Library HoTT.Categories.Functor.Paths
Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core.
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types HoTT.Tactics.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope functor_scope.
Section path_functor.
Context `{Funext}.
Variables C D : PreCategory.
Local Notation functor_sig_T :=
{ OO : C → D
| { MO : ∀ s d, morphism C s d → morphism D (OO s) (OO d)
| { FCO : ∀ s d d' (m1 : morphism C s d) (m2 : morphism C d d'),
MO _ _ (m2 o m1) = MO d d' m2 o MO s d m1
| ∀ x,
MO x x (identity x) = identity (OO x) } } }
(only parsing).
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types HoTT.Tactics.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope functor_scope.
Section path_functor.
Context `{Funext}.
Variables C D : PreCategory.
Local Notation functor_sig_T :=
{ OO : C → D
| { MO : ∀ s d, morphism C s d → morphism D (OO s) (OO d)
| { FCO : ∀ s d d' (m1 : morphism C s d) (m2 : morphism C d d'),
MO _ _ (m2 o m1) = MO d d' m2 o MO s d m1
| ∀ x,
MO x x (identity x) = identity (OO x) } } }
(only parsing).
We could leave it at that and be done with it, but we want a more convenient form for actually constructing paths between functors. For this, we write a trimmed down version of something equivalent to the type of paths between functors.
Local Notation path_functor'_T F G
:= { HO : object_of F = object_of G
| transport (fun GO ⇒ ∀ s d, morphism C s d → morphism D (GO s) (GO d))
(morphism_of F)
= morphism_of G }
(only parsing).
We could just go prove that the path space of functor_sig_T is equivalent to path_functor'_T, but unification is far too slow to do this effectively. So instead we explicitly classify path_functor'_T, and provide an equivalence between it and the path space of Functor C D.
Definition equiv_path_functor_uncurried_sig (F G : Functor C D) : path_functor'_T F G <~> (@equiv_inv _ _ _ equiv_sig_functor F = @equiv_inv _ _ _ equiv_sig_functor G). Proof. etransitivity; [ | by apply equiv_path_sigma ]. eapply @equiv_functor_sigma. repeat match goal with | [ |- context[(@equiv_inv ?A ?B ?f ?H ?F).1] ] => change ((@equiv_inv A B f H F).1) with (object_of F) end. Time exact (isequiv_idmap (object_of F = object_of G)). (* 13.411 secs *) Abort.
Classify sufficient conditions to prove functors equal
Definition path_functor_uncurried (F G : Functor C D) : path_functor'_T F G → F = G.
intros [? ?].
destruct F, G; simpl in ×.
path_induction; simpl.
eapply @center; abstract exact _.
intros [? ?].
destruct F, G; simpl in ×.
path_induction; simpl.
eapply @center; abstract exact _.
Said proof respects object_of
Lemma path_functor_uncurried_fst F G HO HM
: ap object_of (@path_functor_uncurried F G (HO; HM)) = HO.
destruct F, G; simpl in ×.
: ap object_of (@path_functor_uncurried F G (HO; HM)) = HO.
destruct F, G; simpl in ×.
Said proof respects idpath
Lemma path_functor_uncurried_idpath F
: @path_functor_uncurried F F (idpath; idpath) = idpath.
destruct F; simpl in ×.
rewrite !(contr idpath).
: @path_functor_uncurried F F (idpath; idpath) = idpath.
destruct F; simpl in ×.
rewrite !(contr idpath).
Definition path_functor_uncurried_inv (F G : Functor C D) : F = G → path_functor'_T F G
:= fun H'
⇒ (ap object_of H';
(transport_compose _ object_of _ _) ^ @ apD (@morphism_of _ _) H')%path.
:= fun H'
⇒ (ap object_of H';
(transport_compose _ object_of _ _) ^ @ apD (@morphism_of _ _) H')%path.
Definition path_functor (F G : Functor C D)
(HO : object_of F = object_of G)
(HM : transport (fun GO ⇒ ∀ s d, morphism C s d → morphism D (GO s) (GO d)) HO (morphism_of F) = morphism_of G)
: F = G
:= path_functor_uncurried F G (HO; HM).
(HO : object_of F = object_of G)
(HM : transport (fun GO ⇒ ∀ s d, morphism C s d → morphism D (GO s) (GO d)) HO (morphism_of F) = morphism_of G)
: F = G
:= path_functor_uncurried F G (HO; HM).
Definition path_functor_pointwise (F G : Functor C D)
(HO : object_of F == object_of G)
(HM : ∀ s d m,
transport (fun GO ⇒ ∀ s d, morphism C s d → morphism D (GO s) (GO d))
(path_forall _ _ HO)
(morphism_of F)
s d m
= G _1 m)
: F = G.
refine (path_functor F G (path_forall _ _ HO) _).
repeat (apply path_forall; intro); apply HM.
(HO : object_of F == object_of G)
(HM : ∀ s d m,
transport (fun GO ⇒ ∀ s d, morphism C s d → morphism D (GO s) (GO d))
(path_forall _ _ HO)
(morphism_of F)
s d m
= G _1 m)
: F = G.
refine (path_functor F G (path_forall _ _ HO) _).
repeat (apply path_forall; intro); apply HM.
Global Instance isequiv_path_functor_uncurried (F G : Functor C D)
: IsEquiv (@path_functor_uncurried F G).
apply (isequiv_adjointify (@path_functor_uncurried F G)
(@path_functor_uncurried_inv F G)).
- hnf.
intros [].
apply path_functor_uncurried_idpath.
- hnf.
intros [? ?].
apply path_sigma_uncurried.
∃ (path_functor_uncurried_fst _ _ _).
exact (center _).
Definition equiv_path_functor_uncurried (F G : Functor C D)
: path_functor'_T F G <~> F = G
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (@path_functor_uncurried F G) _.
Local Open Scope function_scope.
Definition path_path_functor_uncurried (F G : Functor C D) (p q : F = G)
: ap object_of p = ap object_of q → p = q.
refine ((ap (@path_functor_uncurried F G)^-1)^-1 o _).
refine ((path_sigma_uncurried _ _ _) o _); simpl.
refine (pr1^-1).
Global Instance isequiv_path_path_functor_uncurried F G p q
: IsEquiv (@path_path_functor_uncurried F G p q).
unfold path_path_functor_uncurried.
: IsEquiv (@path_functor_uncurried F G).
apply (isequiv_adjointify (@path_functor_uncurried F G)
(@path_functor_uncurried_inv F G)).
- hnf.
intros [].
apply path_functor_uncurried_idpath.
- hnf.
intros [? ?].
apply path_sigma_uncurried.
∃ (path_functor_uncurried_fst _ _ _).
exact (center _).
Definition equiv_path_functor_uncurried (F G : Functor C D)
: path_functor'_T F G <~> F = G
:= Build_Equiv _ _ (@path_functor_uncurried F G) _.
Local Open Scope function_scope.
Definition path_path_functor_uncurried (F G : Functor C D) (p q : F = G)
: ap object_of p = ap object_of q → p = q.
refine ((ap (@path_functor_uncurried F G)^-1)^-1 o _).
refine ((path_sigma_uncurried _ _ _) o _); simpl.
refine (pr1^-1).
Global Instance isequiv_path_path_functor_uncurried F G p q
: IsEquiv (@path_path_functor_uncurried F G p q).
unfold path_path_functor_uncurried.
N.B. exact _ is super-slow here. Not sure why.
repeat match goal with
| [ |- IsEquiv (_ o _) ] ⇒ eapply @isequiv_compose
| [ |- IsEquiv (_^-1) ] ⇒ eapply @isequiv_inverse
| [ |- IsEquiv (path_sigma_uncurried _ _ _) ] ⇒ eapply @isequiv_path_sigma
| _ ⇒ apply @isequiv_compose
| [ |- IsEquiv (_ o _) ] ⇒ eapply @isequiv_compose
| [ |- IsEquiv (_^-1) ] ⇒ eapply @isequiv_inverse
| [ |- IsEquiv (path_sigma_uncurried _ _ _) ] ⇒ eapply @isequiv_path_sigma
| _ ⇒ apply @isequiv_compose
Global Instance trunc_functor `{IsTrunc n D} `{∀ s d, IsTrunc n (morphism D s d)}
: IsTrunc n (Functor C D).
eapply istrunc_equiv_istrunc; [ exact equiv_sig_functor | ].
induction n;
simpl; intros;
typeclasses eauto.
End path_functor.
: IsTrunc n (Functor C D).
eapply istrunc_equiv_istrunc; [ exact equiv_sig_functor | ].
induction n;
simpl; intros;
typeclasses eauto.
End path_functor.
Ltac path_functor :=
repeat match goal with
| _ ⇒ intro
| _ ⇒ reflexivity
| _ ⇒ apply path_functor_uncurried; simpl
| _ ⇒ (∃ idpath)
Global Arguments path_functor_uncurried : simpl never.
repeat match goal with
| _ ⇒ intro
| _ ⇒ reflexivity
| _ ⇒ apply path_functor_uncurried; simpl
| _ ⇒ (∃ idpath)
Global Arguments path_functor_uncurried : simpl never.
Tactic for pushing ap object_of through other aps.
Ltac push_ap_object_of' :=
match goal with
| [ |- context[ap object_of (ap ?f ?p)] ]
⇒ rewrite <- (ap_compose' f object_of p); simpl
| [ |- context G[ap (fun F' x ⇒ object_of F' (@?f x)) ?p] ]
⇒ let P := context_to_lambda G in
refine (transport P (ap_compose' object_of (fun F' x ⇒ F' (f x)) p)^ _)
| [ |- context G[ap (fun F' x ⇒ ?f (object_of F' x)) ?p] ]
⇒ let P := context_to_lambda G in
refine (transport P (ap_compose' object_of (fun F' x ⇒ f (F' x)) p)^ _)
Ltac push_ap_object_of := repeat push_ap_object_of'.
match goal with
| [ |- context[ap object_of (ap ?f ?p)] ]
⇒ rewrite <- (ap_compose' f object_of p); simpl
| [ |- context G[ap (fun F' x ⇒ object_of F' (@?f x)) ?p] ]
⇒ let P := context_to_lambda G in
refine (transport P (ap_compose' object_of (fun F' x ⇒ F' (f x)) p)^ _)
| [ |- context G[ap (fun F' x ⇒ ?f (object_of F' x)) ?p] ]
⇒ let P := context_to_lambda G in
refine (transport P (ap_compose' object_of (fun F' x ⇒ f (F' x)) p)^ _)
Ltac push_ap_object_of := repeat push_ap_object_of'.