr _).
exact (t1 a).
Which is natural in the left
Lemma is1natural_γ_l (y : D)
: Is1Natural (yon y o F) (yon (G y))
(is0functor_F := is0functor_compose (A:=C^op) (B:=D^op) (C:=Type) _ _)
(is0functor_G := is0functor_yon (G y))
(fun x : C^op ⇒ γ x y).
nrapply (is1natural_natequiv (natequiv_inverse
(Build_NatEquiv (yon (G y)) (yon y o F) (fun x ⇒ (γ x y)^-1$) _))).
nrapply is1natural_yoneda.
nrapply is1functor_compose.
1: nrapply is1functor_op; exact _.
nrapply is1functor_opyon.
nrapply hasmorext_op; exact _.
: Is1Natural (yon y o F) (yon (G y))
(is0functor_F := is0functor_compose (A:=C^op) (B:=D^op) (C:=Type) _ _)
(is0functor_G := is0functor_yon (G y))
(fun x : C^op ⇒ γ x y).
nrapply (is1natural_natequiv (natequiv_inverse
(Build_NatEquiv (yon (G y)) (yon y o F) (fun x ⇒ (γ x y)^-1$) _))).
nrapply is1natural_yoneda.
nrapply is1functor_compose.
1: nrapply is1functor_op; exact _.
nrapply is1functor_opyon.
nrapply hasmorext_op; exact _.
And natural in the right.
Lemma is1natural_γ_r x
: Is1Natural (opyon (F x)) (fun x0 : D ⇒ opyon x (G x0)) (γ x).
nrapply is1natural_opyoneda.
exact _.
: Is1Natural (opyon (F x)) (fun x0 : D ⇒ opyon x (G x0)) (γ x).
nrapply is1natural_opyoneda.
exact _.
Together this constructs an adjunction.
Definition Build_Adjunction_unit_counit : Adjunction F G.
snrapply Build_Adjunction.
- exact γ.
- apply is1natural_γ_l.
- apply is1natural_γ_r.
End UnitCounitAdjunction.
snrapply Build_Adjunction.
- exact γ.
- apply is1natural_γ_l.
- apply is1natural_γ_r.
End UnitCounitAdjunction.
Properties of adjunctions
Postcomposition adjunction
There are at least two easy proofs of the following on paper: 1. Using ends: Hom(F*x,y) ≃ ∫c Hom(Fxc,yc) ≃ ∫c Hom(xc,Gyc) ≃ Hom(x,G*y) 2. 2-cat theory: postcomp (-)* is a 2-functor so preserves adjunctions.Lemma adjunction_postcomp (C D J : Type)
`{HasEquivs C, HasEquivs D, Is01Cat J} (F : Fun11 C D) (G : Fun11 D C)
`{!HasMorExt C, !HasMorExt D, !HasMorExt (Fun01 J C), !HasMorExt (Fun01 J D)}
: F ⊣ G → fun11_fun01_postcomp (A:=J) F ⊣ fun11_fun01_postcomp (A:=J) G.
intros adj.
srapply Build_Adjunction_unit_counit.
- snrapply Build_NatTrans.
+ intros K.
exact (nattrans_prewhisker (adjunction_unit adj) K).
+ snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros K K' θ j.
apply GpdHom_path.
refine (_ @ is1natural_natequiv (natequiv_inverse
(natequiv_adjunction_r adj _)) _ _ _ _).
refine ((is1natural_natequiv (natequiv_inverse
(natequiv_adjunction_l adj _)) _ _ _ _)^ @ _).
cbn; rapply ap.
refine(cat_idl_strong _ @ _^).
apply cat_idr_strong.
- snrapply Build_NatTrans.
+ intros K.
exact (nattrans_prewhisker (adjunction_counit adj) K).
+ snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
intros K K' θ j.
apply GpdHom_path.
refine (_ @ is1natural_natequiv
(natequiv_adjunction_r adj _) _ _ _ _).
refine ((is1natural_natequiv
(natequiv_adjunction_l adj _) _ _ _ _)^ @ _).
cbn; rapply ap.
refine(cat_idl_strong _ @ _^).
apply cat_idr_strong.
- exact (trans_prewhisker (adjunction_triangle1 adj)).
- exact (trans_prewhisker (adjunction_triangle2 adj)).
We can compose adjunctions. Notice how the middle category must have equivalences.
Lemma adjunction_compose (A B C : Type)
(F : A → B) (G : B → A) (F' : B → C) (G' : C → B)
`{Is1Cat A, HasEquivs B, Is1Cat C}
`{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is0Functor F', !Is0Functor G'}
: F ⊣ G → F' ⊣ G' → F' o F ⊣ G o G'.
intros adj1 adj2.
snrapply Build_Adjunction_natequiv_nat_right.
{ intros y.
nrefine (natequiv_compose (natequiv_adjunction_l adj1 _) _).
exact (natequiv_prewhisker (A:=A^op) (B:=B^op)
(natequiv_adjunction_l adj2 y) F). }
intros x.
rapply is1natural_comp.
+ rapply (is1natural_prewhisker G' (natequiv_adjunction_r adj1 x)).
+ rapply is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r.
(F : A → B) (G : B → A) (F' : B → C) (G' : C → B)
`{Is1Cat A, HasEquivs B, Is1Cat C}
`{!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is0Functor F', !Is0Functor G'}
: F ⊣ G → F' ⊣ G' → F' o F ⊣ G o G'.
intros adj1 adj2.
snrapply Build_Adjunction_natequiv_nat_right.
{ intros y.
nrefine (natequiv_compose (natequiv_adjunction_l adj1 _) _).
exact (natequiv_prewhisker (A:=A^op) (B:=B^op)
(natequiv_adjunction_l adj2 y) F). }
intros x.
rapply is1natural_comp.
+ rapply (is1natural_prewhisker G' (natequiv_adjunction_r adj1 x)).
+ rapply is1natural_equiv_adjunction_r.
Replace the left functor in an adjunction by a naturally equivalent one.
Lemma adjunction_natequiv_left {C D : Type} (F F' : C → D) (G : D → C)
`{Is1Cat C, HasEquivs D, !HasMorExt D,
!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor F', !Is0Functor G}
: NatEquiv F F' → F ⊣ G → F' ⊣ G.
intros e adj.
snrapply Build_Adjunction_natequiv_nat_right.
{ intros y.
refine (natequiv_compose (natequiv_adjunction_l adj _) _).
rapply (natequiv_postwhisker _ (natequiv_op e)). }
intros x.
rapply is1natural_comp.
`{Is1Cat C, HasEquivs D, !HasMorExt D,
!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor F', !Is0Functor G}
: NatEquiv F F' → F ⊣ G → F' ⊣ G.
intros e adj.
snrapply Build_Adjunction_natequiv_nat_right.
{ intros y.
refine (natequiv_compose (natequiv_adjunction_l adj _) _).
rapply (natequiv_postwhisker _ (natequiv_op e)). }
intros x.
rapply is1natural_comp.
Replace the right functor in an adjunction by a naturally equivalent one.
Lemma adjunction_natequiv_right {C D : Type} (F : C → D) (G G' : D → C)
`{HasEquivs C, Is1Cat D, !HasMorExt C,
!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is0Functor G'}
: NatEquiv G G' → F ⊣ G → F ⊣ G'.
intros e adj.
snrapply Build_Adjunction_natequiv_nat_left.
{ intros x.
refine (natequiv_compose _ (natequiv_adjunction_r adj _)).
rapply (natequiv_postwhisker _ e). }
intros y.
rapply is1natural_comp.
2: exact _.
rapply is1natural_yoneda.
`{HasEquivs C, Is1Cat D, !HasMorExt C,
!Is0Functor F, !Is0Functor G, !Is0Functor G'}
: NatEquiv G G' → F ⊣ G → F ⊣ G'.
intros e adj.
snrapply Build_Adjunction_natequiv_nat_left.
{ intros x.
refine (natequiv_compose _ (natequiv_adjunction_r adj _)).
rapply (natequiv_postwhisker _ e). }
intros y.
rapply is1natural_comp.
2: exact _.
rapply is1natural_yoneda.