Library HoTT.Spaces.Finite.Fin

(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
Require Import Basics.
Require Import Types.
Require Import HSet.
Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core.
Require Import Equiv.PathSplit.

By setting this, using simple_induction instead of induction, and specifying universe variables in a couple of places, we can avoid all universe variables in this file. Several results are confirmed to use no universe variables with an @{} annotation.
Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.

Local Open Scope path_scope.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Finite sets

Canonical finite sets

A *finite set* is a type that is merely equivalent to the canonical finite set determined by some natural number. There are many equivalent ways to define the canonical finite sets, such as { k : nat & k < n}; we instead choose a recursive one.

Fixpoint Fin (n : nat) : Type0
  := match n with
       | 0 ⇒ Empty
       | S nFin n + Unit

Fixpoint fin_to_nat {n} : Fin n nat
  := match n with
     | 0 ⇒ Empty_rec
     | S n'
       fun k
         match k with
         | inl k'fin_to_nat k'
         | inr ttn'

Global Instance decidable_fin (n : nat)
: Decidable (Fin n).
  destruct n as [|n]; try exact _.
  exact (inl (inr tt)).

Global Instance decidablepaths_fin@{} (n : nat)
: DecidablePaths (Fin n).
  simple_induction n n IHn; simpl; exact _.

Global Instance contr_fin1 : Contr (Fin 1).
  refine (contr_equiv' Unit (sum_empty_l Unit)^-1).

Definition fin_empty (n : nat) (f : Fin n Empty) : n = 0.
  destruct n; [ reflexivity | ].
  elim (f (inr tt)).

The zeroth element of a non-empty finite set is the left most element. It also happens to be the biggest by termsize.
Fixpoint fin_zero {n : nat} : Fin n.+1 :=
  match n with
  | Oinr tt
  | S _inl fin_zero

Where `fin_zero` computes the first element of Fin (S n), `fin_last` computes the last.
Definition fin_last {n : nat} : Fin (S n) := inr tt.

Injection Fin n -> Fin n.+1 mapping the kth element to the kth element.
Definition fin_incl {n : nat} (k : Fin n) : Fin (S n) := inl k.

There is an injection from Fin n -> Fin n.+1 that maps the kth element to the (k+1)th element.
Fixpoint fsucc {n : nat} : Fin n Fin n.+1 :=
  match n with
  | OEmpty_rec
  | S n'
    fun i : Fin (S n') ⇒
      match i with
      | inl i'inl (fsucc i')
      | inr ttinr tt

This injection is an injection/embedding
Lemma isembedding_fsucc@{} {n : nat} : IsEmbedding (@fsucc n).
  apply isembedding_isinj_hset.
  simple_induction n n IHn.
  - intro i. elim i.
  - intros [] []; intro p.
    + f_ap. apply IHn. eapply path_sum_inl. exact p.
    + destruct u. elim (inl_ne_inr _ _ p).
    + destruct u. elim (inr_ne_inl _ _ p).
    + destruct u, u0; reflexivity.

Lemma path_fin_fsucc_incl {n : nat} : k : Fin n, fsucc (fin_incl k) = fin_incl (fsucc k).

Definition path_nat_fin_incl {n : nat} (k : Fin n)
  : fin_to_nat (fin_incl k) = fin_to_nat k
  := 1.

Lemma path_nat_fsucc@{} {n : nat} : k : Fin n, fin_to_nat (fsucc k) = S (fin_to_nat k).
  simple_induction n n IHn.
  - intros [].
  - intros [k'|[]].
    + rewrite path_fin_fsucc_incl, path_nat_fin_incl.
      apply IHn.
    + reflexivity.

Lemma path_nat_fin_zero@{} {n} : fin_to_nat (@fin_zero n) = 0.
  simple_induction n n IHn.
  - reflexivity.
  - trivial.

Definition path_nat_fin_last {n} : fin_to_nat (@fin_last n) = n
  := 1.

Transposition equivalences

To prove some basic facts about canonical finite sets, we need some standard automorphisms of them. Here we define some transpositions and prove that they in fact do the desired things.

Swap the last two elements.

Definition fin_transpose_last_two (n : nat)
  : Fin n.+2 <~> Fin n.+2
  := ((equiv_sum_assoc _ _ _)^-1)
       oE (1 +E (equiv_sum_symm _ _))
       oE (equiv_sum_assoc _ _ _).

Arguments fin_transpose_last_two : simpl nomatch.

Definition fin_transpose_last_two_last (n : nat)
  : fin_transpose_last_two n (inr tt) = (inl (inr tt))
  := 1.

Definition fin_transpose_last_two_nextlast (n : nat)
  : fin_transpose_last_two n (inl (inr tt)) = (inr tt)
  := 1.

Definition fin_transpose_last_two_rest (n : nat) (k : Fin n)
  : fin_transpose_last_two n (inl (inl k)) = (inl (inl k))
  := 1.

Swap the last element with k.

Fixpoint fin_transpose_last_with (n : nat) (k : Fin n.+1)
  : Fin n.+1 <~> Fin n.+1.
  destruct k as [k|].
  - destruct n as [|n].
    + elim k.
    + destruct k as [k|].
      × refine ((fin_transpose_last_two n)
                  oE _
                  oE (fin_transpose_last_two n)).
        refine ((fin_transpose_last_with n (inl k)) +E 1).
      × apply fin_transpose_last_two.
  - exact (equiv_idmap _).

Arguments fin_transpose_last_with : simpl nomatch.

Definition fin_transpose_last_with_last@{} (n : nat) (k : Fin n.+1)
  : fin_transpose_last_with n k (inr tt) = k.
  destruct k as [k|].
  - simple_induction n n IHn; intro k; simpl.
    + elim k.
    + destruct k as [k|].
      × simpl. rewrite IHn; reflexivity.
      × simpl. apply ap, ap, path_contr.
We have to destruct n since fixpoints don't reduce unless their argument is a constructor.
    destruct n; simpl.
    all:apply ap, path_contr.

Definition fin_transpose_last_with_with@{} (n : nat) (k : Fin n.+1)
  : fin_transpose_last_with n k k = inr tt.
  destruct k as [k|].
  - simple_induction n n IHn; intro k; simpl.
    + elim k.
    + destruct k as [|k]; simpl.
      × rewrite IHn; reflexivity.
      × apply ap, path_contr.
  - destruct n; simpl.
    all:apply ap, path_contr.

Definition fin_transpose_last_with_rest@{} (n : nat)
  (k : Fin n.+1) (l : Fin n)
  (notk : k inl l)
  : fin_transpose_last_with n k (inl l) = (inl l).
  destruct k as [k|].
  - simple_induction n n IHn; intros k l notk; simpl.
    1: elim k.
    destruct k as [k|]; simpl.
    { destruct l as [l|]; simpl.
      - rewrite IHn.
        + reflexivity.
        + exact (fun pnotk (ap inl p)).
      - reflexivity. }
    { destruct l as [l|]; simpl.
      - reflexivity.
      - elim (notk (ap inl (ap inr (path_unit _ _)))). }
  - destruct n; reflexivity.

Definition fin_transpose_last_with_last_other (n : nat) (k : Fin n.+1)
  : fin_transpose_last_with n (inr tt) k = k.
  destruct n; reflexivity.

Definition fin_transpose_last_with_invol (n : nat) (k : Fin n.+1)
  : fin_transpose_last_with n k o fin_transpose_last_with n k == idmap.
  intros l.
  destruct l as [l|[]].
  - destruct k as [k|[]].
    { destruct (dec_paths k l) as [p|p].
      - rewrite p.
        rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_with.
        apply fin_transpose_last_with_last.
      - rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_rest;
          try apply fin_transpose_last_with_rest;
          exact (fun qp (path_sum_inl _ q)). }
    + rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_last_other.
      apply fin_transpose_last_with_last_other.
  - rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_last.
    apply fin_transpose_last_with_with.

Equivalences between canonical finite sets

To give an equivalence Fin n.+1 <~> Fin m.+1 is equivalent to giving an element of Fin m.+1 (the image of the last element) together with an equivalence Fin n <~> Fin m. More specifically, any such equivalence can be decomposed uniquely as a last-element transposition followed by an equivalence fixing the last element.
Here is the uncurried map that constructs an equivalence Fin n.+1 <~> Fin m.+1.
Definition fin_equiv (n m : nat)
  (k : Fin m.+1) (e : Fin n <~> Fin m)
  : Fin n.+1 <~> Fin m.+1
  := (fin_transpose_last_with m k) oE (e +E 1).

Here is the curried version that we will prove to be an equivalence.
Definition fin_equiv' (n m : nat)
  : ((Fin m.+1) × (Fin n <~> Fin m)) (Fin n.+1 <~> Fin m.+1)
  := fun kefin_equiv n m (fst ke) (snd ke).

We construct its inverse and the two homotopies first as versions using homotopies without funext (similar to ExtendableAlong), then apply funext at the end.
Definition fin_equiv_hfiber@{} (n m : nat) (e : Fin n.+1 <~> Fin m.+1)
  : { kf : (Fin m.+1) × (Fin n <~> Fin m) & fin_equiv' n m kf == e }.
  simpl in e.
  refine (equiv_sigma_prod _ _).
  recall (e (inr tt)) as y eqn:p.
  assert (p' := (moveL_equiv_V _ _ p)^).
  destruct y as [y|[]].
  + simple refine (equiv_unfunctor_sum_l@{Set Set Set Set Set Set}
              (fin_transpose_last_with m (inl y) oE e)
              _ _ ; _).
    { intros a. ev_equiv.
      assert (q : inl y e (inl a))
        by exact (fun zinl_ne_inr _ _ (equiv_inj e (z^ @ p^))).
      set (z := e (inl a)) in ×.
      destruct z as [z|[]].
      - rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_rest;
        try exact tt; try assumption.
      - rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_last; exact tt. }
    { intros []. ev_equiv.
      rewrite p.
      rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_with; exact tt. }
    intros x. unfold fst, snd; ev_equiv. simpl.
    destruct x as [x|[]]; simpl.
    × rewrite unfunctor_sum_l_beta.
      apply fin_transpose_last_with_invol.
    × refine (fin_transpose_last_with_last _ _ @ p^).
  + simple refine (equiv_unfunctor_sum_l@{Set Set Set Set Set Set} e _ _ ; _).
    { intros a.
      destruct (is_inl_or_is_inr (e (inl a))) as [l|r].
      - exact l.
      - assert (q := inr_un_inr (e (inl a)) r).
        apply moveR_equiv_V in q.
        assert (s := q^ @ ap (e^-1 o inr) (path_unit _ _) @ p').
        elim (inl_ne_inr _ _ s). }
    { intros []; exact (p^ # tt). }
    intros x. unfold fst, snd; ev_equiv. simpl.
    destruct x as [a|[]].
    × rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_last_other.
      apply unfunctor_sum_l_beta.
    × simpl.
      rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_last.
      symmetry; apply p.

Definition fin_equiv_inv (n m : nat) (e : Fin n.+1 <~> Fin m.+1)
  : (Fin m.+1) × (Fin n <~> Fin m)
  := (fin_equiv_hfiber n m e).1.

Definition fin_equiv_issect (n m : nat) (e : Fin n.+1 <~> Fin m.+1)
  : fin_equiv' n m (fin_equiv_inv n m e) == e
  := (fin_equiv_hfiber n m e).2.

Definition fin_equiv_inj_fst (n m : nat)
           (k l : Fin m.+1) (e f : Fin n <~> Fin m)
  : (fin_equiv n m k e == fin_equiv n m l f) (k = l).
  intros p.
  refine (_ @ p (inr tt) @ _); simpl;
  rewrite fin_transpose_last_with_last; reflexivity.

Definition fin_equiv_inj_snd (n m : nat)
           (k l : Fin m.+1) (e f : Fin n <~> Fin m)
  : (fin_equiv n m k e == fin_equiv n m l f) (e == f).
  intros p.
  intros x. assert (q := p (inr tt)); simpl in q.
  rewrite !fin_transpose_last_with_last in q.
  rewrite <- q in p; clear q l.
  exact (path_sum_inl _
           (equiv_inj (fin_transpose_last_with m k) (p (inl x)))).

Now it's time for funext.
Global Instance isequiv_fin_equiv `{Funext} (n m : nat)
  : IsEquiv (fin_equiv' n m).
  refine (isequiv_pathsplit 0 _); split.
  - intros e; (fin_equiv_inv n m e).
    apply path_equiv, path_arrow, fin_equiv_issect.
  - intros [k e] [l f]; simpl.
    refine (_ , fun _ _tt).
    intros p; refine (_ ; path_ishprop _ _).
    apply (ap equiv_fun) in p.
    apply ap10 in p.
    apply path_prod'.
    + refine (fin_equiv_inj_fst n m k l e f p).
    + apply path_equiv, path_arrow.
      refine (fin_equiv_inj_snd n m k l e f p).

Definition equiv_fin_equiv `{Funext} (n m : nat)
  : ((Fin m.+1) × (Fin n <~> Fin m)) <~> (Fin n.+1 <~> Fin m.+1)
  := Build_Equiv _ _ (fin_equiv' n m) _.

In particular, this implies that if two canonical finite sets are equivalent, then their cardinalities are equal.
Definition nat_eq_fin_equiv (n m : nat)
: (Fin n <~> Fin m) (n = m).
  revert m; simple_induction n n IHn; intro m; simple_induction m m IHm; intros e.
  - exact idpath.
  - elim (e^-1 (inr tt)).
  - elim (e (inr tt)).
  - refine (ap S (IHn m _)).
    exact (snd (fin_equiv_inv n m e)).

Initial segments of nat

Definition nat_fin (n : nat) (k : Fin n) : nat.
  simple_induction n n nf; intro k.
  - contradiction.
  - destruct k as [k|_].
    + exact (nf k).
    + exact n.

Definition nat_fin_inl (n : nat) (k : Fin n)
  : nat_fin n.+1 (inl k) = nat_fin n k
  := 1.

Definition nat_fin_compl (n : nat) (k : Fin n) : nat.
  simple_induction n n nfc; intro k.
  - contradiction.
  - destruct k as [k|_].
    + exact (nfc k).+1.
    + exact 0.

Definition nat_fin_compl_compl n k
  : (nat_fin n k + nat_fin_compl n k).+1 = n.
  simple_induction n n IHn; intro k.
  - contradiction.
  - destruct k as [k|?]; simpl.
    + rewrite nat_add_comm.
      specialize (IHn k).
      rewrite nat_add_comm in IHn.
      exact (ap S IHn).
    + rewrite nat_add_comm; reflexivity.

fsucc_mod is the successor function mod n
Definition fsucc_mod@{} {n : nat} : Fin n Fin n.
  destruct n.
  1: exact idmap.
  intros [x|].
  - exact (fsucc x).
  - exact fin_zero.

fsucc allows us to convert a natural number into an element of a finite set. This can be thought of as the modulo map.
Fixpoint fin_nat {n : nat} (m : nat) : Fin n.+1
  := match m with
      | 0 ⇒ fin_zero
      | S mfsucc_mod (fin_nat m)

The 1-dimensional version of Sperner's lemma says that given any finite sequence of decidable hProps, where the sequence starts with true and ends with false, we can find a point in the sequence where the sequence changes from true to false. This is like a discrete intermediate value theorem.
Fixpoint sperners_lemma_1d {n} :
   (f : Fin (n.+2) Type)
         {dprop : i, Decidable (f i)}
         (left_true : f fin_zero)
         (right_false : ¬ f fin_last),
    {k : Fin n.+1 & f (fin_incl k) ¬ f (fsucc k)}.
  intros ???.
  destruct n as [|n].
  - fin_zero. split; assumption.
  - destruct (dec (f (fin_incl fin_last))) as [prev_true|prev_false].
    + fin_last. split; assumption.
    + destruct (sperners_lemma_1d _ (f o fin_incl) _ left_true prev_false) as [k' [fleft fright]].
       (fin_incl k').
      split; assumption.