Library HoTT.Classes.tactics.ring_pol

Require Import

Generalizable Variables Vlt.

Import Quoting.
Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.

Section content.
Local Existing Instance almost_ring_semiring.
Local Existing Instance almostring_mor_sr_mor.

Universe UC.
Context {C : Type@{UC} } {V : Type0 }.

Inductive Pol : Type@{UC} :=
  | Pconst (c : C)
  | PX (P : Pol) (v : V) (Q : Pol).

(* C is the scalar semiring: Z when working on rings,
   N on semirings, other sometimes. *)

Context `{AlmostRing C} `{DecidablePaths C}.

(* V is the type of variables, ie we are defining polynomials C[V].
   It has a computable compare so we can normalise polynomials. *)

Context `{Trichotomy@{Set Set Set} V Vlt}.

(* Polynomials are supposed (at the meta level) to be in normal form:
   PX P v Q verifies
     + P <> 0
     + forall w in P, w <= v
     + forall w in Q, w <  v *)

Fixpoint Peqb P Q : Bool :=
  match P, Q with
  | Pconst c, Pconst dc =? d
  | PX P1 v P2, PX Q1 w Q2
    andb (v =? w) (andb (Peqb P1 Q1) (Peqb P2 Q2))
  | _, _false

Global Instance Peqb_instance : Eqb Pol := Peqb.
Arguments Peqb_instance _ _ /.

Global Instance P0 : canonical_names.Zero Pol := Pconst 0.
Global Instance P1 : canonical_names.One Pol := Pconst 1.

Universe UR.
Context {R : Type@{UR} } `{AlmostRing R}
  (phi : C R) `{!AlmostRingPreserving phi}.

Notation Vars V := (V R).

Fixpoint eval (vs : Vars V) (P : Pol) : R :=
  match P with
  | Pconst cphi c
  | PX P v Q
    (eval vs P) × (vs v) + (eval vs Q)

Lemma andb_true : a b : Bool, andb a b = true a = true b = true.
intros [|] [|];simpl;auto.

Lemma eval_eqb' : P Q : Pol, P =? Q = true
   vs : Vars V, eval vs P = eval vs Q.
induction P as [c|P1 IHP1 v P2 IHP2];destruct Q as [d|Q1 w Q2];intros E vs;
change eqb with Peqb in E;simpl in E.
- simpl. apply ap. apply decide_eqb_ok;trivial.
- destruct (false_ne_true E).
- destruct (false_ne_true E).
- apply andb_true in E. destruct E as [E1 E2].
  apply andb_true in E2. destruct E2 as [E2 E3].
  apply compare_eqb_eq,tricho_compare_eq in E1.
  apply ap011;auto. apply ap011;auto.

Definition eval_eqb@{} := ltac:(first [exact eval_eqb'@{Ularge}|
                                       exact eval_eqb']).

Lemma eval_0' : P, P =? 0 = true vs, eval vs P = 0.
induction P;simpl;intros E vs.
- change eqb with Peqb in E;simpl in E.
  apply decide_eqb_ok in E. rewrite E.
  apply preserves_0.
- change eqb with Peqb in E;simpl in E.
  destruct (false_ne_true E).

Definition eval_0@{} := ltac:(first [exact eval_0'@{Ularge}|
                                     exact eval_0']).

Fixpoint addC c P :=
  match P with
  | Pconst dPconst (c + d)
  | PX P v Q
    PX P v (addC c Q)

Lemma eval_addC vs : c P, eval vs (addC c P) = (phi c) + eval vs P.
induction P;simpl.
- apply preserves_plus.
- rewrite IHP2.
  rewrite 2!plus_assoc. rewrite (plus_comm (phi c)).

(* c * v + Q *)
Fixpoint addX' c v Q :=
  match Q with
  | Pconst dPX (Pconst c) v Q
  | PX Q1 w Q2
    match v ?= w with
    | LT
      PX Q1 w (addX' c v Q2)
    | EQ
      PX (addC c Q1) v Q2
    | GTPX (Pconst c) v Q

Definition addX c v Q := if c =? 0 then Q else addX' c v Q.

Lemma eval_addX'@{} vs : c (v:V) Q,
  eval vs (addX' c v Q) = phi c × vs v + eval vs Q.
induction Q as [d|Q1 IH1 w Q2 IH2].
- simpl.
- simpl.
  pose proof (tricho_compare_eq v w) as E.
  destruct (v ?= w);[clear E|rewrite <-E by split;clear E w|clear E].
  + simpl. rewrite IH2.
    rewrite 2!plus_assoc. apply ap011;trivial.
    apply plus_comm.
  + simpl. rewrite eval_addC.
    rewrite plus_mult_distr_r.
    symmetry;apply plus_assoc.
  + simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma eval_addX vs : c (v:V) Q,
  eval vs (addX c v Q) = phi c × vs v + eval vs Q.
intros. unfold addX.
pose proof (decide_eqb_ok c 0) as E.
destruct (c =? 0).
- rewrite (fst E) by split. rewrite (preserves_0 (f:=phi)).
  rewrite mult_0_l,plus_0_l. split.
- apply eval_addX'.

Definition PXguard@{} P v Q := if eqb P 0 then Q else PX P v Q.

Lemma eval_PXguard vs : P (v:V) Q,
  eval vs (PXguard P v Q) = eval vs P × vs v + eval vs Q.
intros. unfold PXguard.
pose proof (eval_0 P) as E.
destruct (P =? 0).
- rewrite E by split.
  rewrite mult_0_l,plus_0_l. split.
- reflexivity.

Fixpoint mulC c P :=
  match P with
  | Pconst dPconst (c × d)
  | PX P v Q
    (* in some semirings we can have zero divisors, so P' might be zero *)
    PXguard (mulC c P) v (mulC c Q)

Lemma eval_mulC vs : c P, eval vs (mulC c P) = (phi c) × eval vs P.
induction P as [d | P1 IH1 v P2 IH2];simpl.
- apply preserves_mult.
- rewrite eval_PXguard.
  rewrite IH1,IH2,plus_mult_distr_l,mult_assoc. reflexivity.

(* if P <= v, P <> 0, and addP Q = P + Q then P * v + Q *)
Fixpoint add_aux addP P v Q :=
  match Q with
  | Pconst _PX P v Q
  | PX Q1 w Q2
    match v ?= w with
    | LT
      PX Q1 w (add_aux addP P v Q2)
    | EQPXguard (addP Q1) v Q2
    | GT
      PX P v Q

Fixpoint add P Q :=
  match P with
  | Pconst caddC c Q
  | PX P1 v P2add_aux (add P1) P1 v (add P2 Q)

Lemma eval_add_aux vs P addP
  (Eadd : Q, eval vs (addP Q) = eval vs P + eval vs Q)
  : (v:V) Q, eval vs (add_aux addP P v Q) = eval vs P × vs v + eval vs Q.
induction Q as [d|Q1 IH1 w Q2 IH2].
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl.
  pose proof (tricho_compare_eq v w) as E.
  destruct (v ?= w);[clear E|rewrite <-E by split;clear E w|clear E].
  + simpl.
    rewrite IH2.
    rewrite 2!plus_assoc. rewrite (plus_comm (eval vs Q1 × vs w)).
  + rewrite eval_PXguard. rewrite Eadd.
    rewrite plus_mult_distr_r.
    symmetry;apply plus_assoc.
  + simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma eval_add' vs : P Q, eval vs (add P Q) = eval vs P + eval vs Q.
induction P as [c|P1 IH1 v P2 IH2];intros Q.
- simpl. apply eval_addC.
- simpl. rewrite eval_add_aux;auto.
  rewrite IH2. apply plus_assoc.

Definition eval_add@{} := ltac:(first [exact eval_add'@{Ularge}|
                                       exact eval_add'@{}]).

Fixpoint mulX v P :=
  match P with
  | Pconst caddX c v 0
  | PX P1 w P2
    match v ?= w with
    | LT
      PX (mulX v P1) w (mulX v P2)
    | _PX P v 0

Lemma eval_mulX@{} vs : (v:V) (P:Pol), eval vs (mulX v P) = eval vs P × vs v.
induction P as [c|P1 IH1 w P2 IH2].
- simpl. rewrite eval_addX.
  simpl. rewrite (preserves_0 (f:=phi)),plus_0_r.
- simpl.
  pose proof (tricho_compare_eq v w) as E.
  destruct (v ?= w);[clear E|rewrite <-E by split;clear E w|clear E].
  + simpl.
    rewrite plus_mult_distr_r,IH1,IH2.
    apply ap011;trivial.
    rewrite <-2!mult_assoc;apply ap,mult_comm.
  + simpl. rewrite (preserves_0 (f:=phi)),plus_0_r.
  + simpl. rewrite (preserves_0 (f:=phi)),plus_0_r.

Definition mkPX P v Q := add (mulX v P) Q.

Lemma eval_mkPX vs : P v Q,
  eval vs (mkPX P v Q) = (eval vs P) × (vs v) + eval vs Q.
intros. unfold mkPX.
rewrite eval_add,eval_mulX. reflexivity.

Fixpoint mul P Q :=
  match P, Q with
  | Pconst c, _mulC c Q
  | _, Pconst dmulC d P
  | PX P1 v P2, PX Q1 w Q2
    (* P1 Q1 v w + P1 Q2 v + P2 Q1 w + P2 Q2 *)
    add (mulX v (add (mulX w (mul P1 Q1)) (mul P1 Q2)))
        (add (mulX w (mul P2 Q1)) (mul P2 Q2))

Lemma eval_mul' vs : P Q, eval vs (mul P Q) = eval vs P × eval vs Q.
induction P as [c | P1 IHP1 v P2 IHP2];[apply eval_mulC|].
destruct Q as [d | Q1 w Q2].
- change (mul (PX P1 v P2) (Pconst d)) with (mulC d (PX P1 v P2)).
  rewrite eval_mulC. apply mult_comm.
- simpl.
  rewrite plus_mult_distr_r,!plus_mult_distr_l.
  repeat (rewrite eval_add || rewrite eval_mulX).
  rewrite plus_mult_distr_r,(plus_mult_distr_l (eval vs P2)).
  rewrite IHP1,IHP2.
  apply ap011;apply ap011.
  + rewrite <-!mult_assoc.
    apply ap.
    rewrite (mult_comm (vs v)). apply mult_assoc.
  + rewrite <-mult_assoc,(mult_comm (vs v)),mult_assoc.
    rewrite IHP1;reflexivity.
  + symmetry;apply mult_assoc.
  + auto.

Definition eval_mul@{} := ltac:(first [exact eval_mul'@{Ularge}|exact eval_mul'@{}]).

Fixpoint toPol (e: Expr V) :=
  match e with
  | Var vPX 1 v 0
  | Zero ⇒ 0
  | One ⇒ 1
  | Plus a badd (toPol a) (toPol b)
  | Mult a bmul (toPol a) (toPol b)
  | Neg amulC (almost_negate 1) (toPol a)

Lemma eval_toPol@{} vs : e : Expr V,
  eval vs (toPol e) = Quoting.eval _ vs e.
induction e as [v| | |a IHa b IHb|a IHa b IHb|a IHa];simpl.
- rewrite (preserves_1 (f:=phi)),(preserves_0 (f:=phi)),plus_0_r,mult_1_l.
- apply preserves_0.
- apply preserves_1.
- rewrite eval_add,IHa,IHb. reflexivity.
- rewrite eval_mul,IHa,IHb. reflexivity.
- rewrite eval_mulC. rewrite (almostring_mor_neg (f:=phi)),preserves_1.
  rewrite <-almost_ring_neg_pr. apply ap,IHa.

End content.