Homotopy Type Theory 2023

The Second International Conference on Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT 2023) took place

Monday 22nd May to Thursday 25th May

at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA. (See here for the previous conference.)

Call for Papers — MSCS Special Issue “Advances in Homotopy Type Theory”

Submissions are now open for a special issue of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science entitled Advances in Homotopy Type Theory. Papers based on talks presented at the Conference are encouraged. Submissions should be made via the MSCS Scholar One portal, choosing the name of the special issue from the drop-down list on page one.

The deadline for submissions is 31st January 2024.

The guest editors of the special issue are Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham), Benno van den Berg (University of Amsterdam), Nicola Gambino (University of Manchester) and Maria Emilia Maietti (University of Padua).

Invited Speakers

There will also be a special Vladimir Voevodsky Memorial Lecture given by

Scientific Committee


HoTT 2023 is an official ASL-sponsored meeting. The Association for Symbolic Logic offers modest student travel awards to attend ASL-Sponsored meetings. Women and members of minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply. For information on how to apply see the ASL page. The deadline for applications has passed.

We are happy to announce a grant from the National Science Foundation which will provide modest student travel awards to attend HoTT 2023. Women and members of minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply. Students and recently graduated postdocs can be supported, whether they submit a paper or not. Instructions on how to apply can be found here. No further applications are being accepted.

Air Force Office of Scientific Research     National Science Foundation     Association for Symbolic Logic     Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Code of conduct

As an ASL-sponsored conference, HoTT 2023 adopts the ASL meeting code of conduct. The designated trusted person is Egbert Rijke, who can be contacted in person at the meeting, or by email at e dot m dot hislastname at gmail dot com.

Local Committee

The meeting is being hosted by the HoTT group at CMU.

Contact: hott2023conference@gmail.com.