Library HoTT.Classes.theory.rings

Require Import
Require Import

Generalizable Variables R A B C f z.

Definition is_ne_0 `(x : R) `{Zero R} `{p : PropHolds (x 0)}
  : x 0 := p.
Definition is_nonneg `(x : R) `{Le R} `{Zero R} `{p : PropHolds (0 x)}
  : 0 x := p.
Definition is_pos `(x : R) `{Lt R} `{Zero R} `{p : PropHolds (0 < x)}
  : 0 < x := p.

(* Lemma stdlib_semiring_theory R `{SemiRing R}
  : Ring_theory.semi_ring_theory 0 1 (+) (.*.) (=).

(* We cannot apply left_cancellation (.*.) z directly in case we have
  no PropHolds (0 z) instance in the context. *)

Section cancellation.
  Context `(op : A A A) `{!Zero A}.

  Lemma left_cancellation_ne_0
    `{ z, PropHolds (z 0) LeftCancellation op z} z
    : z 0 LeftCancellation op z.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma right_cancellation_ne_0
    `{ z, PropHolds (z 0) RightCancellation op z} z
    : z 0 RightCancellation op z.
  Proof. auto. Qed.

  Lemma right_cancel_from_left `{!Commutative op} `{!LeftCancellation op z}
    : RightCancellation op z.
  intros x y E.
  apply (left_cancellation op z).
  rewrite 2!(commutativity (f:=op) z _).
End cancellation.

Section strong_cancellation.
  Context `{IsApart A} (op : A A A).

  Lemma strong_right_cancel_from_left `{!Commutative op}
    `{!StrongLeftCancellation op z}
    : StrongRightCancellation op z.
  intros x y E.
  rewrite 2!(commutativity _ z).
  apply (strong_left_cancellation op z);trivial.

  Global Instance strong_left_cancellation_cancel `{!StrongLeftCancellation op z}
    : LeftCancellation op z | 20.
  intros x y E1.
  apply tight_apart in E1;apply tight_apart;intros E2.
  apply E1. apply (strong_left_cancellation op);trivial.

  Global Instance strong_right_cancellation_cancel `{!StrongRightCancellation op z}
    : RightCancellation op z | 20.
  intros x y E1.
  apply tight_apart in E1;apply tight_apart;intros E2.
  apply E1. apply (strong_right_cancellation op);trivial.
End strong_cancellation.

Section semiring_props.
  Context `{IsSemiCRing R}.
(*   Add Ring SR : (stdlib_semiring_theory R). *)

  Instance mult_ne_0 `{!NoZeroDivisors R} x y
    : PropHolds (x 0) PropHolds (y 0) PropHolds (x × y 0).
  intros Ex Ey Exy.
  unfold PropHolds in ×.
  apply (no_zero_divisors x); split; eauto.

  Global Instance plus_0_r: RightIdentity (+) 0 := right_identity.
  Global Instance plus_0_l: LeftIdentity (+) 0 := left_identity.
  Global Instance mult_1_l: LeftIdentity (.*.) 1 := left_identity.
  Global Instance mult_1_r: RightIdentity (.*.) 1 := right_identity.

  Global Instance plus_assoc: Associative (+) := simple_associativity.
  Global Instance mult_assoc: Associative (.*.) := simple_associativity.

  Global Instance plus_comm: Commutative (+) := commutativity.
  Global Instance mult_comm: Commutative (.*.) := commutativity.

  Global Instance mult_0_l: LeftAbsorb (.*.) 0 := left_absorb.

  Global Instance mult_0_r: RightAbsorb (.*.) 0.
  intro. path_via (0 × x).
  - apply mult_comm.
  - apply left_absorb.

  Global Instance plus_mult_distr_r : RightDistribute (.*.) (+).
  intros x y z.
  - apply mult_comm.
  - apply distribute_l.
  - apply ap011;apply mult_comm.

  Lemma plus_mult_distr_l : LeftDistribute (.*.) (+).
  apply _.

  Global Instance: r : R, @IsMonoidPreserving R R (+) (+) 0 0 (r *.).
  repeat (constructor; try apply _).
  - red. apply distribute_l.
  - apply right_absorb.
End semiring_props.

(* Due to bug 2528 *)
Hint Extern 3 (PropHolds (_ × _ 0)) ⇒ eapply @mult_ne_0 : typeclass_instances.

Section semiringmor_props.
  Context `{IsSemiRingPreserving A B f}.

  Lemma preserves_0: f 0 = 0.
  Proof. apply preserves_mon_unit. Qed.
  Lemma preserves_1: f 1 = 1.
  Proof. apply preserves_mon_unit. Qed.
  Lemma preserves_mult: x y, f (x × y) = f x × f y.
  intros. apply preserves_sg_op.
  Lemma preserves_plus: x y, f (x + y) = f x + f y.
  intros. apply preserves_sg_op.

  Lemma preserves_2: f 2 = 2.
  rewrite preserves_plus. rewrite preserves_1. reflexivity.

  Lemma preserves_3: f 3 = 3.
  rewrite ?preserves_plus, ?preserves_1.

  Lemma preserves_4: f 4 = 4.
  rewrite ?preserves_plus, ?preserves_1.

  Context `{!IsInjective f}.
  Instance isinjective_ne_0 x : PropHolds (x 0) PropHolds (f x 0).
  intros. rewrite <-preserves_0. apply (neq_isinj f).

  Lemma injective_ne_1 x : x 1 f x 1.
  intros. rewrite <-preserves_1.
  apply (neq_isinj f).
End semiringmor_props.

(* Due to bug 2528 *)
Hint Extern 12 (PropHolds (_ _ 0)) ⇒
  eapply @isinjective_ne_0 : typeclass_instances.

(* Lemma stdlib_ring_theory R `{Ring R} :
  Ring_theory.ring_theory 0 1 (+) (.*.) (fun x y => x - y) (-) (=).

Section cring_props.
  Context `{IsCRing R}.

  Instance: LeftAbsorb (.*.) 0.
  rewrite (commutativity (f:=(.*.)) 0).
  apply (left_cancellation (+) (y × 0)).
  path_via (y × 0);[|apply symmetry, right_identity].
  path_via (y × (0 + 0)).
  - apply symmetry,distribute_l.
  - apply ap. apply right_identity.

  Global Instance CRing_Semi: IsSemiCRing R.
  repeat (constructor; try apply _).

End cring_props.

Section ring_props.
  Context `{IsRing R}.

  Global Instance mult_left_absorb : LeftAbsorb (.*.) 0.
    intro y.
    rapply (right_cancellation (+) (0 × y)).
    lhs_V rapply simple_distribute_r.
    rhs rapply left_identity.
    nrapply (ap (.* y)).
    apply left_identity.

  Global Instance mult_right_absorb : RightAbsorb (.*.) 0.
    intro x.
    rapply (right_cancellation (+) (x × 0)).
    lhs_V rapply simple_distribute_l.
    rhs rapply left_identity.
    nrapply (ap (x *.)).
    apply left_identity.

  Definition negate_involutive x : - - x = x := groups.negate_involutive x.
  (* alias for convenience *)

  Lemma plus_negate_r : x, x + -x = 0.
  Proof. exact right_inverse. Qed.
  Lemma plus_negate_l : x, -x + x = 0.
  Proof. exact left_inverse. Qed.

  Lemma negate_swap_r : x y, x - y = -(y - x).
  rewrite groups.negate_sg_op.
  rewrite involutive.

  Lemma negate_swap_l x y : -x + y = -(x - y).
  rewrite groups.negate_sg_op_distr,involutive.

  Lemma negate_plus_distr : x y, -(x + y) = -x + -y.
  Proof. exact groups.negate_sg_op_distr. Qed.

  Lemma negate_mult_l x : -x = - 1 × x.
  apply (left_cancellation (+) x).
  path_via 0.
  - apply right_inverse.
  - path_via (1 × x + (- 1) × x).
    + apply symmetry.
      rewrite <-distribute_r. rewrite right_inverse.
      apply left_absorb.
    + apply ap011;try reflexivity.
      apply left_identity.

  Lemma negate_mult_r x : -x = x × -1.
    apply (right_cancellation (+) x).
    transitivity (x × -1 + x × 1).
    - lhs apply left_inverse.
      rhs_V rapply simple_distribute_l.
      lhs_V rapply (right_absorb x).
      apply (ap (x *.)).
      apply left_inverse.
    - f_ap.
      apply right_identity.

  Lemma negate_mult_distr_l x y : -(x × y) = -x × y.
    lhs nrapply negate_mult_l.
    lhs rapply (simple_associativity (f := (.*.)) (-1) x y).
    apply (ap (.* y)).
    apply negate_mult_l.

  Lemma negate_mult_distr_r x y : -(x × y) = x × -y.
    lhs nrapply negate_mult_r.
    lhs_V rapply (simple_associativity (f := (.*.)) x y).
    apply (ap (x *.)).
    apply negate_mult_r.

  Lemma negate_mult_negate x y : -x × -y = x × y.
  rewrite <-negate_mult_distr_l, <-negate_mult_distr_r.
  apply involutive.

  Lemma negate_0: -0 = 0.
  Proof. exact groups.negate_mon_unit. Qed.

  Global Instance minus_0_r: RightIdentity (fun x yx - y) 0.
  intro x; rewrite negate_0. apply right_identity.

  Lemma equal_by_zero_sum x y : x - y = 0 x = y.
  split; intros E.
  - rewrite <- (left_identity y).
    change (sg_op ?x ?y) with (0 + y).
    rewrite <- E.
    rewrite <-simple_associativity.
    rewrite left_inverse.
    apply symmetry,right_identity.
  - rewrite E. apply right_inverse.

  Lemma flip_negate x y : -x = y x = -y.
  split; intros E.
  - rewrite <-E, involutive. trivial.
  - rewrite E, involutive. trivial.

  Lemma flip_negate_0 x : -x = 0 x = 0.
  - apply flip_negate.
  - rewrite negate_0.
    apply reflexivity.

  Lemma flip_negate_ne_0 x : -x 0 x 0.
  split; intros E ?; apply E; apply flip_negate_0;trivial.
  path_via x. apply involutive.

  Lemma negate_zero_prod_l x y : -x × y = 0 x × y = 0.
  split; intros E.
  - apply (injective (-)). rewrite negate_mult_distr_l, negate_0. trivial.
  - apply (injective (-)).
    rewrite negate_mult_distr_l, negate_involutive, negate_0.

  Lemma negate_zero_prod_r x y : x × -y = 0 x × y = 0.
    2: apply negate_zero_prod_l.
    - intros E.
      lhs_V nrapply negate_mult_distr_l.
      lhs nrapply negate_mult_distr_r.
      exact E.
    - intros E.
      lhs_V nrapply negate_mult_distr_r.
      lhs nrapply negate_mult_distr_l.
      exact E.

  Context `{!NoZeroDivisors R} `{ x y:R, Stable (x = y)}.

  Global Instance mult_left_cancel: z, PropHolds (z 0)
    LeftCancellation (.*.) z.
  intros z z_nonzero x y E.
  apply stable.
  intro U.
  apply (mult_ne_0 z (x - y) (is_ne_0 z)).
  - intro. apply U. apply equal_by_zero_sum. trivial.
  - rewrite distribute_l, E.
    rewrite <-simple_distribute_l,right_inverse.
    apply right_absorb.

  Instance mult_ne_0' `{!NoZeroDivisors R} x y
    : PropHolds (x 0) PropHolds (y 0) PropHolds (x × y 0).
  intros Ex Ey Exy.
  unfold PropHolds in ×.
  apply (no_zero_divisors x); split; eauto.

  Global Instance mult_right_cancel : z, PropHolds (z 0)
    RightCancellation (.*.) z.
    intros z ? x y p.
    apply stable.
    intro U.
    nrapply (mult_ne_0' (x - y) z).
    - exact _.
    - intros r.
      apply U, equal_by_zero_sum, r.
    - exact _.
    - lhs rapply ring_dist_right.
      rewrite <- negate_mult_distr_l.
      apply equal_by_zero_sum in p.
      exact p.

  Lemma plus_conjugate x y : x = y + x - y.
    rewrite (commutativity (f := (+)) y x),
      <- (simple_associativity (f := (+)) x y (-y)),
      right_inverse, right_identity.

  Lemma plus_conjugate_alt x y : x = y + (x - y).
    rewrite (simple_associativity (f := (+))).
    apply plus_conjugate.
End ring_props.

Section integral_domain_props.
  Context `{IsIntegralDomain R}.

  Instance intdom_nontrivial_apart `{Apart R} `{!TrivialApart R} :
    PropHolds (1 0).
  apply apartness.ne_apart. solve_propholds.
End integral_domain_props.

(* Due to bug 2528 *)
Hint Extern 6 (PropHolds (1 0)) ⇒
  eapply @intdom_nontrivial_apart : typeclass_instances.

Section ringmor_props.
  Context `{IsRing A} `{IsRing B} `{!IsSemiRingPreserving (f : A B)}.

  Definition preserves_negate x : f (-x) = -f x := groups.preserves_negate x.
  (* alias for convenience *)

  Lemma preserves_minus x y : f (x - y) = f x - f y.
  rewrite <-preserves_negate.
  apply preserves_plus.

  Lemma injective_preserves_0 : ( x, f x = 0 x = 0) IsInjective f.
  intros E1 x y E.
  apply equal_by_zero_sum.
  apply E1.
  rewrite preserves_minus, E.
  apply right_inverse.
End ringmor_props.

Section from_another_ring.
  Context `{IsCRing A} `{IsHSet B}
   `{Bplus : Plus B} `{Zero B} `{Bmult : Mult B} `{One B} `{Bnegate : Negate B}
    (f : B A) `{!IsInjective f}
    (plus_correct : x y, f (x + y) = f x + f y) (zero_correct : f 0 = 0)
    (mult_correct : x y, f (x × y) = f x × f y) (one_correct : f 1 = 1)
    (negate_correct : x, f (-x) = -f x).

  Lemma projected_ring: IsCRing B.
  - apply (groups.projected_ab_group f);assumption.
  - apply (groups.projected_com_monoid f mult_correct one_correct);assumption.
  - repeat intro; apply (injective f).
    rewrite plus_correct, !mult_correct, plus_correct.
    apply distribute_l.
End from_another_ring.

(* Section from_stdlib_semiring_theory.
    `(H: @semi_ring_theory R Rzero Rone Rplus Rmult Re)
    `{!@Setoid R Re}
    `{!Proper (Re ==> Re ==> Re) Rplus}
    `{!Proper (Re ==> Re ==> Re) Rmult}.

  Add Ring R2: H.

  Definition from_stdlib_semiring_theory: @SemiRing R Re Rplus Rmult Rzero Rone.
   repeat (constructor; try assumption); repeat intro
   ; unfold equiv, mon_unit, sg_op, zero_is_mon_unit, plus_is_sg_op,
     one_is_mon_unit, mult_is_sg_op, zero, mult, plus; ring.
End from_stdlib_semiring_theory.

Section from_stdlib_ring_theory.
    `(H: @ring_theory R Rzero Rone Rplus Rmult Rminus Rnegate Re)
    `{!@Setoid R Re}
    `{!Proper (Re ==> Re ==> Re) Rplus}
    `{!Proper (Re ==> Re ==> Re) Rmult}
    `{!Proper (Re ==> Re) Rnegate}.

  Add Ring R3: H.

  Definition from_stdlib_ring_theory: @Ring R Re Rplus Rmult Rzero Rone Rnegate.
   repeat (constructor; try assumption); repeat intro
   ; unfold equiv, mon_unit, sg_op, zero_is_mon_unit, plus_is_sg_op,
     one_is_mon_unit, mult_is_sg_op, mult, plus, negate; ring.
End from_stdlib_ring_theory. *)

Global Instance id_sr_morphism `{IsSemiCRing A}: IsSemiRingPreserving (@id A) := {}.

Section morphism_composition.
  Context `{Mult A} `{Plus A} `{One A} `{Zero A}
    `{Mult B} `{Plus B} `{One B} `{Zero B}
    `{Mult C} `{Plus C} `{One C} `{Zero C}
    (f : A B) (g : B C).

  Instance compose_sr_morphism:
    IsSemiRingPreserving f IsSemiRingPreserving g IsSemiRingPreserving (g f).
  split; apply _.

  Instance invert_sr_morphism:
     `{!IsEquiv f}, IsSemiRingPreserving f IsSemiRingPreserving (f^-1).
  split; apply _.
End morphism_composition.

Hint Extern 4 (IsSemiRingPreserving (_ _)) ⇒
  class_apply @compose_sr_morphism : typeclass_instances.
Hint Extern 4 (IsSemiRingPreserving (_^-1)) ⇒
  class_apply @invert_sr_morphism : typeclass_instances.