Library HoTT.Categories.Comma.InducedFunctors
Require Import Category.Core Functor.Core NaturalTransformation.Core.
Require Import Category.Dual.
Require Import Category.Prod.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Identity.
Require Import FunctorCategory.Core Cat.Core.
Require Import InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Functors.
Require Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug 5567,, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *)
Import Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "notation-overridden".
Require Import HoTT.Tactics.
Require Import Basics.Tactics.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Local Open Scope functor_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.
Require Import Category.Dual.
Require Import Category.Prod.
Require Import NaturalTransformation.Identity.
Require Import FunctorCategory.Core Cat.Core.
Require Import InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Functors.
Require Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug 5567,, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *)
Import Comma.Core.
Local Set Warnings "notation-overridden".
Require Import HoTT.Tactics.
Require Import Basics.Tactics.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Generalizable All Variables.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Local Open Scope functor_scope.
Local Open Scope category_scope.
Section comma_category_induced_functor.
Context `{Funext}.
Variables A B C : PreCategory.
Definition comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d
(m : morphism ((A → C)^op × (B → C)) s d)
(x : fst s / snd s)
: (fst d / snd d)
:= CommaCategory.Build_object
(fst d) (snd d)
(CommaCategory.a x)
(CommaCategory.b x)
((snd m) (CommaCategory.b x) o CommaCategory.f x o (fst m) (CommaCategory.a x)).
Lemma comma_category_induced_functor_object_of_identity s x
: comma_category_induced_functor_object_of (Category.Core.identity s) x
= x.
let x1 := match goal with |- ?x1 = ?x2 ⇒ constr:(x1) end in
let x2 := match goal with |- ?x1 = ?x2 ⇒ constr:(x2) end in
apply (CommaCategory.path_object' x1 x2 idpath idpath).
abstract (rewrite ?left_identity, ?right_identity; reflexivity).
Definition comma_category_induced_functor_object_of_compose s d d'
(m : morphism ((A → C)^op × (B → C)) d d')
(m' : morphism ((A → C)^op × (B → C)) s d)
: comma_category_induced_functor_object_of (m o m') x
= comma_category_induced_functor_object_of
(comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m' x).
let x1 := match goal with |- ?x1 = ?x2 ⇒ constr:(x1) end in
let x2 := match goal with |- ?x1 = ?x2 ⇒ constr:(x2) end in
apply (CommaCategory.path_object' x1 x2 idpath idpath).
abstract (
destruct m', m, x;
simpl in *;
rewrite !associativity;
Definition comma_category_induced_functor_morphism_of s d m s0 d0
(m0 : morphism (fst s / snd s) s0 d0)
: morphism (fst d / snd d)
(@comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d m s0)
(@comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d m d0).
let s := match goal with |- CommaCategory.morphism ?s ?d ⇒ constr:(s) end in
let d := match goal with |- CommaCategory.morphism ?s ?d ⇒ constr:(d) end in
refine (CommaCategory.Build_morphism s d (CommaCategory.g m0) (CommaCategory.h m0) _);
simpl in *; clear.
abstract (
destruct_head prod;
destruct_head CommaCategory.morphism;
destruct_head CommaCategory.object;
simpl in *;
repeat (try_associativity_quick (rewrite <- !commutes || (progress f_ap)));
repeat (try_associativity_quick (rewrite !commutes || (progress f_ap)));
). (* 3.495 s *)
Definition comma_category_induced_functor s d
(m : morphism ((A → C)^op × (B → C)) s d)
: Functor (fst s / snd s) (fst d / snd d).
refine (Build_Functor (fst s / snd s) (fst d / snd d)
(@comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d m)
(@comma_category_induced_functor_morphism_of s d m)
abstract (
intros; apply CommaCategory.path_morphism; reflexivity
End comma_category_induced_functor.
Context `{Funext}.
Variables A B C : PreCategory.
Definition comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d
(m : morphism ((A → C)^op × (B → C)) s d)
(x : fst s / snd s)
: (fst d / snd d)
:= CommaCategory.Build_object
(fst d) (snd d)
(CommaCategory.a x)
(CommaCategory.b x)
((snd m) (CommaCategory.b x) o CommaCategory.f x o (fst m) (CommaCategory.a x)).
Lemma comma_category_induced_functor_object_of_identity s x
: comma_category_induced_functor_object_of (Category.Core.identity s) x
= x.
let x1 := match goal with |- ?x1 = ?x2 ⇒ constr:(x1) end in
let x2 := match goal with |- ?x1 = ?x2 ⇒ constr:(x2) end in
apply (CommaCategory.path_object' x1 x2 idpath idpath).
abstract (rewrite ?left_identity, ?right_identity; reflexivity).
Definition comma_category_induced_functor_object_of_compose s d d'
(m : morphism ((A → C)^op × (B → C)) d d')
(m' : morphism ((A → C)^op × (B → C)) s d)
: comma_category_induced_functor_object_of (m o m') x
= comma_category_induced_functor_object_of
(comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m' x).
let x1 := match goal with |- ?x1 = ?x2 ⇒ constr:(x1) end in
let x2 := match goal with |- ?x1 = ?x2 ⇒ constr:(x2) end in
apply (CommaCategory.path_object' x1 x2 idpath idpath).
abstract (
destruct m', m, x;
simpl in *;
rewrite !associativity;
Definition comma_category_induced_functor_morphism_of s d m s0 d0
(m0 : morphism (fst s / snd s) s0 d0)
: morphism (fst d / snd d)
(@comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d m s0)
(@comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d m d0).
let s := match goal with |- CommaCategory.morphism ?s ?d ⇒ constr:(s) end in
let d := match goal with |- CommaCategory.morphism ?s ?d ⇒ constr:(d) end in
refine (CommaCategory.Build_morphism s d (CommaCategory.g m0) (CommaCategory.h m0) _);
simpl in *; clear.
abstract (
destruct_head prod;
destruct_head CommaCategory.morphism;
destruct_head CommaCategory.object;
simpl in *;
repeat (try_associativity_quick (rewrite <- !commutes || (progress f_ap)));
repeat (try_associativity_quick (rewrite !commutes || (progress f_ap)));
). (* 3.495 s *)
Definition comma_category_induced_functor s d
(m : morphism ((A → C)^op × (B → C)) s d)
: Functor (fst s / snd s) (fst d / snd d).
refine (Build_Functor (fst s / snd s) (fst d / snd d)
(@comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d m)
(@comma_category_induced_functor_morphism_of s d m)
abstract (
intros; apply CommaCategory.path_morphism; reflexivity
End comma_category_induced_functor.
Section slice_category_induced_functor.
Context `{Funext}.
Variable C : PreCategory.
Section slice_coslice.
Variable D : PreCategory.
Context `{Funext}.
Variable C : PreCategory.
Section slice_coslice.
Variable D : PreCategory.
TODO(JasonGross): See if this can be recast as an exponential law functor about how 1 → Cat is isomorphic to Cat, or something
Definition slice_category_induced_functor_nt s d (m : morphism D s d)
: NaturalTransformation !s !d.
∃ (fun _ : Unit ⇒ m);
simpl; intros; clear;
abstract (autorewrite with category; reflexivity).
Variable F : Functor C D.
Variable a : D.
Section slice.
Definition slice_category_induced_functor F' a'
(m : morphism D a a')
(T : NaturalTransformation F' F)
: Functor (F / a) (F' / a')
:= comma_category_induced_functor
(s := (F, !a))
(d := (F', !a'))
(T, @slice_category_induced_functor_nt a a' m).
Definition slice_category_nt_induced_functor F' T
:= @slice_category_induced_functor F' a 1 T.
Definition slice_category_morphism_induced_functor a' m
:= @slice_category_induced_functor F a' m 1.
End slice.
Section coslice.
Definition coslice_category_induced_functor F' a'
(m : morphism D a' a)
(T : NaturalTransformation F F')
: Functor (a / F) (a' / F')
:= comma_category_induced_functor
(s := (!a, F))
(d := (!a', F'))
(@slice_category_induced_functor_nt a' a m, T).
Definition coslice_category_nt_induced_functor F' T
:= @coslice_category_induced_functor F' a 1 T.
Definition coslice_category_morphism_induced_functor a' m
:= @coslice_category_induced_functor F a' m 1.
End coslice.
End slice_coslice.
Definition slice_category_over_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism C a a')
: Functor (C / a) (C / a')
:= Eval hnf in slice_category_morphism_induced_functor _ _ _ m.
Definition coslice_category_over_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism C a' a)
: Functor (a \ C) (a' \ C)
:= Eval hnf in coslice_category_morphism_induced_functor _ _ _ m.
End slice_category_induced_functor.
: NaturalTransformation !s !d.
∃ (fun _ : Unit ⇒ m);
simpl; intros; clear;
abstract (autorewrite with category; reflexivity).
Variable F : Functor C D.
Variable a : D.
Section slice.
Definition slice_category_induced_functor F' a'
(m : morphism D a a')
(T : NaturalTransformation F' F)
: Functor (F / a) (F' / a')
:= comma_category_induced_functor
(s := (F, !a))
(d := (F', !a'))
(T, @slice_category_induced_functor_nt a a' m).
Definition slice_category_nt_induced_functor F' T
:= @slice_category_induced_functor F' a 1 T.
Definition slice_category_morphism_induced_functor a' m
:= @slice_category_induced_functor F a' m 1.
End slice.
Section coslice.
Definition coslice_category_induced_functor F' a'
(m : morphism D a' a)
(T : NaturalTransformation F F')
: Functor (a / F) (a' / F')
:= comma_category_induced_functor
(s := (!a, F))
(d := (!a', F'))
(@slice_category_induced_functor_nt a' a m, T).
Definition coslice_category_nt_induced_functor F' T
:= @coslice_category_induced_functor F' a 1 T.
Definition coslice_category_morphism_induced_functor a' m
:= @coslice_category_induced_functor F a' m 1.
End coslice.
End slice_coslice.
Definition slice_category_over_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism C a a')
: Functor (C / a) (C / a')
:= Eval hnf in slice_category_morphism_induced_functor _ _ _ m.
Definition coslice_category_over_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism C a' a)
: Functor (a \ C) (a' \ C)
:= Eval hnf in coslice_category_morphism_induced_functor _ _ _ m.
End slice_category_induced_functor.
Section cat_over_induced_functor.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Context `{Funext}.
Variable P : PreCategory → Type.
Context `{H0 : ∀ C D, P C → P D → IsHSet (Functor C D)}.
Local Notation cat := (@sub_pre_cat _ P H0).
Definition cat_over_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism cat a a')
: Functor (cat / a) (cat / a')
:= slice_category_over_induced_functor cat a a' m.
Definition over_cat_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism cat a' a)
: Functor (a \ cat) (a' \ cat)
:= coslice_category_over_induced_functor cat a a' m.
End cat_over_induced_functor.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Context `{Funext}.
Variable P : PreCategory → Type.
Context `{H0 : ∀ C D, P C → P D → IsHSet (Functor C D)}.
Local Notation cat := (@sub_pre_cat _ P H0).
Definition cat_over_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism cat a a')
: Functor (cat / a) (cat / a')
:= slice_category_over_induced_functor cat a a' m.
Definition over_cat_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism cat a' a)
: Functor (a \ cat) (a' \ cat)
:= coslice_category_over_induced_functor cat a a' m.
End cat_over_induced_functor.