Library HoTT.WildCat.FunctorCat
Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics.
Require Import WildCat.Core.
Require Import WildCat.Opposite.
Require Import WildCat.Equiv.
Require Import WildCat.Induced.
Require Import WildCat.NatTrans.
Require Import WildCat.Core.
Require Import WildCat.Opposite.
Require Import WildCat.Equiv.
Require Import WildCat.Induced.
Require Import WildCat.NatTrans.
Record Fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{IsGraph B} := {
fun01_F : A → B;
fun01_is0functor : Is0Functor fun01_F;
Coercion fun01_F : Fun01 >-> Funclass.
Global Existing Instance fun01_is0functor.
Arguments Build_Fun01 A B {isgraph_A isgraph_B} F {fun01_is0functor} : rename.
Definition issig_Fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{IsGraph B}
: _ <~> Fun01 A B := ltac:(issig).
(* Note that even if A and B are fully coherent oo-categories, the objects of our "functor category" are not fully coherent. Thus we cannot in general expect this "functor category" to itself be fully coherent. However, it is at least a 0-coherent 1-category, as long as B is a 1-coherent 1-category. *)
Global Instance isgraph_fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B} : IsGraph (Fun01 A B).
srapply Build_IsGraph.
intros [F ?] [G ?].
exact (NatTrans F G).
Global Instance is01cat_fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B} : Is01Cat (Fun01 A B).
srapply Build_Is01Cat.
- intros [F ?]; cbn.
exact (nattrans_id F).
- intros F G K gamma alpha; cbn in ×.
exact (nattrans_comp gamma alpha).
Global Instance is2graph_fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B}
: Is2Graph (Fun01 A B).
intros [F ?] [G ?]; apply Build_IsGraph.
intros [alpha ?] [gamma ?].
exact (∀ a, alpha a $== gamma a).
In fact, in this case it is automatically also a 0-coherent 2-category and a 1-coherent 1-category, with a totally incoherent notion of 2-cell between 1-coherent natural transformations.
Global Instance is1cat_fun01 (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{Is1Cat B} : Is1Cat (Fun01 A B).
srapply Build_Is1Cat.
- intros [F ?] [G ?]; srapply Build_Is01Cat.
+ intros [alpha ?] a; cbn.
+ intros [alpha ?] [gamma ?] [phi ?] nu mu a.
exact (mu a $@ nu a).
- intros [F ?] [G ?]; srapply Build_Is0Gpd.
intros [alpha ?] [gamma ?] mu a.
exact ((mu a)^$).
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [K ?] [alpha ?].
srapply Build_Is0Functor.
intros [phi ?] [mu ?] f a.
exact (alpha a $@L f a).
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [K ?] [alpha ?].
srapply Build_Is0Functor.
intros [phi ?] [mu ?] f a.
exact (f a $@R alpha a).
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [K ?] [L ?] [alpha ?] [gamma ?] [phi ?] a; cbn.
srapply cat_assoc.
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [K ?] [L ?] [alpha ?] [gamma ?] [phi ?] a; cbn.
srapply cat_assoc_opp.
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [alpha ?] a; cbn.
srapply cat_idl.
- intros [F ?] [G ?] [alpha ?] a; cbn.
srapply cat_idr.
It also inherits a notion of equivalence, namely a natural transformation that is a pointwise equivalence. Note that this is not a "fully coherent" notion of equivalence, since the functors and transformations are not themselves fully coherent.
Global Instance hasequivs_fun01 (A B : Type) `{Is01Cat A} `{HasEquivs B}
: HasEquivs (Fun01 A B).
srapply Build_HasEquivs.
1: intros F G; exact (NatEquiv F G).
all: intros F G alpha; cbn in ×.
- exact (∀ a, CatIsEquiv (alpha a)).
- exact alpha.
- intros a; exact _.
- apply Build_NatEquiv'.
- cbn; intros; apply cate_buildequiv_fun.
- exact (natequiv_inverse alpha).
- intros; apply cate_issect.
- intros; apply cate_isretr.
- intros [gamma ?] r s a; cbn in ×.
refine (catie_adjointify (alpha a) (gamma a) (r a) (s a)).
Bundled opposite functors
Definition fun01_op (A B : Type) `{IsGraph A} `{IsGraph B}
: Fun01 A B → Fun01 A^op B^op.
intros F.
rapply (Build_Fun01 A^op B^op F).
: Fun01 A B → Fun01 A^op B^op.
intros F.
rapply (Build_Fun01 A^op B^op F).
Record Fun11 (A B : Type) `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B} :=
fun11_fun : A → B ;
is0functor_fun11 : Is0Functor fun11_fun ;
is1functor_fun11 : Is1Functor fun11_fun
Coercion fun11_fun : Fun11 >-> Funclass.
Global Existing Instance is0functor_fun11.
Global Existing Instance is1functor_fun11.
Arguments Build_Fun11 A B
{isgraph_A is2graph_A is01cat_A is1cat_A
isgraph_B is2graph_B is01cat_B is1cat_B}
F {is0functor_fun11 is1functor_fun11} : rename.
Coercion fun01_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
(F : Fun11 A B)
: Fun01 A B.
∃ F; exact _.
Global Instance isgraph_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
: IsGraph (Fun11 A B)
:= isgraph_induced fun01_fun11.
Global Instance is01cat_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
: Is01Cat (Fun11 A B)
:= is01cat_induced fun01_fun11.
Global Instance is2graph_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B}
: Is2Graph (Fun11 A B)
:= is2graph_induced fun01_fun11.
Global Instance is1cat_fun11 {A B :Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{Is1Cat B}
: Is1Cat (Fun11 A B)
:= is1cat_induced fun01_fun11.
Global Instance hasequivs_fun11 {A B : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{HasEquivs B}
: HasEquivs (Fun11 A B)
:= hasequivs_induced fun01_fun11.
Definition fun01_id {A} `{IsGraph A} : Fun01 A A
:= Build_Fun01 A A idmap.
Definition fun11_id {A} `{Is1Cat A} : Fun11 A A
:= Build_Fun11 _ _ idmap.
Definition fun01_compose {A B C} `{IsGraph A, IsGraph B, IsGraph C}
: Fun01 B C → Fun01 A B → Fun01 A C
:= fun G F ⇒ Build_Fun01 _ _ (G o F).
Definition fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Fun01 A B → Fun01 A C
:= fun01_compose (A:=A) F.
Warning: F needs to be a 1-functor for this to be a 0-functor.
Global Instance is0functor_fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Is0Functor (fun01_postcomp (A:=A) F).
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros a b f.
rapply nattrans_postwhisker.
exact f.
Global Instance is1functor_fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Is1Functor (fun01_postcomp (A:=A) F).
apply Build_Is1Functor.
- intros a b f g p x.
rapply fmap2.
rapply p.
- intros f x.
rapply fmap_id.
- intros a b c f g x.
rapply fmap_comp.
Definition fun11_fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Fun11 (Fun01 A B) (Fun01 A C)
:= Build_Fun11 _ _ (fun01_postcomp F).
Definition fun11_compose {A B C} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
: Fun11 B C → Fun11 A B → Fun11 A C.
intros F G.
nrapply Build_Fun11.
rapply (is1functor_compose G F).
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Is0Functor (fun01_postcomp (A:=A) F).
apply Build_Is0Functor.
intros a b f.
rapply nattrans_postwhisker.
exact f.
Global Instance is1functor_fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Is1Functor (fun01_postcomp (A:=A) F).
apply Build_Is1Functor.
- intros a b f g p x.
rapply fmap2.
rapply p.
- intros f x.
rapply fmap_id.
- intros a b c f g x.
rapply fmap_comp.
Definition fun11_fun01_postcomp {A B C}
`{IsGraph A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C} (F : Fun11 B C)
: Fun11 (Fun01 A B) (Fun01 A C)
:= Build_Fun11 _ _ (fun01_postcomp F).
Definition fun11_compose {A B C} `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, Is1Cat C}
: Fun11 B C → Fun11 A B → Fun11 A C.
intros F G.
nrapply Build_Fun11.
rapply (is1functor_compose G F).