Library HoTT.HFiber

Require Import Basics Types Diagrams.CommutativeSquares HSet.

Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

Basic facts about fibrations

(* ** Homotopy fibers *)

Paths in homotopy fibers can be constructed using path_sigma and transport_paths_Fl.
Definition equiv_path_hfiber {A B : Type} {f : A B} {y : B}
  (x1 x2 : hfiber f y)
  : { q : x1.1 = x2.1 & x1.2 = ap f q @ x2.2 } <~> (x1 = x2).
  refine (equiv_path_sigma _ _ _ oE _).
  apply equiv_functor_sigma_id.
  intros p; simpl.
  refine (_ oE equiv_moveR_Vp _ _ _).
  exact (equiv_concat_l (transport_paths_Fl _ _) _).

Definition path_hfiber_uncurried {A B : Type} {f : A B} {y : B}
  {x1 x2 : hfiber f y}
  : { q : x1.1 = x2.1 & x1.2 = ap f q @ x2.2 } (x1 = x2)
  := equiv_path_hfiber x1 x2.

Definition path_hfiber {A B : Type} {f : A B} {y : B}
  {x1 x2 : hfiber f y} (q : x1.1 = x2.1) (r : x1.2 = ap f q @ x2.2)
  : x1 = x2
  := path_hfiber_uncurried (q;r).

If we rearrange this a bit, then it characterizes the fibers of ap.
Definition hfiber_ap {A B : Type} {f : A B} {x1 x2 : A}
           (p : f x1 = f x2)
  : hfiber (ap f) p <~> ((x1 ; p) = (x2 ; 1) :> hfiber f (f x2)).
  refine (equiv_path_hfiber (x1;p) (x2;1%path) oE _).
  unfold hfiber; simpl.
  apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros q.
  refine (_ oE equiv_path_inverse _ _).
  exact (equiv_concat_r (concat_p1 _)^ _).

Homotopic maps have equivalent fibers.
Definition equiv_hfiber_homotopic
  {A B : Type} (f g : A B) (h : f == g) (b : B)
  : hfiber f b <~> hfiber g b.
  refine (Build_Equiv _ _ (fun fx(fx.1 ; (h fx.1)^ @ fx.2)) _).
  refine (isequiv_adjointify _ (fun gx(gx.1 ; (h gx.1) @ gx.2)) _ _);
    intros [a p]; simpl; apply ap.
  - apply concat_V_pp.
  - apply concat_p_Vp.

Commutative squares induce maps between fibers.
Definition functor_hfiber {A B C D}
           {f : A B} {g : C D} {h : A C} {k : B D}
           (p : k o f == g o h) (b : B)
: hfiber f b hfiber g (k b).
  snrapply @functor_sigma.
  - exact h.
  - intros a e; exact ((p a)^ @ ap k e).

This doesn't need to be defined as an instance, since typeclass search can already find it, but we state it here for the reader's benefit.
Definition isequiv_functor_hfiber {A B C D}
           {f : A B} {g : C D} {h : A C} {k : B D}
           `{IsEquiv A C h} `{IsEquiv B D k}
           (p : k o f == g o h) (b : B)
: IsEquiv (functor_hfiber p b) := _.

Definition equiv_functor_hfiber {A B C D}
           {f : A B} {g : C D} {h : A <~> C} {k : B <~> D}
           (p : k o f == g o h) (b : B)
  : hfiber f b <~> hfiber g (k b)
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_hfiber p b) _.

A version of functor_hfiber which is functorial in both the function and the point
Definition functor_hfiber2 {A B C D}
           {f : A B} {g : C D} {h : A C} {k : B D}
           (p : k o f == g o h) {b : B} {b' : D} (q : k b = b')
  : hfiber f b hfiber g b'.
  srapply functor_sigma.
  - exact h.
  - intros a e. exact ((p a)^ @ ap k e @ q).

Global Instance isequiv_functor_hfiber2 {A B C D}
       {f : A B} {g : C D} {h : A C} {k : B D}
       `{IsEquiv A C h} `{IsEquiv B D k}
       (p : k o f == g o h) {b : B} {b' : D} (q : k b = b')
  : IsEquiv (functor_hfiber2 p q).
  refine (isequiv_functor_sigma (f := h)); intros a.
  refine (isequiv_compose (f := fun e(p a)^ @ ap k e) (g := fun e'e' @ q)).

Definition equiv_functor_hfiber2 {A B C D}
           {f : A B} {g : C D} {h : A <~> C} {k : B <~> D}
           (p : k o f == g o h) {b : B} {b' : D} (q : k b = b')
  : hfiber f b <~> hfiber g b'
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_hfiber2 p q) _.

Definition functor_hfiber_compose {A B C X Y Z : Type} {k : A B} {l : B C}
    {f : A X} {g : B Y} {h : C Z} {i : X Y} {j : Y Z}
    (H : i o f == g o k) (K : j o g == h o l)
  : x, functor_hfiber (comm_square_comp' H K) x
    == (functor_hfiber K (i x)) o (functor_hfiber H x : hfiber f x _).
  intros x [y p].
  destruct p.
  apply (path_sigma' _ idpath).
  refine (concat_p1 _ @ _).
  refine (inv_pp _ _ @ ap _ _).
  refine ((ap_V _ _)^ @ ap _ _^).
  apply concat_p1.

The 3x3 lemma for fibrations

Definition hfiber_functor_hfiber {A B C D}
  {f : A B} {g : C D} {h : A C} {k : B D}
  (p : k o f == g o h) (b : B) (c : C) (q : g c = k b)
  : hfiber (functor_hfiber p b) (c;q)
    <~> hfiber (functor_hfiber (fun x(p x)^) c) (b;q^).
  rapply (equiv_functor_sigma_id _ oE _ oE (equiv_functor_sigma_id _)^-1).
  1,3:intros; rapply equiv_path_sigma.
  refine (equiv_sigma_assoc _ _ oE _ oE (equiv_sigma_assoc _ _)^-1).
  apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intros a; cbn.
  refine (equiv_sigma_symm _ oE _).
  do 2 (apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro).
  refine ((equiv_ap inverse _ _)^-1 oE _).
  refine (equiv_concat_r (inv_V q)^ _ oE _).
  apply equiv_concat_l.
  abstract (rewrite !transport_paths_Fl, !inv_pp, !inv_V, concat_pp_p; reflexivity).

Replacing a map with a fibration

Definition equiv_fibration_replacement {B C} (f:C B)
  : C <~> {y:B & hfiber f y}.

This is a useful variant for taking a "double fiber" of two maps.
Definition equiv_double_fibration_replacement
  {X Y Z : Type} (f : X Y) (g : X Z)
  : X <~> {y : Y & {z : Z & {x : X & f x = y g x = z}}}.

Definition hfiber_fibration {X} (x : X) (P:XType)
  : P x <~> @hfiber (sig P) X pr1 x.

Exercise 4.4: The unstable octahedral axiom.

Section UnstableOctahedral.

  Context (n : trunc_index) {A B C : Type} (f : A B) (g : B C).

  Definition hfiber_compose_map (c : C)
    : hfiber (g o f) c hfiber g c
    := fun x(f x.1 ; x.2).

  Definition hfiber_hfiber_compose_map (b : B)
    : hfiber (hfiber_compose_map (g b)) (b;1) <~> hfiber f b.
    unfold hfiber, hfiber_compose_map.
Once we "destruct" the equality in a sigma type, the rest is just shuffling of data and path induction.
    refine (_ oE equiv_functor_sigma_id (fun x(equiv_path_sigma _ _ _)^-1)); cbn.

  Definition hfiber_compose (c : C)
    : hfiber (g o f) c <~> { w : hfiber g c & hfiber f w.1 }.

  Global Instance istruncmap_compose `{!IsTruncMap n g} `{!IsTruncMap n f}
    : IsTruncMap n (g o f).
    intros c.
    exact (istrunc_isequiv_istrunc _ (hfiber_compose c)^-1).

End UnstableOctahedral.

We characterize the fibers of functor_forall, but only in the special case where the base map is idmap. This doesn't depend on anything else in this file, but can't be put in Types/Forall.v, because it requires results from Types/Sigma.v.
Definition hfiber_functor_forall_id `{Funext} {A : Type} {P Q : A Type}
  (h : a, P a Q a) (g : a, Q a)
  : hfiber (functor_forall_id h) g <~> ( a, hfiber (h a) (g a)).
  unfold hfiber, functor_forall_id, functor_forall.
  nrefine (equiv_sig_coind _ _ oE _).
  apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro f.
  apply equiv_apD10.

Fibers of constant functions

Definition hfiber_const A {B} (y y' : B)
  : hfiber (fun _ : Ay) y' <~> A × (y = y')
  := equiv_sigma_prod0 A (y = y').

Global Instance istruncmap_const n {A B} `{!IsTrunc n A}
       (y : B) `{! y', IsTrunc n (y = y')}
  : IsTruncMap n (fun _ : Ay)
  := fun y'_.

IsTruncMap n.+1 f IsTruncMap n (ap f)

Global Instance istruncmap_ap {A B} n (f:A B) `{!IsTruncMap n.+1 f}
  : x y, IsTruncMap n (@ap _ _ f x y)
  := fun x x' y
       istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (hfiber_ap y)^-1.

Definition istruncmap_from_ap {A B} n (f:A B) `{! x y, IsTruncMap n (@ap _ _ f x y)}
  : IsTruncMap n.+1 f.
  intro y; apply istrunc_S.
  intros [a p] [b q];
    destruct q;
    exact (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (hfiber_ap p)).

Definition equiv_istruncmap_ap `{Funext} {A B} n (f:A B)
  : IsTruncMap n.+1 f <~> ( x y, IsTruncMap n (@ap _ _ f x y))
  := equiv_iff_hprop (@istruncmap_ap _ _ n f) (@istruncmap_from_ap _ _ n f).

Global Instance isequiv_ap_isembedding {A B} (f : A B) `{!IsEmbedding f}
  : x y, IsEquiv (@ap _ _ f x y).
  intros x y. apply isequiv_contr_map,_.

Definition equiv_ap_isembedding {A B} (f : A B) `{!IsEmbedding f} (x y : A)
  : (x = y) <~> (f x = f y)
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (ap f) _.

Definition isembedding_isequiv_ap {A B} (f : A B) `{! x y, IsEquiv (@ap _ _ f x y)}
  : IsEmbedding f.
  rapply istruncmap_from_ap.

Definition equiv_isequiv_ap_isembedding `{Funext} {A B} (f : A B)
  : IsEmbedding f <~> ( x y, IsEquiv (@ap _ _ f x y)).
  exact (equiv_iff_hprop (@isequiv_ap_isembedding _ _ f) (@isembedding_isequiv_ap _ _ f)).

It follows from isembedding_isequiv_ap and isequiv_ap_equiv_fun that equiv_fun is an embedding.
Global Instance isembedding_equiv_fun `{Funext} {A B : Type}
  : IsEmbedding (@equiv_fun A B).
  rapply isembedding_isequiv_ap.

Lemma ap_isinj_embedding_beta {X Y : Type} (f : X Y) {I : IsEmbedding f} {x0 x1 : X}
  : (p : f x0 = f x1), ap f (isinj_embedding f I x0 x1 p) = p.
  equiv_intro (equiv_ap_isembedding f x0 x1) q.
  induction q. cbn.
  exact (ap _ (isinj_embedding_beta f)).