Library HoTT.Universes.HProp


Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.Empty Types.Unit Types.Prod Types.Paths Types.Sigma Types.Equiv.

Local Open Scope path_scope.

Generalizable Variables A B.

Alternate characterization of hprops.

Theorem equiv_hprop_allpath `{Funext} (A : Type)
  : IsHProp A <~> ( (x y : A), x = y).
  rapply (equiv_iff_hprop (@path_ishprop A) (@hprop_allpath A)).
  apply hprop_allpath; intros f g.
  funext x y.
  pose (C := Build_Contr A x (f x)).
  apply path_contr.

Theorem equiv_hprop_inhabited_contr `{Funext} {A}
  : IsHProp A <~> (A Contr A).
  apply (equiv_adjointify (@contr_inhabited_hprop A) (@hprop_inhabited_contr A)).
  - intro ic. by_extensionality x.
    apply @path_contr. apply contr_istrunc. exact (ic x).
  - intro hp.
    apply path_ishprop.

Being an hprop is also equivalent to the diagonal being an equivalence.
Definition ishprop_isequiv_diag {A} `{IsEquiv _ _ (fun (a:A) (a,a))}
: IsHProp A.
  apply hprop_allpath; intros x y.
  set (d := fun (a:A) ⇒ (a,a)) in ×.
  transitivity (fst (d (d^-1 (x,y)))).
  - exact (ap fst (eisretr d (x,y))^).
  - transitivity (snd (d (d^-1 (x,y)))).
    + unfold d; reflexivity.
    + exact (ap snd (eisretr d (x,y))).

Global Instance isequiv_diag_ishprop {A} `{IsHProp A}
: IsEquiv (fun (a:A) ⇒ (a,a)).
  refine (isequiv_adjointify _ fst _ _).
  - intros [x y].
    apply path_prod; simpl.
    + reflexivity.
    + apply path_ishprop.
  - intros a; simpl.

A map is an embedding as soon as its ap's have sections.

Definition isembedding_sect_ap {X Y} (f : X Y)
           (s : x1 x2, (f x1 = f x2) (x1 = x2))
           (H : x1 x2, (@ap X Y f x1 x2) o (s x1 x2) == idmap)
  : IsEmbedding f.
  intros y.
  apply hprop_allpath.
  intros [x1 p1] [x2 p2].
  apply path_sigma with (s x1 x2 (p1 @ p2^)).
  abstract (rewrite transport_paths_Fl; cbn;
            rewrite (H x1 x2 (p1 @ p2^));
            rewrite inv_pp, inv_V; apply concat_pV_p).

Alternate characterizations of contractibility.

Theorem equiv_contr_inhabited_hprop `{Funext} {A}
  : Contr A <~> A × IsHProp A.
  assert (f : Contr A A × IsHProp A).
  - intro P. split.
    + exact (@center _ P).
    + apply @istrunc_succ. exact P.
  - assert (g : A × IsHProp A Contr A).
    + intros [a P]. apply (@contr_inhabited_hprop _ P a).
    + refine (@equiv_iff_hprop _ _ _ _ f g).
      apply hprop_inhabited_contr; intro p.
      apply @contr_prod.
      × exact (g p).
      × apply (@contr_inhabited_hprop _ _ (snd p)).

Theorem equiv_contr_inhabited_allpath `{Funext} {A}
  : Contr A <~> A × (x y : A), x = y.
  transitivity (A × IsHProp A).
  - apply equiv_contr_inhabited_hprop.
  - exact (1 ×E equiv_hprop_allpath _).

Logical equivalence of hprops

Logical equivalence of hprops is not just logically equivalent to equivalence, it is equivalent to it.
Global Instance isequiv_equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried
       `{Funext} {A B} `{IsHProp A} `{IsHProp B}
: IsEquiv (@equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried A _ B _) | 0.
  pose (@istrunc_equiv).
  refine (isequiv_adjointify
            (fun e(@equiv_fun _ _ e, @equiv_inv _ _ e _))
            _ _);
      by apply path_ishprop.

Definition equiv_equiv_iff_hprop
       `{Funext} (A B : Type) `{IsHProp A} `{IsHProp B}
  : (A B) <~> (A <~> B)
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (@equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried A _ B _) _.

Inhabited and uninhabited hprops

If an hprop is inhabited, then it is equivalent to Unit.
Lemma if_hprop_then_equiv_Unit (hprop : Type) `{IsHProp hprop} : hprop hprop <~> Unit.
  intro p.
  apply equiv_iff_hprop.
  - exact (fun _tt).
  - exact (fun _p).

If an hprop is not inhabited, then it is equivalent to Empty.
Lemma if_not_hprop_then_equiv_Empty (hprop : Type) `{IsHProp hprop} : ¬hprop hprop <~> Empty.
  intro np.
  exact (Build_Equiv _ _ np _).

Thus, a decidable hprop is either equivalent to Unit or Empty.
Definition equiv_decidable_hprop (hprop : Type)
           `{IsHProp hprop} `{Decidable hprop}
: (hprop <~> Unit) + (hprop <~> Empty).
  destruct (dec hprop) as [x|nx].
  - exact (inl (if_hprop_then_equiv_Unit hprop x)).
  - exact (inr (if_not_hprop_then_equiv_Empty hprop nx)).

Stable types and stable hprops

Recall that a type A is "stable" if ~~A A.
When A is an hprop, so is Stable A (by ishprop_stable_hprop), so Stable A × IsHProp A is an hprop for any A.
Global Instance ishprop_stable_ishprop `{Funext} (A : Type) : IsHProp (Stable A × IsHProp A).
  apply istrunc_inhabited_istrunc; intros [stable ishprop].
  exact _.

Under function extensionality, if A is a stable type, then ~~A is the propositional truncation of A. Here, for dependency reasons, we don't give the equivalence to Tr (-1) A, but just show that the recursion principle holds. See Metatheory/ImpredicativeTruncation.v for a generalization to all types, and Modalities/Notnot.v for a description of the universal property of ~~A when A is not assumed to be stable.
Any negation is an hprop, by istrunc_Empty and istrunc_arrow. In particular, double-negation is an hprop.
Definition ishprop_not_not `{Funext} {A : Type} : IsHProp (~~A) := _.

The recursion principle for ~~A when A is stable.
Definition not_not_rec {A : Type} `{stable : Stable A} (P : HProp) (f : A P)
  : ~~A P.
  intro nna.
  exact (f (stable nna)).

The unit is not_not_unit : A ~~A, and the computation rule only holds propositionally.
Definition not_not_rec_beta {A : Type} `{Stable A} (P : HProp) (f : A P) (a : A)
  : not_not_rec P f (not_not_unit a) = f a
  := path_ishprop _ _.

The map A ~~A is an equivalence if and only if A is a stable hprop. This characterizes the local types for the double-negation modality. See Modality/Notnot.v.
Definition isequiv_not_not_unit_iff_stable_hprop `{Funext} A
  : IsEquiv (@not_not_unit A) (Stable A × IsHProp A).
  - intros iseq.
    pose proof (eq := (Build_Equiv _ _ _ iseq)^-1%equiv); clear iseq.
    exact (stable_equiv eq _, istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ eq).
  - intros [stable ishprop].
    rapply isequiv_iff_hprop.
    apply stable.

We can upgrade the previous "iff" result to an equivalence.

A generalization of ishprop_decpaths

Under Funext, ishprop_decpaths shows that DecidablePaths A is an hprop. More generally, it's also an hprop with the first argument fixed.
Global Instance ishprop_decpaths' `{Funext} {A : Type} (x : A)
  : IsHProp ( (y : A), Decidable (x = y)).
  apply hprop_allpath; intros d d'.
  (* Define C to be the component of A containing x. Since x = y is decidable, it is stable, so we can use ~~(x = y) as an elementary form of propositional truncation. It also works to use merely here, but that brings in further dependencies and requires HITs. *)
  pose (C := {y : A & ~~(x = y)}).
  assert (cC : Contr C).
  { snrapply (Build_Contr C (x; not_not_unit idpath)).
    intros [y p].
    srapply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
    (* d y either solves the goal or contradicts p. *)
    by destruct (d y). }
  funext y.
  generalize (d y); clear d; intros d.
  generalize (d' y); clear d'; intros d'.
  destruct d as [d | nd]; destruct d' as [d' | nd'].
  - apply ap.
    (* x and y are "in" the component C: *)
    pose (xC := (x; not_not_unit idpath) : C).
    pose (yC := (y; not_not_unit d) : C).
    (* d and d' can be lifted to equalities of type xC = yC using path_sigma_hprop, and so up to the computation rule for pr1_path (denoted "..1"), our goal is in the image of "..1". *)
    refine ((pr1_path_path_sigma_hprop xC yC d)^ @ _ @ pr1_path_path_sigma_hprop xC yC d').
    (* But since C is an hset, the paths in C are equal. *)
    apply ap, path_ishprop.
  (* The remaining cases are the same as in ishprop_decpaths, but the last bullet is shorter since typeclass search tells us that x y is an hprop. *)
  - elim (nd' d).
  - elim (nd d').
  - apply ap, path_ishprop.