Library HoTT.Categories.Adjoint.Pointwise

Pointwise Adjunctions

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Functor.Identity.
Require Import Functor.Composition.Core NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core.
Require Import Adjoint.Core Adjoint.UnitCounit Adjoint.UnitCounitCoercions.
Require Import Functor.Pointwise.Core.
Require NaturalTransformation.Pointwise.
Require Functor.Pointwise.Properties.
Require Import Category.Morphisms FunctorCategory.Morphisms.
Require Import FunctorCategory.Core.
Import NaturalTransformation.Identity.NaturalTransformationIdentityNotations.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Paths Functor.Paths.
Require Import Basics.PathGroupoids HoTT.Tactics Types.Arrow.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope functor_scope.
Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope.

Section AdjointPointwise.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Variables C D : PreCategory.


  Section l.
    Variable E : PreCategory.

    Variable F : Functor C D.
    Variable G : Functor D C.

    Variable A : F -| G.

    Definition unit_l
    : NaturalTransformation (identity (E C))
                            ((pointwise (identity E) G) o (pointwise (identity E) F)).
      pose proof (A : AdjunctionUnit _ _) as A''.
      refine (_ o (((idtoiso (C := (_ _)) (Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of _ _))^-1)%morphism : morphism _ _ _)).
      refine (_ o NaturalTransformation.Pointwise.pointwise_r (Functor.Identity.identity E) (proj1 A'')).
      refine (((idtoiso
                  (C := (_ _))
                     (Functor.Identity.identity E) F
                     (Functor.Identity.identity E) G)) : morphism _ _ _)
                o _).
      refine (NaturalTransformation.Pointwise.pointwise_l _ _).
      exact (NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.left_identity_natural_transformation_2 _).

    Definition counit_l
    : NaturalTransformation (pointwise (identity E) F o pointwise (identity E) G)
                            (identity (E D)).
      pose proof (A : AdjunctionCounit _ _) as A''.
      refine ((((idtoiso (C := (_ _)) (Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of _ _)))%morphism : morphism _ _ _) o _).
      refine (NaturalTransformation.Pointwise.pointwise_r (Functor.Identity.identity E) (proj1 A'') o _).
      refine (_ o
                     (C := (_ _))
                        (Functor.Identity.identity E) G
                        (Functor.Identity.identity E) F))^-1)%morphism : morphism _ _ _)).
      refine (NaturalTransformation.Pointwise.pointwise_l _ _).
      exact (NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.left_identity_natural_transformation_1 _).

    Create HintDb adjoint_pointwise discriminated.
    Hint Rewrite
         identity_of left_identity right_identity
         eta_idtoiso composition_of idtoiso_functor
         @ap_V @ap10_V @ap10_path_forall
    : adjoint_pointwise.

    Definition pointwise_l : pointwise (identity E) F -| pointwise (identity E) G.
       unit_l counit_l;
      abstract (
          destruct A;
          simpl in *;
            repeat match goal with
                      | _progress simpl
                      | _progress autorewrite with adjoint_pointwise
                      | [ |- context[ap object_of (path_functor_uncurried ?F ?G (?HO; ?HM))] ]
                        ⇒ rewrite (@path_functor_uncurried_fst _ _ _ F G HO HM)
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.composition_of
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of_helper
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.composition_of_helper
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of_helper_helper
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.composition_of_helper_helper
                      | [ H : _ |- _ ] ⇒ apply H
        ). (* 23.345 s *)
  End l.


  Section r.
    Variable F : Functor C D.
    Variable G : Functor D C.

    Variable A : F -| G.

    Variable E : PreCategory.

    Definition unit_r
    : NaturalTransformation (identity (C E))
                            ((pointwise F (identity E)) o (pointwise G (identity E))).
      pose proof (A : AdjunctionUnit _ _) as A''.
      refine (_ o (((idtoiso (C := (_ _)) (Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of _ _))^-1)%morphism : morphism _ _ _)).
      refine (_ o NaturalTransformation.Pointwise.pointwise_l (proj1 A'') (Functor.Identity.identity E)).
      refine (((idtoiso
                  (C := (_ _))
                     G (Functor.Identity.identity E)
                     F (Functor.Identity.identity E))) : morphism _ _ _)
                o _).
      refine (NaturalTransformation.Pointwise.pointwise_r _ _).
      exact (NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.left_identity_natural_transformation_2 _).

    Definition counit_r
    : NaturalTransformation (pointwise G (identity E) o pointwise F (identity E))
                            (identity (D E)).
      pose proof (A : AdjunctionCounit _ _) as A''.
      refine ((((idtoiso (C := (_ _)) (Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of _ _)))%morphism : morphism _ _ _) o _).
      refine (NaturalTransformation.Pointwise.pointwise_l (proj1 A'') (Functor.Identity.identity E) o _).
      refine (_ o
                     (C := (_ _))
                        F (Functor.Identity.identity E)
                        G (Functor.Identity.identity E)))^-1)%morphism : morphism _ _ _)).
      refine (NaturalTransformation.Pointwise.pointwise_r _ _).
      exact (NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.left_identity_natural_transformation_1 _).

    Create HintDb adjoint_pointwise discriminated.
    Hint Rewrite
         identity_of left_identity right_identity
         eta_idtoiso composition_of idtoiso_functor
         @ap_V @ap10_V @ap10_path_forall
    : adjoint_pointwise.

    Definition pointwise_r : pointwise G (identity E) -| pointwise F (identity E).
       unit_r counit_r;
      abstract (
          destruct A;
          simpl in *;
            repeat match goal with
                      | _reflexivity
                      | _progress simpl
                      | _progress autorewrite with adjoint_pointwise
                      | [ |- context[ap object_of (path_functor_uncurried ?F ?G (?HO; ?HM))] ]
                        ⇒ rewrite (@path_functor_uncurried_fst _ _ _ F G HO HM)
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.composition_of
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of_helper
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.composition_of_helper
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.identity_of_helper_helper
                      | _progress unfold Functor.Pointwise.Properties.composition_of_helper_helper
                      | _rewrite <- composition_of; progress rewrite_hyp
        ). (* 19.097 *)
  End r.
End AdjointPointwise.