Library HoTT.Pointed.Core

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import PathAny.
Require Import WildCat.
Require Import Truncations.Core.
Require Import ReflectiveSubuniverse.
Require Import Extensions.

Local Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity.

Declare Scope pointed_scope.

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope path_scope.

Generalizable Variables A B f.

Pointed Types

Notation "'pt'" := (point _) : pointed_scope.
Notation "[ X , x ]" := (Build_pType X x) : pointed_scope.

The unit type is pointed
Global Instance ispointed_unit : IsPointed Unit := tt.

The Unit pType
Definition pUnit : pType := [Unit, tt].

A sigma type of pointed components is pointed.
Global Instance ispointed_sigma `{IsPointed A} `{IsPointed (B (point A))}
: IsPointed (sig B)
  := (point A; point (B (point A))).

A product of pointed types is pointed.
Global Instance ispointed_prod `{IsPointed A, IsPointed B} : IsPointed (A × B)
  := (point A, point B).

We override the notation for products in pointed_scope
Notation "X * Y" := ([X × Y, ispointed_prod]) : pointed_scope.

A pointed type family consists of a type family over a pointed type and a section of that family at the basepoint. By making this a Record, it has one fewer universe variable, and is cumulative. We declare pfam_pr1 to be a coercion pFam >-> Funclass.
Record pFam (A : pType) := { pfam_pr1 :> A Type; dpoint : pfam_pr1 (point A)}.

Arguments Build_pFam {A} _ _.
Arguments pfam_pr1 {A} P : rename.
Arguments dpoint {A} P : rename.

The constant pointed family
Definition pfam_const {A : pType} (B : pType) : pFam A
  := Build_pFam (fun _pointed_type B) (point B).

IsTrunc for a pointed type family
Class IsTrunc_pFam n {A} (P : pFam A)
  := trunc_pfam_is_trunc : x, IsTrunc n (P x).

Pointed dependent functions
Record pForall (A : pType) (P : pFam A) := {
  pointed_fun : x, P x ;
  dpoint_eq : pointed_fun (point A) = dpoint P ;

Arguments dpoint_eq {A P} f : rename.
Arguments pointed_fun {A P} f : rename.
Coercion pointed_fun : pForall >-> Funclass.

Pointed functions

A pointed map is a map with a proof that it preserves the point. We define it as as a notation for a non-dependent version of pForall.
Notation "A ->* B" := (pForall A (pfam_const B)) : pointed_scope.

Definition Build_pMap (A B : pType) (f : A B) (p : f (point A) = point B)
  : A ->* B
  := Build_pForall A (pfam_const B) f p.

The & tells Coq to use the context to infer the later arguments (in this case, all of them).
Arguments Build_pMap & _ _ _ _.

Pointed maps perserve the base point
Definition point_eq {A B : pType} (f : A ->* B)
  : f (point A) = point B
  := dpoint_eq f.

The identity pointed map
Definition pmap_idmap {A : pType} : A ->* A
  := Build_pMap A A idmap 1.

Composition of pointed maps
Definition pmap_compose {A B C : pType} (g : B ->* C) (f : A ->* B)
  : A ->* C
  := Build_pMap A C (g o f) (ap g (point_eq f) @ point_eq g).

Infix "o*" := pmap_compose : pointed_scope.

Pointed homotopies

A pointed homotopy is a homotopy with a proof that the presevation paths agree. We define it instead as a special case of a pForall. This means that we can define pointed homotopies between pointed homotopies.
Definition pfam_phomotopy {A : pType} {P : pFam A} (f g : pForall A P) : pFam A
  := Build_pFam (fun xf x = g x) (dpoint_eq f @ (dpoint_eq g)^).

Definition pHomotopy {A : pType} {P : pFam A} (f g : pForall A P)
  := pForall A (pfam_phomotopy f g).

Infix "==*" := pHomotopy : pointed_scope.

Definition Build_pHomotopy {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P}
  (p : f == g) (q : p (point A) = dpoint_eq f @ (dpoint_eq g)^)
  : f ==* g
  := Build_pForall A (pfam_phomotopy f g) p q.

The underlying homotopy of a pointed homotopy
Coercion pointed_htpy {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P} (h : f ==* g)
  : f == g
  := h.

This is the form that the underlying proof of a pointed homotopy used to take before we changed it to be defined in terms of pForall.
Definition point_htpy {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P}
  (h : f ==* g) : h (point A) @ dpoint_eq g = dpoint_eq f.
  apply moveR_pM.
  exact (dpoint_eq h).

Pointed equivalences

A pointed equivalence is a pointed map and a proof that it is an equivalence
TODO: It might be better behaved to define pEquiv as an equivalence and a proof that this equivalence is pointed. In pEquiv.v we have another constructor Build_pEquiv' which coq can infer faster than Build_pEquiv.

Infix "<~>*" := pEquiv : pointed_scope.

Note: because we define pMap as a special case of pForall, we must declare all coercions into pForall, *not* into pMap.
Coercion pointed_equiv_fun : pEquiv >-> pForall.
Global Existing Instance pointed_isequiv.

Coercion pointed_equiv_equiv {A B} (f : A <~>* B)
  : A <~> B := Build_Equiv A B f _.

The pointed identity is a pointed equivalence
Definition pequiv_pmap_idmap {A} : A <~>* A
  := Build_pEquiv _ _ pmap_idmap _.

Pointed sigma types
Definition psigma {A : pType} (P : pFam A) : pType
  := [sig P, (point A; dpoint P)].

Pointed products

Pointed pi types; note that the domain is not pointed
Definition pproduct {A : Type} (F : A pType) : pType
  := [ (a : A), pointed_type (F a), ispointed_type o F].

Definition pproduct_corec `{Funext} {A : Type} (F : A pType)
  (X : pType) (f : a, X ->* F a)
  : X ->* pproduct F.
  snrapply Build_pMap.
  - intros x a.
    exact (f a x).
  - cbn.
    funext a.
    apply point_eq.

Definition pproduct_proj {A : Type} {F : A pType} (a : A)
  : pproduct F ->* F a.
  snrapply Build_pMap.
  - intros x.
    exact (x a).
  - reflexivity.

The projections from a pointed product are pointed maps.
Definition pfst {A B : pType} : A × B ->* A
  := Build_pMap (A × B) A fst idpath.

Definition psnd {A B : pType} : A × B ->* B
  := Build_pMap (A × B) B snd idpath.

Definition pprod_corec {X Y} (Z : pType) (f : Z ->* X) (g : Z ->* Y)
  : Z ->* (X × Y)
  := Build_pMap Z (X × Y) (fun z(f z, g z))
      (path_prod' (point_eq _) (point_eq _)).

Definition pprod_corec_beta_fst {X Y} (Z : pType) (f : Z ->* X) (g : Z ->* Y)
  : pfst o× pprod_corec Z f g ==* f.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: reflexivity.
  apply moveL_pV.
  refine (concat_1p _ @ _^ @ (concat_p1 _)^).
  apply ap_fst_path_prod'.

Definition pprod_corec_beta_snd {X Y} (Z : pType) (f : Z ->* X) (g : Z ->* Y)
  : psnd o× pprod_corec Z f g ==* g.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: reflexivity.
  apply moveL_pV.
  refine (concat_1p _ @ _^ @ (concat_p1 _)^).
  apply ap_snd_path_prod'.

The following tactics often allow us to "pretend" that pointed maps and homotopies preserve basepoints strictly.
First a version with no rewrites, which leaves some cleanup to be done but which can be used in transparent proofs.
Ltac pointed_reduce :=
  (*TODO: are these correct? *)
  unfold pointed_fun, pointed_htpy;
  cbn in *;
  repeat match goal with
           | [ X : pType |- _ ] ⇒ destruct X as [X ?point]
           | [ P : pFam ?X |- _ ] ⇒ destruct P as [P ?]
           | [ phi : pForall ?X ?Y |- _ ] ⇒ destruct phi as [phi ?]
           | [ alpha : pHomotopy ?f ?g |- _ ] ⇒ let H := fresh in destruct alpha as [alpha H]; try (apply moveR_pM in H)
           | [ equiv : pEquiv ?X ?Y |- _ ] ⇒ destruct equiv as [equiv ?iseq]
  cbn in *; unfold point in *;
  path_induction; cbn.

Next a version that uses rewrite, and should only be used in opaque proofs.
Ltac pointed_reduce_rewrite :=
  rewrite ?concat_p1, ?concat_1p.

Finally, a version that just strictifies a single map or equivalence. This has the advantage that it leaves the context more readable.
Ltac pointed_reduce_pmap f
  := try match type of f with
    | pEquiv ?X ?Ydestruct f as [f ?iseq]
    match type of f with
    | _ ->* ?Ylet p := fresh in destruct Y as [Y ?], f as [f p]; cbn in *; destruct p; cbn

A general tactic to replace pointedness paths in a pForall with reflexivity. Because it generalizes f pt, it can usually only be applied once the function itself is not longer needed. Compared to pointed_reduce, an advantage is that the pointed types do not need to be destructed.
Ltac pelim f :=
  try match type of f with
    | pEquiv ?X ?Ydestruct f as [f ?iseq]; unfold pointed_fun in ×
  destruct f as [f ?ptd];
  cbn in f, ptd |- *;
  match type of ptd with ?fpt = _generalize dependent fpt end;
  nrapply paths_ind_r;
  try clear f.

Tactic Notation "pelim" constr(x0) := pelim x0.
Tactic Notation "pelim" constr(x0) constr(x1) := pelim x0; pelim x1.
Tactic Notation "pelim" constr(x0) constr(x1) constr(x2) := pelim x0; pelim x1 x2.
Tactic Notation "pelim" constr(x0) constr(x1) constr(x2) constr(x3) := pelim x0; pelim x1 x2 x3.
Tactic Notation "pelim" constr(x0) constr(x1) constr(x2) constr(x3) constr(x4) := pelim x0; pelim x1 x2 x3 x4.
Tactic Notation "pelim" constr(x0) constr(x1) constr(x2) constr(x3) constr(x4) constr(x5) := pelim x0; pelim x1 x2 x3 x4 x5.
Tactic Notation "pelim" constr(x0) constr(x1) constr(x2) constr(x3) constr(x4) constr(x5) constr(x6) := pelim x0; pelim x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6.

Equivalences to sigma-types.

Definition issig_ptype : { X : Type & X } <~> pType := ltac:(issig).

Definition issig_pforall (A : pType) (P : pFam A)
  : {f : x, P x & f (point A) = dpoint P} <~> (pForall A P)
  := ltac:(issig).

Definition issig_pmap (A B : pType)
  : {f : A B & f (point A) = point B} <~> (A ->* B)
  := ltac:(issig).

Definition issig_phomotopy {A : pType} {P : pFam A} (f g : pForall A P)
  : {p : f == g & p (point A) = dpoint_eq f @ (dpoint_eq g)^} <~> (f ==* g)
  := ltac:(issig).

Definition issig_pequiv (A B : pType)
  : {f : A ->* B & IsEquiv f} <~> (A <~>* B)
  := ltac:(issig).

The record for pointed equivalences is equivalently a different sigma type
Definition issig_pequiv' (A B : pType)
  : {f : A <~> B & f (point A) = point B} <~> (A <~>* B)
  := ltac:(make_equiv).

pForall can also be described as a type of extensions.
Definition equiv_extension_along_pforall `{Funext} {A : pType} (P : pFam A)
  : ExtensionAlong@{Set _ _ _} (unit_name (point A)) P (unit_name (dpoint P)) <~> pForall A P.
  unfold ExtensionAlong.
  refine (issig_pforall A P oE _).
  apply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro s.
  symmetry; apply equiv_unit_rec.

This is equiv_prod_coind for pointed families.
Definition equiv_pprod_coind {A : pType} (P Q : pFam A)
  : (pForall A P × pForall A Q) <~>
      (pForall A (Build_pFam (fun aprod (P a) (Q a)) (dpoint P, dpoint Q))).
  transitivity {p : prod ( a:A, P a) ( a:A, Q a)
                    & prod (fst p _ = dpoint P) (snd p _ = dpoint Q)}.
  1: make_equiv.
  refine (issig_pforall _ _ oE _).
  srapply equiv_functor_sigma'.
  1: apply equiv_prod_coind.
  intro f; cbn.
  unfold prod_coind_uncurried.
  exact (equiv_path_prod (fst f _, snd f _) (dpoint P, dpoint Q)).

Definition functor_pprod {A A' B B' : pType} (f : A ->* A') (g : B ->* B')
  : A × B ->* A' × B'.
  snrapply Build_pMap.
  - exact (functor_prod f g).
  - apply path_prod; apply point_eq.

isequiv_functor_prod applies, and is a Global Instance.
Definition equiv_functor_pprod {A A' B B' : pType} (f : A <~>* A') (g : B <~>* B')
  : A × B <~>* A' × B'
  := Build_pEquiv _ _ (functor_pprod f g) _.

Various operations with pointed homotopies

For the following three instances, the typeclass (e.g. Reflexive) requires a third universe variable, the maximum of the universe of A and the universe of the values of P. Because of this, in each case we first prove a version not mentioning the typeclass, which avoids a stray universe variable.
pHomotopy is a reflexive relation
Definition phomotopy_reflexive {A : pType} {P : pFam A} (f : pForall A P)
  : f ==* f
  := Build_pHomotopy (fun x ⇒ 1) (concat_pV _)^.

Global Instance phomotopy_reflexive' {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  : Reflexive (@pHomotopy A P)
  := @phomotopy_reflexive A P.

pHomotopy is a symmetric relation
Definition phomotopy_symmetric {A P} {f g : pForall A P} (p : f ==* g)
  : g ==* f.
  snrefine (Build_pHomotopy _ _); cbn.
  1: intros x; exact ((p x)^).
  by pelim p f g.

Global Instance phomotopy_symmetric' {A P}
  : Symmetric (@pHomotopy A P)
  := @phomotopy_symmetric A P.

Notation "p ^*" := (phomotopy_symmetric p) : pointed_scope.

pHomotopy is a transitive relation
Definition phomotopy_transitive {A P} {f g h : pForall A P} (p : f ==* g) (q : g ==* h)
  : f ==* h.
  snrefine (Build_pHomotopy (fun xp x @ q x) _).
  nrefine (dpoint_eq p @@ dpoint_eq q @ concat_pp_p _ _ _ @ _).
  nrapply whiskerL; nrapply concat_V_pp.

Global Instance phomotopy_transitive' {A P} : Transitive (@pHomotopy A P)
  := @phomotopy_transitive A P.

Notation "p @* q" := (phomotopy_transitive p q) : pointed_scope.

Whiskering of pointed homotopies by pointed functions

Definition pmap_postwhisker {A B C : pType} {f g : A ->* B}
  (h : B ->* C) (p : f ==* g)
  : h o× f ==* h o× g.
  snrefine (Build_pHomotopy _ _); cbn.
  1: exact (fun xap h (p x)).
  by pelim p f g h.

Definition pmap_prewhisker {A B C : pType} (f : A ->* B)
  {g h : B ->* C} (p : g ==* h)
  : g o× f ==* h o× f.
  snrefine (Build_pHomotopy _ _); cbn.
  1: exact (fun xp (f x)).
  by pelim f p g h.

1-categorical properties of pType.

Composition of pointed maps is associative up to pointed homotopy
Definition pmap_compose_assoc {A B C D : pType} (h : C ->* D)
  (g : B ->* C) (f : A ->* B)
  : (h o× g) o× f ==* h o× (g o× f).
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: reflexivity.
  by pelim f g h.

precomposition of identity pointed map
Definition pmap_precompose_idmap {A B : pType} (f : A ->* B)
: f o× pmap_idmap ==* f.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: reflexivity.
  by pelim f.

postcomposition of identity pointed map
Definition pmap_postcompose_idmap {A B : pType} (f : A ->* B)
: pmap_idmap o× f ==* f.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: reflexivity.
  by pelim f.

1-categorical properties of pForall.

Definition phomotopy_postwhisker {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {f g h : pForall A P} {p p' : f ==* g} (r : p ==* p') (q : g ==* h)
  : p @* q ==* p' @* q.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: exact (fun xwhiskerR (r x) (q x)).
  by pelim q r p p' f g h.

Definition phomotopy_prewhisker {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {f g h : pForall A P} (p : f ==* g) {q q' : g ==* h} (s : q ==* q')
  : p @* q ==* p @* q'.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: exact (fun xwhiskerL (p x) (s x)).
  by pelim s q q' p f g h.

Definition phomotopy_compose_assoc {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {f g h k : pForall A P} (p : f ==* g) (q : g ==* h) (r : h ==* k)
  : p @* (q @* r) ==* (p @* q) @* r.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: exact (fun xconcat_p_pp (p x) (q x) (r x)).
  by pelim r q p f g h k.

Definition phomotopy_compose_p1 {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P}
 (p : f ==* g) : p @* reflexivity g ==* p.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: intro; apply concat_p1.
  by pelim p f g.

Definition phomotopy_compose_1p {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P}
 (p : f ==* g) : reflexivity f @* p ==* p.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: intro x; apply concat_1p.
  by pelim p f g.

Definition phomotopy_compose_pV {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P}
 (p : f ==* g) : p @* p ^* ==* phomotopy_reflexive f.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: intro x; apply concat_pV.
  by pelim p f g.

Definition phomotopy_compose_Vp {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P}
 (p : f ==* g) : p ^* @* p ==* phomotopy_reflexive g.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: intro x; apply concat_Vp.
  by pelim p f g.

The pointed category structure of pType

Pointed types of pointed maps
A family of pointed types gives rise to a pFam.
Definition pointed_fam {A : pType} (B : A pType) : pFam A
  := Build_pFam (pointed_type o B) (point (B (point A))).

The section of a family of pointed types
Definition point_pforall {A : pType} (B : A pType) : pForall A (pointed_fam B)
  := Build_pForall A (pointed_fam B) (fun xpoint (B x)) 1.

The pointed type of dependent pointed maps. Note that we need a family of pointed types, not just a family of types with a point over the basepoint of A.
Definition ppForall (A : pType) (B : A pType) : pType
  := [pForall A (pointed_fam B), point_pforall B].

Notation "'ppforall' x .. y , P"
  := (ppForall _ (fun x ⇒ .. (ppForall _ (fun yP)) ..))
     : pointed_scope.

The constant (zero) map
Definition pconst {A B : pType} : A ->* B
  := point_pforall (fun _B).

The pointed type of pointed maps. This is a special case of ppForall.
Definition ppMap (A B : pType) : pType
  := [A ->* B, pconst].

Infix "->**" := ppMap : pointed_scope.

Lemma pmap_punit_pconst {A : pType} (f : A ->* pUnit) : pconst ==* f.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: intro; apply path_unit.
  apply path_contr.

Lemma punit_pmap_pconst {A : pType} (f : pUnit ->* A) : pconst ==* f.
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: intros []; exact (point_eq f)^.
  exact (concat_1p _)^.

Global Instance contr_pmap_from_contr `{Funext} {A B : pType} `{C : Contr A}
  : Contr (A ->* B).
  rapply (contr_equiv' { b : B & b = pt }).
  refine (issig_pmap A B oE _).
  exact (equiv_functor_sigma_pb (equiv_arrow_from_contr A B)^-1%equiv).

pType and pForall as wild categories

Note that the definitions for pForall are also used for the higher structure in pType.
pType is a graph
Global Instance isgraph_ptype : IsGraph pType
  := Build_IsGraph pType (fun X YX ->* Y).

pForall is a graph
Global Instance isgraph_pforall (A : pType) (P : pFam A)
  : IsGraph (pForall A P)
  := Build_IsGraph _ pHomotopy.

pType is a 0-coherent 1-category
pForall is a 0-coherent 1-category
Global Instance is01cat_pforall (A : pType) (P : pFam A) : Is01Cat (pForall A P).
  - exact phomotopy_reflexive.
  - intros a b c f g. exact (g @* f).

Global Instance is2graph_ptype : Is2Graph pType := fun f g_.

Global Instance is2graph_pforall (A : pType) (P : pFam A)
  : Is2Graph (pForall A P)
  := fun f g_.

pForall is a 0-coherent 1-groupoid
Global Instance is0gpd_pforall (A : pType) (P : pFam A) : Is0Gpd (pForall A P).
  srapply Build_Is0Gpd. intros ? ? h. exact h^*.

pType is a 1-coherent 1-category
Global Instance is1cat_ptype : Is1Cat pType.
  snrapply Build_Is1Cat'.
  1, 2: exact _.
  - intros A B C h; rapply Build_Is0Functor.
    intros f g p; cbn.
    apply pmap_postwhisker; assumption.
  - intros A B C h; rapply Build_Is0Functor.
    intros f g p; cbn.
    apply pmap_prewhisker; assumption.
  - intros ? ? ? ? f g h; exact (pmap_compose_assoc h g f).
  - intros ? ? f; exact (pmap_postcompose_idmap f).
  - intros ? ? f; exact (pmap_precompose_idmap f).

pType is a pointed category
Global Instance ispointedcat_ptype : IsPointedCat pType.
  snrapply Build_IsPointedCat.
  + exact pUnit.
  + intro A.
    exact punit_pmap_pconst.
  + intro B.
    exact pmap_punit_pconst.

The constant map is definitionally equal to the zero_morphism of a pointed category
pForall is a 1-category
Global Instance is1cat_pforall (A : pType) (P : pFam A) : Is1Cat (pForall A P) | 10.
  snrapply Build_Is1Cat'.
  1, 2: exact _.
  - intros f g h p; rapply Build_Is0Functor.
    intros q r s. exact (phomotopy_postwhisker s p).
  - intros f g h p; rapply Build_Is0Functor.
    intros q r s. exact (phomotopy_prewhisker p s).
  - intros ? ? ? ? p q r. simpl. exact (phomotopy_compose_assoc p q r).
  - intros ? ? p; exact (phomotopy_compose_p1 p).
  - intros ? ? p; exact (phomotopy_compose_1p p).

pForall is a 1-groupoid
Global Instance is1gpd_pforall (A : pType) (P : pFam A) : Is1Gpd (pForall A P) | 10.
  + intros ? ? p. exact (phomotopy_compose_pV p).
  + intros ? ? p. exact (phomotopy_compose_Vp p).

Global Instance is3graph_ptype : Is3Graph pType
  := fun f gis2graph_pforall _ _.

Global Instance is21cat_ptype : Is21Cat pType.
  unshelve econstructor.
  - exact _.
  - intros A B C f; nrapply Build_Is1Functor.
    + intros g h p q r.
      srapply Build_pHomotopy.
      1: exact (fun _ap _ (r _)).
      by pelim r p q g h f.
    + intros g.
      srapply Build_pHomotopy.
      1: reflexivity.
      by pelim g f.
    + intros g h i p q.
      srapply Build_pHomotopy.
      1: cbn; exact (fun _ap_pp _ _ _).
      by pelim p q g h i f.
  - intros A B C f; nrapply Build_Is1Functor.
    + intros g h p q r.
      srapply Build_pHomotopy.
      1: intro; exact (r _).
      by pelim f r p q g h.
    + intros g.
      srapply Build_pHomotopy.
      1: reflexivity.
      by pelim f g.
    + intros g h i p q.
      srapply Build_pHomotopy.
      1: reflexivity.
      by pelim f p q i g h.
  - intros A B C f g h k p q.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    + intros x.
      exact (concat_Ap q _)^.
    + by pelim p f g q h k.
  - intros A B C D f g.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros r1 r2 s1.
    srapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: exact (fun _concat_p1 _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
    by pelim f g s1 r1 r2.
  - intros A B C D f g.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros r1 r2 s1.
    srapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: exact (fun _concat_p1 _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
    by pelim f s1 r1 r2 g.
  - intros A B C D f g.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros r1 r2 s1.
    srapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: cbn; exact (fun _concat_p1 _ @ ap_compose _ _ _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
    by pelim s1 r1 r2 f g.
  - intros A B.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros r1 r2 s1.
    srapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: exact (fun _concat_p1 _ @ ap_idmap _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
    by pelim s1 r1 r2.
  - intros A B.
    snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
    intros r1 r2 s1.
    srapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: exact (fun _concat_p1 _ @ (concat_1p _)^).
    simpl; by pelim s1 r1 r2.
  - intros A B C D E f g h j.
    srapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: reflexivity.
    by pelim f g h j.
  - intros A B C f g.
    srapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: reflexivity.
    by pelim f g.

The forgetful map from pType to Type is a 0-functor
Global Instance is0functor_pointed_type : Is0Functor pointed_type.
  apply Build_Is0Functor. intros. exact f.

The forgetful map from pType to Type is a 1-functor
Global Instance is1functor_pointed_type : Is1Functor pointed_type.
  apply Build_Is1Functor.
  + intros ? ? ? ? h. exact h.
  + intros. reflexivity.
  + intros. reflexivity.

pType has binary products
Global Instance hasbinaryproducts_ptype : HasBinaryProducts pType.
  intros X Y.
  snrapply Build_BinaryProduct.
  - exact (X × Y).
  - exact pfst.
  - exact psnd.
  - exact pprod_corec.
  - exact pprod_corec_beta_fst.
  - exact pprod_corec_beta_snd.
  - intros Z f g p q.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    { intros a.
      apply path_prod'; cbn.
      - exact (p a).
      - exact (q a). }
    by pelim p q f g.

pType has I-indexed product.
Global Instance hasallproducts_ptype `{Funext} : HasAllProducts pType.
  intros I x.
  snrapply Build_Product.
  - exact (pproduct x).
  - exact pproduct_proj.
  - exact (pproduct_corec x).
  - intros Z f i.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: reflexivity.
    apply moveL_pV.
    apply equiv_1p_q1.
    exact (apD10_path_forall _ _ (fun apoint_eq (f a)) i)^.
  - intros Z f g p.
    snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
    1: intros z; funext i; apply p.
    cbn; apply moveR_equiv_V.
    funext i.
    rhs nrapply ap_pp.
    lhs nrapply (dpoint_eq (p i)).
    cbn; f_ap.
    + apply concat_p1.
    + rhs nrapply (ap_V _ (dpoint_eq g)).
      apply inverse2.
      apply concat_p1.

Some higher homotopies
Horizontal composition of homotopies.
Notation "p @@* q" := (p $@@ q).

Funext for pointed types and direct consequences.

By funext pointed homotopies are equivalent to paths
Definition equiv_path_pforall `{Funext} {A : pType}
  {P : pFam A} (f g : pForall A P)
  : (f ==* g) <~> (f = g).
  refine (_ oE (issig_phomotopy f g)^-1).
  revert f g; apply (equiv_path_issig_contr (issig_pforall A P)).
  { intros [f feq]; cbn.
     (fun a ⇒ 1%path).
    exact (concat_pV _)^. }
  intros [f feq]; cbn.
  contr_sigsig f (fun a:Aidpath (f a)); cbn.
  refine (contr_equiv' {feq' : f (point A) = dpoint P & feq = feq'} _).
  refine (equiv_functor_sigma' (equiv_idmap _) _); intros p.
  refine (_^-1 oE equiv_path_inverse _ _).
  apply equiv_moveR_1M.

Definition path_pforall `{Funext} {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P}
  : (f ==* g) (f = g) := equiv_path_pforall f g.

We note that the inverse of path_pforall computes definitionally on reflexivity, and hence path_pforall itself computes typally so.
Definition equiv_inverse_path_pforall_1 `{Funext} {A : pType} {P : pFam A} (f : pForall A P)
  : (equiv_path_pforall f f)^-1%equiv 1%path = reflexivity f
  := 1.

Definition path_pforall_1 `{Funext} {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f : pForall A P}
  : equiv_path_pforall _ _ (reflexivity f) = 1%path
  := moveR_equiv_M _ _ (equiv_inverse_path_pforall_1 f)^.

Here is the inverse map without assuming funext
Definition phomotopy_path {A : pType} {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P}
  : (f = g) (f ==* g) := ltac:(by intros []).

And we prove that it agrees with the inverse of equiv_path_pforall
Definition path_equiv_path_pforall_phomotopy_path `{Funext} {A : pType}
  {P : pFam A} {f g : pForall A P}
  : phomotopy_path (f:=f) (g:=g) = (equiv_path_pforall f g)^-1%equiv
  := ltac:(by funext []).

TODO: The next few results could be proven for GpdHom_path in any WildCat.
phomotopy_path sends concatenation to composition of pointed homotopies.
Definition phomotopy_path_pp {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {f g h : pForall A P} (p : f = g) (q : g = h)
  : phomotopy_path (p @ q) ==* phomotopy_path p @* phomotopy_path q.
  induction p. induction q. symmetry. apply phomotopy_compose_p1.

phomotopy_path respects 2-cells.

Definition phomotopy_path2 {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {f g : pForall A P} {p p' : f = g} (q : p = p')
  : phomotopy_path p ==* phomotopy_path p'.
  induction q. reflexivity.

phomotopy_path sends inverses to inverses.
Definition phomotopy_path_V {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {f g : pForall A P} (p : f = g)
  : phomotopy_path (p^) ==* (phomotopy_path p)^*.
  induction p. simpl. symmetry. exact gpd_rev_1.

Since pointed homotopies are equivalent to equalities, we can act as if they are paths and define a path induction for them.
Definition phomotopy_ind `{H0 : Funext} {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {k : pForall A P} (Q : (k' : pForall A P), (k ==* k') Type)
  (q : Q k (reflexivity k)) (k' : pForall A P)
  : (H : k ==* k'), Q k' H.
  equiv_intro (equiv_path_pforall k k')^-1%equiv p.
  induction p.
  exact q.

Sometimes you have a goal with both a pointed homotopy H and path_pforall H. This is an induction principle that allows us to replace both of them by reflexivity at the same time.
Definition phomotopy_ind' `{H0 : Funext} {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {k : pForall A P} (Q : (k' : pForall A P), (k ==* k') (k = k') Type)
  (q : Q k (reflexivity k) 1 % path) (k' : pForall A P) (H : k ==* k')
  (p : k = k') (r : path_pforall H = p)
  : Q k' H p.
  induction r.
  revert k' H.
  rapply phomotopy_ind.
  exact (transport (Q _ (reflexivity _)) path_pforall_1^ q).

Definition phomotopy_ind_1 `{H0 : Funext} {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {k : pForall A P} (Q : (k' : pForall A P), (k ==* k') Type)
  (q : Q k (reflexivity k)) :
  phomotopy_ind Q q k (reflexivity k) = q.
  change (reflexivity k) with ((equiv_path_pforall k k)^-1%equiv (idpath k)).
  apply equiv_ind_comp.

Definition phomotopy_ind_1' `{H0 : Funext} {A : pType} {P : pFam A}
  {k : pForall A P} (Q : (k' : pForall A P), (k ==* k') (k = k') Type)
  (q : Q k (reflexivity k) 1 % path)
  : phomotopy_ind' Q q k (reflexivity k) (path_pforall (reflexivity k)) (1 % path)
  = transport (Q k (reflexivity k)) path_pforall_1^ q.
  srapply phomotopy_ind_1.

Every homotopy between pointed maps of sets is a pointed homotopy.
Definition phomotopy_homotopy_hset {X Y : pType} `{IsHSet Y} {f g : X ->* Y} (h : f == g)
  : f ==* g.
  apply (Build_pHomotopy h).
  apply path_ishprop.

Pointed homotopies in a set form an HProp.
Global Instance ishprop_phomotopy_hset `{Funext} {X Y : pType} `{IsHSet Y} (f g : X ->* Y)
  : IsHProp (f ==* g)
  := inO_equiv_inO' (O:=Tr (-1)) _ (issig_phomotopy f g).

Operations on equivalences needed to make pType a wild category with equivalences

The inverse equivalence of a pointed equivalence is again a pointed equivalence
Definition pequiv_inverse {A B} (f : A <~>* B) : B <~>* A.
  snrapply Build_pEquiv.
  1: apply (Build_pMap _ _ f^-1).
  1: apply moveR_equiv_V; symmetry; apply point_eq.
  exact _.

(* A pointed equivalence is a section of its inverse *)
Definition peissect {A B : pType} (f : A <~>* B)
  : (pequiv_inverse f) o× f ==* pmap_idmap.
  srefine (Build_pHomotopy _ _).
  1: apply (eissect f).
  simpl. unfold moveR_equiv_V.
  refine (concat_p1 _ @ concat_1p _ @ concat_1p _).

(* A pointed equivalence is a retraction of its inverse *)
Definition peisretr {A B : pType} (f : A <~>* B)
  : f o× (pequiv_inverse f) ==* pmap_idmap.
  srefine (Build_pHomotopy _ _).
  1: apply (eisretr f).
  unfold moveR_equiv_V.
  refine (eisadj f _ @ _).
  exact (concat_p1 _ @ concat_p1 _ @ ap _ (concat_1p _)).

Univalence for pointed types
Definition equiv_path_ptype `{Univalence} (A B : pType@{u}) : A <~>* B <~> A = B.
  refine (equiv_path_from_contr A (fun CA <~>* C) pequiv_pmap_idmap _ B).
  nrapply (contr_equiv' { X : Type@{u} & { f : A <~> X & {x : X & f pt = x} }}).
  1: make_equiv.
  rapply (contr_equiv' { X : Type@{u} & A <~> X }).
  nrapply equiv_functor_sigma_id; intro X; symmetry.
  rapply equiv_sigma_contr.
If you replace the type in the second line with { Xf : {X : Type & A <~> X} & {x : Xf.1 & Xf.2 pt = x} }, then the third line completes the proof, but that results in an extra universe variable.

Definition path_ptype `{Univalence} {A B : pType} : (A <~>* B) A = B
  := equiv_path_ptype A B.

The inverse map can be defined without Univalence.
Definition pequiv_path {A B : pType} (p : A = B) : (A <~>* B)
  := match p with idpathpequiv_pmap_idmap end.

This just confirms that it is definitionally the inverse map.
Two pointed equivalences are equal if their underlying pointed functions are equal. This requires Funext for knowing that IsEquiv is an HProp.
Definition equiv_path_pequiv' `{Funext} {A B : pType} (f g : A <~>* B)
  : (f = g :> (A ->* B)) <~> (f = g :> (A <~>* B)).
  refine ((equiv_ap' (issig_pequiv A B)^-1%equiv f g)^-1%equiv oE _); cbn.
  match goal with |- _ <~> ?F = ?Gexact (equiv_path_sigma_hprop F G) end.

Two pointed equivalences are equal if their underlying pointed functions are pointed homotopic.
Definition equiv_path_pequiv `{Funext} {A B : pType} (f g : A <~>* B)
  : (f ==* g) <~> (f = g)
  := equiv_path_pequiv' f g oE equiv_path_pforall f g.

Definition path_pequiv `{Funext} {A B : pType} (f g : A <~>* B)
  : (f ==* g) (f = g)
  := equiv_path_pequiv f g.

Definition equiv_phomotopy_concat_l `{Funext} {A B : pType}
  (f g h : A ->* B) (K : g ==* f)
  : f ==* h <~> g ==* h.
  refine ((equiv_path_pforall _ _)^-1%equiv oE _ oE equiv_path_pforall _ _).
  rapply equiv_concat_l.
  apply equiv_path_pforall.
  exact K.

Under funext, pType has morphism extensionality
Global Instance hasmorext_ptype `{Funext} : HasMorExt pType.
  srapply Build_HasMorExt; intros A B f g.
  refine (isequiv_homotopic (equiv_path_pforall f g)^-1%equiv _).
  intros []; reflexivity.

pType has equivalences
Global Instance hasequivs_ptype : HasEquivs pType.
  srapply (
    Build_HasEquivs _ _ _ _ _ pEquiv (fun A B fIsEquiv f));
  intros A B f; cbn; intros.
  - exact f.
  - exact _.
  - exact (Build_pEquiv _ _ f _).
  - reflexivity.
  - exact (pequiv_inverse f).
  - apply peissect.
  - cbn. refine (peisretr f).
  - rapply (isequiv_adjointify f g).
    + intros x; exact (r x).
    + intros x; exact (s x).

Global Instance hasmorext_core_ptype `{Funext} : HasMorExt (core pType).
  rapply hasmorext_core.
  intros A B f g.
  snrapply isequiv_homotopic'.
  1: exact (equiv_path_pequiv' f g)^-1%equiv.
  by intros [].

pType is a univalent 1-coherent 1-category
Global Instance isunivalent_ptype `{Univalence} : IsUnivalent1Cat pType.
  srapply Build_IsUnivalent1Cat; intros A B.
  (* cate_equiv_path is almost definitionally equal to pequiv_path.  Both are defined by path induction, sending idpath A to id_cate A and pequiv_pmap_idmap A, respectively.  id_cate A is almost definitionally equal to pequiv_pmap_idmap A, except that the former uses catie_adjointify, so the adjoint law is different. However, the underlying pointed maps are definitionally equal. *)
  refine (isequiv_homotopic pequiv_path _).
  intros [].
  apply equiv_path_pequiv'. (* Change to equality as pointed functions. *)

The free base point added to a type. This is in fact a functor and left adjoint to the forgetful functor pType to Type.
Definition pointify (S : Type) : pType := [S + Unit, inr tt].

Global Instance is0functor_pointify : Is0Functor pointify.
  apply Build_Is0Functor.
  intros A B f.
  srapply Build_pMap.
  1: exact (functor_sum f idmap).

pointify is left adjoint to forgetting the basepoint in the following sense
Theorem equiv_pointify_map `{Funext} (A : Type) (X : pType)
  : (pointify A ->* X) <~> (A X).
  snrapply equiv_adjointify.
  1: exact (fun ff o inl).
  { intros f.
    snrapply Build_pMap.
    { intros [a|].
      1: exact (f a).
      exact pt. }
    reflexivity. }
  1: intro x; reflexivity.
  intros f.
  rapply equiv_path_pforall.
  snrapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: by intros [a|[]].

Lemma natequiv_pointify_r `{Funext} (A : Type)
  : NatEquiv (opyon (pointify A)) (opyon A o pointed_type).
  snrapply Build_NatEquiv.
  1: rapply equiv_pointify_map.
  snrapply Build_Is1Natural.
  cbv; reflexivity.

Pointed categories give rise to pointed structures

Pointed categories have pointed hom sets
Definition pHom {A : Type} `{IsPointedCat A} (a1 a2 : A)
  := [Hom a1 a2, zero_morphism].

Pointed functors give pointed maps on morphisms
Definition pfmap {A B : Type} (F : A B)
  `{IsPointedCat A, IsPointedCat B, !HasEquivs B, !HasMorExt B}
  `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F, !IsPointedFunctor F}
  {a1 a2 : A}
  : pHom a1 a2 ->* pHom (F a1) (F a2).
  snrapply Build_pMap.
  - exact (fmap F).
  - apply path_hom.
    snrapply fmap_zero_morphism; assumption.