Library HoTT.Categories.Functor.Sum

Functors involving coproduct categories

Require Import Category.Sum Functor.Core Functor.Composition.Core Functor.Identity.
Require Import Functor.Paths HoTT.Tactics Types.Forall.
Require Import Basics.Tactics.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

We save inl and inr so we can use them to refer to the functors, too. Outside of the Categories/ directory, they should always be referred to as Functor.inl and Functor.inr, after a Require Functor. Outside of this file, but in the Categories/ directory, if you do not want to depend on all of Functor (for e.g., speed reasons), they should be referred to as Functor.Sum.inl and Functor.Sum.inr after a Require Functor.Sum.
Local Notation type_inl := inl.
Local Notation type_inr := inr.

Injections inl : C C + D and inr : D C + D

Section sum_functors.
  Variables C D : PreCategory.

  Definition inl : Functor C (C + D)
    := Build_Functor C (C + D)
                     (@inl _ _)
                     (fun _ _ mm)
                     (fun _ _ _ _ _idpath)
                     (fun _idpath).

  Definition inr : Functor D (C + D)
    := Build_Functor D (C + D)
                     (@inr _ _)
                     (fun _ _ mm)
                     (fun _ _ _ _ _idpath)
                     (fun _idpath).
End sum_functors.

Coproduct of functors F + F' : C + C' D

Section sum.
  Variables C C' D : PreCategory.

  Definition sum (F : Functor C D) (F' : Functor C' D)
  : Functor (C + C') D.
    refine (Build_Functor
              (C + C') D
              (fun cc'
               ⇒ match cc' with
                    | type_inl cF c
                    | type_inr c'F' c'
              (fun s d
               ⇒ match s, d with
                    | type_inl cs, type_inl cd
                      ⇒ fun m : morphism _ cs cdF _1 m
                    | type_inr c's, type_inr c'd
                      ⇒ fun m : morphism _ c's c'dF' _1 m
                    | _, _fun mmatch m with end
    abstract (
        repeat (intros [] || intro);
        simpl in *;
          auto with functor
End sum.

swap : C + D D + C

Section swap_functor.
  Definition swap C D
  : Functor (C + D) (D + C)
    := sum (inr _ _) (inl _ _).

  Local Open Scope functor_scope.

  Definition swap_involutive_helper {C D} c
  : (swap C D) ((swap D C) c)
    = c
    := match c with type_inl _idpath | type_inr _idpath end.

  Lemma swap_involutive `{Funext} C D
  : swap C D o swap D C = 1.
     (path_forall _ _ swap_involutive_helper).
    repeat (apply (@path_forall _); intro).
    repeat match goal with
               | [ |- context[transport (fun x' y, @?C x' y) ?p ?f ?x] ]
                 ⇒ simpl rewrite (@transport_forall_constant _ _ C _ _ p f x)
      by repeat match goal with
                  | [ H : Empty |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
                  | [ H : (_ + _)%type |- _ ] ⇒ destruct H
                  | _progress hnf in ×
End swap_functor.

Module Export FunctorSumNotations.
  Notation "F + G" := (sum F G) : functor_scope.
End FunctorSumNotations.