{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

open import HoTT

This file contains three proofs of Ω(S¹) = ℤ and the fact that the circle is
a 1-type:
- Something closely related to Mike’s original proof
- Dan’s encode-decode proof
- Guillaume’s proof using the flattening lemma.
This file is divided in a lot of different parts so that common parts can be

1. Definition of the universal cover and the encoding map (this part is common
   to all three proofs)
2. Proof that [encode (loop^ n) == n] (this part is common to Mike’s proof and
   the encode-decode proof)
3. Dan’s encode-decode proof that [Ω S¹ ≃ ℤ]
4. Mike’s proof that [Σ S¹ Cover] is contractible
5. Proof with the flattening lemma that [Σ S¹ S¹Cover] is contractible
6. Proof of [Ω S¹ ≃ ℤ] using the fact that [Σ S¹ S¹Cover] is contractible (common
   to Mike’s proof and the flattening lemma proof)
7. Encode-decode proof of the whole equivalence
8. Proof that the circle is a 1-type (common to all three proofs)

- 1, 2, 3    for the encode-decode proof    (+ 7, 8 for S¹ is a 1-type)
- 1, 2, 4, 6 for Mike’s proof               (+ 8)
- 1, 5, 6    for the flattening lemma proof (+ 8)

{- 2017/02/09 favonia:

  1. [loop^] is defined in terms of [Group.exp], and the lemma
     [encode'-decode] is changed accordingly.  Although the original
     [encode-decode] can be proved without the generalized [encode'],
     [encode'] seems useful in proving the isomorphism (not just
     type equivalence) without flipping the two sides [Ω S¹] and [ℤ].

  2. Part 9 is added for further results.

module homotopy.LoopSpaceCircle where

{- 1. Universal cover and encoding map (common to all three proofs) -}

module S¹Cover = S¹RecType  succ-equiv

S¹Cover :   Type₀
S¹Cover = S¹Cover.f

encode' : {x₁ x₂ : } (p : x₁ == x₂)  S¹Cover x₁  S¹Cover x₂
encode' p n = transport S¹Cover p n

encode : {x : } (p : base == x)  S¹Cover x
encode p = encode' p 0

{- 2. Encoding [loop^ n] (common to Mike’s proof and the encode-decode proof) -}

ΩS¹-group-structure : GroupStructure (base == base)
ΩS¹-group-structure = Ω^S-group-structure 0 ⊙S¹

module ΩS¹GroupStruct = GroupStructure ΩS¹-group-structure

-- We define the element of [Ω S¹] which is supposed to correspond to an
-- integer [n], this is the loop winding around the circle [n] times.
loop^ : (n : )  base == base
loop^ = ΩS¹GroupStruct.exp loop

-- Compatibility of [loop^] with the addition function
  loop^+ : (n₁ n₂ : )  loop^ (n₁ ℤ+ n₂) == loop^ n₁  loop^ n₂
  loop^+ = ΩS¹GroupStruct.exp-+ loop

-- Now we check that encoding [loop^ n] gives indeed [n], again by induction
-- on [n]
  encode'-∙ :  {x₀ x₁ x₂} (p₀ : x₀ == x₁) (p₁ : x₁ == x₂) n
     encode' (p₀  p₁) n == encode' p₁ (encode' p₀ n)
  encode'-∙ idp _ _ = idp

  encode'-loop :  n  encode' loop n == succ n
  encode'-loop = S¹Cover.coe-loop-β

  encode'-!loop :  n  encode' (! loop) n == pred n
  encode'-!loop n = coe-ap-! S¹Cover loop n  S¹Cover.coe!-loop-β n

  encode'-loop^ : (n₁ n₂ : )  encode' (loop^ n₁) n₂ == n₁ ℤ+ n₂
  encode'-loop^ (pos 0) n₂ = idp
  encode'-loop^ (pos 1) n₂ = encode'-loop n₂
  encode'-loop^ (pos (S (S n₁))) n₂ =
    encode' (loop  loop^ (pos (S n₁))) n₂
         =⟨ encode'-∙ loop (loop^ (pos (S n₁))) n₂ 
    encode' (loop^ (pos (S n₁))) (encode' loop n₂)
         =⟨ encode'-loop n₂ |in-ctx encode' (loop^ (pos (S n₁))) 
    encode' (loop^ (pos (S n₁))) (succ n₂)
         =⟨ encode'-loop^ (pos (S n₁)) (succ n₂) 
    pos (S n₁) ℤ+ succ n₂
         =⟨ ℤ+-succ (pos (S n₁)) n₂ 
    pos (S (S n₁)) ℤ+ n₂ =∎
  encode'-loop^ (negsucc 0) n₂ = encode'-!loop n₂
  encode'-loop^ (negsucc (S n₁)) n₂ =
    encode' (! loop  loop^ (negsucc n₁)) n₂
         =⟨ encode'-∙ (! loop) (loop^ (negsucc n₁)) n₂ 
    encode' (loop^ (negsucc n₁)) (encode' (! loop) n₂)
         =⟨ encode'-!loop n₂ |in-ctx encode' (loop^ (negsucc n₁)) 
    encode' (loop^ (negsucc n₁)) (pred n₂)
         =⟨ encode'-loop^ (negsucc n₁) (pred n₂) 
    negsucc n₁ ℤ+ pred n₂
         =⟨ ℤ+-pred (negsucc n₁) n₂ 
    negsucc (S n₁) ℤ+ n₂

  encode-loop^ : (n : )  encode (loop^ n) == n
  encode-loop^ n = encode'-loop^ n 0  ℤ+-unit-r n

{- 3. Dan’s encode-decode proof -}

-- The decoding function at [base] is [loop^], but we extend it to the whole
-- of [S¹] so that [decode-encode] becomes easier (and we need [loop^+] to
-- be able to extend it)
decode : (x : )  (S¹Cover x  base == x)
decode =
  S¹-elim loop^ (↓-→-in λ {n} q 
                 ↓-cst=idf-in' $
                   ! (loop^+ n 1)  ap loop^ (ℤ+-comm n 1  S¹Cover.↓-loop-out q))

  decode-encode : (x : ) (p : base == x)  decode x (encode p) == p
  decode-encode _ idp = idp  -- Magic!

-- And we get the theorem
ΩS¹≃ℤ : (base == base)  
ΩS¹≃ℤ = equiv encode (decode base) encode-loop^ (decode-encode base)

{- 4. Mike’s proof that [Σ S¹ Cover] is contractible -}

-- We want to prove that every point of [Σ S¹ S¹Cover] is equal to [(base , O)]
paths-mike : (xt : Σ  S¹Cover)  (base , 0) == xt
paths-mike (x , t) = paths-mike-c x t where

    -- We do it by circle-induction on the first component. When it’s [base],
    -- we use the [↓-loop^] below (which is essentially [encode-loop^]) and
    -- for [loop] we use [loop^+] and the fact that [ℤ] is a set.
    paths-mike-c : (x : ) (t : S¹Cover x)  (base , 0) == (x , t) :> Σ  S¹Cover
    paths-mike-c = S¹-elim
       n  pair= (loop^ n) (↓-loop^ n))
      (↓-Π-in  {n} {n'} q 
         (pair= (loop^ n) (↓-loop^ n)  pair= loop q
                    =⟨ Σ-∙ (↓-loop^ n) q 
          pair= (loop^ n  loop) (↓-loop^ n ∙ᵈ q)
                    =⟨ pair== (! (loop^+ n 1)  ap loop^ (ℤ+-comm n 1  S¹Cover.↓-loop-out q))
                              (set-↓-has-all-paths-↓ ℤ-is-set) 
          pair= (loop^ n') (↓-loop^ n') ))) where

      ↓-loop^ : (n : )  0 == n [ S¹Cover  loop^ n ]
      ↓-loop^ n = from-transp _ _ (encode-loop^ n)

  contr-mike : is-contr (Σ  S¹Cover)
  contr-mike = ((base , 0) , paths-mike)

{- 5. Flattening lemma proof that [Σ S¹ Cover] is contractible -}

--We import the flattening lemma for the universal cover of the circle
--open FlatteningS¹ ℤ succ-equiv
open S¹Cover using (module Wt; Wt; cct; ppt; flattening-S¹)

-- We prove that the flattened HIT corresponding to the universal cover of the
-- circle (the real line) is contractible
Wt-is-contr : is-contr Wt
Wt-is-contr = (cct tt 0 , Wt.elim (base*  snd) (loop*  snd)) where

  -- This is basically [loop^] using a different composition order
  base* : (n : )  cct tt 0 == cct tt n
  base* (pos 0) = idp
  base* (pos 1) = ppt tt 0
  base* (pos (S (S n))) = base* (pos (S n))  ppt tt (pos (S n))
  base* (negsucc 0) = ! (ppt tt (negsucc O))
  base* (negsucc (S n)) = base* (negsucc n)  ! (ppt tt (negsucc (S n)))

    loop* : (n : )
       base* n == base* (succ n) [  x  cct tt 0 == x)  ppt tt n ]
    loop* n = ↓-cst=idf-in' (aux n) where

      -- This is basically [loop^+ 1 n]
      aux : (n : )  base* n  ppt tt n == base* (succ n)
      aux (pos 0) = idp
      aux (pos (S n)) = idp
      aux (negsucc 0) = !-inv-l (ppt tt (negsucc O))
      aux (negsucc (S n)) =
        base* (negsucc (S n))  ppt tt (negsucc (S n))
                  =⟨ idp 
        (base* (negsucc n)  ! (ppt tt (negsucc (S n))))  ppt tt (negsucc (S n))
                  =⟨ ∙-assoc (base* (negsucc n)) _ _ 
        base* (negsucc n)  (! (ppt tt (negsucc (S n)))  ppt tt (negsucc (S n)))
                  =⟨ !-inv-l (ppt tt (negsucc (S n)))
                         |in-ctx  u  base* (negsucc n)  u) 
        base* (negsucc n)  idp
                  =⟨ ∙-unit-r _ 
        base* (negsucc n) 

-- Then, using the flattening lemma we get that the total space of [Cover] is
-- contractible
  contr-flattening : is-contr (Σ  S¹Cover)
  contr-flattening = transport! is-contr flattening-S¹ Wt-is-contr

{- 6. Proof that [Ω S¹ ≃ ℤ] using the fact that [Σ S¹ Cover] is contractible -}

tot-encode : Σ   x  base == x)  Σ  S¹Cover
tot-encode (x , y) = (x , encode y)

-- The previous map induces an equivalence on the total spaces, because both
-- total spaces are contractible
  total-is-equiv : is-equiv tot-encode
  total-is-equiv = contr-to-contr-is-equiv _ (pathfrom-is-contr base) contr-flattening

-- Hence it’s an equivalence fiberwise
  encode-is-equiv : (x : )  is-equiv (encode {x})
  encode-is-equiv = total-equiv-is-fiber-equiv  _  encode) total-is-equiv

-- We can then conclude that the loop space of the circle is equivalent to [ℤ]
ΩS¹≃ℤ' : (base == base)  
ΩS¹≃ℤ' = (encode {base} , encode-is-equiv base)

{- 7. Encode-decode proof of the whole fiberwise equivalence -}

-- This is quite similar to [paths-mike], we’re doing it by circle-induction,
-- the base case is [encode-loop^] and the loop case is using the fact that [ℤ]
-- is a set (and [loop^+] is already used in [decode])
encode-decode : (x : ) (t : S¹Cover x)  encode (decode x t) == t
encode-decode =
  S¹-elim {P = λ x  (t : S¹Cover x)  encode (decode x t) == t}
    encode-loop^ (↓-Π-in  q  prop-has-all-paths-↓ (ℤ-is-set _ _)))

encode-is-equiv' : (x : )  is-equiv (encode {x})
encode-is-equiv' x = is-eq encode (decode x) (encode-decode x) (decode-encode x)

{- 8. Proof that the circle is a 1-type -}

  S¹Cover-is-set : {y : }  is-set (S¹Cover y)
  S¹Cover-is-set {y} = S¹-elim {P = λ y  is-set (S¹Cover y)}
    ℤ-is-set (prop-has-all-paths-↓ is-set-is-prop) y

  ΩS¹-is-set : {y : }  is-set (base == y)
  ΩS¹-is-set {y} = equiv-preserves-level ((encode {y} , encode-is-equiv y) ⁻¹)
                                         (S¹Cover-is-set {y})

S¹-level : has-level 1 
S¹-level =
  S¹-elim  _  ΩS¹-is-set) (prop-has-all-paths-↓ (Π-level  x  is-set-is-prop)))

{- 9. More stuff -}

ΩS¹-iso-ℤ : Ω^S-group 0 ⊙S¹ S¹-level ≃ᴳ ℤ-group
ΩS¹-iso-ℤ = ≃-to-≃ᴳ ΩS¹≃ℤ encode-pres-∙ where
    encode-∙ :  {x₁ x₂} (loop₁ : base == x₁) (loop₂ : x₁ == x₂)
       encode (loop₁  loop₂) == encode' loop₂ (encode loop₁)
    encode-∙ idp _ = idp

    encode-pres-∙ :  (loop₁ loop₂ : base == base)
       encode (loop₁  loop₂) == encode loop₁ ℤ+ encode loop₂
    encode-pres-∙ loop₁ loop₂ =
        encode (loop₁  loop₂)
          =⟨ encode'-∙ loop₁ loop₂ 0 
        encode' loop₂ (encode loop₁)
          =⟨ ! $ decode-encode _ loop₂ |in-ctx  loop₂  encode' loop₂ (encode loop₁)) 
        encode' (loop^ (encode loop₂)) (encode loop₁)
          =⟨ encode'-loop^ (encode loop₂) (encode loop₁) 
        encode loop₂ ℤ+ encode loop₁
          =⟨ ℤ+-comm (encode loop₂) (encode loop₁) 
        encode loop₁ ℤ+ encode loop₂

  ΩS¹-is-abelian : is-abelian (Ω^S-group 0 ⊙S¹ S¹-level)
  ΩS¹-is-abelian = iso-preserves-abelian (ΩS¹-iso-ℤ ⁻¹ᴳ) ℤ-group-is-abelian