Library HoTT.Colimits.Pushout
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.Paths Types.Forall Types.Arrow Types.Sigma Types.Sum Types.Universe.
Require Export Colimits.Coeq.
Require Import Homotopy.IdentitySystems.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Require Import Types.Paths Types.Forall Types.Arrow Types.Sigma Types.Sum Types.Universe.
Require Export Colimits.Coeq.
Require Import Homotopy.IdentitySystems.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Definition Pushout@{i j k l} {A : Type@{i}} {B : Type@{j}} {C : Type@{k}}
(f : A → B) (g : A → C) : Type@{l}
:= Coeq@{l l _} (inl o f) (inr o g).
Definition push {A B C : Type} {f : A → B} {g : A → C}
: B+C → Pushout f g
:= @coeq _ _ (inl o f) (inr o g).
Definition pushl {A B C} {f : A → B} {g : A → C} (b : B)
: Pushout f g := push (inl b).
Definition pushr {A B C} {f : A → B} {g : A → C} (c : C)
: Pushout f g := push (inr c).
Definition pglue {A B C : Type} {f : A → B} {g : A → C} (a : A)
: pushl (f a) = pushr (g a)
:= @cglue A (B+C) (inl o f) (inr o g) a.
(* Some versions with explicit parameters. *)
Definition pushl' {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : A → C) (b : B) : Pushout f g := pushl b.
Definition pushr' {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : A → C) (c : C) : Pushout f g := pushr c.
Definition pglue' {A B C : Type} (f : A → B) (g : A → C) (a : A) : pushl (f a) = pushr (g a)
:= pglue a.
Section PushoutInd.
Context {A B C : Type} {f : A → B} {g : A → C}
(P : Pushout f g → Type)
(pushb : ∀ b : B, P (pushl b))
(pushc : ∀ c : C, P (pushr c))
(pusha : ∀ a : A, (pglue a) # (pushb (f a)) = pushc (g a)).
Definition Pushout_ind
: ∀ (w : Pushout f g), P w
:= Coeq_ind P (sum_ind (P o push) pushb pushc) pusha.
Definition Pushout_ind_beta_pushl (b:B) : Pushout_ind (pushl b) = pushb b
:= 1.
Definition Pushout_ind_beta_pushr (c:C) : Pushout_ind (pushr c) = pushc c
:= 1.
Definition Pushout_ind_beta_pglue (a:A)
: apD Pushout_ind (pglue a) = pusha a
:= Coeq_ind_beta_cglue P (fun bc ⇒ match bc with inl b ⇒ pushb b | inr c ⇒ pushc c end) pusha a.
End PushoutInd.
But we want to allow the user to forget that we've defined pushouts in terms of coequalizers.
Arguments Pushout : simpl never.
Arguments push : simpl never.
Arguments pglue : simpl never.
Arguments Pushout_ind_beta_pglue : simpl never.
Arguments push : simpl never.
Arguments pglue : simpl never.
Arguments Pushout_ind_beta_pglue : simpl never.
However, we do allow Pushout_ind to simplify, as it computes on point constructors.
Definition Pushout_rec {A B C} {f : A → B} {g : A → C} (P : Type)
(pushb : B → P)
(pushc : C → P)
(pusha : ∀ a : A, pushb (f a) = pushc (g a))
: @Pushout A B C f g → P
:= @Coeq_rec _ _ (inl o f) (inr o g) P (sum_rec P pushb pushc) pusha.
Definition Pushout_rec_beta_pglue {A B C f g} (P : Type)
(pushb : B → P)
(pushc : C → P)
(pusha : ∀ a : A, pushb (f a) = pushc (g a))
(a : A)
: ap (Pushout_rec P pushb pushc pusha) (pglue a) = pusha a.
nrapply Coeq_rec_beta_cglue.
Definition pushout_unrec {A B C P} (f : A → B) (g : A → C)
(h : Pushout f g → P)
: {psh : (B → P) × (C → P) &
∀ a, fst psh (f a) = snd psh (g a)}.
∃ (h o pushl, h o pushr).
intros a; cbn.
exact (ap h (pglue a)).
Definition pushout_rec_unrec {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : A → C) P
(e : Pushout f g → P)
: Pushout_rec P (e o pushl) (e o pushr) (fun a ⇒ ap e (pglue a)) == e.
snrapply Pushout_ind.
1, 2: reflexivity.
intro a; cbn beta.
apply transport_paths_FlFr'.
apply equiv_p1_1q.
nrapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
Definition isequiv_Pushout_rec `{Funext} {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : A → C) P
: IsEquiv (fun p : {psh : (B → P) × (C → P) &
∀ a, fst psh (f a) = snd psh (g a) }
⇒ Pushout_rec P (fst p.1) (snd p.1) p.2).
srefine (isequiv_adjointify _ (pushout_unrec f g) _ _).
- intro e. apply path_arrow. apply pushout_rec_unrec.
- intros [[pushb pushc] pusha]; unfold pushout_unrec; cbn.
snrapply path_sigma'.
+ reflexivity.
+ cbn. apply path_forall; intros a.
apply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
Definition equiv_Pushout_rec `{Funext} {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : A → C) P
: {psh : (B → P) × (C → P) &
∀ a, fst psh (f a) = snd psh (g a) }
<~> (Pushout f g → P)
:= Build_Equiv _ _ _ (isequiv_Pushout_rec f g P).
Definition equiv_pushout_unrec `{Funext} {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : A → C) P
: (Pushout f g → P)
<~> {psh : (B → P) × (C → P) &
∀ a, fst psh (f a) = snd psh (g a) }
:= equiv_inverse (equiv_Pushout_rec f g P).
Definition pushout_sym_map {A B C} {f : A → B} {g : A → C}
: Pushout f g → Pushout g f
:= Pushout_rec (Pushout g f) pushr pushl (fun a : A ⇒ (pglue a)^).
Lemma sect_pushout_sym_map {A B C f g}
: (@pushout_sym_map A B C f g) o (@pushout_sym_map A C B g f) == idmap.
srapply @Pushout_ind.
- intros; reflexivity.
- intros; reflexivity.
- intro a.
abstract (rewrite transport_paths_FFlr, Pushout_rec_beta_pglue, ap_V, Pushout_rec_beta_pglue; hott_simpl).
Definition pushout_sym {A B C} {f : A → B} {g : A → C}
: Pushout f g <~> Pushout g f :=
equiv_adjointify pushout_sym_map pushout_sym_map sect_pushout_sym_map sect_pushout_sym_map.
Definition functor_pushout
{A B C} {f : A → B} {g : A → C}
{A' B' C'} {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
(h : A → A') (k : B → B') (l : C → C')
(p : k o f == f' o h) (q : l o g == g' o h)
: Pushout f g → Pushout f' g'.
unfold Pushout; srapply functor_coeq.
- exact h.
- exact (functor_sum k l).
- intros a; cbn.
apply ap, p.
- intros a; cbn.
apply ap, q.
Definition functor_pushout_beta_pglue
{A B C} {f : A → B} {g : A → C}
{A' B' C'} {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
{h : A → A'} {k : B → B'} {l : C → C'}
{p : k o f == f' o h} {q : l o g == g' o h}
(a : A)
: ap (functor_pushout h k l p q) (pglue a)
= ap pushl (p a) @ pglue (h a) @ ap pushr (q a)^.
lhs nrapply functor_coeq_beta_cglue.
snrapply ap011.
- apply whiskerR.
unfold pushl.
nrapply ap_compose.
- unfold pushr.
lhs nrapply ap_compose.
apply ap.
nrapply ap_V.
Lemma functor_pushout_homotopic
{A B C : Type} {f : A → B} {g : A → C}
{A' B' C' : Type} {f' : A' → B'} {g' : A' → C'}
{h h' : A → A'} {k k' : B → B'} {l l' : C → C'}
{p : k o f == f' o h} {q : l o g == g' o h}
{p' : k' o f == f' o h'} {q' : l' o g == g' o h'}
(t : h == h') (u : k == k') (v : l == l')
(i : ∀ a, p a @ (ap f') (t a) = u (f a) @ p' a)
(j : ∀ a, q a @ (ap g') (t a) = v (g a) @ q' a)
: functor_pushout h k l p q == functor_pushout h' k' l' p' q'.
srapply functor_coeq_homotopy.
1: exact t.
1: exact (functor_sum_homotopic u v).
1,2: intros b; simpl.
1,2: refine (_ @ ap_pp _ _ _ @ ap _ (ap_compose _ _ _)^).
1,2: refine ((ap_pp _ _ _)^ @ ap _ _^).
1: exact (i b).
exact (j b).
Definition functor_pushout_idmap {A B C : Type} {f : A → B} {g : A → C}
: functor_pushout (f:=f) (g:=g) idmap idmap idmap (fun _ ⇒ 1) (fun _ ⇒ 1) == idmap.
snrapply Pushout_ind.
1,2: reflexivity.
intros a.
nrapply transport_paths_Flr'.
nrapply moveR_pM.
nrapply functor_pushout_beta_pglue.
Definition functor_pushout_compose
{A B C f g A' B' C' f' g' A'' B'' C'' f'' g''}
(u : A → A') (v : B → B') (w : C → C')
(u' : A' → A'') (v' : B' → B'') (w' : C' → C'')
(p : v o f == f' o u) (q : w o g == g' o u)
(p' : v' o f' == f'' o u') (q' : w' o g' == g'' o u')
: functor_pushout (u' o u) (v' o v) (w' o w)
(fun x ⇒ ap v' (p x) @ p' (u x)) (fun x ⇒ ap w' (q x) @ q' (u x))
== functor_pushout u' v' w' p' q'
o functor_pushout u v w p q.
intros a.
rhs_V nrapply functor_coeq_compose.
snrapply functor_coeq_homotopy.
1: reflexivity.
1: apply functor_sum_compose.
1,2: intros x; simpl.
1,2: apply equiv_1p_q1.
1,2: lhs_V nrapply whiskerR.
1,3: nrapply ap_compose.
1,2: simpl.
1,2: lhs nrapply whiskerR.
1,3: nrapply ap_compose.
1,2: symmetry.
1,2: apply ap_pp.
Section EquivPushout.
Context {A B C f g A' B' C' f' g'}
(eA : A <~> A') (eB : B <~> B') (eC : C <~> C')
(p : eB o f == f' o eA) (q : eC o g == g' o eA).
Lemma equiv_pushout
: Pushout f g <~> Pushout f' g'.
refine (equiv_functor_coeq' eA (equiv_functor_sum' eB eC) _ _).
all:unfold pointwise_paths.
all:intro; simpl; apply ap.
+ apply p.
+ apply q.
Lemma equiv_pushout_pglue (a : A)
: ap equiv_pushout (pglue a)
= ap pushl (p a) @ pglue (eA a) @ ap pushr (q a)^.
refine (functor_coeq_beta_cglue _ _ _ _ a @ _).
refine (_ @@ 1 @@ _).
- symmetry; refine (ap_compose inl coeq _).
- refine (ap (ap coeq) (ap_V _ _)^ @ _).
symmetry; refine (ap_compose inr coeq _).
End EquivPushout.
Global Instance contr_pushout {A B C : Type} `{Contr A, Contr B, Contr C}
(f : A → B) (g : A → C)
: Contr (Pushout f g).
apply (Build_Contr _ (pushl (center B))).
srapply Pushout_ind.
- intros b; apply ap, path_contr.
- intros c.
refine (_ @ pglue (center A) @ _).
+ apply ap, path_contr.
+ apply ap, path_contr.
- intros a.
rewrite transport_paths_r.
assert (p := path_contr (center A) a).
destruct p.
refine ((concat_p1 _)^ @ _).
apply whiskerL.
change 1 with (ap (@pushr A B C f g) (idpath (g (center A)))).
apply (ap (ap pushr)).
apply path_contr.
Section EquivSigmaPushout.
Context {X : Type}
(A : X → Type) (B : X → Type) (C : X → Type)
(f : ∀ x, A x → B x) (g : ∀ x, A x → C x).
Local Definition esp1 : { x : X & Pushout (f x) (g x) }
→ Pushout (functor_sigma idmap f) (functor_sigma idmap g).
intros [x p].
srefine (Pushout_rec _ _ _ _ p).
+ intros b. exact (pushl (x;b)).
+ intros c. exact (pushr (x;c)).
+ intros a; cbn. exact (pglue (x;a)).
Local Definition esp1_beta_pglue (x : X) (a : A x)
: ap esp1 (path_sigma' (fun x ⇒ Pushout (f x) (g x)) 1 (pglue a))
= pglue (x;a).
rewrite (ap_path_sigma (fun x ⇒ Pushout (f x) (g x))
(fun x a ⇒ esp1 (x;a)) 1 (pglue a)); cbn.
rewrite !concat_p1.
unfold esp1; rewrite Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
Local Definition esp2 : Pushout (functor_sigma idmap f) (functor_sigma idmap g)
→ { x : X & Pushout (f x) (g x) }.
srefine (Pushout_rec _ _ _ _).
+ exact (functor_sigma idmap (fun x ⇒ @pushl _ _ _ (f x) (g x))).
+ exact (functor_sigma idmap (fun x ⇒ @pushr _ _ _ (f x) (g x))).
+ intros [x a]; unfold functor_sigma; cbn.
srefine (path_sigma' _ 1 _); cbn.
apply pglue.
Local Definition esp2_beta_pglue (x : X) (a : A x)
: ap esp2 (pglue (x;a)) = path_sigma' (fun x:X ⇒ Pushout (f x) (g x)) 1 (pglue a).
unfold esp2.
rewrite Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
Definition equiv_sigma_pushout
: { x : X & Pushout (f x) (g x) }
<~> Pushout (functor_sigma idmap f) (functor_sigma idmap g).
srefine (equiv_adjointify esp1 esp2 _ _).
- srefine (Pushout_ind _ _ _ _); cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros [x a].
refine (transport_paths_FFlr _ _ @ _).
refine (concat_p1 _ @@ 1 @ _).
apply moveR_Vp; symmetry.
refine (concat_p1 _ @ _).
refine (ap _ (esp2_beta_pglue _ _) @ _).
apply esp1_beta_pglue.
- intros [x a]; revert a.
srefine (Pushout_ind _ _ _ _); cbn.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ intros a.
rewrite transport_paths_FlFr.
rewrite concat_p1; apply moveR_Vp; rewrite concat_p1.
rewrite (ap_compose (exist _ x) (esp2 o esp1)).
rewrite (ap_compose esp1 esp2).
rewrite (ap_exist (fun x ⇒ Pushout (f x) (g x)) x _ _ (pglue a)).
rewrite esp1_beta_pglue, esp2_beta_pglue.
End EquivSigmaPushout.
Section PushoutAssoc.
Context {A1 A2 B C D : Type}
(f1 : A1 → B) (g1 : A1 → C) (f2 : A2 → C) (g2 : A2 → D).
Definition pushout_assoc_left := Pushout (pushr' f1 g1 o f2) g2.
Let pushll : B → pushout_assoc_left
:= pushl' (pushr' f1 g1 o f2) g2 o pushl' f1 g1.
Let pushlm : C → pushout_assoc_left
:= pushl' (pushr' f1 g1 o f2) g2 o pushr' f1 g1.
Let pushlr : D → pushout_assoc_left
:= pushr' (pushr' f1 g1 o f2) g2.
Let pgluell : ∀ a1, pushll (f1 a1) = pushlm (g1 a1)
:= fun a1 ⇒ ap (pushl' (pushr' f1 g1 o f2) g2) (pglue' f1 g1 a1).
Let pgluelr : ∀ a2, pushlm (f2 a2) = pushlr (g2 a2)
:= fun a2 ⇒ pglue' (pushr' f1 g1 o f2) g2 a2.
Definition pushout_assoc_left_ind
(P : pushout_assoc_left → Type)
(pushb : ∀ b, P (pushll b))
(pushc : ∀ c, P (pushlm c))
(pushd : ∀ d, P (pushlr d))
(pusha1 : ∀ a1, (pgluell a1) # pushb (f1 a1) = pushc (g1 a1))
(pusha2 : ∀ a2, (pgluelr a2) # pushc (f2 a2) = pushd (g2 a2))
: ∀ x, P x.
srefine (Pushout_ind _ _ pushd _).
- srefine (Pushout_ind _ pushb pushc _).
intros a1.
exact (transport_compose P pushl _ _ @ pusha1 a1).
- exact pusha2.
Section Pushout_Assoc_Left_Rec.
Context (P : Type)
(pushb : B → P)
(pushc : C → P)
(pushd : D → P)
(pusha1 : ∀ a1, pushb (f1 a1) = pushc (g1 a1))
(pusha2 : ∀ a2, pushc (f2 a2) = pushd (g2 a2)).
Definition pushout_assoc_left_rec
: pushout_assoc_left → P.
srefine (Pushout_rec _ _ pushd _).
- srefine (Pushout_rec _ pushb pushc pusha1).
- exact pusha2.
Definition pushout_assoc_left_rec_beta_pgluell a1
: ap pushout_assoc_left_rec (pgluell a1) = pusha1 a1.
unfold pgluell.
rewrite <- (ap_compose (pushl' (pushr' f1 g1 o f2) g2)
change (ap (Pushout_rec P pushb pushc pusha1) (pglue' f1 g1 a1) = pusha1 a1).
apply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
Definition pushout_assoc_left_rec_beta_pgluelr a2
: ap pushout_assoc_left_rec (pgluelr a2) = pusha2 a2.
unfold pushout_assoc_left_rec, pgluelr.
apply (Pushout_rec_beta_pglue (f := pushr' f1 g1 o f2) (g := g2)).
End Pushout_Assoc_Left_Rec.
Definition pushout_assoc_right := Pushout f1 (pushl' f2 g2 o g1).
Let pushrl : B → pushout_assoc_right
:= pushl' f1 (pushl' f2 g2 o g1).
Let pushrm : C → pushout_assoc_right
:= pushr' f1 (pushl' f2 g2 o g1) o pushl' f2 g2.
Let pushrr : D → pushout_assoc_right
:= pushr' f1 (pushl' f2 g2 o g1) o pushr' f2 g2.
Let pgluerl : ∀ a1, pushrl (f1 a1) = pushrm (g1 a1)
:= fun a1 ⇒ pglue' f1 (pushl' f2 g2 o g1) a1.
Let pgluerr : ∀ a2, pushrm (f2 a2) = pushrr (g2 a2)
:= fun a2 ⇒ ap (pushr' f1 (pushl' f2 g2 o g1)) (pglue' f2 g2 a2).
Definition pushout_assoc_right_ind
(P : pushout_assoc_right → Type)
(pushb : ∀ b, P (pushrl b))
(pushc : ∀ c, P (pushrm c))
(pushd : ∀ d, P (pushrr d))
(pusha1 : ∀ a1, (pgluerl a1) # pushb (f1 a1) = pushc (g1 a1))
(pusha2 : ∀ a2, (pgluerr a2) # pushc (f2 a2) = pushd (g2 a2))
: ∀ x, P x.
srefine (Pushout_ind _ pushb _ _).
- srefine (Pushout_ind _ pushc pushd _).
intros a2.
exact (transport_compose P pushr _ _ @ pusha2 a2).
- exact pusha1.
Section Pushout_Assoc_Right_Rec.
Context (P : Type)
(pushb : B → P)
(pushc : C → P)
(pushd : D → P)
(pusha1 : ∀ a1, pushb (f1 a1) = pushc (g1 a1))
(pusha2 : ∀ a2, pushc (f2 a2) = pushd (g2 a2)).
Definition pushout_assoc_right_rec
: pushout_assoc_right → P.
srefine (Pushout_rec _ pushb _ _).
- srefine (Pushout_rec _ pushc pushd pusha2).
- exact pusha1.
Definition pushout_assoc_right_rec_beta_pgluerl a1
: ap pushout_assoc_right_rec (pgluerl a1) = pusha1 a1.
unfold pushout_assoc_right_rec, pgluerl.
apply (Pushout_rec_beta_pglue (f := f1) (g := pushl' f2 g2 o g1)).
Definition pushout_assoc_right_rec_beta_pgluerr a2
: ap pushout_assoc_right_rec (pgluerr a2) = pusha2 a2.
unfold pgluerr.
rewrite <- (ap_compose (pushr' f1 (pushl' f2 g2 o g1))
change (ap (Pushout_rec P pushc pushd pusha2) (pglue' f2 g2 a2) = pusha2 a2).
apply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
End Pushout_Assoc_Right_Rec.
Definition equiv_pushout_assoc
: Pushout (pushr' f1 g1 o f2) g2 <~> Pushout f1 (pushl' f2 g2 o g1).
srefine (equiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
- exact (pushout_assoc_left_rec _ pushrl pushrm pushrr pgluerl pgluerr).
- exact (pushout_assoc_right_rec _ pushll pushlm pushlr pgluell pgluelr).
- abstract (
srefine (pushout_assoc_right_ind
_ (fun _ ⇒ 1) (fun _ ⇒ 1) (fun _ ⇒ 1) _ _);
intros; simpl; rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, ap_compose;
[ rewrite pushout_assoc_right_rec_beta_pgluerl,
| rewrite pushout_assoc_right_rec_beta_pgluerr,
pushout_assoc_left_rec_beta_pgluelr ];
rewrite concat_p1, ap_idmap; apply concat_Vp ).
- abstract (
srefine (pushout_assoc_left_ind
_ (fun _ ⇒ 1) (fun _ ⇒ 1) (fun _ ⇒ 1) _ _);
intros; simpl; rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, ap_compose;
[ rewrite pushout_assoc_left_rec_beta_pgluell,
| rewrite pushout_assoc_left_rec_beta_pgluelr,
pushout_assoc_right_rec_beta_pgluerr ];
rewrite concat_p1, ap_idmap; apply concat_Vp ).
End PushoutAssoc.
Global Instance isequiv_pushout_isequiv {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : A → C)
`{IsEquiv _ _ f} : IsEquiv (pushr' f g).
srefine (isequiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
- srefine (Pushout_rec C (g o f^-1) idmap _).
intros a; cbn; apply ap, eissect.
- srefine (Pushout_ind _ _ _ _); cbn.
+ intros b; change (pushr' f g (g (f^-1 b)) = pushl b).
transitivity (pushl' f g (f (f^-1 b))).
× symmetry; apply pglue.
× apply ap, eisretr.
+ intros c; reflexivity.
+ intros a.
abstract (
rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, ap_compose, !concat_pp_p;
apply moveR_Vp; apply moveR_Vp;
rewrite Pushout_rec_beta_pglue, eisadj, ap_idmap, concat_p1;
rewrite <- ap_compose, <- (ap_compose g (pushr' f g));
exact (concat_Ap (pglue' f g) (eissect f a)) ).
- intros c; reflexivity.
Global Instance isequiv_pushout_isequiv' {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : A → C)
`{IsEquiv _ _ g} : IsEquiv (pushl' f g).
srefine (isequiv_adjointify _ _ _ _).
- srefine (Pushout_rec B idmap (f o g^-1) _).
intros a; cbn. symmetry; apply ap, eissect.
- srefine (Pushout_ind _ _ _ _); cbn.
+ intros b; reflexivity.
+ intros c; change (pushl' f g (f (g^-1 c)) = pushr c).
transitivity (pushr' f g (g (g^-1 c))).
× apply pglue.
× apply ap, eisretr.
+ intros a.
abstract (
rewrite transport_paths_FlFr, ap_compose, !concat_pp_p;
apply moveR_Vp;
rewrite Pushout_rec_beta_pglue, eisadj, ap_idmap, concat_1p, ap_V;
apply moveL_Vp;
rewrite <- !ap_compose;
exact (concat_Ap (pglue' f g) (eissect g a)) ).
- intros c; reflexivity.
Descent data over f : A → B and g : A → C are "equifibrant" or "cartesian" type families pod_faml : B → Type and pod_famr : C → Type. This means that if a : A, then the fibers pod_faml (f a) and pod_famr (g a) are equivalent, witnessed by pod_e.
Record poDescent {A B C : Type} {f : A → B} {g : A → C} := {
pod_faml (b : B) : Type;
pod_famr (c : C) : Type;
pod_e (a : A) : pod_faml (f a) <~> pod_famr (g a)
Global Arguments poDescent {A B C} f g.
pod_faml (b : B) : Type;
pod_famr (c : C) : Type;
pod_e (a : A) : pod_faml (f a) <~> pod_famr (g a)
Global Arguments poDescent {A B C} f g.
Definition fam_podescent (Pe : poDescent f g)
: Pushout f g → Type.
snrapply (Pushout_rec _ (pod_faml Pe) (pod_famr Pe)).
intro a.
exact (path_universe_uncurried (pod_e Pe a)).
: Pushout f g → Type.
snrapply (Pushout_rec _ (pod_faml Pe) (pod_famr Pe)).
intro a.
exact (path_universe_uncurried (pod_e Pe a)).
Definition podescent_fam (P : Pushout f g → Type) : poDescent f g.
snrapply Build_poDescent.
- exact (P o pushl).
- exact (P o pushr).
- intro a.
exact (equiv_transport P (pglue a)).
snrapply Build_poDescent.
- exact (P o pushl).
- exact (P o pushr).
- intro a.
exact (equiv_transport P (pglue a)).
Definition transport_fam_podescent_pglue
(Pe : poDescent f g) (a : A) (pf : pod_faml Pe (f a))
: transport (fam_podescent Pe) (pglue a) pf = pod_e Pe a pf.
nrapply transport_path_universe'.
nrapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
(Pe : poDescent f g) (a : A) (pf : pod_faml Pe (f a))
: transport (fam_podescent Pe) (pglue a) pf = pod_e Pe a pf.
nrapply transport_path_universe'.
nrapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
A section on the descent data are fiberwise sections that respects the equivalences.
Record poDescentSection {Pe : poDescent f g} := {
pods_sectl (b : B) : pod_faml Pe b;
pods_sectr (c : C) : pod_famr Pe c;
pods_e (a : A)
: pod_e Pe a (pods_sectl (f a)) = pods_sectr (g a)
Global Arguments poDescentSection Pe : clear implicits.
pods_sectl (b : B) : pod_faml Pe b;
pods_sectr (c : C) : pod_famr Pe c;
pods_e (a : A)
: pod_e Pe a (pods_sectl (f a)) = pods_sectr (g a)
Global Arguments poDescentSection Pe : clear implicits.
A descent section induces a genuine section of fam_cdescent Pe.
Definition podescent_ind {Pe : poDescent f g}
(s : poDescentSection Pe)
: ∀ (x : Pushout f g), fam_podescent Pe x.
snrapply (Pushout_ind _ (pods_sectl s) (pods_sectr s)).
intro a.
exact (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a _ @ pods_e s a).
(s : poDescentSection Pe)
: ∀ (x : Pushout f g), fam_podescent Pe x.
snrapply (Pushout_ind _ (pods_sectl s) (pods_sectr s)).
intro a.
exact (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a _ @ pods_e s a).
We record its computation rule
Definition podescent_ind_beta_pglue {Pe : poDescent f g}
(s : poDescentSection Pe) (a : A)
: apD (podescent_ind s) (pglue a) = transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a _ @ pods_e s a
:= Pushout_ind_beta_pglue _ (pods_sectl s) (pods_sectr s) _ _.
(s : poDescentSection Pe) (a : A)
: apD (podescent_ind s) (pglue a) = transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a _ @ pods_e s a
:= Pushout_ind_beta_pglue _ (pods_sectl s) (pods_sectr s) _ _.
Dependent descent data over descent data Pe : poDescent f g consists of a type families podd_faml : ∀ (b : B), pod_faml Pe b → Type and podd_famr : ∀ (c : C), pod_famr Pe c → Type together with coherences podd_e a pf.
Record poDepDescent {Pe : poDescent f g} := {
podd_faml (b : B) (pb : pod_faml Pe b) : Type;
podd_famr (c : C) (pc : pod_famr Pe c) : Type;
podd_e (a : A) (pf : pod_faml Pe (f a))
: podd_faml (f a) pf <~> podd_famr (g a) (pod_e Pe a pf)
Global Arguments poDepDescent Pe : clear implicits.
podd_faml (b : B) (pb : pod_faml Pe b) : Type;
podd_famr (c : C) (pc : pod_famr Pe c) : Type;
podd_e (a : A) (pf : pod_faml Pe (f a))
: podd_faml (f a) pf <~> podd_famr (g a) (pod_e Pe a pf)
Global Arguments poDepDescent Pe : clear implicits.
Definition podepdescent_fam {Pe : poDescent f g}
(Q : ∀ (x : Pushout f g), (fam_podescent Pe) x → Type)
: poDepDescent Pe.
snrapply Build_poDepDescent.
- intro b; cbn.
exact (Q (pushl b)).
- intros c; cbn.
exact (Q (pushr c)).
- intros a pf.
exact (equiv_transportDD (fam_podescent Pe) Q
(pglue a) (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf)).
(Q : ∀ (x : Pushout f g), (fam_podescent Pe) x → Type)
: poDepDescent Pe.
snrapply Build_poDepDescent.
- intro b; cbn.
exact (Q (pushl b)).
- intros c; cbn.
exact (Q (pushr c)).
- intros a pf.
exact (equiv_transportDD (fam_podescent Pe) Q
(pglue a) (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf)).
Definition fam_podepdescent {Pe : poDescent f g} (Qe : poDepDescent Pe)
: ∀ (x : Pushout f g), (fam_podescent Pe x) → Type.
snrapply Pushout_ind.
- exact (podd_faml Qe).
- exact (podd_famr Qe).
- intro a.
nrapply (moveR_transport_p _ (pglue a)).
funext pf.
rhs nrapply transport_arrow_toconst.
rhs nrefine (ap (podd_famr _ _) _).
+ exact (path_universe (podd_e _ _ _)).
+ lhs nrapply (ap (fun x ⇒ (transport _ x _)) (inv_V (pglue _))).
nrapply (transport_fam_podescent_pglue _ _ _).
: ∀ (x : Pushout f g), (fam_podescent Pe x) → Type.
snrapply Pushout_ind.
- exact (podd_faml Qe).
- exact (podd_famr Qe).
- intro a.
nrapply (moveR_transport_p _ (pglue a)).
funext pf.
rhs nrapply transport_arrow_toconst.
rhs nrefine (ap (podd_famr _ _) _).
+ exact (path_universe (podd_e _ _ _)).
+ lhs nrapply (ap (fun x ⇒ (transport _ x _)) (inv_V (pglue _))).
nrapply (transport_fam_podescent_pglue _ _ _).
A section of dependent descent data Qe : poDepDescent Pe are fiberwise sections podds_sectl and podds_sectr, together with coherences pods_e.
Record poDepDescentSection {Pe : poDescent f g} {Qe : poDepDescent Pe} := {
podds_sectl (b : B) (pb : pod_faml Pe b) : podd_faml Qe b pb;
podds_sectr (c : C) (pc : pod_famr Pe c) : podd_famr Qe c pc;
podds_e (a : A) (pf : pod_faml Pe (f a))
: podd_e Qe a pf (podds_sectl (f a) pf) = podds_sectr (g a) (pod_e Pe a pf)
Global Arguments poDepDescentSection {Pe} Qe.
podds_sectl (b : B) (pb : pod_faml Pe b) : podd_faml Qe b pb;
podds_sectr (c : C) (pc : pod_famr Pe c) : podd_famr Qe c pc;
podds_e (a : A) (pf : pod_faml Pe (f a))
: podd_e Qe a pf (podds_sectl (f a) pf) = podds_sectr (g a) (pod_e Pe a pf)
Global Arguments poDepDescentSection {Pe} Qe.
A dependent descent section induces a genuine section over the total space of induced_fam_pod Pe.
Definition podepdescent_ind {Pe : poDescent f g}
{Q : ∀ (x : Pushout f g), (fam_podescent Pe) x → Type}
(s : poDepDescentSection (podepdescent_fam Q))
: ∀ (x : Pushout f g) (px : fam_podescent Pe x), Q x px.
nrapply (Pushout_ind _ (podds_sectl s) (podds_sectr s) _).
intro a.
apply dpath_forall.
intro pf.
apply (equiv_inj (transport (Q (pushr (g a))) (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf))).
rhs nrapply (apD (podds_sectr s (g a)) (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf)).
exact (podds_e s a pf).
{Q : ∀ (x : Pushout f g), (fam_podescent Pe) x → Type}
(s : poDepDescentSection (podepdescent_fam Q))
: ∀ (x : Pushout f g) (px : fam_podescent Pe x), Q x px.
nrapply (Pushout_ind _ (podds_sectl s) (podds_sectr s) _).
intro a.
apply dpath_forall.
intro pf.
apply (equiv_inj (transport (Q (pushr (g a))) (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf))).
rhs nrapply (apD (podds_sectr s (g a)) (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf)).
exact (podds_e s a pf).
The data for a section into a constant type family.
Record poDepDescentConstSection {Pe : poDescent f g} {Q : Type} := {
poddcs_sectl (b : B) (pb : pod_faml Pe b) : Q;
poddcs_sectr (c : C) (pc : pod_famr Pe c) : Q;
poddcs_e (a : A) (pf : pod_faml Pe (f a))
: poddcs_sectl (f a) pf = poddcs_sectr (g a) (pod_e Pe a pf)
Global Arguments poDepDescentConstSection Pe Q : clear implicits.
poddcs_sectl (b : B) (pb : pod_faml Pe b) : Q;
poddcs_sectr (c : C) (pc : pod_famr Pe c) : Q;
poddcs_e (a : A) (pf : pod_faml Pe (f a))
: poddcs_sectl (f a) pf = poddcs_sectr (g a) (pod_e Pe a pf)
Global Arguments poDepDescentConstSection Pe Q : clear implicits.
The data for a section of a constant family induces a section over the total space of fam_podescent Pe.
Definition podepdescent_rec {Pe : poDescent f g} {Q : Type}
(s : poDepDescentConstSection Pe Q)
: ∀ (x : Pushout f g), fam_podescent Pe x → Q.
snrapply (Pushout_ind _ (poddcs_sectl s) (poddcs_sectr s)); cbn.
intro a.
nrapply dpath_arrow.
intro pf.
lhs nrapply transport_const.
rhs nrapply (ap _ (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf)).
exact (poddcs_e s a pf).
(s : poDepDescentConstSection Pe Q)
: ∀ (x : Pushout f g), fam_podescent Pe x → Q.
snrapply (Pushout_ind _ (poddcs_sectl s) (poddcs_sectr s)); cbn.
intro a.
nrapply dpath_arrow.
intro pf.
lhs nrapply transport_const.
rhs nrapply (ap _ (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf)).
exact (poddcs_e s a pf).
Here is the computation rule on paths.
Definition podepdescent_rec_beta_pglue {Pe : poDescent f g} {Q : Type}
(s : poDepDescentConstSection Pe Q)
(a : A) {pf : pod_faml Pe (f a)} {pg : pod_famr Pe (g a)} (pa : pod_e Pe a pf = pg)
: ap (sig_rec (podepdescent_rec s)) (path_sigma _ (pushl (f a); pf) (pushr (g a); pg) (pglue a) (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf @ pa))
= poddcs_e s a pf @ ap (poddcs_sectr s (g a)) pa.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
destruct pa.
rhs nrapply concat_p1.
lhs nrapply ap_sig_rec_path_sigma.
lhs nrapply (ap (fun x ⇒ _ (ap10 x _) @ _)).
1: nrapply Pushout_ind_beta_pglue.
do 3 lhs nrapply concat_pp_p.
apply moveR_Vp.
lhs nrefine (1 @@ (1 @@ (_ @@ 1))).
1: nrapply (ap10_dpath_arrow (fam_podescent Pe) (fun _ ⇒ Q) (pglue a)).
lhs nrefine (1 @@ _).
{ lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
lhs nrapply concat_V_pp.
lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
rewrite concat_p1.
nrapply (1 @@ (1 @@ concat_pV_p _ _)). }
nrapply concat_V_pp.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
End Descent.
(s : poDepDescentConstSection Pe Q)
(a : A) {pf : pod_faml Pe (f a)} {pg : pod_famr Pe (g a)} (pa : pod_e Pe a pf = pg)
: ap (sig_rec (podepdescent_rec s)) (path_sigma _ (pushl (f a); pf) (pushr (g a); pg) (pglue a) (transport_fam_podescent_pglue Pe a pf @ pa))
= poddcs_e s a pf @ ap (poddcs_sectr s (g a)) pa.
Open Scope long_path_scope.
destruct pa.
rhs nrapply concat_p1.
lhs nrapply ap_sig_rec_path_sigma.
lhs nrapply (ap (fun x ⇒ _ (ap10 x _) @ _)).
1: nrapply Pushout_ind_beta_pglue.
do 3 lhs nrapply concat_pp_p.
apply moveR_Vp.
lhs nrefine (1 @@ (1 @@ (_ @@ 1))).
1: nrapply (ap10_dpath_arrow (fam_podescent Pe) (fun _ ⇒ Q) (pglue a)).
lhs nrefine (1 @@ _).
{ lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
lhs nrapply concat_V_pp.
lhs nrapply (1 @@ concat_pp_p _ _ _).
rewrite concat_p1.
nrapply (1 @@ (1 @@ concat_pV_p _ _)). }
nrapply concat_V_pp.
Close Scope long_path_scope.
End Descent.
The flattening lemma
Section Flattening.
Context `{Univalence} {A B C : Type} {f : A → B} {g : A → C} (Pe : poDescent f g).
We mimic the constructors of Pushout for the total space. Here are the point constructors, in curried form.
Definition flatten_podl {b : B} (pb : pod_faml Pe b) : sig (fam_podescent Pe)
:= (pushl b; pb).
Definition flatten_podr {c : C} (pc : pod_famr Pe c) : sig (fam_podescent Pe)
:= (pushr c; pc).
:= (pushl b; pb).
Definition flatten_podr {c : C} (pc : pod_famr Pe c) : sig (fam_podescent Pe)
:= (pushr c; pc).
And here is the path constructor.
Definition flatten_pod_glue (a : A)
{pf : pod_faml Pe (f a)} {pg : pod_famr Pe (g a)} (pa : pod_e Pe a pf = pg)
: flatten_podl pf = flatten_podr pg.
snrapply path_sigma.
- by apply pglue.
- lhs nrapply transport_fam_podescent_pglue.
exact pa.
{pf : pod_faml Pe (f a)} {pg : pod_famr Pe (g a)} (pa : pod_e Pe a pf = pg)
: flatten_podl pf = flatten_podr pg.
snrapply path_sigma.
- by apply pglue.
- lhs nrapply transport_fam_podescent_pglue.
exact pa.
Now that we've shown that fam_podescent Pe acts like a Pushout of sig (pod_faml Pe) and sig (pod_famr Pe) by an appropriate span, we can use this to prove the flattening lemma. The maps back and forth are very easy so this could almost be a formal consequence of the induction principle.
Lemma equiv_pod_flatten : sig (fam_podescent Pe) <~>
Pushout (functor_sigma f (fun _ ⇒ idmap)) (functor_sigma g (pod_e Pe)).
snrapply equiv_adjointify.
- snrapply sig_rec.
snrapply podepdescent_rec.
snrapply Build_poDepDescentConstSection.
+ exact (fun b pb ⇒ pushl (b; pb)).
+ exact (fun c pc ⇒ pushr (c; pc)).
+ intros a pf.
apply (@pglue _ _ _
(functor_sigma f (fun _ ⇒ idmap)) (functor_sigma g (pod_e Pe)) (a; pf)).
- snrapply Pushout_rec.
+ exact (fun '(b; pb) ⇒ (pushl b; pb)).
+ exact (fun '(c; pc) ⇒ (pushr c; pc)).
+ intros [a pf]; cbn.
apply (flatten_pod_glue a 1).
- snrapply Pushout_ind.
1, 2: reflexivity.
intros [a pf]; cbn.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
rewrite Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
lhs nrapply podepdescent_rec_beta_pglue.
nrapply concat_p1.
- intros [x px]; revert x px.
snrapply podepdescent_ind.
snrapply Build_poDepDescentSection.
+ by intros b pb.
+ by intros c pc.
+ intros a pf; cbn.
lhs nrapply transportDD_is_transport.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
rewrite <- (concat_p1 (transport_fam_podescent_pglue _ _ _)).
rewrite podepdescent_rec_beta_pglue. (* This needs to be in the form transport_fam_podescent_gqglue Pe r pa @ p to work, and the other @ 1 introduced comes in handy as well. *)
lhs nrapply (ap _ (concat_p1 _)).
nrapply (Pushout_rec_beta_pglue _ _ _ _ (a; pf)).
End Flattening.
Pushout (functor_sigma f (fun _ ⇒ idmap)) (functor_sigma g (pod_e Pe)).
snrapply equiv_adjointify.
- snrapply sig_rec.
snrapply podepdescent_rec.
snrapply Build_poDepDescentConstSection.
+ exact (fun b pb ⇒ pushl (b; pb)).
+ exact (fun c pc ⇒ pushr (c; pc)).
+ intros a pf.
apply (@pglue _ _ _
(functor_sigma f (fun _ ⇒ idmap)) (functor_sigma g (pod_e Pe)) (a; pf)).
- snrapply Pushout_rec.
+ exact (fun '(b; pb) ⇒ (pushl b; pb)).
+ exact (fun '(c; pc) ⇒ (pushr c; pc)).
+ intros [a pf]; cbn.
apply (flatten_pod_glue a 1).
- snrapply Pushout_ind.
1, 2: reflexivity.
intros [a pf]; cbn.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
rewrite Pushout_rec_beta_pglue.
lhs nrapply podepdescent_rec_beta_pglue.
nrapply concat_p1.
- intros [x px]; revert x px.
snrapply podepdescent_ind.
snrapply Build_poDepDescentSection.
+ by intros b pb.
+ by intros c pc.
+ intros a pf; cbn.
lhs nrapply transportDD_is_transport.
nrapply transport_paths_FFlr'; apply equiv_p1_1q.
rewrite <- (concat_p1 (transport_fam_podescent_pglue _ _ _)).
rewrite podepdescent_rec_beta_pglue. (* This needs to be in the form transport_fam_podescent_gqglue Pe r pa @ p to work, and the other @ 1 introduced comes in handy as well. *)
lhs nrapply (ap _ (concat_p1 _)).
nrapply (Pushout_rec_beta_pglue _ _ _ _ (a; pf)).
End Flattening.
Characterization of path spaces
Let f : A → B and g : A → C be a span, with a distinguished point b0 : B. We could let the distinguished point be in C, but this is symmetric by exchanging the roles of f and g. Let Pe : poDescent f g be descent data over f g with a distinguished point p0 : pod_faml Pe b0. Assume that any dependent descent data Qe : poDepDescent Pe with a distinguished point q0 : podd_faml Qe b0 p0 has a section that respects the distinguished points. This is the induction principle provided by Kraus and von Raumer.
Context `{Univalence} {A B C : Type} {f : A → B} {g : A → C} (b0 : B)
(Pe : poDescent f g) (p0 : pod_faml Pe b0)
(based_podepdescent_ind : ∀ (Qe : poDepDescent Pe) (q0 : podd_faml Qe b0 p0),
poDepDescentSection Qe)
(based_podepdescent_ind_beta : ∀ (Qe : poDepDescent Pe) (q0 : podd_faml Qe b0 p0),
podds_sectl (based_podepdescent_ind Qe q0) b0 p0 = q0).
(Pe : poDescent f g) (p0 : pod_faml Pe b0)
(based_podepdescent_ind : ∀ (Qe : poDepDescent Pe) (q0 : podd_faml Qe b0 p0),
poDepDescentSection Qe)
(based_podepdescent_ind_beta : ∀ (Qe : poDepDescent Pe) (q0 : podd_faml Qe b0 p0),
podds_sectl (based_podepdescent_ind Qe q0) b0 p0 = q0).
Under these hypotheses, we get an identity system structure on fam_podescent Pe.
Local Instance idsys_flatten_podescent
: @IsIdentitySystem _ (pushl b0) (fam_podescent Pe) p0.
snrapply Build_IsIdentitySystem.
- intros Q q0 x px.
snrapply podepdescent_ind.
by apply based_podepdescent_ind.
- intros Q q0; cbn.
nrapply (based_podepdescent_ind_beta (podepdescent_fam Q)).
: @IsIdentitySystem _ (pushl b0) (fam_podescent Pe) p0.
snrapply Build_IsIdentitySystem.
- intros Q q0 x px.
snrapply podepdescent_ind.
by apply based_podepdescent_ind.
- intros Q q0; cbn.
nrapply (based_podepdescent_ind_beta (podepdescent_fam Q)).