Library HoTT.Classes.theory.apartness

Require Import HoTT.Classes.interfaces.abstract_algebra.

Generalizable Variables A B C f g.

Section contents.
Context `{IsApart A}.

Lemma apart_ne x y : PropHolds (x y) PropHolds (x y).
unfold PropHolds.
intros ap e;revert ap.
apply tight_apart. assumption.

Global Instance: x y : A, Stable (x = y).
  intros x y. unfold Stable.
  intros dn. apply tight_apart.
  intros ap. apply dn.
  apply apart_ne. assumption.
End contents.

(* Due to bug 2528 *)
Hint Extern 3 (PropHolds (_ _)) ⇒ eapply @apart_ne : typeclass_instances.

Lemma projected_strong_setoid `{IsApart B} `{Apart A} `{IsHSet A}
  `{is_mere_relation A apart}
  (f: A B)
  (eq_correct : x y, x = y f x = f y)
  (apart_correct : x y, x y f x f y)
    : IsApart A.
- apply _.
- apply _.
- intros x y ap. apply apart_correct, symmetry, apart_correct.
- intros x y ap z.
  apply apart_correct in ap.
  apply (merely_destruct (cotransitive ap (f z))).
  intros [?|?];apply tr;[left|right];apply apart_correct;assumption.
- intros x y;split.
  + intros nap. apply eq_correct. apply tight_apart.
    intros ap. apply nap. apply apart_correct;assumption.
  + intros e ap. apply apart_correct in ap;revert ap.
    apply tight_apart. apply eq_correct;assumption.

Global Instance sg_apart_mere `{IsApart A} (P : A Type)
  : is_mere_relation (sig P) apart.
intros. unfold apart,sig_apart. apply _.

Global Instance sig_strong_setoid `{IsApart A} (P: A Type) `{ x, IsHProp (P x)}
  : IsApart (sig P).
apply (projected_strong_setoid (@proj1 _ P)).
- intros. split;apply Sigma.equiv_path_sigma_hprop.
- intros;apply reflexivity.

Section morphisms.
  Context `{IsApart A} `{IsApart B} `{IsApart C}.

  Global Instance strong_injective_injective `{!IsStrongInjective (f : A B)} :
    IsInjective f.
  pose proof (strong_injective_mor f).
  intros ? ? e.
  apply tight_apart. intros ap.
  apply tight_apart in e. apply e.
  apply strong_injective;auto.

  (* If a morphism satisfies the binary strong extensionality property, it is
    strongly extensional in both coordinates. *)

  Global Instance strong_setoid_morphism_1
    `{!StrongBinaryExtensionality (f : A B C)} :
     z, StrongExtensionality (f z).
  intros z x y E.
  apply (merely_destruct (strong_binary_extensionality f z x z y E)).
  intros [?|?];trivial.
  destruct (irreflexivity (≶) z). assumption.

  Global Instance strong_setoid_morphism_unary_2
    `{!StrongBinaryExtensionality (f : A B C)} :
     z, StrongExtensionality (fun xf x z).
  intros z x y E.
  apply (merely_destruct (strong_binary_extensionality f x z y z E)).
  intros [?|?];trivial.
  destruct (irreflexivity (≶) z);assumption.

  (* Conversely, if a morphism is strongly extensional in both coordinates, it
    satisfies the binary strong extensionality property. We don't make this an
    instance in order to avoid loops. *)

  Lemma strong_binary_setoid_morphism_both_coordinates
    `{!IsApart A} `{!IsApart B} `{!IsApart C} {f : A B C}
    `{ z, StrongExtensionality (f z)} `{ z, StrongExtensionality (fun x f x z)}
     : StrongBinaryExtensionality f.
  intros x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂ E.
  apply (merely_destruct (cotransitive E (f x₂ y₁))).
  intros [?|?];apply tr.
  - left. apply (strong_extensionality (fun xf x y₁));trivial.
  - right. apply (strong_extensionality (f x₂));trivial.

End morphisms.

Section more_morphisms.
  Context `{IsApart A} `{IsApart B}.

  Lemma strong_binary_setoid_morphism_commutative {f : A A B} `{!Commutative f}
    `{ z, StrongExtensionality (f z)} : StrongBinaryExtensionality f.
  apply @strong_binary_setoid_morphism_both_coordinates;try apply _.
  intros z x y.
  rewrite !(commutativity _ z).
  apply (strong_extensionality (f z)).
End more_morphisms.

Section default_apart.
  Context `{DecidablePaths A}.

  Instance default_apart : Apart A | 20
    := fun x y
      match dec (x = y) with
      | inl _false
      | inr _true
      end = true.
  Typeclasses Opaque default_apart.

  Instance default_apart_trivial : TrivialApart A (Aap:=default_apart).
  - unfold apart,default_apart. apply _.
  - intros x y;unfold apart,default_apart;split.
    + intros E. destruct (dec (x=y)).
      × destruct (false_ne_true E).
      × trivial.
    + intros E;destruct (dec (x=y)) as [e|_].
      × destruct (E e).
      × split.

End default_apart.

(* In case we have a decidable setoid, we can construct a strong setoid. Again
  we do not make this an instance as it will cause loops *)

Section dec_setoid.
  Context `{TrivialApart A} `{DecidablePaths A}.

  (* Not Global in order to avoid loops *)
  Instance ne_apart x y : PropHolds (x y) PropHolds (x y).
  intros ap. apply trivial_apart.

  Global Instance dec_strong_setoid: IsApart A.
  - apply _.
  - apply _.
  - intros x y ne.
    apply trivial_apart. apply trivial_apart in ne.
    intros e;apply ne,symmetry,e.
  - hnf. intros x y ne z.
    apply trivial_apart in ne.
    destruct (dec (x=z)) as [e|ne'];[destruct (dec (z=y)) as [e'|ne']|].
    + destruct ne. path_via z.
    + apply tr;right. apply trivial_apart. assumption.
    + apply tr;left. apply trivial_apart. assumption.
  - intros x y;split.
    + intros nap.
      destruct (dec (x=y));auto.
      destruct nap. apply trivial_apart;trivial.
    + intros e.
      intros nap. apply trivial_apart in nap. auto.
End dec_setoid.

(* And a similar result for morphisms *)
Section dec_setoid_morphisms.
  Context `{IsApart A} `{!TrivialApart A} `{IsApart B}.

  Instance dec_strong_morphism (f : A B) :
    StrongExtensionality f.
  intros x y E. apply trivial_apart.
  intros e.
  apply tight_apart in E;auto.

  Context `{!TrivialApart B}.

  Instance dec_strong_injective (f : A B) `{!IsInjective f} :
    IsStrongInjective f.
  split; try apply _.
  intros x y.
  intros ap.
  apply trivial_apart in ap. apply trivial_apart. intros e.
  apply ap. apply (injective f). assumption.

  Context `{IsApart C}.

  Instance dec_strong_binary_morphism (f : A B C) :
    StrongBinaryExtensionality f.
  intros x1 y1 x2 y2 hap.
  apply (merely_destruct (cotransitive hap (f x2 y1)));intros [h|h];apply tr.
  - left. apply trivial_apart.
    intros e.
    apply tight_apart in h;auto.
    exact (ap (fun xf x y1) e).
  - right. apply trivial_apart.
    intros e.
    apply tight_apart in h;auto.
End dec_setoid_morphisms.