Library HoTT.Truncations.Connectedness
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.
Require Import Extensions.
Require Import Factorization.
Require Export Modalities.Modality. (* Export since the actual definitions of connectedness appear there, in the generality of a modality. *)
Require Import Modalities.Descent.
Require Import Truncations.Core Truncations.SeparatedTrunc.
Require Import Types.
Require Import Extensions.
Require Import Factorization.
Require Export Modalities.Modality. (* Export since the actual definitions of connectedness appear there, in the generality of a modality. *)
Require Import Modalities.Descent.
Require Import Truncations.Core Truncations.SeparatedTrunc.
Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope trunc_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope trunc_scope.
There is a slight controversy of indexing for connectedness — in particular, how the indexing for maps shoud relate to the indexing for types. One may reasonably take the connectedness of a map to correspond either to that of its *fibers*, or of its *cofiber*; these differ by 1. The traditional topological indexing uses the cofiber. We use the fiber, as does Lurie in HTT; but we choose to agree with the traditional indexing on types, while Lurie agrees with it on maps.
Currently, the translation is therefore as follows:
HoTT Traditional Lurie
Map (n-1)-connected n-connected n-connective
Type n-connected n-connected (n+1)-connective
A handy benchmark: under our indexing, the map S1 → 1 is 0-connected but not 1-connected, while the map 1 → S1 is (–1)–connected but not 0-connected.
One reason for our choice is that this way, the n-truncated and n-connected maps are the modal and modally-connected maps for the n-truncation modality. Many of the basic lemmas about connected maps are in fact true for any modality, and can be found in Modality.v. Thus, here we consider mainly properties that involve the interaction of connectedness at different truncation levels.
A key lemma on the interaction between connectedness and truncatedness: suppose one is trying to extend along an n-connected map, into a k-truncated family of types (k ≥ n). Then the space of possible extensions is (k–n–2)-truncated.
(Mnemonic for the indexing: think of the base case, where k=n; then we know we can eliminate, so the space of extensions is contractible.)
This lemma is most useful via corollaries like the wedge-inclusion, the wiggly wedge, and their n-ary generalizations.
Truncatedness of the type of extensions
Lemma istrunc_extension_along_conn `{Funext} {m n : trunc_index}
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap n _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) {HP : ∀ b:B, IsTrunc (m +2+ n) (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
: IsTrunc m (ExtensionAlong f P d).
revert P HP d. simple_induction m m' IH; intros P HP d; simpl in ×.
(* m = –2 *)
- apply (Build_Contr _ (extension_conn_map_elim n f P d)).
intros y. apply (allpath_extension_conn_map n); assumption.
(* m = S m' *)
- apply istrunc_S.
intros e e'. refine (istrunc_isequiv_istrunc _ (path_extension e e')).
(* Magically infers: paths in extensions = extensions into paths, which by induction is m'-truncated. *)
{A B : Type} (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap n _ _ f}
(P : B → Type) {HP : ∀ b:B, IsTrunc (m +2+ n) (P b)}
(d : ∀ a:A, P (f a))
: IsTrunc m (ExtensionAlong f P d).
revert P HP d. simple_induction m m' IH; intros P HP d; simpl in ×.
(* m = –2 *)
- apply (Build_Contr _ (extension_conn_map_elim n f P d)).
intros y. apply (allpath_extension_conn_map n); assumption.
(* m = S m' *)
- apply istrunc_S.
intros e e'. refine (istrunc_isequiv_istrunc _ (path_extension e e')).
(* Magically infers: paths in extensions = extensions into paths, which by induction is m'-truncated. *)
Global Instance isconnected_paths `{Univalence} {n A}
`{IsConnected n.+1 A} (x y : A)
: IsConnected n (x = y).
refine (contr_equiv' _ (equiv_path_Tr x y)^-1).
Connectivity of pointed types
Global Instance conn_pointed_type@{u} {n : trunc_index} {A : Type@{u}} (a0:A)
`{IsConnMap n _ _ (unit_name a0)}
: IsConnected n.+1 A | 1000.
apply isconnected_conn_map_to_unit.
apply (OO_cancelR_conn_map (Tr n.+1) (Tr n) (unit_name a0) (const_tt A)).
Definition conn_point_incl `{Univalence} {n : trunc_index} {A : Type} (a0:A)
`{IsConnected n.+1 A}
: IsConnMap n (unit_name a0).
rapply (OO_cancelL_conn_map (Tr n.+1) (Tr n) (unit_name a0) (const_tt A)).
apply O_lex_leq_Tr.
#[export] Hint Immediate conn_point_incl : typeclass_instances.
Note that OO_cancelR_conn_map and OO_cancelL_conn_map (Proposition 2.31 of CORS) generalize the above statements to 2/3 of a 2-out-of-3 property for connected maps, for any reflective subuniverse and its subuniverse of separated types. If useful, we could specialize that more general form explicitly to truncations.
To prove an n-truncated predicate on an (n+1)-connected, pointed type, it's enough to prove it for the basepoint.
Definition conn_point_elim `{Univalence} (n : trunc_index) {A : pType@{u}} `{IsConnected n.+1 A}
(P : A → Type@{u}) `{∀ a, IsTrunc n (P a)} (p0 : P (point A))
: ∀ a, P a.
(* This follows from conn_point_incl and conn_map_elim, but we give a direct proof. *)
intro a.
(* Since A is n+1-connected, a0 = a is n-connected, which means that Tr n (a0 = a) has an element. *)
pose proof (p := center (Tr n ((point A) = a))).
exact (p # p0).
(P : A → Type@{u}) `{∀ a, IsTrunc n (P a)} (p0 : P (point A))
: ∀ a, P a.
(* This follows from conn_point_incl and conn_map_elim, but we give a direct proof. *)
intro a.
(* Since A is n+1-connected, a0 = a is n-connected, which means that Tr n (a0 = a) has an element. *)
pose proof (p := center (Tr n ((point A) = a))).
exact (p # p0).
Decreasing connectedness
Definition isconnected_pred n A `{IsConnected n.+1 A}
: IsConnected n A.
apply isconnected_from_elim; intros C ? f.
refine (isconnected_elim n.+1 C f).
: IsConnected n A.
apply isconnected_from_elim; intros C ? f.
refine (isconnected_elim n.+1 C f).
A k-connected type is n-connected, when k ≥ n. We constrain k by making it of the form n +2+ m, which makes the induction go through smoothly.
Definition isconnected_pred_add n m A `{H : IsConnected (n +2+ m) A}
: IsConnected m A.
induction n.
1: assumption.
apply IHn.
apply isconnected_pred.
: IsConnected m A.
induction n.
1: assumption.
apply IHn.
apply isconnected_pred.
A version with the order of summands swapped, which is sometimes handy, e.g. in the next two results.
Definition isconnected_pred_add' n m A `{H : IsConnected (m +2+ n) A}
: IsConnected m A.
apply (isconnected_pred_add n m).
destruct (trunc_index_add_comm m n); assumption.
: IsConnected m A.
apply (isconnected_pred_add n m).
destruct (trunc_index_add_comm m n); assumption.
It follows that an n.+1-connected type is also -1-connected.
Definition merely_isconnected n A `{IsConnected n.+1 A}
: merely A
:= @center _ (isconnected_pred_add' n (-1) A).
: merely A
:= @center _ (isconnected_pred_add' n (-1) A).
And that an n.+2-connected type is 0-connected.
Definition is0connected_isconnected (n : trunc_index) A `{IsConnected n.+2 A}
: IsConnected 0 A
:= isconnected_pred_add' n 0 A.
Definition isconnmap_pred_add n m A B (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap (n +2+ m) _ _ f}
: IsConnMap m f.
intro b.
exact (isconnected_pred_add n m _).
: IsConnected 0 A
:= isconnected_pred_add' n 0 A.
Definition isconnmap_pred_add n m A B (f : A → B) `{IsConnMap (n +2+ m) _ _ f}
: IsConnMap m f.
intro b.
exact (isconnected_pred_add n m _).
Definition merely_path_is0connected `{Univalence}
(A : Type) `{IsConnected 0 A} (x y : A)
: merely (x = y).
(A : Type) `{IsConnected 0 A} (x y : A)
: merely (x = y).
This follows immediately from isconnected_paths above.
rapply center.
Definition is0connected_merely_allpath `{Univalence}
(A : Type) `{merely A}
(p : ∀ (x y:A), merely (x = y))
: IsConnected 0 A.
apply contr_inhabited_hprop.
- apply hprop_allpath; intros z w.
exact (equiv_path_Tr z w (p z w)).
- apply tr; assumption.
Definition is0connected_merely_allpath `{Univalence}
(A : Type) `{merely A}
(p : ∀ (x y:A), merely (x = y))
: IsConnected 0 A.
apply contr_inhabited_hprop.
- apply hprop_allpath; intros z w.
exact (equiv_path_Tr z w (p z w)).
- apply tr; assumption.
Global Instance is0connected_component {X : Type} (x : X)
: IsConnected 0 { z : X & merely (z = x) }.
apply (Build_Contr _ (tr (x; tr idpath))).
rapply Trunc_ind; intros [Z p].
apply (ap tr).
rapply path_sigma_hprop.
exact p^.
: IsConnected 0 { z : X & merely (z = x) }.
apply (Build_Contr _ (tr (x; tr idpath))).
rapply Trunc_ind; intros [Z p].
apply (ap tr).
rapply path_sigma_hprop.
exact p^.
Any two points in a path component are merely equal. This follows from merely_path_is0connected, but this proof doesn't need univalence.
Definition merely_path_component {X : Type} {x : X}
(z1 z2 : { z : X & merely (z = x) })
: merely (z1 = z2).
destruct z1 as [z1 p1], z2 as [z2 p2].
apply tr.
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
exact (p1 @ p2^).
(z1 z2 : { z : X & merely (z = x) })
: merely (z1 = z2).
destruct z1 as [z1 p1], z2 as [z2 p2].
apply tr.
apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
exact (p1 @ p2^).
Definition equiv_component_image_unit {X : Type} (x : X)
: { z : X & merely (z = x) } <~> image (Tr (-1)) (unit_name x).
unfold image; simpl.
apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros z; simpl.
apply Trunc_functor_equiv; unfold hfiber.
refine ((equiv_contr_sigma _)^-1 oE _).
apply equiv_path_inverse.
: { z : X & merely (z = x) } <~> image (Tr (-1)) (unit_name x).
unfold image; simpl.
apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros z; simpl.
apply Trunc_functor_equiv; unfold hfiber.
refine ((equiv_contr_sigma _)^-1 oE _).
apply equiv_path_inverse.
0-connected types are indecomposable
Global Instance indecomposable_0connected `{Univalence}
(X : Type) `{IsConnected 0 X}
: Indecomposable X.
assert (IsConnected (-1) X) by refine (isconnected_pred (-1) X).
- intros A B f.
assert (z := center (merely X) : merely X); generalize z.
refine (Trunc_rec _).
+ apply ishprop_sum; try exact _.
intros l r. strip_truncations.
exact (not_is_inl_and_inr' (f z) (l z) (r z)).
+ intros x.
remember (f x) as y eqn:p.
destruct y as [a|b]; [ left | right ]; intros x'.
all:assert (q := merely_path_is0connected X x x');
all:refine (transport _ (ap f q) _).
all:exact (transport _ p^ tt).
- intros nx.
apply (Trunc_rec (n := -1) nx).
exact (center (merely X)).
(* Truncation preserves connectedness. Note that this is for different levels. *)
Global Instance isconnected_trunc {X : Type} (n m : trunc_index) `{IsConnected n X}
: IsConnected n (Tr m X).
unfold IsConnected.
srapply (contr_equiv' _ (Trunc_swap n m X)^-1).
Section Wedge_Incl_Conn.
(X : Type) `{IsConnected 0 X}
: Indecomposable X.
assert (IsConnected (-1) X) by refine (isconnected_pred (-1) X).
- intros A B f.
assert (z := center (merely X) : merely X); generalize z.
refine (Trunc_rec _).
+ apply ishprop_sum; try exact _.
intros l r. strip_truncations.
exact (not_is_inl_and_inr' (f z) (l z) (r z)).
+ intros x.
remember (f x) as y eqn:p.
destruct y as [a|b]; [ left | right ]; intros x'.
all:assert (q := merely_path_is0connected X x x');
all:refine (transport _ (ap f q) _).
all:exact (transport _ p^ tt).
- intros nx.
apply (Trunc_rec (n := -1) nx).
exact (center (merely X)).
(* Truncation preserves connectedness. Note that this is for different levels. *)
Global Instance isconnected_trunc {X : Type} (n m : trunc_index) `{IsConnected n X}
: IsConnected n (Tr m X).
unfold IsConnected.
srapply (contr_equiv' _ (Trunc_swap n m X)^-1).
Section Wedge_Incl_Conn.
Connectivity of the wedge into the product.
Context `{Univalence}
{m n : trunc_index}
{A : Type} (a0 : A) `{IsConnected m.+1 A}
{B : Type} (b0 : B) `{IsConnected n.+1 B}
(P : A → B → Type) {HP : ∀ a b, IsTrunc (m +2+ n) (P a b)}
(f_a0 : ∀ b:B, P a0 b)
(f_b0 : ∀ a:A, P a b0)
(f_a0b0 : f_a0 b0 = f_b0 a0).
Corollary isconn_wedge_incl
: { f : ∀ a b, P a b
& { e_a0 : ∀ b, f a0 b = f_a0 b
& { e_b0 : ∀ a, f a b0 = f_b0 a
& e_b0 a0 = (e_a0 b0) @ f_a0b0 }}}.
assert (goal_as_extension :
ExtensionAlong (unit_name a0)
(fun a ⇒ ExtensionAlong (unit_name b0) (P a) (unit_name (f_b0 a)))
(unit_name (f_a0 ; (unit_name f_a0b0)))).
- apply (extension_conn_map_elim m).
+ apply (conn_point_incl a0).
+ intros a.
apply (istrunc_extension_along_conn (n := n)).
× apply (conn_point_incl b0).
× apply HP.
- destruct goal_as_extension as [f_eb name_ea_eab].
assert (ea_eab := name_ea_eab tt); clear name_ea_eab.
∃ (fun a ⇒ pr1 (f_eb a)).
∃ (fun b ⇒ apD10 (ea_eab ..1) b).
∃ (fun a ⇒ pr2 (f_eb a) tt).
(* The last component is essentially (g' ..2), wrapped in a bit of path-algebra. *)
apply moveL_Mp.
apply (concatR (apD10 (ea_eab ..2) tt)).
set (ea := ea_eab ..1). generalize ea; simpl. clear ea_eab ea. intros.
rewrite transport_arrow. rewrite transport_const. rewrite transport_paths_Fl.
exact 1%path.
It is easier to apply the above result with its components separated.
Definition wedge_incl_elim : ∀ a b, P a b
:= isconn_wedge_incl.1.
Definition wedge_incl_comp1 : ∀ b, wedge_incl_elim a0 b = f_a0 b
:= isconn_wedge_incl.2.1.
Definition wedge_incl_comp2 : ∀ a, wedge_incl_elim a b0 = f_b0 a
:= isconn_wedge_incl.2.2.1.
Definition wedge_incl_comp3
: wedge_incl_comp2 a0 = (wedge_incl_comp1 b0) @ f_a0b0
:= isconn_wedge_incl.2.2.2.
End Wedge_Incl_Conn.
Definition wedge_incl_elim_uncurried `{Univalence}
{m n : trunc_index}
{A : Type} (a0 : A) `{IsConnected m.+1 A}
{B : Type} (b0 : B) `{IsConnected n.+1 B}
(P : A → B → Type) {HP : ∀ a b, IsTrunc (m +2+ n) (P a b)}
(fs : {f_a0 : ∀ b:B, P a0 b
& { f_b0 : ∀ a:A, P a b0
& f_a0 b0 = f_b0 a0 }})
: ∀ (a : A) (b : B), P a b.
destruct fs as [f_a0 [f_b0 f_a0b0]].
refine (wedge_incl_elim _ _ _ _ _ f_a0b0).
:= isconn_wedge_incl.1.
Definition wedge_incl_comp1 : ∀ b, wedge_incl_elim a0 b = f_a0 b
:= isconn_wedge_incl.2.1.
Definition wedge_incl_comp2 : ∀ a, wedge_incl_elim a b0 = f_b0 a
:= isconn_wedge_incl.2.2.1.
Definition wedge_incl_comp3
: wedge_incl_comp2 a0 = (wedge_incl_comp1 b0) @ f_a0b0
:= isconn_wedge_incl.2.2.2.
End Wedge_Incl_Conn.
Definition wedge_incl_elim_uncurried `{Univalence}
{m n : trunc_index}
{A : Type} (a0 : A) `{IsConnected m.+1 A}
{B : Type} (b0 : B) `{IsConnected n.+1 B}
(P : A → B → Type) {HP : ∀ a b, IsTrunc (m +2+ n) (P a b)}
(fs : {f_a0 : ∀ b:B, P a0 b
& { f_b0 : ∀ a:A, P a b0
& f_a0 b0 = f_b0 a0 }})
: ∀ (a : A) (b : B), P a b.
destruct fs as [f_a0 [f_b0 f_a0b0]].
refine (wedge_incl_elim _ _ _ _ _ f_a0b0).