Library HoTT.Categories.NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws

Laws about composition of functors

Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core Functor.Identity Functor.Composition.Core NaturalTransformation.Core NaturalTransformation.Identity NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core NaturalTransformation.Paths.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope.

Section natural_transformation_identity.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Variables C D : PreCategory.

left identity : 1 T = T

  Lemma left_identity (F F' : Functor C D)
        (T : NaturalTransformation F F')
  : 1 o T = T.
    path_natural_transformation; auto with morphism.

right identity : T 1 = T

  Lemma right_identity (F F' : Functor C D)
        (T : NaturalTransformation F F')
  : T o 1 = T.
    path_natural_transformation; auto with morphism.

right whisker left identity : 1 ∘ᴿ F = 1

  Definition whisker_r_left_identity E
             (G : Functor D E) (F : Functor C D)
  : identity G oR F = 1.
    path_natural_transformation; auto with morphism.

left whisker right identity : G ∘ᴸ 1 = 1

  Definition whisker_l_right_identity E
             (G : Functor D E) (F : Functor C D)
  : G oL identity F = 1.
    path_natural_transformation; auto with functor.
End natural_transformation_identity.

Hint Rewrite @left_identity @right_identity : category.
Hint Rewrite @left_identity @right_identity : natural_transformation.

Section whisker.
  Context `{fs : Funext}.

whisker exchange law : (G' ∘ᴸ T) (T' ∘ᴿ F) = (T' ∘ᴿ F') (G ∘ᴸ T)

  Section exch.
    Variables C D E : PreCategory.
    Variables G G' : Functor D E.
    Variables F F' : Functor C D.
    Variable T' : NaturalTransformation G G'.
    Variable T : NaturalTransformation F F'.

    Lemma exchange_whisker
    : (G' oL T) o (T' oR F) = (T' oR F') o (G oL T).
      path_natural_transformation; simpl.
      apply NaturalTransformation.Core.commutes.
  End exch.

  Section whisker.
    Variables C D : PreCategory.
    Variables F G H : Functor C D.
    Variable T : NaturalTransformation G H.
    Variable T' : NaturalTransformation F G.

left whisker composition : F ∘ᴸ (T T') = (F ∘ᴸ T) (F ∘ᴸ T')

    Lemma composition_of_whisker_l E (I : Functor D E)
    : I oL (T o T') = (I oL T) o (I oL T').
      path_natural_transformation; apply composition_of.

right whisker composition : (T T') ∘ᴿ F = (T ∘ᴿ F) (T' ∘ᴿ F)

    Lemma composition_of_whisker_r B (I : Functor B C)
    : (T o T') oR I = (T oR I) o (T' oR I).
      path_natural_transformation; apply idpath.
  End whisker.
End whisker.

Section associativity.

associators - natural transformations between F (G H) and (F G) H

  Section functors.
    Variables B C D E : PreCategory.
    Variable F : Functor D E.
    Variable G : Functor C D.
    Variable H : Functor B C.

    Local Notation F0 := ((F o G) o H)%functor.
    Local Notation F1 := (F o (G o H))%functor.

    Definition associator_1 : NaturalTransformation F0 F1
      := Eval simpl in
          generalized_identity F0 F1 idpath idpath.

    Definition associator_2 : NaturalTransformation F1 F0
      := Eval simpl in
          generalized_identity F1 F0 idpath idpath.
  End functors.

associativity : (T U) V = T (U V)

  Section nt.
    Context `{fs : Funext}.

    Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope.

    Definition associativity
               C D F G H I
               (V : @NaturalTransformation C D F G)
               (U : @NaturalTransformation C D G H)
               (T : @NaturalTransformation C D H I)
    : (T o U) o V = T o (U o V).
      apply associativity.
  End nt.
End associativity.

Section functor_identity.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Variables C D : PreCategory.

  Local Ltac nt_id_t := split; path_natural_transformation;
                        autorewrite with morphism; reflexivity.

left unitors : natural transformations between 1 F and F

  Section left.
    Variable F : Functor D C.

    Definition left_identity_natural_transformation_1
    : NaturalTransformation (1 o F) F
      := Eval simpl in generalized_identity (1 o F) F idpath idpath.
    Definition left_identity_natural_transformation_2
    : NaturalTransformation F (1 o F)
      := Eval simpl in generalized_identity F (1 o F) idpath idpath.

    Theorem left_identity_isomorphism
    : left_identity_natural_transformation_1 o left_identity_natural_transformation_2 = 1
       left_identity_natural_transformation_2 o left_identity_natural_transformation_1 = 1.
  End left.

right unitors : natural transformations between F 1 and F

  Section right.
    Variable F : Functor C D.

    Definition right_identity_natural_transformation_1 : NaturalTransformation (F o 1) F
      := Eval simpl in generalized_identity (F o 1) F idpath idpath.
    Definition right_identity_natural_transformation_2 : NaturalTransformation F (F o 1)
      := Eval simpl in generalized_identity F (F o 1) idpath idpath.

    Theorem right_identity_isomorphism
    : right_identity_natural_transformation_1 o right_identity_natural_transformation_2 = 1
       right_identity_natural_transformation_2 o right_identity_natural_transformation_1 = 1.
  End right.
End functor_identity.

Tactics for inserting appropriate associators, whiskers, and unitors

Ltac nt_solve_associator' :=
  repeat match goal with
           | _exact (associator_1 _ _ _)
           | _exact (associator_2 _ _ _)
           | _exact (left_identity_natural_transformation_1 _)
           | _exact (left_identity_natural_transformation_2 _)
           | _exact (right_identity_natural_transformation_1 _)
           | _exact (right_identity_natural_transformation_2 _)
           | [ |- NaturalTransformation (?F o _) (?F o _) ] ⇒
             refine (whisker_l F _)
           | [ |- NaturalTransformation (_ o ?F) (_ o ?F) ] ⇒
             refine (whisker_r _ F)
Ltac nt_solve_associator :=
  repeat first [ progress nt_solve_associator'
               | refine (compose (associator_1 _ _ _) _); progress nt_solve_associator'
               | refine (compose _ (associator_1 _ _ _)); progress nt_solve_associator'
               | refine (compose (associator_2 _ _ _) _); progress nt_solve_associator'
               | refine (compose _ (associator_2 _ _ _)); progress nt_solve_associator' ].