Library HoTT.Categories.Comma.Functorial
Require Import Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Functor.Composition.Core NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.
Require Import Functor.Paths.
Require Import Category.Strict.
Require Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug 5567,, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *)
Import Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "notation-overridden".
Import Functor.Identity.FunctorIdentityNotations NaturalTransformation.Identity.NaturalTransformationIdentityNotations.
Require Import HoTT.Tactics PathGroupoids Types.Forall.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.
Require Import Functor.Composition.Core NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.
Require Import Functor.Paths.
Require Import Category.Strict.
Require Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug 5567,, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *)
Import Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "notation-overridden".
Import Functor.Identity.FunctorIdentityNotations NaturalTransformation.Identity.NaturalTransformationIdentityNotations.
Require Import HoTT.Tactics PathGroupoids Types.Forall.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.
The comma category construction is functorial in its category
arguments. We really should be using ∏ (dependent product) here,
but I'm lazy, and will instead expand it out.
Local Ltac helper_t fwd_tac bak_tac fin :=
first [ fin
| rewrite <- ?Category.Core.associativity;
progress repeat first [ bak_tac
| apply ap10; apply ap ]
| rewrite → ?Category.Core.associativity;
progress repeat first [ fwd_tac
| apply ap ]
| rewrite <- !composition_of ].
Local Tactic Notation "helper" tactic(fin) constr(hyp_fwd) constr(hyp_bak) :=
let H := fresh in
let H' := fresh in
pose proof hyp_fwd as H;
pose proof hyp_bak as H';
simpl in *;
helper_t ltac:(rewrite → H) ltac:(rewrite <- H') fin.
Local Ltac functorial_helper_t unfold_lem :=
repeat (apply path_forall || intro); simpl;
rewrite !transport_forall_constant; simpl;
transport_path_forall_hammer; simpl;
apply CommaCategory.path_morphism; simpl;
unfold unfold_lem; simpl;
repeat match goal with
| _ ⇒ exact idpath
| [ |- context[CommaCategory.g (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ @CommaCategory.g _ _ _ _ _ _ _) z)
| [ |- context[CommaCategory.h (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ ⇒ @CommaCategory.h _ _ _ _ _ _ _) z)
| [ |- context[transport (fun y ⇒ ?f (?g y) ?z)] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y ⇒ f y z) g)
| [ |- context[transport (fun y ⇒ ?f (?g y))] ]
⇒ simpl rewrite (fun a b ⇒ @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y ⇒ f y) g)
| _ ⇒ rewrite !CommaCategory.ap_a_path_object'; simpl
| _ ⇒ rewrite !CommaCategory.ap_b_path_object'; simpl
Section functorial.
Section single_source.
Variables A B C : PreCategory.
Variable S : Functor A C.
Variable T : Functor B C.
Section morphism_of.
Variables A' B' C' : PreCategory.
Variable S' : Functor A' C'.
Variable T' : Functor B' C'.
Variable AF : Functor A A'.
Variable BF : Functor B B'.
Variable CF : Functor C C'.
Variable TA : NaturalTransformation (S' o AF) (CF o S).
Variable TB : NaturalTransformation (CF o T) (T' o BF).
Definition functorial_morphism_of_object_of : (S / T) → (S' / T')
:= fun x ⇒ CommaCategory.Build_object
S' T'
(AF (CommaCategory.a x))
(BF (CommaCategory.b x))
(TB (CommaCategory.b x) o CF _1 (CommaCategory.f x) o TA (CommaCategory.a x)).
Definition functorial_morphism_of_morphism_of
s d (m : morphism (S / T) s d)
: morphism (S' / T') (functorial_morphism_of_object_of s) (functorial_morphism_of_object_of d).
simpl in ×.
refine (CommaCategory.Build_morphism
(functorial_morphism_of_object_of s)
(functorial_morphism_of_object_of d)
(AF _1 (CommaCategory.g m))
(BF _1 (CommaCategory.h m))
unfold functorial_morphism_of_object_of; simpl.
abstract helper (exact (CommaCategory.p m)) (commutes TA) (commutes TB).
Definition functorial_morphism_of : Functor (S / T) (S' / T').
refine (Build_Functor
(S / T) (S' / T')
abstract (
apply CommaCategory.path_morphism; simpl;
auto with functor
End morphism_of.
Section identity_of.
Definition functorial_identity_of_helper x
: @functorial_morphism_of_object_of _ _ _ S T 1 1 1 1 1 x = x.
let A := match goal with |- ?A = ?B ⇒ constr:(A) end in
let B := match goal with |- ?A = ?B ⇒ constr:(B) end in
refine (@CommaCategory.path_object' _ _ _ _ _ A B 1%path 1%path _).
exact (Category.Core.right_identity _ _ _ _ @ Category.Core.left_identity _ _ _ _)%path.
Definition functorial_identity_of `{Funext}
: @functorial_morphism_of
_ _ _ S T
1 1 1 1 1
= 1%functor.
path_functor; simpl.
∃ (path_forall _ _ functorial_identity_of_helper).
functorial_helper_t functorial_identity_of_helper.
End identity_of.
End single_source.
Section composition_of.
Variables A B C : PreCategory.
Variable S : Functor A C.
Variable T : Functor B C.
Variables A' B' C' : PreCategory.
Variable S' : Functor A' C'.
Variable T' : Functor B' C'.
Variables A'' B'' C'' : PreCategory.
Variable S'' : Functor A'' C''.
Variable T'' : Functor B'' C''.
Variable AF : Functor A A'.
Variable BF : Functor B B'.
Variable CF : Functor C C'.
Variable TA : NaturalTransformation (S' o AF) (CF o S).
Variable TB : NaturalTransformation (CF o T) (T' o BF).
Variable AF' : Functor A' A''.
Variable BF' : Functor B' B''.
Variable CF' : Functor C' C''.
Variable TA' : NaturalTransformation (S'' o AF') (CF' o S').
Variable TB' : NaturalTransformation (CF' o T') (T'' o BF').
Let AF'' := (AF' o AF)%functor.
Let BF'' := (BF' o BF)%functor.
Let CF'' := (CF' o CF)%functor.
Let TA'' : NaturalTransformation (S'' o AF'') (CF'' o S)
:= ((associator_2 _ _ _)
o (CF' oL TA)
o (associator_1 _ _ _)
o (TA' oR AF)
o associator_2 _ _ _)%natural_transformation.
Let TB'' : NaturalTransformation (CF'' o T) (T'' o BF'')
:= ((associator_1 _ _ _)
o (TB' oR BF)
o (associator_2 _ _ _)
o (CF' oL TB)
o associator_1 _ _ _)%natural_transformation.
Definition functorial_composition_of_helper x
: (functorial_morphism_of TA' TB' o functorial_morphism_of TA TB)%functor x
= functorial_morphism_of TA'' TB'' x.
let A := match goal with |- ?A = ?B ⇒ constr:(A) end in
let B := match goal with |- ?A = ?B ⇒ constr:(B) end in
refine (@CommaCategory.path_object' _ _ _ _ _ A B 1%path 1%path _).
subst AF'' BF'' CF'' TA'' TB''.
simpl in ×.
abstract (
autorewrite with morphism; simpl;
helper (exact idpath) (commutes TA') (commutes TB')
Definition functorial_composition_of `{Funext}
: (functorial_morphism_of TA' TB' o functorial_morphism_of TA TB)%functor
= functorial_morphism_of TA'' TB''.
path_functor; simpl.
∃ (path_forall _ _ functorial_composition_of_helper).
functorial_helper_t functorial_composition_of_helper.
End composition_of.
End functorial.