Library HoTT.Homotopy.Hopf

Require Import Types Basics Pointed Truncations.
Require Import HSpace Suspension ExactSequence HomotopyGroup.
Require Import WildCat.Core WildCat.Universe WildCat.Equiv Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse Modalities.Descent.
Require Import HSet Spaces.Nat.Core.
Require Import Homotopy.Join Colimits.Pushout.

Local Open Scope pointed_scope.
Local Open Scope trunc_scope.
Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope.

The Hopf construction

We define the Hopf construction associated to a left-invertible H-space, and use it to prove that H-spaces satisfy a strengthened version of Freudenthal's theorem (see freudenthal_hspace below).
The Hopf construction associated to a left-invertible H-space (Definition 8.5.6 in the HoTT book).
Definition hopf_construction `{Univalence} (X : pType)
  `{IsHSpace X} `{ a, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : pFam (psusp X).
  srapply Build_pFam.
  - apply (Susp_rec (Y:=Type) X X).
    exact (fun xpath_universe (x *.)).
  - simpl. exact pt.

Total space of the Hopf construction

The total space of the Hopf construction on Susp X is the join of X with itself. Note that we need both left and right multiplication to be equivalences. This is true when X is a 0-connected H-space for example. (This is lemma 8.5.7 in the HoTT book).
Definition pequiv_hopf_total_join `{Univalence} (X : pType)
  `{IsHSpace X} `{ a, IsEquiv (a *.)} `{ a, IsEquiv (.* a)}
  : psigma (hopf_construction X) <~>* pjoin X X.
  snrapply Build_pEquiv'.
  { refine (_ oE equiv_pushout_flatten (f := const_tt X) (g := const_tt X)
      (Unit_ind (pointed_type X)) (Unit_ind (pointed_type X))
      (fun xBuild_Equiv _ _ (x *.) (H1 x))).
    snrapply equiv_pushout.
    (* The equivalence {x : X & X} <~> X × X that we need sends (x; y) to (y, x×y). *)
    { cbn. refine (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _ oE _ oE equiv_sigma_symm0 _ _).
      snrapply equiv_functor_sigma_id.
      intros x.
      exact (Build_Equiv _ _ (.* x) _). }
    1,2: rapply (equiv_contr_sigma (Unit_ind (pointed_type X))).
    1,2: reflexivity. }

Miscellaneous lemmas and corollaries about the Hopf construction

Lemma transport_hopf_construction `{Univalence} {X : pType}
  `{IsHSpace X} `{ a, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : x y : X, transport (hopf_construction X) (merid x) y = x × y.
  intros x y.
  refine (ap (fun ztransport idmap z y) _ @ _).
  1: apply Susp_rec_beta_merid.
  apply transport_path_universe.

The connecting map associated to the Hopf construction of X is a retraction of loop_susp_unit X (Proposition 2.19 in
Proposition hopf_retraction `{Univalence} (X : pType)
  `{IsHSpace X} `{ a, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : connecting_map_family (hopf_construction X) o× loop_susp_unit X
    ==* pmap_idmap.
  nrapply hspace_phomotopy_from_homotopy.
  1: assumption.
  intro x; cbn.
  refine (transport_pp _ _ _ _ @ _); unfold dpoint.
  apply moveR_transport_V.
  refine (transport_hopf_construction _ _
            @ _ @ (transport_hopf_construction _ _)^).
  exact (right_identity _ @ (left_identity _)^).

It follows from hopf_retraction and Freudenthal's theorem that loop_susp_unit induces an equivalence on Pi (2n+1) for n-connected H-spaces (with n >= 0). Note that X is automatically left-invertible.
Proposition isequiv_Pi_connected_hspace `{Univalence}
  {n : nat} (X : pType) `{IsConnected n X}
  `{IsHSpace X}
  : IsEquiv (fmap (pPi (n + n).+1) (loop_susp_unit X)).
  nrapply isequiv_surj_emb.
  - apply issurj_pi_connmap.
    destruct n.
    + by apply (conn_map_loop_susp_unit (-1)).
    + rewrite <- trunc_index_add_nat_add.
      by apply (conn_map_loop_susp_unit).
  - pose (is0connected_isconnected n.-2 _).
    nrapply isembedding_pi_psect.
    apply hopf_retraction.

By Freudenthal, loop_susp_unit induces an equivalence on lower homotopy groups as well, so it is a (2n+1)-equivalence. We formalize it below with m = n-1, and allow n to start at -1. We prove it using a more general result about reflective subuniverses, OO_inverts_conn_map_factor_conn_map, but one could also use homotopy groups and the truncated Whitehead theorem.
Definition freudenthal_hspace' `{Univalence}
  {m : trunc_index} (X : pType) `{IsConnected m.+1 X}
  `{IsHSpace X} `{ a, IsEquiv (a *.)}
  : O_inverts (Tr (m +2+ m).+1) (loop_susp_unit X).
  set (r:=connecting_map_family (hopf_construction X)).
  nrapply (OO_inverts_conn_map_factor_conn_map _ (m +2+ m) _ r).
  2, 4: exact _.
  1: apply O_lex_leq_Tr.
  rapply (conn_map_homotopic _ equiv_idmap (r o loop_susp_unit X)).
  nrapply hopf_retraction.

Note that we don't really need the assumption that X is left-invertible in the previous result; for m -1, it follows from connectivity. And for m = -2, the conclusion is trivial. Here we state the version for m -1 without left-invertibility.
Definition freudenthal_hspace `{Univalence}
  {m : trunc_index} (X : pType) `{IsConnected m.+2 X}
  `{IsHSpace X}
  : O_inverts (Tr (m.+1 +2+ m.+1).+1) (loop_susp_unit X).
  pose (is0connected_isconnected m _).
  exact (freudenthal_hspace' (m:=m.+1) X).

Here we give a generalization of a result from Eilenberg-MacLane Spaces in Homotopy Type Theory, Dan Licata and Eric Finster. Their version corresponds to m = -2 in our version. Their encode-decode proof was formalized in this library in EMSpace.v until this shorter and more general approach was found.
Definition licata_finster `{Univalence}
  {m : trunc_index} (X : pType) `{IsConnected m.+2 X}
  (k := (m.+1 +2+ m.+1).+1) `{IsHSpace X} `{IsTrunc k X}
  : X <~>* pTr k (loops (psusp X)).
  refine (_ o×E pequiv_ptr (n:=k)).
  nrefine (pequiv_O_inverts k (loop_susp_unit X)).
  rapply freudenthal_hspace.

Since loops X is an H-space, the Hopf construction provides a map Join (loops X) (loops X) Susp (loops X). We show that this map is equivalent to the fiber of loop_susp_counit X : Susp (loops X) X over the base point, up to the automorphism of Susp (loops X) induced by inverting loops.
Definition pequiv_pfiber_loops_susp_counit_join `{Univalence} (X : pType)
  : pfiber (loop_susp_counit X) <~>* pjoin (loops X) (loops X).
  snrefine (pequiv_hopf_total_join (loops X) o×E _).
  2: rapply ishspace_loops.
  2,3: exact _.
  snrapply Build_pEquiv'.
  { snrapply equiv_functor_sigma'.
    1: exact (emap psusp (equiv_path_inverse _ _)).
    snrapply Susp_ind; hnf.
    1,2: reflexivity.
    intros p.
    nrapply path_equiv.
    funext q.
    lhs rapply (transport_equiv (merid p) _ q).
    lhs nrapply ap.
    { lhs nrapply transport_paths_Fl.
      nrapply whiskerR.
      { lhs nrapply (ap inverse (ap_V _ _)).
        lhs rapply inv_V.
        apply Susp_rec_beta_merid. } }
    lhs nrapply (transport_idmap_ap _ (merid p)).
    lhs nrapply (transport2 idmap).
    { lhs nrapply ap_compose.
      lhs nrapply ap.
      1: apply functor_susp_beta_merid.
      apply Susp_rec_beta_merid. }
    lhs nrapply transport_path_universe.
    apply concat_V_pp. }

As a corollary we get 2n-connectivity of loop_susp_counit X for an n-connected X.
Global Instance conn_map_loop_susp_counit `{Univalence}
  {n : trunc_index} (X : pType) `{IsConnected n.+1 X}
  : IsConnMap (n +2+ n) (loop_susp_counit X).
  destruct n.
  - intro x; hnf; exact _.
  - snrapply (conn_point_elim (-1)).
    + exact (isconnected_pred_add' n 0 _).
    + exact _.
    + nrapply (isconnected_equiv' _ _ (pequiv_pfiber_loops_susp_counit_join X)^-1).
      nrapply isconnected_join; exact _.