Library HoTT.Algebra.AbSES.BaerSum

Require Import Basics Types.
Require Import WildCat Pointed.Core.
Require Import AbGroups.AbelianGroup AbGroups.Biproduct AbGroups.AbHom.
Require Import AbSES.Core AbSES.Pullback AbSES.Pushout AbSES.DirectSum.
Require Import Homotopy.HSpace.Core.

Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.

The Baer sum of two short exact sequences, lemmas and consequences.

The Baer sum of two short exact sequences is obtained from the pointwise direct sum by pushing forward along the codiagonal and then pulling back along the diagonal. (Swapping the order of pushing forward and pulling back produces an isomorphic short exact sequence.)

AbSES' is a bifunctor

Given a morphism f of short exact sequences, the pushout of the domain along f_1 equals the pullback of the codomain along f_3.
Lemma abses_pushout_is_pullback' `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup@{u}}
      {E : AbSES B A} {E' : AbSES B' A'} (f : AbSESMorphism E E')
  : abses_pushout (component1 f) E $== abses_pullback (component3 f) E'.
  (* The morphism f : E E' factors as E f_1 E E', where the first map is the map defining the pushout f_1 E and the second map is denoted abses_pushout_morphism_rec f below.  This second map is the identity on the first component, so it presents its domain as the pullback of E' along f_3. *)
  exact (abses_pullback_component1_id' (abses_pushout_morphism_rec f) (fun _idpath)).

Given a morphism f of short exact sequences, the pushout of the domain along f_1 equals the pullback of the codomain along f_3.
Definition abses_pushout_is_pullback `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
      {E : AbSES B A} {E' : AbSES B' A'} (f : AbSESMorphism E E')
  : abses_pushout (component1 f) E = abses_pullback (component3 f) E'
  := equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_pushout_is_pullback' f).

Definition abses_pushout_pullback_reorder' `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
  (E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (g : B' $-> B)
  : abses_pushout f (abses_pullback g E) $== abses_pullback g (abses_pushout f E).
  (* There are morphisms Eg E and E fE by definition of the pullback and pushout. We define F : Eg fE to be the composite. Its first and third components are f o id and id o g. *)
  pose (F := absesmorphism_compose (abses_pushout_morphism E f) (abses_pullback_morphism E g)).
  (* We change F to a morphism that is the same except that the first and third components are f and g. Then abses_pushout_is_pullback shows that the pushout of Eg along f is equal to the pullback of fE along g. *)
  refine (abses_pushout_is_pullback' (Build_AbSESMorphism f (component2 F) g _ _)); apply F.

This is the statement that AbSES' is a bifunctor, but we state it separately because Coq is slow to unify IsBifunctor AbSES' against goals written in this form.
Definition abses_pushout_pullback_reorder `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
  (E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (g : B' $-> B)
  : abses_pushout f (abses_pullback g E) = abses_pullback g (abses_pushout f E).
  apply equiv_path_abses_iso.
  apply abses_pushout_pullback_reorder'.

Global Instance is0bifunctor_abses' `{Univalence}
  : Is0Bifunctor (AbSES' : AbGroup^op AbGroup Type).
  rapply Build_Is0Bifunctor''.

Global Instance is1bifunctor_abses' `{Univalence}
  : Is1Bifunctor (AbSES' : AbGroup^op AbGroup Type).
  snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor''.
  1,2: exact _.
  intros ? ? g ? ? f E; cbn.
  exact (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder E f g).

Given a short exact sequence A E B and maps f : A A', g : B' B, we can change the order of pushing out along f and pulling back along g.
Lemma abses_reorder_pullback_pushout `{Univalence} {A A' B B' : AbGroup}
      (E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (g : B' $-> B)
  : abses_pushout f (abses_pullback g E) = abses_pullback g (abses_pushout f E).
  (* There are morphisms Eg E and E fE by definition of the pullback and pushout. We define F : Eg fE to be the composite. Its first and third components are f o id and id o g. *)
  pose (F := absesmorphism_compose (abses_pushout_morphism E f) (abses_pullback_morphism E g)).
  (* We change F to a morphism that is the same except that the first and third components are f and g. Then abses_pushout_is_pullback shows that the pushout of Eg along f is equal to the pullback of fE along g. *)
  refine (abses_pushout_is_pullback (Build_AbSESMorphism f (component2 F) g _ _)); apply F.

The Baer sum distributes over pullbacks.
Lemma baer_sum_distributive_pullbacks `{Univalence} {A B B' : AbGroup}
  {E : AbSES B A} (f g : ab_hom B' B)
  : abses_pullback (f + g) E = abses_baer_sum (abses_pullback f E) (abses_pullback g E).
  unfold abses_baer_sum.
  refine ((abses_pullback_compose (B1:=ab_biprod B B) _ _ E)^ @ _).
  refine (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_codiagonal E))^ @ _).
  unfold abses_codiagonal, component1.
  refine (_^ @ _ @ _).
  1,3: apply abses_reorder_pullback_pushout.
  refine (ap (abses_pushout _) _).
  refine (ap (fun habses_pullback h _) (ab_biprod_corec_diagonal _ _) @ _).
  refine ((abses_pullback_compose _ _ (abses_direct_sum E E))^ @ _).
  exact (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_directsum_distributive_pullbacks f g)).

The Baer sum is commutative.
Lemma baer_sum_commutative `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup} (E F : AbSES B A)
  : abses_baer_sum E F = abses_baer_sum F E.
  unfold abses_baer_sum.
  (* The next line uses that direct_sum_swap $o ab_diagonal is definitionally equal to ab_diagonal: *)
  refine (_ @ abses_pullback_compose ab_diagonal direct_sum_swap _).
  refine (ap (abses_pullback ab_diagonal) _).
  refine (ap (fun fabses_pushout f _) ab_codiagonal_swap^ @ _).
  refine ((abses_pushout_compose _ _ _) @ _).
  refine (ap _ (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_swap_morphism E F)) @ _).
  unfold abses_swap_morphism, component3.
  apply abses_pushout_pullback_reorder.

The right unit law for the Baer sum says that for all E : AbSES B A, E + E_0 = E, where E_0 is the split short exact sequence.
Lemma baer_sum_unit_r `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
  : abses_baer_sum E (point (AbSES B A)) = E.
  refine (ap (abses_baer_sum E) _ @ _).
  - exact (abses_pullback_const E).
  - refine (ap (fun Fabses_baer_sum F (abses_pullback grp_homo_const E)) (abses_pullback_id E)^ @ _).
    refine ((baer_sum_distributive_pullbacks grp_homo_id grp_homo_const)^ @ _).
    refine (ap (fun fabses_pullback f E) (grp_unit_r (G := ab_hom _ _) _) @ _).
    apply abses_pullback_id.

The left unit law for the Baer sum is analogous.
For any E : AbSES B A, the pullback of E along -id_B acts as an additive inverse for E with respect to the Baer sum.
Lemma baer_sum_inverse_l `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
  : abses_baer_sum E (abses_pullback (- grp_homo_id) E) = point (AbSES B A).
  refine (ap (fun Fabses_baer_sum F (abses_pullback _ E)) (abses_pullback_id E)^ @ _).
  refine ((baer_sum_distributive_pullbacks grp_homo_id (-grp_homo_id))^ @ _).
  refine (ap (fun fabses_pullback f _) (grp_inv_r (G := ab_hom _ _) _) @ _).
  symmetry; apply abses_pullback_const.

The right inverse law follows by commutativity.
The Baer sum distributes over pushouts.
Lemma baer_sum_distributive_pushouts `{Univalence}
      {A A' B : AbGroup} {E : AbSES B A'} (f g : ab_hom A' A)
  : abses_pushout (f + g) E = abses_baer_sum (abses_pushout f E) (abses_pushout g E).
  unfold abses_baer_sum.
  refine (abses_pushout_compose (A1 := ab_biprod A A) _ _ E @ _).
  refine (_ @ abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _).
  refine (ap (abses_pushout ab_codiagonal) _).
  refine (ap (fun fabses_pushout f E) (ab_biprod_corec_diagonal f g) @ _).
  refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ E @ _).
  refine (ap (abses_pushout _) (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_diagonal E)) @ _).
  refine (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _ @ _).
  exact (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_directsum_distributive_pushouts f g)).

Our next goal is to prove that the Baer sum is associative. Rather than showing this directly, we first prove baer_sum_twist, which says that abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum G F) E. The proof of this mimics the proof of commutativity above. Then we prove associativity by combining this with commutativity.
The trinary Baer sum of three short exact sequences.
Definition abses_trinary_baer_sum `{Univalence}
  {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
  : AbSES B A
  := abses_pullback ab_triagonal
       (abses_pushout ab_cotriagonal
          (abses_direct_sum (abses_direct_sum E F) G)).

For E, F, G : AbSES B A, the Baer sum of E, F and G (associated left) is equal to the trinary Baer sum of E, F and G.
Lemma baer_sum_is_trinary `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
  : abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_trinary_baer_sum E F G.
  unfold abses_baer_sum, abses_trinary_baer_sum, ab_triagonal, ab_cotriagonal.
  refine (ap (abses_pullback _ o abses_pushout _) _^ @ _).
  - refine (_ @ ap (abses_direct_sum _) (abses_pullback_id G)).
    refine (_ @ abses_directsum_distributive_pullbacks _ _).
    refine (ap (abses_pullback _) _).
    refine (_ @ ap (abses_direct_sum _) (abses_pushout_id G)).
    apply abses_directsum_distributive_pushouts.
  - refine (ap (abses_pullback _) (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _) @ _).
    refine (abses_pullback_compose _ _ _ @ _).
    refine (ap (abses_pullback _) _^).
    apply abses_pushout_compose.

For E, F, G : AbSES B A, we can "twist" the order of the trinary Baer sum as follows.
Lemma twist_trinary_baer_sum `{Univalence}
  {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
  : abses_trinary_baer_sum E F G = abses_trinary_baer_sum G F E.
  unfold abses_trinary_baer_sum.
  (* The next line uses the fact that ab_triagonal is definitionally equal to ab_biprod_twist $o ab_triagonal: *)
  refine (_ @ abses_pullback_compose ab_triagonal ab_biprod_twist _).
  refine (ap (abses_pullback _) _).
  refine (ap (fun fabses_pushout f _) ab_cotriagonal_twist^ @ _).
  refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ _ @ _).
  refine (ap _ (abses_pushout_is_pullback (abses_twist_directsum E F G)) @ _).
  unfold abses_twist_directsum, component3.
  exact (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _).

It now follows that we can twist the order of the summands in the Baer sum.
From these results, it finally follows that the Baer sum is associative.
Lemma baer_sum_associative `{Univalence}
  {A B : AbGroup@{u}} (E F G : AbSES B A)
  : abses_baer_sum (abses_baer_sum E F) G = abses_baer_sum E (abses_baer_sum F G).
  refine ((baer_sum_twist _ _ _)^ @ _).
  refine (baer_sum_commutative _ _ @ _).
  apply ap.
  apply baer_sum_commutative.

The Baer sum makes AbSES B A into an H-space. (In fact, a coherent H-space, but we leave that for now.)
Global Instance ishspace_abses `{Univalence} {B A : AbGroup}
  : IsHSpace (AbSES B A).
  snrapply Build_IsHSpace.
  - exact abses_baer_sum.
  - intro; apply baer_sum_unit_l.
  - intro; apply baer_sum_unit_r.

Global Instance is0bifunctor_abses `{Univalence}
  : Is0Bifunctor (AbSES : AbGroup^op AbGroup pType).
  rapply Build_Is0Bifunctor''.

Global Instance is1bifunctor_abses `{Univalence}
  : Is1Bifunctor (AbSES : AbGroup^op AbGroup pType).
  snrapply Build_Is1Bifunctor''.
  1,2: exact _.
  intros ? ? f ? ? g.
  rapply hspace_phomotopy_from_homotopy.
  1: apply ishspace_abses.
  intro E; cbn.
  apply abses_pushout_pullback_reorder.

Pushouts and pullbacks respect the Baer sum

Definition baer_sum_pushout `{Univalence}
  {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A') (E F : AbSES B A)
  : abses_pushout f (abses_baer_sum E F)
    = abses_baer_sum (abses_pushout f E) (abses_pushout f F).
  unfold abses_baer_sum.
  refine (abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _
            @ ap _ _).
  refine ((abses_pushout_compose _ _ _)^ @ _).
  refine (abses_pushout_homotopic _ _ _ _ @ _).
  1: apply ab_codiagonal_natural.
  refine (abses_pushout_compose _ _ _ @ ap _ _).
  apply abses_directsum_distributive_pushouts.

Definition baer_sum_pullback `{Univalence}
  {A B B' : AbGroup} (f : B' $-> B) (E F : AbSES B A)
  : abses_pullback f (abses_baer_sum E F)
    = abses_baer_sum (abses_pullback f E) (abses_pullback f F).
  unfold abses_baer_sum.
  refine (abses_pullback_compose _ _ _ @ _).
  refine ((abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _)^
            @ ap _ _
              @ abses_pushout_pullback_reorder _ _ _).
  refine (abses_pullback_homotopic
            _ (functor_ab_biprod f f $o ab_diagonal) _ _ @ _).
  1: reflexivity.
  refine ((abses_pullback_compose _ _ _)^ @ ap _ _).
  apply abses_directsum_distributive_pullbacks.