Library HoTT.WildCat.PointedCat

Require Import Basics.Overture Basics.Tactics.
Require Import WildCat.Core WildCat.Opposite.
Require Import WildCat.Equiv.

A wild category is pointed if the initial and terminal object are the same.
Class IsPointedCat (A : Type) `{Is1Cat A} := {
  zero_object : A;
  isinitial_zero_object : IsInitial zero_object;
  isterminal_zero_object : IsTerminal zero_object;

Global Existing Instance isinitial_zero_object.
Global Existing Instance isterminal_zero_object.

The zero morphism between objects a and b of a pointed category A is the unique morphism that factors throguh the zero object.
Definition zero_morphism {A : Type} `{IsPointedCat A} {a b : A} : a $-> b
  := (mor_initial _ b) $o (mor_terminal a _).

Section ZeroLaws.

  Context {A : Type} `{IsPointedCat A} {a b c : A}
    (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c).

  Definition cat_zero_source (h : zero_object $-> a) : h $== zero_morphism
    := (mor_initial_unique _ _ _)^$ $@ (mor_initial_unique _ _ _).

  Definition cat_zero_target (h : a $-> zero_object) : h $== zero_morphism
    := (mor_terminal_unique _ _ _)^$ $@ (mor_terminal_unique _ _ _).

We show the last two arguments so that end pointes can easily be specified.
  Arguments zero_morphism {_ _ _ _ _ _} _ _.

  Definition cat_zero_l : zero_morphism b c $o f $== zero_morphism a c.
    refine (cat_assoc _ _ _ $@ (_ $@L _^$)).
    apply mor_terminal_unique.

  Definition cat_zero_r : g $o zero_morphism a b $== zero_morphism a c.
    refine ((_ $@R _) $@ cat_assoc _ _ _)^$.
    apply mor_initial_unique.

Any morphism which factors through an object equivalent to the zero object is homotopic to the zero morphism.
  Definition cat_zero_m `{!HasEquivs A} (be : b $<~> zero_object)
    : g $o f $== zero_morphism a c.
    refine (_ $@L (compose_V_hh be f)^$ $@ _).
    refine (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _ $@ _).
    refine (_ $@L (mor_terminal_unique a _ _)^$ $@ _).
    exact ((mor_initial_unique _ _ _)^$ $@R _).

End ZeroLaws.

We make the last two arguments explicit so that end points can easily be specified. We had to do this again, since the section encapsulated the previous attempt.
Local Arguments zero_morphism {_ _ _ _ _ _} _ _.

A functor is pointed if it preserves the zero object.
Here is an alternative constructor using preservation of the zero object. This requires more structure on the categories however.
Definition Build_IsPointedFunctor' {A B : Type} (F : A B)
  `{Is1Cat A, Is1Cat B, !Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F}
  `{!IsPointedCat A, !IsPointedCat B, !HasEquivs A, !HasEquivs B}
  (p : F zero_object $<~> zero_object)
  : IsPointedFunctor F.
  apply Build_IsPointedFunctor.
  + intros x inx.
    rapply isinitial_cate.
    refine (p $oE _).
    rapply (emap F _).
    rapply cate_isinitial.
  + intros x tex.
    rapply isterminal_cate.
    refine (p $oE _).
    rapply (emap F _).
    rapply cate_isterminal.

Pointed functors preserve the zero object upto isomorphism.
Lemma pfunctor_zero {A B : Type} (F : A B)
  `{IsPointedCat A, IsPointedCat B, !HasEquivs B,
    !Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F, !IsPointedFunctor F}
  : F zero_object $<~> zero_object.
  rapply cate_isinitial.

Pointed functors preserve the zero morphism upto homotopy
Lemma fmap_zero_morphism {A B : Type} (F : A B)
  `{IsPointedCat A, IsPointedCat B, !HasEquivs B,
    !Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F, !IsPointedFunctor F} {a b : A}
  : fmap F (zero_morphism a b) $== zero_morphism (F a) (F b).
  refine (fmap_comp F _ _ $@ _).
  refine (_ $@R _ $@ _).
  1: nrapply fmap_initial; [exact _].
  refine (_ $@L _ $@ _).
  1: nrapply fmap_terminal; [exact _].
  rapply cat_zero_m.
  rapply pfunctor_zero.

Opposite category of a pointed category is also pointed.
Global Instance ispointedcat_op {A : Type} `{IsPointedCat A} : IsPointedCat A^op.
  snrapply Build_IsPointedCat.
  1: unfold op; exact zero_object.
  1,2: exact _.