Library HoTT.Categories.Cat.Core

Cat, the precategory of strict categories

Require Import Category.Objects InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Functors Functor.Core Category.Strict Functor.Paths.
Require Import Functor.Identity Functor.Composition.Core Functor.Composition.Laws.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Local Open Scope functor_scope.

Section sub_pre_cat.
  Context `{Funext}.

We use a slight generalization; we look at a full 1-precategory of the 2-precategory Cat, such that all types of functors are hSets. It might be possible to prove that this doesn't buy you anything, because it's probably the case that IsHSet (Functor C C) IsStrictCategory C.

  Variable P : PreCategory Type.
  Context `{HF : C D, P C P D IsHSet (Functor C D)}.

There is a precategory of precategories which satisfy the proposition P

  Definition sub_pre_cat : PreCategory
    := @Build_PreCategory
         { C : PreCategory | P C }
         (fun C DFunctor C.1 D.1)
         (fun Cidentity C.1)
         (fun _ _ _ F GF o G)
         (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _associativity _ _ _)
         (fun _ _ _left_identity _)
         (fun _ _ _right_identity _)
         (fun s dHF s.2 d.2).
End sub_pre_cat.

Arguments sub_pre_cat {_} P {_}, {_} P _.

#[local] Hint Extern 4 ⇒ progress (cbv beta iota) : typeclass_instances.

Definition strict_cat `{Funext} : PreCategory
  := sub_pre_cat (fun CIsStrictCategory C).

(*Definition Cat `{Funext} : PreCategory.
  refine (@sub_pre_cat _ (fun C => IsCategory C) _).

The initial and terminal categories are initial and terminal objects in cat

Section objects.
  Context `{Funext}.

  Variable P : PreCategory Type.
  Context `{ C, IsHProp (P C)}.
  Context `{HF : C D, P C P D IsHSet (Functor C D)}.

  Lemma is_terminal_object__is_terminal_category
        `(IsTerminalCategory one)
        (HT : P one)
  : IsTerminalObject (sub_pre_cat P HF) (one; HT).
    typeclasses eauto.

  Lemma is_initial_object__is_initial_category
        `(IsInitialCategory zero)
        (HI : P zero)
  : IsInitialObject (sub_pre_cat P HF) (zero; HI).
    typeclasses eauto.
End objects.