Library HoTT.Algebra.AbSES.Pushout

Require Import Basics Types Truncations.Core.
Require Import WildCat Pointed.Core Homotopy.ExactSequence HIT.epi.
Require Import Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse.
Require Import AbelianGroup AbPushout AbHom AbGroups.Biproduct.
Require Import AbSES.Core AbSES.DirectSum.

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_add_scope.

Pushouts of short exact sequences

Definition abses_pushout `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A')
  : AbSES B A AbSES B A'.
  intro E.
  snrapply (Build_AbSES (ab_pushout f (inclusion E))
                        (ab_pushout_rec grp_homo_const (projection E) _)).
  - symmetry; rapply iscomplex_abses.
  - rapply ab_pushout_embedding_inl.
  - nrapply (cancelR_issurjection ab_pushout_inr _).
    rapply (conn_map_homotopic _ (projection E)); symmetry.
    nrapply ab_pushout_rec_beta_right.
  - snrapply Build_IsExact.
    + srapply phomotopy_homotopy_hset.
      nrapply ab_pushout_rec_beta_left.
    + intros [bc' p].
      rapply contr_inhabited_hprop.
Pick a preimage under the quotient map.
      assert (bc : merely (hfiber grp_quotient_map bc')).
      1: apply center, issurj_class_of.
      destruct bc as [[b c] q].
The E-component of the preimage is in the kernel of projection E.
      assert (c_in_kernel : (projection E) c = mon_unit).
      1: { refine (_ @ p); symmetry.
           rewrite <- q; simpl.
           apply left_identity. }
By exactness, we get an element in A.
      pose proof (a := isexact_preimage _ _ _ c c_in_kernel).
      destruct a as [a s].
Now the goal is to show that bc' lies in the image of ab_pushout_inl.
      apply tr.
       (b + - f (- a)); cbn. (* It simplifies the algebra to write - f(- a) instead of f a. *)
      apply path_sigma_hprop; cbn.
      change (ab_pushout_inl (b + - f (- a)) = bc'). (* Just to guide the reader. *)
      refine (_ @ q).
      apply path_ab_pushout; cbn.
      refine (tr (-a; _)).
      apply path_prod; cbn.
      × apply grp_moveL_Mg.
        by rewrite negate_involutive.
      × exact ((preserves_negate a) @ ap _ s @ (right_identity _)^).

The universal property of abses_pushout_morphism

Definition abses_pushout_morphism `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup}
  (E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A')
  : AbSESMorphism E (abses_pushout f E).
  snrapply (Build_AbSESMorphism f _ grp_homo_id).
  - exact ab_pushout_inr.
  - exact ab_pushout_commsq.
  - rapply ab_pushout_rec_beta_right.

Any map f : E F of short exact sequences factors (uniquely) through abses_pushout E f1.

Definition abses_pushout_morphism_rec `{Univalence} {A B X Y : AbGroup}
  {E : AbSES B A} {F : AbSES Y X} (f : AbSESMorphism E F)
  : AbSESMorphism (abses_pushout (component1 f) E) F.
  snrapply (Build_AbSESMorphism grp_homo_id _ (component3 f)).
  - rapply ab_pushout_rec.
    apply left_square.
  - intro x; simpl.
    rewrite grp_homo_unit.
    exact (right_identity _)^.
  - snrapply (issurj_isepi_funext grp_quotient_map).
    1: apply issurj_class_of.
    2: exact _.
    intro x; simpl.
    refine (grp_homo_op (projection F) _ _ @ ap011 (+) _ _ @ (grp_homo_op _ _ _ )^).
    + refine (_ @ (grp_homo_unit _)^).
      apply iscomplex_abses.
    + apply right_square.

The original map factors via the induced map.
Definition abses_pushout_morphism_rec_beta `{Univalence} (A B X Y : AbGroup)
  (E : AbSES B A) (F : AbSES Y X) (f : AbSESMorphism E F)
  : f = absesmorphism_compose (abses_pushout_morphism_rec f)
                              (abses_pushout_morphism E (component1 f)).
  apply (equiv_ap issig_AbSESMorphism^-1 _ _).
  srapply path_sigma_hprop.
  1: apply path_prod.
  1: apply path_prod.
  all: apply equiv_path_grouphomomorphism; intro x; simpl.
  1,3: reflexivity.
  rewrite grp_homo_unit.
  exact (left_identity _)^.

Given E : AbSES B A' and F : AbSES B A and a morphism f : E F, the pushout of E along f_1 is F if f_3 is homotopic to id_B.
Lemma abses_pushout_component3_id' `{Univalence}
  {A A' B : AbGroup} {E : AbSES B A'} {F : AbSES B A}
  (f : AbSESMorphism E F) (h : component3 f == grp_homo_id)
  : abses_pushout (component1 f) E $== F.
  pose (g := abses_pushout_morphism_rec f).
  nrapply abses_path_data_to_iso.
   (component2 g); split.
  + intro x.
    exact (left_square g _)^.
  + intro x.
    exact ((right_square g _) @ h _)^.

A version with equality instead of path data.
Given short exact sequences E and F and homomorphisms f : A' $-> A and g : D' $-> D, there is a morphism E + F fE + gF induced by the universal properties of the pushouts of E and F.
For E, F : AbSES B A' and f, g : A' $-> A, we have (f+g)(E+F) = fE + gF, where + denotes the direct sum.
Given an AbSESMorphism whose third component is the identity, we know that it induces a path from the pushout of the domain along the first map to the codomain. Conversely, given a path from a pushout, we can deduce that the following square commutes:
Definition abses_path_pushout_inclusion_commsq `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup}
  (alpha : A $-> A') (E : AbSES B A) (F : AbSES B A')
  (p : abses_pushout alpha E = F)
  : phi : middle E $-> F, inclusion F o alpha == phi o inclusion E.
  induction p.
   ab_pushout_inr; intro x.
  nrapply ab_pushout_commsq.

Functoriality of abses_pushout f : AbSES B A AbSES B A'

In this file we will prove various "levels" of functoriality of pushing out. Here we show that the induced map between AbSES B A respect the groupoid structure of is1gpd_abses from AbSES.Core.

Global Instance is0functor_abses_pushout `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A')
  : Is0Functor (abses_pushout (B:=B) f).
  srapply Build_Is0Functor;
    intros E F p.
  srapply abses_path_data_to_iso.
  srefine (functor_ab_pushout f f (inclusion _) (inclusion _) grp_homo_id grp_homo_id p.1 _ _; (_, _)).
  - reflexivity.
  - symmetry; exact (fst p.2).
  - nrapply ab_pushout_rec_beta_left.
  - srapply Quotient_ind_hprop.
    intro x; simpl.
    apply grp_cancelL.
    refine (snd p.2 (snd x) @ ap (projection F) _).
    exact (left_identity _)^.

Global Instance is1functor_abses_pushout `{Univalence}
  {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A')
  : Is1Functor (abses_pushout (B:=B) f).
  srapply Build_Is1Functor.
  - intros E F g0 g1 h.
    rapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros [a' e]; simpl.
    by rewrite (h e).
  - intro E.
    rapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros [a' e]; simpl.
    refine (ap (class_of _) (path_prod' _ _)).
    + exact (grp_unit_r _).
    + exact (grp_unit_l _).
  - intros E F G g0 g1.
    rapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros [a' e]; simpl.
    refine (ap (class_of _) (path_prod' _ _)).
    + exact (grp_unit_r _)^.
    + exact (ap (fun x_ + g1.1 x) (grp_unit_l _)^).

Definition abses_pushout_path_data_1 `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A') {E : AbSES B A}
  : fmap (abses_pushout f) (Id E) = Id (abses_pushout f E).
  srapply path_sigma_hprop.
  apply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.
  srapply Quotient_ind_hprop.
  intros [a' e]; simpl. (* This is true even on the representatives. *)
  apply qglue.
  refine (tr (0; _)).
  apply path_prod'; cbn.
  - refine (ap _ (grp_homo_unit _) @ _).
    refine (negate_mon_unit @ _).
    apply grp_moveL_Vg.
    exact (right_identity _ @ right_identity _).
  - refine (grp_homo_unit _ @ _).
    apply grp_moveL_Vg.
    exact (right_identity _ @ left_identity _).

Definition ap_abses_pushout `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A')
  {E F : AbSES B A} (p : E = F)
  : ap (abses_pushout f) p
    = equiv_path_abses_iso (fmap (abses_pushout f) (equiv_path_abses_iso^-1 p)).
  induction p.
  refine (_ @ ap _ _).
  2: refine ((abses_pushout_path_data_1 f)^ @ ap _ equiv_path_absesV_1^).
  exact equiv_path_abses_1^.

Definition ap_abses_pushout_data `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A')
  {E F : AbSES B A} (p : E $== F)
  : ap (abses_pushout f) (equiv_path_abses_iso p)
    = equiv_path_abses_iso (fmap (abses_pushout f) p).
  refine (ap_abses_pushout _ _ @ _).
  apply (ap (equiv_path_abses_iso o _)).
  apply eissect.

Definition abses_pushout_point' `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A')
  : abses_pushout f (point (AbSES B A)) $== pt.
  srapply abses_path_data_to_iso;
    srefine (_; (_,_)).
  - snrefine (ab_pushout_rec ab_biprod_inl _ _).
    + exact (functor_ab_biprod f grp_homo_id).
    + reflexivity.
  - intro a'.
    apply path_prod.
    + simpl.
      exact (ap _ (grp_homo_unit f) @ right_identity _).
    + simpl.
      exact (right_identity _).
  - srapply Quotient_ind_hprop.

Definition abses_pushout_point `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A')
  : abses_pushout f (point (AbSES B A)) = pt
  := equiv_path_abses_iso (abses_pushout_point' f).

Definition abses_pushout' `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A')
  : AbSES B A -->* AbSES B A'
  := Build_BasepointPreservingFunctor (abses_pushout f) (abses_pushout_point' f).

Definition abses_pushout_pmap `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup} (f : A $-> A')
  : AbSES B A ->* AbSES B A'
  := to_pointed (abses_pushout' f).

The following general lemma lets us show that abses_pushout f E is trivial in cases of interest. It says that if you have a map phi : E A', then if you push out along the restriction phi $o inclusion E, the result is trivial. Specifically, we get a morphism witnessing this fact.
Definition abses_pushout_trivial_morphism {B A A' : AbGroup}
  (E : AbSES B A) (f : A $-> A') (phi : middle E $-> A')
  (k : f == phi $o inclusion E)
  : AbSESMorphism E (pt : AbSES B A').
  srapply (Build_AbSESMorphism f _ grp_homo_id).
  1: exact (ab_biprod_corec phi (projection E)).
  { intro a; cbn.
    refine (path_prod' (k a) _^).
    apply isexact_inclusion_projection. }

The pushout of a short exact sequence along its inclusion map is trivial.
Pushing out along grp_homo_const is trivial.
Pushing out a fixed extension, with the map variable. This is the connecting map in the contravariant six-term exact sequence (see SixTerm.v).
Definition abses_pushout_abses `{Univalence} {B A G : AbGroup} (E : AbSES B A)
  : ab_hom A G ->* AbSES B G.
  srapply Build_pMap.
  1: exact (fun gabses_pushout g E).
  apply abses_pushout_const.

Functoriality of pushing out

For every E : AbSES B A, the pushout of E along id_A is E.
Definition abses_pushout_id `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup}
  : abses_pushout (B:=B) (@grp_homo_id A) == idmap
  := fun Eabses_pushout_component3_id (abses_morphism_id E) (fun _idpath).

Definition abses_pushout_pmap_id `{Univalence} {A B : AbGroup}
  : abses_pushout_pmap (B:=B) (@grp_homo_id A) ==* @pmap_idmap (AbSES B A).
  srapply Build_pHomotopy.
  1: apply abses_pushout_id.
  refine (_ @ (concat_p1 _)^).
  (* For some reason Coq spends time finding x below, so we specify it. *)
  nrapply (ap equiv_path_abses_iso
             (x:=abses_pushout_component3_id' (abses_morphism_id pt) _)).
  apply path_sigma_hprop.
  apply equiv_path_groupisomorphism.
  by rapply Quotient_ind_hprop.

Pushing out along homotopic maps induces homotopic pushout functors. This statement has a short proof by path induction on the homotopy h, but we prefer to construct a path using abses_path_data_iso with better computational properties.
Lemma abses_pushout_homotopic' `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup}
  (f f' : A $-> A') (h : f == f')
  : abses_pushout (B:=B) f $=> abses_pushout f'.
  intro E; cbn.
  apply abses_path_data_to_iso.
  snrefine (_; (_, _)).
  - srapply (ab_pushout_rec (inclusion _)).
    1: apply ab_pushout_inr.
    intro x.
    refine (ap _ (h x) @ _).
    apply (ab_pushout_commsq x).
  - apply ab_pushout_rec_beta_left.
  - rapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros [a' e]; simpl.
    exact (ap (fun x_ + projection E x) (grp_unit_l _)^).

Definition abses_pushout_homotopic `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup}
  (f f' : A $-> A') (h : f == f')
  : abses_pushout (B:=B) f == abses_pushout f'
  := equiv_path_data_homotopy _ _ (abses_pushout_homotopic' _ _ h).

Definition abses_pushout_phomotopic' `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup}
  (f f' : A $-> A') (h : f == f')
  : abses_pushout' (B:=B) f $=>* abses_pushout' f'.
   (abses_pushout_homotopic' _ _ h).
  apply gpd_moveL_Vh.
  rapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros [a' [a b]]; simpl.
  apply path_prod'.
  - by rewrite grp_unit_l, grp_unit_r, (h a).
  - apply grp_unit_l.

Definition abses_pushout_phomotopic `{Univalence} {A A' B : AbGroup}
  (f f' : A $-> A') (h : f == f')
  : abses_pushout_pmap (B:=B) f ==* abses_pushout_pmap f'
  := equiv_ptransformation_phomotopy (abses_pushout_phomotopic' f f' h).

Definition abses_pushout_compose' `{Univalence} {A0 A1 A2 B : AbGroup}
  (f : A0 $-> A1) (g : A1 $-> A2)
  : abses_pushout (g $o f) $=> abses_pushout (B:=B) g o abses_pushout f.
  intro E.
  srapply abses_path_data_to_iso;
    srefine (_; (_,_)).
  - snrapply ab_pushout_rec.
    + apply inclusion.
    + exact (component2 (abses_pushout_morphism _ g)
                        $o component2 (abses_pushout_morphism _ f)).
    + intro a0.
      refine (left_square (abses_pushout_morphism _ g) _ @ _).
      exact (ap (component2 (abses_pushout_morphism (abses_pushout f E) g))
                (left_square (abses_pushout_morphism _ f) a0)).
  - apply ab_pushout_rec_beta_left.
  - srapply Quotient_ind_hprop.
    intro x; simpl.
    apply grp_cancelL; symmetry.
    exact (left_identity _ @ ap (projection E) (left_identity _)).

Definition abses_pushout_compose `{Univalence} {A0 A1 A2 B : AbGroup}
  (f : A0 $-> A1) (g : A1 $-> A2)
  : abses_pushout (g $o f) == abses_pushout (B:=B) g o abses_pushout f
  := equiv_path_data_homotopy _ _ (abses_pushout_compose' f g).

Definition abses_pushout_pcompose' `{Univalence} {A0 A1 A2 B : AbGroup}
  (f : A0 $-> A1) (g : A1 $-> A2)
  : abses_pushout' (B:=B) (g $o f) $=>* abses_pushout' g $o× abses_pushout' f.
   (abses_pushout_compose' f g).
  apply gpd_moveL_Vh. (* it's easiest to construct a path in pt *)
  rapply Quotient_ind_hprop; intros [a2 [a0 b]]; simpl.
  by rewrite 7 grp_unit_l, 2 grp_unit_r.

Definition abses_pushout_pcompose `{Univalence} {A0 A1 A2 B : AbGroup}
  (f : A0 $-> A1) (g : A1 $-> A2)
  : abses_pushout_pmap (B:=B) (g $o f)
      ==* abses_pushout_pmap g o× abses_pushout_pmap f.
  refine (_ @* (to_pointed_compose _ _)^*).
  apply equiv_ptransformation_phomotopy.
  apply abses_pushout_pcompose'.

AbSES B : AbGroup pType and AbSES' B : AbGroup Type are covariant functors, for any B.

Global Instance is0functor_abses'01 `{Univalence} {B : AbGroup^op}
  : Is0Functor (AbSES' B).
  apply Build_Is0Functor.
  exact (fun _ _ gabses_pushout g).

Global Instance is1functor_abses'01 `{Univalence} {B : AbGroup^op}
  : Is1Functor (AbSES' B).
  apply Build_Is1Functor; intros; cbn.
  - by apply abses_pushout_homotopic.
  - apply abses_pushout_id.
  - apply abses_pushout_compose.

Global Instance is0functor_abses01 `{Univalence} {B : AbGroup^op}
  : Is0Functor (AbSES B).
  apply Build_Is0Functor.
  exact (fun _ _ gabses_pushout_pmap g).

Global Instance is1functor_abses01 `{Univalence} {B : AbGroup^op}
  : Is1Functor (AbSES B).
  apply Build_Is1Functor; intros; cbn.
  - by apply abses_pushout_phomotopic.
  - apply abses_pushout_pmap_id.
  - apply abses_pushout_pcompose.