{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}

open import lib.Basics
open import lib.NType2
open import lib.types.Bool
open import lib.types.Empty
open import lib.types.Paths
open import lib.types.Pi
open import lib.types.Sigma

This file contains various lemmas that rely on lib.types.Paths or
functional extensionality for pointed maps.

module lib.types.Pointed where

{- Pointed maps -}

-- function extensionality for pointed maps
⊙λ= :  {i j} {X : Ptd i} {Y : Ptd j} {f g : X ⊙→ Y}
  (p :  x  fst f x == fst g x)
  (α : snd f == snd g [  y  y == pt Y)  p (pt X) ])
   f == g
⊙λ= {g = g} p α =
  pair= (λ= p) (↓-app=cst-in (↓-idf=cst-out α  ap (_∙ snd g) (! (app=-β p _))))

⊙λ=' : ∀ {i j} {X : Ptd i} {Y : Ptd j} {f g : X ⊙→ Y}
  (p : ∀ x → fst f x == fst g x) (α : snd f == p (pt X) ∙ snd g)
  → f == g
⊙λ=' p α = ⊙λ= p (↓-idf=cst-in α)

-- associativity of pointed maps
⊙∘-assoc-pt :  {i j k} {A : Type i} {B : Type j} {C : Type k}
  {a₁ a₂ : A} (f : A  B) {b : B} (g : B  C) {c : C}
  (p : a₁ == a₂) (q : f a₂ == b) (r : g b == c)
   ⊙∘-pt (g  f) p (⊙∘-pt g q r) == ⊙∘-pt g (⊙∘-pt f p q) r
⊙∘-assoc-pt _ _ idp _ _ = idp

⊙∘-assoc :  {i j k l} {X : Ptd i} {Y : Ptd j} {Z : Ptd k} {W : Ptd l}
  (h : Z ⊙→ W) (g : Y ⊙→ Z) (f : X ⊙→ Y)
   ((h ⊙∘ g) ⊙∘ f) == (h ⊙∘ (g ⊙∘ f))
⊙∘-assoc (h , hpt) (g , gpt) (f , fpt) = ⊙λ=  _  idp) (⊙∘-assoc-pt g h fpt gpt hpt)

{- Pointed equivalences -}

-- Extracting data from an pointed equivalence
module _ {i j} {X : Ptd i} {Y : Ptd j} (⊙e : X ⊙≃ Y) where

    e : de⊙ X  de⊙ Y
    e = (fst (fst ⊙e) , snd ⊙e)

  ⊙≃-to-≃ = e

  ⊙–>-pt : –> e (pt X) == pt Y
  ⊙–>-pt = snd (fst ⊙e)

    p = ⊙–>-pt

  ⊙–> : X ⊙→ Y
  ⊙–> = fst ⊙e

  ⊙<–-pt : <– e (pt Y) == pt X
  ⊙<–-pt = ap (<– e) (! ⊙–>-pt)  <–-inv-l e (pt X)

  ⊙<– : Y ⊙→ X
  ⊙<– = <– e , ⊙<–-pt

  infix 120 _⊙⁻¹
  _⊙⁻¹ : Y ⊙≃ X
  _⊙⁻¹ = ⊙<– , is-equiv-inverse (snd ⊙e)

  ⊙<–-inv-l : ⊙<– ⊙∘ ⊙–> == ⊙idf _
  ⊙<–-inv-l = ⊙λ= (<–-inv-l e) $ ↓-idf=cst-in $
    ap (<– e) p  ap (<– e) (! p)  <–-inv-l e (pt X)
      =⟨ ! (∙-assoc (ap (<– e) p) (ap (<– e) (! p)) (<–-inv-l e (pt X))) 
    (ap (<– e) p  ap (<– e) (! p))  <–-inv-l e (pt X)
      =⟨ ∙-ap (<– e) p (! p)  ap (ap (<– e)) (!-inv-r p)
         |in-ctx  w  w  <–-inv-l e (pt X)) 
    <–-inv-l e (pt X)
      =⟨ ! (∙-unit-r _) 
    <–-inv-l e (pt X)  idp =∎

  ⊙<–-inv-r : ⊙–> ⊙∘ ⊙<– == ⊙idf _
  ⊙<–-inv-r = ⊙λ= (<–-inv-r e) $ ↓-idf=cst-in $
    ap (–> e) (ap (<– e) (! p)  <–-inv-l e (pt X))  p
      =⟨ ap-∙ (–> e) (ap (<– e) (! p)) (<–-inv-l e (pt X))
         |in-ctx  w  w  p) 
    (ap (–> e) (ap (<– e) (! p))  ap (–> e) (<–-inv-l e (pt X)))  p
      =⟨ <–-inv-adj e (pt X)
         |in-ctx  w  (ap (–> e) (ap (<– e) (! p))  w)  p) 
    (ap (–> e) (ap (<– e) (! p))  <–-inv-r e (–> e (pt X)))  p
      =⟨ ∘-ap (–> e) (<– e) (! p)
         |in-ctx  w  (w  <–-inv-r e (–> e (pt X)))  p) 
    (ap (–> e  <– e) (! p)  <–-inv-r e (–> e (pt X)))  p
      =⟨ ap (_∙ p) (! (↓-app=idf-out (apd (<–-inv-r e) (! p))))  
    (<–-inv-r e (pt Y) ∙' (! p))  p
      =⟨ ∙'=∙ (<–-inv-r e (pt Y)) (! p) |in-ctx _∙ p 
    (<–-inv-r e (pt Y)  (! p))  p
      =⟨ ∙-assoc (<–-inv-r e (pt Y)) (! p) p 
    <–-inv-r e (pt Y)  (! p  p)
      =⟨ !-inv-l p |in-ctx (<–-inv-r e (pt Y)) ∙_ 
    <–-inv-r e (pt Y)  idp =∎

module _ {i j k} {X : Ptd i} {Y : Ptd j} {Z : Ptd k} (⊙e : X ⊙≃ Y) where

  post⊙∘-is-equiv : is-equiv  (k : Z ⊙→ X)  ⊙–> ⊙e ⊙∘ k)
  post⊙∘-is-equiv = is-eq f g f-g g-f
    where f = ⊙–> ⊙e ⊙∘_
          g = ⊙<– ⊙e ⊙∘_
            f-g = λ k  ! (⊙∘-assoc (⊙–> ⊙e) (⊙<– ⊙e) k)  ap (_⊙∘ k) (⊙<–-inv-r ⊙e)  ⊙∘-unit-l k
            g-f = λ k  ! (⊙∘-assoc (⊙<– ⊙e) (⊙–> ⊙e) k)  ap (_⊙∘ k) (⊙<–-inv-l ⊙e)  ⊙∘-unit-l k

  pre⊙∘-is-equiv : is-equiv  (k : Y ⊙→ Z)  k ⊙∘ ⊙–> ⊙e)
  pre⊙∘-is-equiv = is-eq f g f-g g-f
    where f = _⊙∘ ⊙–> ⊙e
          g = _⊙∘ ⊙<– ⊙e
            f-g = λ k  ⊙∘-assoc k (⊙<– ⊙e) (⊙–> ⊙e)  ap (k ⊙∘_) (⊙<–-inv-l ⊙e)  ⊙∘-unit-r k
            g-f = λ k  ⊙∘-assoc k (⊙–> ⊙e) (⊙<– ⊙e)  ap (k ⊙∘_) (⊙<–-inv-r ⊙e)  ⊙∘-unit-r k

  pre⊙∘-equiv : (Y ⊙→ Z)  (X ⊙→ Z)
  pre⊙∘-equiv = _ , pre⊙∘-is-equiv

{- Pointed maps out of bool -}

-- intuition : [f true] is fixed and the only changable part is [f false].

⊙Bool→-to-idf :  {i} {X : Ptd i}
   ⊙Bool ⊙→ X  de⊙ X
⊙Bool→-to-idf (h , _) = h false

⊙Bool→-equiv-idf :  {i} (X : Ptd i)
   (⊙Bool ⊙→ X)  de⊙ X
⊙Bool→-equiv-idf {i} X = equiv ⊙Bool→-to-idf g f-g g-f
  g : de⊙ X  ⊙Bool ⊙→ X
  g x = (if_then pt X else x) , idp

    f-g :  x  ⊙Bool→-to-idf (g x) == x
    f-g x = idp

    g-f :  H  g (⊙Bool→-to-idf H) == H
    g-f (h , hpt) = pair=
      (λ= lemma)
      (↓-app=cst-in $
          =⟨ ! (!-inv-l hpt) 
        ! hpt  hpt
          =⟨ ! (app=-β lemma true) |in-ctx  w  w  hpt) 
        app= (λ= lemma) true  hpt
      where lemma :  b  fst (g (h false)) b == h b
            lemma true = ! hpt
            lemma false = idp