Library HoTT.Categories.NatCategory

Discrete categories on n objects

Require Import Category.Core DiscreteCategory IndiscreteCategory.
Require Import Types.Unit Trunc Types.Sum Types.Empty.
Require Import Basics.Nat.

Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Module Export Core.

Fin n types, or CardinalityRepresentative

We use Empty for 0 and Unit for 1 so that we get nice judgmental behavior. TODO: this should be unified with Spaces.Finite.Fin.
  Fixpoint CardinalityRepresentative (n : nat) : Type0 :=
    match n with
      | 0 ⇒ Empty
      | 1 ⇒ Unit
      | S n'CardinalityRepresentative n' + Unit

  Coercion CardinalityRepresentative : nat >-> Sortclass.

Fin n is an hSet

  Global Instance trunc_cardinality_representative (n : nat)
  : IsHSet (CardinalityRepresentative n).
    induction n; [ typeclasses eauto |].
    induction n; [ typeclasses eauto |].
    apply istrunc_S.
    intros [x|x] [y|y];
      typeclasses eauto.

Define the categories n

  Definition nat_category (n : nat) :=
    match n with
      | 0 ⇒ indiscrete_category 0
      | 1 ⇒ indiscrete_category 1
      | S (S n') ⇒ discrete_category (S (S n'))

  Module Export NatCategoryCoreNotations.
    Notation "0" := (nat_category 0) : category_scope.
    Notation "1" := (nat_category 1) : category_scope.
    Notation "2" := (nat_category 2) : category_scope.
    Notation "3" := (nat_category 3) : category_scope.
    Notation "4" := (nat_category 4) : category_scope.
    Notation "5" := (nat_category 5) : category_scope.
    Notation "6" := (nat_category 6) : category_scope.
    Notation "7" := (nat_category 7) : category_scope.
    Notation "8" := (nat_category 8) : category_scope.
    Notation "9" := (nat_category 9) : category_scope.
  End NatCategoryCoreNotations.

Typeclasses Transparent nat_category.
  Hint Unfold nat_category : core.
  Arguments nat_category / .
End Core.

Module Notations.
  Include Core.NatCategoryCoreNotations.
End Notations.